Muslim Boy Names

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 48
MUSLIM BOY NAMES FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=" YOU CAN ALSO ADD TO THE NAMES: Muhammad Mohammad Ahmad Nor Wan Syed Awang Abang Or use two or more words to form one. Abdullah Slave of Allah Abdurrahman Slave of The Most Generous Aabad Time Abiyyi One that doesn't want to be insulted; High self-esteem Abraar Good deeds Abyan Fluent; Understandable; Clear when speaking Adam Prophet's name Addaar Quthni Name of a hadith narrator Adib Courteous poet; Expert in literature Aflah Achievement; Successful

Ahmad Praiseworthy Ahnaf Holy; Straight Aiman Righteous Akhal Eyes with kohl Akhdan Friend; Pal Akmal Perfect Akram Benefactor; Honourable Al-Baihaqi Imam; Hadith narrator Alif Close friend Al-Ikhlas Sincere Althaf Graceful Amaanullah Peace from Allah Amin Trustable; Care; Honest; Trustable leader Amir Prince; Leader Amjad Honorable Amrullah

Allah's order Anas Joyful; Friendly Anis Loyal friend; Friendly Anjab Praiseworthy; Noble; Descendant An-Nasaa'i Imam; Hadith Narrator Anshar Prophet's Muhammad companion from Madinah Anwar Enlighten Arhab Wide; A tribe at north Shan'a Yaman; Frightening Arib / Arif Professional; Intelligent Arkaan Honorable; Strength; Supportive Arsalan Name of an Islamic figure Asad Lion As'ad Blissful; Delightful Ashil Good descendant; Time between Asar and Maghrib Aslam Loyal; Obedient Asmar Brown skin

Asyam High and sharp Asyhab Grey coloured Asyqar Reddish skin color Asyraf Honourable; Noble Ath-Thabaraani Imam; Hadith narrator At-Tirmidzi Name of a hadith narrator Aufa Fulfill Azhar Enlighten; Flowery; Sparkles; Holy Ihab Offering; Gift Iklil Crown Ilhaam Inspiration; Inspiring; Revelation Imam Leader; Byword Iqbaal Islam's poet; Arrival; Peaceful Iqtisham Avoiding sexual sin Irsyaad Guidance; Support

Iyad Strength Usamah Prophet Muhammad companion' name Badii Clear; Physically; Badwi tribe Baaqir Wise; Intelligent; Clever Bahar Sea Badri Regarding the full moon Burd Cloths Basyir Good news broadcaster Burhan Explanation; Argument; Proof Bari' Free from sins; Virtue; Doubtless Bassam Likes to smile; Cheerfull face Bahiy Lovely; Beautiful Bahij Lovely and beautiful Basman Full of smiles Busyr Cheerful face Baligh

Clear when speaking; fluent Bari' Clever; Intelligent; Superior Basil Bold; Brave; Strong Basim Smiling Bahir Clear; Successful; Sparkling Bahi Good; Quality Badran Full moon Badi' Good; Lovely; Matchless Barraq Sparkling; Sparkle; Flashing Barakat Blessed; Blissful Basyar Good news broadcaster Bilal Muazin; Shouts the Azan; Badr Full moon Badruddin Religion's Full moon Baariq Sparkling light; Flashing Bahaa'uddin

Glorious Religion Bakri Very early in the morning Burhaanuddin Proof of religion Baakir Early morning Baari Prominent; Obvious Bisyr Happy news Banaan Finger; Fingertip Badiil Replacement Bukhari Imam; Hadith narrator Tamir Distributes tamar fruits Tamim Perfect event Taufik Helping; Gift; Prosperous Taufiiqur-Rahman Help from Allah; The most Generous Taqiy Religious to Allah Taajuddin Religion's crown Taqiyyuddin Caretaker of religion

Taisiir Facility Tahsiin Improvement; Getting better Tamaam Finish; Perfect Taufiiqul-Hakim Help from Allah; The most Intelligent Tsabit Constant; Steady; Stable Tsamir Having fruits Tsamin Expensive Tsaqif Understanding; Clever; Name of a famous tribe in Hijjaz Tsawaab Reward Tsaubaan Name of a man; Two cloths Tsaaqib Brighten; Successful Jabir Professional of mending broken bones; Replacing something missing Jaad Hardworking Jaasim Big; Fat Jaami' Collector; Mosque

Jabr Mending a broken bone; Fixing; Forcing Jarir Camel rope; Name of a famous poet Ja'far Narrow river Jalil Honorable; Respectful; Elderly Jauhar Gem; Jewel; Characteristic Jalal Glorious; Supreme Jamil Good; Handsome Janaah Wing; Part of the nose bone Jasir The brave Jamaal Loveliness Jamaaluddin Loveliness of religion Jihaad Holy way; Fight; Battle Junaid Small army Jabir Name of an ulama/ religious man Jawahir Gem; Jewel Jiyaad

The good Jahir Loud voice Jibriil Name of an angel Jawaad Generous Jam'aan Two teams Jaarullah Allah's neighbour Jubraan Name of an Islamic literature Jaa'iz Possible Jadiid New Jamhari A group of man Jundi Soldier Jadiir Fast; Suitable Hatim Presenter; Crow; Name of a famous Arab's poet Haris Ploughman; Determined; Lion Hasyid Always completing; A bunch full of fruits; Full of goodness Hafizh Protector; Caretaker; Memorizing

Hamid Praising Hizbullah Allah's group Hajjaj Strong excuses; Frequently doing the Hajj Hassan Very good; making things better Hasan A good child; A fine child; Beautiful Husain Good; Fine; Son of Saidina Ali Bin Abi Talib Hakam Judging; Judge Hakiim Intelligent; Wise Hamad Honorable Hamdan Many praises Humaid Honorable child Hamud Praises a lot Hanif Straight; True; Religious Hayyan Live Hasanain Two good deeds; Something good

Hamiid Praiseworthy character Hazim Strict; Bold; Intelligent; Cautious; Good worker Haaj A person that had done the Hajj Hibban Loved; Name of a famous Hadith narrator Habib Loved Hassun A flock of birds with sweet voice Hasiib Dignified descendant; Always enough; Always making calculation Haidar Lion Husam A sharp sword Hamdi Praises Hammaadi Praising Hamdun Praises Husni The best; Beautiful; Good Hilmi My patient Hanafi Follower of Imam Abu Hanifah Hanbali

Follower of Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal Hawaari Loyal follower; Messenger; Pupil Habiibii My beloved; My love Khathib Sermonizer Khalil Most beloved; Best friend Khathir Instinct; Thoughts; Desire Khalid Everlasting; Immortal; name of Prophet's companion Khuzami Name of a flowery plant with nice fragrance Khidir Green; Name of a Prophet Khaththab Always talking Khaldun Permanent; Everlasting Khalaf Replacement; Religious child; Descendant Khalifah Replacement; Officer; Leader Khairuddin Religion goodness Khairullah Goodness from Allah Khaalish Pure; Genuine; Clean

Khairi My goodness Khabiir Knowledgeable; Experienced Khaazin Treasurer Khaasyi' Engross; Calm Khaadhi' Low profile; Loyal; Faithful; Obey Khairaan Goodness Daarii Knows; Religious; Wise Daanii Close Daalii Grape with light color Daffa' Encouraging; Supportive; Defensive Daris Reader; Student Dalil Guidance; Excuse; Proof; Witness Dzubyan Thirsty; Name of a tribe in Hijjaz Dzakwan Genius; Intelligent Dzulfaqar Back bone; name of Prophet's sword inherited by Ali Bin Abi Talib

Dzaki Intelligent; Clever; Understanding Dzakir Good in memorizing Dzimaar Anything that should be defended; Dignity; Family; District Ra'id Founder; Creator Ra'if Very loving; Very gentle Rafi' Put high Raki' Ruku' (Bow) Rami Throwing; Sagittarius star Rabi' Flower season Rejab Almighty; Name of a month Rasyad A type of plant with small leaf and spicy; Getting guidance; Realize Rafi High; Noble Ramzi Symbol Ramadhan Name of a month; Very hot Ruwaid Slowly Raihan

A type of plant; Fragrance; Fortune Rasyid Receives guidance; Adult; Intelligent; Giving guidance Rabih Getting profits Rajih Stronger than others; Good stand point Raghib Liking; Relieving Rakan Noble Ramiz Pointing to a direction Ra'uf Sympathetic Rizq Gives fortune for every goodness; Rain; Owns; Part Rasul Prophet; Messenger Ridhwan Accept; Agree; Allow; Name of an angel Riyadh Parks; Capital of Saudi Arabia Rahmatullah Allah blessing Rusydi Containing guidance elements Rifqi Close friends Rajaa' Hope; Desire

Rahmi Love and care Raafid Helper; Guard; River's end Rizqullah Fortune from Allah Ridhaa Allows; Permits Raziin Polite; Heavy; Calm; Tough Rabbaani Something related to God; Very religious; Reached 'Ma'rifah level' Rahiid Soft; Fine Rafiiq Close friend; Gentle; Light weight Raafiif Good morals; Shaking; Throb; Heart beat Rasyiiq Nice body shape; Strong Raadhii Alleviate Raajii Have hope Zahid Estrange luxury; Continuously worshipping Zahir A very clean and wonderful light; Shining; Successful Za'im Leader

Zahran Nice and radiant; Name of a tribe in Hijjaz Zuhair Small flower; Holy; Calm face Zaidun Additional; Excess Zaki Good; Holy; Good growth Zaid Addtional Zari' Farmer Zaghlul A fast man; Baby; Young dove Zaidi My advantage; Follower of Imam Zaid Bin Ali Zayyat Oil trader Zaahii Successful; Shiny Zufar Lion; Leader; Brave; Generous; Sea Ziyaad An advantage Zamiir A good young man; Short Zaumar A good young man; Handsome Zain Better; Good Zainuddin

The good of religion Zainul 'Abidin The goodness of Allah's worshiper Zainul 'Arifiin The goodness of wise people Zainul Muttaqin The goodness of religious people Zuhdii Low profile; Moderate Sabiq Stay ahead of others Sajid Bending down Saa'ii Hardworking; Worker; Staff; Someone walking fast Salim Safe; Free from defects; Free from sickness; Healthy Saamah Forgiving; Tolerance Su'ud A happy person Saliim Safe; Healthy Sa'dun Happiness Salman Free from defects; Name of a hill Sulthan Power; Statement; Lecture; Permission Samir Entertainer

Saamii High position; Noble; Generous Sa'id A happy person; Lucky; Give good hope Sa'ad Happy and many blessing Samiir A friend to talk at night Sayyaf Algojo; Executioner for death sentence Sunbul A plant's branch Sayyid Own power; Leader; Master Suruur Happiness Sa'dii Happy Sufyaan Name of an ulama/ religious man Sa'if Sword Saifullah Sword of Allah Salaam Safety; Peaceful Sa'uud Happy Sunnii Followers of Prophet Muhammad's religion

Siraaj Lamp Sirajuddin Religion's lamp Samiih Open heart; Generous; Forgiving Saifuddin Sword Saiful Islam Sword of Islam Samaah Tolerance; Generous; Forgiving Sadaad Truth; Suitability; Payment Samhari A hard spear Sadiid The rightful truth Syarif Nobility; Good descendant; Respectful Syuja' Brave Syammari Experienced Syihab Falling star; Twinkling star Syahid A person that died for Islam; Witness Syafi'i Follower of Imam Syafi'i Syaadii

Singer Syaafi' Helper; Beneficial Syakir Thankful Syuraih Open heart Syafiq Loving; Sympathy Syakib Name of an Islamic figure Syammakh High Position Syauqi Longing Syahiir Famous Syukri Thankful Sya'ban Name of a month Syafii' Someone that gives goodness; Priority to pay first Syariifuddin Religion's Nobility Syafruddin Blade of religion's sword Syaahiin Eagle Syammaas Cleric assistant

Syabiibii Teenager; Age between 15 to 30 years old Syaamil Whole; Perfect Syamlaan Choosing a ripe date fruit Syaraahiil Name of a tribe Syaibaan Overcast and snowy weather Syaraf Nobleness; Respectful Syaafii Curing; Healing Syarbiinii Name of a tree; Name of an ulama Shadiq Honest; Sincere; Fulfils promises; True; Friend; Pal Sharim Sharp; Cuts; Hard Shabbah Someone that comes early in the morning/ says good morning Shafwan Big rock with smooth surface; Clear/ transparent; Sincere; Shuhaib Yellowish white color; Another name for lion; Name of Prophet's friend Shawwan Flaming rock; Granite; Materials to make glass Sha'ib Truthful

Sha'im A person that is fasting Shabir Patient; Strong hearted Shahib Friend; Pal; Owner Shalih The good; Better Shakhr Big rock Shaddam Knocker Shiddiq The very truth; A calling for Sayidina Abu Bakar ra Shafi Best friend; Clean; Pure Shaqr Eagle Shalah Goodness; Color Shabri My patients Shabuur Patient Shidqii True; Honest Salaahuddin Goodness of religion Shubhi Morning Shafar

Name of a month Sabbaan Soap maker Shaafii Clear; Clean; Pure Dhahi Appear; Born Dhaif Guest Dhirgham Lion Dhiya 'Ulhaq Light of truth Dhiyaa' Light; Glow Dhaamir Thin; Slim; Slender Dhaifullah Allah' guest Thalal A high place Thariq A hill at north Morocco; Star in the early morning; Knocking; Hammering Thalib Asking; Studying Thahir Holy; Clean; Noble Thayyib Good; Delicious Thilaal Dew; Rain; Drizzle

Thaahaa Two first character in a surrah in Al-Quran Thufail Fine; Soft Zhafir Winner Zhabyun Deer; Thick sand Zharif Intelligent; Clever; Good character Zhahiir Helper; Strong back bone 'A'id Visitor; Back from traveling 'Abid Diligent worshiper; Slave 'Adil Fair; Right; 'Arif Knowledgeable; Achieve the 'Ma'rifat rank' 'Asyur 10th day of Muharam 'Ashim Abstain immorality; Take care; Prevent 'Athif Rich of love; Loving 'Aqil Intelligent; Clever; Educated 'Amir House resident; High population

'Utbah Between valley; Name of Prophet's companion 'Atiq Antique; Freed slave; Noble; Respectful 'Adnan Name of Prophet's 20th grandfather; Mukim; Stayed in one place 'Aziz Strong; Lover; Rare; Noble; Expensive 'Athtar Perfume seller 'Alawi Descendant of Ali Bin Abi Talib; Above 'Afif Have pride; Holy 'Aqqad String maker/ seller; Deals a lot 'Aqil Clever 'Ali Noble; High standard; 'Abidin Worshiper 'Alim Intellectual; Knowledgeable; Scholar 'A'isy Living; Rich; Afford and ease 'Ubadah Diligent worshiper; Name of Prophet's companion 'Abbud Worships a lot; loyal 'Ubaid

Slave; A child 'Arafat A place near Mecca for wukuf during Hajj; A place for introduction 'Arafah 9th day on the month of Zulhijjah 'Atha' Gift; Souvenir; Present 'Uqbah Shift; Replacement 'Alaa' High; High rank 'Allaam Very clever; Knowledgeable 'Ayyasy Bread seller; Long life; Name of Prophet's companion 'Umar Name of Prophet's companion 'Alwan Up high 'Ammar Pious; Devout; Patient; Calm; Artisan; 'Umran Prosperity; Civilization; Packed population; Building 'Amr Name of Prophet's companion 'Awwad Lute player 'Aun Assist/ favor 'Ied Syawal celebration; Big day

'Abbas Many lions; Gloomy face; Prophet uncle's name Utsman Snake; Name of Prophet's companion 'Azzam Strong lion; Snake charmer; Talisman user; Wizard 'Adlii Related to justice 'Aalii High 'Abduh Allah's slave 'Azmii Bold heart 'Atcha 'ullah Allah's blessing 'Aafii Forgiving 'Alaa 'Uddin Religion's glory 'Aakif Stays in one place; Diligent; Alone 'Aaqib Replacement; Follower 'Aatik Pure; Clean 'Ariiq Rooted; Antique; Originate from a noble descendant 'Antar Brave in the battle field

'Izzuddin Religion's nobility 'Ishmah Conserving 'Irfaan Knowledge 'Imraan Maryam's a.s. father 'Ishaam Holding rope; Knot; Mascara; Promise 'Imaaduddin Religion's mast 'Uwaimir A child that inhabits; A religious child 'Ushaim A child that conserves from badness 'Umair A child that does the 'Umra' 'Ulwaan High 'Ujaab Impressive Ghaits Rain; Cloud Ghazi A person at war Ghamid A person that put his sword in it's case; Name of a tribe in Hijjaz Ghanim Winner Ghassan

Water source in the dessert; Name of an Arab tribe Ghalib Winner; Dominator Ghali Expensive; Something precious Ghirrid Singing; Chirping Ghannam Shepherd Ghundur Walking tall/ Walking with style Ghufraan Forgiveness Fu'ad Heart; Brain Fa'iq Exceeds; Winner; Prominent Faris Horse rider/ owner; Warrior Fakhir Self-pride; Special Fadi Ransom Fari' High place; Tall person Faraj Deliciousness; Free Farhan Joy Farid Alone; Single; Unique; Sophisticated

Fashih Fluent speaker Fadhl Goodness; Advantages; Left over; Specialty Fadhiil Have advantages or priority Fallah Farmer; Rural people Falah Glory; Safety; Profit; Victory Fayyadh Philanthropist; Overflows; Rapid Faishal Judge; Sharp sword Fatih Herald; Light Faruq Separator between right and wrong; Title for Umar Bin Al-Khathab Faadhil Noble; Advantage; Have goodness Falih Successful; Profitable Farras Intelligent Fawwaz Victorious Firaas Cleverish; Lion Faa'iz Winner; Beneficial

Fakhri Respectful attribute Fauzaan Glory Fuhaid Tiger Fahiim Understanding Faraj Release; Loose Fauhad Healthy child Faqiih Expert in Fiqh; Understanding Fauzi Glory Fahd Leopard Fathi Opener; My Success Fahmi My understanding Fikri My thoughts Furqaan Differentiator between right and wrong Fakhruddin Religion's pride Fadhlur-rahman Award from Allah Fadhlullah

Award from Allah Qasim Divider Qudamah Brave Qushayyi Thinks forward Qais Measurement; Rate Qa'id Leader; Head Qabus Handsome Quraisy Name of a tribe in Arab Qashid Heading somewhere; Crossing somewhere; Close Qandil Lamp Quthb Earth pole; Leader Qaani' Willing; Satisfy for his portion Qasiim Portion; Fate; Luck; Take part Katib Writer; Author Kamil Perfect Karim Philanthropist; Noble

Kamal Perfection Kaazhim Withhold grudge; Quiet Ka'ab Noble; Respectful; Heel Kamaaluddin Religion's perfection Labiib Clever; Intelligent Lathif Kind; Polite Luthf Softness; Friendly; Fine Luqman Clear path; Lu'ay Ancestors of Quraisy Luthfi Soft Laamih Shining; Admire Maalik Owner; Ruler Ma'mun Trustable; Peaceful Maani' Neglect the forbidden of a matter; Stopping; Opposition Mubarak Bless you; Blessed

Mabruk Blessed; Greeting Mubasysyir Bearer of happy news Mutawakkil Tawakal Mutawalli Order executer; Manager Mujahid Fighter; Soldier Majiid Noble Mahbub Loved and liked Mahrus Conserved; Taken care of Muhsin Does good deeds Mahfuzh Taken care of; Protected Mahmud Praised; Praise; Have a good name Mukhtar Choice; Have advantages from others; Special Makhluf Replaced Maddah Like to praise Murran Name of a tree Maajid

Noble; Good manner Maliih Beautiful; Cute; Handsome Mu'min Trusts; Have faith Maahir Clever; Genius Mu'ayyad Helped; Strengthen Mabkhut Profits Mu'in Helper Marjan Small gems; Sea coral Marzuq Receives fortune/ profits Mursyid Shows example; Leader; Driver Mastur Close; Hidden Muslim Muslims Musthafa A calling for Prophet Muhammad SAW; Chosen one Mush'ab A camel that likes to be ridden Ma'iin Flowing Muzhaffar Profit meaning; Victory

Ma'ruf Well known; Goodness; Welfare Mufadhal Superior; Chosen Mun'im Does welfare; Generous; Happy Muhajir Shift; Migrant Mahdi Receives guidance; Given; Gifted Muhadzhab Have perfect politeness; Educated Maimun Get blessings; Profits Muraad Hope; Heading/purpose; Headed Murtadha Blessed by Allah Marwan Name for male Mas'ud Happiness Musyaari Bee hive; Place for honey Masy'al Place for a lighted lamp; Torch Mathar Rain Masyhur Famous; Distributes

Muthlaq Free; General; Absolute Mushlih Brings peace; Make good Muthii' Obey; Loyal; Does good deed Mu'adz Name of Prophet's companion; Protected Mu'taz Proud; Pride Mu'tashim Conserved Mughiits Defender; Helper Mufrih Makes others happy Muflih Winner; Successful Mufid Useful; Meaningful Magbul Acceptable; Getable; Ease able Miqdad Crime fighter; Name of Prophet's companion Maqsyud Purpose; Meaning Makki Mecca's inhabitants Mumtaz Special Mamduh

Praiseworthy Munadhil Defender; Fighter; Peace keeper Munjid Helper; Watcher; Helper; Savior Mundzir Reminder Munir Enlighten; Glows Muhannad Sword made of Indian steel Mahiib Authorized; Respectful Muwaffaq Suitable; Successful Muaanis Soft; Friendly; Polite Mauhub Given to; Given charity Muyassar Easy; Eased Muhyiddin Lives the religion Mar'ii Conserved; Celebrated Majdii Nobility Majduddin Religion Nobility Mu'ammar Long lived

Mudrik Clever; Able to differ bad and good Mustajaab Wish Granted Maaliki Follower of Imam Malik Manshur Winner; Helped Munaadi Called Murfid Helper Miftaah Key Munaawir Followed army training Munawwir Enlighten; Blooms Mukarram Noble; Respected Mus'ad Happy Mushaddaq Trustable Mushaddiq Trusts; Allow Muhtaram Respectful Mishbaah Lamp

Mishbahuddin Religion's lamp Muntashir Winner Mu'aafii Safe; Healthy Mukhlish Sincere Muhlash Given sincerity Muniif High prestige/ rank Ma'shuum Averted from sin Mustaqiim Straight Marsaa Harbor Musyrif Observer Mukaarim Noble attributes Mutlaq Not tied (Free); Absolute Mazruu'ii Planted Musyaffa' Amnesty accepted Muthahhar Holy; Circumcised Ma'luum

Known; Certain Ma'muur Prosperous; Inhabited Muzakkii Cleans self; Zakat payer Muqsith Does justice Naji Safe Nashif Waiter Naazhim Arranger; Poet Nabil Blooded; Clever and high class; Noble; Respectful Nadim Friend; Companion Naziih Clean; Dignity; Honest Nasib Good fortune; Family; Son in law; Love poem Nafiis Many property; Precious; Many Nawwaf Very high; Superior Naufal A good lad; Generous Nadhir Clean look; Gold; Young Najib Noble; Very good; Superior; Noble descendant

Naabih Clever; Noble; Wise Naajih Profitable; Successful Naasik Keen Worshiper Naashir Helper Nazhir Leader; Observer Naafi' Useful; Beneficial Nibraas Lamp; Torch; Brave Nabawi Attribute like a prophet Nabiih Clever; Noble; Intelligent Nashr Victory; Aid Na'iim Pleasure; Happiness Naadir Seldom occurring Naashiruddin Religion's helper Nashrullah Victory from Allah Naa'il Receiver; Award; Gift

Nu'maan Blood Nuuruddin Religion's Light Naadii Meeting place; Club Nashiif Half part; Head cover Nuurii Glows Najmii Star Nazhmii Organized Naashih Advisor; SIncere Nashiir Helper; Assistant Naafil Additional; More than requested Nizhaam Rule Nasiim Soft wind; Soul; Sweat Nawwaar Very bright Nabhaan Noble; Famous Najmuddin Religion's star Nazhiif

Clean Haa'il Scary; Big; Great Haajid Doing Tahajjud prayer Haadii Example; Leader Haasyim Generous; Attacker Haanii' Happy Hamdan One of a famous tribe in Yaman long ago Humam Brave & ambitious; Clever; Hisyam Kind hearted and generous Hilal Half moon; Beginning of rain Hammaam Strong desire; Active Hibatullah Allah's reward Hauzaan Human being Huwaidi Return to truth; A child that gives example Wajiih Religious leader; Respectful; Acceptable Wahiid Alone

Wadii' Inhabit a calm place; Trusted to keep something Waa'il Name of a king in Yaman long ago Waduud Very loving; Polite Waasiq Trusted; Confident; Positive Waashil Arriving; Connecting Wadhdhaah Good looking face; White skin; Clear; Day; Bright day Waliy Helper; Protector; Friend; Wali; Religious person; Master; Love; Owner Waliid Baby; Slave Wahiib Gifted Waliyyuddin Defender of religion Waashif Describes; Attributes Wisaam Mark; Badge Wafii Perfect; Keeps promises; Capable of paying debt Wajdii Happy; Power; Rich Wasiim Handsome

Yaasir Simple; Easy Yaafi' Young man; Nearly 'baligh' Ya'sub Big leader; Queen bee; Male bee Yaman Right side; Yaman state Yaasiin Surah in Al-Quran Yazid Excess; Added Yassaar Easy; Richness Ya'rub Talking in Arab Yaqzhaan Awake; Conscious Yusri Easiness Yasykur Thanks God

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