My First Hypnosis Script

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Summer 2009

Hypnotherapy Certification Class

Module Two: The Pretalk Dispel Misconception Build expectations and rapport

What is Hypnosis? Before we begin it is important to explain to you what hypnosis is about: Hypnosis is often applied to modify someone’s behavior, emotional content, and attitudes, as well as a wide range of conditions including dysfunctional habits, anxiety, stress related illnesses, pain management, and personal development. As there is many articles seen on CNN, and other media, where hypnotherapist treated people with flight phobias, and helped people to stop smoking in a very healthy and drug free approach. Hypnotherapy attracted the attention of the American Medical Association in the 1950’s where a patient underwent a surgery, while in hypnotic trance without any painkillers or anesthesia, and it has been growing in popularity ever since. So to give hypnosis a more practical explanation, it is a natural state that you would experience throughout the day, like day dreaming, or, i don’t know if that ever happened to you, when you may find yourself indulged in columniation of thoughts, while driving your car on the freeway and after hours or minutes of driving, you suddenly realize that you have reached your destination safely, while ignoring the music playing on the radio and all the beautiful women walking on the side of the road, which implies that your senses were alert but at the same time very narrowly focused on the road so you were able to control and respond to the threatening events happening before your eyes but ignoring the non threatening ones. Also, you may not remember consciously afterwards what were you thinking about or how have you made it there, but all you know that you have reached your destination safely. Another example is where you might have been indulged in a movie and connecting with the story at an emotional level, and you may notice some distractions happening around you, like someone slamming the door, but it just happen that you don’t react to it, or maybe someone is calling you from the kitchen and you simply don’t reply, and you don’t want to move your eyes away from the screen, you are so focused on the story and carried by the emotions that come along with the events in the movie. Have you ever had any of the above experiences? Well this is what we call in hypnosis the Alpha state, a natural state that happens all by itself, where you may feel relaxed but also alert and very focused, while in hypnosis, you may or may not go to a deeper levels like Theta or Delta, simply by reaching the Alpha state you become two hundred times more suggestible than the awakened state which we hypnotherapist call it: Beta, and with the positive suggestions that you may or may not be hearing everything that I am saying, and that’s OK, your subconscious mind will be guided towards creating new and positive neurological associations, where by the end of the session you may or may not remember consciously everything that happened, but there will be changes, and that’s OK too. So don’t worry about remembering this session or about reaching a very deep trance even though this is a very rare case, people always wake up from their trance because a part of them is still alert.

Hypnotherapy Certification Class


Summer 2009

Hypnotherapy Certification Class

Because the positive changes during hypnosis happen on a deep subconscious level, and we are going to recondition and reinforce your neurological associations for the next twenty-one days by listening to the session that we will record now every night, you find yourself empowered with new positive habits, that will keep you healthy, motivated and balanced. having you here, listening intently to this introduction, I feel the urge to congratulate you for taking this step towards a healthy and positive change in your life... and you can imagine sometime in the future, let’s say one month from now, after you have listened to the session every night, and you have noticed the positive changes in your life, then returning back to this moment as the start of it, you would feel so proud of yourself, don’t you?

Module Three: Inductions Engage the five senses Create a relaxing scenario Alright now, Close your eyes and begin to breath, slowly and deeply, when you breath in, send the breath deep into your solar plexus, expand your stomach feel the breath rising upwards flooding your chest and.... hold it ....and gently push the breath out and relax, feel the breath move into the depth of your being, rise upwards and ..... hold it ......and then out, breath...... hold it ..... and let go..... as you breath and relax, you may experience that wonderful sense of home coming, that you have at the end of a long day, when you sit for a moment alone, and relax, dazed in the warm red orange hues of a setting sun, a moment when you feel uniquely yourself. and as you relax, you may remember a time in your life or maybe in a dream, when you felt the sense of relief, when you stepped in a beautiful secluded place in nature, with that same feeling, imagine that you are at the base of a wooded mountain, it is your own mountain, and there is no one and nothing that could harm you there, No one and nothing could disturb you there, that’s right ..... just visualize yourself in this amazing natural heaven, Imagine...beautiful high trees surrounding you, with some flowers and fungus at their base and..... as you look upward, you notice the branches rising towards the sun as if they are praising the light, and you see the rays of the light shining before the branches and the leaves, ......and you feel astonished by this view. you hear the songs of birds high in the branches, over your head, and you are enjoying the melodies of nature, you may also hear the whispers of the wind, against the soft leaves, and maybe a gentle splash of a nearby fountain. as you walk you feel the incline of your path as it begins to ascend, the gentle air against your face is amply moist, and you are deeply refreshed by the colorful combination of fragrances, the light fragrance of trees, the sweet perfume of the flowers. yes.... you may breath....and smell the green shadows, around you....... keep breathing deeply and slowly, and let yourself go and emerge even deeper within your feelings. Go ahead and touch a flower, feel the soft petals against your fingertips, and you may also want touch the base of a tree and feel the textures, and you feel like you resonate with this tree, and it feels as if you are communicating with this tree ......

Hypnotherapy Certification Class


Summer 2009

Hypnotherapy Certification Class

60 seconds silence. Module four: Deepening

As you walk in your safe and peaceful mountain, you find yourself standing in front of a clearing and in the middle of this clearing, there is a mystical fountain creating a nice calm stream. You notice that the flowing water has magical aura with hues of violet and light blue, a magical elixir creating a magnificent colorful stream. so you decide to take off your cloth and walk towards the stream naked and bare foot to bath, and you discover perfectly carved stairs into the water, there is exactly ten stairs, smoothly established and safe, and every time you step down these safe stairs, and plunge deeper into this calm elixir, your body draws in more and more serenity, and you become even more relaxed, and by the time you reach the last step and you are fully emerged in this magical water, you know that you have reached the deepest sense of relaxation merging with the deepest source of calmness and quietness....... so now, take your first step down to 10 and feel this warm water at your feet, 9 stepping down even deeper, 8 you are going deeper into relaxation, 7 the water is warm and calm and you are feeling even more relaxed, 6 the water emanates a soft current of relaxing energy, the deeper you go the more relaxed you become, 5 you feel the calming energy through your solar plexus, 4 you are feeling warmer, calmer and even more relaxed, 3 you are plunging deeper in this magical stream, 2 you feel the energy of the elixir on your whole body, and you are completely calm, balanced and quiet within yourself .... and 1 you are there, you are one with the source, emerged completely with the magical stream, absorbing the tender energy that floats within your whole body and healing all of your being.

60 seconds silence

Module five: Scripts

As you relax and enjoy the calm stream, let your excess fats dissolve into the magical water, and your body regenerates healthier cells, and you let all your excess weight dissolve in this magical stream, and you notice that your body is getting slimmer, yes, your body is getting slimmer, and your energy levels are getting higher, and it feels so good, yes, being slim and energetic feels so good, it is so good that you are going to take healthier decisions for your diet, so from now on you eat what‘s healthy for you, you like fruits and vegetables, grilled fish and chicken. You eat only when you are hungry, and this good feeling will increase more and more, as you keep your eating habits healthy and balanced. You know what is good for you have researched it and you know exactly what to put in your body. From now on you will protect your body, treating it with kindness and respect as if it were just like your precious innocent little child that you love, and who is totally dependent upon your care and protection. You want to keep your body in its perfect shape, in the shape that feels good for you, and you always want to increase that feeling don’t you? 60 seconds silence

Hypnotherapy Certification Class


Summer 2009

Hypnotherapy Certification Class

Module Six: Amnesia

With that amazing feeling, keep visualizing your perfect body and keep breathing naturally and effortlessly, and let this soothing energy float from the top of your head to the top of your toes, rejuvenating your cells at deeper levels, and at this point you may or may not remember all the thoughts and the visions that you had and that’s just fine, because the more you try to forget the harder it becomes to remember and the more you try to remember the harder it becomes to forget, and it seems like hard work to remember or to forget and you want to stay at ease and enjoy the pleasant feeling of being slim and healthy, so it doesn’t really matter if you remember to forget or forget to remember everything that I said, but there will be changes in the days to come.

30 to 60 seconds silence

Module Seven: Trance termination

And before you awaken, I would like you to reinforce every positive thought that you ever had about yourself, as you become awake you feel the urge to become active, and you can find yourself enjoying a healthy life. We all know that we can daydream, we can all sleep and we can all wakeup, even though we don’t know how we consciously do wake up, yet we do it anyway, so you can awaken now as I count to three: 1, gradually awakening, feeling energetic as if you just woke up from a peaceful nap. 2, maybe you want to stretch and yawn as you awaken. And 3 eyes wide open refreshed and full of energy.

Hypnotherapy Certification Class


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