Mvp Team Building Proposal

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,124
  • Pages: 25
Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Accelerated Retuning Practices

mental, emotional, spiritual and physical

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

• Self leadership & Personal Competency • 7 Human Capabilities and how to manage it well. •Obstacles in Self Leadership Management •Procrastination and how to overcome it. • Fear •Perceptual Distortion/Negative thinking • Narcissist • Tools to lead and manage Self Leadership

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

What need to be a good team •5 dysfunctional of a team • How to overcome the team dysfunctional.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives The ice-breaking session in order to get to know each other in more respective manner. Contents •Participants will be briefly introduce their friends instead of introducing themselves. This will make them understand more about their colleagues. • Participant will be divided into group

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives •Develop Creative and Innovative Thinking •Enhance the Focusing and concentrating techniques for individual and group in creating the solution for each task given. • Develop Self Confidence level to individual and group. •Developing the team instruction and comply with it. • Enhance team collaboration skill

Contents •Participant will be exposed to creative and innovative thinking techniques. • Participant need to accepting orders and collaborate with each other to ensure success. • Participant will be exposed to understand and willing to accept others opinion toward succession. • Teamwork collaboration

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives • Understand self color and the it’s functions via science-meta-physic in order to understand Self Behavior. • Using Self Color to overcome negative thinking towards self and others • Exposed to 4 elements of life Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical. •Understand the Self Healing techniques toward stress. • Overcoming stress by implement the Light Vibration and Reiki LVT level 1. • Develop Self Confidence level and ataraxis mind to individual and group.

Contents •Participants will be exposed to 4 main color of life. •Participants will be taught the use of the knowledge to avoid negative thinking toward self and others. • Participants will be exposed to Light vibration therapy and Reiki LVT level 1. • Participants will be taught on using the said therapy to overcome the stress.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives •Understand Self Leadership Management • To identify self strength, weakness. abilities and capabilities for becoming true Self leadership. • Enhancing participant self confidence within themselves and their colleagues. •Enhance the Morale and Productivity of each participant • To Overcome the Inner FEAR and enhance the confidence level to all the participant. Coming out from “Comfort Zone” and becoming risk taker for company development. • Identified the OBSTACLES factors for self leadership Management. • Understand the styles of procrastination and how to overcome it. • Identify the tools to lead and manage self leadership

Contents •Participants will be exposed to self leadership management, the important of it as Self Leadership is a base for all Leadership. • Participants will be displayed on self competence. • Participants will be exposed to Procrastination and the styles of procrastinators. • Participants will be shown on the Perceptual Distortion and the impact on the daily work basis. • Participants will be ascertained the tools to lead and manage.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives • Develop Creative and Innovative Thinking in problem solving • Exposed participants to have sharing commitment as a team. • Enhance the Focusing and concentrating techniques for individual and group in creating the solution for each task or issues given. • Develop Self Confidence level to individual and group in order to work as a team to solve certain issues in organization. • Enhance team collaboration.

Contents •Participant will be exposed to creative and innovative thinking techniques. • Participant need to prepare solutions on the several issues given via the adaptation of several techniques that already learned. • Case Study will be given to all participants. • Participant will be exposed to understand and willing to accept others opinion toward succession.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives •Adaptation of Growth Mindset as a team in developing their talent and abilities through passion, education and persistence. • Understanding the importance of Mindset Change in order to become a person with the Growth Mindset, in the spirit of learning and more open to good feedback and criticism from the others team members. • Understand the importance of team collaboration and how to overcome team failure.

Contents •Participant will be tested on theirs working as a team and taking a lead for success. • Understanding the importance of Leadership Mindset, skills and abilities for company success. • Where element of truthful, trustworthy, sharing & brilliance to be instilled to oneself and adapt it to daily life via personal, working & organization. • Why team fail and how to overcome it.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives •Develop Creative and Innovative Thinking. Thinking Outside the Box. •Enhance the Focusing and concentrating techniques for individual and group in creating the solution for each task given. • Develop Self Confidence level to individual and group. • Developing the team instruction and comply with it. • Enhance team collaboration skill

Contents • Participant will be exposed to creative and innovative thinking techniques. • Participant need to accepting orders and collaborate with each other to ensure success. • Participant will be exposed to understand and willing to accept others opinion toward succession. • Teamwork collaboration

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives • To enhance teamwork collaboration. • To enhance team communication skills • Understand the important of team strength and understanding on each other function.

Contents •Participant will be played indoor games. • Sharing information and knowledge as a team and enhance team collaboration. • To Promote and recognize improvement in their team.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives • Understand the vision and mission of the organization. • Participants will be exposed to creating the new co and the vision and mission of the new co. • To enhance participants understand towards contribution for organizational success. • Enhance participants skills on presentation and communication level.

Contents •Creating New Co, Vision and Mission. • Identify the Employees Commitment for the New Co. • How to enhance company productivity.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Objectives • Understand what participants have learn for 3 days 2 nights. • Positive Statement from participants

Contents •Participants knowledge's and understanding towards the program. • Creating the inner promises towards self improvement

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

“ARP : MVP’s One Solid Family” Course Itinerary (3 days 2 nights)

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

“ARP : MVP’s One Solid Family” Course Content & Itinerary (3 days 2 nights) Time





Important Elements

DAY ONE 04.00pm

• The ice-breaking session in order to get to know each other in more respective manner.

Ice Breaking

• Participants will be briefly introduce their friends instead of introducing themselves. This will make them understand more about their colleagues.

• Individual and Group Approach.

• Participant will be divided into group. 5.00pm

Rest, Prayer and check in

5.30pm till 6.45 pm


• Develop Creative and Innovative Thinking

• Participant will be exposed to creative and innovative thinking techniques.

•Enhance the Focusing and concentrating techniques for individual and group in creating the solution for each task given.

• Participant need to accepting orders and collaborate with each other to ensure success.

• Develop Self Confidence level to individual and group.

• Participant will be exposed to understand and willing to accept others opinion toward succession.

• Developing the team instruction and comply with it.

• Group Activities • Instruction and Guidance from Trainer

• Creative and Innovative Thinking • Understand the task and self responsibility • Teamwork Collaboration.

• Teamwork collaboration

• Enhance team collaboration skill 7.00pm 8.30pm till 10.30pm

Rest & Prayer & Dinner A) Knowing Self Color and understanding the function of it via science Meta-physic AND B) Stress Management

Light Vibration Therapy & Reiki LVT level 1 and 2. (Managing your stress and Self healing Technique via Reiki-LVT Concept Therapy) 10.30pm

• Understand self color and the it’s functions via science-meta-physic in order to understand Self Behavior. • Using Self Color to overcome negative thinking towards self and others • Exposed to 4 elements of life Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical. •Understand the Self Healing techniques toward stress. • Overcoming stress by implement the Light Vibration and Reiki LVT level 1. • Develop Self Confidence level and ataraxis mind to individual and group.

•Participants will be exposed to 4 main color of life. •Participants will be taught the use of the knowledge to avoid negative thinking toward self and others. • Participants will be exposed to Light vibration therapy and Reiki LVT level 1. • Participants will be taught on using the said therapy to overcome the stress.


• Group Activities • Lecturing and guidance from Trainer

• Light Vibration Therapy • Reiki LVT level 1

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

“ARP : MVP’s One Solid Family” Course Content & Itinerary (3 days 2 nights) Time





• Lecturing and guidance from Trainer.

Important Elements

DAY TWO 8.00am




• Understand Self Leadership Management


• To identify self strength, weakness. abilities and capabilities for becoming true leader

• Participants will be exposed to self leadership management, the important of it as Self Leadership is a base for all Leadership.

• Enhancing participant self confidence within themselves and their colleagues.

• Participants will be displayed on self competence.

•Enhance the Morale and Productivity of each participant

• Participants will be exposed to Procrastination and the styles of procrastinators.

• Self leadership & Personal Competency • 7 Human Capabilities and how to manage it well. •Obstacles in Self Leadership Management •Procrastination and how to overcome it. • Fear •Perceptual Distortion/Negative thinking • Narcissist • Tools to lead and manage Self Leadership


Tea Break




Rest, Prayer and Lunch

• To Overcome the Inner FEAR and enhance the confidence level to all the leader. Coming out from “Comfort Zone” and becoming risk taker for company development. • Identified the OBSTACLES factors for self leadership Management. • Understand the styles of procrastination and how to overcome it. • Identify the tools to lead and manage self leadership

• .Participants will be shown on the Perceptual Distortion and the impact on the daily work basis. • Participants will be ascertained the tools to lead and manage.

• Group Activities • Group Hearing and Vision Test.

• Self Leadership • Personal Competence • Styles of Procrastination • Perceptual Distortion • Tool to lead and manage

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

“ARP : MVP’s One Solid Family” Course Content & Itinerary (3 days 2 nights) Time





Important Elements

DAY TWO….(2) 2.00pm


• Develop Creative and Innovative Thinking in problem solving

• Participant will be exposed to creative and innovative thinking techniques.

• Exposed participants to have sharing commitment as a team.

• Participant need to prepare solutions on the several issues given via the adaptation of several techniques that already learned.

• Enhance the Focusing and concentrating techniques for individual and group in creating the solution for each task or issues given.

• Case Study will be given to all participants.

• Develop Self Confidence level to individual and group in order to work as a team to solve certain issues in organization.

• Participant will be exposed to understand and willing to accept others opinion toward succession.

• Theory and Practical • Group and Individual activities • Question type of learning, more proactive and 2 way communication.

• Problem Solving • Team Collaboration

• Enhance team collaboration.


Tea Break


THE RICE COOKER PART 2 “ TEAMWORK COLLABORATION” AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT • What need to be a good team •5 dysfunctional of a team • How to overcome the team dysfunctional.


Rest, & Prayer

• Adaptation of Growth Mindset as a team in developing their talent and abilities through passion, education and persistence. • Understanding the importance of Mindset Change in order to become a person with the Growth Mindset, in the spirit of learning and more open to good feedback and criticism from the others team members. • Understand the importance of team collaboration and how to overcome team failure.

• Participant will be tested on theirs working as a team and taking a lead for success. • Understanding the importance of Leadership Mindset, skills and abilities for company success. • Where element of truthful, trustworthy, sharing & brilliance to be instilled to oneself and adapt it to daily life via personal, working & organization. • Why team fail and how to overcome it.

•Group and Individual Activities

• Team Leadership Skills

• Explanation and guidance from Trainer

• Teamwork Collaboration

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

“ARP : MVP’s One Solid Family” Course Content & Itinerary (3 days 2 nights)






Important Elements

DAY TWO….(3) 5.30pm till 6.45 pm


• Develop Creative and Innovative Thinking. Thinking Outside the Box.

• Participant will be exposed to creative and innovative thinking techniques.

•Enhance the Focusing and concentrating techniques for individual and group in creating the solution for each task given.

• Participant need to accepting orders and collaborate with each other to ensure success.

• Develop Self Confidence level to individual and group.

• Participant will be exposed to understand and willing to accept others opinion toward succession.

• Developing the team instruction and comply with it.

• Group Activities • Instruction and Guidance from Trainer

• Creative and Innovative Thinking • Understand the task and self responsibility • Teamwork Collaboration.

• Teamwork collaboration

• Enhance team collaboration skill 7.00pm

Rest & Prayer & Dinner

8.30pm till 10.30pm



• To enhance teamwork collaboration.

• Participant will be played indoor games.

• To enhance team communication skills

• Sharing information and knowledge as a team and enhance team collaboration.

• Understand the important of team strength and understanding on each other function.

• to Promote and recognize improvement in their team.


• Group and Individual Activities

• Indoor Games

• Fun Learning

• Fun learning

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

“ARP : MVP’s One Solid Family” Course Content & Itinerary (3 days 2 nights)






Important Elements

DAY THREE 8.00am




• Understand the vision and mission of the organization.

• Creating New Co, Vision and Mission.

• Participants will be exposed to creating the new co and the vision and mission of the new co.

• Identify the Employees Commitment for the New Co.

• To enhance participants understand towards contribution for organizational success. • Enhance participants skills on presentation and communication level.


Tea Break




• Guidance from Trainer • Group and Individual Activities

• How to enhance company productivity.

• Understand what participants have learn for 3 days 2 nights.

• Participants knowledge's and understanding towards the program.

• Positive Statement from participants.

• Creating the inner promises towards self improvement.

Summary and Closing END OF PROGRAM

• Excellence Leadership Skill • Planning and organizing skill • Confidence, Responsible and Accountable

• Guidance from Trainer • Group and Individual Activities

• Statement of Improvement

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Sifu Mirza is the MASTER Trainer, Motivator & Coach for SCA, He also the advisor for a non profit organization called Baitul Ummah.Com that emphasize on Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh and Fatonah (4 Excellence Attitudes of Supreme Leadership) in all aspect of life. He believes that only by adapting the 4 attitudes, people will change, people will succeed, and people will excel and lead a better life.

Master Trainer Sifu Mirza Mohamad

Mirza had been entrusted to lead the Marketing Department of the pioneer & leading ‘Direct Response TV’; Smart Shop. Subject Matter such as Retailing, Focus Market, Customer Services & Management, Great & Saleable Products, Branding Image, Power Pack Sales Force, Advertising & Promotion Strategy, Staff Development, are the bread & butter for him. One of the areas that he loves most is to Train & Coach people. Mirza favorite topics are Self Motivation, Mind Set, and Paradigm Shift on top of more academic topics such as Branding, Retailing and Marketing. Some of the training courses that conducted by him such as Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Industrial Development Authority ( MIDA), Malaysia Industrial Development Finance Berhad, Malaysia Building Society Berhad ( MBSB ), Malaysia Timber Industries Board (MTIB), Lembaga Getah Malaysia ( LGM ), Lembaga Penggalakkan Pelancongan Malaysia and others.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Mr. Huzaini is one of the Trainer, Motivator & Coach for SCA,. is a practical, down-to-earth, "no nonsense", results-oriented professional who specializes in discovering the real issues affecting organizational performance and helps solve them with time and cost efficiency.

Chief Facilitator Mr. Huzaini Daud

During his fifteen years with three of the major service industries, Broadcasting, Retails and Multi Level Marketing covered most divisions and operational areas in an administrative and management capacity as well as in marketing and human development, He was deeply involved with the formulation of policies, procedures, and operational manuals, following which he chartered for himself "on-field" training and a "cross training" program which saw his move divisions and even countries. He developed a training system for NeutraLife Sdn Bhd and Bin Alif Corporation an MLM company, and achieved a success toward the development of the program. Some of the training program conducted by him such as Heitech Padu Berhad, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (MOE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad ( SPNB) Malaysia Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF), Malaysia Building Society Berhad ( MBSB ) and others.

Ref : PR18008(141)MVPSB/rd Private & Confidential

Rules and thing to bring; 1. Two (2) pairs of Sport Attire as there will be activity involved with water. ( or can bring water outfit; bikinis are not allowed ) 2. Participants need to give full cooperation and participation in activities conducted by the trainer. 3. Participants need to be open minded and willing to accept healthy criticism for the improvement. 4. Training Manuals and Materials will be provided.

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