My Hot Theory Part 2

  • November 2019
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MY HOT IDEAS Part 2 By AsmeyD Yatater

1. What is a great love maker? It goes without saying that a married man often has the idea how to be a great lover. Especially when a problem comes to his sexual life. He will be anxious and worried that his partner –wife will be away from him. Divorce sounds a nightmare Man starts to find out the solution. He may think that his Mr. Dig is not as big as other men’s or maybe not as long as theirs or he may also think how to be long in bed making love. The longer he makes love the better he is in sex.he thought. Do you also think so, my friends that the Concept of a great lover is based on those? Do you take pills to enhance your performance on sex to do it longer and longer though it proves dangerous which can end up your life sooner and in a sudden? Well ,absolutely that is not my concept on sex .To me ,the great sex maker is not how long you can perform it but how soon you can manage to orgasmise your partner. The sooner you give her the big O the greater you are. That is my concept. Simple and hot, isn’t it? So better up your concept about sex that it’s not your Mr. P or even the duration on it but how well you know how to give her the O as sooner as possible. If you still want to know how it does, just send the e-mail to me but you must be a married man. See ya!


What is a great soccerer?

Soccer or football, who doesn’t know about it, must be coming from out of this world. Who doesn’t know Maradona, Pele, CR 7, messy, Kaka and others? Many beautiful girls, ladies are crazy on them to be with them to be in sex with them to be the lover or the hider. Everything on earth looks like only about soccer after politics and GOD Every parent wants his son to be footballer /sorcerer to play for Real Madrid or Manchester United or AC Milan as they bath in money But do you know that even a great sorcerer still don’t know why sometimes he can perform well but sometimes very soon he plays badly .And it is like still a mystery. So on this occasion, what a great chance to you to reveal that it’s no longer a mystery anymore if you, the soccerer, know how to stop it. It means by this you will always perform well as it is already a standard of fixed performance of yours.Yes, it has come into your blood and soul and mind to be there always. As my concept says that a great sorcerer is not how hard you practice but how effective you practice to develop your skill progressively from time to time. So for sorcerers, if you want to know what kinds of practice to progressivise your skill, send the e-mail to me. I’ll be delighted. And for the coach, it’s no longer about finding but creating instead when it comes to having great players in team of the greatest sport on earth. See ya!!

3. Why do the aliens look like to abandon us or hide from us?

history of men in the past which possibly the contacted happened.

Do you believe that so many works on earth are believed to be done by the Alien in the very past history of men? Let’s take a look at the pyramids in Egypt and other super monumental and incredible works in South America like Tihuanachan.There must be a different hand on them. That’s the other planet beings which visited our ancestors in the past.

Now let’s talk about the center of civilization in the past. That’s in Egypt where the super word was once created.

How impossible to assume that they were built by men if you base on the theory of evolution .one skill to develop and herited to the next generation takes hundred of years first to make that skill developed into brains. But what happened in the past proves out of line with the Evolution theory. Okay. Maybe you don’t agree to the different hands but still how you could explain the calendar and the frame of the pyramids in Egypt are based on the other sun very far away not our own sun. Why? Absolutely there were visitors among men at that time which inhabited the land together even dominated life. But I don’t persist to argue about it only. Let’s talk about the fact that they seem to leave us or remain unknown .we still don’t know the real reason why up to now. My theory says that though they are higher in technology and mind than us but still they are inferior in spirituality. It means we are .men, still stronger and higher in spiritual development than them the Alien the other beings. How come? Could you prove it? AsmeyD.Come on it’s only the theory. Let’s do it then To talk about another being having a contact with men, we should trace back in the

I believe that in the era of pharaohs when some pyramids were erected high incredibly it happened the close contact even inter-action between Men and those beings. And one day there was a conflict between them or rebellion for their domination. That is the hitting point to know why they became inferior to us or even afraid of us. And do you know what the rebellion is? Yeah, that’s a rebellion between the follower of the other beings –here the Pharaoh and the men not the follower of the other being. Say, by history a rebellion of Moses versus the Pharaoh. Pharaoh dedicated all his life to that other being but not Moses. Moses dedicated his life to the real spirit of truth as A GOD the Only ONE and THE Almighty. But Pharaoh to the other GODS of the other beings When the rebellion broke out, this is actually also about testing the power which one is stronger between within-self power as A GOD or out of self power as GODS. Moses used the within-self and the Pharaoh used the out of self And to be final, Moses could defeat the Pharaoh and even kill him under the sea. That is the beginning era of men that the other beings begin to think twice to dominate us. Viva men oh men, the most gracious Being in the universe.

4. Why does Steven Spielberg say no to make the movie for Harry Porter? Harry Porter novels are phenomenal. Everybody in the world talks about it? Everywhere in the market, in the plaza, in the school even in the toilet. They are all talking about the Harry Porter. But surprisingly, when it would come into movies, even the great Spielberg ,man of know all on making movie doesn’t want to make it. Why? Is it a bad story? Or is the pay low? None could persuade him to do his work for the Harry even his own little daughter He just said,”let it be another person movie it. Not all the popular novel is your father to movie it “. In short, here is my hot theory on it .Would you like to know it! Okay let me tell you this way. Harry Porter is already the novels to read and understand so it is absolutely impossible if there is any change to the part of the story in it .and According to Steven, there is a wrong part in the story that doesn’t satisfy him principally because it is related to his real knowledge in life. So when he asked JK Rowling whether it’s possible to make some changes inside the story and he got the answer of no way. He declines for sure that he can’t do the work .If he still persists; it hurts his deep inner side. That is the truth behind why he doesn’t agree to movie it actually. It is it, isn’t it, Mr. Spielberg? Anyone of you want to know more what is the example as the wrong parts, send the email to me .It will be looked forward and I’ll tell you which part it is. See ya!!

5. My own finding Quotation a. Be in the TOMORROW to think about NOW. thus, you’re not the blind anymore (Discovered on July 25, 2008 at 08.00 am) b. Remove your heart into your mind then just listen to make it talked (Discovered on Oct 9, 2008 at 09.23 am) c. 1000 avatars are consisting me. [I’m a thousand of myself ] (Discovered on Oct 20, 2008 at 01.30 am) d. The different between Waliulloh and Avatar is that The former has the energy more but the latter has the entity more (Discovered on Oct 23, 2008 at 03.30 am) e. Good indicator of khusu’ /contemplated praying is if you get addicted to continue praying more and more and more no wish to stop it as the ecstasy rise up more and more (Discovered on Aug 23, 2007 at 02.30 pm) f. Be away from making a scenario, just respond to the facts .thus, you’ll survive nicely (Discovered on April 1, 2007 at 07.30 pm)

Well, that’s all for now .And I’ll be looking forward to your response and share with me about all my hot ideas on part 2. If you cared enough to share, Why not send the E-mail to me on [email protected] Hopefully very soon next time, my hot ideas part 3 would be coming out soon.


Indonesia, November 2008

AsmeyD Yatater Me- the HIMmer

no www on my e-mail

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