Myp 10

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Design Technology Mr.Johnson Grade 10

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MYP Technology and the Design Cycle The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do what they want to do. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense, it is all about potential. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO (1956-)

Technology in the Middle Years Programme MYP Technology aspires to develop creative problem solvers who are caring and responsible individuals, able to respond critically and resourcefully to the demands of the increasingly technological society and to appreciate the importance of technology for life, society and the environment. Over the course of this year, we will all aim to: 1. develop an appreciation and study of technology for life, society and the environment, 2. use knowledge, skills, and attitudes to create products and solutions of appropriate quality, 3. develop problem solving, critical- and creative-thinking skills through the application of the design cycle, 4. develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions to problems, 5. use and apply ICT effectively as a means to access, process, and communicate information, and to solve problems. Being part of the Middle Years Programme, Technology is offered by CIS to Middle School students from Sixth to Tenth Grades in two phases: Information Technology and Design Technology. 6-8:IT 9-10:DT. Here, we will learn new software, and relearn ones we’re familiar with. More importantly, we will learn to be more effective in planning and preparing projects we’re tasked to do using the Design Cycle. MYP Technology and the Areas of Interaction For Technology, we are mainly putting on our Human Ingenuity glasses, as our main preoccupation during these this year will be to create products. Our study, depending on our product and problem, lends to other areas of interaction as well, but we start with Human Ingenuity. Concordian International School

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Here are some Approaches to Learning skills we will develop during Technology class: analysis, application of concepts, applying innovation, argumentation, communication skills, comparing and contrasting, creative writing, critical thinking, decision-making, extracting information from a variety of sources, focus, interpretation, lateral thinking, logical reasoning, making inferences and predicting, making interdisciplinary connections, performing, problem solving, reading and understanding different types of texts, reflection skills, research skills, self-monitoring and self-organizing skills, setting priorities, time management, using a variety of sources, writing

The Design Cycle The Design Cycle is designed to guide us in preparing research and creative work, including the projects we’ve done for Technology, Arts and several other subject areas. Using the cycle is great practice, because it makes sure that we organize our selves, sources, and ideas in order to arrive at the best project we can prepare. For MYP Technology, we are required to use the Design Cycle in preparing our work as our grades will be based on each of the cycle’s stages, along with attitudes in technology. Assessment for MYP Technology The following are the objectives and indicators for each criterion for MYP Technology. Each criterion is graded a highest mark of 6. The grades are transmuted to a range of 7 for the report card. Criterion A: Investigate

Objectives Identify the problem to be solved, evaluating its importance for life, society and environment. Outline and develop the design brief, formulating appropriate questions that guide the investigation, and conduct sufficient research using accepted practices. Formulate the Design Specification, listing the specific requirements that must be met by the product.

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Assessment Bases Is able to state clear objectives for the product to be designed. Is willing to question and analyze findings Uses and acknowledges sources in an appropriate manner Identifies and explores a range of resources and strategies Produces a design specification after examining sources

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Assessment Bases

B: Design

Design the product, generating several feasible designs that meet the design specification. Evaluate your designs against the design specification. Select one design and justify its choice.

Is able to justify the selection of a particular design Communicates ideas effectively

C: Plan

Construct a plan to create the product that has a series of logical steps. Construct a plan to create the product that makes effective use of resources and time. Evaluate the plan and justify any changes to the design.

Plans logically and in a timely manner Identifies and maximizes the use of resources available, i.e. group members, technological resources, materials Is able to make modifications on the original design, as necessary

D: Create

Use a range of appropriate techniques and equipment competently. Follow the plan to produce the product and evaluate the plan, justifying any changes to the plan. Create a product of appropriate quality.

Is able to produce a well-made and well-presented product Monitors self and group progress during the creative process Documents stages of work and changes made to the original plan

E: Evaluate

Evaluate the product, and explain how the product could be improved. Evaluate your use of the design cycle, as well as your own performance at each stage of the design cycle.

Is able to appropriately assess both the product and own performance Takes responsibility for one’s participation in group efforts

F: Attitudes in Technology

Carry out work in Technology using materials and techniques safely and responsibly. Work efficiently as a member of a team, collaborating, acknowledging, and supporting the views of others. Provide evidence of personal engagement with the subject (motivation, independence, general positive attitude).

Demonstrates high degree of personal engagement, i.e. motivation, independence, and general positive attitude Practices the use of technology with attention to safety, cooperation and respect for others

Summary Welcome to MYP Technology! The tasks in this packet will guide you through the preparation of your project. Make sure you keep this packet as this serves as a substantial portion of your Technology grade.

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The Process Journal The Process Journal is designed to track your progress and reflections throughout your work on the Design Cycle. You may attach sheets or use an IT Notebook for this. On the front cover, write your name and grade, then in big, neat letters write: PROCESS JOURNAL. Every time you work on your Technology project, you are tasked to write a one-page (minimum) reflection. Make sure your entry has all the following information when applicable: What you did This is the basic thing you include in your Process Journal: you write what you did.

Why? Explain why you do things like you do. Try to explain in terms of the stage of the Design Cycle.

Pictures and Diagrams Your IT Notebook is a grid notebook for a reason! If you have made something and are writing about it in your journal, include a photo of it or a print screen.

Emotion and Reflection How did you feel about what you did? Was it satisfying? Frustrating? Rewarding? What other reflections do you have at this stage of the work?

Changes to Your Plan Explain any changes that you are making to the plans you wrote.

What’s next? Explain how the things you do will lead on to other things in the future.

Also, your Process Journal should be arranged like a diary, so every time you add something to your journal, write the date. A handout like this will be distributed to you by your teacher. Stick this to the inside front cover of your Process Journal. On the inside back cover of your Process Journal, post the second handout your teacher will distribute, “MYP Technology Glossary”. Now that you’re armed with an introduction to MYP Technology and your Process Journal, you’re ready to start the term and the Design Cycle!

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Investigate Investigate is Criterion A of MYP Technology. Work you do for this criterion leads to an understanding and identification of a problem to be solved, and an evaluation of its importance for life, society, and the environment. During this time, you will also prepare the design brief for this project. The Design Brief is a set of questions, and researched information that you will use to prepare the project. These baby steps will help us organize our work to accomplish the project more effectively. Let’s do our very first task, and start our investigation!

Task No. 1 Meet with your group and discuss a possible topic based on criteria in appendix 2. Once you’ve agreed on a topic/problem to work on, answer the questions below. Topic Chosen


Why did we choose this problem or topic? What importance does it have in my personal life as well as on society and/or the environment? ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... What Areas of Interaction would be addressed by our work on this problem or topic? How will they be addressed? (See Appendix 1) ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Concordian International School

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List down four guiding questions that you will seek to answer by studying and responding to the problem/topic you have chosen. (1) ................................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................... (2) ................................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................... (3) ................................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................... (4) ................................................................................................................................................ .....................................................................................................................................................

TEACHER’S COMMENTS: The topic selected is...

( ) approved.

( ) not approved. ( ) needs more work.

Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:


Mark / 6:

( ) Proceed to research work. ( ) Resubmit on _________.

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Research Work When you research information, there are two general kinds of sources you use: Primary sources, and Secondary sources. Primary sources are direct information you gather about your topic from interviews, group discussions, or surveys. In using primary sources, you are able to ask questions specific to your topic or problem, hence arriving at more detailed information that will be helpful to your work. Secondary sources contain information that has already been researched by others about topics or problems similar or even identical to yours. Not all secondary data will be helpful to you, and using only secondary sources might not give you all the information you’ll need. The best research is conducted using both primary and secondary data/sources. Once your topic has been finalized and approved, your group is to start researching on more information about your topic/problem, as well as possible solutions and products to address your chosen topic/problem. The guide questions you listed in Task 1 should help you jumpstart your research.

Task No. 2.1 Approved Topic


Below, you will find a table of primary and secondary sources. Check the resources that your group has decided to use for this Technology project. Primary Sources     

Secondary Sources

Interview Survey Photographs taken for this particular project Videos taken for this particular project Other: ________________________

       

Books EBSCO sites Internet sites Media: movies, TV shows, music Newspaper articles Magazine articles Maps Other: __________________________

For students conducting interviews or surveys, proceed to Task 2.2. For students not conducting interviews or surveys, skip Task 2.2 and proceed to Task 2.3. Teacher Comments:

Mark / 6:

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Task No. 2.2 Approved Topic


An interview is a conversation you can have with an expert with regard to your topic. Interviews help you get expert opinions and information regarding your topic and possible products to work on. A survey is conducted by providing short questionnaires to your client/audience. By conducting a survey, you discover what specific needs your client/audience has, and so you can develop your product to be more effective and useful. Your work in this task is to produce questions that you can use for your interview or survey. ARE YOU CONDUCTING A SURVEY?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If yes, who will answer your survey? …………………………………………………………………. Why did you select them? ……………………………………………………………………………... ARE YOU CONDUCTING AN INTERVIEW?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If yes, who are you interviewing? ……………………………………………………………………… Why did you select him/her/them? …………………………………………………………………….

In the table below, list down questions that you would like to ask in your interview or survey. Try to come up with ten questions, as well as the reasons why you are asking each question (An example is provided for you). You may add, change or subtract questions afterwards. Why the question is important / helpful

Question 0 Do you believe that population is a major problem in Thailand?

We want to know how important the environment is to our respondants.



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Why the question is important/helpful









Teacher’s Comments and/or Recommendations:

( ) Your questions are approved! Proceed with your interview! For surveys, have your questionnaire approved first before photocopying.

Mark / 6:

( ) Please revise first! Resubmit on ____________ for final approval!

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Task No. 2.3 Approved Topic


There are three ways you could gather secondary data: EBSCO, the library, and the Internet. Your teacher and your librarian will introduce citation methods and will guide you through the research process. Through this section of the design cycle, you will also be able to practice Academic Honesty. You are required to fill in at least nine boxes below using nine different sources. Fill in the table with information regarding each source. Should you need more space, you may ask your teacher for additional sheets. Remember, gathering more sources is helpful only if the sources gathered are relevant and properly evaluated. EBSCO SOURCES Note Card No. 1

Title of Article: Author (if given)/Sponsor of Page: Name of Newspaper/Magazine: Page/s:

Article Date:

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Access Date:

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Note Card No. 2:

Title of Article: Author (if given)/Sponsor of Page: Name of Newspaper/Magazine: Page/s:

Article Date:

Access Date:

Note Card No. 3:

Title of Article: Author (if given)/Sponsor of Page: Name of Newspaper/Magazine: Page/s:

Article Date:

Concordian International School

Access Date:

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Title of Article: Author (if given)/Sponsor of Page: URL: Article Date:

Access Date:

Note Card No. 5:

Title of Article: Author (if given)/Sponsor of Page: Name of Newspaper/Magazine: Article Date:

Access Date:

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Note Card No. 6:

Title of Article: Author (if given)/Sponsor of Page: URL: Article Date:

Access Date:


Title of Article: Author: Title of Book/Magazine/Newspaper: Publisher: Page/s:

Publication Year:

Publication City:

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Note Card No. 8:

Title of Article: Author: Title of Book/Magazine/Newspaper: Publisher: Page/s:

Publication Year:

Publication City:

Note Card No. 9:

Title of Article: Author: Title of Book/Magazine/Newspaper: Publisher: Page/s:

Publication Year:

Publication City:

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Citing Photos For photos taken from the net, please save them in a new folder under your IT folder. Name the folder “Photos”. Label the photos using the format Image01, Image 02, and so on. Use the space below to cite the source/URL where you imported the picture from. Image01




















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The Design Brief Once you have enough sources, you are to start with the Design Brief. The Design Brief is a crucial requirement under the Investigate criterion.

Task No. 3 Approved Topic


In a 300-word essay, you need to: summarize the information you have gathered from research, explain what product you are going to make, explain what you’ve done to investigate the problem, justify why you have chosen the product/solution you have, and explain how your product/solution will solve the problem. Write your draft here, then, have your teacher check it before typing your second draft on Microsoft Word. Make sure your document is formatted accordingly. ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Concordian International School

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Design Specification The Design Specification is a list of specific characteristics that you wish your product to have. The document also includes ways of testing each characteristic once your product has been created.

Task No. 4 Write your design specification here by filling in the table below. An example is provided for you to follow. CHARACTERISTIC & REASON Our product should be easy to use.

TEST Nine out of ten middle schoolers who test the product should have an easy time using it.

Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:

Your group may now:

( ) move on to DESIGN work.

Mark / 6:

( ) revise your Design Specification. Resubmit on __________.

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The group selected a topic that is doable and relevant to the students and to society. Guiding questions are written with both problem and solution in mind. TASK 2.1: RESOURCE SELECTION


The group carefully selected resources to be used for research or data gathering. TASK 2.2: PREPARING INTERVIEW/SURVEY QUESTIONS




The questions were well thought-of and relevant to the study. The questions are clearly phrased and concisely written. TASK 2.3: SECONDARY SOURCE CITATION

The resources cited were from a variety of sources both online and print. The citations were complete, and accurate. Photos selected from online sources are properly cited. TASK 3: DESIGN BRIEF

The design brief successfully summarizes sources gathered. The design brief explains and describes the product to be made and its relevance. The design brief explains steps taken by the group to solve the problem. TASK 4: DESIGN SPECIFICATION


The specifications set for the product are doable and testable. The specifications set for the product suit the needs of the group, and the solution to the group’s problem or topic. PROCESS JOURNAL ENTRIES


Sufficient and meaningful entries were made in the Process Journal during this stage.


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Design Design is Criterion B of MYP Technology. Work you do for this criterion leads to the preparation of a feasible design for the product. Meet with your group to review your approved Design Brief and Design Specifications. Then, individually plan design drafts for your product. Design Drafts are sample outlines or concept maps that you picture your product to look like or end up as.

Task No. 1 Each group is expected to produce at least six design drafts. Each member is expected to produce a number of drafts so as to contribute fresh ideas for the design. Please remember to refer to the design specification and design brief in order to arrive at feasible, realistic design drafts. Your teacher will provide handouts for this section of the work. Divide the work, and accomplish this task individually. Once you finish Task 1, proceed directly to Task 2.

Task No. 2 Once your group has arrived at six different designs, meet again and look at each design prepared. Select a design from the choices that will best suit the specifications you set. If you do not find one design that fits your specification, you may select parts of different designs and put together the work into one new design. Once you’ve arrived at a final design, use the space on the next page to describe and explain it. When you submit this packet for checking, you are required to submit the compilation of design drafts you have prepared as part of the Design process. Please remember that as much as the selected design is called ‘final’, you may still change it during the PLAN and CREATE stages, for as long as you have a valid reason to. All changes to the selected design must be approved by your teacher before they can be made to the design. Concordian International School

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Approved Topic


Write your final design here. You may include illustrations or diagrams if you wish. ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................

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How does this final design fit your design specification? ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Why did you choose this design among all the designs available? ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................

Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:

Mark / 6:

After submitting your Final Design, have your teacher complete the table below: Your group may now:

( ) move on to the next task.

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( ) revise your Final Design. Resubmit on __________.

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Each member contributed to the preparation of design drafts for their products, the number of drafts dependent on the composition of the group. Each draft is prepared with the design specification and design brief in mind. There is an acceptable number of design drafts prepared by the group.



The group took sufficient time to deliberate each design draft. The group kept the design specification in mind while deliberating on the drafts. The final draft consists of the most appropriate and acceptable design that would be used to create the group product. The choice of design is justified and set against the design specification.



Sufficient and meaningful entries were made in the Process Journal during this stage.


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Plan Plan is Criterion C of MYP Technology. Work you do for this criterion leads to the preparation of a work plan to be used to create your group’s product and/or solution. The plan includes a working timetable, assignment of responsibilities to different group members, and the steps needed to get the job done. Meet with your group to review your approved Design for the project. Based on the needs of the design, list down tasks to be done that lead to the creation of your project.

Task No. 1 Today, you will use outlining skills you have learned in English class. For this task, your group is tasked to produce a TWO-LEVEL SENTENCE OUTLINE of the steps you will need in order to create your product. Below is a sample two-level sentence outline: I. Finalize research. A. Search the internet for answers to the guide questions we wrote. B. Cite our sources. C. Have Mr. J check if our citation is correct. D. Type our list of Works Cited. II. Prepare the PowerPoint layout. A. Choose a template. B. Produce the number of slides needed. C. Set the assigned layout for each slide. III. Prepare the PowerPoint presentation. A. Put in information and pictures into the PowerPoint. B. Prepare the Works Cited slide with our source list. C. Set transitions and animation. IV. Do a test run of the PowerPoint presentation. A. Rehearse the presentation. B. Check for spelling or information errors.

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Use the space below for your outline. ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Concordian International School

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Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:

Mark / 6:

After submitting your outline, have your teacher complete the table below: Your group may now:

( ) move on to the next task.

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( ) revise your Outline. Resubmit on __________.

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Task No. 2.1 Now that your group has listed the steps to be done to create your product, it is time to develop your PLAN document for this Technology Project. For this task, complete the table below. The first column, Tasks, is based on the outline prepared in Task 1. The second column, Members Responsible, refers to the group member/members who will be tasked to work on a particular task. The third column, Timetable, refers to the duration and dates which will be used to accomplish the task, which includes Technology class time and other agreed-upon work schedules that the group arrives at. Deadlines for each stage should also be noted under this column. Once you are done, have your teacher approve your plan. All approved plans must be typed, saved and printed out for the teacher and all members of the group. Task

Members Responsible

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Members Responsible

Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:


Mark / 6:

After submitting your outline, have your teacher complete the table below: Your group may now:

( ) type the final plan, submit a copy, and proceed to the next task. Concordian International School

( ) revise your Plan. Resubmit on __________.

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Task No. 2.2 Your teacher will introduce the use of a Gantt chart (Appendix 2) to help you manage your time in preparing the project. Using the information you have placed in your table in Task 2.1, prepare a Gantt chart for your project on Microsoft Excel or a similar spreadsheet program. Make sure to include your “members responsible” tab. Once your Gantt chart is ready, have your teacher approve it before you save and print your chart. Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:

Mark / 6:

When you print, make sure you have enough copies for your teacher and for each member of your group. Filename for the Gantt chart should be “IT Gantt.xls” Once done, proceed to the Create chapter of this workbook.

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The group mapped our the steps to create their project. The group arranged the steps in a logical and practical order. The group followed the format in preparing their outline.


The group divided the work load fairly among its members. The group has a fairly achievable timetable for each step of the project.


The group prepared their Gantt chart correctly. The Gantt chart produced by the group fully represented the work they were doing and clearly showed division of work and the sequence of steps. PROCESS JOURNAL ENTRIES


Sufficient and meaningful entries were made in the Process Journal during this stage.


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Create Create is Criterion D of MYP Technology. Work for this criterion leads to the actual preparation of the product and the use of materials, equipment and other resources safely and responsibly.

Task No. 1 Before you start working on the actual process of creating, your group is tasked to produce a series of tests - physical or written - that will help you evaluate your final product once it is done. Below, list down eight (8) questions that will help you evaluate your product. Effective questions will be based on a review of your Investigate Task No. 1 and your Design Specification. You may add other questions as the need arises. If your group decides on a physical test, you may write Test types/instructions instead of questions. Question 1: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Question 2: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Question 3: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Question 4: ..................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................

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Question 5: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Question 6: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Question 7: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... Question 8: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... These questions will be very important for your work in the Evaluate stage of the Design Cycle.

Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:

Your group may now:

( ) type your questions, submit a copy, and proceed to the next task.

Mark / 6:

( ) revise your question. Resubmit on __________.

You are now ready to start work on the Create stage of the Design Cycle. You are expected to write several Process Journal entries by the time your product is completely finished. Concordian International School

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The group provided measurable and effective questions/tests to check the effectiveness of the product. The group based questions/tests on the Investigate document and the Design Brief formulated earlier during the term.



Sufficient and meaningful entries were made in the Process Journal during this stage. The entries provided enough reflection and documentation (i.e. pictures, drawings, diagrams) which covers the process undergone during this stage of the Design Cycle.


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Evaluate, Attitudes Evaluate is Criterion E of MYP Technology. Work for this criterion leads to the testing of the product and a sufficient reflection of one’s own efforts, the group’s efforts, and how well the work done fits into the Design Cycle. Attitudes in Technology is Criterion F of MYP Technology. This criterion is based on your personal engagement, contribution to group effort, and attitudes toward safety during the preparation of this project. Task No. 1 is graded for Criterion E. Task No. 2 will be used for both criteria.

Task No. 1 Now that your product is created, your group is now tasked to test your product using the test or questions you’ve written during the Create stage. You are expected to conduct two tests for your product: one done by your group, and another by an outsider (a teacher or a classmate not part of your group). TEST A: GROUP Time of Test: ....................................................... Question/Test

Name of Tester: ......................................

Pass or Fail?




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Pass or Fail?







TEST B: OUTSIDER Time of Test: ....................................................... Question/Test

Name of Tester: ......................................

Pass or Fail?




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Pass or Fail?







Group’s Comments:

Self-Grade / 6:

Based on your tests A and B, is your product effective? Why or why not?

Teacher’s Comments and Recommendations:

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Mark / 6:

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Task No. 2 This final task is an individual one. Each student is expected to arrive at a 500-word Synthesis Paper. The paper should: start with a self-evaluation, containing a grade (highest possible score of 6) that you would grade yourself with contain reflections about your group’s general performance contain reflections about your participation in your group’s work contain reflections about your group’s use of the Design Cycle in doing your work express how your understanding of the Design Cycle has changed (positively/ negatively) after working on this project express your thoughts/feelings during and after you’ve completed the Design Cycle express how Human Ingenuity and other Areas of Interaction were evident during our work on this project discuss possible improvements that could be made to the product or to the process undertaken to arrive at the product discuss suggestions for students who will work on a similar product in the future be typewritten using the format prescribed in Middle School be stapled accordingly be submitted by ___________________ (deadline) This paper is to be submitted along with this workbook, your product, and the Process Journal on the stated deadline. Congratulations! You have finished the project! Now, go forth and continue your stay in CIS, never forgetting what we’ve learned during this past year. Veritas et Lumen Concordian International School

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/6 (T) /6 (G)

The group tested the product using the questions/tests formulated in Task 1 under Create. The group enlisted the aid of an outsider to test the product using the questions/tests formulated in Task 1 under Create. The group arrived at an honest and helpful evaluation of their own product based on information gathered from both tests A and B and the group’s own observations.


/6 (T) /6 (S)

The paper contained all the points enumerated in the task. The paper provided an insight into the student’s and the group’s efforts to arrive at the product.





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Additional Notes

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Appendix 1

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Areas of interaction The areas of interaction provide contexts through which teachers and students consider teaching and learning, approach the disciplines, and establish connections across disciplines. They are organizing elements that strengthen and extend student awareness and understanding through meaningful exploration of real-life issues. All teachers share the responsibility of using the areas of interaction as a focus for their units of work. The process of inquiring into the subject content through the different perspectives or contexts of the areas of interaction enables students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject as well as the dimensions of the areas of interaction. Through this inquiry cycle of understanding and awareness, reflection and action, students engage in reflection and metacognition, which can lead them from academic knowledge to thoughtful action, helping to develop positive attitudes and a sense of personal and social responsibility. The document MYP: From principles into practice (August 2008), section “The areas of interaction”, provides further information relating to the dimensions of each area of interaction, the inquiry cycle, planning units of work, and focusing relevant content through these areas of interaction. T




There are five areas of interaction: • • • • •

approaches to learning (ATL) community and service health and social education environments human ingenuity (formerly homo faber ). T


The following sections on the areas of interaction provide sample questions that might be used as MYP unit questions or inquiry cycle questions , depending on the content being taught. These particular questions are “content free”, and when devising their own questions, teachers can relate them to the specific content that is being explored in a unit of work. T




It is important to note that the areas of interaction are ways of looking at content: some of the examples that follow could easily fit into more than one area of interaction perspective, and also have the potential to be explored through subjects other than technology. The contexts that frame the content curriculum in technology must be natural and meaningful. Often when designing a unit of work, the context for the content will emerge naturally as a real problem or need to be addressed through the use of technology. To provide meaningful learning experiences, teachers should ensure that the MYP unit question gives students scope for inquiry into the issues and themes within the content. The area of interaction will then give direction to teacher-directed and student-initiated inquiry. Please note that any reference to “I” in the areas of interaction questions could also be interpreted as “we” where this is more appropriate to the social ethos of the school or location. Approaches to learning



How do I learn best? How do I know? How do I communicate my understanding?






Concordian International School


Approaches to learning (ATL) are central to all MYP subject groups and the personal project. Through ATL, schools provide students with the tools to enable them to take responsibility for their own learning. This involves articulating, organizing and teaching the skills, attitudes and practices that students require to become successful learners. The MYP has identified seven groups of skills that encompass ATL: organization, collaboration, communication, information literacy, reflection, thinking and transfer. The school community will need to spend time defining the ATL attitudes, skills and practices that they consider important within these groups, for both individual subject groups and across subject groups. The MYP technology problem-solving approach to teaching and learning naturally contributes to the development of students’ problem-solving and thinking skills. The design cycle provides students with a framework that organizes the way in which they learn and address issues. Sample questions


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What do we learn in technology? How is learning in technology similar to or different from learning in other subjects? What skills are specific to technology? In what ways can the use of the design cycle help me learn? How do we investigate an issue in technology? How do we acknowledge sources? How do we formulate a design specification? How can I communicate my design ideas? What is an effective plan in technology? How can we effectively record the process of creation? Of what does an evaluation in technology consist? o How do I evaluate my work? o What is the value of evaluating the work of others? What is the value of reflection in technology? o What does it mean to be competent in technology? How can I improve my learning and my performance in technology? o How can I organize my learning in technology? o What will I do differently in the next unit of work? o What will I do to improve a specific skill? How does learning technology help me with learning in other subjects? What skills and knowledge can I take from other subjects and use in my technology learning? What is the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and technology? How can ICT help my learning in technology?

Community and service



How do we live in relation to each other? How can I contribute to the community? How can I help others? T






The emphasis of community and service is on developing community awareness and a sense of belonging and responsibility towards the community so that students become engaged and feel empowered to act in response to the needs of others. Community and service starts in the classroom and extends beyond it, requiring students to discover the social reality of self, others and communities. This, in turn, may initiate involvement and service in the communities in which they live. Reflection on the needs of others and the development of

students’ ability to participate in and respond to these needs both contribute to the development of caring and responsible learners. Students will explore the nature of past and present communities through technology, as well as their place in their own communities. Incorporating community and service into the study of technology encourages responsible citizenship as students deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. The MYP technology course should help students to reflect on the role of technology in society and the impact of technology and technological developments in local and global settings. Often by considering local technology-based issues students can pursue community and service activities for themselves, and find ways in which a technology product/solution can be applied to meet a social need or solve a community problem. Activities that may be considered to integrate community and service through technology include: • • •

identifying local community needs and developing a technology product/solution to meet these needs analyzing the impact of a named technology or technological application on the community or on society reflecting on the role of technology in shaping life and society.

Sample questions


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What is the role of technology in a community and in the world? How does technology shape communities and our lives? How does technology communicate across time and cultures? How can I learn about communities through technology? What are the powers and limitations of technology in my community and in the world? To what extent do people and/or communities change through technology experiences? How can technology influence a community? How can communities influence technology? What is my role in the community? How can I contribute to my community through technology? What would the world be like without technology?

Health and social education



How do I think and act? How am I changing? How can I look after myself and others?







This area of interaction is about how humanity is affected by a range of social issues (including health). It includes an appreciation of these effects in various cultural settings and at different times. It is concerned with physical, social and emotional health and intelligence—key aspects of development leading to a complete and balanced lifestyle. Health and social education goes beyond the sole provision of information and acquisition of knowledge, and encourages the development of critical-thinking skills and attitudes that play an important role when making decisions and confronting life options. Health and social education encourages respect for the self as well as respect for others. This enables students to understand how personal decisions and actions can affect themselves as well as others. Activities that may be considered to integrate health and social education through technology include:

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development of health and social awareness campaigns within the school and local community using products/solutions developed in technology evaluation of the impact of technology and technological applications on health, quality of life, and social well-being raising awareness that health risks and hazards can be reduced through careful design of products/solutions raising awareness of social, cultural and economic factors associated with technological developments.

Sample questions


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How does technology affect society, individuals, me? Can technology be used to influence people and societies? To what extent do people change through technology experiences? To what extent can technology contribute to the well-being of people and societies? Can technology communicate the health of a society and/or nation? Is technology a luxury or a necessity in societies? In what way does technology allow me to express myself? Can I create a product/solution to communicate with others? How can learning technology facilitate my understanding of myself and others? How important is technology for personal and social development? How can my learning of technology help me make healthier choices? What behaviors and attitudes will I seek to change in myself?




What are our environments? What resources do we have or need? What are my responsibilities?







This area of interaction considers environments to mean the totality of conditions surrounding us, natural and human-made. It focuses on the wider place of human beings in the world and how we create and affect our environments. It encourages students to question, to develop positive and responsible attitudes, and to gain the motivation, skills and commitment to contribute to their environments. Activities that may be considered to integrate environments through technology include: • • •

analysis of the impact of technology and/or technological products/solutions on natural and human-made environments analysis of the effective use of resources, materials and energy in the development of technological products/solutions analysis and evaluation of how technology and technological applications can change the dynamics of natural and human-made environments.

Sample questions


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How can technology influence natural and human-made environments? In what way can environments influence technology? What issues do natural and human-made environments present for technology? In what way do environments affect people that develop technology? How can technology enable me to understand and contribute to different environments? How can technology impact on the school environment? What realistic changes can I make that will impact positively on my environments?

What are the powers and limitations of technology in addressing issues of natural and human-made environments?

Human ingenuity (formerly homo faber )





Why and how do we create? What are the consequences?





Human ingenuity looks at human contributions in the world both in their particular context and as part of a continuing process. It stresses the way humans can initiate change, whether for good or bad, and examines the consequences. This area also emphasizes both the importance of researching the developments made by people across place, time and cultures, and the importance of taking time to reflect on these developments. The study of MYP technology provides many opportunities to incorporate human ingenuity into the curriculum. Human ingenuity goes beyond the sole creation of the product/solution. It leads students to examine experience and reflect on the creative process. Students are expected to reflect on the origin, process, context, development and impact of the product/solution on individuals, societies and the world. Technological developments and innovations can be assessed from a social, economic, political, environmental, cultural and ethical perspective. Activities that may be considered to integrate human ingenuity through technology include: • • •

analysis of specific products/solutions and processes derived from technology and how they have changed the world evaluation of social and ethical factors associated with technology and technological developments appreciation of the responsibility of designers, and of those who develop new technologies, for the uses and consequences of their products and designs.

Sample questions


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What is technology? Where does technology come from? How has technology evolved over time? How can technology initiate change? In what ways have humans shaped technology? In what ways has technology shaped our lives? What are the effects of technology evolution? What would the world be like without technology? In what way has knowledge influenced technology? In what way has technology influenced knowledge? To what extent are sciences and technology interrelated? How is technology developing in my time and culture? How do different technologies impact each other? On what basis do I choose the technology I use in different contexts? What contributions to development has technology made? Who are the technology pioneers in my time? What makes them pioneers? To what extent do people change through technology experiences? Can technology be unethical? How have my own views of technology changed?

Appendix 2

GRADE 10: Design Technology


Review: Many Computer Technology applications will be reviewed in the course of the year. They will be used in all or most aspects of the Design Process. Design technology products/solutions will: • represent authentic students’ designs and creations • provide students with the opportunity to explore, select and use different materials (wood, plastic, metals, textiles, food, and so on) as appropriate • provide students with the opportunity to develop a series of practical skills such as: o cutting and marking accurately o measuring and estimating o shaping and finishing o using wasting and joining techniques o using electronic components to produce an electronic system that may include inputs, outputs and some processing between inputs and outputs You will create 2 major projects this year . Student project will be: complex units of work, skills applied to design situations, open-ended challenges, student-managed projects, long projects, students designing for others, all stages of the design cycle fully addressed real-life challenges. The 3 projects below are idea samples that you may choose from, but you are encouraged to create a project of your own using the Design Cycle principles. Your final project will have incorporated technological aspects into your Personal Project.



Students create a product to use hydraulic/pneumatic pressure in order to create movement of arm-like machines where the student: • demonstrates original creation and uses appropriate tools such as saws, drilling machines, lathes, sewing machines, and so on • uses feasible designs that are clearly illustrated and annotated • produces working drawings that illustrate the measurements and materials to be used • creates clear flow charts of the manufacturing steps to allow others to follow the plan and create the product/solution Students create a solution to recycling aluminum cans where the student: • demonstrates original creation and uses appropriate tools such as electric saws, drilling machines, lathes, vacuum forming machines, line bending machines, and so on • uses feasible designs that are clearly illustrated and annotated • produces working drawings that illustrate the measurements and materials to be used • creates clear flow charts of the manufacturing steps to allow others to follow the plan and create the product/solution Students create a healthy menu for a school canteen where the student: • demonstrates initiative and creativity in the design and creation of the product/solution • uses feasible designs that reflect a thoughtful selection of ingredients and processing techniques and includes his or her analysis against the design specifications • shows careful consideration of the role and properties of ingredients such as function, nutritional value, aesthetic properties, cost, shelf life, availability, environmental and ethical issues, and so on • demonstrates efficiency and accuracy in the use of appropriate processing techniques and ingredients • shows consideration of processing, hygiene and food management techniques and safe working practices • shows consideration of the use of resources, water, electricity, food additives and packaging, and of waste disposal and shelf‑life issues, and so on • creates clear flow charts of the manufacturing steps to allow others to follow the plan and create the product/solution

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