Rishi Garg
MYP Personal Project
Basic Description ISB
Model United Nations club (MUN):
Represent a country Yearlong research and debate practice Spring conference at University of
Basic Description I
created a website to:
Provide a central location for club
information Help members research Enhance the MUN experience at ISB
Essential Question:
How can a simulation educate students about modern world issues and global
Areas of Interaction Health & Social Education
Bringing the international community together
Collaboratively solving world issues
Areas of Interaction Human Ingenuity
MUN requires creativity and thoughtfulness
Creating a website requires the same qualities
Areas of Interaction Approaches to Learning
A website would enhance the club’s learning experience
Using technology to learn about MUN and how it relates to the greater world
Areas of Interaction Community & Service
Show the public what the MUN club is doing
Make more students aware of global issues and politics
Problems Not
enough visitors
hard to update
is hard to find
Successes Used
the news blog to announce updates
official calendar
from around the country
What I Learned It
takes a lot of effort to maintain the same project for an entire year
don’t automatically use whatever you create; you have to make it worth their time
not that hard to become educated about the modern world… it just takes one year in MUN
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