Musical Scales

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  • Pages: 37
CONTENTS Dedication……………………………………………………………………………..ii Foreword………………………………………………………………………………iii As It Was In The Beginning…………………………………..………..5 Man’s Monochord……………………………..………………………10 The Power of Music. …………………………………………………..13 Correlation of Music to the Solar God…………………………………18 Our Musical Archetypes…………………………………….………….25 Our Musical Octaves and the Cosmic Scheme…………………………33 Our Group Sprit, Jehovah, and our own Life Wave……………………44 The Harmony of the Spheres………………………………….……….52 The Archetypes and the Physical Body……………………..………….57 The Curative Power of Music……………………………….………….60 Invisible Helpers and Healing………………………….……………….65 Music as a Building Power………………………………..…………….71 The Brain, Man’s Physical Workshop…………………………..………76 Developing the Efficiency of the Mind and Brain……………………….83 Man’s Vehicles, A Composite Musical Instrument ……………………91

ILLUSTRATIONS The Seven Stringed Lyre……………………..…………..12 World Regions, Life Waves and Piano Keyboard………...32 Constitution of the Earth……………………………..……55 Keynote of Life Waves and Man’s body…………………..62 Location of the Ductless Glands……………………….…..70 Thought forms Built by Envy and Greed……………….…80 Prayer and Response from Above……………………..…..81 Thought Form Made by Blessing……………………….…85 Startled Thought Form Caused by Fear…………………….88

The Musical Scale And the Scheme of Evolution CHAPTER I AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING The whole solar system is one vast musical instrument, spoken of in Greek Mythology as the zodiac may be said to be the sounding board of the Cosmic harp and the seven planets are the string; they emit different sounds as they

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pass through the various signs, and therefore they influence mankind in diverse manner. Should the harmony fail for one single moment, heavenly band, the whole universe as such must crumble ----- Max Heindel. The method used by the creative Hierarchies in assisting man to develop his potential powers was planned according to the vehicles needed by him to contact the various regions where the work Connected with his development was to be found. The vehicles needed were a physical body, a vital body, a desire body, and a mind; and the method used by the Great Ones to build these vehicles was and is correlated to the different evolutionary Periods Of the Earth, each of which was and is permeated by a particular keynote. Architecture, which had to do with the building of forms, was the first lesson given to mankind. Man commenced this task in the Saturn Period when he started to assemble the material necessary with which to build a physical body. His consciousness being in the deepest trance state. He worked automatically under the direction of the Lords of Flame, the Leo life wave, whose keynote is Bb major. Architecture is therefore correlated to the Saturn Period of the earth’s existence and the physical body which started to develop at the beginning of that period became impregnated with that particular tone. All architectural construction from the tiniest cell to God, is based on Cosmic law and is worked out according to certain prescribed patterns; and any deviation from the plan is the cause of malformations and incongruities. Such deviations have the same effect as striking a false note in a musical chord. Sculpture, which determines the contour of forms, was the second developmental task given to mankind. This work had its beginning in the Sun Period of the world’s existence when the formation of the vital body became necessary to give shape to the physical form. Man’s consciousness at that time was a deep sleep state, and he therefore did his work automatically under the direction of the following life waves: the Lords of Flame (Leo), the Lords of Wisdom (Virgo), and the Cherubim (Cancer). Sculpture is correlated to the Sun Period, and the vital body; and this vehicle always determines the direction in which a given force is used and therefore it endeavors to give the correct shape to all forms. The keynote of Leo is Bb major, that of Virgo is C natural, and Cancer’s keynote is Ab major.

Painting was the third art man began to develop. It owes its impetus to an attempt to reproduce the pictures seen in the Moon Period of the earth’s existence which man faintly remember through the medium of his dream picture consciousness. The work of the Moon period was done automatically under the direction of the following life waves: the Lords of Wisdom (Virgo), the Lords of Individuality (Libra), and the Seraphim (Gemini). Virgo’s keynote is C natural, Libra’s is D major, and Gemini’s is F# major. Painting is correlated to the Moon Period and the desire body, both of which began their development during that time. Pyhagoras, an occult teacher, asserted that the world was called forth from chaos by sound of harmony, and constructed according to the principles of musical proportion: that the seven planets which rule the destiny of mortals have a harmonious motion and intervals corresponding to the intervals of music rendering various sounds so perfectly harmonized that they produce the sweetest melody, which is inaudible to man only by reason of the greatness of the sound, which his ears are incapable of receiving. Pythagoras made the distance from the Earth to the Moon a whole tone; from the Moon to Mercury a half tone; from Mercury to Venus a half tone; from Venus to the Sun a whole tone and a half tone; from the Sun to Mars a whole tone; from Mars to Jupiter a half tone; from Jupiter to Saturn a half tone; from Saturn to the zodiac a whole tone and a half tone. This forms an interval of seven tones, the basis of the universal harmony. Max Heindel says that Pythagoras was not romancing when he spoke of the music of the spheres, for each one of the heavenly orbs has its definite tone, and together they sound a celestial symphony. He corroborates what file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

Pythagoras stated by saying that each star has its own keynote, and travels About the Sun in such varying rates of speed that their position cannot be duplicated but once in approximately twenty-six thousand years. The harmony of the heavens changes at every moment of life. As it changes so do the people of the world alter their ideas and ideals. The circle movement of the planets around the Sun, to the tune of the celestial symphony created by themselves, marks man’s progress along the path of evolution. Echoes of that heavenly music reach us here in the Physical World. They are our most precious possession even though they are as elusive as a will-o’- the –wisp and cannot be permanently created. In the First Heaven these echoes are, of course, much more beautiful and have more permanency; and in the World of Thought, where the Second and Third Heavens are located, is found the sphere of tone. In our earth life we are so immersed in the little noises and sounds of our limited environment that we are incapable of hearing the music produced by the marching orbs. The real musician, however, whether consciously or unconsciously, does tune in, so to speak, on the Region of Concrete Thought where he may hear a whole sonata or symphony as a single glowing chord which he later translates into a musical composition of superb harmony, grace, and supernal beauty. Man has been likened to a monochord a musical instrument with a single string which stretches from earth to the farthermost confines of the zodiac. Man’s will owes its origin to God’s will; and the musician by means of his own will power, hears this power of the will of God permeating the solar system expressed in sounds and tones. And through his own creative Ability, born of will and imagination, he is Able to reproduce in sound and tones both the will power tones of God, which created the solar system, and His imaginative idea tones, by means of which He materialized it (the solar system). Architecture, sculpture, and painting were all impressed on man by great spiritual Beings, and these arts then became part of his nature. But it is through the power of man’s own will that the musician has become Able to perceive the tones expressed by the will of God, and to a certain extent reproduce them himself. This is the origin of our physical world music, which is man’s own creation. Music produces tone expressions of both God’s and man’s highest power—the will, and therefore we can readily see what a terrible causation man is building for himself in desecrating it, by introducing all kinds of discords, screechings, piercing noises, moanings, and nerve racking in harmonies into it. A knowing philosopher well expressed a great Cosmic truth when he said, “Let me write the music for a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” The term musician herein used does not apply to the ordinary singer or musical performer, but to the master creators of music such as Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Liszt, Chopin, and others in the same class. Architecture may well be likened to frozen music, sculpture to imprisoned music, painting to music struggling for release, and music to the free, floating manifestation of sound.


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MAN’S MONOCHORD The single string of the monochord finds its counterpart in man’s spinal cord, the lower part of which is connected with the organs of reproduction, and the upper part with the brain, which physical organ is related to thought. Working particularly with this cord are the Lucifer Spirits, who govern that part of the cord which controls the motor (action) nerves that expend they dynamic energy stored in the body by the blood. The section of the cord which governs the function that has to do particularly with the upkeep and welfare of the body is under control of the Angels. The part of the cord that marks and registers the sensations carried by the nerves is controlled by the Mercurians. The spinal spirit gas which fills the central canal of the spinal cord is the field of action of the great spiritual hierarchy from Neptune. The Lucifer Spirits do their work through the power of the keynote sounded by Mars. The Angels do their work through the power of the keynote sounded by the Moon. The Neptunians do their work through the power of the keynote sounded by Neptune. The vibrations produced by these four keynotes are continually impinging on the spinal cord, and the spinal spirit essence in the central canal of the cord. In the masses of humanity the spinal spirit fire is asleep, so to speak, and will remain so until the Spirit is Able to get better control of two of its vehicles, the desire body and the mind; for this fiery essence is a life force which either builds or destroys depending on the way that it is used. According to the foregoing it is plain to be seen that the planets which most closely affect the spinal cord, man’s monochord, in a material way are Mars, Moon, and Mercury; and that in the most advanced of the Aryan race the vibration of Neptune is just beginning to be felt. Music is composed of three primary elements, namely, melody, harmony, and rhythm. Melody is composed of a succession of harmonious sounds sensed by the auditory nerves which are connected with the brain—a physical organ that contacts the mind. It is therefore through the mental body that the Spirit is Able to sense the melody produced on the physical plane. An idiot or insane person does not respond to melody. Harmony consists of an agreeable blending of tones, and is related to the feelings or emotions. Feelings or emotions are expressions of the desire body and therefore harmony may have an effect on both man and animals, as both have desire bodies. Rhythm is measured and balanced movement and is expressed by the life force, which actuates gestures and other physical motion. The vital body Absorbs a superabundance of vital force (solar energy), which it passes on to the physical body to keep it alive and functioning. Hence rhythm is correlated to the vital body. Plants have a vital body and are therefore sensitive to rhythm. Man has within his brain seven cavities, which during life are ordinarily considered empty. In reality, however, these cavities are filled with a spirit essence, each cavity having its own tone and color. The tones produced by these cavities are correlated to those of the Seven Spirits before the Throne—Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury. The cavities or ventricles beginning with the front of the brain are (1) olfactory ventricle, (2) lateral ventricle, (3) third ventricle, (4) fourth ventricle, (5) pituitary body, (6) Pineal gland. The seventh cavity is the skull and it combines all of the elements into one grand whole. The solar system is one vast musical instrument. As there are twelve semitones in the chromatic scale, so in the heavens we have the twelve signs of the zodiac, and as we have the seven white keys or tones on the keyboard of the piano, so we have the seven planets. The signs of the zodiac may he said to be the sounding board of the cosmic harp and the seven planets are the strings; and therefore they influence mankind in diverse ways. In the Bible we note how the seven-stringed harp of David represents astrologically the keynotes of the sevenfold planetary chain. They keynote of each planet is composed of the quintessence of its aggregate sounds. An amalgamation of the sorrows and joys of our earth, the sounds of its winds and seas; the rhythm of all its living forces combined, form its tone or keynote. In like manner and on an ever ascending scale, sound the notes of the entire planetary chain, their union constituting the sublime Music of the Spheres . . . “There’s not the smallest orb which thou beholdest, but in its motion like an angel sings.” So wrote the great poet-initiate, Shakespeare. This celestial music is the product of that Word of which St. John wrote when he said: “In the beginning was the Word, and the file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

word was with God, and the Word was God . . .. and without him was not anything made that was made.” (John I: 1-3).

CHAPTER III THE POWER OF MUSIC Music is thus, in her health, the teacher of perfect order, and is the voice of the obedience of angels, and the companion of the course of the spheres of heaven; and in her depravity she is also the teacher of perfect disorder and disobedience – Ruskin. In music between melody and rhythm we find harmony, which may either rise and blend with the vibration of pure thought, melody, or descending it may mingle with the purely activity movement—impulse. If the pure melodic element, which carries the will vibration of God and the Spirit in music is omitted from a composition then the guiding power is not there to control the activities of the desire and physical bodies, and then the desires which revel in excitement take charge, and being without the guiding power of reason, disaster is likely to be the result. It is the probability of harmony blending with impulse that explains the reason why it is possible for modern, so—called music which tends to bring confusion instead of unifying coherence, to come into existence. Even before World War I, the psychic conditions were so evil that man’s emotions were unconsciously stirred to such a high pitch that they were compelled to find an outlet in some intensified form of action. As the Lucifer Spirits revel in, and grow through the intensity of feeling, that was their opportunity to step in and insinuate into the human consciousness a heightened form of rhythmic activity; and as a result ragtime made its appearance. War came on. The emotions soared still higher and bewildering conditions introduced the blues—moaning, wailing, groaning, but feverishly surging on and on. The downward tendency was now in full swing and jazz made its appearance in socalled music—recklessly fantastic and deliriously grotesque. Swing, a step lower, followed jazz; then jitterbug, in all its dizzy, maniacal, mass hysteria swept the country. Since then blatant, more or less demoniacal noises have gradually taken the place of celestial music, and the frayed, over stimulated nerves of the victims of these excruciating noises, fast becoming shattered, have caused a variety of hopeless forms of dementia. Now unless some force is set into action that will literally shock the masses into a quieter, more thoughtful frame of mind, even worse conditions will prevail. If this cannot be done, or is considered inadvisable by the great Ones who are directing man’s evolution, then some form of escape will have to be provided for the worthy ones, and the rest will simply be wiped out by a tremendous cosmic conflagration of some sort; and at a later date—possibly another day of manifestation-these unfortunate ones will be given an opportunity to retrieve their losses. Facing such tremendously appalling facts, in what direction does it behoove man to look for the quickest obtainable remedy? Is it possible, by searching either in the past or in the future, that one may find a clue which, when applied, will save the situation. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

History is forever repeating itself. Lemuria was destroyed by volcanic cataclysms when the masses of its people ceased to progress. Atlantis was destroyed by water when its people became so immersed in evil that they were no longer amenable to the instructions given to them by their wise leaders. Aryana rose from out of the great depth, and mankind was given another opportunity to proceed with their evolution. Now, again man finds himself slipping perilously near the end of a downward grade. Pythagoras, one of the greatest of seers, told his students that the lyre was the secret symbol of human construction—that the body of it represented the physical form, the strings the nerves, and the musician who played it, the Spirit of man. “Playing on its nerves,” he said, “the Spirit has created a harmonious, normal functioning, which, however, may at any time be easily changed into discord if the nature of man become defiled.” Note the concealed warning. Again, Plato, a great Greek philosopher, and student of the Mysteries, deprecates the idea that music was intended solely to create cheerful and agreeable emotions, but maintained rather that it should inculcate a love of all that is noble, and an aversion for all that is mean, degrading, and low, and nothing could more strongly influence man’s innermost being than melody and rhythm. He was so firmly convinced of this fact that he averred the introduction of a new and presumably enervating musical scale would endanger the future of a whole nation; that it was not possible to alter a key without shaking the very foundation of the state. Plato further affirmed that music which ennobles the mind (melody) is of a higher kind than that which merely appeals to the senses. He strongly insisted that it was the paramount duty of the Legislature to suppress all music of a lascivious character, and to encourage only that, which was pure and dignified. The greatest care was to be taken in the selection of all instrumental music because of the Absence of words rendered its significance more or less doubtful, making it difficult to foresee whether it would exercise on the people a benign or a baneful influence; popular taste, always being tickled by sensuous and meretricious (gaudy) effects, was to be treated with deserved contempt. Here we have the answer to the sensible way of changing undesirable conditions: Replace evil practices all of which produce more or less calamitous results with positive high vibrating activities which induce the greatest amount of good to the greatest number of people. In discarding the ragtime, jazz, swing, bebop, et cetera noises, nothing of real music would be lost. In their appeal to the sensual, sentimental desires through an excessive variety of so-called harmonic combinations, of discordant successions of intervals between notes arising out of the complexities of modern key-relationships, and the distracting chords resulting, no new elements have really been introduced, but merely a confusion and an over elaboration of the old ones. In the equally overemphasized rhythmic musical element found in certain kinds of popular so-called music, the real musical experience cannot descend through harmony into artistic movement activity but is, as it were, forced down into purely physical gyrations inelegant in the extreme. The three primary divisions of music—melody harmony, and rhythm—are correlated to the three primary powers of God, namely: will, love-wisdom and activity. Will, which includes intellect and reason united with love-wisdom produces a mode of activity correlated to the poised, balance, celestial rhythm (activity) of God which marshaled the atoms of our solar system into the matrix of the various forms prepared for them by the energy-love powers of the Creator. Divorce will (melody) from love (harmony) and unite love with activity (rhythm) and the two, being bereft of the guiding power of will (intellect and reason), may produce any sort of monstrosity which the evil forces may desire to bring into being. Unchecked, their malevolent activities will in time certainly wreck a nation. No attempt to revolutionize the art of music can produce desired results unless it begins with the artistic principle of coherence and a correct balancing of the three elements of which music is composed, namely: melody, harmony, and rhythm.

CHAPTER IV THE CORRELATION OF MUSIC file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

TO THE SOLAR GOD Music 1. Melody 2. Harmony 3. Rhythm

God 1. Father 2. Christ 3. Jehovah

Powers Expression 1. Will 1. Intelligence 2. Love 2. Feeling 3. Activity 3. Motion

Melody, the highest power of music, includes reason, intellect, and judgment. When harmony and rhythm unite and become divorced from melody, we have a succession of tones undirected by intelligence that arouse the feelings (harmony) which express themselves in a series of gyrating, fantastic, sensual movements (motions). This may lead to the lowest form of emotional (activity) excesses, some of which jazz bandleader Benny Goodman describes as the chandelier-kicking type, the noisy pop-bottle-throwing hoodlum type, the yell and stomp type, the St. Vitus itch type, the feet tapping out of time, and arms jerking to the rhythm type, the spinning like a windmill in a hurricane type, and the mass hysteria, a nightmare type—and all as a reaction to the kind of so-called music played in some of our schools, in most of our public places, and universally in dane halls. Right here is the enervating (lessening of mental or moral vigor) form of music mentioned by Plato as a danger to the future of the whole nation. Mr. Goodman mentions particularly how when Ziggy Elman blew “a long spine-tingling hot note” on his trumpet “right through a person” the dancers lost their self-control, and when Gene Krupa rolled off a series of machine-gun notes on his drum they shook, their eyes popped out, heads pecked, and arms jerked. Even from a physical viewpoint, there is a great danger in blowing a loud prolonged note on an instrument. Each person has his or her own keynote located in the lower part of the back of the head, at the base of the brain. If this note is struck slowly and soothingly it will build and rest the body, tone the nerves and restore health. If, on the other hand, it sounded in a dominant way, loud and long enough, it will kill as surely as will a bullet fired knowing individual keynotes; hence in a crowd there is always danger in sounding a loud, dominant, prolonged note on any instrument; and the continual dinning of jazz blasts on the eardrums of children is likely to develop a race of neurotics. Let us note that jazz so-called music is a desecration of the Christ force (harmony) and the Egoistic creative energy (rhythm). The first desecration of the Jehovistic force occurred during the Lemurian Epoch and is designated as the “fall of man.” This digression from the path of orderly evolution laid out by Jehovah was caused by the Lucifer Spirits who (note) revel and evolve by intensity of feeling. The nature of an emotion is not so essential to them as the intensity, so far as their purpose is concerned. Therefore they stir the human passions of the lower nature, which are more intense in our present stage of evolution than are feelings of joy and love. Consequently these beings do not hesitate to desecrate both the love (Christ) and life (Jehovah) forces of God to accomplish their purpose. This they have been adroit enough to do through introducing cleverly concealed discords into our music, and emphasizing them with loud-sounding, blatant instruments such as the horn, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, drum cymbals, and others. Once they get an entering wedge, we see their nefarious influence manifesting everywhere. In our literature we find it showing up in the form of sex and all kinds of criminal exciting stories; in painting we discover it in distorted, grotesque figures of all kinds; in statuary, unnecessarily nude, we see it depicting all sorts of incongraities. Beauty, artistry, the esthetic, everywhere dragged down to the tawdry, the coarse-many times approaching real grossness, even to the lowest form of indecency. As man’s spiritual sight becomes clearer and his individual will stronger, he is gradually going to free himself from the influence of the Lucifer Spirits, and align himself with the Christ force, which is love. Then will (melody), and love (harmony), will develop activity (rhythm), a new power (epigenesis), the force of which will further man’s spiritual progress at a rate of rapidity the like of which has hitherto been unknown. The Lucifer Spirits realize that mankind, through the combined power of will and love, will be Able in time to free themselves from their influence and partial control. They know, too, that man’s body is built and sustained by the power of music. Now, if they can pervert this music to the extent that it will derange his physical body through the nervous system so that it will no longer be capable of supplying the needed amount of conscious soul essence with which to develop his will power, they can continue to hold him in partial bondage and use him for their own benefit; and this is exactly what they have done. It is not that these beings have any desire to injure mankind, but that they file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

need man’s bodies to work through, and have no intention of releasing them so long as their need continues and they have the power to hold them. Those who accept this new, so-called music and allow it to get inside of them, so to speak, are the ones who will have their spiritual development retarded. Those who refuse to accept it and keep it out of their consciousness as much as possible, will find their spiritual progress little, if any hindered by it. Those who are responsible for the production of this so-called music, and those whose nerves have become hopelessly jangled by it, may be permitted to go to war as soldiers and nurses in order to remove them from the present earth conditions and give them a future opportunity to start all over, later, in a better environment. The Lucifer Spirits, through positive disobedience to the cosmic plan, lost out to a great extent in their scheme of evolution, and now they are taking advantage of every possible means to retrieve their lost estate. All of this information has been made known to humanity through the Western Wisdom teachings; and a release from the Lucifers’ domination is offered to all through the development of the Christ love power and its union with the will of the Father, both of which are found in replica in all mankind. Let us note that the Cosmo-Conception, the textbook given to humanity by the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross, who, directed by the Archangel Christ, have charge of the evolution of humanity at the present time, has been miraculously scattered throughout the world, and its price has been kept so low that it is available to all who are ready to receive the truths revealed therein. The melodic will of the Father uniting with the harmonic love of the Christ has the power to produce an active rhythmic vibration, the force of which cannot possibly be arrested nor its destined objective deflected, for it is that same manifested energy of the God of our solar system which brought all that IS into being, and has the power to resolve it all into Chaos at any time He so desires. It is therefore Absolutely impossible for any of God’s creations from the most advanced of His life waves to those youngest in evolution, ultimately to frustrate the maturity of His plans, for they are as eternal and unwavering in their processes as is God Himself. It is, however, possible for the members of a particular life wave, or even individuals of it, to rebel and for the time being frustrate their own evolutionary progress despite all of the assistance that is being given to them by those wiser and more advanced than themselves. In such instances those in charge of evolution at times permit these beings to go on and destroy their physical selves through their own willful disobedience brought About by their own ignorance of the beneficent results obtained through divine administration, all in order that they may return to earth at a later date, under a better influence and an improved environment, relieved of all hate and desire to destroy their fellow men, the change being brought About by the beneficent, cleansing agencies active in he purgatorial region. When a life wave, a nation, a community, or even an individual strives to the uttermost to follow the example of the Christ by manifesting His precepts in their daily lives, such a one or ones may rest assured that only those things most needed to gather their own development, whether apparently good or evil, will come to them. If the lessons they contain are rightly learned and practiced, they will all result in inestimable good, not only to themselves, but to a great extent they will have a beneficent effect on all others whom they may contact in their daily lives. Conditions in the world today are all leading up to changes so great that their magnitude can scarcely be conceived by our present limited consciousness. Two more subraces are to be evolved, and each will run its own short course; preparations have already begun for the development of the sixth great root race, the expansion of whose consciousness, whose physical and mental development, and whose astonishing spiritual attainments will place them in the foremost rank of earth’s supermen. Then, too, a great continent will surely emerge from the bed of the Pacific Ocean, the vastness, the tropical beauty, and the material Abundance of which cannot be conceived or even faintly imagined by mortal man, as he exists today. As an approximately definite ratio between land and water areas must be maintained in order that the earth preserve its gravitational equilibrium, it will be necessary that a certain amount of land go down into the ocean to balance that which has emerged from it. This land will take with it as many of its inhabitants as have become so enmeshed in materiality that such a method will have to be applied in order to break up their crystallized condition and fit them for further growth. But nothing is ever lost in the kingdom of God. Stragglers, even failures, may come into being; but so beneficent is the Creator that in the fullness of time He gathers together even those unfortunate ones and starts them all over again in guidance of great Beings whose infinite patience has fitted them to undertake the Herculean task of redeeming and rebuilding that which appeared to be lost. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

Before going father it might be well to explain something of the process of creation in relation to our solar system as revealed by the Order of the Rose Cross which is as follows: The God of our solar system has created seven distinct regions in which He is carrying on the evolution of all things created by Him. The names of these regions beginning with the first developed are, the World of God Region, the World of Virgin Spirits Region, the World of Divine Spirit Region, the World of Life Spirit Region, the World of Though Region, the Desire World Region, and the Physical World region. The World of Thought Region is divided into two parts, Abstract Thought and Concrete Thought. The Physical World Region also has two divisions, Etheric and Chemical. The God of our solar system creates in life waves consisting of an untold number of Virgin Spirits and classified by him according to the time created. The name of the first life wave created by Him is Aries, the second Taurus, the third Gemini, the fourth Cancer, the fifth Leo, the sixth Virgo, the seventh Libra, the eighth Scorpio, the ninth Sagittarius, the tenth Capricorn, the eleventh Aquarius, and the twelfth Pisces. These same names are used in the zodiac also, but there they refer to an entirely different scheme of creation. The life waves of beings mentioned are scattered throughout the various seven regions. The twelfth life wave, the Piscean, is composed of our present humanity, and when inhabiting physical bodies are to be found in the physical World Region. The time required to carry on the work of certain phases of evolution is divided into periods, namely: The Saturn Period, followed by the Sun Period, then the Moon Period, next the Earth Period, then the Jupiter Period, next the Venus Period, and last the Vulcan Period, which is followed by a cosmic night of rest.

CHAPTER V OUR MUSICAL ARCHETYPES Nothing has existed since the dawn of creation until an archetype was first built. In forming a solar system the file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

first power of God, the will, wills to create, and it arouses the second power, wisdom-love. This second force, through the power of imagination, conceives the idea (archetype) of a solar system; then the third power, activity, working in Cosmic substance produces motion, and the melodic, harmonious, rhythmic power builds a separate archetype for all that takes form, from clod to God. In the fourth region of Concrete Thought are found the archetypes of all forms manifesting here in the physical world. There, however, all solid earth objects appear as vacuous (empty) cavities from which a basic keynote is continually sounded. An archetype is a singing, vibrating hollow cavity, which lives, moves, and creates as a mechanical appliance made by man works—without reason. In appearance it is something like a plaster mold here in this world. As plaster is poured into the plaster mold and there forms a statue, so the physical atoms are marshaled into a like pattern, and form a living body, be it plant animal, or man. Each archetype emits a harmonious musical tone and it is this sound that attracts and molds the physical atoms into shape. In every human being in the region of the medulla oblongata, at the head of the spinal cord, is a flame, which pulsates and vibrates in a most wonderful manner. It is colored with different rays according to the nature of each individual human being. This fire emits a singing sound like the buzz of a bee, and this sound is they keynote of the physical body sounded also by the archetype. The tone of the archetype changes through life, and as it changes so also the dense body undergoes certain changes. Every act of every human being has a direct effect of the archetype of his body. If the act is in harmony with the laws of life and evolution it strengthens the archetype and makes for a longer life in which the individual will get the maximum of experience and make soul growth commensurate with his status in life and his capacity for learning. Thus fewer embodiments will be necessary to bring him to perfection than for one who shirks the strain of life and endeavors to escape in burdens, or one who applies his efforts destructively. In the latter type of life the archetype is strained and breaks early. According to the foregoing, those whose acts are contrary to law shorten their lives and have to seek new embodiments a greater number of times than those who live in harmony with the law. This applies to all without exception, but it has greater significance in the lives of those who are consciously working with the laws of evolution than in those of others. The knowledge of these facts should add a hundredfold to our zest and zeal for doing good. Even if we have started, as we say, “late in life,” we may easily lay up more “treasures” in the last few years than we did in several previous lives. Above all, we are getting in line for an early start in lives to come. There are twelve distinct life waves which have been working with mankind more or less since the beginning of the Saturn Period. Their names are: Aries (Xeophim), Taurus (teraphim), Gemini (Seraphin), Cancer (Cherubim), Leo (Lords of Flame), Virgo (Lords of Wisdom), Libra (Lords of Individuality), Scorpio (Lords of Form), Sagittarius (Lords of Mind), Capricorn (Archangels), Aquarius (Angels), Pisces (Virgin Spirits, of mankind). Each of these separate life waves has a keynote: Aries Db major, Taurus Eb major, Gemini F# major, Cancer Ab major, Leo Bb major, Virgo C natural major, Libra D major, Scorpio E major, Sagittarius F major, Capricorn G major, Aquarius A major, Pieces B major. The keynote of a piece of music is the tonic of fundamental tone on which the musical composition is built. The entire period of man’s involution and evolution is founded on the musical scale, which is of heavenly origin. Max Heindel tells us that mankind went through three elemental stages before the Saturn period, and these stages are represented at the lowest end of the piano keyboard by A, A#, and B. The Saturn Period begins with the sound represented by low C on the piano keyboard and extends upward to B, which tone is included, making 12 notes, 7of which are white and 5 dark. Seven Brothers of the Order of the Rose Cross go out into the world and work among mankind. Five are not seen in the world. Before humanity lost contact with the Spiritual Region of Concrete Thought they knew that it was a region of musical tones and that these tones permeated and built all the archetypes of all thing which exist in the lower worlds, including themselves and that therefore they had all of these tones within themselves. They knew that they were living musical instruments whose tones were heard by themselves through a sort of inner sense perception. The super consciousness of man knows all of this-also the tremendous power contained within these musical tones. Having lost file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

the power to control this inner force or even to contact it truly within, man has sought by means of musical instruments to reproduce without the tones dimly sense in his half-submerged memory. In place of man, an inner-conscious musical instrument, we now have musical instruments created by man; and these instruments express some phase of his inner nature. The wind instruments are correlated to melody-the will; the intellect, the head, thinking-and the air or tune they carry is easily memorized. The stringed instruments are correlated to harmony—the emotion the imagination, the heart —and arouse feelings of happiness, joy, pleasure, pain, sorrow, longings and regret. The percussion instruments are correlated to rhythm-movement, the muscles, action of the upper and lower limbs-and stir in their listeners a desire for action such as marching, dancing, clapping hands, stamping feet in rhythmic time. Man himself is really a threefold musical instrument, but in his present state of consciousness he has temporarily lost contact with the knowledge of his inner powers. He will, however, sometime in the future reestablish this contact by first sensing, then with an inner sense actually hearing the keynote of his own dense body sounded in the back and lower part of his head. This tone will connect him with the seven stringed lyre located in the cerebrum. Then it is only a question of time for development, until he will be Able to create by the musical power of the spoken word. Furthermore, he will be Able to contact the musical tones used in building his vital and desire bodies, and through an objective waking consciousness of their work he will become as conscious of these vehicles and how they function as he now is of his dense physical body. It is the Spirit that sees, hears, smells, tastes, and feels, and not the sense organs themselves. In fact, they are utterly useless for such purposes when the Spirit is absent from the body. They are only instruments by means of which the Spirit contacts the physical world; but the Spirit itself is possessed of all these faculties, and more, too, when it is functioning on the invisible planes either during the time the body is asleep or when, as an Initiate, it leaves the body consciously and functions in the higher regions. When the everyday waking consciousness consciously contacts the senses of the Spirit man will be prepared to begin the work belonging to Initiation for his Spirit senses will, step by step, reveal to him consciously all that has taken place since he began his work of development in the Saturn Period, all of which will be accomplished through the power of the spoken word-sound music. Then man will consciously learn through seeing, how the great Star Angels, directed and aided by the God of the solar system, created all that is therein. He will see how through the power of musical sound the various life waves were spoken into existence and have been brought up to their present status in evolution. He need not stop here, for by his own efforts he my go on and learn of future development reserved for future revolutions and periods. The whole solar system is one vast musical instrument which is God. In the Saturn Period the tones sounded by Him and His helpers are represented by the sounds produced by the lowest octave of the musical scale. It was these tones, beginning with the lowest, that successively built the seven lobes on which all life existed and began its slow development. The white keys of all musical octaves produce the building tones, positive; and the black keys produce the assimilative tones, negative; both tones are required in order to produce results (will, love, activity-father, mother, child; as Above, so below). The life waves that worked with us during the Saturn Period were Aries, Taurus, and Leo. The keynote of Aries is Db major. The keynote of Taurus is Eb major, and the keynote of Leo is Bb major. Note that the black keys in the piano are assimilative, and it was during the first revolution of this Saturn Period that the Leos, Lords of Flame, succeeded in implanting in man’s evolving structure the germ of the physical body. At this time man was pure differentiated Spirit, located in the Region of Divine Spirit, which is the region of pure will. It is man’s inner senses, taken collectively, that in time will be Able to manifest at any moment on an plane without the aid of specialized organs correlated to that plane and make themselves known to the waking objective consciousness. When this state of development is reached man will see, hear, smell, taste, and feel with his entire physical body. Later he will be Able to exercise the same senses in the same way (control by will) in relation to his vital body, then in relation to his desire body, and still later in relation to his mental body. All this development will manifest through the power of the spoken world of God, the Creator of our solar system. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

The first inner of spiritual sense to be contacted by man’s objective waking consciousness will be hearing (sound); the next will be feeling, then taste, then smell, and finally sight. The method used to make this contact with the inner of spiritual senses is concentration. Concentration is a one-pointed manifestation brought About by the Spirit, through the power of its will, whereby it (the Spirit) is Able Absolutely to shut out all physical conditions from the waking objective consciousness and make this consciousness aware of its (the Spirit’s) inner spiritual powers while the Spirit is still within its fourfold interpenetrated vehicles-the physical, vital, desire, and mental bodies.

CHAPTER VI THE MUSICAL OCTAVES AND THE COSMIC SCHEME The piano is not the result of man’s endeavor to reproduce the tones of his own inner self dimly remembered, but it is a product of man’s materialized perception of music, and accordingly it is a purely earthborn instrument. Therefore it is not only a convenient instrument, but a most valuable one to those truly great musicians who are Able to contact real heaven world music, bring it down to earth, and make a man-made, material-constructed machine reproduce it. While all mechanical instruments and the radio are of great value, they can never take the place of the piano to those who have once learned the value of the chords as correlated to the development of the Spirit and all its vehicles. The piano keyboard spreads all of its 88 keys (52 white and 36 black), which produce 124 tones, right before the performer. The white keys produce 52 (7) of the 124 (7) tones, and the black keys produce 72 (9) tones. Nine is the number of humanity and seven (7) is the number of man’s three (3) spiritual powers, plus his four (4) vehicles-mind, desire body, vital body, and physical body. There are five (5) lines on the musical staff and four (4) spaces-again five and four equal nine, the number of humanity. There are seven (7) letters in the musical scale, C, D, E, F, G, A, B; and they always occupy the same position on the musical staff. There are seven notes to the musical scale, doe, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, which changes position on the staff. For instance, if the scale is C natural, the first do is found on the added line below the staff. If there is one sharp, the do is found on the second line of the staff. If one flat, then do is found in the first space on the staff, et cetera. Each of the life waves belonging to our solar system, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, has a keynote of its own. The keynote of Aries is Db major, which has five flats, namely, Gb, Ab, Bb, Db, Eb. The keynote of Taurus is Eb major, which has 3 flats, namely, Ab, Bb, Eb. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

The keynote of Gemini is F# major, which has 6 sharps namely, A#, C#, D#, E#, F#, G#. The keynote of Cancer is Ab major, which has four flats, namely, A flat, B flat, D flat, and E flat. The keynote of Leo is Bb major, which has two flats. B flat and E flat. The keynote of Virgo is C natural major and has no sharps or flats. The keynote of Libra is D major, and has 2 sharps, namely, F#, C#. The keynote of Scorpio is E major, and has 4 sharps, namely, F#, C#, G#, D#. The keynote of Sagittarius is F major, and has 1 flat, namely, Bb. The keynote of Capricorn is G major, and has 1 sharp, namely, F#. The keynote of Aquarius is A major, and has 3 sharps, namely, F#, C#, G#. The keynote of Pisces is B major, and has 5 sharps, namely, F#, C#, G#, D#, A# (E and B only once not sharped). The 12 semitones of the octave conform with the 12 months of the year and the 12 life waves created by the God of our solar system, also the 12 creative Hicrarchies composing the zodiac. The 7 tones, represented by C, D, E, F, G, A, B, conform to the 7 Spirits before the Throne. The 5 dark keys in octave represent the five life waves, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo that first worked with our humanity. The 7 light keys represent the hierarchical life waves. Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, still working with humanity during the Earth Period. As occult mysteries are revealed to us, we very soon grasp the significant fact that throughout all the complexities of the world there runs a true orderly principle which never deviates in its manifestations. One of the first things that become apparent to the real occult student is the fact that the cosmos is built upon the 1-3-5-7-10 and 12 aspects, and that the 12 semitones of the musical octave conform in every detail to the cosmic scheme-in fact, to a bewildering degree when it is remembered that in building the musical octave it was necessary to contact the world of tone, the Second Heaven, located in the World of Thought Region, which, while comparatively intangible to the physical senses still is the very basis of material manifestation. We see this same number scheme carried out both in the individualized Spirit and in God, the Creator of our solar system. For example: God is one (1), His three (3) powers are will, wisdom-love, and activity. His seven (7) planetary helpers called the Seven Spirits before the Throne in the Bible. Man has three (3) powers, designated as divine spirit, life spirit, and human spirit, a link (1) of mind, and his three (3) lower vehicles-desire, vital, and physical bodies-from which he extracts a threefold (3) essence called soul. Before going father it is well to review the following facts: The chromatic scale includes all of the tones in the octave, both white and black keys, taken in regular order beginning with C. C is always before the two black key clusters on the piano. There are twelve tones in the chromatic scale. The diatonic scale is composed of the tones produced by the white keys of the piano only-no black keys. There are seven tones (keys) in the diatonic scale. Note these other likenesses to these scales: There are twelve colors, seven visible and five invisible to physical sight. There are twelve orifices in the body, seven visible and five invisible. There are twelve great life waves evolving in our scheme of evolution, five of which have completed their work and withdrawn from manifestation: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo. The other seven are active during the Earth Period: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The general rule for a chord in music is, two notes in the base clef (positive and negative), and three in the treble clef, the trinity. Two and three equal five, the number of man’s senses as developed at the present time. A chord in music is composed of a combination of tones which blend harmoniously when sounded together the lowest tone being the root or keynote, and the other two notes forming the chord must be in harmony with this one particular note, else there will be discord as a result. Everywhere in all nature we find tone manifested, then number, then color, and then form; and this without exception. The first complete octave of the chromatic scale containing 12 tones from which come all heavenly themes furnished the sound tones used during the Saturn period. During each of the Seven Periods our life wave makes seven dips into matter and out again. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

At the dawn of the Saturn Period the Lords of Mind (Sagittarius life wave) were the humanity, the Archangelic life wave was in a plantlike stage, and our own life wave was in a mineral-like stage. The lowest vehicle of each life wave was made of Concrete Thought substance, and man’s only vehicle, the germ of his present dense body, was made of that substance also. With the various vehicles of these four life waves—Lords of Mind, Archangels, Angels, and our own life wave (Piscean)-the Arian life wave worked through the power incorporated in the tone Db, the Taurian by the power produced by Eb, and the Leos by the force contained in A#. The Arian and Taurian life waves were the first to appear to prepare proper conditions for the further development of the four life waves evolving during the Saturn Period. Then during the first dip (revolution) of our own life wave (Piscean), when it had reached the lowest point (Region of Concrete Thought), through the power of the keynote A#, the Leo radiated from their own bodies into our own the germ of our present dense vehicle. Later during our seventh dip (revolution) down into the Region of Concrete Thought, this same life wave the Leos, by power of their keynote, A#, awakened the hitherto passive force of our divine spirit. Humanity, then at the close of the Saturn Period possessed the germ of a dense body built of Concrete Thought substance and an awakened divine spirit, which was later to develop into will power. During the Saturn Period the various involving life waves, began work in the Region of Divine Spirit, then entered the Region of Life Spirit, then the Abstract Thought region, and last, the Region of Concrete Thought (4). Following each complete dip (revolution) into matter, 7 of them on 7 globes, they rested in the Region of Virgin spirits (1) assimilating all they had contacted and preparing for another Day of Manifestation. Four regions plus one equals five, the number of Christ, indicating the tremendous power this great Being was to become in the scheme of evolution. After all seven dips (revolutions) had been made a long period of assimilation and rest followed where all evolving life mingled freely from the highest to the lowest, the high vibrations, by induction, raising the lower ones to a considerable degree. This happened between every one of the Seven Periods, Saturn, sun, Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan. The second octave of the chromatic scale furnished the musical sounds used during the Sun Period, and the first life waves to appear were the Leos, Lords of Flame, keynote A#, Virgo, Lords of Wisdom, keynote C in second octave, Libra, Lords of Individuality, keynote D, Scorpio, Lords of Form, keynote E. Next followed Sagittarius, Lords of Mind, keynote F, then came Capricorn, Archangels, keynote G, next Aquarius, Angels, Keynote A, then Pisces, our own life wave, keynote B. The Archangels were the humanity of the Sun Period. During the sixth dip (revolution) which our present humanity took into matter, the Cancer life wave, the Cherubim, whose keynote is G#, reappeared and through the power incorporated in their keynote awakened the hitherto passive force of our life spirit. At the close of the Sun Period our life wave possessed the improved germ of what was to become a physical body, the germ of a vital body, an awakened divine spirit, and an aroused life spirit which was later to manifest as a wisdom-love force. During the Sun Period the various involving life waves began their work in the Region of Life Spirit, then entered the Region of Abstract Thought, then the Region of Concrete Thought, and last, the Desire World Region. Following each complete dip (revolution) into matter, 7 of them on 7 globes, they all rested in the Region of Divine Spirit, again assimilating all they had contacted, and preparing for another Day of Manifestation. The lowest vehicle of the evolving life waves was then composed of Desire Region substance. Note that following the close of the Sun Period came another great assimilative rest period. The third octave of the chromatic scale furnished the musical sounds used during the Moon Period. At the dawn of the Moon Period, the various evolving life waves began to appear. The Lords of Wisdom Virgos, came first, bearing with them the germinal vehicles of evolving man; the lords of Individuality, Libras, followed immediately and were placed in special charge of the material evolution of the Moon Period. Man’s germinal dense body during the Saturn Period began to evolve the sense organs. The music was A#, the keynote of Leo (or Bb). To sharp a letter (or note) you strike the black key next Above it. To flat a letter (or note) you strike the black key next file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

below it. If the key of A# (or Bb) was used to develop the sense organs in the germ of the dense body, then the tones of the A# (or Bb) scale can be used to advantage in continuing this development. The A# scale contains four sharped letters, A#, B#, D#, E#, and three double sharped letters, F##, C##, G##. The chords are: B# A# B# A# A# A# G# A# E# G## E# F## E# E# E# C## E# C## D# C## D# C## A#oct. E#oct. A#oct. D#oct. E#oct. E#oct. A#oct. The Bb scale contains two flatted letters, but note that the letters except for sharps and flats are exactly the same. The letters flatted are B and E. A Bb F D Bbch


Bb Bb Bb F Bb F F G F Eb F C D Eb D C D F ch. Bbch. Ebch. Bbch. F7th ch. Bbch.

The Leos, Lords of Flame, exercised rulership during the Saturn Period; and as their musical scale, A# (or Bb), contained the sounds used to arouse the divine spirit power which is will, then these same tones are of immense value in further developing this highest power of the spirit, the will. In the second dip (revolution) in matter in the Sun Period, the Virgo (Lords of Wisdom) life wave radiated from their own bodies the germ of man’s vital body, including all the possibilities it possesses, and implanted it in man’s own body. The Virgo life wave has C natural for its keynote; consequently the chords belonging to this scale, the sale of C natural, when sounded will help to further develop the potentialities of the vital body. These chords are: B G E C C ch.

B G D G ch.


A F C C ch.

G E C F ch.

G F D C ch.

G E C G 7th

C ch.

Some of the potentialities of the vital body are growth, development of sense perceptions, propagation, development and action of the glands, and all the organs, in etheric substance, possessed by the physical body. During the sixth dip (revolution) into matter, in the Sun Period, the Cancer life wave awakened the germ of the life spirit. The keynote of Cancer is G# (Ab) major, and it was the chord tones belonging to this life wave that were used to obtain results. The chords belonging to G# major are:

B# G# D# G#oct.

A# F## D# D#oct.

A# B# G# B# F## B# G# E# G# D# G# D# C# D# C# D# G#oct. C#oct. D#oct. D#oct. G#oct

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If the chords tones of G# (Ab) major awakened the germ of the life spirit, then these same musical tones will in turn aid in stimulating and developing the potential powers of the life spirit. The third octave of the chromatic scale furnished the musical sounds used during the Moon Period. In the Moon Period during the third dip (revolution) into denser substance, the Libra life wave, Lords of Individuality, radiated from themselves into our form the germ that was later to develop into man’s desire body. The keynote of Libra is D major, and it was the tones belonging to this scale, represented by its chords, that were used to accomplish this work. The chords belonging to D major are found in the scale using two sharps. The letters or notes sharped are C and F. The chords of this scale are: A A F# D D ch.

A E C# E ch.

A F# D D ch.

B G D G ch.

A F# D A ch.

G E C# A7th ch.

A F# D D ch.

The tones found in the D major chords will aid in developing the desire body according to the perfect cosmic design. During the fifth dip (revolution) into denser substance in the Moon Period, the Gemini life wave, the Seraphim, reappeared and awakened the heretofore-passive human spirit. The keynote of the Gemini life wave is F# major. The letters sharped are A,C,D,E,F, and G (all sharped except B). The chords of F# major are:

A# F# C# F#oct.

G# E# C# C#oct.

A# F# C# F#oct.

B F# D# B oct.

B A# G# F# E# C# C# C#oct. C#oct.

A# F# C# F#oct.

The tones used to stimulate and assist in furthering the development of the human spirit are found in the chord tones belonging to the key of F# major. At the close of the moon period, the third great cosmic day, we find the succeeding conditions: The following life waves through the power of their respective musical tones incorporated in scales and chords worked on man’s development-Aries Db; Taurus, Eb; Gemini, F#; Cancer, Ab major; Virgo, C natural; Libra D major. As a result of their work, spirit-man possessed awakened divine, life, desire body, all of which were very slightly developed, but were beginning to manifest. The tones used by the life waves in their work are found on the piano beginning with Db at the lower end of the keyboard and extending to middle C in the middle of the keyboard. At this time man was still outside of his vehicles and all work done by him was automatic, and directed entirely by the great Beings mentioned Above, who were in charge of his evolution.

CHAPTER VII OUR GROUP SPIRIT, JEHOVAH, AND OUR OWN LIFE WAVE Toward the end of the Moon Period there wave a division in the globe or planet on which we were evolving, and this smaller planet was thrown out into space. This planet condensed very rapidly and remained the field of our file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

evolution until the end of the Moon Period. In relation to this time Max Heindel says in substance: Fancy now an immense globe circling in space as a satellite About its parent globe. It is the body of the Great Spirit, Jehovah. As we now have soft flesh and hard bones, so also the central part of the body of Jehovah was denser than the outside, which was misty and cloudlike. And through his consciousness pervaded the whole, he himself appeared principally in the cloud and with him were his Angels and other Creative Hierarchies. From this great firmament of cloud depended millions of cords, each with its own foetal sac, hovering close to the dense central part of the cloud. And as the vital stream of the human mother circulates through the umbilical cord, carrying nourishment to the embryo during antenatal life for the purpose of evolving a vehicle wherein the spirit may dwell independently when the period of gestation has been completed, so the divine life of Jehovah brooded over us in the cloud and coursed through the whole human family during that embryonic stage of our evolution. We were then as incapAble of initiative as is the foetus today. At the end of the Moon Period the divided parts of the original globe were dissolved and merged into the general Chaos, which preceded the reorganization of the globe for the Earth Period. The Earth Period found the Virgo life wave, the Lords of Wisdom, keynote C natural (also middle C on the Piano), in charge of the divine spirit, the will power of man. The chords of C natural are found in Chapter VI. The Libran life wave, Lords of Individuality, was now advanced far enough to have the second power of man, the life spirit love power of attraction and cohesion, placed under their charge. Their keynote is D major and the chords belonging to D major are also found in Chapter VI. The Scorpio life wave, the Lords of Form, were given charge of the third power in man, the human spirit, which is his activity powers and manifests as fecundation-the power to produce and grow. The keynote of Scorpio is E major, 4 sharps, C,D,F,G. The chords are: E B G# Ech.

D# B F# Bch.

E B G# Ech.

A C# E Ach.

E B G# Bch.

D# B A F# Bch.

E B G# Ech.

During the fourth dip (or revolution) into matter, during the Atlatean epoch, the Sagittarian life wave, Lords of Mind, radiated from themselves into our being the nucleus of material with which we are now seeking to build an organized mind. The mind is formed of the substance of the four divisions of Concrete Thought. The second region contains the archetypes of universal vitality; the third contains the archetypes of desire and emotion; the fourth contains the archetypal forces of the human mind the first, or lowest, region contains the archetypes of form. The Region of germinal ideas in the Abstract Thought Region is reflected into the first Concrete Thought Region, the germinal ideas of life in the Abstract Thought Region are reflected into the second Region of Abstract germinal ideas of desire and emotions is reflected into the third Region of Concrete Thought In the latter part of the Lemurian Epoch a small part of our humanity were sufficiently advanced so that the germ of mind could be given to them. The keynote of the Sagittarians is F major and has one flat, which is B. The chords are: F C A Fch.

E C G Cch.

F C A Fch.

F D Bb Bbch.

F C A Fch.

E C F Bb C G A O7thch. Fch.

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Note that this chord is correlated to the mind, the last vehicle acquired by man and the least developed of the four, physical, vital, desire, and mental, which he possesses. Here we have the key to rapid mental development, the chords of F major, which contains Bb. Max Heindel states that musical keys or incantations are used in all occult orders and for all purposes. That in occult orders like that of the Rosincrucians, the keynote of the incantation intoned at each degree is of a different vibratory measure from the keynote of all the others degrees, and that one who has not the key and is therefore unAble to attune himself to it is halted, as it were, by an invisible wall of vibration which surrounds the Temple. Max Heindel further states that music has a greater mission than simply to provide enjoyment for us. In fact, the Harmony of the Spheres is the basis of all evolution, for without it there could be no progress; and when once our ears have become attuned to it, we have the “key” to all advancement. He says that in the Second Heaven the Spirit knows the seven planets, form the sounding board and strings of Apollo’s seven-stringed lyre. The Lords of Mind, Sagittarians, work only with humanity on the earth plane, for they are concerned with nothing lower than mind substance. The Archangels are experts at bodybuilding out of desire substance and are therefore Able to teach both man and animals in molding and used desire bodies. The keynote of the Archangels, the Capricornian life wave, is G major. Its scale has 1 sharp, namely F#. Its chords are: G D B Gch.

F# D A Dch.

G D B Gch.

G E C Cch.

G D B Gch.

F# D G C D A B D7thch. Gch.

The Angels are thoroughly experienced in vital body building, for in the Moon Period when they were human ether was the densest condition of matter. On account of their Ability to build and fashion ether, they are properly the teachers of man, animal, and plant, with regard to the vital functions, including propagation and nutrition. The keynote of the Angels, the Aquarians, is A major. Its scale has 3 sharps, namely, F#, C#, G#. Its chords are: A E C# Aoct.

G# E B Eoct.

A E C# Aoct.

A F# D Doct.

A E C# Eoct.

G# E D B Eoct.

A E C# Aoct.

Our own human life wave is learning to become experts at body building out of physical substance, and therefore its people are qualifying to become teachers to the mineral kingdom when its member become individualized enough to use separate forms. Already we are beginning to fashion various minerals into individual shapes. The keynote of humanity, the Pisceans, is B major. Its scale has 5 sharps, namely. F#, C#, G#, D#. A#. Its chords are: B F# D# Boct.

A# F# C# F#oct.

B F# D# Boct.

B G# E Eoct.

B F# D# Boct.

A# F# E C# F#oct.

B F# D# Boct.

The keynote of the Aries life wave is D flat major. Its scale contains 5 flats, namely Gb, Bb, Db, Eb, Ab. Its chords are: C file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

Db Ab F Dboct.

C Db Ab Ab Eb F Aboct. Dboct.

Db Db Ab Bb Ab Gb Gb F Eb Gboct Aboct.

Db Ab F Aboct.


The keynote of the Taurus life wave is E flat major. Its scale contains 3 flats, namely, Ab, Bb, Eb. Its chords are:

Eb Bb G Ebch.

D Bb F Bbch.

Eb Bb G Ebch.

Eb C Ab Abch.

Eb Bb G Bbch.

D Bb Ab F Bb7th ch.

Eb Bb G Ebch.

Every part of man’s body has been built by the vibratory keynotes of the twelve great life waves, assisted by the Seven Spirits before the Throne, namely, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury, plus Neptune’s work, and that of the earths Moon. Man’s spiritual powers have been awakened by certain ones of the twelve great life waves as mentioned in earlier chapters. This work has been, and now is being carried on in all of mankind regardless of the planetary Sun sign of the individual. All of these great Helpers have been or are now carrying on their activities und the direction of the God of our solar system and are, so to speak, His earth ambassadors. The God of our solar system creates in life waves as stated. Twelve of these life waves have the same names as the signs of the zodiac and will be used by Him later as the signs of His own zodiac when He breaks up into one to form the covering of a solars system for another God. The Aries and Taurus life waves are now in the World of God Region; the Gemini, Cancer, Leo life waves are in the World of Virgin Spirits Region; the Virgo life wave is in the Divine Spirit World Region; the Scorpio life wave is in the Abstract Thought World Region; the Sagittarius life wave is in the Concrete Thought World Region; the Capricorn life wave is in the Desire World Region; the Aquarian life wave is in the Etheric World subdivision of the Physical World Region; and the Piscean life wave is in the Chemical subdivision of the Physical World Region. This does not mean that the beings belonging to these twelve life waves are confined within the limits of a certain World Region. These regions are simply their home locations; they are at liberty to render service in many other localities or on other planes, the same as our own life wave, which at the present time during manifestation functions in regions as high as the World of Abstract Thought. The closer we come to understanding creation, the better we shall understand music, and vice versa. For instance, a perfect chord is formed of the first, third, and fifth letter or note in the scale. The letters are C, E, G; the notes are do, mi, sol, both letters are notes representing the same tones. To find the planetary life wave spiritually ruling any period, first note the human life wave of that period. The Sagittarians or Lords of Mind were the humanity of the Saturn Period. Now beginning with Sagittarius count up five life waves and we come to the Leo life wave, or Lords of Flame, who had charge of the spiritual impulses being played upon the humanity of the Saturn period. Remember that the keynote of Leo is A# (Bb) major, the music of which has to do with the work being done on the growth of the dense body and the awakening of the Divine spirit. Accordingly, and music written in the key of A# (Bb) will further work being done during the Saturn Period. The humanity of the Sun Period was the Capricorns or Archangels. Beginning here and counting upward to five w find the Virgos or Lords of Wisdom as the life wave in charge of the spiritual impulses being played upon the humanity of the Sun Period. The keynote of Virgo is C natural. The special work being done was on the growth of the vital body and the awakening of the life spirit. Accordingly and music written in the key of C natural will further the work begun in the Sun Period. The humanity of the Moon Period was the Aquarians or Angels. Beginning with them and counting upward to five we find the Librans or Lords of Individuality life waves in charge of the spiritual Moon Period. The keynote of file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

Libra is D major. The special work being done was on the growth of the desire body and he awakening of the human spirit. Accordingly any music written in the key of D major will further the work begun in the Moon Period. The humanity of the Earth Period is the Pisceans, our own life wave. Beginning with Pisces and counting upward to five we find the Scorpios or Lords of Form life waves in charge of the spiritual impulses now being played upon us, the humanity of the Earth Period. The keynote of Scorpio is E major. The special work being done during the Earth Period is on the development of the mental body. Accordingly any music written in the key of E major will further the growth of the mind, which is the work of the Earth Period. The purpose of spiritual rulership is primarily to give the necessary impacts which act as a stimulus to action on the lower life wave on which the impact is directed, all development being the result of some kind of musical activity. Summarizing the foregoing, we find: Divine Spirit, keynote A# (Bb) major, ruling Life Wave Leo. Life Spirit, keynote G# (Ab) major, ruling Life Wave Cancer. Human Spirit, keynote F# major, ruling Life Wave Gemini. Physical Body, keynote A# (Bb) major, ruling Life Wave Leo. Vital Body, keynote C natural, ruling Life Wave Virgo. Desire Body, keynote D major, ruling Life Wave Libra. Mind, keynote F major, ruling Life Wave Sagittarius. The chords related to the three powers of the Spirit and man’s four vehicles, also all music written in the keynote of the chords can be effectively used in developing man’s three spirit powers and the powers of his four vehicles.

CHAPTER VIII THE HARMONY OF THE SPHERES file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

The Harmony of the Spheres is not a monotone; it varies from day to day and from month to month as the Sun and planets pass from sign to sign. There are also yearly epochal variations due to the precession of the equinoxes. There is truly an infinite variety in the Song of the Spheres, as indeed there must be, for the constant change of spiritual vibration is the basis of all physical spiritual evolution. In spring the tones of Aries and Mars, stirring, active conducive to germination, newness of life and growth in all kingdoms, from man to plant inclusive, predominate. If you would catch a faint idea of what the Music of the Spheres is like at this time listen to such Easter songs as: Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the Cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! Christ Jesus is the personification of spiritual love; therefore music written in the key of Libra (D major), ruled by Venus, the planet of love, is quite in harmony with His vibration with that of this great Being. In midsummer the tones produced by Cancer the Moon take the lead, Abetted by those of Leo and the Sun, all of which are conducive to maturing the processes started by the energizing spring tones. Through the summer, love and life toil exceedingly with joyful hearts, for they are Masters in the struggle for existence while the Sun is exalted in the northern heavens at the maximum of his power at the time of the summer solstice. This is the time when the Christ, having reached the throne of the Father (the World of Divine Spirit) after completing His earth work for another year, is welcomed by the heavenly host, the Lords of Wisdom, who also Abide there. In honor of this great One who has given His life to the point of exhaustion, it is appropriate that we join that celestial band in singing: All hail the power of (Christ) Jesus name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. The keynote of Leo is A# (Bb) major. The Sun its ruler and its key word is Life. The keynote of Cancer is G# major and its key word is fecundation. In all fall the tones of Virgo, whose keynote is C natural, and the key word of Mercury, reason energized by the tones of Scorpio, keynote E major, and key word of Mars, dynamic energy, prepare for, and meet the power of the approaching Christ rays which is making its annual descent to the earth, and whose powerful spiritual vibration are in the earth’s atmosphere and capable of use by mankind to a much greater advantage if they know the facts and redouble their efforts to render loving, self-forgetting service to others. Here are the words and music, which can be of great assistance to each one in furthering his or her evolutionary development: O worship the King all glorious Above, And gratefully sing His wonderful love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. This is truly so; for all the while Christ is descending to earth a harmonious, rhythmic, vibratory song, a hosanna, is being sung by the celestial hosts which fills the earth’s atmosphere and acts upon all as an impulse to spiritual aspiration. During winter the tones of the philanthropic Sagittarius, keynote F major, ruled by the optimistic, benevolent planet Jupiter, key word idealism, and the quiet, orderly Capricorn, keynote G major, ruled by the conservative, enduring Saturn, key word obstruction, with his systematic building activities prepare the earth to receive the love ray file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

of the Christ and nurture it until it is ready for liberation at the center of the earth and starts on its outward journey toward the earth’s periphery, reaching it at the time of the spring equinox. When the days are shortest and the nights longest, on Holy Night, the Christ Spirit ray reaches the very center of the earth. Here He spends three days and nights liberating from Himself the Holy Spirit germinating force which is slowly to permeate the earth and fruetify it for another year. Without this vitalizing, energizing power released by the Christ the earth would remain cold, barren, and drear; all living things would soon perish and all orderly progress would be frustrated so far as our present scheme of development is concerned. It is most fitting, therefore, that at the holy Christmas season we should pour forth our sincere appreciation and adoration by joining the heavenly hosts in songs of praise attuned to the celestial music given to by the master musician, the great Felix Mendelssob: Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled; Joyful all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With th’ angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. The Hierarchical life waves and the zodiacal sign have not been the only aids that mankind has had furthering his evolution. The Seven Spirits before the Throne, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus, have rendered and are still rendering a great service to mankind and are present in very close contact with humanity. Each of these planets has a keynote of its own and it through the vibratory power of each of these keynotes that the planets are Able to render assistance. During the time the Spirit is coming to rebirth forms the creative archetype of its physical for in the Second Heaven, the World of Concrete Through with the assistance of the Seven Spirits before the Throne. This archetype is a singing, vibrating mode mould-a hollow cavity which is set into action be the Spirit with a certain force commensurate with the length of life to be lived on earth. Until the archetype ceases to vibrate the corresponding form which is built of the chemical elements of the earth will continue to exist. The Region of Concrete Thought is the real of sound, where the Harmony of the Spheres, a true celestial music pervades all that is there, as the atmosphere of the earth surrounds and envelopes everything here. All things there may be said to be wrapped in and permeated with music—to live and grow by music. All of this clearly demonstrates that our earth music did not just happen, but that it has been estAblished on a basis found in the higher spiritual world, the origin of which is the spoken word of God, the Creator of our solar system.

CHAPTER IX THE ARCHETYPE AND THE PHYSICAL BODY Note that the letters of the musical alphabet are: C, D, E, F,G, A, B, which form an interval of seven tones, the basis of the Harmony of the Seven spheres. Uranus and Neptune’s vibrations had no part in man’s material progress until much later than Pythagoras’ beginning to sense their vibrations. The tones of these two planets, added to the seven, make nine, the number of humanity. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

The seven major tones of the scale, when correctly sounded have within them the creative, building powers of God. The manifestation of the minor tones are subjective or assimilative in nature, and do not create. The home of the 5 minor tones is the Third Heaven (Region of Abstract Thought). When the Spirit leaves the dense body at the time of death it passes through the Desire World, the Concrete Thought World (Second Heaven), and Abstract Thought World (Third Heaven), where it remains for a time before it returns to rEbirth on the earth. When the time for rEbirth comes, it leaves the Abstract Thought World and enters the Concrete Thought World. There the Music of the Spheres at once sets the seed atom of the dense body vibrating, and one of these planets vibrating, and one of these planets vibrates in particular harmony with the dense body seed atom of the Spirit. Each planetary tone is so modified that it conforms to the basic tone of the planet in harmony with the dense seed atom of the physical body of the Spirit, and is therefore the planetary ruler of that particular earth life of the Spirit. When the tones of the various planets impinge upon the seed atom of the dense body they each in turn aid in building the Spirit’s archetype, and the vibratory lines of force thus formed in the archetype later attract and arrange in proper form the dense atoms of the physical body. Thus both the archetype and the physical body express accurately the Harmony of the Spheres as it was played during this period of archetypal construction. The length of time which expires from the moment the Spirit leaves the Third Heaven (Abstract Thought Region), until it enters the body of its future mother is much longer than the actual period of gestation (9 months), and varies according to the complexity of the structure required by the Spirit seeking birth. Nor is the process of construction of the archetype continuous; for under certain aspects (squares, trines, et cetera), the planets may produce notes to which the vibratory powers of the seed atom cannot respond; and again, the Spirit simply hums over tones which it has already learned, and thus engaged waits for a new sound which it can use to build more of the organism by means of which it desires to express itself. Time is also required to attract the needed material in the various regions of the Desire World (7) out of which to build a new desire body, the archetype controlling quantity and the desire body seed atom the quality. In the Etheric Region of the physical world not only must material be attracted for a new vital body, but the Recording Angels and their agents must separate a portion of this material from the rest, out of which they form the etheric matrix for the physical body which is to be built later. Let us remember that we are now working under influence of the seven tones in the middle of the piano keyboard, which is the middle octave, there being three octaves on each side of it. The lessons belonging to the three lower octaves we should have completed. The lessons belonging to the middle octave we are now learning. Note that the lessons belonging to the lowest octave tones on the piano keyboard, Saturn Period, were on dense body building o f the negative powers of the Divine Spirit. The lessons belonging to the second piano keyboard octave, Sun Period, were correlated to the tones produced by that octave and were on vital body building (Virgo, keynote C natural), and the awakening of the negative powers of the life spirit, Cancer life wave, keynote G# (Ab) major. The lessons belonging to the third octave tone on the piano keyboard, Moon Period were correlated to the tones produced by the octave. They pertained to the building of the desire body (Libra, keynote D major) and the awakening of the negative powers of the human spirit (Gemini, keynote F# major). The lessons belonging to the fourth or middle octave tones, Earth Period, have to do with the construction of the mental body and the development of the mind; the most important of these tones to present day humanity is F major, the keynote of the Lords of Mind, the Sagittarians. Man having acquired his dense, vital, desire, and mental bodies, must during the Earth Period learn how to care for them and keep each one in a healthy condition, which depends almost altogether upon the state of mind. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

Ordinarily the mind forms a perfect connection between the Spirit and its four vehicles, but it is possible for this connection to become faulty or even entirely disconnected. Then serious mental trouble is likely to be the result. Mental diseases are traceable to the union of the uncontrolled mind with the desire body, or the prolonged violent sounding of any or all of the planetary vibrations either of the Moon, Mercury, Uranus, or Neptune. Used in this way they have the power to wreck not only the mind itself but also the desire body, the vital body, and the physical vehicle, while low, gentle, rhythmic vibrations of those planets will both soothe and heal.

CHAPTER X THE CURATIVE POWEER OF MUSIC Vibration is life manifested, and is the origin of all created things that are, or ever have been. Inertia, its opposite, results in separation, disintegration, and decay. Music and color are both the product of certain rates of vibratory power. Harmonious vibratory rates are healthful, constructive, and building; but discordant ones are destructive and disintegrating even to the point of dissolution. Sound is the origin of color and only clear, melodious sound can produce a beautiful, attractive, inspiring color.

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The solar spectrum reflects seven distinct colors, namely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. There are seven tones produced on the piano keyboard by the white keys of an octave. C corresponds to red, D to orange, E to yellow, F to green, G to blue, A to indigo, B to violet. When one musical octave is finished another one commences and progresses with just twice as many vibrations as were are repeated on a finer scale. It is the same with the ordinary eye is completed in the violet, another octave of finer invisible colors, with just twice as many vibrations will commence, and progress according to the same law. Aries has general control over the head and the various organs within the head, and the eyes; but the nose is under the rulership of Scorpio. Accordingly a disease of any of these organs, except the nose, will be benefited by music played softly in the key of Db major. Aries diseases are headache, neuralgia, coma and trance conditions, diseases of the brain, and cerebral hemorrhages. The remedy used to combat these diseases is music played softly in the key of Ab major. Taurus rules the neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region of the brain, the cerebellum, the atlas, cervical vertebrae, carotid arteries, jugular veins, and some minor blood vessels. Music played softly in the key of Eb major is of great benefit when any of these organs begins to show signs of disease. Taurus diseases are goiter, diptheria, croup, and apoplexy. As each sign always reacts upon the opposite one, afflictions in Taurus may also produce venereal diseases, constipation, or irregular menses. Gemini rules the arms and hands, shoulders, lungs, and the thymus gland, also the upper ribs. Any disease attacking one of these parts may be checked by music played softly in the key of F# major. Gemini diseases are pneumonia, pulmonary diseases, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma, and inflammation of the pericardium. Music played softly in the keynote of F# major is beneficial in counteracting the activity of these diseases. Cancer rules the oesophagus, stomach, diaphragm, pancreas, mammae, lacteals, upper lobes of the liver, and thoracic duct. Diseases-indigestion, gas in stomach, cough, hiccough, dropsy, gloom, hypochondria, hysteria, gall stones, and jaundice. Diseases mentioned under the rule of Cancer are counteracted by music played softly in G# (Ab) major. Leo rules the heart, the dorsal region of the spine, the spinal cord, and the aorta. Leo afflictions are regurgiation, palpitation, fainting, aneurism, spinal meningitis, curvature of spine, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, hyperaemia, anaemia, and hydraemia. Music played softly in the key of A# (Bb) major brings relief to sufferers of these diseases. Virgo rules the abdominal region, the large and small intestines, the lower lobes of the liver, and the spleen. Afflictions of Virgo produce peritonitis, tapeworm, malnutrition, interference with the absorption of the chyle, typhoid fever, cholera, and appendicitis. The music best played to relieve any of the foregoing afflictions is that of C natural softly rendered. Libra rules the kidneys, the suprarenals, the lumbar region of the spine, the vasomotor system, and the skin. Libra diseases are polyuria, or suppression of the urine, inflammation of the ureters which connect the kidneys with the bladder, Bright’s disease, lumbago, eczema, and other skin diseases. Music for the treatment of these diseases is played softly in the keynote of D major. Scorpio rules the bladder, urethra, genital organs in general, also the rectum and descending colon, the sigmoid flexure, the prostate gland, and the nasal bones. Scorpio diseases are nasal catarrh, adenoids and polypi, diseases of the uterus and ovaries, and various veneral diseases, stricture, and enlargement of the prostate gland, irregularities of the menses, leucorrhoea, rupture, renal stones, and gravel. The keynote of Scorpio is E major. Music played softly in this key dispels Scorpio diseases. Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs, the femur, ilium, the coccygeal and sacral regions of the spine, the iliac arteries and veins, and sciatic nerves. Music played softly in the key of F major is the best treatment for these diseases. Capricorn governs the skin and the knees, and also has a reflex action on the stomach which is governed by the file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

opposite sign, Cancer. Music played softly in the key of G major is best for healing Capricorn diseases, which are as follows: eczema and other skin diseases, erysipelas, leprosy, and digestive disturbances. Aquarius rules the ankles, the limbs from the knees to the ankles, and also has a reflex action on its opposite sign, Leo; hence afflictions in Aquarius produce varicose veins, sprained ankles, irregularities of the heart action, and dropsy. The keynote of Aquarius is A major. Music played softly in that key is best for healing the diseases common to Aquarius. Pisces governs the feet and toes. It also has a reflex effect on the abdominal region governed by the opposite sign Virgo, hence afflictions in this sign indicate trouble and deformities of the feet, intestinal diseases and dropsy; also desire for drink and drugs which may bring about delirium tremens. Music played softly in the keynote of B major is best for combating the diseases herein mentioned.


Spiritual healing as carried on by the Rosicrucian Fellowship is done by the probationers, who work at night while out of their dense bodies which are asleep. They are called Invisible Helpers, because they cannot be seen by ordinary vision. Their healing work depends on the following prime factors: The vital body pitch of the patient and that of the probationer Invisible Helper healer must be in perfect harmony. (This is taken care of by the Elder Brothers.) The probationer Invisible Helper in his or her waking consciousness must have decided to become a ready healing helper on the invisible plane. Such helpers must be probationers for the reason that at the time they dedicate themselves to probationership they begin to vibrate in unison with the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross Order, and each morning, when they perform their morning exercise of concentration, they strengthen this vibration.

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Invisible Helpers are of inestimable value for the following reason: The vital body of the patient in which the Helpers work has a tone all its own (which is determined by the rising sign), and Invisible Helpers are selected by the Elder Brothers and sent to work on the patients whose vital body pitch or tone is in perfect harmony with that of the Invisible Helper selected. This is the key to the success of Invisible Helper work. The probationer Invisible Helper in his or her waking consciousness has made up his mind to be ready worker on the invisible plane, and being attuned to the vibration of the Elder Brothers, they, the Brothers, then supervise the work. This is the reason why a probationer nurse in our own sanitarium is of inestimable value, for note: such a nurse is tuned to both the keynote of the patient’s vital body and to the vibration (tone) of the Elder Brothers, who are the head of all the spiritual work carried on here. As no one ever become Invisible Healer until he or she has made up his mind to become one, and since the development of the mind is the principal work of the Earth Period, it is quite necessary that we give some attention to how mental development is accomplished. No spiritual development can be accomplished without the aid of the mind, for the mind is the link between the Spirit and its lower vehicles. The Spirit’s powers are developed by the soul essence, pabulum, food extracted from the threefold body; the mind is the only means of transmitting this food essence to the Spirit. The more developed the mind is, the more efficient it becomes as a conductor of pabulum from the three vehicles, physical, vital and desire bodies, to the Spirit. In the Earth Period the Lords of Mind radiated from themselves into man’s being the germ of a mind. The keynote of the Lords of Mind (Sagittarians) is F major. Its scale has one flat, namely Bb. Any music written in the key of one flat will tend both to influence and to develop man’s mental powers. Examples: America; Work, for the Night is Coming; Where He Leads Me I Will Follow. The chords of F major are: Bb A F C F ch

G E C C ch

A F C F ch

Bb F D Bb ch

A F C C ch

G E C C7th ch

A F C F ch

The Spirit is entirely in the physical world while it lives its earth life, except when the body is asleep or unconscious for any other cause. During waking hours the Spirit is indwelling and contracts the outside world consciously through the power of the mind. The more developed the mind, the better the Spirit is able to contact the outside world. At the present time the mind is an unformed cloud which penetrates and surrounds the head. The mind has not as yet evolved any organs. It acts like a mirror reflecting the outer world and enabling the Spirit to transmit its commands as thoughts and words, and to compel action. The Spirit generates the thought, and injects it into the mind, the mind passes it on to the brain centers, and the brain centers transmute it into incentive to action. At the present time, however, the mind is not focused in a way that enables it to give a clear and true picture of what the Spirit imagines. It is not one-pointed. It gives misty and clouded pictures. Hence the necessity of experiment to show the inadequacies of the first conception, and bring about new imaginings and ideas until the image produced by the Spirit in mental substance has been reproduced in physical substance. At the best, we are able to shape through the mind only such images as have to do with form, because the mind was not started until the Earth Period and therefore is now in its form or mineral stage; hence in our operations we are confined to mineral forms. We can imagin ways and means of working with the mineral forms of the three lower kingdoms but can do little or nothing with living bodies. It is true that we do graft living branches to living trees, living parts of animal or man to other living parts, but it is not life with which we are working; it is form only. True, we are making different conditions, but the life which already inhabited the forms makes the permanent connections, and not the man. All forms created by man are lifeless and will continue to be so until the mind becomes alive-that is to say, until it reaches a plantlike stage in its development. Three of the ductless glands are closely connected with the mind of man. The seven ductless glands, mentioned file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

by Max Heindel as the seven roses on the cross of the vital body, are all spiritual centers correlated to Neptune, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter. Neptune is the ruler of the pineal gland, Uranus of the pituitary, Mercury the thyroid, Venus the thymus, the Sun the spleen, and Jupiter the two adrenals. The keynote of each of these planets by continually sounding its tone is gradually awakening the corresponding spiritual center in the gland to which it is related. When the spiritual center in each of these glands becomes aroused into dynamic activity, the seven ductless glands will connect the Spirit with the invisible plane to which each planet is correlated. The tone of Jupiter, ruler of the two adrenals, will gradually awaken and develop the potential spiritual powers of these two glands and thereby assist man in learning the lesson belonging to the Chemical Region of the Physical Plane. The tone of the Sun, ruler of the spleen, will gradually awaken and develop the potential spiritual powers of that gland and thereby assist man in mastering the lessons pertaining to the Etheric Region of the Physical Plane. The tone of Venus, ruler of the thymus gland, will gradually awaken and develop the potential spiritual powers of that gland and assist man in learning the lessons pertaining to the Desire Word. The tone of Mercury, ruler of the thyroid gland, will gradually awaken and develop the spiritual powers of that gland and thereby assist man in mastering the lessons pertaining to the World of Thought. The tone of Uranus, ruler of the pituitary body, will gradually awaken and develop he potential spiritual powers of that gland and assist man in learning the lessons pertaining to the World of Life Spirit. The tone of Neptune, ruler of the pineal gland, will gradually awaken and develop the potential spiritual powers of that gland and assist man in mastering the lessons pertaining to the World of Divine Spirit. CHAPTER XII MUSIC AS A BUILDING POWER In the evolutionary progress of humanity there are four distinct classes of people at the present time, namely: the failures, those who have definitely lost out in the present scheme and will have to go back to the beginning (another Saturn Period) and commence all ovel again; the stragglers, who, if they work hard enough, have a chance to catch up and go on in our present scheme of evolution; the masses, who are slowly learning their lessons and will without doubt make the grade; and the pioneers, who have forged ahead and consequently are in the vanguard of evolution. The last group are becoming teachers and leaders of humanity. Chief among them are the lay brothers, adepts, and Elder Brothers composing the members of the seven Lesser Mystery Schools and the five Greater Ones which exist on earth today. In the far off past man’s principal lessons were related to body building, including the physical, vital, and desire bodies, and while doing this work he was directed and assisted by the eleven creative Hierarchical life waves preceding his own and the most advanced belonging to it also. From the Saturn Period until Lemurian Epoch of the Earth Period man was hermaphrodite and able to produce bodies through the dual power of his own creative force, namely, his activity germinating power. He was mindless and therefore did his work automatically, the Spirit being entirely outside of its vehicles. A record of all work done was, however, faithfully recorded on the separate seed atoms of his three vehicle-desired, vital, and dense bodies, which he then possessed. There were only three seed atoms, one for each of his three vehicles, until the germ of mind was given which then made four vehicles and four seed atoms. All bodies are built by means of the power incorporated within its own particular seed atom which is a minute, invisible, singing particle of spirit substance, and is the exclusive property of the one to whom it was given. When the members of our life wave had progressed far enough to be ready for the next step in evolution, there was a separation of the positive and negative powers of the activity germinating force in each one, half of which force was turned upward to build a brain and larynx, and man then ceased to have the power to produce new bodies without the aid of another human being. In half of the life wave the positive life force was directed upward, and in the other half the negative force was turned upward. Those in which the positive force was turned upward became known as females, and those in which the negative force was turned upward were termed males. As a result woman is positive on the mental plane (Concrete Thought), and man is negative, while woman is negative on the physical plane and man is positive. One of the reasons for building a brain and larynx was that humanity was about to be given the germ of mind and needed a physical vehicle with which to connect it with the physical world, which the Spirit had not been able to file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

contact hitherto except in a dreamlike sort of consciousness. Another reason was generating force was also to be lifted to the head and the present organs of generation were to atrophy and gradually become extinct. The Spirit would then reproduce its dense vehicle through the power of thought and the spoken word, using the brain and larynx as its instruments. The Spirit, guided and directed by the Angels, built the brain and the larynx by the power of love. The keynote of man is B major (5 sharps). The keynote of the angels is A major (3 sharps), and the keynote of the Lords of Mind (Sagittarius), who radiated the germ of mind from themselves into us, is F major (1 flat). Therefore these keynotes, their chords, and any music written in the scale belonging to the keynote of F major, B major, and A major will assist in developing the powers of the mind and the brain so that they can express the things the Spirit wishes to objectify in the physical world. The Lords of Mind (Sagittarius), keynote F major (1flat), chords and song, Nearer my God to Thee:

A F C F ch

G E C C ch

A F C F ch

Bb F D Bb ch

A F C C ch

Bb G E C C7th ch

A F C F ch

Angelic life wave, keynote A major (3 sharps), chords and song, The Home Over There: A E C# Ach

B G# E Ech

A E C# Ach

A F# D Bch

A E C# Ech

G E D E7thch

A E C# Ach

Humanity keynote B major (5 sharps), chords and song, Star-spangled Banner: B F# D# Bch

A# F# C# F#ch

B F# D# Bch

B G# E Ech

B F# D# Bch

F# E C# F#7thch

B F# D# Bch

Any music written in B major (5 sharps) is as yet hard to find. Examples of music written in A major (3 sharps, Angelic life wave key) are: Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown?, O Think of a Home Over There, and O Come All Ye Faithful. It was intended by the Creative Hierarchies that when man’s brain was completed the Lords of Mercury, Elder Brothers of our present humanity who excelled in intelligence, should teach mankind how to use the brain as a vehicle of the mind; but this plan was frustrated by the Lucifer Spirits, who were stragglers of the Angelic life wave. These Mars beings gained access to man’s brain through the medium of the spinal cord, which they, being etheric, actually entered; and now they ruled the left brain hemisphere. That part of the Angelic life wave that kept up with its work in evolution in the Moon Period developed the power to reason and gain knowledge without the use of a brain; but the stragglers of the Angelic life wave, having rebelled against Jehovah’s evolutionary plan, did not develop this power. In the Earth period conditions had changed; in order to evolve the power of reason and gain knowledge, a brain was needed to connect the Lucifers with the activities of the physical world in order to evolve this power in them. Accordingly, as soon as humanity developed a brain the Lucifers entering mankind’s spinal canal and thereby gaining access to his brain (which connected him with the physical world) called his attention to his physical body, of which he had not hitherto been aware and also to the physical world around about him, in which he was now to gain knowledge in order to continue his development. This they did in order that they might profit by it themselves, for having connected up with man’s brain they were then able to gain knowledge as man acquired it and evolve thereby. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

Mars works with the solar forces and his rays act directly upon the third power of mankind, which is activity. These rays, being positive, develop a strong constitution, physical endurance, energy, courage, and self-reliance. One of the manifestations of activity is germination-a life force-and into this force the Martians instilled intense desire and passion, which in turn aroused these emotions in mankind. This they also did for a selfish purpose. The Lucifer Spirit revel in the intensity of feeling and evolve by it. The nature of the desire or emotion is not of importance to them, but the intensity is. Therefore they stir up the human passions of the lower nature, which are more intense in our present stage of evolution than are our feelings of joy or love. According to the foregoing it will be noted that the Lucifers gained connection with humanity for two principal reasons, namely: that they might gain contact with his brain and glean knowledge through his experiences in the physical world, and that they might induce strong passion in him and further evolve by the intensity of feeling that it aroused.

CHAPTER XIII THE BRAIN, MAN’S PHYSICAL WORKSHOP The brain is divided into three main primary divisions, namely, the cerebrum (large upper brain, the cerebellum (small middle brain), and the medulla oblongata (small lower brain). The cerebrum is used by the Spirit to express physical consciousness and direct thought. It is the instrument used by the Spirit to express its highest power on the physical plane-the will. The cerebellum is the part of the brain which the Spirit uses to bring about coordination in relation to the movements of the body, combining the separate nerve activities into balanced harmonious action through the binding power of cohesion. The cerebellum is correlated to the second aspect of man, the wisdom-love power. The medulla oblongata is that part of the brain used by the Spirit to control the heartbeat, the contraction of the blood vessels, and breathing. Without this brain activity, the processes of physical life could not go on. The medulla oblongata is therefore connected with the third power of man his activity manifestation. The brain is permeated by vital body substance, desire body substance, and by abstract and concrete thought substance. It is therefore the particular physical workshop of the Spirit with its own special material and that of all its various vehicles conveniently assembled and ready for use. Impressions made by the outer world reach the Spirit through one or more of the five physical senses, by means of the channel of the vital body.

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The Spirit, the real man, is the thinker. The process of thinking is as follows: The will arouses the imagination, and it visualizes an idea composed of abstract thought substance permeating the brain; this abstract thought idea is then projected by the power of the will on the mind lens, which transfers the idea to the concrete thought substance contained in that part of man’s mental body permeating the brain. Here the idea becomes clothed in concrete thought substance and is now a thought form. The thought form thus created is projected into the Desire World substance permeating the brain. This Desire World substance, power to act, which usually results in some sort of manifestation. In the study of thought and the mind let us remember that thought is a power of the Spirit, and the mental body of mind composed of concrete thought substance, is the vehicle that connects the Spirit with its etheric and physical brain. The mental body is attuned to F major or one flat, and its scale begins with F. The vital body is attuned to C natural and its scale begins with C. The physical body is attuned to A#(Bb) major which has two flats. Therefore all music written in these three keys has a decided effect on the mind, the vital body brain, and the physical body brain, all of which are intimately connected with the Spirit and the development of its potential powers, namely, the will (Divine Spirit power), wisdom-love (Life Spirit power), and activity germination (Human Spirit power). Thought is correlated to will, the first power of the Spirit. It expresses itself first as an idea which has not yet taken shape. Then the second power of the Spirit, love, attracts to the idea concrete thought substance and we have a thought form. A thought form may be purely mental-that is, if it is untinged with desire. However, in our present stage of evolution very few thoughts are free from some degree of desire. The World of Thought is the realm of music and the home of the Sagittarian life wave, the Lords of Mind; consequently it would be quite impossible to produce a thought form apart from music. When the thought form becomes clothed in desire substance, color is added, as the Desire World is the realm of color. To summarize thought form building: The Spirit arouses its will. The power of the will produces a radiating, musical vibration which manifests as sound. Sound produces an idea. The idea takes shape, and a thought form comes into being. The thought form is colored by desire substance. A colored floating form is produced. Thoughts are not silent. They speak in a language which is unmistakable and conveys far more accurately than words can what is their intent, until the force which their originator expended to bring them into being has been spent. As they sing in a key peculiar to the person who gave them birth, it is a comparatively easy matter for the trained occultist to trace them to their source-the originator. Thought forms lack spontaneity; they act more or less like automatons. They move and act in one direction only, according to the will of the thinker, which is the motive power within them. No one who has not made a study of it can guess how many people are activated by thought forms which they think are their own, but which as a matter of fact originated in the mind of someone else. It is in this way that that which we call public opinion is formed. Strong thinkers who have certain definite ideas about some particular thing create and radiate thought forms from themselves, and others less positive or not antagonistic to the idea expressed in those wandering thought forms catch then up and think that the thoughts originated within themselves. Thus gradually a certain sentiment grows until the thought originally started by a single individual may become not only accepted, but advocated by an entire community, state, or even a nation. Thoughts expressed in spoken words become all the more powerful, particularly if uttered by a forceful speaker. Thought forms decrease in power in proportion to the distance traveled by them. The distance traveled, and the persistency to become effective depend upon the strength, definiteness, ad clearness of the original thought. Generally speaking, thought forms may be grouped in three specific classes: (1) A thought form may be a likeness of the thinker. This often happens. A person may long intensely to be in a certain place, and as a result the thought takes shape and travels to that very spot. Many untrained clairvoyants have seen such thought forms of friends or relative and not knowing the nature of what they saw have been greatly troubled by them. The trained clairvoyant recognizes them at once. (2) The thought form that takes the shape of some material object. For instance, a person may think of a favorite book, and immediately that book, as he recalls it, appears in his aura as the thought form of a book; or it may be a favorite flower, or even a friend. The architect builds a thought form of the house he wishes to file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

construct, the artist builds a thought form of the picture he wishes to paint; the writer builds thought forms of the characters, scenery, et cetera, which he wishes to use in his book. Remember that it is the individual’s will that originates thought forms, and these thought forms have a certain amount of will incorporated in them. Frequently after they are created they keep forcing themselves into the thinker’s consciousness, often to the extent of becoming quite annoying, particularly if the thinker has changed his ideas on the particular subject they represent. The only way to get rid o f such unwelcome thoughts is through indifference. If one tries to fight them, the added force sent out will keep them alive and tend to bring them to mind more often. (3) Thoughts that take a form entirely their own which expresses their inherent nature. Thought forms of hate take on hideous menacing shapes; anger forms sharp, pointed figures; avarice and envy form masses of substance from which hook-like projections reach out as if to lay hold on the coveted object and draw it within; love manifests as rosy clouds; devotion as beautiful objects shading from light blue almost to white; prayer forms a funnel shaped figure reaching upward into space. All of these thought forms appear to be filled with life and vibrate at an intensely high rate. Of course, they all have color and tone. Thought forms directed toward an individual produce a most interesting result. Either they find entrance into the aura of the individual, or else they rebound from that person’s aura and return to the sender. Every thought form carries a particular rate of vibration, and can only affect an individual in whom a like vibration exists. It a thought form is generated by an evil motive and sent to some certain person, if there is no like vibration within the person’s aura to whom it is sent, then it cannot affect that person’s aura at all. Consequently it returns to its originator, rebounding with the same force with which it was sent. All outside impacts reach the Spirit of an individual through the vital body, the two higher ethers of which, the light and reflecting, form the soul body. It is this vehicle which repels all evil thoughts, provided it is sufficiently organized, for then it acts as a boomerang and recoils to the one who sent the evil thought, bringing to him or her the evil which the creator of the evil thought desired to bring on the person to whom the thought was sent. If the frequenters of low dance halls, gambling dens, and similar places of iniquity could see the swarms of evil thought forms darting hither and yon and hear the blatant, sensual, suggestive tones emitted by them, they would flee from such places as quickly as they would from a pesthouse, or a building infected with bubonic plague; and well they might, for such demoralizing vibrations serve no purpose but to instigate evil and to strengthen it wherever it already exists.

CHAPTER XIV DEVELOPING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE MIND AND BRAIN Unfortunately at the present time none of us is altogether good, and we cannot hide from ourselves the fact that often times the good we would do, we do not, and the evil acts we should shun, we often do. Far too often our good resolutions are not carried out, and we do wrong because it seems the easiest or most enjoyable thing to do; al of which points out the fact that we are all activated to some extent by the lower self; this opens up the way for evil thoughts to reach us and try out their influence. The great point to be remembered here is that every act, either good or evil, is directed by thought. Therefore each individual is assisting the work carried on either by the good or the evil forces. It behooves us consequently to keep a constant guard over our thoughts, for if they are righteous, our acts will always be directed toward good. There are four ways in which the mind, directed by the Spirit, uses the brain as a vehicle of thought expression, namely: (1) thought is thrown against the desire body to impel action; (2) thought is impressed on the brain by means of the blood, through the agency of the reflecting ether; (3) the superconscious memory, which is inherent in the life file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

spirit, is able to impress itself directly upon the reflecting ether of the vital body without the necessity of clothing itself in desire substance; (4) the life spirit can flash its message directly to the heart, which instantaneously flashes it on to the brain by way of the pneumogastric nerve. The brain is built of practically the same substances as are the other parts of the body with the addition of phosphorus, which is peculiar to the brain alone. The proportion and variation of this substance is found to correspond to the state and stage of the intelligence of the individual supply his brain with this necessary substance. Most vegetables and fruits contain a certain amount of phosphorus, and it is found in considerable quantities in grapes, onions, sage, beans, cloves, pineapples, and in the leaves and stalks of beets, carrots, linseed (stalks), and parsnip leaves. The method of acquiring phosphorus in large quantity, however, is not by chemical metabolism, but by an alchemical process of soul growth. The phosphorus in the brain is the avenue of ingress of the divine impulse. Literally it is the light bearer, but not the light itself; that comes from the Spirit. Consequently, in the measure that we become capable of assimilating that substance (phosphorus) we become filled with light and begin to shine from within. Note, however, that phosphorus is only a physical medium which enables the spiritual light to express through the physical brain. The light itself is the product of the Spirit, and is increased by soul growth which enables the brain to assimilate an increasing amount to phosphorus. Soul growth is accomplished by loving self-forgetting service to others. The Bible states that “Everyone that doeth evil hateth the light (which will reveal it), neither enlightened conscience). But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought of God.” Next let us note how the mind, which is the link between the Spirit and the brain, may be improved. (1) Concentration is one of the great helps, for by this exercise the mind becomes one pointed; (2) studies in abstract thought such as mathematics; the study of periods, rounds, and revolutions in relations to the earth’s evolution. These free the mind from the influence of the desire body; (3) by preserving the fluidic state of adaptability; in other words, maintaining an open mind, so that it may not become crystallized in one line of thought, but may be ever ready to investigate new ideas; (4) study of religion, which emancipates the mind from the influence of desire, for it is of the utmost importance that we have only the right kind of thoughts in our mind. Thoughts of like character will be attracted to us by the thoughts already in our mind, and if our mind is centered on spiritual things, like will attract like, and our spiritual thoughts will not only grow and increase, but they will become a power in the world for good. Powerful thought forms, be they good or evil, very often become ensouled by elementals which by their nature attract good or evil to us, thereby having a really great effect on our well-being. In music the major keys express joy gladness, hope, cheerfulness, aspiration, et cetera; while the minor keys produce a wail of sorrow, a moan of grief, a sigh of depression, et cetera. Naturally, elementals bright and joyous are attracted to the good thought forms, which are always symmetrical and cheerful in coloring, while the low vibrating elementals are attracted to dull, gloomy thought forms repugnant in shape and murky in color. Then right within our aura they sound their individual keynotes, filling our immediate atmosphere either with brightness and joy, or else with gloom, fear, viciousness, et cetera, as the case may be. What is more, elementals throw out an odor that is all their own. The major keyed elementals exude certain perfumes like those given off by sweet-smelling flowers. The minor keyed ones throw off a depressing, debilitating sort of odor similar to that of skunkweed, and some of them smell almost as bad as decaying bodies. The time has come when many of these thought forms are seen in people’s auras, and plenty of them have been smelled. Here is a fact well worth knowing. Thought forms are kept alive and strengthened by a repetition of the same thoughts which originally built them. If the thoughts are not repeated, the forms gradually disintegrated and the elementals ensouling them go elsewhere to set up housekeeping. Therefore we have it in our power to get rid of both the thought forms and the elementals that we do not wish to have about us. Fear, worry, gloom, grouches, displays of temper, et cetera, can so fill an aura with disagreeable sights, and smells that one can become a public nuisance. In the light of the foregoing it is easy to understand why the presence of some people buoys us up, while others have a depressing effect on those who contact them. We must not get the idea that all thought forms vibrating to either major or minor tones are ensouled by elementals, but some of them most certainly are and when an elemental ensouls a thought form, if its own vibration is file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

cheerful, joyous, vibrant, it ensouls a thought form vibrating to a major tone. But if its vibration is gloomy, morose, sad, depressed, it is attracted to thought forms vibrating to a minor key. All of which is in harmony with the cosmic law of like attracting like. Thus it is evident that every individual has within himself a picture gallery and a most complicated musical instrument all his own. In fact he carries around with him two distinct picture galleries: one in the seed atom of his dense body, and the other in his aura. The first mentioned he is able to conceal within himself, but the second is in full view of all clairvoyants who are able to see auras and thought forms. The quality of man’s musical instrument depends on his stage of development. Elementals, as we have seen, respond to only one tone, either major or minor. Man, on the other hand, has become able to respond to seven distinct tones as represented by the seven tones of the musical scale, i.e., C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and many of their variations both in major and minor scales. The aura, we know, is composed of the vital, desire, and mental bodies. Each aura has a basic color. Max Heindel states that the basic color of the American (white race) is orange. The color, however, continually varies according to man’s emotions. For instance, take a belligerent individual endeavoring to incite a strike in a labor organization. Naturally he is very much excited himself, and though the basic color of his aura is deep orange, this color for the time being will be almost obliterated by scarlet of the brightest hue. The contour of his desire body will be like the body of a porcupine with its quills striking out in all directions, ready for battle. Thoughts of fear and worry in the aura turn it to a steel gray color. Those who have such auras are called steel men or women. They are fearful of a thousand things that never happen, crystallizing an armor around themselves which appears to protect them from outside interference, but which in reality actually encloses all of their own disturbing thought forms within their own aura there to be fed and enlivened by each like thought generated by them. Such auras are tuned to a minor key that sounds much like a dirge which can be sensed by sensitive people and often requires some time for them to throw off the feeling of depression which it generates. So strong is this saturinine auric barrier that it seems to require a decided shock to break it up, sometimes even running to the necessity of taking such persons out of their old environment and placing them in an entirely new one. Thee people seem to have drawn into a shell, so to speak, and their saturnine shell must be broken before it is possible to get close enough to them to get them out of their pitiable state. Sometimes a sudden fright forms this shell instantaneously, as often happens during terrific battles. Then the victim is called shell shocked, the truth being, in most cases, that the sudden terrific fear suffered by the victim shocked certain of his nerves out of their power of coordination necessary for clear thinking, leaving the poor victim as unable to help himself as he would be to escape were he securely locked in a prison cell. There are times when another severe shock will break the shell ad restore order and harmonious rhythm in the disarranged nervous system. Again, time has been known to make the necessary adjustment. Every time thoughts of worry and fear are indulged in they lower the vibration of all the vehicles of the individual and this lowered vibration tends to congeal the currents of the desire body and build this steel blue shell in which the person who habitually fosters fear and worry will some time find himself, shut off from love, sympathy, and the help of all the world. We ought therefore to strive to be cheerful even under adverse circumstances lest we find ourselves in this serious condition. We may note from the foregoing that there are different degrees to which this shell encasement may crystallize and corresponding relief be given; but the only positive safety lies in never allowing it to get started. The effect of fear and worry on the desire body is different from all other emotions. Ordinarily emotion tends to excite the desire body and form its currents into some particular pattern or shape which persists until the emotion subsides. The effect of worry on the desire body may be likened to water which is about to congeal under a lowering temperature. Fear may be likened to this same water when it has frozen, for the currents of the desire body are almost motionless and it seems practically impossible to arouse any other emotional activity in them. There is nothing so effective as cheerful music file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

to raise the vibration of fear and worry victims, and it requires an accelerated vibration to dissolve their self-made steel shell. No individual can long remain gloomy when his whole being is flooded with inspiring music. Another kind of thought forms, frightful to behold, is created by anger, hate, rage, fury, wrath, et cetera. These thought forms produce lurid red currents in the desire body filled with jagged daggerlike objects which writhe and twist, and finally explode iun the aura, filling it with whirling forms of a dark, murky red color. Anger raises the vibration of the desire body without that vehicle having control of itself, causing a temporary break between the Ego and the mind on one side, and the desire, vital, and physical bodies on the other. All-kinds of martial music are dominated by rhythm and tend to excite the desire body into erratic activity. Music in which melody and harmony predominate are best suited to quiet the desire body when it is being activated by evil incentives and restore it to normalcy. Evil thought forms in the aura have a centrifugal motion. Good thought forms have a centripetal movement. Both good and bad thought forms are usually keyed to major tones except those of gloom, depression, fear, worry, grief, et cetera, all of which are minor in expression. As the thought forms of each individual are keyed to his or her particular keynote, the time is coming when we shall all be able to trace every thought form which we contact to its originator by means of its own specific tone. Then truly, as the Bible states, the things which we think are hidden shall be proclaimed not from the housetops, but from our own individual aura.


Thought belongs to the highest power of the Spirit, which is will. Therefore as the potential powers of the will develop, so does thought power; and the time is coming when man will be able by means of thought power and imagination to speak things into existence. All things in nature have been spoken into existence. All things in nature have been spoken into existence by means of the Word of God which was made flesh. Sound (music), or spoken thought, will be humanity’s next force in manifestation, a force that will make mankind creative God men. But this step in advancement cannot be taken until man’s development in life’s school has fitted him to use this enormous power for the good of all, regardless of self-interest. Therefore it is most necessary that each individual learn for himself how to accomplish this development in the quickest, safest way. The method has been made known to man, but it depends on the individual whether he or she puts it into practice. The potential powers of man, the Spirit, are will, the power to do, to instigate action, wisdom-love, the power of attraction, cohesion, and binding together, activity, the power of germination, creation, and development. One of the greatest aids in assisting the Spirit in developing its potential powers into dynamic efficiency is music, for it manifests these same powers of God in a perfected state. His will power is expressed in melody, His wisdom-love power is expressed in harmony, and His activity power is expressed in rhythm. Man’s divine spirit power is correlated to will; and the development of this power means the development of his will. Mans life spirit is correlated to wisdom-love, and the development of this power means the development of this file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

power means the development of his wisdom-love potentialities. Man’s human spirit power develops his ability to create. Man’s divine spirit power or will is correlated to his vital body, and his human spirit power is correlated to his desire body. This makes three direct sources from which the Spirit derives assistance in the development of its potential powers. There is no greater aid in the development of the Spirit’s potential powers than music, for it is composed of the three parts which correlate it to the Spirit’s potential powers than music, for it is composed of the three parts which correlate it to the Spirit’s potentialities. Good music raises the vibration of each of the Spirit’s sources of development, namely, the divine spirit, the life spirit, the human spirit, and the link of mind which connects the Spirit with its physical, vital, and desire bodies. The raising of the vibration of these seven sources of power develops the powers of the Spirit. But discordant, so-called music lowers their vibration, a continuation of which will result in loss of power and disintegration of the four lower vehicles. The following is a summary of why and how music assists in developing the potential powers of the Spirit: The keynote of the Divine Spirit is A# (Bb) major written in the key of 2 flats, and any music written in this key therefore helps to develop the power of the Divine Spirit by awakening it from a comparative state of dormancy. The chords of this scale are found in Chapter VI. Abide with Me, and Onward Christian Soldiers are two well known hymns written in the key of Bb major. The keynote of the Life Spirit is G# (Ab) major, and its scale has four flats. Music written in this key helps to develop the powers of the Life Spirit by arousing them into activity. The chords of G# (Ab) major are given in Chapter VI, this germ carried the vibration keynote A# (Bb) major of that life wave, the dense or physical body of each individual vibrates in unison with the vibration of the Leo life wave. Therefore the keynote of the dense body is A# (Bb) major and all music written in that key helps to develop the dense body of man. The A# (Bb) major chords are found in ChapterVI. As before stated, the germ of the dense body was given to humanity by the Leo life wave; and as this germ carried the vibration keynote A# major of that life wave, the dense or physical body of each individual vibrates in unison with the vibration of the Leo life wave. Therefore the keynote of the dense body is A# major and all music written in that key helps to develop the dense body develop the dense body of man. The A# major chords are found in Chapter VI. The germ of the vital body was given to mankind by the Virgo life wave. Accordingly the vital body vibrates to the keynote of that life wave which is C natural. All music whose keynote is C natural helps to develop the powers of the vital body. The chords of C natural are found in Chapter VI. The germ of the mind was given to humanity by the Sagittarian life wave, and therefore vibrates to their keynote, which is F major. All music written in the key of F major helps to develop the powers of the mind, which development is one of the greatest accomplishments to be attained during the present Aryan Epoch. A great deal of music is written in this key, particularly songs both popular and religious; two of which are Work for the Night I Coming, and America. The chords of F major are found in Chapter VII. Music contains within itself the three great primary powers of God, will, wisdom-love, and activity combined; and it is this combined dynamic power that has been used by the Creator from the beginning of manifestation. John, the great revelator, tells us that in the beginning was the Word; and Max Heindel states that it is the majestic rhythm of the Word of God that wrought the primal substance, arche, into the multitudinous forms that comprise the phenomenal world; and moreover, that this Word of God still sounds, to sustain the marching orbs and impel them onward in their circle paths; and that the Creative Word continues to produce forms of gradually increasing efficiency as a medium for expressing life and consciousness. It is the harmonious enunciation of consecutive syllables in the Divine Creative Word that marks the successive stages in the development of both the world and man; and when the last syllable has been sounded and the complete Word spoken, mankind will have reached as near perfection as it is possible to do in the present scheme of evolution. file:///Users/edwardbratchet/Desktop/musical%20scales.txt[7/16/09 8:20:28 PM]

That the whole solar system is one vast musical instrument is a fact now known to all advanced occult students. They further realize that the twelve semitones in the chromatic scale are correlated to the twelve signs of the zodiac and that the seven white keys, or whole tones, on the piano keyboard are correlated to the Seven Spirits before the Throne commonly designated as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, who work by means of the vibrations sent out by themselves. The advanced occultist likens the signs of the zodiac to the sounding board of the cosmic harp, and the seven planets to the strings, which planets emit different sounds as they pass through the various zodiacal signs and therefore influence mankind in diverse ways. An astonishing fact hitherto unknown and therefore unrealized is that each individual is in himself musical instrument, the various parts of his entire composition being correlated through vibratory tones to the Seven Spirits before the Throne and the twelve signs of the zodiac, all of which are guided and directed by the Creator of our solar system. It is for this very reason that music has such a tremendous power in the development of man’s potentialities. Without it there could be no manifestation and therefore no progress. Here we find the occult reason for the admonition of the illumined Ones, “Man, know thyself;” for as soon as each individual comes into a conscious realization of his own true self, he then has in his possession the key to all future advancement. When Light unveiled her radiant face, And wrapped the world in her embrace, When into space the planets swung— This song the heavenly choir sung: “O sacred pulse! O law divine! All purpose and all power are thine, For Life goes on forever.” ...

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