My New Moon Dream

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,693
  • Pages: 12
My New Moon Dream This is the next part in my little fanfic. The first one was My Twilight dream. I didn’t dream this, but I imagined what would happen next, so it was sort of a daydream. Enjoy! I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING BUT THE DREAMS! CHAPTER 1 ALICE POINT OF VIEW Edward was in a terrible state. He locked himself in his room and refused to come out. His eyes have never been so black before. We got to the cottage in time to save Edward from dying, but we couldn’t save the cottage. Sometimes, my visions seemed useless. My best friend killed herself because of Edward. I really miss Bella. She had a good heart. She was so kind! Renesmee went into shock after we told her. She just sits in her room all day. Even Jacob was no comfort to her. He had attempted to kill Edward. He had succeeded with Tanya, but we all pulled Jacob and Edward apart. Edward didn’t even fight back! Everyone was in mourning. We had lost one very important member of the family. Esme cries all day, Carlisle stays in his office reading, Emmet keeps punching things, Rosalie is not taking care of her hair and nails, I am shopping less often,

and Jasper feels really sad and then to top it off, he has to deal with everyone else’s misery. Poor guy. The volturi keeps coming to share their sympathy. Edward got really annoyed and… let’s just say they were all crawling around our yard collecting body parts. Renesmee lost a lot of weight and she looked so fragile. I was sad of course, but how could Bella do this to everyone? Charlie and Renee were heartbroken. EDWARD POINT OF VIEW My Bella was gone. My Bella was gone. My Bella was gone. My Bella was gone. I kept repeating it in my head. It still wouldn’t sink in. My brave courageous Bella. Bella who was so loving, and so caring. I loved her soft touch, her brown hair. Flash backs came to me as I lay there on my sofa. Bella was sleeping in her room, before she knew I loved her. She murmured a soft but clear “Edward” I had thought she was awake. “Edward” she called. I was brought back to the present time. Bella was standing a few feet away from me. Her hair was curling around her face from the light breeze. My Bella had come to me! “Edward!” she called. ”Edward are you there? Come and hunt! We all miss you! Go visit Nessie!” This didn’t make sense. Of course I was here. She could see me! My Bella faded away. “Edward!” Alice screeched. “Get out here!” I moaned. Slowly, I got up and opened the door. Alice was there, hands on her hips, a mad expression on her face. “What do you want?” I asked annoyed. “You need to hunt.” “No I don’t! I feel perfectly fine.”

She sighed and spun me around and marched me into my room and placed me in front of a mirror. Alice was right. My eyes were a pitch black. I looked horrible. My hair was a mess, my clothes were dirty, and my face was scrunched up in misery. “fine.” I grumbled. As I passed Renesmee’s room, I heard nothing. I knocked and entered. Nessie was sitting in her sofa chair facing out the window. “Nessie?” I called softly. “Do you want to come hunt with me?” She slowly turned around to face me. Her eyes were black also. They were hard and cold. “no” she said icily. “I want to go with Jacob. Not you” So she still didn’t forgive me. I didn’t blame her. She turned back towards the window. While I closed the door, I heard a little sob. CHAPTER 2 RENESMEE POINT OF VIEW As my daddy left, I started to cry. I really missed my mommy. How could daddy think that I could forgive him that easily? He broke so many of my bones, then he made momma kill herself. Another softer knock sounded on the door. Jacob. “Nessie?” He asked “Do you want to go hunt?” I just bobbed my head up and down. “Ok let’s go then.” He said. I slowly got out of my chair and followed him out of my room. AS we slowly decended the steps, I felt every pair of

eyes on me. I ignored them. Once we were out the back door, Jacob ran into the bush and came out 5 seconds later as my big russet wolf. I smiled and jumped on.As we galloped throught the forrest, I caught the scent of someone following us. It smelled like… a…newborn. Oh crap. Jacob seemed to have smelled it too, because he changed direction and charged back to the house. As we were 10 yards away from the house, a blur came soaring through the sky and knocked me off Jacob. He skidded to a halt. A deep rumbling growl erupted from his chest. He looked towards the house as he charged towards La push. The newborn had me crushed into it’s arms. Wait, the scent was familiar. As I twisted around in the stranger’s arms, My momma smiled down at me. “Momma!” I screamed. “You came back!!” As I screamed those words, The whole family filed out of the house. “Bella!?” They all whispered. Then, “BELLA!” My daddy roared. He came charging towards us. About 5 feet away, H stopped. He looked confused. “You’re human?” He asked. What? I readjusted myself so that I was facing momma. Her eyes were brown. A really rich brown. Her skin was a light shade pinker than before. Wow…she was human! She was pretty. Daddy still seemed in shock. “But, but you threw yourself into fire.” He reasoned. “When I was in the fire, I realized that, I was leaving everyone and everything I loved. So I fought the fire and climbed out. I found that I was hungry, not thirsty. That surprised me. I rented a hotel room and when

I looked in the mirror, I was human again.” She explained. Then she shrugged. “Bella, you must tell me, what have you been doing for the past 2 months?” Edward asked. “Hmm, let me see, I mostly sat in the hotel room thinking. I really missed you guys, but I wasn’t sure how to come back without you thinking you have gone mad.” “Wait, I have been having hallucations. Was that really you?” Daddy asked. “No.” It wasn’t?” “No” “Hmm, so I was hallucinating.” “mm-hmm” “I was sure it was you when I burned the cottage.” CHAPTER 3 EDWARD POINT OF VIEW Oh, damn! I forgot she loved that cottage. She is going to kill me! “You WHAT!?” “umm…” She started to run towards me and then halfway there, she tripped. That was Bella alright. There wasn’t even I stone she could have tripped on! She got back up and continued to charge towards me. When she hit, She slammed into me and bounced backwards. “oh, I was so used to being stronger!” She exclaimed. We all laughed. BELLA POINT OF VIEW

I couldn’t believe I was human again! I was so used to being a vampire! I truly forgot how hard we could be to a human. I tripped. Oww. That was going to leave a bruise. When I finally hit him, I bounced right off. GOD! He was hard as a rock! I forgot. Man, he was cold too! Everyone started to laugh at the look on my face. I could feel the blush shoot up to my face. Well, that was going to get annoying. Again. I really enjoyed being a vampire. Now what do I do? CHAPTER 4 CARLISLE POINT OF VIEW I wonder, does the fire just turn us human again? How odd, hmm Wow, Bella was human again. I wonder how it happened. She must tell me every single detail. Hmm… I continued to fantasize as we all laughed at Bella. I wonder… EDWARD POINT OF VIEW I read Carlisle’s thoughts as he laughed: I wonder, does the fire just turn us human again? How odd, hmm Wow, Bella is human again. I wonder how it happened. She must tell me every single detail. Hmm… Huh, he really was thinking hard! His theory is odd, but possible. Could it be true?

ALICE POINT OF VIEW OH MY GOD!!!!! BELLA! WAS! HUMAN! AGAIN! How was that POSSIBLE!? Oh well, I’ll take it, as long as Bella is back, I am happy! Carlisle and Edward look bewildered. The rest of us are just plain happy! Although, Jasper might have some difficulty controlling himself again. I had better keep an eye on his future. We wouldn’t want to loose Bella again. Especially after what we just experienced. “Ok, come on! Esme said “lets go inside” We were all laughing and chatting inside when a vision hit. The volturi will come back to mourn with us again, they see Bella. They are absolutely outraged. Thinking that we lied to them, they try to kill Bella. Edward tries to protect her, so does Alice. We both get taken away with the volturi. Bella screams and goes into a rage. This was not going to be good. A roar of rage filled the room causing everyone to go silent. Edward had seen my vision. Damn! I was going to try to hide it. “Maybe we can change it” “We can’t” “How do you know, we can try.” “I guess, we’ll have to hide bella.” “There’s an option.” “What else can we do?” “The three of us go away for a bit. Until they leave, say we are on a hunting trip, just the two of us.”

“Here is what you can do, TELL US WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!!” Emmet roared. He was clearly frusterated. “wait, just one second,” Edward said after he explained the situation the rest of the family. A minute passed. Edwards head snapped up at Bella, then he said, “yes, Alice suggested that already.” BELLA POINT OF VIEW After Edward explained the situation, I let my shield up and thought, “Maybe I should go away for a while.?” “Yes, Alice suggested that already.” He replied. “Well it works.” I said. “Of course it works! I thought of it!” Alice shrieked. I couldn’t help but giggle at her expression. CHAPTER 5 We all started to plan, Alice couldn’t see when they were coming, so we all took precautions. The only thing Alice could see was that they would be coming soon. I wasn’t allowed out of the house until alice saw when they were coming. So, I am pretty much stuck inside, EVERYDAY! This sucks.

Jacob Point of view

I really miss bella. Why did those leeches pull me off an other leech? I don’t get it. Maybe I could go over today and plant a surprise attack. After a newborn pulled Renesmee off of my back, I sprinted for La Push for reinforcements. Sam still couldn’t hear inside my head. Before leaving, I made sure that the cullen’s were alert. As I was running, I phased back to human and put on some shorts as I was 5 yards away. “Jake?” Paul asked, “ooh! Guess what!? Rachel and I are getting married! I just proposed to-“ “Yeah, congrats. I don’t care. Where the HELL is Sam?” I asked when I was done searching The entire reservation. “Er… I think cliff diving.” “Great.” I charged towards the rocky area that Sam went cliff diving. “SAM!” I bellowed. “EMERGANCY AT THE CULLENS!” “WHAT HAPPENED?” He shouted back. “NEWBORN GOT TO RENESMEE!” “Damn!” I heard him curse. “COMING!” I didn’t wait for him. I just started to run and let the heat spread through my body. I changed to wolf midstride. I howled a command to the rest of my pack. Then I started charging towards the cullen house. I was joined by Sam, Paul, Jared, Seth, Leah, and the rest of the pack. Together, we formed an idea, a plan to attack. CHAPTER 6

As we neared, no one was outside. We could hear laughter from inside the house though. I told sam and the others to wait outside. As I burst throught the door, I saw Bella. “Hey Bell-WHAT THE HELL?!” I exclaimed. At my outburst, the rest of the pack burst into the house. The cullens looked quite entertained. Renesmee came waddling to me and said, “Watch your language please!” Everyone burst out laughing, again, at me. Damn! I blushed. Not very common for me. Damn! “What the HELL are you doing here?” I asked Bella. “I thought you died.” Seth sniffed. “Are you-? No, it couldn’t be. Are you-. You look… different… you look human…” I stuttered. “Yup!” Bella said cheerfully. I inched closer to get a better look at her. There was no mistaking those chocolate brown eyes. “Wow” was all I could say. “How?” They all explained how Bella became human again as the rest of the pack and I listened with our mouths open. CHAPTER 7 Edward point of view Five weeks have past since Jacob came with the pack. We all were happy. Today we were just hanging out at the house when I heard a thought. This thought didn’t belong to my familiy. It belonged to the Volturi.

“DAMN!” I roared. “The volturi.” I whispered. bELLA was frozen with shock as the rest of the family sped around the house trying to find a place to hide Bella for the time being. As they came closer, Bella fainted on the floor. I really started to panic now. “Carlisle! I whispered. “ I am going to get Bella out of here, she fainted.” What I didn’t know, was that aro was right outside the door. As I stepped outside, Aro caught me by the neck with one hand and took hold of Bella in the other. “Well, looked like you were going to dispose of her anyways, so I will just shorten the prosess!.” He said. As I registered what he had said, He quickly snatched her out of my arms and started to run. “NO!”: I screamed and took off after him. I reached him in a matter of milliseconds. I started to fight. Alice came out to help. “no alice!” I yelled. “ he will capture us. You go!” “Very bloody likely!” she replyed. Aro had flung bella aside and started to fight back. He was really strong! Owww. Damn! Alice was missing an arm. I was missing my leg. We are done for! I was right. As we both scrambled to collect our bodys, Aro took us and Bella to the others. “We will dispose of the human. Keep the other two, they are very usefull!” Caius called to everyone. “NO!” I screamed. “leave Bella, please! Take me instead. Let Alice take Bella home! Please!” Aro and Caius laughed along with jane and Felix.

“No.” Aro said. “We will spare the little human, but we keep you two.” I was about to protest and insist that alice stay behind also, but Alice spoke. “that will work. Take us and leave bella alone. Please!” She pleaded. “fine!” Caius said sneering. Aro threw Bella down at my family’s feet. – they had come after Alice and watched in mute horror – Then they dragged me and my sister off the ground and dragged us away. CHAPTER 8 Bella point of view I woke up groggy. “Edward?’ I murmured. I then realized that there were only six faces in view. Where was Alice? Where was my angel Edward? “Edward?” I called again. “Edward is gone.” A harsh voice said. I guessed it was Rosalie. Edward, was gone? Then it hit me. The volturi. I blinked and started to cry. “it is all my fault!” I sobbed. “Esme tried to soothe me. “no it’s not dear, it is ok! We’ll get them back somehow!” “NO!” I screamed “I want someone to change me and I want it done NOW! I am gonna ho hunt them down! I am gonna KILL THEM!”

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