Mutant Meal

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 7,279
  • Pages: 11
‘Mutant Meal’ by GoldFox I own nothing and no one. Dest is copyright to Jidane and is used with permission. Seth is copyright to Dou Radon and is also used with permission. The mutants are copyrighted to ‘X-Men: Evolution’. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Author’s note: This story takes place after the pictures ‘No more Muffins - Full Version' by Jidane [] and 'releasefee' by Duo Radon []. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kurt sighed as he entered the mansion. What a day! Three finals and a physical test in gym! He was exhausted! But just as he was going to the kitchen, he got a mental message fro the professor that there was trouble downstairs in Forge’s lab. Kurt instantly dropped his book bag, and turned off his hologram and teleported down there. He arrived on a fight consisting of the X-Men against both the Acolytes and the Brotherhood. Nightcrawler instantly jumped into the fray, tackling Gambit to the floor. Gambit glared at him and kicked him off, throwing a charged card at him. Nightcrawler quickly ‘ported as the card, charged with kinetic energy, exploded on contact with the wall, leaving a huge hole. As soon as he reappeared, Nightcrawler launched himself once again at Gambit, but was intercepted by a white blur. He looked up from hitting the wall to see Quicksilver there, smirking at him before disappearing in a blue again, using his speed to attack the other X-Men. As the fight continued, it became clear what the other mutants were after. Forge, the super genius of the X-Men, had developed a new machine that was rumored to have made a path possible to another dimension. And evidently, Magneto was interested in it. Quicksilver zipped around the whole fight and ran to the machine, trying to figure out how to work it. Gambit came over and tried to help, having some decent computer knowledge. Nightcrawler was the only one free and ran to stop them, shouting at them to get away from the machine. He reached the two and barreled into them, tumbling the three of them out in front of the beam, where they proceed to wrestle to try and gain dominance of the others. What they didn’t notice was that Spyke and Avalanche were nearby. Spyke launched a volley of sharp, bony projectiles at the other mutant, but Avalanche only lifted his foot, concentrated and then stomped down, creating a massive shock wave in the floor, making it twist and shift like in an earthquake. Spyke’s aim was thrown off as he fell to the floor and several of the spikes hit the machine. There was a pause and then sparks began to fly and then three mutants in front of the machine looked up from their fight to see a bright flash. Seth sighed as he rested. He looked back behind him for the third time in as many minutes. If he was gone too long, Dest would suspect him of trying to escape and that would certainly not end well. Dest had already consumed the souls of the angels he had given him and was hungry again. And if Seth didn’t find something soon, he knew that he’d be on the menu. He sighed again. It was just no use! There was no one left! Everyone in this area knew of Dest and how to hide from him, and the angels had become more wary, all in all, making Seth’s task

almost impossible. The only things he was finding were small bugs and grubs and he was certain that Dest wouldn’t be interested in those. Suddenly a flash lit the area and Seth winced at the brightness, diving for cover. When the flash ended, he looked up and stared, amazed. They landed in a rough pile, one on top of the other, coughing. “What the hell just happened?!” Quicksilver gasped, squirming out from under the other two mutants. “I have no idea.” Gambit said, shoving Nightcrawler off of him and sitting up. But then they both looked at the blue mutant. “Hey, don’t look at me!” Nightcrawler said, holding up his hands. “I didn’t do this!” They may have all hated each other, but they could tell that Nightcrawler wasn’t lying. They got up, dusted themselves off and looked around them. Before them was a city underground, but with sunlight breaking through from far above, enough to light the place, but only enough to give it a dim light. The buildings standing before them were broken and decayed. No one had been here in a LONG time. They could hear running water and saw that there was water down here in the forms of streams, flowing darkly in the weak light. They started walked, trying to figure out there they were. They saw a few scraggly plants, clinging to survival by clawing at the scant light coming down from above. The mutants came to one of the stone walls and were stunned. On it was some kind of drawing, but it was so faded out that neither the text nor the picture could be properly seen. It looked like two creatures, each with wings. They seemed to be… joined somehow, but it was just too faded to read properly. There was another drawing nearby and it would have been easy to read had it not been for the several slashes deep into the rock, scarring the image and making it unintelligible. Quicksilver suddenly asked Nightcrawler, “Why not make yourself useful and teleport us out of here? I’m sure you don’t like being here anymore than we do.” Nightcrawler nodded, and tried, but found to his shock that when they had been blasted by the machine, they had lost their powers. He told this to other others, who instantly tried to prove him wrong only to discover he was right. For a minute, they all stood there, stunned and frightened at this new revelation; being stuck in a strange land, weak and powerless. “Well…” Gambit said, his voice startling the other two. He sighed and then said, “Look, since we’re going to be here until we can find a way now, let’s not fight. It won’t help any of us. My real name is Remy LeBeau.” Quicksilver paused, but then muttered, “Fine.” He then said proudly, “I’m Pietro Maximoff.” “Kurt Wagner.” Nightcrawler said softly, his German accent saying the ‘W’ as a ‘V’. Remy then said, “Now that intros are done, let’s get going,” and he stared walking. He turned to find that the other two hadn’t followed him and he asked, “What? You’ve got a better idea?” The other two shrugged and followed him. Seth watched in glee as these strangers appeared and then idly explored the ruins. Humans! Oh this was wonderful! If he could get them to Dest, he’d be saved! Grinning, he stepped out in front of them, seeing them freeze. He gave them his best smile, and said politely, “Hello.”

The three mutants stared at the creature in front of them. It was roughly five feet tall, and a first glance, they saw a replica of Kurt. But with a closer look, they saw many differences. This creature may have had a tail like Kurt’s, had pointed ears, but the ears seemed to have two points to them. On its two-toed feet, sharp claws were visible. His hands, with the normal five fingers, had claws on the tips as well. He had white hair that reached down to his shoulders and blue horns, double-pronged and smooth looking. He was wearing clothing, a blue shirt with golden trim and brown pants. It had light-blue colored skin, but no fur. The creature smiled at them, revealing fangs as he greeted them. He then said, “My name is Seth.” Kurt jerked as the other two mutants shoved him towards the demon, and he growled at them, hissing, “Hey, he may look like me, but that doesn’t mean I’ll talk to him!” “Why not?” Pietro asked smugly, saying with his insufferable grin, “You two have so much in common!” Kurt sighed but stepped closer to Seth. The little demon came up to his shoulder but he couldn’t help the feeling that Seth was looking at him strangely, like sizing up a meal. Kurt then said hesitantly, “Um… Hello, Seth.” He held out his hand, but the demon didn’t take it, looking a little confused. Kurt withdrew his hand and got down to business. “Listen could you help us? We’re lost and need to get out of here.” “Lost? Well that’s never a good thing.” Seth said with a smile and a chuckle. He looked up at the three tall mutants and started to walk off, saying slyly, “Come with me.” They followed their strange guide for about an hour past several of the broken buildings, past small streams and once, by a small waterfall. The air down here was musky and smelled back, like decay, but not the decay of stone. It almost smelled… evil. They walked up an old path, up the face of a large cliff. Built into the cliff-face was a large temple-looking structure. When they came to the entrance of the huge building, they saw it was as broken and decayed as the rest of the ruins, but it was so huge in scale that the damage of time barely showed. Looking down over the edge, they could see all the ruins below them. It was quite a view. While they hesitated, the demon, Seth, looked back at them, gave them a fanged grin and stepped inside. He disappeared into the darkness immediately and again, that sixth sense washed through Kurt again, that sense that the demon thought of them not as people, but as something else. Kurt backed up a step, saying, “I think we should leave--” Seth suddenly appeared, making them jump, asking, “Well? Are you coming?” and slipped back into the darkness. The three mutants looked at each other, and Remy was the first one to go in, followed by Pietro, and Kurt brought up the rear, his tail flicking back and forth like mad as he fretted. Inside the temple, they found it was enormous, like a cathedral, but a hundred times more massive. Seth led them without hesitation up stone steps, often checking to see that they were indeed still following him. They emerged into a large chamber. It had no furniture to speak of and there was only one huge window, which gave them a view of all the ruins below. Right near the back of the chamber was what appeared to be a depression in the floor, probably only about three feet deep. It seemed to be lined with lots and lots of large white feathers. Something about the feathers being used as what appeared to be bedding material made all three mutants feel very, very nervous for some reason, like a sixth sense pawing at their minds.

The three mutants froze as a voice spoke, soft and musical, seeming to drift refreshingly in the strange environment, “Ahhh… Seth. You have returned.” There was a soft slithering sound and they watched in shock as a tail swished on the smooth stone like a snake, the end of it poking out from the shadows of the pit. They could see it wasn’t the whole tail, but the bit they saw was easily 7 feet long! Off the main portion of the tail there was a kind of offshoot, stretching for about 2 feet while the rest of the tail reached a length of 6 feet. The figure in the depression shifted a little, ruffling the white feathers, hissing in a voice of liquid silk, “I was beginning to grow… impatient.” The stress it put on the word sent shivers down their backs. The creature smiled at the little demon, long fangs glinting from a dark face in the reddish light of the room. Kurt noticed that the little demon was shaking, very badly, like he was terrified for his life. The elf swallowed hard and felt himself crouching a little, trying to hide behind Pietro, his heart beginning to race. Seth seemed to gather himself together and replied, “Yes, Dest, I have returned and I have acquired three others. Will they suffice?” He said this last bit hesitantly, as if afraid he would upset the creature. Remy looked at the others, mouthing ‘Dest?’ but Pietro just shrugged while Kurt kept crouching, trying to judge how far the nearest escape route was. “Three?” the large blackness said in interest, getting up. “Well, what a fortuitous occurrence.” The head rose up and up and it didn’t stop until it was twelve feet in the air. The creature stepped forwards out of the depression, placing one foot into the light. It was like the leg of a cat, powerful muscles rippling with the motion of the creature and black claws clicking as they settled on the stone floor. The claws were massively curved and looked sharp enough to puncture solid steel. A second leg followed into the light and then the body came into the light, a soft grayish hue. The torso was massive, strong and broad and well-muscled, revealing the creature to be a male. The arms were of the same build, but the right arm seemed to have weird feathers or scales growing off of it between the wrists and the elbow, on the outside of the arm. The head was huge, fitting for the creature. The face was regal, with long dark purple hair reaching to the shoulders, spilling over to hang down the back and front. But it was the eyes that caught their attention. The left eye of the creature was red in color, the iris filled with blood and flame. The right eye, however, was actually two horizontal slits, one on top of the other. They were filled with a hard, fiery reddish light that was anything but comforting. In the forehead seemed to be another eye, red and slitted again, but this time vertical. On the sides of the head were horns, black as midnight, sloping forwards, and then back and up, curling over to point behind his head, framing the face of this hellish creature. There was a soft sound and they saw that this creature also had wings, leathery and strong, with claws at the tips that looked just as deadly as his others. Dest remained up right for a minute or two and then dropped heavily to all fours, his claws clicking as they hit the stone, causing some holes in the thick stone. The demon then walked towards them, his wings rustling softly as he moved. He came right up to then and then sat on his haunches, still towering over them, one clawed hand rubbing at his chin as he remarked to Seth, “Bit of an odd bunch, aren’t they?” His smooth fluid manner of speaking was gone, but his musical voice remained, killing the instinct to run in the frightened mutants.

Dest dropped to all fours and circled the mutants, who just started at him, unsure of how to respond. He looked at Remy, who was stiff and shaking. Now the Cajun knew how it felt for people he had hypnotized in the past, that helpless feeling of total and complete submission. Dest blinked and sitting on his haunches, grabbed Remy’s chin, looked closer at his eyes. He then chuckled, saying smoothly, “Would you look at the eyes on this one?! Red, just like mine, but not nearly as bright. Though I must say, the black is a nice touch.” Remy gave him a weak grin, not knowing what else to do. Dest released him and Remy felt that his skin ached after being touched by that thing. Dest then looked at the silver-haired speed demon. He came forwards and using a clawtip, lifted up Pietro’s chin, forcing his head up and making him come forwards a little. Pietro was frozen in fear, unable to do anything but gasp like a fish, trying not to move and impale his throat on the claw as Dest looked him over, using a claw on his other hand to poke him hard in the gut. Dest then commented idly to Seth (who had remained nearby), “This one’s a little thin, but he’s nothing but muscle. Wonderful.” He let Pietro go and then caught sight of Kurt. Kurt gulped hard at the sudden scrutiny of that hellish gaze and immediately turned and bolted, running on all fours, his only thoughts to run and escape. He felt something grab his tail and yelped in shock and pain as he was yanked back and then lifted into the air by his tail. He looked behind him and saw that Dest’s tail was just as prehensile as his own. It was wrapped around his, right above the barb, holding him tightly. He was brought up to be right before the red eyes, hanging limply, his legs and arms tucked up as he whimpered. Dest seemed to look him over carefully, as if he were studying him. Then, to Kurt’s vast surprise, Dest laughed, a low, pleasant sound, and reached up one large hand to grab Kurt by his scruff while the tail released its hold. He was now holding Kurt right-side up as he said, “Look at him! No claws or anything!” He flicked his tail at Kurt’s, which instantly tucked up between his legs, saying, “It’s nice to have something familiar.” He then looked Kurt in the eyes, saying softly, “You’ll be the last.” “Z-ze last vat?” Kurt stuttered out, his accent strong as he whimpered fearfully. As an answer, Dest flung Kurt from him. The German smashed into a wall and got hazily to his feet, yelping in surprise as Seth suddenly pounced on him, pinning him down, hissing in his ear, “Keep still or you’re dead meat.” Kurt gulped hard, feeling the demon’s small but needle-sharp claws resting on jugular and nodded meekly. He heard a cry and looked up, staring. Dest had grabbed Pietro’s uniform-front and had lifted him up easily into the air. Remy had tried to bolt right away but he fell with a loud ‘oof’ to the floor as the powerful tail coiled around his ankle, trapping him to the floor. Dest glared down at Remy, snarling, “You wait your turn!” His voice had suddenly lost that comforting sound. Now it just sounded evil and dark. And hungry. Dest turned his attention back to Pietro, who was whimpering as he hung from his uniform, wriggling to try and escape. But Dest simply grabbed his hands and let his shirt go. Pietro yelped as he hung from his wrists, trying not to move so as not to cause himself more pain. Dest then wrapped his other hand around Pietro’s head, ignoring the muffled squeak as he said, “Hmm… I don’t think I’ll have to split my jaws for you.” He released Pietro, who gasped for air, his chest heaving as he tried to replenish his air supply. Dest then put Pietro down on the floor, letting him stand. As soon as his feet touched the floor, Pietro tried desperately to run, forgetting he was powerless, shouting and cursing as he struggled against the immobile grip. Dest watched him, chuckling as he said, “You’re certainly an energetic morsel, aren’t you?” Pietro’s blue eyes went wide as he froze, whispering, “M-Morsel?” Dest licked his lips and then bringing Pietro closer, licked at his cheek, leaving a trail of thick slime. This seemed to cement in Pietro’s mind what the demon really wanted of him and it set him off.

But Dest was far from done with him apparently. He held Pietro tighter and with an evil chuckle, his tongue slipped out and they saw it was longer than it had first appeared. Pietro squeaked as he felt the hot muscle wrap around his neck, tasting him. Pietro began to struggle as the tongue snaked down into his uniform, lapping against his chest, making him feel sick and dirty. Further disgusting him, Dest moaned as he pulled Pietro closer, pushing his tongue further, tasting more of his body. The speed demon yelped as he felt the slippery muscle sliding all over his chest and stomach, soaking the uniform from the inside out. Pietro tried to pull the tongue out, but it was too slick and he only got his hand coated with the slimy spit. Dest saw his effort and with another chuckle, retracted his tongue, making an effort of licking his lips and commenting, “Nice and clean… Delicious.” Leaning backwards, Pietro strained, shouting rapidly, “Let-me-go-you-freak-let-me-go-let-mego-let-me-go-let-mmmmph!” Both Remy and Kurt stared in shock as Dest suddenly yanked Pietro forwards and brought his mouth down, completely enveloping the silver-haired head, muffling his voice. Pietro froze when he felt a slick wetness enveloped his skull, everything tight and wet. He instantly began to struggle like crazy, unable to shout since his mouth couldn’t open enough in the tight space to make words. All he could make were animal noises of struggle as he tried to kick and claw his way free. Dest chuckled again around his prey and while one hand gripped Pietro’s belt, the other grabbed both kicking legs, holding them still. Pietro flailed his arms, the only part of him still free, and suddenly it registered that he was being lifted into the air. He tried to struggle, but Dest tipped his head back and stretching his jaws as much as he could without actually unhinging them, shoved the mutant down into his mouth. With a sickeningly wet slurp, the shoulders were forced into the wetness, stretching the skin grossly. Pietro shuddered and squirmed simultaneously as he felt his head get squished into a tight tunnel, his shoulders aching a little from being compacted. This couldn’t be happening! It just couldn’t! But as he felt sharp fangs dig a little into his body, preventing any backwards motions, he knew that this was as real as it got. He tried to reach up and dig his fingers into the red eyes, but with another swallow, he was stuck inside Dest up to his waist, his arms pinned to his side, hands clenching and unclenching helplessly. Pietro wriggled, screaming in a muffled voice, his legs, freed from the demon’s grasp, kicking frantically in the air. Remy watched in shock as Dest gulped again, the young mutant sliding in to his hips. Remy finally broke from his shock and rolling to his back, began to stomp his foot down on the tail restraining him as hard as he could, shouting in French, cursing the demon to hell and back. Dest paused in his meal, hearing dull thuds. He looked down and saw that the red-eyes human was trying to hurt him. How cute… He decided to deal with him later and continued his meal, reaching up to grip one kicking leg and keeping it straight as he swallowed again, enjoying the squirms from his catch. He felt the head of his prey finally pop into his stomach and his eyes drifted shut as he felt the squirming intensify. The instant Pietro’s nose picked up the scent of gastric acids, it sent a spark through his body and though he was pretty much wrapped up completely in the demon’s mouth and throat, he tried again and again to break free. He felt the huge hand around his ankle and used his other foot to try and pry it off. But then he let out a despairing moan as his action just allowed the demon to grab both his legs at once. Now he couldn’t move at all and could only whimper pitifully as he was forced deeper into the hot stomach, sliding in to his chest.

Now being not as constrained, Pietro could scream for release but it was in vain as he felt his knees sink into the slick fleshy prison. He was pushing down into the squishy flesh, wincing as it felt disgustingly soft and mushy. But then he felt a hard something nudge against him and he was pushed to be upright. Which of course only helped him slid in faster as his feet were sucked down the hot gullet. Dest sighed as he shifted his prey around, getting him right side up before performing the final gulp, looking up at the ceiling as the booted feet slid down into his throat and stomach, his flat stomach now bulging with the mutant’s presence. He sighed in relief as he kneaded his huge gut, loving the way it felt as the young human squirmed and tried to kick, finding to his dismay that he didn’t have enough room to do anything but wriggle in place. As Dest enjoyed the struggles, he remembered that he still had two left. He wanted this pleasure to continue so he concentrated and allowed air inside himself, halting his digestive processes. This way, he could have some fun! Remy kept kicking at the demon, now focusing on the legs, his heart racing as he tried now only to escape. Dest looked down at him, and he began to gibber in French as he was grabbed by the front of his uniform, just like Pietro had been. But Dest had other plans for him apparently. Dest crouched down to the floor, his heavy belly swaying with his ponderous motions. Remy gasped and struggled as he was pushed to the floor, forced to lay face-down, his feet pointed to the demon. He tried to crawl forwards, but Dest lay down on top of him, the huge belly pressing him to the floor. Remy shuddered as he felt the demon’s meal still moving, and shouted out desperately, “Lâches-moi!” Dest looked down at him, confused, but then shrugged, leaning down to hiss in the Cajun’s ear, “Whatever you just said, it won’t save you. You’re going to join your tasty friend and there’s not going to be any debate about it.” He then licked at the Cajun’s neck, long and slow, savoring the flavor, his tongue scraping against the smooth skin. Remy suddenly spun around despite his restraint and landed a punch right to Dest’s face. But his brief victory was spoiled as he yelped, his knuckles scraping against the horn, ripping the gloves and his skin. Dest glared at him as he withdrew his now bleeding hand, saying, “Now you’ve pissed me off.” and without another word, backed up and lifting the Cajun’s boots, stuck them both deep into his mouth. Remy let out a howl and tried to claw his way forwards, to freedom, but he was dragged backward as Dest gulped hugely and wetly, sucking his legs in to the knees. Remy clawed at the floor, shouting in French and English as he was pulled backwards, hardly caring that his fingertips were shredding from grabbing at the hard stone floor, leaving trails of crimson blood. Dest let his eyes close as Remy squirmed to try and rolled to his back, failing as the thick tail swung around and slammed down on his back, pinning him to the ground. Remy squeezed his eyes tightly shut as Dest grabbed his shoulder and pulled him further into himself, his hips now within the hot confines of the demon’s maw. Remy tried to wriggle free, but then heard the groan of pleasure from the demon. It suddenly sparked in Remy’s mind that the demon enjoyed the feeling of his prey squirming inside him. With a sly, bitter grin, Remy went completely limp, not moving a muscle as Dest gave him a squeeze. He knew he had no chance, so he decided he wouldn’t give Dest any pleasure. Dest realized the Cajun’s trick quickly, and glared at him, using a hand to force him to look at him. He managed a low hiss around the body in his throat and dug in his fangs a little, obviously warning Remy. But the Cajun just cocked an eyebrow at him, grinning again.

Dest glared at him again, his eyes on fire, but the soft red and black eyes never faltered. The demon grunted in annoyance at not fazing the Cajun, but then decided that it didn’t matter. He would win in the end anyway. Forcing himself, Dest quickly swallowed and shoved, pushing the Cajun deeper and deeper inside him. Remy was now completely stretched out, his feet down in the stomach, feeling Pietro still struggling against his boots. His arms were stretched out in front of him, his head now within the hot maw. He was able to see out and though his heart was racing, Remy kept his grin as he slid with no resistance, able to feel that Dest wasn’t enjoying this anymore. The red and black eyes shut as another rapid swallow pushed him down into darkness, the slick flesh wrapping tightly around him. His hands were the only things sticking out of Dest now. He could feel the blood from before trickling down his hands as Dest sat upright, using gravity to aid in the now-unpleasant action of swallowing the Cajun. Remy felt his hand get sucked into the hot, wet mouth and allowed himself a grin as Dest chewed lightly on his hands, drawing some blood, trying to use pain to get the Cajun moving. But Remy remained still. With a final frustrated growl, Dest swallowed hard, feeling the mutant get shoved down into his gut. He scowled as the man still refused to move, but was able to grin lightly when the younger one, with silver hair, went absolutely nuts, obviously terrified out of his wits that another had been captured and eaten. Dest sat down, letting his legs sprawl in front of him kneading his huge stomach, licking his lips. Dest could feel the motions of the younger human inside him, and those motions were also visible from the outside, much to Kurt’s horror. He lay flat under Seth’s weight, not even struggling as Dest ate the other two mutants, feeling like his limbs were made of lead, like he was watching a movie or something. He barely noticed that Seth had gotten off him, but when the smaller demon yanked at the collar of his uniform, choking him briefly, Kurt was forced to realize that everything he had just seen was real. He was numb as he was pushed to his feet, then forced closer to Dest, who was smiling hugely. It was when the huge hand grabbed his arm that he began to panic. Kurt tried to turn and run, but Seth was shoving him towards Dest with deadly finality and the huge demon’s grip was like steel. The German flailed to escape, crying out, “Let me go! Please!” Dest pulled him close and held him right to his chest, holding him in a gentle yet inescapable hug, crooning into the pointed ear, “Look how cute you are…” He used a claw to slice a hole in Kurt’s uniform across the stomach, exposing the blue skin and fur. Kurt whimpered at how vulnerable he was to this monster and tried to squirm away as Dest stroked his skin with a clawtip delicately. “So soft and furry… Interesting…” he said, licking at Kurt’s cheek. But then Dest let out a surprised sound as Kurt spun around and dug his nails into the eye on his forehead, making him release the German to clutch at the wound. Kurt, now free, ran like a bat out of hell, Seth hot on his heels while Dest roared angrily behind him. Kurt panted hard as he ran on all fours, bounding off the walls to gain speed. He saw the light of the temple’s opening ahead of him and smiled. Once he got out of the cave, he could run and hide in the ruins! The place was big enough that he could easily avoid the two of them until he found a way out of this hell. But just as he leaped, a slightly smaller shape crashed into him from above, slamming him down into the stone floor, stunning him as his head cracked hard against the floor.

Kurt felt a tail just like his wrap around his legs, immobilizing them, while hands bent his behind his back, making him helpless. He heard Seth panting “You are NOT going to escape!” Kurt shook his head clear, realized his position and began to wriggle, pleading, “Please! I don’t vant to die!” “Neither do I!” came the sharp, almost desperate, reply. This statement made Kurt freeze. “Vat?” He asked softly, now seriously confused. Seth didn’t relax his grip, but said quickly, “He caught me weeks ago, when I was new to the neighborhood. I was trying to get to know everyone and without warning, he ate me!” Kurt’s golden eyes went wide as he rolled over enough to look at Seth, gaping, “But… But how are you still alive?!” “He can hold others in his stomach safely, but it’s no picnic.” Seth explained. Kurt quickly tried to wriggle free, feeling that the grip had loosened a little. But Seth swiftly regained himself and dug in his claws, hissing, “Quit that!” Kurt bit his lip as he felt the claws come close to puncturing his skin and went still. Seth then growled, “He told me that if I got others for him, he’d let me go. I had to agree. And if I don’t obey, he’ll hunt me down and eat me, for real!” He then smiled and nuzzled his head against Kurt’s in a manner that was almost lovingly, and Kurt winced as the little horns rubbed hard against his skull. The little demon then said in a thankful tone, “Now, thanks to you, I can go free.” “But vat about me?!” Kurt cried, wriggled like a landed fish. Seth held him easily, saying with a grin, “You? Well, you’ll go and join your friends of course!” Kurt then realized something and grinned. “And how do you plan to do zat? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m bigger than you. Ze second I get on my feet, I can throw you off easily.” Seth rolled Kurt over and sat on his chest, still easily keeping him still, grinning broadly as he said, “Oh, I know. But you forgot one teensy little thing.” Kurt was shocked as a vial suddenly appeared in Seth’s hand, as if by magic, and then chocked as the open vial was shoved into his mouth, a warm liquid flooding his throat. Kurt coughed as he swallowed unwillingly, spitting and cursing. But Seth smiled and to Kurt’s complete shock, got off of him, grinning. Kurt grinned and got up, running on all fours away from Seth, but something was wrong. His limbs were heavy and he felt clumsy and very dizzy. He collapsed to the floor, fully awake but unable to move. Seth loomed over him, fangs bared as he said, “I’m a potions-master.” Kurt weakly brought his head up, pleading, “Don’t do zis… Please…” Seth only patted his head and then grabbed his tail. Dest smiled as Seth came back in the temple room, dragging Kurt by his tail. Kurt was whimpering, mostly from fear, but also from the pain of being dragged up the stairs, Seth taking great care to make sure he hit every step at the best angle to cause the worst pain. Seth pushed Kurt within easy reach of Dest, then retreated to the wall, saying as he wiped his brow, “He’s slim, but heavy!” The huge demon chuckled and grabbed Kurt’s left leg, drawing him even closer. Kurt was crying now, weakly clawing at the floor, pleading for mercy. Dest ignored his cries and held him around the chest with both hands, lifting him into the air, noting his limpness. He then turned and asked Seth, “How long until that potion of yours wears off?” Seth, lounged comfortably against the wall, enjoying the show, replied with a casual wave of his clawed hand, “In just a couple of seconds. I have him a very diluted dose.” Kurt could feel he was right, he was already gaining feeling in his legs and tail, which, as soon as it could respond to his brain, began to lash back and forth, clearly expressing his alarm. Dest

chuckled and his own tail came up and grabbed Kurt’s, squeezing it teasingly, playfully. He then used his tail to place Kurt’s into his mouth and began to suck on it, nibbling carefully to avoid drawing blood. The German wriggled more strongly as the potion completely wore off, and as Dest grabbed his feet with his tail, blurted out, “Vait! Spare me! I can help you get more food!” Dest grinned and spat out the now soaking wet tail, replying, “Sorry, but that post has already been filled. And besides, how could you help me? You haven’t even got claws! All you’ve got are those fangs. That’s not enough to get by in my world.” The large demon then took the time to carefully rip off the top part of Kurt’s uniform, revealing his blue-furred upper body, slim, but strongly muscled. He licked at Kurt from his bellybutton up to his neck; tasting the fur and feeling it ruffle damply against his tongue. He growled softly in appreciation of the bizarre taste and did it again and again. Hmmmm… Fur against his tongue felt really nice, he decided. Kurt was whimpering during the whole thing, eyes closed so he wouldn’t see it, feeling so violated as the hot tongue roved over his chest and the slimy saliva caked his fur and the whole thing made him feel sick and woozy from terror. Thus, he didn’t even see it when Dest opened his jaws wide and gave a loud yelp as his head was shoved deep into the hot, wet maw. Kurt started to whimper as his arms were pinned to his side and he was shoved deeper, his head squishing into the slippery throat. Everything was tight and hot and terrifying. He kicked his legs, trying to find something to hurt. But then, just as he felt his hips get pushed into the hot mouth, his tail lashed around and wrapped securely around the demon’s horn. The loud sound of surprise made Kurt grin. Seems Dest hadn’t been expecting that! He hung tightly as Dest tried to get his tail off, gritting his teeth as Dest tried to use his claws to force Kurt to let go. But then Kurt felt smaller hands unwrapping his tail and choked as Seth called out, “Nice try.” Kurt felt sudden embarrassment as Seth delft tied Kurt’s flexible tail into a firm knot, pulling it so tightly that Kurt swore he felt some muscles come close to their breaking points. Despite his efforts to resist, the now knotted-tail was shoved down with him and he sobbed as Dest chuckled and gulped again, sucking Kurt in to his thighs. Kurt gasped in a breath as his head popped into a wet chamber. It was dark as anything and he couldn’t see a thing. Immediately, he heard Pietro gasp, “KURT?!” Kurt coughed and then yelped as Dest’s fangs dug into the backs of his thighs. He felt the speed demon’s slim hands on his shoulders, pushing at him, trying to stop him from coming in. Kurt winced as this made him scrunch up a little, but he wriggled to try and work his way backwards. He felt another pair of hands and realized Remy was helping too, grunting as he lent his strength to try and save the last of them. But their efforts were in vain as Dest grabbed Kurt’s feet and shoved him quickly downwards, closing his mouth over the two-toed feet. Kurt was squashed down into the tight chamber, crushed between the other two mutants. Kurt tried to push against them to shove himself back out, but with a final gulp, Kurt squealed as he was forced all the way down. For a second or two, they all sat there, quietly, trying to regain their breath. It was Pietro who panicked first, wriggling and punching against the walls, speaking so quickly that they couldn’t understand him. The panic was contagious and Kurt felt his heart rate, already way up there, pick up speed. As the chamber grew warmer and the air grew thinner, even Remy began to panic, trying to kick at the slick, smooth walls surrounding them.

When the acids came, it was Pietro who felt them first, having the most skin exposed. “My fingers!” he suddenly cried, clutching the digits to his chest, whimpering. They had brushed against the stomach walls and now they felt like they were on fire. If he could see them, he would see that the skin was already gone, the muscles exposed. Pietro started to shift and wriggle madly as the acids then began to work on his exposed neck and face, cursing and crying and pleading for the pain to stop. Kurt winced as he smelled blood and fresh meat, knowing that that right next to him, Pietro was being digested alive and he couldn’t do a thing about it. Remy was the next to start squirming, the acids working on his fingers and face, easily destroying the cloth and skin alike. Remy was murmuring in French, already pretty much gone, hardly resisting except for primal squirms of pain. Kurt could only curl up tightly and try to ignore the other two, knowing it was his fur and his position between the two mutants that was giving him this extra time. But as he felt a soft fizzing on his exposed upper body, he knew that his free-time was running out fast. He tried to squirm free, to find a way out, but couldn’t. He could only whimper as he heard Pietro’s shrill screams fade away, felt Remy finally go permanently still next to him. Kurt sniffled and shut his eyes tightly as he felt a soft stinging on his tail, the fur already gone. He smelled more blood as the acids worked deeper into the mutants, dissolving their internal organs, their hearts gushing out fresh blood. Kurt tried to keep his head out of the rapidly liquefying mixture, but as he felt acids sting at his eyes, he knew he was finished. Dest sat against the wall, kneading his huge belly, grinning wickedly as he felt his powerful digestive juices already destroying the bodies, allowing him to reach their souls. So tender and sweet… He never had humans all that often and he found that they always tasted so nice and clean. It was a pleasant treat from the demons he would regularly consume down here. He licked his chops again, sighing in pleasure. The meat and bones and stuff would give him a nice gut for a while, but once they completely broke down, he’d be trim and slim again and waiting for the next victim. He just hoped that he would be able to find some humans again soon… The mutants were all gathered in the conference room, where Logan was lying out the details of a rescue mission. “They’ve been missing for over a week now.” He stated. “I think they’ve run into some kind of problem.” He then continued, “We’re going to go in the same way they did and start looking.” Seth stared as he watched several humans appear in a flash of light, the same way the first three had. He smiled evilly and stepped forwards, saying civilly, “You folks seem to be lost. May I help you find your way?” FIN?

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