These artists look within at emotional and psychological states for subject matter. They distort and exaggerate form and colour for emotional effect. A major influence was the “primitive” art of African tribes, south sea island cultures, and pre-Colombian America. Artists often use of intense colour, agitated brushstrokes, and disjointed space.
Pathetic Fallacy The landscape seems to share the anguish of the figure. The external event & artist’s internal state of mind fuse.
Line A linear pattern radiates from head like sound wave made visible. Lines undulate and create movement.
Tension is created through contrast of strait (diagonal) & curving lines.
Colour Bruise colours (dark greens and blues), & blood red
The Cry
1893 Munch often reworked many of his motifs in the form of prints. Many of these works were made using the lithographic process also popular with Lautrec. The linear quality was influenced by designs on preColombian pottery.