My Hot Theory Part 1

  • November 2019
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MY HOT IDEAS Part 1 By AsmeyD Yatater

1. What kind of state is USA ?

higher thinking. They always put a lot of priority to the power of mind .and we can see by their tradition that a religious leader ,a Rabbi , may and even must get married with intellectual women as many as possible by selection and produce children as many as possible hoping to breed the highest level generation for the Jews

It’s been a fact that a fight between Zionist and Palestine in Middle East always happens never to end .Do you know why it happens that. And no matter the USA tries to settle it down, it will always turn into nothing.

But of course what men want though by hard is always impossible to be perfect as planned. There are still some .let’s say accident, to come out the low quality of children. like a tree that not all the fruits are the best still some rest are broken and even bad

Thus, because that’s what the Jews want. They are trying to make it forever .In their mind, without a common enemy, there will be a lot of disputes among the Jews .that’s why they have the urgent need to have one common enemy to unite the nation - the people among them.

Here is the real case to happen to analyze that The Jewish who were in the high were beginning to think about a mass killing let’s say a cleansing for all the low quality only of the Jewish people.

So, the conclusion is Let it be that way because The Jews don’t want it besides as people think that Israel to be the 51st state of America, to me it’s totally wrong The truth is USA is the second state of Israel. That’s hot, isn’t it?

So, Holocaust really happened but more to be not a catastrophe but more to be the cleansing for the low quality of Jewish people only which were done by the Jewish themselves as Hitler to be a Jew That’s a hot truth, isn’t it?

3. What kind of Mahabharata was that? 2. What kind of Holocaust was that? Something sure to know by history that thousand of Jews even millions were killed in what history says in Holocaust but still some other historians and leaders hesitate to agree that like Ahmadinajed , the Iran Leader. Now let it be my theory speaks related to it in a nutshell. As we know that Hitler himself was a Jewish .Yeah maybe we think that he was a crazy Jewish to kill his own people. But wait and look that Jewish people are labeled to be the people of higher quality –

Another mass killing in the past history was a big war between Kurava and Pandava. Yet many of us are still confused whether it is a history or just a story But my point is not to talk about whether it’s a history or a story but more to analyze in what way we are supposed to respond As we read on the Epos that it’s was a great war among the relatives and we were doctrined that Pandava is on the good side and the Kurava is on the bad one. That’s the epos say, isn’t it?

How about you my friends, would you agree upon it? I believe that nearly everybody say so but not by me yet! So let me tell a little bit more. The epos says how a great man was Bisma .Even when he won over the beautiful girl, he refused to marry her but she was given to his Nephew and swore he would never marry because he wanted the kingdom to be greater greater. Now to make a long story short,Bisma really realized that during the war Kurava was in the wrong side but still he ,the greatest man on earth , looked to be blind to continue fighting for Kurava.What happened to him ,anyway ?and how come ? And what a man of sort is that? Here is my idea to analyze that actually the war is not about the kingdom of Hastinapura but more about idealism .Wow..Wow..Woww, it’s getting hotter now. What idealism is that? You see, Kurava has the idea that GOD must be ARUPA.-without face –let say, Monotheism what we know today. And Pandava has the other one that GOD is Rupa- the multi- face, let’s say Polytheism When the war happened, each tried to force what they believed no matter what. Thus, Bisma really had the belief of Monotheism like the Kurava. So when Pandava insisted him to change his belief He declared war against the Pandava.that’s something like He was an idiot to us to be the friend of Kurava if you think that the war is all about the Palace of Hastinapura.But if you think like me that The reason he declared war to be the friend of Kurava because of what his Belief of Monotheism, What a great man indeed of him So, Mahabarata is actually to be the truth, a war between Monotheism Vs Polytheism.

It’s hot as well, isn’t it? And do you think that it still happens today? As what Taliban did to destroy so many statues in Afghanistan .Or what the Moslem still don’t agree to that idea of Polytheism among the Hindus, Buddhism and others And by history that the Kuru has the similarity of Qurays-the Clan of Mohammed in Mecca, by name and by origins That’s quite a shock, isn’t it?

4. What would Jesus bring for the next coming? It’s totally quite unknown by everybody. But yet still I’m quite eager to share with you all about this topic of common in my look. Let’s talk on the history of religion in the spiritual leaders Middle East .It is about, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and even Mohammed Do you know something common in them that the history records? Maybe what you know that they created fresher religion/belief about GOD. and it turned first to be a controversy. I say that I agree on that view as well. And even I’m trying to make it clearer to you all. To me, that one common thing on them is a declaration to GOD not yet a Religion.Religion is made by men –his followers later but not his /their declaration to GOD. So, let’s talk about their declaration of theirs to GOD. I’m sure you know theirs much better than me. Let’s share them together.

Abraham Moslem know him as a father of prophets as his two sons grew all the prophets .But what declaration did he express? He declared himself to be the lover of GOD .He loved GOD much greater even than his own Sons and family. we know it right ,isn’t ?

Moses Known as the real hero for the Jewish in the era of Pharaohs in Egypt that he managed to flee away his people to Canaan, away from slavery. That’s what we record on him. And what is his declaration about GOD? He declared to be the Speaker of the words of GOD as he also managed to see GOD in person, believed by his follower?

Jesus Moslem know him as Isa .He was very much spiritualised.The Jews really thought at first to be their leader in rebellion against Rome Emperor .They were so happy to welcome him as the Next Moses but totally they were disappointed that he didn’t fight for the kingdom of worlds but of earth. And finally betrayed by his own men-Judas Iskariot So, what of his declaration? Commonly we know that he declared to be the Son of GOD.

Mohammed Here’s the prophet of full admiration among the Moslem that almost many people must be more careful to talk /opinise about him. Otherwise you will be hunted for your death. Quite frightening, isn’t it? But still the question is what of his declaration to GOD?

He declared to be the Slave of GOD as he worshiped him day and nights non stop .He never used his miracles even he could do that easily as he shied himself to do so to order GOD. He‘d preferred to be hurted than to harm though some orientalistst still confront on him

Jesus in the second coming Well, finally we come close to this idea .we believe that one day very far from today when the days are numbered , Jesus is back again. he has a mission to save the humanity from sins and elevate them into GOD. That’s something we agree! And as we discussed more in advanced that all the prophets are coming down bringing the declaration, so what is his at that next time declaration? Would it be the same like the first coming?. to be The son of GOD ? To me, it must be different! Why? Yeah, because the time is different. This Jesus is different in declaration though the same mission. Like, every candidate of president has his own declaration during the Campaign. not to repeat the past ,of course but his mission is to make the country and state better of course. Satisfied? So, what is going to be his next declaration? as it is my sure idea that in the second coming , Jesus would bring another declaration ? I don’t say different declaration but another declaration as all other prophets had. They are not different but basically has the same essentials. Wait, AsmeyD don’t you know what else the declaration? Alright I will tell some other declarations if you are brave enough to hear. For heaven shake, It is possible that the next declaration of Jesus is He to be The Father of GOD

It means he loves GOD without any condition as we to be a father to our child. You absolutely enjoy though your little kid punch you. It’s so sweet. That is the way to be that it is not Him to love us but more it is us to love him without any condition That’s hot, isn’t it? Well, that’s all first for now .And I’ll be looking forward to your response and share with me about all my hot ideas on part 1. If you cared enough to share, Why not send the E-mail to me on [email protected] Hopefully very soon next time, my hot ideas part 2 would be coming out soon.


Indonesia,November 2008

AsmeyD Yatater Me- the HIMmer

no www. on my e-mai

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