Myasthenia Gravis

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 578
  • Pages: 3

Rare disorder which affects neuromuscular transmission of voluntary muscles of body Defect in transmission of nerve impulse at neuromuscular junction Affects women particularly 20-30 years old Characterized by extreme weakness and fatigue – particularly of voluntary muscles o Cannot hold heads up


Don’t know cause Considered to be an autoimmune disease in which antibodies act against acetylcholine receptor site thus impairing neuromuscular transmission A problem at the neuromuscular junction


Due to decreased secretion of acetylcholine, or an increase in cholinesterase at myoneural junction, the transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle cells is defective

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS • • • • • • • • • • •

Progress slow and insidious Extreme muscular weakness relieved by rest Severe fatigue that is also relieved by rest Diplopia Ptosis o Drooping of the eyelids Sleepy masklike expression o Difficulty smiling Weakness of speech and chocking (HRF aspiration) Laryngeal and pharyngeal muscle weakness Mouth hangs open Resp distress Maysthenic crisis


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Tensilon Injection Test o Tensilon – Neastigmin, Prostigmin o Should have great increase in muscle strength within seconds of injection, but only temporarily Physician will do this test EMG o Electromyography, shows weak muscles not specific to Myasthenia


No Known cure Aimed at: o Giving anticholinesterase drug to improve remaining function o Reducing and removing circulating antibodies Drug Therapy: o Prostigmin or Mestinan o These drugs increase the available concentration of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, thus increasing muscular response to nerve impulses to improve strength. o MEDS should be taken at prescribed time daily. Ideally 1 hour before meals so that swallowing is adequate before mealtime o Failure to adhere to this schedule may result in dyspnea, resp distress, and inability to swallow. MEDS AS SCHEDULED o Medication is highly individualized – patient adjust their own medication o Avoid muscle relaxants o Immunosuppresive therapy  For severe cases  May decrease production of antireceptor antibody  Corticosteroids will suppress the patients immune response, thereby decreasing the amount of blocking antibody o Plasmapherises  Will produce a temporary reduction in titer of circulating antibodies o Thymectomy  Surgical removal of the Thymus gland  The thymus produce ActiR antibodies in MG Surgical removal may lead to remission. But takes 2-10 years


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Myasthenic Crisis o Too Little Medication  Acute Respiratory Distress  Can’s speak or swallow Cholinergic Crisis o Too Much Medication  Acute Respiratory Distress It is difficult to distinguish but the 2 crises both can result in respiratory distress which is a medical emergency. Also paralysis of muscles for swallowing and increase in Myasthenic symptoms MD will to tenslin test to see if under medicated

Emergency Management • Keep Airway open • Suction oral secretions • Trach kit • Elevate head and shoulders • Keep calm

Support respiratory function as needed


Can live long productive life with adequate treatment Course of disease varies by remission and exacerbation


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Work with nutrition Ineffective airway clearance - Resp Assessment o Monitor o Keep HOB elevated o Get meds on time o May need a trach at bedside Impaired Physical Mobility - Assess weakness HRF Injury HRF Aspiration o Small frequent feeding o If they rest in between the energy builds up acetochylione Educate and support

Frequent rest periods

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