My Fellow Veterans, Active Duty, And All Americans That Love And Care About Their Country

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July 24, 2009 My Fellow Veterans, Members on Active Duty and all Concerned American Citizens: Never in my wildest imagination, nor at any other point in my life, would I have ever conceived of drafting a letter like this to my fellow veterans and/or the American population at large. Even now, I cannot really believe that I am actually taking this action. These are desperate times however, and getting more desperate almost on a daily basis which dictates a need for desperate actions. We are currently living in times that requires that we pay attention (IT IS ESSENTIAL) for the well-being of your families, yourself, your country, and most particularly the way of life that you are familiar with. With the accelerated pace at which events are taking place, like never before in our history, its imperative that you know what those events consist of, study and heed the lessons that history has provided. As the saying goes 'If you fail to profit (learn) from the lessons of history, you are bound to repeat them’. The whole purpose of the current administration is to move legislation through so rapidly as to confuse the American public and keep them off balance in order to prevent any resistance, or public outcry, until it’s too late. You can see how well it has worked on your elected Congressman and Senators; they are proving to us that, just like the colonists we, in fact, are suffering once again taxation without representation. I write this letter because of my very deep concern for this country. I was born and raised in this country, as were my parents and all but one of my grandparents. I attended school, graduated from high school, and attended two Universities where I completed my degree thanks to the availability and provisions contained in the G.I. Bill. I entered the Army, voluntarily, immediately out of high school (avoiding the draft) doing what I perceived to be the right thing for my country. I served not only here in the United States but also in Vietnam as an Infantry Point-man and tunnel rat. Statistically, in this capacity, I was likely to have a short fifteen-minute life expectancy. I obviously beat those odds but it was not without its price. I am disabled now but that is not relevant to the purpose of this letter. I am simply attempting to reach my military brethren and the citizenry of this country in an attempt to wake them up before irreparable harm is done to this country and our way of life by the thinking and actions of this administration. Every member of the voting public, no matter what your station in life, needs to wake up to what is happening within our government and our country if we intend to continue having one. We are being subjected to, and witnessing, what seems to be a purposeful attempt to destroy our entire economy. This is an out and out conspiracy, contrived by a few select individuals, driven by greed and power hunger, that really don’t care about anyone else as long as they achieve their desired end. If these people didn’t carry the label of “government” in their operations, they could all be facing Federal prosecution as members of organized crime under the provisions of the ‘Rico Act’. The majority of people within this administration is guilty of breaking the law in one form or another, and of those that have not broken any


laws, for the most part, were failures in the area’s within which they were employed or the situation would not have deteriorated to this level. Let us just look at some facts that exist, of which most people are unaware. The real culprits in the money and power grab, other than the politicians were already aware of in our country, are a group of Wall Street power mongers from Goldman Sachs. The financial crisis was originated through the work of Senators Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank when they applied pressure to the lending community (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) to get creative in their financing and thereby allow a greater number of people to be able to acquire home ownership. This, in turn, established fertile ground upon which the unscrupulous Mortgage Brokers, Appraisers, and Real Estate Brokers along with their sales people, allowed their greed to run rampant by leading unsuspecting buyers, many of whom were trusting immigrants who allowed themselves to be lead down a path to their destruction. Even citizens, already homeowners, allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods on the advantages of re-financing for remodeling and home improvements. When the bubble burst and the mortgage industry suffered a meltdown, only those at the top walked away unscathed with their bonuses in hand. Then Henry Paulson, a former CEO of Goldman Sachs (but a heavy stockholder), a prominent Wall Street firm, appears on the scene and gets himself appointed to Treasury Secretary by George W. Bush. Now he has achieved the position of prominence needed to weave his web of deceit and corruption. He convinces Ben Bernanke of the Fed and other authorities; the only way to overcome this meltdown is to create a massive bailout program (TARP) to shore-up the lenders and the financial institutions suffering so badly because the housing crisis and loan default issues have taken such a heavy toll. Along comes Timothy Geitner the architect and overseer of the TARP funding. You know the tax evader and major player in the New York State financial system, the ones that allowed Bernie Madoff to flourish without investigation or oversight even when people were pointing out the apparent Ponzi scheme to them and the Securities Exchange Commission for at least five years before that house of cards fell. In Geitners case, the mere fact that he was involved in the drafting and oversight of the TARP bailout plan, regardless of his feeble attempts at dodging his tax responsibilities, should have disqualified him from the appointment to the Secretary of the Treasury under the Obama administration. In the Wall Street bailout, Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers, two of Goldman Sachs major competitors, were allowed to fail. However, the day after Lehman Brothers failed AIG was bailed out to the tune of 87 billion dollars, supervised, of course by Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs themselves received 12.9 billion dollars. Other major players, in this conspiracy to highjack the American taxpayers, are Lloyd Blankenstein, Neil Caskerry (spelling), Steven Friedman, Michael Pease, Mark Patterson and a couple of others, all former employees, Executives, and even partners of Goldman Sachs. These folks in turn form a holding company, which allows them oversight, and access to the TARP funds, the Fed, and the FDIC. However, because they are now a holding company they are not regulated nor monitored by the SEC. When one takes a good hard look at almost this entire administration, they are a group of morally bankrupt individuals in which character and integrity are drastically lacking.


Take this example, if you were swamped with debt in your personal life, as the majority of Americans now find themselves, do you seriously believe that going out and borrowing more money and getting further in debt is going to better your situation? Of course not! Just as more borrowing will not cure the indebtedness in your home; it will not cure the country’s financial problems either. Not even the legal counterfeiting which the government is able to do, will it bolster our economy. However, what it does do is open the door for power hungry groups or individuals to take advantage of the situation and force the population of this country into submission. What is wrong with this picture? Better yet, what is wrong with us that we have allowed such things to take place? These things have caused wars in the past. The Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, were fought over economies, civil rights, invasion of hostile conquering forces, fascism, greed and power hungry groups with a desire to achieve ultimate control. This is what we need to wake up to and start the fight to resist. Today, Barney Frank is right back at it applying pressure to the mortgage lenders once again to loosen restrictions, and get creative toward lending concerning the Condominium markets. Look at the examples past and present from which we, evidently, have not learned anything: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, and Kim Jong-il. Read some of the stories of those that have survived these regimes. That should give you a good idea of the direction in which this country is presently headed. Is this the future that you have planned for yourself and your families? Would you really like to the kind of lives that you read and learned about in your history classes in school? If this isn’t enough of a wakeup call then I suggest that you get a copy of George Orwell’s novel, 1984, and judge for yourself whether you recognize anything in that book that you might be experiencing today. This administration is conducting business just like a group of campus radicals without any regard for the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, or the Constitution. All three of which they seem to be totally disregarding, and are trying to eliminate. Our nations founders were far ahead of their time and in their understanding of the human animal and its nature, constructed a government, which has served us very well for the last 233 years and made us the most powerful nation on earth. We find now that we are under attack by those who come from resentful backgrounds having joined forces with the greedy and power hungry of society and together seem bent on leading us down a road to destruction. They may innocently feel that changes have to be made, but they have no plan as to how to go about implementing those changes or how to make their ideas work. Socialism is not the answer nor has it ever successfully worked for any country throughout history. It is simply an easy way out that those desiring the ultimate power over us are trying to convince and get us to believe. Their idea is to create a climate where groups of people with different lifestyles, different religions, different races, and different classes are divided and hostile toward each other and they continue to fuel those feelings widening the gap. Divide and conquer is what they are attempting to accomplish and will be successful unless we can once again embrace our differences and use them as our strengths to Unite us and ward off these evil forces which are assaulting


us and weakening our defenses. The bulk of the administration is comprised of unsavory individuals with no integrity that have spent a great deal of their life attempting to skirt the laws particularly in the case of income taxes. This, to me, equates to the crooks running the correctional institutions or the fox guarding the hen house. What are we as American citizens thinking? I did not cast my vote for this person to be President, but like many others, I was willing to allow the opportunity to observe and find out if the campaign rhetoric was just series of empty words and empty promises or was there finally some substance in what this candidate had to say. I wanted change as much as anyone did, after the disappointing performance of the last administration. Change is good thing. However, this is not the type of change that I had in mind and I don’t really believe that this was what the majority of our voting population had in mind when they went to the polls either. If we don’t do something and take some sort of action, we will be living under socialism, fascism, or worse yet a communist structured society. I do not know about you but I have lived in a ‘Free’ country and I will fight anyway I need to in order to keep it Free. When I entered the military, I swore an oath that meant a lot to me then and I am finding that it has an even greater meaning to me now: I, (state full name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. I am beginning to feel as though members of this administration are indeed domestic enemies of the Constitution and that causes me a great deal of distress. My resolve is, and shall always be, to fight against those that would destroy our way of life and the principles and values set forth by the founding fathers of this great nation. The guidelines they set down have served us well for the last 233 years and made us the greatest, most powerful, nation on the face of this earth. Perhaps this is why we’re under threat and assault now? This nation is not broken therefore the only fixing that needs to be done is to assure that the leadership is on the right course, and conforming to the will of the majority of people as intended or replace them (outlined in paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776). The Associated Press – Washington D.C. – Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. The transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama


(Soetoro); applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama’s detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya (as attested to by his Kenyan grandmother who stated she was present at his birth in that country) and there is no record of him ever applying for U.S. citizenship, this is looking grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama’s legitimacy and qualification to serve as President. When reached for comment in London, where he has been in meetings with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama smiled but refused comment on the issue. Britain’s Daily Mail has also carried the story in a frontpage article titled, ‘Obama Eligibility Questioned’ leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama’s first official visit to the UK. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama’s legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. This lawsuit claims Obama’s dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as President. Donofrio’s case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship or qualification to serve as President. Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama’s campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 States for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused comment on the matter. (Reprint from Associated Press Article) Personally, I wonder what it is that President Obama feels needs to be hidden from the general public, so badly, that he is willing to invest such a great deal of money, and so much legal protection. Could it be some of the facts stated here that are beginning to tarnish the armor that has protected this well-spoken, charismatic individual until now?


Shawn Hannity in a Fox News broadcast (evening, July 13, 2009) divulged that President Obama also has a criminal record which had never before been made public. It was stated that he committed a felony for which he received two years probation. There has been much controversy, since the latter days of the campaigning through the inauguration ceremonies, about whether or not Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen or not, and whether or not Barack Obama is qualified to hold the office of President? I know that prior to this last election through the present, there has been a double standard incorporated for the candidates. In the past, candidates had to produce countless documentation, tax records, medical records, etc. in order to prove in countless ways one’s worthiness to serve as President of the United States. However, that same standard was not applied to our current President, at any time throughout the campaign and even to the present. Can anyone give me a viable reason why this is so? Were the Democrats so anxious to get a candidate elected and turn the tables on the Republicans that they were satisfied to cast all caution to the wind? To the best of my knowledge, we know very little about this person, where he comes from, what he is like, what kind of character he possesses, and whether or not he has any integrity. I know that he was a community organizer with close ties to some very unsavory individuals like Rev. Wright, Rod Blagojevich, Dale and Wade Rathke (Acorn and SEIU founders), Tony Rezko, William Ayes, and many others. Almost all, of whom have very questionable character, convicted felons, or varying degrees of lawbreakers in one form or another. I must also be in the dark here about other, what I consider to serious questions concerning qualifications. It seems to me that the question of a birth certificate for Barack Obama was never really answered. I had heard that a Certificate of Live Birth had been presented, but if someone is standing in front of you with his or her eyes open and breathing, that’s about as valid as a Certificate of Live Birth, which carries no real basic information. The only other fact that I have heard of was that his grandmother on his father’s side, in Kenya, had stated that he was actually born in Kenya and that she was present when his birth took place. If there is no Birth Certificate, then it seems to me that the grandmother’s testament should stand as the official word, unless refuted by a more official document or testimony. However, if that statement were refuted, then that would make him a documented liar as far as one of his scholarships, from the Fulbright Foundation, is concerned. Secondly, why would an individual accumulate a $950,000.00 legal expense, to-date, to eleven different law firms in twelve different States in order to maintain non-disclosure of any personal information? Seems to me, to be an awful heavy price for maintaining your background secrecy. I would also like someone to tell me how, if it’s true, that Barack Obama could attend school, and then in college be able to freely travel in and out of Pakistan without holding a citizenship. I was under the impression that only citizens could attend school, enter, or travel in and out of that country easily. Consider the events of the last six and one half months and the speed at which they have taken place, then ask yourself why? Why did things have to be drafted and voted on without even being read? Do you perhaps feel, as I do, that this is taxation and debt burden without representation as was suffered by the original colonists? Isn't that primarily what stirred up the colonists and eventually brought about the Boston Tea Party,


the Articles of Confederation, and the Revolutionary War? There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason for this insanity. Unless, of course, the realization that only a short time exists to destroy this nation before the population comes to their senses and takes action to prevent it. I must admit, the poor individuals that I really feel sorry for are those who were duped into thinking that by supporting this administration, and volunteering their time and money (frontline Acorn and S.E.I.U. members) that some great reward lays ahead for their efforts. Wait until they wake up, come to their senses, and find out that the whole purpose was their being used to help someone else get to a point of ultimate power. What will happen to them when they find that no crumbs at all will fall from the masters table to feed them? Once their plan is accomplished, all the people (Acorn, S.E.I.U., and others) that helped shoo-in this administration will find that they’ve been wrung out and dropped on their heads. When they are no longer needed, by the conspirators they presently serve, they will find themselves suffering the same hardships and consequences as everyone else, finding themselves subservient to the “New World” or “One World” aristocracy. If you think that the idea of the masses serving a very few is antiquated or only happened in the Middle Ages, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Do you think that the population of China likes the situation they have? If so, why would there have been the incident we all watched in Tiananmen Square a couple of years ago? Do you think the citizens of the former U.S.S.R. were satisfied living under a communist, socialist fascist rule? If that were true, then why doesn’t that situation still exist? These things go against the laws of nature, and human beings simply cannot continue to exist with any production under such conditions. It does not work! Our politicians, since this administration took office, have been throwing around some very large figures when they talk about the deficit and our national debt. Let us, for a moment, take a good hard look at what these figures really mean. People have a hard time getting their heads around figures like ‘One Trillion Dollars’. Just what is ‘One Trillion Dollars’? One Trillion Dollars is more that the net worth of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, General Electric, and all of the oil companies that you can name, combined. Let me put it another way. If you could spend as much as you wanted, you could spend One Million Dollars a day, since the time Christ was born until the present, and you would still not have spent One Trillion Dollars. We have become so desensitized to the massive amounts these figures really represent that the politicians talk about it as though it’s nothing more than just a couple of bucks. These massive amounts will have us in the hole for many generations to come. In fact, when you figure in the compounded interest, you get to a point that, really is, truly unsustainable, as President Obama likes to say so much. I am by no means an expert on either political or governmental affairs. However, being a disabled Veteran, who loves my country, I do have the time to study, pay attention, and research current events, research people and their affiliations, and look back through history to compare actions, trends, and outcomes. I, like many others, had my apprehensions concerning the field of candidates offered by the prominent political parties. Personally, I hold no affiliation with any political party. I choose to be a non-


partisan because I find it hard to accept the complete philosophies of any of the present political parties that exist in our system. I am simply an American with only one agenda as a natural born citizen of the United States of America. Which is to remain free, safe, and be able to enjoy the liberties and justice for all that I was born into, have fought for, and until the events of the last ten years, felt assured that I would reach the end of my life with the peace and security our forefathers intended at the birth of our nation. Since serving my time in Vietnam, I have attempted to keep emotions out of my decisions regarding politics. I observe and listen to each candidate carefully to assure the verbiage remains consistent. Then I judge a candidate by the following: 1) Does this individual’s agenda fit into criteria I feel that I could support? 2) Is it delivered as though they truly believe it, from the heart, or does it appear to be someone else’s thoughts upon which he/she is trying to claim ownership? 3) When questioned objectively, and off the cuff, does the person have an immediate answer or do they hesitate, trip over themselves, hem and haw around or can they answer straight forward and with conviction? 4) Does this individual have the best interest of the people at heart, or is he/she serving a personal or party agenda? My primary apprehension concerning our current President came during the debates when he was asked questions, that had not been screened nor had been previously coached, he seemed to be off balance and uncomfortable searching for a way out. However, based upon the election results, I tried to chalk it up to inexperience and naïveté being aware of his education, experience and limited background. I wished him well and hoped, after the frustrations surrounding the previous administration’s blunders, his desire for change would be more in line with the principles upon which this country was founded, as he seemed to project, and could take advantage of the support he had garnered and turn us toward a more positive direction. I am almost positive that some of the role models he mentioned in his speeches (Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and John Kennedy) would hardly approve of the job that he has done or the direction in which he states he intends to take this country. They believed in a free country with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence as guidepost to be followed in continuing to strengthen this great country. It has been a relatively short period since the new administration has taken office and my apprehensions have turned to very deep concern. I am concerned for my country, concerned for its people and concerned for our future. The actions of this administration appear to be very deliberate, calculated, and designed to destroy this country, as we have known it, bent at very least on destroying our economy. There is nothing new about this concept however. Adolph Hitler incorporated the same tactics to collapse Germany and develop a framework he envisioned as a way to create a conquering empire. Mussolini primarily followed the same pattern in Italy. Stalin, in Russia, following the revolution to overthrow the Czar (note the terminology) in which a distressed economy needed to be rebuilt.


When I was younger, this country had leaders. Leaders that worked to make this country strong and it shone like a beacon to the rest of the World. A country that people throughout the World would, in many cases, give all they had to get here and be able to become an American citizen, and live free in concert with the laws of nature with the freedom to succeed or the freedom to fail as they chose. If the things that are taking place in this country today, had taken place during those times, the perpetrators would have been impeached and tried for treason. At present, we’re working toward becoming the leader of third or Fourth World countries. We’re advancing to the rear so fast that I am aware of some immigrants who worked to get here from Romania that are returning to Eastern Europe stating that they had been through this once (that’s what brought them here) and have no desire to go through it again. Ask yourself, ‘How much longer do you think your going to feel proud to be an American’? As Glenn Beck has said, “It’s a privilege to be an American”, would you like to have that sentiment whisked away? I have to agree with Lee Iacocca in his writing of the book ‘Where have all the Leaders gone?’ We need leaders in this country, people that have the gonads to do what needs to be done for our betterment, not simply guides to our destruction. The only thing this country has to apologize to the rest of the World for, are the results of our last three national elections. Our country is currently being prepared for presentation to our enemies on a silver platter. When that happens, remember the only one to blame is that person that you see in the mirror. The bureaucrats in this administration are drunk with power and spending money as though they had it. The last time I experienced anything like this was when I was new into college and would have to work my way through crowds gathered to listen to the various campus radicals and the incitement they were attempting to create. They have absolutely no idea how to incorporate the plans, which they say, is the change that’s needed, how to operate them if they are enacted, or what the eventual outcome will be from their establishment. This started with the previous administration, however, every plan that this administration has attempted to put into effect: a) Costs a phenomenal amount of money, which is going to increase your taxes, your expenses, or both. b) Takes away ever increasing human rights, which we once all enjoyed, c) In addition, they have absolutely no idea where things will end up. Unless their intention is to neatly, package us up and hand us over to any terrorist groups throughout the World who would take great pleasure in annihilating us. Stop acting like lemmings, people, and start looking at the facts for yourself! Under this administration, our country is being destroyed from within. This President received One Million Dollars from the firm of Goldman Sachs for his campaign. That made him the second largest receiver of funds from Wall Street right behind Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut.


Our President, Barack Obama, cannot be the Christian that he claims to be. If he were, he would have departed the Church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright long before the twenty years he attended there, listening to the hate and discontent that is so much the theme of Wrights preaching. He would not have forced the Greek letters appearing on the wall of Georgetown University to be covered with plywood when he appeared there to give a speech. He didn’t have to look at that wall display if he didn’t want to, but since it was the Greek spelling of the name ‘Jesus’, perhaps it pricked his conscience as it rightly should have. He also would not have bowed to the Muslim King of Saudi Arabia, I just don’t feel that he has been honest with the American public concerning his religious persuasion. I, for one, refuse, regardless of my disability, to give up my freedom and way of life without a fight. I am finally able to understand and relate to those famous words uttered by Nathan Hale, “Give me liberty or give me death”. GRC [email protected] P.S. If you think that any portion of this is scary, just wait until the Health Care Initiatives come through the Congress. If anything passes short of tightening up the waste, fraud and abuse before trying to rework the entire system, then we all need to contact our nearest psychiatrist and get some serious treatment and heavy-duty medication. I emphasize the medication because when it is finally realized what sort of debt we have allowed ourselves to be saddled with. We’ll all be looking for some serious means of escaping the reality of it all.


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