Life After

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  • Words: 14,540
  • Pages: 89
Life After

By Courtney Torres


ACT ONE DARKNESS CARA (V.O.) Can you remember before the storm? The sky is incandescent blue, glowing with the power of the sun. The world around you, full of color and buzzing with life; flowers in bloom, grass green. And then the storm. Without warning, drowning everything – the sun, that sky, all the life that was there before. Life as you knew it: over. When the storm ends, you wallow in the memory of what used to be, too blind to see the glow of the after-storm, when all things around you are more beautiful than they were before. Can you remember? FADE IN: INT. AFTERNOON ONE YEAR AGO Dark college lecture hall where students sit, there are few empty seats. There is a movie screen in the front of the hall showing slides of artwork. A casually dressed PROFESSOR CARA WEARY, early thirties, attractive and confident Black woman; sits behind a slide projector in the middle of the hall. CARA Can anyone tell me about this work? STUDENT 1 Pan and Syrinx by Sebastiano Ricci, Rococo Era, early 18th century. CARA

3 Good.

And how do you know?

STUDENT 1 Ricci’s art focuses on the relationship between his male and female subjects. He was also known to delve into expressions of myth and mysticism. Here, in this piece, we see Syrinx, the mythical nymph, being pursued by the Greek god, Pan. STUDENT 2(JEN) But Ricci is dramatic. In his real life, he spent his days chasing love and running from the law. And he tends to infuse the passion and playfulness of his real life into his work. His paintings breathe. Pan longed for Syrinx, and Ricci captured his desire for her. This piece… as beautiful as it is seems to lack the same emotion. CARA wraps both her hands around a cup. cup to her lips.

She lifts the

CARA So what’s your argument? CARA sips from her cup, leaving the cup to her mouth. JEN (O.S.) I venture to say that this is not an image of the authentic Pan and Syrinx. This painting is hallowed, void of the life that Ricci loved and transferred into his art. The artist who did this… has only imitated that life. CUT TO: INT. LATE AFTERNOON

4 CARA locks the door to an office; the door has a sign that reads: “Dr. CARA Weary, Art History”. Wearing a backpack, CARA walks down the hall and out of the building, then scampers down the stairs and begins to run. She runs on the tree lined street in front of the college, then uphill through a small shopping district. Something in the front window of an art studio catches her eye, she stops and looks. There is a distinctive, man standing next to her also looking through the window. Their eyes meet, they both smile. CARA begins to run again. It is raining.

The sun begins to set.

She runs up the driveway of her house, into the back door leading to her kitchen. Her clothes are wet. In her kitchen she finds her friend MONICA, early thirties, moving between the stove and refrigerator preparing food; and CARA’s daughters, EMERSON, 2, sitting in a high chair near the table; and KEELY, 4, running towards her with a piece of paper in her hands. INT. EVENING KEELY (Excited) Me and MONICA painted a picture. See? KEELY holds up a picture of a horse. CARA Wow! What a beautiful picture. this a horse? KEELY Uh-hum. CARA (kneeling)


5 Well she’s absolutely gorgeous. We should give her a name. What should we call her? (thinking) Oh, I know. Let’s call her Puddin’. KEELY laughs. Puddin’? Mommy!

KEELY That’s a silly name

CARA You don’t like it? KEELY Yes. I like it. Okay, she’ll be Puddin’. Mommy, does this mean I am an artist, like you? CARA pulls KEELY close to her. CARA My dear, you are absolutely an artist. You’re nothing like me, I am an art teacher. (to MONICA) Those who can’t “do”: teach. CARA directs her daughter towards the refrigerator. CARA (CONTINUED) Now you go hang that wonderful piece of artwork on the refrigerator so everyone who sees it knows the great artiste, KEELY Weary, lives here. KEELY giggles as she posts her picture on the refrigerator. CARA stands next to MONICA and nudges her with her elbow. They both smile. MONICA BEN is upstairs getting dressed.

6 CARA (grunts) I guess that means I should, too. CARA grabs an apple off the counter and takes a bite from it as she exits the kitchen. CARA (CONT’D) Thanks for watching the girls, MONICA. CARA smiles as she heads out of the room. MONICA (yelling to CARA who is now out of the room) Yeah, yeah – just get the names and numbers of all the men who look good in a tux, and we’ll call it even. CUT TO: INT.EVENING BEN WEARY, attractive white man in his thirties is in the bedroom he and CARA share. He is shaving, chest bare, with a towel wrapped around his waist. CARA walks in. BEN Hey baby, how was your day? It was a day.

CARA How about yours?

BEN Same-o-same-o… I missed you. CARA hugs BEN from behind and kisses his back.

You did?

CARA How much?

7 CARA moves around to BEN’s front side to hug him. BEN This much. He kisses her lips. BEN (CONT’D) This much. He kisses her ear. BEN (CONT’D) This much. He kisses her neck. BEN (CONT’D) And this much. He kisses her between her breasts and walks her over to the bed. He lays her down. BEN (CONT’D) Do we have time for me to tell you how much I missed you? CARA Plenty. They grab one another and kiss passionately on the bed. Above the headboard, framed and on the wall, is a picture from their wedding; CARA in her gown, BEN in his tuxedo, feeding one another cake.

INT. NIGHT A ballroom filled with formally dressed people. It is the Annual Oakland Police Ball. Round tables are situated in the back of the room and the dance floor in front faces a band. There are couples on the dance floor dancing; CARA and BEN are among them. The song ends, the party guests applaud; there is laughter and merriment throughout the ballroom.


DEREK, thirties, black man with a strong build; is standing next to BEN. DEREK (joking) You know, I forget you’re white until you get on the dance floor. BEN Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you. They all laugh. BEN, DEREK, CARA and DEREK’S DATE all walk off the dance floor. BEN (CONT’D) Oh, I got rhythm, baby, but I have to be really particular about when and where I use it. BEN leans over and nibbles CARA’S ear; she blushes and lays her head on his shoulder. CARA Yeah, don’t sleep DEREK, my baby has no problem keeping time when it counts, and believe me, the dance floor is not the only place it counts. DEREK’S DATE DEREK, you might want to get some pointers from your boy. DEREK (Joking, to date) Hush woman, I told you I was drunk that night. (to BEN) Well, call me next time - it counts so I can catch the magic show. BEN

9 Naw man, you’ll just have to take our word for it. BEN embraces CARA. They’ve now walked the length of the room and stand near the exit at the coatcheck. BEN (CONT’D) (to DEREK) Come on Cinderella, get your coat. We have an early call. BEN and DEREK hug by grabbing hands and pulling each other close, ending with a pat on the back. DEREK Alright man, in the morning? BEN In the morning, Bro. BEN and CARA walk out of the building. When outside they walk down a long flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs BEN hands a ticket to a VALET. The valet runs off. BEN pulls CARA close and kisses her on the lips. gazes into her eyes with a grin on his face. CARA What? BEN I love you. I really do. But sometimes the monotony of our life, after all of these years – it makes me forget why I love you and what we have. CARA What have you forgotten? BEN You and me, we haven’t seemed much like a team lately. I miss the fun, the jokes, the friendship…


10 sometimes we are like business partners… CARA Partners? I don’t know – I think I am more the Chief Operations Officer and you are the board member asleep at the table! They laugh. BEN Yeah, whatever. The point is, we don’t… play as much as we used to. CARA You want to play? Oh we can play baby… CARA leans on toes, pulls BEN’S vest with both hands and rubs his nose with her nose and then kisses his lips. The VALET pulls in front of them in their car; he runs around and hands the keys to BEN. BEN passes the valet a tip then guides CARA into the front seat of the car, keeping his hand on the small of her back. He shuts the passenger door and runs around the car and gets in the driver’s seat. BEN Promise me something. Don’t let me forget it again – how good we are together. CARA smiles and nods affirmatively. BEN shifts the gears in the car and drives away, the car jerks. CARA You better slow down, baby. You’ll get a ticket. No I won’t. handshake. He winks at her.

BEN I know the secret


A montage of urban scenery, then suburban as they get closer to home. Looking tired, CARA rests her elbow on the window ledge and leans her head on her hand. CARA Are you working overtime tomorrow? BEN (playfully) No, a regular shift. I never really work overtime… I just tell you that. CARA Really? BEN Really. I use that as an excuse to buy time so I can go see my other family. Stopped at a stoplight, BEN’S face looks serious. Then he slowly begins to smile. CARA hits his arm.

CARA (Laughing) Shut up. The light turns green. BEN looks at CARA and brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. BEN pulls into the intersection. A truck crashes into the driver’s side of the car. DISSOLVE TO: INT. MORNING SKYLAR STALL, white woman in her early twenties, lies on a bed in a doctor’s office. A doctor stands next to the bed; SKYLAR has a phone to her ear. SKYLAR

12 (to the doctor) He should be here; can you wait a few more minutes? The doctor nods and leaves the room. Time passes as SKYLAR moves from the table, near the window, on the edge of the bed, on a chair – all while she dials on her cell phone. BEN (V.O.) Hey, this is BEN. I’m out catching criminals and solving crime so you’ll have to leave a message and I’ll get back to you. The beep of an answering machine. SKYLAR (whispering) BEN. Did you forget? back. She hangs up her phone.

Call me

The doctor enters the room.

SKYLAR (to the doctor) We’d better get started; it doesn’t look like he’s going to make it. SKYLAR leans back on the bed as the doctor begins to prepare to examine her. CUT TO: INT. AFTERNOON A hospital room, there is silence, intermittently broken by the beep of machines. CARA lies in a bed with tubes attached to her arms and in her nose. She is bruised, cut and unconscious. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. AFTERNOON

13 SKYLAR on a loud, busy Oakland street corner, calling BEN from her mobile phone. She crosses the street. Someone answers the phone. CUT TO: CARA’S hospital room, MONICA stands at a distance from CARA’S bed. She takes BEN’S ringing phone out of a bag containing his belongings and answers it. MONICA Hello? SKYLAR hesitates. SKYLAR Is… BEN there? MONICA (puzzled) Who’s this? SKYLAR Um, this is SKYLAR. I, I know BEN from the steakhouse – NATHAN’s Steakhouse. I called to tell him that he left his wallet the last time he and his partner stopped in. Do you know when I can reach him? MONICA takes BEN’s wallet out of the bag and holds it in her hand. MONICA Look, SKYLAR, BEN was in a car accident last night.


SKYLAR (Stunned) What hospital?

MONICA BEN isn’t in any hospital. But his wife is in Oakland Memorial. CARA moans.


SKYLAR Oh, sorry to hear that. BEN…


MONICA BEN’s Dead. MONICA hangs up the phone, goes to CARA’s side and alerts the nurse. A NURSE comes in and checks CARA’S vital signs. NURSE The doctor will be in shortly. The nurse leaves the room. CARA looks at MONICA who has tears in her eyes. CARA begins to weep, and then she begins to sob. MONICA goes to the bedside and holds CARA as she cries. MONICA slides BEN’S wedding band onto CARA’S finger. She sobs harder. FADE TO: INT. LATE AFTERNOON SKYLAR stands behind the bar at NATHAN’s Steakhouse. The restaurant is a warm place, dimly lit. A saxophonist sits on a stage; a solitary light shines on him as he plays a song. SKYLAR wipes the counter as she gazes out of the store’s front window. She’s day dreaming. BEN and DEREK come into the restaurant in full police gear. They are talking and laughing. The restaurant hostess leads them to a table by the front window. She leaves menus and walks away. BEN gets up and walks to the bar where SKYLAR is standing. SKYLAR What can I get you?

15 BEN I would like a milkshake. SKYLAR A milkshake? BEN Yeah, a milkshake. If I was off duty I would have ordered a Hennessey and Coke. But I’m not. I’m on duty so I’ll have a milkshake. (to DEREK) and you still want that Shirley Temple, right? SKYLAR laughs as DEREK nods his head. BEN (CONT’D) She’s laughing at your Shirley Temple, man. SKYLAR No . . . I’m laughing at your milkshake and his Shirley Temple. BEN (laughing) Just fix the drinks barkeep. I mean, after all, we will be having some very manly steaks later on. SKYLAR salutes BEN and begins to make the drinks. is now seated across from DEREK and speaks loudly enough for SKYLAR to hear.


BEN You know, I think we should make this our new spot, I like the help. BEN looks at SKYLAR who is now bringing the drinks to the table. SKYLAR Here you are officers; one Shirley Temple and one milkshake. Enjoy.


SKYLAR turns to walk away when BEN gently grabs her arm with his left hand, she looks down at his hand, and he isn’t wearing a wedding ring. BEN (flirting) Wait a minute ‘keep. Can I get a cherry on top? DEREK (V.O.) SKYLAR? SKYLAR is no longer day dreaming. She is standing behind the bar and DEREK stands across from her in plain clothes. DEREK (to SKYLAR) Double Cognac. DEREK sits down at the bar. SKYLAR begins making his drink; she sits a glass on the bar and pours the Cognac. She slides it across the bar to DEREK. SKYLAR BEN… he never wore a ring. DEREK Officers with families don’t wear rings. It keeps the perps from getting ideas and making threats. SKYLAR Family? DEREK A wife, two kids and a hamster – the whole nine. SKYLAR lets out a gasp and puts her head on the bar. She begins to cry. SKYLAR Did he tell you? About us? DEREK

17 Look, people say that what a man does in the dark will always come to the light, but you know BEN, he didn’t think he could be held to the same rules as other men. He wasn’t expecting that what went on with the two of you would ever have to come to the light. DEREK takes a drink from his glass. DEREK (CONT’D) Can’t you let this stay in the dark? They had a good life, SKYLAR. BEN made a mistake… SKYLAR Don’t say that DEREK. was a mistake.

Don’t say I

DEREK (quietly) SKYLAR baby, he liked you. He really did. But he’s gone. He won’t be here for you. Let his wife and his girls remember good things. There’s no need to pile pain on top of the pain they already feel. SKYLAR walks around the bar and sits on the stool next to DEREK. She holds his hands. SKYLAR He has girls? (getting angry) He has girls? DEREK And a wife. SKYLAR And a wife! SKYLAR begins to weep.

18 SKYLAR (CONT’D) I can’t believe all this time – all these months, I didn’t know he was married. Why didn’t you tell me? You should have told me. Why didn’t you tell me? DEREK grasps her forearms. DEREK I thought it was all fun and games, I didn’t know it would go this far. SKYLAR This far? This far DEREK? I’m pregnant! And he’s dead. And he’s married, with two girls and a hamster. Now what am I supposed to do? Now that he’s dead? Do I disappear? (shaking her head) This far. DEREK hugs her; she hugs him and grabs the back of his shirt. SKYLAR (CONT’D) We were a family, too, you know. I loved him. So what now? Are we… me and this baby, irrelevant now that he’s dead? Because I was relevant to him, I mattered. SKYLAR lays her head on his chest. SKYLAR (CONT’D) I was going to be somebody with him. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. MORNING

19 A cemetery on a rainy morning. A crowd of people surround a burial plot, most of them in police formal attire. CARA, KEELY and EMERSON sit along-side the coffin in the center of the crowd. CARA stares blankly. MONICA stands nearby. OFFICER (O.S.) Pull! Gunshots are heard. OFFICER (CONT’D) Pull! Gunshots. OFFICER (CONT’D) Pull! Gunshots. SKYLAR and her father, NATHAN, 50’S, an attractive distinguished man, blend in with the rest of the mourners. NATHAN remembers CARA from days before outside of the art studio. CUT TO: INT. AFTERNOON CARA stares blankly as she sits in the back of a moving limousine, leaving the cemetery. KEELY and EMERSON sit on either side of her. CUT TO: INT. LATE AFTERNOON CARA’S house. There are people with glasses in their hands, others with plates. There are quiet conversations all over the house. CARA sits in a chair with a high back. She stares blankly as conversations happen around her. She gives

20 glimmers of life with an occasional nod or forced smile when someone speaks to her. CUT TO: INT. EVENING CARA’S house is still full of people. CARA walks slowly down the hallway with a glass of wine in her hand. She pauses at a closed door in the hallway; she places her hand on the door and leans close to it. She appears sad. CARA turns her back to the door and slides down to the floor. She sighs. She has tears in her eyes. MONICA walks down the hallway, stops and looks down at CARA. MONICA sits next to her and holds her hand. CARA lays her head on MONICA’s shoulder. CARA I’m so empty. I have nothing to say. I have nothing to feel… CARA pounds on her chest and begins to cry. CARA (CONT’D) I feel nothing with him gone. There’s nothing in there. CARA motioning around her heart with her hands. She is crying and the conversation is quiet and urgent. MONICA gently rubs CARA’s head and hair. MONICA Yes there is, there’s something in there… you’re in there. DISSOLVE TO: INT. AFTERNOON Dance studio, SKYLAR stands in front of a group of young girls in leotards and tights, giving ballet instructions. NATHAN stands at the door watching SKYLAR work. SKYLAR

21 Okay, practice the 4th Arabesque at home. Next Tuesday I expect each of you to have it down – I’m gonna test you. The girls moan and then scatter to collect their belongings. They reunite with their parents who wait in chairs surrounding the room. SKYLAR walks towards her father; he stands proudly, waiting for her. They hug. NATHAN You look like a natural out there with all of those kids. Still hugging, SKYLAR and NATHAN walk toward SKYLAR’s bag. She puts on a sweater and begins to change her shoes. SYKLAR Yeah, it’s always easy when it’s someone else’s kid. I don’t look forward to having to take care of one, 24/7, all by myself. NATHAN Now, you know I’m going to be there for you guys. SKYLAR Come on now grandpa, you did your diaper duty 20 years ago, it’s my turn. She grabs her bag and the two of them walk out of the door. SKYLAR (CONT’D) Besides, in the time you spend with the baby you are supposed to be spoiling him or her rotten, making… him or her impossible for me to deal with. NATHAN pushes the door and waits for SKYLAR to walk through it.


EXT. AFTERNOON NATHAN I have plenty of time for that; right now I’m more concerned about you. How are you doing? I’m good.

SKYLAR I’m hungry though… CUT TO:

EXT.AFTERNOON Outside of Dorsey’s Locker, a popular local restaurant. CUT TO: INT.AFTERNOON SKYLAR and NATHAN are sitting at a table inside the cramped restaurant. A SERVER brings their plates to the table and puts them down. NATHAN I was thinking, I’m going to turn my study into a nursery. I hardly use it; I do most of my work down at the restaurant. SKYLAR And I have been thinking -- I’m going to move out. NATHAN Now SKYLAR, I don’t think that’s a good idea, you are going to have a new baby and you don’t know how hard that is. SKYLAR You’re right, I don’t know how hard it is, but I do know that I have to do it on my own. I’m a baby, dad. I’m a baby because I’m your baby and you have my life under control. When BEN died, I realized just how paralyzed I was.

23 It was like I either needed you or him to guide me and coddle me. With BEN gone, and the baby coming – I have to do something, I have to grow up. NATHAN I don’t want to control your life, that’s not what I am trying to do – but I did this thing. I’ve raised a child on my own and I wouldn’t have if I had a choice. SKYLAR But dad, you did fine with me. I’m good. A late bloomer – but I’m alright. Don’t worry; I’ll call you when I need you. But let me need you… alright? NATHAN surrenders and raises his glass of iced tea. He takes a sip. SKYLAR smiles and begins to eat. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. AFTERNOON College campus, students moving in all directions with books and backpacks. CARA hurries across campus, casually dressed in a jogging suit and wearing a backpack. Student, JEN, approaches her. JEN Professor Weary, it’s good to see you back. CARA Thank you Jen, I needed to get back into a pattern.


24 I was wondering about the imitation of the Pan and Syrinx you showed us… who’s the artist? CARA (with irony in her voice) No artist, only a clever “imitator of life”. Those are the words you used? Look Jen, who created it is not important, what’s important is that I have taught you well enough to know the difference between art and paint-by-numbers. CARA begins walking in the direction of her home, when she reaches the street, she begins to run. CUT TO: INT. LATE AFTERNOON CARA’s house, she walks down the hallway and nears the closed door. She pauses a minute before she puts her hand on the doorknob. She turns it and enters the room. The room is bright. It is an artist’s studio, with completed paintings scattered about the room, among them, the imitation Pan and Syrinx and an incomplete work on the easel. CARA looks around the room but does not enter. closes the door and stands there for a moment.


She looks down the hallway; through the door she sees MONICA playing with KEELY and EMERSON. CARA turns and walks towards them. CUT TO: EXT. LATE AFTERNOON CARA sits on her back porch and watches MONICA, KEELY and EMERSON play. MONICA sits next to her. They sit in silence for a while, only the sound of the girls laughing.

25 CARA I think I should spend more time with the girls. MONICA I think that’s a good idea. They sit in silence again. MONICA (CONT’D) The precinct called. They want to know what to do with the stuff that was in BEN’s locker. CARA I’ll go get it. That’ll give me something to do. MONICA You mean, on top of spending more time with the girls? CARA stands up, brushes herself off and begins to walk back into the house and down the hallway towards the front door. CARA I’ll be right back. CARA grabs the car keys on her way out of the front door. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LATE AFTERNOON Police station, people scurry around as CARA enters the door. As she walks into the station she sees DEREK walking toward her. DEREK Hey CARA, how have you been? CARA I’m good.

26 DEREK And the girls? CARA The girls are good. But you know, just because BEN is gone doesn’t mean that you have to stop coming around. DEREK I know. I’m sorry, it’s just – hard, you know? But I’ll do better. I promise. So, what are you doing here? CARA I came to get BEN’s things. DEREK You didn’t have to do that. You know I would have brought them to you. CARA nods. DEREK (CONT’D) So listen, I have to get out of here but don’t be afraid to call me if you need anything. CARA Okay, thanks DEREK. DEREK takes CARA’s chin into his hand and lifts her face. DEREK I mean it. CARA I will. DEREK pulls her face closer to his and kisses her on the cheek. DEREK walks away. CARA walks to the front desk.

27 CARA (to the officer at the desk) Hi. I’m CARA Weary, Officer BEN Weary’s wife. I’ve come to get his things. The OFFICER turns to retrieve a package. gives the package to CARA.

The officer

OFFICER (holding a pen in one hand and paper in the other) Can you sign here please? CARA takes the pen and signs her name on the paper. OFFICER (CONT’D) Thank you. Good luck, ma’am. CARA takes the package and walks out of the building to her car. She is in a hurry. CARA opens the car door and gets in the car. She closes her eyes and holds the package close to her chest. She takes a deep breath, opens her eyes and then begins to open the package. There are personal items, among them, pictures. She looks at a picture of KEELY and EMERSON and smiles. She looks at a picture of BEN and herself and her eyes fill with tears. CARA rummages through the package and finds more pictures. She finds one with BEN, DEREK and SKYLAR at the restaurant. Then more pictures of BEN and SKYLAR, then SKYLAR alone. The last picture shows BEN, SKYLAR and NATHAN standing in front of the restaurant marquee reading “NATHAN’s Steakhouse.”

CARA (Screaming) Son of a!!! She throws the pictures in the backseat, puts the car in “drive” and speeds off.


CUT TO: INT. NIGHT NATHAN’s Steakhouse, NATHAN is behind the bar. CARA rushes through the door looking for a face from the picture she now holds in her hand. CARA sees NATHAN and approaches him. She slams the picture down on the bar in front of him. NATHAN recognizes CARA from the funeral. NATHAN appears calm, he continues to look down and wipe the bar with a towel. CARA (demanding) Who is this? NATHAN Can I get you something? CARA Yeah! You can get me that skank in the picture! CARA disturbs the restaurant patrons, they begin to murmur. NATHAN tries to calm CARA. NATHAN Miss, if you would just sit down and lower your voice… CARA looks at him and slowly sits on a bar stool. CARA How do you know BEN? NATHAN He and DEREK ate here just about every day. Sorry for your loss. CARA Thank you, do you have Hennessey? NATHAN You want a Coke mixer I bet.

29 CARA begins to feel more at ease. drink.

NATHAN pours her a

CARA How did you know who I was? NATHAN The funeral. CARA takes a sip of her drink. and snickers.

She looks at the drink

CARA Why am I drinking this? This is BEN’s thing, I only drank it in his company. Old habits die hard I guess. CARA pushes the glass towards NATHAN CARA (CONT’D) Can you make me something fruity? They both smile. drink.

NATHAN begins to make CARA another

NATHAN She’s my daughter. CARA Excuse me? NATHAN The girl in the picture… that’s my daughter, SKYLAR. NATHAN slides CARA a drink with a cherry and umbrella. CARA holds the drink in both hands, she and looks up at him with tears in her eyes. CARA How…? A tear falls from her eye. NATHAN hands her a napkin and then he leans in close to her.

30 NATHAN She didn’t know about you… or your girls. Until after the accident. She’s a good girl. CARA stands up and takes a pen from her purse and writes her number on a napkin. She hands the napkin to NATHAN. CARA Can you have her call me? NATHAN nods. her.

CARA turns to walk out, NATHAN watches

NATHAN He must have been crazy. CARA (turning toward him) What? NATHAN (pauses) I’ll have her call. CARA turns to walk out of the restaurant. again and turns back toward him.

She stops

CARA Was she with you… at the funeral? NATHAN doesn’t answer. out of the restaurant.

CARA turns slowly and walks



ACT TWO INT. MORNING NATHAN is awakened by the sound of SKYLAR vomiting in the nearby bathroom. He gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. NATHAN stops at the door and sees SKYLAR leaning over the toilet, grasping the bowl with both hands. NATHAN reaches into a drawer and pulls out a hair tie. He walks over to SKYLAR and pulls her hair back, then ties it up. He pats her on the back supportively and then leaves the room. CUT TO: INT. MORNING That same morning, at the kitchen table of the house they share, NATHAN and SKYLAR sit across from each other. NATHAN is eating breakfast. He has a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. SKYLAR picks at the piece of toast in her hand, but she can’t eat it because of morning sickness. SKYLAR So I was thinking, maybe I should stay here until after I have the baby. NATHAN puts the paper down on the table. NATHAN (reflectively) As your mother lay in that hospital bed, I watched her take her last breath. And then I realized that I would be taking you home from the hospital alone, raising you alone. I was terrified, I looked down at you,

32 as helpless as you were, and I thought to myself, I wasn’t much better off, I was helpless too. But I took you and I brought you home and I faced the challenges as they came. NATHAN picks up SKYLAR’s chin with his hand. NATHAN (cont’d) You’ll be fine. SKYLAR (sarcastically) What brought about this new-found insightfulness? NATHAN Well, kiddo, I just figured it was time for both of us to take a shot at independence. My holding on to you… that’s more for me than it is for you. I’ve been using you. SKYLAR Using me? NATHAN Yeah, using you as an excuse for not living. But I think I'm ready now. Look, just a few days ago you gave me a very poignant speech about independence and moving on… and now, I am telling you, you were right. Recently I have realized that I want to live – live beyond these walls, the steakhouse and you. I mean I, I really want to live… SKYLAR, now smiling, gets up from the table and hugs her father around his neck from behind. SKYLAR Well, you better get busy with that old man.

33 She reaches over his shoulder and grabs her toast. She begins to walk out of the kitchen. NATHAN, takes a sip of coffee and resumes reading his paper.

SKYLAR(CONT’D) Looks like I’m going apartment hunting! See you later? SKYLAR waves as she walks out of the room. NATHAN (off guard) Huh? Yeah, uh, huh, see you later. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LATE AFTERNOON CARA stands in the front of a bustling NATHAN’s Steakhouse, she looks lost. NATHAN comes from the back of the house and sees her standing there. He is excited and flustered, he walks towards her. NATHAN CARA, it’s good to see you. He places his hand on her back and leads her closer to the bar, out of the way of foot traffic. NATHAN (CONT’D) Let me get you something. CARA No… I was kind of hoping to have heard from your daughter by now. NATHAN Look CARA, SKYLAR… she really has a lot going on right now and I just didn’t see a right time to talk to her about the whole thing… CARA (cynically)

34 oh, well I would hate for you to bother her with my minuscule issues, dead husband and all… especially since she has so much going on. CARA turns to walk away. NATHAN grabs her arm and turns her to him. NATHAN CARA… She snatches her arm from him. NATHAN (CONT’D) I’m not saying that her burdens are heavier than yours… its just… that’s my little girl. CARA Yes I know, your little girl. You might have done better with her, taught her not to sleep with other people’s husbands! NATHAN’S face hardens, he is barely able to restrain himself and hold back his fury. He leans in close to CARA’S face. NATHAN My daughter -- SKYLAR, she is doing the best she can with what she has to work with. All she’s ever had is this scraggly old man. And all she’s ever known is this. Motioning around him. NATHAN (CONT’D) I wish I could have protected her from predatory infidels like your BEN, but I couldn’t. I wish she would have known better. But she didn’t. And here we are. You, here, mad at the wrong person and me… well, a victim of circumstance.

35 CARA And SKYLAR? NATHAN Well, CARA. I think she got the worst part of this deal. CARA now looks puzzled by his statement. CARA Do you really believe that? You couldn’t possibly have more compassion for the mistress, daughter or not. I first lost my husband. And then I lost the right to a memory of happiness with that man because I have to deal with the fact that he was sleeping with your daughter. Can there be wounds any deeper than that? NATHAN (reluctantly) She loved him. CARA (angry) Do you think I care? Do you think it makes me feel better knowing that she loved my husband? Because it doesn’t make things better, he was mine to love. Only mine to love. So how she feels, or felt about him is irrelevant, inconsequential. NATHAN Well… maybe not inconsequential. Behind NATHAN and CARA, outside of the storefront window is SKYLAR walking towards the entrance of the restaurant. NATHAN sees her first. CARA What does that mean?

36 SKYLAR comes in the restaurant smiling. approaches her father.


SKYLAR Hey daddy. CARA turns to see who is approaching and notices SKYLAR, whose pregnancy is now showing. CARA looks stunned. CARA Oh, hell naw! You have about three seconds to tell me you ate a big lunch! SKYLAR is speechless, she plops down onto a bar stool and looks ashamed. NATHAN Now CARA, let’s sit down and talk about this. CARA Talk about what? This is out of control! That man was screwing you, on my time when he was alive, but he’s screwing me good now that he’s dead. CARA grabs her things. CARA (CONT’D) (to SKYLAR) How pregnant are you? SKYLAR 4 months. CARA turns and walks out of the restaurant. SKYLAR sighs and throws her head onto the bar as she groans. CARA comes back through the door. CARA He’s been dead three months. For three months you’ve known that he

37 had a wife. Why would you keep that baby? SKYLAR (hysterical) I’m not having an abortion. I’m sorry, I really am sorry for you and your girls but I would never abort this baby. It’s mine… it’s ours. CARA plunges towards her. CARA Don’t you ever say that! There is no “ours.” Don’t talk about my husband as if you were a “we” or an “us” or like you and he had an “ours.” Ours is his and mine, his and mine only. Not yours. But that? Gesturing towards SKYLAR’s round belly. CARA (CONT’D) That’s all you! SKYLAR, now with more confidence, stands up. SKYLAR No, this… this is a piece of me and a piece of BEN… the last piece. And you don’t have the right to try to make what we had invaluable. For all I knew, when he was alive, that man was with me. He loved me. And no one, not you, not DEREK, no one will convince me that I was anything less than loved by him. CARA Little girl, it seems to me that you are having a hard enough time convincing yourself that you were loved by him. But just to help you out, so you can keep things in perspective, remember… he married

38 me, he built a life with me. And every night he came home to me. So go ahead, keep telling yourself that you were more than fun for his stick. CARA turns to walk out of the restaurant. SKYLAR What do you tell yourself you were? CARA stops suddenly. She does not turn around, her face holds the look of pain. She leaves the restaurant. EXT. AFTERNOON Through the storefront window of NATHAN’s restaurant, SKYLAR sits at the bar and NATHAN stands next to her. They watch CARA walk away. CUT TO: INT. NIGHT CARA is in her bedroom with a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other. She is obviously intoxicated. She lays on her bed, listening to music. The song “Chain of Fools” begins to play. up and begins to dance to the music.

CARA gets

CARA (singing) For [eight] long years, I thought you were my man. But I found out, I’m just a link in your chain. You got me where you want me; I ain’t nothing but your fool. You treated me mean, you treated me cruel. I’m added to your chain, chain, chain … CUT TO: INT. NIGHT Downstairs in CARA’s house MONICA and the girls sit at the kitchen table doing crafts. They look towards the

39 ceiling as the music and dancing upstairs shake the room. MONICA KEELY, can you help EMERSON glue her heart onto the paper? I’m going to go upstairs and check on your mom. MONICA gets up from the kitchen table and walks up the stairs. She opens the door to the bedroom where she finds CARA sitting in the middle of the floor. CARA (slurring) MONICA, I took the one-two punches like a champ. BEN is dead … one. He was cheating … two. Took it like a champ – LIKE A CHAMP! But then, they got me … they got me … T … K … O … She falls backwards and lies on the floor facing the ceiling. MONICA lies on the floor next to her. Tears begin to run down her face. CARA (CONT’D) I feel so stupid. But the funny thing is that I probably wouldn’t care so much if he were still alive. I probably would have told her to keep him. But for some reason, because he’s dead, I’m territorial – I am more concerned about being able to have the memory of him all to myself than I was about having him to myself when he was here. But I should be able to have that much. CARA pauses. CARA (CONT’D) MONICA?


MONICA Yeah? CARA Why didn’t I know? MONICA How could you know? You trusted your husband. You did everything you were supposed to. CARA I should have done more. MONICA What else could you do? You were a wife and a mother who held down a job. You made BEN your world. CARA So with my world gone – what do I have? MONICA You have you! You have the girls. You have your job… MONICA pauses, knowing she is about to mention a tender subject. MONICA (CONT’D) You have your painting. CARA turns to look at MONICA. MONICA (CONT’D) And now that BEN is gone you will have more time to do it. And with the situation with this girl, and her baby… you have plenty of fuel and fury for inspiration. CARA smiles. CARA I might.


They both turn away from each other and begin to stare at the ceiling. They lie silently. CARA (CONT’D) Do you think he’s up there? MONICA In light of the recent developments? I doubt it. CUT TO: INT. EVENING CARA sits at her kitchen table, alone. She is sketching. The phone, on the table near her, begins to ring. CARA Hello. NATHAN (pauses) Um, hi, CARA? This is NATHAN… from the restaurant. CARA Uh huh… NATHAN How are you? CARA I’m fine. Good, good.

NATHAN I’m glad to hear that. CARA

Okay… They sit silently. CARA Is there something else? NATHAN

42 Yeah, well, actually I was wanted to tell you that if you wanted to talk… maybe we can have coffee… CARA Oh, I know you are not trying to ask me out. NATHAN Well, I just wanted to let you know that I wouldn’t mind… CARA What? You wouldn’t mind being a shoulder for me to cry on? Look NATHAN, I am not interested in getting involved with any man right now – but especially the man who fathered the girl who was sleeping with my husband. NATHAN I just thought… I guess I just figured you might like some company. CARA Your company? NATHAN Well, my company is really not that bad. If you gave it a chance. CARA But why should I give it a chance? NATHAN Because I’m willing. CARA So willing… is that the number one criteria for a man. NATHAN

43 Well yeah. I think it may be. What good is a man who isn’t willing? CARA Willing to what? NATHAN Willing to anything. Just willing. CARA And you’re willing? NATHAN Willing to anything. CARA takes the phone from her ear and smiles. CARA So, why do you have so much time on your hands? That you are willing to sit and listen to my woes? NATHAN We make the time for things we deem important. CARA Is that old man wisdom? NATHAN Call it what you like, but I think the important thing to note is that I have wisdom. CARA I guess you’re right. NATHAN So, do you have a problem with my age?


44 Why would I have a problem with your age? You are just my open ear… right? NATHAN Right. Okay… if I were more than just an open ear would you have a problem with my age? CARA Okay let’s see – you’re… what 60? NATHAN 53. CARA You’re 53, you’re white, and you are the future grandfather of my husband’s illegitimate child. And all you want to know is if you are too old? NATHAN Well, yeah. I figure I can’t change any of those things. I am definitely white – but so was BEN so I’m guessing that is not so much of an issue. And the thing with my daughter, well, I am a victim by default so I can hope that you would eventually not hold me responsible. So, after all of that, my age is the only thing left that would keep you from giving me a chance. CARA, enjoying her conversation, becomes more involved. CARA You know, I never dated outside of my race before BEN. NATHAN Really? Well what made him so special? CARA

45 I don’t know. We met in college and he pursued me relentlessly. We hung in the same crowd. And then… then it just happened. CARA and NATHAN begin a long, involved conversation. They talk about college while she walks the hallways. And he cuts his toenails. They talk about their marriages while she runs bath water and he cooks a meal. They talk about her art and his restaurant as she soaks in the tub and he eats his meal. CARA lies on her bed wrapped in a bath towel. is in his bathroom brushing his teeth. CARA I’m getting tired. NATHAN Okay, well, you should get some rest. CARA Since the accident I haven’t been able to sleep without sedatives. This is the first time that I have felt like I could sleep on my own. NATHAN So I’ve bored you that much, huh? CARA No, you didn’t bore me at all… I’m glad you called. NATHAN I’m glad you talked. CARA Will you stay on the phone while I go to sleep? NATHAN now lies on his bed.



Of course.

NATHAN You want a lullaby?

CARA No lullaby. You don’t even have to say anything. Just be there. NATHAN Okay. They both turn off the lights in their rooms. CARA Good night. NATHAN Sweet dreams, CARA.

EXT. AFTERNOON CARA, MONICA, KEELY and EMERSON are playing in the yard. They have T-ball equipment, KEELY is batting while EMERSON wanders around and MONICA and CARA prepare to catch the ball. There is laughter. DEREK walks up the driveway to the yard where they are playing. CARA and MONICA notice him. CARA walks towards him as MONICA continues to play with the girls. DEREK Hey family! KEELY Uncle DEREK! KEELY runs towards him, he picks her up to hug her. After they embrace, he puts her down and she runs back to her game. CARA stands near. CARA So I met SKYLAR.


DEREK stands searching for something to say. CARA (CONT’D) Why didn’t you tell me? DEREK Tell you what, CARA? That my partner, my brother was cheating on his wife? You have to understand… CARA I understand your loyalties. But you had to know that this would happen. You were his partner, but I thought you cared about the girls and me. DEREK CARA, I care about you more than you know. And it hurt me to see what BEN was doing, but… I have to admit, it was because of how I feel for you that I allowed it to happen. CARA What are you talking about? DEREK Look… I watched BEN ruin the best thing in his life, but I let him because I thought when it was all over… I would be able to make you the best thing in my life. CARA is stunned. CARA I don’t believe that. DEREK Why don’t you? The first time I met you, all those years ago; you stopped me in my tracks. I

48 remember thinking, how did this white boy snatch up this fine sister? Don’t get me wrong… I loved BEN, loved and respected him, but I also knew that I was much better for you… that you and I would be good together. CARA Good together in what way?

DEREK Good together in every way. CARA, I didn’t come here to make you feel uncomfortable, and God knows that I am sad that BEN is gone, or that you have to go through all of this. But I do want you to know that I want to be here for you when you come out of this. I want a chance. DEREK smiles. He turns and walks away. there and watches him walk away.

CARA stands

MONICA comes to her side. MONICA What did he have to say for himself? CARA I think he just said he loved me. CUT TO: INT. MORNING CARA, dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt, walks into her artist’s studio, stopping at the door to survey he room. She moves slowly among the work, running her finger over each piece reflectively.

49 She moves to a piece that is covered. She stops a moment before undraping the piece. It has been started but is obviously not finished. CARA gathers her paints and brushes and begins to paint the unfinished piece. Time passes. INT. EVENING CARA lies on the floor of her artist’s studio holding a glass of red wine, listening to music and gazing at a now finished art work. There’s a knock at the door.

MONICA enters the room.

MONICA So you are still alive. CARA smiles. CARA Look. I did it. I did it and it’s beautiful. What do you think? MONICA walks closer to the painting, looking at it closely. MONICA I think it is the work of a genius. Bravo. CARA lifts her glass to MONICA. MONICA So, you’ve been locked in the room all day, you must be hungry, I am and I know the girls are. Do you want to go grab something? CARA You know, I kind of feel like celebrating. Let’s get dressed and go out. CARA stands up as she and MONICA turn to walk out of the room.

50 MONICA Where do you want to go? CARA Feel like steak? CUT TO: EXT. EVENING Outside of a bustling NATHAN’s Steakhouse, CARA, MONICA, KEELY and EMERSON walk toward the door. MONICA So, why the sudden urge for steak? CARA shrugs her shoulders and smiles coyly. MONICA (CONT’D) Hum, maybe it’s not the steak that you want from NATHAN. The two of them laugh. CARA holds the door open as KEELY and EMERSON walk in. As MONICA walks by, she speaks. CARA Or maybe it is… CUT TO: INT. EVENING The restaurant is full of people. CARA makes her way to the hostess podium to reserve a seat. NATHAN comes from the back of the house and notices her. He smiles and walks toward the hostess’ podium. NATHAN Welcome to NATHAN’s Steakhouse! (To hostess) I’ll take care of Ms. Weary and her guests. (To CARA) To what do I owe the honor of your patronage?

51 CARA I have been unfair to you since the day we met. Let’s call this my sorry way of apologizing. NATHAN Okay, we can call it that. But you do realize that since we are calling it that I will be expecting a not-so-sorry apology. Something like dinner… that I don’t have to cook? CARA looks awkward. response.

They all look to her for a

CARA Oh, was that a question? NATHAN Well, I thought it was. But maybe I should rephrase it to get the response I’m looking for. Can I take you to dinner some time? SKYLAR appears across the restaurant, CARA gets a glimpse of her, and CARA’s smile becomes awkward as she looks at NATHAN. CARA Oh… I don’t know… I don’t think that’s a good idea. NATHAN looks disappointed. NATHAN (To KEELY and EMERSON) Well maybe you girls will let me buy you ice cream after your dinner tonight. We have whip cream and cherries… KEELY AND EMERSON Yes, please. NATHAN

52 Okay, well, after dinner I will come back and check with your mommy and if she says it’s alright, you and your mommy can come in the back to my great big kitchen and make your desserts extra special. KEELY AND EMERSON Thank you. CARA Yes, thank you, NATHAN. CARA looks at MONICA. CARA Oh, forgive my manners. NATHAN, this is my good friend, MONICA. MONICA this is NATHAN. NATHAN Hi MONICA, it’s good to meet you. Tell me, what did you have to do to get a tag like that? The “my good friend”? I’m looking for something like that. MONICA Believe me; I put in a lot of hours. They all laugh. NATHAN Well, I am going to let you ladies enjoy the rest of your evening, and MONICA, while I’m gone I expect that you will convince her to take me up on my offer of dinner. She did say herself that she owed me one… NATHAN smiles and walks away. MONICA

53 So, what’s all of that about? CARA Oh nothing, it couldn’t be anything – he’s SKYLAR’s father. MONICA And he’s also white… and old! CARA MONICA, I am shocked to hear you say that. MONICA Well, I am just saying something that needs to be said. Okay, you feel in love with BEN by some random stroke of lightning – I got that years ago. But it doesn’t seem so random when every time love strikes you, it strikes with a white guy! CARA Who said I was in love with him? I barely know him. And anyway, love strikes how it strikes, I can’t waste my life with a narrowed idea of who I can and can not be with. MONICA It would make your life easier… CARA Who said life was easy? BEN and I did not allow what other people thought dictate our love for one another. MONICA Are you sure? Because the last time I checked SKYLAR was white. You don’t think that her race had anything to do with the attraction? White on white. It’s clean and simple – it’s free of

54 the issues that come with interracial relationships. CARA We don’t know why BEN did what he did, but our racial difference was not the only thing that complicated our relationship – we had children and jobs and bills and all the other challenges that come along with marriage. And I think all of those things are more challenging then the fact that I am black! MONICA Maybe you’re right. But I can not imagine the turmoil that my family would go through if I didn’t marry a Korean man. It’s not about him and me; it’s about two families being unified in values and culture. CARA And where’s your man? MONICA That’s my point, I am willing to wait. CARA I am willing to wait, too. But I am waiting for the one God has for me, not the one that will please my family. MONICA, I didn’t fall in love with BEN because he was white, I fell in love with him because he was BEN. I understand what you are saying, and it would be great if that was the plan for me. But if it’s not God’s plan, and his plan is for me to love a purple man – then baby, I’m going to love that purple man! MONICA

55 Yeah… well… good luck with that. CARA Seriously, I am just trying to live my life, in the most simplified way. I am not even thinking about finding another man… but I won’t consider running from a good one either. MONICA smiles and lifts her glass of wine in the air. MONICA To simplicity. CARA To simplicity. FADE TO: INT. EVENING CARA, MONICA, KEELY and EMERSON sit at the table after dinner. NATHAN approaches the table. NATHAN So ladies… how was everything? MONICA Did you cook this? Because if you cooked this I have to say, I want to go out with you. NATHAN Thank you for the compliment. CARA NATHAN, everything was great, thank you. NATHAN Well, girls, are you ready to go make sundaes? KEELY AND EMERSON Yes… mommy?

56 CARA Alright, let’s go. They all get up and walk toward the kitchen. NATHAN Girls, this is Greg. A young man in a chef uniform stands at NATHAN’s side. NATHAN (CONT’D) He’s going to take you over to the ice cream and help you create whatever you like. Okay? KEELY AND EMERSON Okay. MONICA You know, I’m in the mood for some ice cream. (To GREG) Can you help me create whatever I like? GREG smiles, nods in the affirmative and leads all three of them to the ice cream. NATHAN So, I’ve heard of sons having to pay for the sins of their father… CARA smiles. CARA NATHAN, I’m not punishing you for what happened between BEN and SKYLAR but… you’re her father! And we wouldn’t even know each other if it had not been for their little – tryst. And now, now we are connected in more ways than I want to think about. NATHAN

57 Well then, let’s just think about this one way; let me take you out to dinner. CARA pauses and looks at NATHAN in the eye. CARA How about lunch? NATHAN Okay, let’s start with lunch. NATHAN holds out his hand, CARA reaches out and shakes it. CUT TO: EXT. MORNING CARA and MONICA end their run around Lake Merritt. They begin to stretch. CARA So MONICA, how have you been? I feel like I have been selfish with our time together the last few months. You’ve almost become my live-in nanny. What’s up with you? MONICA I wouldn’t expect anything else from you right now; you have definitely had a lot to deal with. I know you’d do the same for me. My life is as it always is – nothing spectacular. Work is draining me – this month I couldn’t sell a paper bag to a whino and it’s pissing off the powers-that-be. And if it weren’t for the girls, I would never have a date! Although… Ah ha!

CARA I knew there was something! MONICA

58 Well, I did meet Greg the ice cream guy for lunch the other day. CARA And? MONICA And nothing! And we will go out again… but that’s nothing compared to the saga you’ve got going on with your husbands baby-momma’s daddy! CARA Oh what a tangled web BEN weaved… or is it woven? Either way, I admit, I’m interested… MONICA (Sarcastically) No!?! CARA What gave it away? MONICA How about the impromptu dinner at his restaurant? And your shameless game of hard to get? CARA Well, I didn’t want to be interested. It’s weird, right? MONICA Slightly. But in the end, if it feels right, then it probably is right. CARA (Shyly) I think it’s right… MONICA So… would you say that BEN did you a favor?

59 CARA Hum, I would say you’re a cold cat for saying it… CARA shoved MONICA playfully. CARA (CONT’D) … Out loud. INT.AFTERNOON CARA sits on the floor at a table in a Middle Eastern restaurant. There is music in the background and a belly dancer dancing around the room. NATHAN walks in and finds her where she is sitting. He smiles and walks towards her. He leans over, kisses her cheek and hands her a single sunflower.

CARA Wow, a sunflower. That’s different. NATHAN I didn’t want to be too presumptuous about us and bring red roses. And anyway, what better way to express a natural beginning than a flower named after the sun – without the sun nothing in nature can grow nor survive. CARA Who knew you were some contemplative.

NATHAN Only about some things – definitely about you. CARA

60 You know, I’m curious, why are you so intent on knowing me. NATHAN Outside of the obvious? He pauses to think. NATHAN (CONT’D) Well, I guess just the obvious! They laugh. NATHAN (CONT’D) Really CARA? I am intrigued by you. I am intrigued by your ability to keep it together under all the stress you’ve had to deal with the last few months. CARA I would hardly say that I’ve kept it together. NATHAN You’ve done a lot better than most. My wife died giving birth to SKYLAR, and my life has been on hold ever since. In fact, I hadn’t even had the desire to come alive… until I saw you. You sat in that chair, stoic, and void. I couldn’t help but wonder what this – beautiful woman was like when that voidness got full. And all I could think about was being there when it did. CARA I can’t say that I have ever been that seduced by a funeral. NATHAN That’s because you never had the pleasure of seeing CARA Weary for the very first time… but to keep you at ease… I have been just as

61 seduced every single time that I’ve seen you. To tell you the truth, I noticed you days before the funeral. CARA Really?


NATHAN I saw you outside of the Expressions Art Studio… on Grand? You were jogging, but you stopped by the window. You had me then. CARA (Lightening the mood) Whoa! Maybe I should consider bottling this magic you say I have. NATHAN I would rather you didn’t. I would rather keep it all to myself. There is a silence. CARA looks at him sheepishly. NATHAN takes his napkin and places it on his lap.

NATHAN (CONT’D) So, this is a nice place you’ve picked. I can’t say that I have ever eaten Middle Eastern. CARA Well, it’s been a while for me, BEN wouldn’t touch the stuff. NATHAN Let’s make a pact. Starting now all of our conversations will be void of the mention of BEN or SKYLAR. At least until I get you to fall in love with me… He smiles. NATHAN (CONT’D)

62 And that won’t be long. CARA Deal. CARA grabs the dish near her and begins to put the contents on NATHAN’s plate. CARA So this is called Lavash – it’s flat bread with garlic, sesame and Asiago Cheese. The belly dancer works the room as music plays. CARA (O.S.) And over here, this is hummus; you’ve had hummus before… NATHAN (O.S.) I love hummus! Give me two big scoops of that. Their voices begin to fade… CARA (O.S.) I love it too and I like to spread it over my Lavash like this – it’s so good! Wait until you see what we’re having for dinner – I hope you like lamb… DISSOLVE TO: CARA’s in her artist’s studio preparing to paint on a blank canvas. KEELY and EMERSON stick their heads in the door to watch her. CARA turns and sees them. CARA Hey girls. Come here. to help Mommy paint?

You want

KEELY and EMERSON Yes! CARA Okay, come here.


(To EMERSON) Here’s your brush. (To KEELY) And here’s your brush. Now all three of them stand looking at the blank canvas. KEELY So, what should we paint? CARA How about we just use the colors to show how we feel? Okay.

KEELY EMERSON, how do you feel? EMERSON

YELLOW!!! CARA smiles and gives EMERSON the yellow paint. CARA You know, I feel yellow; too, that’s a happy color. But I think I will do a little blue, too – you know, because sometimes I feel blue, too. KEELY nods. KEELY Yeah, I think I will do blue – but just a little, I’m mostly yellow. CARA stops to look at KEELY, she is happy with her. CARA kisses the top of her head and rubs her face. CARA I’m glad to know that you’re yellow most of the time. But it’s alright to be blue from time to time. Okay?

64 KEELY Okay. CARA Okay.

CARA, KEELY and EMERSON begin to work on their painting, talking and laughing. DISSOLVE TO: INT. AFTERNOON NATHAN sits in a doctor’s office lounge reading a magazine. SKYLAR comes out of the back of the office escorted by her DOCTOR. DOCTOR So just keep taking your vitamins and staying active. NATHAN (To DOCTOR) How’s it looking? DOCTOR Everything looks great. The baby is fine and SKYLAR is doing magnificently. Three more months and we all get to meet your first grandbaby. NATHAN leans close to the DOCTOR. NATHAN (Whispering) Tell me; is it a boy or a girl? DOCTOR Uh uh, mother wishes to keep that a secret until the day the bundle arrives. NATHAN

65 So there’s no getting it out of you, huh? Free Porterhouse for a year? DOCTOR Sorry Mr. Stall, as much as I love steak, it’s no deal. The DOCTOR and NATHAN shake hands, NATHAN puts his arm around SKYLAR and they begin to walk out of the office. SKYLAR So do you want to grab lunch? NATHAN I would love to baby, but I have to run by the restaurant before I meet CARA for dinner. SKYLAR CARA, huh? You guys are spending a lot of time together. NATHAN Yeah, we are, we enjoy each others company. SKYLAR And it’s not weird to you that I am having your girlfriend’s husband’s baby? NATHAN Not so weird that I wouldn’t want to be with her.

SKYLAR Well have you stopped to think how your little relationship was affecting me? NATHAN Actually, I don’t really care how my little relationship is affecting you. You are a grown

66 woman, and I am a grown man, almost an old man. And as much as I love you, I would like to spend the rest of my life with someone. And if that someone is CARA, and I think it is, you need to deal with it. To tell you the truth, I think you would have a problem with any woman I was seeing – but CARA happens to be an easy target. SKYLAR Maybe so, but that does not change the fact that the dynamic is uncomfortable for everyone. NATHAN No. The dynamic is uncomfortable for you. SKYLAR Really Daddy? Well why is it that in the nearly 3 months that you have been seeing her, you have never had the two of us in the same room? NATHAN In the beginning I wanted to make our thing about her and me. But you’re right, it’s probably time. SKYLAR Okay, well FYI, I’m in no rush. END OF ACT TWO

67 ACT THREE EXT. DAY CARA runs up her driveway, returning from a run. She is met by DEREK who is pacing on her front porch. CARA DEREK, what are you doing here? DEREK I just came by to check on you and the girls. MONICA Oh, you should have called. MONICA came and took them to the movies. DEREK Well, how have you been?


CARA Good. I have actually been doing great. DEREK I’m glad to hear that. There is an uncomfortable silence. CARA Listen, would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee? DEREK Sure. CARA Okay. CARA unlocks the door and they both walk in. CARA Do you think you could go in the kitchen and start a brew? I feel

68 really grimy so I’m going to take a quick shower. Okay cool.

DEREK See you in a minute.

DEREK walks into the kitchen and CARA runs up the stairs to her bathroom and undresses. She turns the water on and steps into the shower. DEREK starts the coffee and sits at the table. He hears the shower running and begins to walk up the stairs. CARA steps out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel just as DEREK knocks on the door. He opens it without getting a response. CARA looks shocked. DEREK Do you take cream and sugar? your coffee…


DEREK comes into the bathroom; the bathroom is full of steam. They begin an animalistic kiss. DEREK sits CARA on the sink and continues to kiss her. CARA Wait, wait, wait. This isn’t right, we can’t do this? You’re sexy as hell but we can’t do this. DEREK (Still kissing her) This is right – there is nothing more right. CARA No, stop DEREK. I can’t. DEREK pulls away from her, he looks confused. DEREK CARA, what is it? CARA I’m seeing somebody.

69 DEREK (Angrily) Who? NATHAN? What? You thought I didn’t know? CARA Well then you know that this can’t happen. DEREK I don’t get you. Before I just thought you were a sister who was a victim of love, and I accepted your relationship with BEN. But this? This is ridiculous! You are a serial lover of white men – a token Black girl! CARA Now wait a minute! You will not stand in my house and insult me. DEREK It looks like I am! You go out of your way to not involve yourself with a brother. I offered myself to you and you still found a way to sniff out a white boy. CARA First off, NATHAN is a man, not a boy – you are the only one who fits that bill. And second? Just because you “offer” yourself to me doesn’t mean I want to take you up on that offer! You just aren’t my type. Yeah, I know.

DEREK I’m too dark.

CARA No! You’re an asshole! And I wasted too much of my life on a selfish son of a bitch to involve myself with another one!

70 Look. I love you, but not like that, you’re not for me. Now, can you get your black ass out of my house? DEREK turns to leave. CARA Thank you. And close the front door… of my house and your pants. DEREK grimaces as he zips his pants and begins to walk down the stairs. CUT TO: INT. EVENING The doorbell rings, CARA opens her front door and outside stands NATHAN holding a bottle of wine, and SKYLAR stands behind him with a dessert. NATHAN Hello gorgeous. NATHAN steps in the house and kisses CARA on the lips and then walks past her. CARA looks uncomfortable. CARA Hello SKYLAR. SKYLAR Hi. She holds up the dessert. SKYLAR (CONT’D) Oh, this is for you. CARA Thank you, it looks good.

Come in.

SKYLAR walks into the house and begins to look around. She immediately comes across a picture of BEN in his uniform. She runs a finger across the frame. CARA walks up behind her and notices the gesture.


CARA Can I get you something to drink? SKYLAR (Startled) Water, please. CARA (To NATHAN) And you? NATHAN If you don’t mind, I think I will crack open this bottle and pour a glass. Can I get you any? CARA Yes please. NATHAN leaves the living room and goes into the kitchen where MONICA, KEELY and EMERSON are. MONICA (O.S.) Hey NATHAN, what’s up? NATHAN (O.S.) How are you ladies doing? SKYLAR So… how long were you married? CARA Eight years. We were married right after graduate school. SKYLAR You have a nice home. CARA Thank you. Can I ask you something? Why didn’t you call me after I left my number with your father? SKYLAR

72 I don’t know. I guess I was uncomfortable… it took me a while to stomach the idea that I was the… other woman. I guess I was in shock. CARA Yeah, me too. Still, it would have been nice; there were things I needed to know. SKYLAR Like what? CARA Well… like… you know, it doesn’t really matter anymore. Why? now?

SKYLAR Do you have all the answers

CARA No. I don’t think there is an answer. No matter what I ask and what you tell, I will still be confused… and my heart would be just as broken. So I don’t see any reason to ask questions that I know you don’t have the answer to – BEN is really the only one with the answers. So my guess? We will never know anything; we can just conjecture… and hope. SKYLAR What are you hoping for? CARA I’m hoping that he didn’t love you? SKYLAR And I’m hoping that he did. NATHAN enters the room. NATHAN

73 You ladies ready for dinner? NATHAN hands CARA a glass of wine. of the kitchen.

KEELY follows him out

KEELY Dinner is served. NATHAN (to KEELY) I can’t wait, what do you have for me? They all turn and walk towards the dining room table. KEELY I made the salad, and MONICA she made the mashed potatoes. My mom made the prime rib and gravy. NATHAN Umm, that sounds great. They all sit down at a table that has already been set. NATHAN prays over the food. NATHAN Dear Lord, thank you for this day, thank you for family, thank you for our time together and thank you for the food we are about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies. Amen. ALL Amen. NATHAN Let’s eat. KEELY honey, can you pass me that delicious looking salad? Okay.

KEELY Can you pass me the gravy? NATHAN

74 I sure will. They all pass around the food at the table, chatting until everyone is served. KEELY NATHAN, are you going to be my new daddy? The room falls silent.

NATHAN looks up at CARA.

NATHAN I don’t know sweetie. ask?

Why do you

KEELY Well, I’ve been thinking… if you and Mommy get married, SKYLAR will be my sister right? And that would make her baby my niece, right? NATHAN Or nephew, but you’re right. KEELY But if you and mommy don’t get married what will the baby be to me? NATHAN, CARA, SKYLAR and MONICA look at each other, but remain quiet. MONICA Then the baby would be your sister, honey. SKYLAR Or brother. KEELY My sister? MONICA Or brother. NATHAN

75 Well I don’t want to debate sister or brother. NATHAN looks CARA in the eyes. NATHAN (CONT’D) Let’s debate niece or nephew. SKYLAR Excuse me. SKYLAR pushes back her plate and leaves the table in a hurry. NATHAN begins to go after her, but CARA stops him and follows SKYLAR out of the room. CARA finds SKYLAR on the back porch with her back to the house. CARA stands behind her. CARA What’s your problem? SKYLAR My problem is you! How dare you get involved with my father? CARA Excuse me!?! The woman who is pregnant with my dead husband’s baby has a problem with my relationship choices? HOW DARE YOU!!! SKYLAR You can’t love my father. CARA Why not? You loved my husband! Look, your father is happy and so am I. That means you just have to grow up and deal with it! SKYLAR Why is it that you have to be the first love for every man I love? I know now that I was never BEN’s priority, but I use to be my fathers – in each case, you are

76 the woman holding the number one spot. CARA SKYLAR, if BEN was alive I would hand him to you, and thank you both for bringing me to know your father. In the most twisted way I can think of, I owe you my thanks for creating a situation that allowed me to meet the love of my life. SKYLAR The love of your life? CARA It’s crazy how life works, how God’s plan has to include some pain, turmoil and growth for us to come into the blessings that He has for us. And that’s what happened here, your father was meant for me all along – but we all had to go through a storm to see how beautiful life can be if you just wait it out. SKYLAR What is there for me… after this mess? CARA That beautiful baby that is growing inside of you. I believe BEN orchestrated this whole thing – he was always full of surprises. NATHAN Is everything alright out here, ladies? CARA and SKYLAR look at one another, both have tears in their eyes. CARA

77 Yeah, everything is fine. CARA walks to NATHAN and kisses his cheek, then she walks into the house and down the hallway. SKYLAR follows by kissing NATHANS cheek and also continuing down the hall. NATHAN looks puzzled and then walks back into the house, letting the screen door slam behind him. CUT TO: INT. EVENING That same evening, after dinner everyone clears the dishes from the table. After handing SKYLAR his plate, NATHAN wanders down the hallway to the door that’s always closed. He opens the door and turns on the light. The room is filled with CARA’s artwork, he survey’s the room. CARA comes behind him. CARA Boy you’re nosey. NATHAN It’s a good thing too, otherwise I would have had no idea just how talented you are. CARA It is an old love that I’ve been rekindling. NATHAN So teaching art is your substitute for creating it? CARA Something like that. When BEN and I got married I began concentrating more on him and the family. Art just didn’t seem practical. NATHAN Practicality often stifles the fulfillment of great visions.

78 CARA Who said that? NATHAN I did. CARA Well, you are a very insightful man. CARA leans in and kisses him. NATHAN You said “BEN”. CARA So? NATHAN So… remember our deal? We wouldn’t say his name until I made you fall in love with me. CARA So? NATHAN So you said “BEN”! CARA Oh. She holds NATHAN close, looks him in his eye and then whispers. CARA BEN… They kiss passionately. NATHAN CARA? CARA Yes baby? NATHAN

79 I love you. But the next time you kiss me like that, you better be saying my name! CUT TO: INT. AFTERNOON NATHAN and SYKLAR stand in a hallway outside of a door. SKYLAR puts the key in the door and turns the doorknob. She pushes the door open and allows NATHAN to walk in before her. SYYLAR Well Dad, this is it. think?

What do you

NATHAN walks around the bare open space. There is a wall of windows, NATHAN walks straight to it and begins to look at the view. SKYLAR It’s a studio. I figure that the baby and I can share a space, at least until it starts talking. NATHAN I like it, there’s a lot of space for my grandbaby to move around in. SKYLAR Yeah, I like the idea of us always being in each others presence. But Dad, you haven’t seen the best part. SKYLAR walks over to double doors on the side wall, NATHAN follows. She opens the doors to another empty studio. SKYLAR The owner is leasing this second space to me for half price. NATHAN walks in and stands in the middle of the room, looking around.

80 SKYLAR This is my dance school. Daddy, I’m starting a dance school! SKYLAR looks excited. SKYLAR (CONT’D) I haven’t got the business end all planned out but I figure this way I can kind of be a stay-at-homemom, and work at the same time. I have a few of the parents from the old school who have already asked me to continue to teach their kids so I don’t have to worry about finding students… What do you think? NATHAN walks towards her. NATHAN I think you are going to be an excellent business owner and an even better mother. He kisses her forehead and hugs her. NATHAN (CONT’D) Let me know how I can help. SKYLAR Thanks, I am sure you will have to help me work out the logistics of actually becoming a business owner. But I have the rest of it under control… well… besides some occasional babysitting duties on your part. NATHAN You never have to ask. NATHAN looks at SKYLAR, pleased by her. NATHAN (CONT’D) I told you that you would get it. Okay, so I’m going to leave you

81 here to get settled, do you have everything you need. Yeah.

SKYLAR I have it all.

NATHAN walks towards the door. SKYLAR (CONT’D) Hey Dad. NATHAN turns to look at her. SKYLAR I’m okay with it. You and CARA. I’m okay with it. NATHAN smiles. NATHAN You better be. NATHAN winks his eye and closes the door behind him. SKYLAR is left standing in the middle of an empty room. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. EVENING NATHAN and CARA drive up to the front of NATHAN’s steakhouse. NATHAN gets out of his car and hands his keys to the valet. He walks around the car and helps CARA out of the car. CARA notices a “closed” sign on the restaurant window as they walk towards the front door. CARA Why is the restaurant closed? NATHAN There’s a private party tonight. CARA Then why are we here? NATHAN

82 Because it’s our private party. NATHAN opens the front door and allows CARA to enter before him. CARA surveys the room and sees all of her paintings standing on easels. NATHAN walks up behind her and whispers in her ear. NATHAN I just couldn’t keep you a secret. I hope you don’t mind. CARA (in shock) Who are all of these people? NATHAN They are all here to see you. And buy your artwork of course. This is a silent auction. CARA So… all of these people are here to buy my work? Why? NATHAN You know, I really don’t know… all I did was tell everyone I knew about this amazingly talented artist and they all clamored for an invitation to the event. CARA Thank you, NATHAN. I don’t think anyone as ever done something sweeter for me. NATHAN Well, I am hoping by the end of the night you will be convinced about something the rest of us have known all along… that your rise is limitless. You are remarkable. CARA

83 Well… let’s go see how much these suckers are paying! MONICA and GREG approach. So?

MONICA What do you think?

CARA I think it’s wonderful! you keep this from me?

How did

MONICA It wasn’t easy but KEELY and EMERSON are good decoys. (whispering) They’re not really sick. NATHAN Quite the little actresses, though. CARA Where are the girls? GREG They are being entertained by a qualified child care provider in the back. CARA Really?


NATHAN They’re future big sis, SKYLAR. CARA Big sis, huh? You sure do count your eggs before they hatch! Arm-in-arm, NATHAN and CARA, and MONICA and GREG walk around the restaurant and begin to socialize with the guests as the solo saxophonist continues to play. DISSOLVE TO: INT. AFTERNOON


CARA’s house, the doorbell rings as CARA, KEELY and EMERSON are in the kitchen making cookies. CARA Okay KEELY, you keep helping your sister form the balls while I get the door. CARA opens the door, DEREK stands outside. CARA Hey. DEREK How are you doing? CARA Good. DEREK I hear the girls in there – are they good, too? CARA Yeah. You want to come in and say hello? DEREK Can I? CARA opens the door and lets DEREK in. DEREK Look, CARA, about the other day… I wanted to apologize… CARA stops him from speaking. CARA There’s no need. We were both out of line – did things we shouldn’t have done and said things we shouldn’t have said. The truth is, I always had a school girl’s crush on you. But that’s all it

85 could have ever been. And it doesn’t have anything to do with Black and White, it has to do with chemistry. You can be fine all you want, but in the end, you are my brother, and I need to keep it that way. I need all the family that will have me. Will you have me? DEREK Of Course. So… how’s things with NATHAN? CARA Wonderful… you and BEN picked a winner with that guy! DEREK and CARA walk into the kitchen and joined the girls. CUT TO: INT. MORNING CARA, NATHAN, KEELY and EMERSON sit around the kitchen table eating pancakes. The door swings open with SKYLAR standing there panting and holding her stomach. SKYLAR (panicked) It’s time! NATHAN It’s time? KEELY Time for what? CARA gets the girls out of their seat. CARA Time to meet your little sister or brother…

86 CARA looks at NATHAN. CARA (CONT’D) Slash niece or nephew. Come on lets go. (To NATHAN) Go on… we’ll meet you there. NATHAN Okay – hurry. CUT TO: INT. MORNING CARA, KEELY and EMERSON hurry down the hospital corridor. CARA approaches the nurse’s station. CARA SKYLAR Stall’s room please. NURSE Are you family? SKYLAR Yes, she’s family. SKYLAR is behind her sitting in a wheel chair, NATHAN is pushing her. SKYLAR They’re moving me to the delivery room over here. The girls can come, too. They all disappear into the delivery room. CUT TO: INT. AFTERNOON NATHAN holding EMERSON, KEELY AND CARA stand outside the hospital nursery looking at the baby. CARA has tears in her eyes. CARA

87 He looks like, BEN. NATHAN holds her close. CARA What is she going to name him? NATHAN With the circumstances, I don’t think she would name him after BEN… CARA No… I think she should. like that.

BEN would

CARA gazes at the baby, who is now being held directly in front of her by a nursery nurse, her eyes fixed on him. FADE TO: EXT. AFTERNOON TODAY CARA stands outside of a storefront window that reads, “Gallery: Art by CARA.” She locks the front door and gets in her car and drive a way. CUT TO: EXT.AFTERNOON CARA is outside, in front or NATHAN’s Steakhouse where NATHAN, KEELY and EMERSON stand on the sidewalk. They all get in the car and drive away. CUT TO: EXT.AFTERNOON CARA, NATHAN, KEELY and EMERSON SKYLAR at the cemetery near BEN’s grave site. The get out the car and walk towards the grave. At the grave are MONICA with GREG and SKYLAR with BABY BEN in her arms.

88 They greet each other with hugs and kisses. They put flowers on the grave. Then they all stand holding each other looking down at BEN’s grave. MONICA So, do you think he’s up there? CARA You know… I think he is. I think he’s up there and he’s watching over all of us orchestrating our happiness. KEELY Like an angel? CARA Yes baby… just like an angel. They all look to the sky. CARA (V.O.) Can you remember before the storm? You were so contented by “enough” that you refused to have the courage to attain it all. But after the water comes and washes away mediocrity, you realize you have no choice but to stretch yourself beyond the comfortable limits in order to get what’s been set aside for you – life after the storm is life in abundance. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE


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