My After Life

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 8,055
  • Pages: 32
My After Life Bella's POV. By Stephanie Gonzalez

Chapter 1: Reminders Ever since we came back from Alaska, everything was perfect. Maybe too perfect. I'd been uncertain about my decision at the begging, but all my doubts soon left me, as I gradually grew to the love for my new family, more and more. Carlisle and I could talk for hours on end about the past; anytime from the 17th century to the present day was open for discussion, and did we take that advantage. He told me all about his life as a newly turned vampire, living with the Voturi, everything. I had forgotten most of it when my human life ended. He was like a father to me and that meant more then words could describe. I loved the feeling of being loved and secured by my new family. If Carlise was my father, then Esme was undoubtedly being my mother. She is always warm and kind and like my mother in every possible sense. She loved me as much as any of her other children, unconditionally. Along with gain parents, I also got siblings in the deal. I loved every one of them: Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie as much, if not more then any

biological sibling I could have had. Rosalie no longer was angered by my decision that set us apart when I was human. We both struggled to save my priority, my life, my daughter. Everyone was thrilled to see Renesmee happily growing. Renesmee or Nessie (which everyone calls her) grew up in an unbealiably rate. Just 1 years of life and she was already physically 9. That scared me. I wanted to be a mother for much longer and who knew when she would leave us. Jacob and his imprinting- thing was about to kick in a short few years. All the stories say that the imprinting object would feel the same way. Would my daughter fall in love with a werewolf? The same person I fell in love with once. It didn’t really matter I wanted her to be happy. And then there was Edward. Where to even begin with Edward. Just when I start to think I can't possibly love him anymore, I do. Just when I think he can't be anymore amazing, he is. There is no end to the depth of my feelings for him. He'd filled a place in me; I didn’t even know was empty and now I felt absolutely complete. Whole. I never even believed there was something out there as perfect as my dear Edward. Now he was all mine to keep. Forever. Edward then stepped through the doorway into our room and finally brought his lips to mine. I clutched myself closer to him; a parting my lips, reveling in the feeling of being able to kiss him freely, as often as I wanted. I looked back over my shoulder in fear, taking the opportunity. Alice often said that Edward and I were worst then Emmet and Rosalie, but I'd seen their public

displays of affection and I knew Edward and I weren't that bad... were we? I shrugged internally, who cared anyway? "Ehem " cursing silently, we looked up to find Alice sitting casually on top of our bed, surrounded by what could only be described as a mountain of clothing. Great speak of the devil and she will appear. I had not the faintest idea of what was going on, but apparently Edward did. "Alice," he began sternly. "Not now. There are still ten hours before school starts. There’s plenty of time for choosing what Bella's gunna wear later." School I'd almost forgotten about that, almost. I was starting school in the morning. We all were. All of our friends and Charlie had moved out of the state. Last time I heard of any of them was couple years ago; I heard Angela and Ben were engaged but that was it. It was good that my human friends left, starting their lives while I repeated mine. And I would start High School again. And how did I feel about that. Honestly, I didn't even know; it was both exciting and daunting at the same time. I'd been to High School already but this was my first time as a vampire. What worried me the most though- the terrifying notion in the back of my mind- was the prospect that I could slip at any moment. It had been almost 3 months since I've been around any human. My rapid ability to be comfortable around people was especially exciting for Alice who immodestly took It upon herself to take me shopping and fill my closet

with every piece of clothing, she deemed necessary, in short, everything unnecessary. Now there she sat among, what happened to be over half of those clothes, grinning at the obvious discomfort Edward and I were showing towards her plan of separating us. "Nope, no such luck. Put Bella down and go sulk about it somewhere else" commanding tone of her voice left no room for negotiation and Edward must have sensed this too because he huffed once in resignation before placing me back down on the floor, kissing me swiftly on the cheek and leaving the room. I frowned slightly before looking back at Alice, who was now rifling through the piles and throwing things at me. I caught a few before it was too much. "Alice, stop! One at a time please!" She smiled sheepishly, "Oh, sorry." She looked me over and proceeded to make me try on one outfit after another till she was finally satisfied with her efforts, three hours later. I stood surveying myself in the mirror, wearing low-cut flared black jeans, with a blue v-necked fitted t-shirt. I was also wearing 3 in. blue heels that matched perfectly. My hair fell loose, tumbling over my shoulders and down my back. All in all, I was quite happy with how I looked too. "Now, you are not to crease anything you are wearing," she stuck out her finger and pointed it like she was scolding a young child. She looked like she'd had experience-ordering people around before. I rolled my eyes at the thought of little Alice bossing anyone around. "So, no physical activity!" she glared reproachfully and I found myself nodding reluctantly. As ridiculous

as it was, it wasn't worth arguing with her, especially when her mind was so set on it. I wandered out the door and down the stairs to the living room in a flash. There I found Jasper sitting on the couch with Emmett at his side, watching a game on the brand new T.V. They gazed up at me both eyes were wide, just like Edwards where when I entered the room, but then they turned to face the game. Did I even have that affect on them, since I was beautiful now or was it something else? No matter the reason, I wouldn't say anything to my sisters. I flopped myself down on the couch beside Jasper. His body didn't respond to the movement. He gave me a sideways glance, raising an eyebrow "What are you so worried about?" Of course trust Jasper to pick up any shift in mood in any member of the family.

Chapter 2: Complications "I just... I just keep thinking that this might be a bad idea; I mean what if I slip? There are so many people and I only have been around a few. What if I can't control myself?" I groaned as the worries flooded out of my mouth, I let go, turning my head. "How many times do we have to tell you Bella? Nothing will happen and if it does- although it won't- there will be 5 of us to stop you before you do anything you might regret. Which won't happen anyway."

"But-" I couldn't tell them of the resent nightmares I've been having, when I couldn't sleep. Then I quickly became aware of a sudden pressure on my shoulder and a calming sensation spread through my body. "Cheater" I murmured in protest. "It's hardly what I call cheating Bella." "There you are love,” Edwards voice drifted into the room from the corner, where the door was, I then felt his movement above my head. I looked up to see him staring at Jasper, who must be telling him about my concerns, because a few seconds later, his gaze returned to me. "Bella nothing is going to happen at school. We'll all be right there with you and I will personally make sure you are not alone for a single second of the day." He smirked wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up to met his lips. "Ugh" Jasper frowned in frustration, storming out. Emmett looked away from us and murmured something I didn't understand, though Edward knew. I silently vowed to throw something at his head the next time we were in the same room. "Come with me, I'll make you forget your worries" the couch suddenly disappeared from bellow me, as I was lifted into the air. "Alice said no physically activity" I reminded him into the crook if his neck, whining. His chest rumbled with silent laughter.

"That's not what I meant,” he whispered quietly into my ear, before setting me down on something cushioned. I opened my eyes to find us sitting side by side in front of Edwards’s grand piano. Before I could say anything he began playing my lullaby. I laid my head down on his shoulder, as his fingers danced expertly across the keys and my worries flew away just as he said. We stayed there blissfully; loosing track of time until I heard three words that brought all my worries screaming back to me. "Time for school!" Before we left Renesmee woke up, "Have fun at school momma" she told me as I kissed her forehead and headed out the door. Nessie was very smart but still needed school, so she stayed home while Jacob and Esme managed to teach her there. I sat in silence the whole drive to school, staring at the trees, flying by at great speeds in a blur of colors. One hand was on the seat, with my fingers tightly around Edwards. Every now and then he'd give them a gentle squeeze of reassurance, but as much as I wanted it to be enough, it just wasn't. Our brothers and sisters were to travel in Rosalie’s car, to give Edward and I some time alone. Carlisle had taken care of registering me at the new High School build in Washington, which was just an hour away from Forks. Then I'd been drilled with questions to remember my story. I was Isabella Hale, Jasper and Rosalie's cousin, who'd come to live with them after my parents

died over the summer. They came here before and everyone already knew the Cullen’s. Edward, Alice and I were starting as juniors. While Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie were seniors. They have been through High School and University so many times, it was a routine for them but I had no idea what to expect. We drove into the school parking lot, between a old blue van that was similar to the one Edward first saved me from, and a white mercury. There were so many people around that for once the scent of blood was overwhelming. The students converged on the school buildings in groups chatting; this was no different then the first time I was here. I reached out for the door handle but before I could open it, Edward was standing there with his hand stretched out towards me and then he flashed my beautiful crooked smile. I couldn't help but smile back, as I put my hand in his and stepped out of the car. Rosalie had already parked her car nearby and I looked up to see them walking towards us, also heading towards the school. They stopped besides us, as the nerves started building in my stomach. Before they had a chance to get too extreme, Jasper put a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed instantly. Giving him a small smile and gripped Edwards hand a bit tighter. Rubbing his thumb lightly over the back of my hand, he turned to me. "Shall we". I took a hesitant step forward, making everyone assume I was over reluctant, and lead me into the school.

A sudden hush fell over the students as we walked past them. Was this how they always reacted to the Cullen’s? My ears picked up quiet whispers of conversations that answered my questions almost immediately. "Who's that new girl with the Cullen’s" "No she can't be with him, man she’s is HOT!" "Oh God, please let her be just a relative, I want Edward this year"

Chapter 3: Jealously I bit back a growl at those last words. Glancing towards the girl who'd spoken them, I saw a short girl with dark, curly hair, whispering in the ear of a taller girl with blonde hair. They both glared at me angrily as I shifted myself closer towards Edwards’s side. I guess he must have been listening to their thoughts, which must have been worse then what they said out load, because he wrapped an arm around my waist possessively, pulling me against his side as a low growl sounded deep in his throat. As Edward and I walked towards the office building, I realized that the others had turned to go in another direction. Stepping in the door, I noticed there was only one other person in the room, sitting at one of the desk with

papers scattered around her. She looked as if she were in her mid-twenties and wore a purple t-shirt that clashed with her bright red hair. The moment she lifted her head and spotted Edward, her heartbeat sped up and her face became flushed. He turned to me, rolled his eyes, before focusing back to her. "Ms. Reed, this is Isabella Hale. I was just wondering if we could pick up her schedule?" She sat there frozen, dazed, and staring at him dumbfounded. After about ten seconds she seemed to snap out of it and started rifling through piles of papers. When she finally found it she placed it on the table in front of Edward. I turned to leave the room, assuming we were finished but then Edward wasn't behind me. Confused I looked back to the woman; a smothering looks in her eyes. "Ms. Reed, do you think it would be possible to swap Isabella's third period. She is rather nervous about starting a new school, and doesn't know anyone, it would be better if I were in the same classes as her." Satin in silence for a moment, clearly dazzled. "Please" he breathed out, sealing the deal. She didn't stand a chance, under the full force of his eyes. Nodding once she barely choked out. "S-sure Edward." "Thanks Ms. Reed," now he swung around to take my hand and lead us out of the office.

"That’s not very fair you know" I smirked, as he looked down at me brow furrowed. "You'd rather not be in the same class, because I can always change it back." He moved to turn back but I kept a tight hold on his arm, pulling him after me, before he could get away. "Don't even think about it,” I laughed, clutching onto his arm as if my like depended on it. Smiling, he disentangled it, wrapped it back around my waist instead. "I don't know if I like you dazzling her like that. I wouldn't want to imagine what she was thinking, looking at you like that." "Me, you have no idea what was going through the mind of every male student in that parking lot this morning. Now I have to keep you by my side all day, to make sure none of them try anything." "Awww. Feeling worried I'll dump you for a little human boy, Eddie" I giggled uncharacteristically poking him in the chest. His eyes darkened slightly at the thought, before he halted me in my tracks, wrapping the other arm around me, as well turning me around to face him. Sooner then I could ask him why he'd stopped, he pulled me up to him, kissing me once, quickly and forceful. When he pulled away I blinked dazedly, my knees weak as an arrogant smirk crossed his face.

"Now they know to keep away. You're mine." I twisted my head to see several boys stalking off in the opposite direction, grumbling angrily under their breaths. "Ehem" why did everyone feel the need to interrupt us when were together. "Mr. Cullen, need I remind you that we have strict rules about PDA at this school... and couldn’t you be getting to class now?" to our left stood a tall balding man with glasses. "Yes Sir." Edward dropped his hands from my waist before holding onto me and towing me away. "Even he was having lustful thoughts about you." He whipped out under his breath clearly exasperated. "There’s no way I'm leaving you now," I laughed at his jealously as he dragged me along. We went to our next class and quickly took our seats in the back. The windows were open, which made it easier to handle the temptation and burning in my throat. It was foolish to think I couldn't past the day, like every one said, I was sure I could bear it. The most frustrating thing was knowing every single person was staring at me. All the girl students looked at me very angrily, with envy, maybe because I was holding hands with the most perfect vampire. If not for that reason, all the boys’ heartbeats were racing as they looked at me. Edwards’s hands tighten on mine and he looked as if he was trying very hard not to kill anyone.

Chapter 4: Endings... We walked into the cafeteria, which was what could only be described as a hive of activity with people buzzing around like bees. A long line of students stood waiting to purchase their lunch and I immediately spotted Emmett and Jasper standing in the line. Before I could ask why they were buying human food, Edward had joined the end of it, taking me with him. I kept silent as he paid for a selection and took us over to a table in the corner where the rest of our family now sat talking quietly. I smiled brightly at the sight of them, almost forgetting discretion and running to them at vampire speed. “How’s your first day been, Bella?” Alice asked, grinning just as happily. “Alright, I guess." I replied “I might have to kill a few of the teenage boys in this school before the end of the day.” Edward murmured, eyes were dark again as his eyes flickered around the room furiously at the table of boys. Emmett chuckled loudly, “Ah, welcome to our world, little brother. It’s time you had someone drooling over your girl,” he threw a big, muscled arm around my shoulder. Edward shot him an angry look, “at least you don’t have to hear what they’re thinking!” This time it was Jasper’s turn to snigger. “Yes, but I, on the other hand, can feel their emotions…you might wanna keep her by your side. Those are some lustful boys.”

My possessive, insecure husband looked around the room angrily before pulling me into his lap. “Oh, real mature, Edward,” Rosalie rolled her eyes at his actions. I, however didn’t mind, resting my head on his shoulder, I snuggled closer to him.

The day was slow but finally ended. Edward left me alone a couple of yards away from his car, while he talked to Ms. Reed again. I didn’t mind much; I just walked to Edward’s Volvo when one of my classmates, who'd followed me all day, intercepted my path. “Hey, how are you, Isabella? I’m John.” I felt like asking him if I honestly cared who he was except a creepy stalker, but I kept my harsh words to myself. “Umm…it’s Bella,” I still flinched slightly upon hearing my full name. I’d been telling the teachers to just call me Bella all day. “Sorry, I'm just relieved to have made it through my first day.” I forced a smile onto my face, conscious of Edward waiting at the car, his face murderous. John laughed, “How do you like Forks?” “It’s nice,” keeping my answers short I hoped he’d get the message that I didn’t want to talk but he just kept going. He was so persistent! “I was just thinking maybe I could show you around some time,” he offered and I could feel a storm heading his way. “Well my boyfriend has lived here for two years, so he is going to be showing me around, I think…” “You’re boyfriend?” Was this boy oblivious to everything around him?

“Yes, her boyfriend.” Edward now stood with his hand on my hip, glaring at John. I leant into him so the boy could finally get the message. Comprehension dawned on his face as he scrambled for something to say. “Oh…right. Hi Edward. Gotta go. See you around, Bella.” He stuttered, practically running to his car without waiting for a response. Edward was certainly an intimidating presence when he wanted to be and right then he looked extremely pleased with himself. “Must you scare the little children so?” I teased, dragging him to the car. “Only when they start having thoughts I don’t approve of,” the angry growl was back in his voice. “Let them think what they want. The are only thoughts. Not like any of them will come true,” I wrapped my arms around his neck, gazing up into his eyes. He growled again, probably at the thought of their fantasies actually happening. Looking at me again his expression changed for a split second, then he suddenly pushed me up against the car so hard that it creaked for a moment, his body pressed up against mine; so close I could feel his breath on my lips. Then several things happened simultaneously. A scent carried on the breeze and hit me like a slap in the face, so hard that it took less than a second for my hunter instincts to take over: the scratchy feeling in my throat, the excess flow of venom in my mouth and the tightening of my muscles, ready to spring. This was a scent unlike anything I had ever smelt in my life, and I needed it.

Chapter 5: Nightmare My eyes snapped open, searching desperately for the human with the best blood I had ever smelt. I could almost taste it. Then I saw him. A boy who looked about eighteen with black hair and tanned skin. I broke away from Edward, prepared to pounce. “Edward!” The faint sound of Alice’s voice barely registered in my mind. I was going to hunt, and he was coming closer. Without another thought in my mind, I attacked. Before I had gotten a step away I felt a sharp tug on my arm. Someone was stopping me. A snarl ripped from my throat as I swung my arm backwards to make them let go. The sound of a breath being exhaled sharply as my arm connected with a body. But sooner than I could try to get away again, my arm was caught. I struggled desperately, but they wouldn’t let go. “Bella, stop!” A voice was sharp in my ear, a voice I recognized. But I didn’t care, I fought. “Bella! Please!” The pleading in the voice was tugging at my heartstrings but I couldn’t reign in the monster. “We have to get her out of here! People are starting to notice!” Alice’s voice rang with authority. Straight away strong arms locked around me from behind. I could no longer move. The person carried me away from the smell, opening the car door and pulling me in. I was sitting in the middle with

Emmett and Edward on either side, holding my arms. They didn’t understand! I needed it! Four doors slammed. “Jasper, get us out of here!” Emmett growled as Edward kept his arms wrapped around me. With the screech of tires we were off, out of the school. As the distance between the human and myself increased everything came crashing down on my shoulders like the weight of the world. “Oh my God!” I cried, breaking down, sobbing into my hands. I barely felt Edward’s arms wrapped around me, comforting me as he whispered that everything would be all right in my ear. But it wouldn’t be all right. Why was he holding me? I was still a hunter. I wasn’t strong enough. I’d nearly killed someone. Before the car had come to a complete stop in front of the Cullen mansion, I had miraculously managed to slip out of Edward’s steel grip and made a run straight for the forest surrounding the meadow. The clear sound of Alice’s voice sliced through the air, “Edward, go after her. She needs you.” But he didn’t need to be told twice. The sound of his light footsteps sounded in my pursuit. I wasn’t planning on going far, if that is what they had worried about. I just needed some space. Once under the cover of the trees I sank down onto the forest floor on my knees, not caring about the mud that now soaked through my jeans to my skin. Burying my head in my hands, I sobbed. Not from sadness but from frustration, anger directed only at myself. Why couldn’t I be stronger?

Strong enough to control myself against the bloodlust. I needed to be stronger, for my family, for Edward for my own daughter. What if it was too late? What if I blew everything, the secret just today, not only would I die but not their lives too. Only one word came to my mind then-Volturi

Chapter 6: Frustration As if it couldn’t get any worse, Edward came up from behind me. “Bella what’s wrong”, God Edward, he would have the nerve to tell me what’s wrong. I knew he was just trying to calm and comfort me but I couldn’t take it anymore with his forgiveness. “Edward you know exactly what’s wrong” I didn’t look up to him but gazed over the dark green trees that were filled with mystery as the whisper of the wind rumble through the leaves. It felt like I was staring into my own reflection. I was filled with anger and confusion; I didn’t know what to do next. It must be very difficult for Jasper right now, burning with my emotions. It wasn’t completely knowing that I almost attacked my family to kill this human boy but why did he’s blood have to be so desirable. Why was it just me and no one else that felt the need of having his mouthwatering blood tracing down my throat? I could never critize Jasper again or any other vampire for losing control, we couldn’t help it. “Bella…” I still didn’t look at Edward but then felt him come closer to only lift my chin forcing me to see he’s golden eyes. I couldn’t see him I was a filthy, selfish monster who didn’t disserve his love. “Isabella”, now I knew he wasn’t playing any games, Edward was serious; he rarely called me by my full name.

He continued to look at me with confusion in his eyes “Bella don’t ever think like that again. You disserve everything I can possibly give you and more. You shouldn’t be so upset about this, so you lost control for a second. No one is disappointed or mad but more impressed. You reached a level of self-control that takes decades for a regular vampire to reach. I don’t know why this human’s blood was so tempting to you but well speak to Carlisle about it. Don’t worry love, you’re so unique and special it surprises me that you’re barely a newborn. Now please stop blocking your mind, I can’t read you love.” Edward didn’t like it when I blocked him; I usually only do it to keep secrets. I guess he was right about the situation. Though, it didn’t feel right to leave it as is. I’m sure he wouldn’t want me to go to school but I’ll prove that I can handle it. I’ll feed tonight and go tomorrow to school like nothings wrong. I’ll be just like them and go through all the temptations of every student. I am not about to give in my strength for some human boy I didn’t even know. I’ll be braver if I can and use all the power I could possibly get. “Bella...” “Sorry” I mumbled as I worked against my shield, thriving it out of my surface into the air as a clouded part of air went along with the mysterious trees. “Ok let’s go check up on Nessie” I thought, he smiled my favorite crooked smile and grabbed me by the waist to pull me in a kiss. His lips were warm and soft as he traced my own. His smell was so divined and sweet something I always knew, even as a human.


I saw myself sitting with Edward as he drove at an unbelievably fast rate. He looked at me and smiled and I did as well. We stopped at my old house by Charlie’s pick-up truck when he came over and gently put his lips to mine as carefully. He pulled back as I took a breath and inhaled his sweet taste. “Be safe,” he whispered as I opened the door to his Volvo and stepped out.

“You remember” Edward whispered as he pulled away to look at me. “I guess…” I turned to the forest and saw air crumble against the trees and in a blur it crashed against me tightly. “I still need to learn to control my shield better.” “Don’t worry your capability is still amazing” Edward said as he shifted me of my feet and ran while carrying me bridal style. “You know, I can run by myself, Edward even faster then you can well most of the time”. He chuckled but restrained to let me down and leaped over the water running thoroughly in the river. “Ohh you wish honey, but I preferred to have you close in my arms like this,” Edward ran his finger tips along my arms “then to have you freely running away from me.” Then he smiled and put me down as Alice came looking like a school bookworm seeing her science fair project being destroyed by the jocks. “Bella cant you ever listen, I thought we agreed on no physical activity and what do you do, get covered in dirt and crease everything.” Alice would care about my outfit more then what just happened in school today. We walked over to her as Jasper came through the doors. He looked disturbed but gazed at me and smiled; Alice just grabbed my arm and pulled me by Jasper up to my room. Edward just stared at Jasper while I left to my hell.

“Well…” I said but was caught off guard as Alice said “thanks for not killing me today.” “What what” I mumbled, “now lets get you something more suitable to wear.” “No please, please-” “Bella you’re so weird you know it’s just a dress” “no it’s not its a thousand dresses.” I looked over her to see that someone remolded my entire closet. Alice was amazing with the planning but she’s gone to far now. My closet was double its size; I gazed at the million dresses and shoes that were now mine. “I saw a new trend yesterday and I wanted the Cullen’s to be the first to wear it. Here just put this on” she handed me a simple but elegant dress with patterns on the edge that curved to the end. It was beautiful but just not my style. “Bella you’re so beautiful now so embrace it” Alice cheered. “Yea sure” I said sarcastically while she rolled her eyes. Can’t tell Alice what to do as always. “Where’s my daughter” I asked. “Jacob beat you to it; he took her to the movies with Seth a couple minutes ago.” “Hey umm… well change then come done to the table, Carlisle wants to discus the incident that happen, yeah you know” Alice smiled slightly but quickly left. I couldn’t imagine how I was to look as a vampire in action. I am more human like than anyone else. I looked in the mirror and like most times I was glad of how I looked. I might even beat Rosalie in a contest for best looks. To even be considered beautiful when I was human, it would have blown me away. Now I was honestly good enough to be with my angel Edward. I glanced at the door as I heard loud arguing down below. “You can’t say anything.”

“But… it might be too dangerous she should know.” “What did I just say Jasper?” It was Edward and Jasper discussing something and who shouldn’t they tell, what danger, I was beyond confused. “You better not say anything to anyone then, now go, Bella and the others will be here shortly.” “I think I’ll stay here with everyone else.” “Fine just be careful now ok we don’t know what were up against lets just hope it isn’t to late.”

Chapter 7 Discussion

What did they mean to late? What was occurring? I quickly shut my mind from any chance of Edward reading my thoughts. I needed to ask him about whatever in the world he was saying. I stepped out quietly and headed straight down the stairs Not realizing the step’s I was taking I bumped into Jasper as he headed down the hall. “Bella, I thought I felt someone’s emotions” he seemed worried but then delighted as his eyes trailed down my dress. I felt uncomfortable but then the feeling quickly vanished and I wanted to go with Jasper. All of a sudden like he was leading me towards him and I couldn’t help it. Was he manipulating my emotions so I’d walk with him? Where were the others, maybe Alice knows something. Again I was the only one clueless. Edward was standing by the dinning room table and appeared to be out of sight staring at the large glass window. He then turned, facing me in a very stressed, pester manner. “Bella I thought you left with Alice to search for the

others.” Edward informed. Jasper had then came up behind me with the exact same expression as Edwards, filled with worried and pressure. Something was very wrong, it just seemed entirely odd. Reluctantly, I sat at my seat and watched Jasper sit down; he looked rather charming today. I shrugged, wait why should I notice how he looks, I guess its okay right Jasper is practically like me brother. Without removing my shield, Alice following Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme walked in. “Well” Carlisle first stated “It seems something happened today at school, would you like to explain son, Alice didn’t say a word.” Edwards sat straight up and slowly mumbled for the correct use of words. “Today in school Bella was waiting at my car as some human boy crossed here path. I wasn’t there in time and Alice harshly stopped Bella from ending the male’s life. However, she was beyond controlled then I have ever seen before, hardly captivating anyone’s attention to there divine scent before. Of course tell neither my horrible abominable behavior nor my attention but still I attacked and he ends it with a complement. My feelings came back and rushed to me with guilt, embarrassment, and most of all hurt ness only to myself it even seemed worst when others thought of it. Carlisle simplify nodded in understood as Esme gave me pity looks. Why, why is this worst then I predicted, now I truly and most definitely felt guilty.

“What do any of you think of the situation, what could have caused Belle’s perfect control to dissolve the thirst for humans suddenly fade with this particular one.” Alice tilted her head and opened her mouth when Emmett joined in the conversation. “Well dad com’on Bella like never drinks from humans so she problay pulling off some sick joke as revenge for what I did to her last time.” Of no he did not just mention the huge prank HE did on me last week. “Or maybes she’s gone mad I mean come-on girls gotta have some chocolate and all vampire chicks cant have any so that’s problay it maybe she’s has two talents, shielding and PMSing” ha, he snorted. Don’t lose your temper, I reminded my self I was just about to grabbed him when Alice rolled her eyes and started where she left off. “Anyways, well did anyone realize how Bella acted as she attacked that human? She felt his slight scent and just wanted it. Like an actual need of something no one could control her. It’s the exact same thing with Edward. Edward could barely control himself around human Bella, as she was his singer. The human whose blood sang to him. This may be the same thing only with Bella.” Everyone thought but quickly catches up. “Your right” Esme stated. “Of course, how did I not see it” Carlisle whispered though I could easily analyze his words.

I stared at Edward waiting for his response, as always he thought in silence. We both have sensed the rare occasion of having a singer. Unique blood that calls for as in such a hot ash able burns. It’s not far from incorrect maybe I did have a singer. I decided to pitch in “well I guess this is what happened, but I never thought the possibility of actually feeling of having this well, you know Edward” he smiled and I knew it was time for the most important talk. “What will happen then” Rosalie clarified? “Maybe if its best Bella shouldn’t go on to school.” what I could be strong enough this couldn’t be happening; Edward at school without me. “Bella” Edwards’s hand tightly knotted with mine “don’t worry just for a couple of days it should help much exactly like how it happened with me.” Okay, I could stay with Nessie before Jake took her away for some werewolf vacation planned out.

We worked out the entire schual for the next 7 days. I was to stay in another home owned by the Cullen’s in Alaska with Jasper while everyone went away to school. It didn’t seem that bad I would just have to get out of town to avoid anything. I’d missed Nessie and Jake as long as my family. Even though it was just a week, it seemed like eternity. Edward and the other’s went out to hunt but I’d been thirsting at all especially conceiving the attraction I felt for the boy’s blood I only wanted him. “Mmmm” I moaned, what would it be like having his sweet, delightful,

soothing blood running down my throat. Wait stop, the more I thought about it the more it burned. I didn’t even realize Jasper was here until he cam up behind me. Without hesitation I pulled a seat out for him. He smiled at me and sat down. Staring in his beautiful golden eyes, he spoke. “Bella you shouldn’t be too difficult about this and I know what your thinking but I understand. I feel your emotions too. Its best that I go along and I also hate the feeling of not being strong enough I get it. I’m the reason Edward left you from the start and I’m the one who always loses control. Everyone is always aware of me anytime a human comes but I know I can handle it they just don’t trust me.” He looked over to the night sky and the full dreading moon. “You’ll be okay,” he lightly said as wind blew past our way. My hair came falling in front of my face as his hand lightly touched my face pulling the clench of hair back in place. It felt like I was just electrified. It almost stung were his touch left off but in such a pleasure; I wanted to feel him again. I suddenly came over him but cuddled back in place. What was I thinking, I almost sat on top of Jasper and I wanted to feel him? Did I need a wake up check, how stupid I probably missed Edward too much; he had been gone for over an hour? Though without thinking I looked back to Jasper he seemed quite happy at whatever he was thinking or more like imagining. Yet, I couldn’t stop or help myself it felt so good that slight touch he made me feel, cured and dissolved all my worries in such a way Edward didn’t. He is such a kind

brother, but it didn’t feel right using that word brother. I didn’t like it but why.

Chapter 8 Admiring Hours had past by. We didn’t speak the following night but I knew I had to get rid of my naughty, unruling thoughts. I’m with Edward and I love him I reminded myself. The grand house was extremely large and it was very quiet surrounded by dozens of acres. Trying to distract myself from the possibilities of anything happening with Jasper wasn’t easy. To my guard, there was a black, shined piano and I sat down to play. Edward taught me how once I was a newborn, and then I soon learned. I settled my fingers down gently, making melodies, I barley knew what I was playing. Most of the time I would just blackly stare at the forest and the dark sky. Hours still pasted and I yet didn’t hear anyone or anything just pure, dead silence. I wonder if Jasper went out to hunt. What could he have possibly been thinking? I knew he sensed my confused emotions earlier. Hardly thinking straight, I searched around, finding other ways to distract myself. I still needed to find out what Edward and Jasper were discussing earlier. Edward had refused to let me alone with him before I left off so I couldn’t even say a word. Running my fingers down the staircase I felt Jasper approach behind me.

He stared down but then quickly escaped my view and ran into the next room. Did he sense my undeniable, awkward feelings for him? I couldn’t explain it to myself. All I thought about was Edward but whenever Jasper came around I could only focus on him. Whether it was how remarkable gorgeous he was or what he was wearing it was always him. I didn’t know what to do now especially considering my issues back at Washington. I’d didn’t want to face the pain of being in school again. I also missed Nessie and Jacob. He took her to some sort of traditional wolf gathering party in Idaho, which surprisingly I was willing enough to let her go. So now I was alone, in an enormous, deadbeat house with Jasper. My feelings were sort of restrained. I’d see what was possible to be done about this but I decided at this very moment I would stop avoiding him and my stupidities. I followed Jasper’s sweet, honey like scent up his and Alice’s bedroom. Walking at human speed I knocked at his door very slightly. I glanced down but then was completely extinguished as I was pulled in and flew in the air, blanked out. Then I soon realized what was happening. Jasper was holding me above him and crushed his lips on mine. His lips were so very sweet, luscious and filled with long lasting pleasure I didn’t know how to react. Without stopping I pulled my arms up and wrapped them around his neck. He had then pinned me against the wall and I slide my mouth open to feel

his soft, wet tongue. I couldn’t think straight or control any reaction inside myself but then I realized it. What was I doing, kissing Jasper? This was so very wrong in words that could not describe. I quickly stopped the kiss and loosened Jasper’s hold on me. When he noted my confusion I ran at full speed in another direction. What had just happened? I just made had an entire make out session with my brother. If not worse my husband’s brother. Not to mention I hadn’t been thinking about Alice. “I... Ahh…Err!!!” I growled into the open air. What had just happened, I still couldn’t believe what we just did? Didn’t I go to Jasper to start a friendly, appropriate conversation? How did I end up on the edge of a new bitterness situation? I finally stopped bounding out and just panicked in the center of my thoughts. Did I honestly fervor Jasper’s kiss. All these emotions were they all leading myself to Jasper without even fathoming it. I was crushing on Jasper for the past couple of days without realizing it. I was also shielding his thoughts from Edward so he didn’t know about us. Us, Jasper and I. “Bella,” Jasper’s voice came cross me in seconds. No what did he think of me now. I turned around to face him. “I’m sorry Jasper… for running out like that”. He shook his head back and forward, “no, no Bella I thought this was what you wanted.” He then placed my hand in his. “This is what you have been feeling darling.” No, I thought he did know everything I was going through.

Jasper had then cupped my hand and pressed himself closer to me. “Isabella” he lightly said my name and leaned forward. “I feel the exact same way about you,” he breathed and I felt his warm breath across my face. I should have backed away. I should have told him he was incorrect and that I love Edward. But I didn’t. I let him press his lips to mine again and this time I fully enjoyed it. Without hesitation he lifted me up while I carried my legs around his waist. We settled in this position as he ran off back to the house. Not realizing the speed, we were back up the second floor as he opened the door to another room. He then laid me on the soft, white bed, which was used for decorations considering we don’t sleep. Jasper came up on top of me, sending kisses all along my neck but stopped when he came across my breasts. He looked up to me and waited for my response. “Bella I’m sorry, we shouldn’t do this I… I just couldn’t help myself” he tightens his hold, “your so beautiful.” I wanted this so bad I couldn’t even align how much I wanted for this to happen. Bella I called to myself, remember Edward and I tried but couldn’t do so. Jasper was all I wanted at this very moment in time and we were here together, and he felt the same way I did.

“Yes Jasper” I stated and pulled his lips back to mine. He then cupped my breasts and stroked me up by my stomach all until my thighs. He then settled and without warning ripped, shattered my clothes in pieces. This wasn’t too surprisingly. However, it was the fact that Jasper seemed so eager for this. I couldn’t remember who I was or what I did but Jasper was right in my arms, filling me with passion I couldn’t deny. It was right then I figured it out. I’m in love with Jasper and nothing could stop this now. He then tilted me up as he removed his pants and shirt. Jasper was extremely breathtaking. Jasper smiled as he approached me and we tangled up together. “I love you Bella,” he moaned and I soon knew this was going to be a very long week.

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