Mum Magazine Spring 2009

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Volume 1 No. 1

Spring 2009

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astor Michael C. McQueen and Associate Pastor Annmarie McQueen have been ministering together since November 1993, when they took over leadership of Faith Ministries International, Bamberg Germany. They have been married for 28 years and have three lovely children together, Michelle, 27, Michael, Jr., 24, and Miguel, 10 years old. The family had been on the mission field in Germany for 16 years, with Pastor Michael serving as the senior pastor and Annmarie as the associate pastor; until the family relocated to the US in July 2006. They have continued to minister in Germany and Europe. Pastor Michael is an ordained Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. and a strong advocate of the Apostles doctrine which he preaches and teaches under the anointed power of Jesus. He has received a Associates degree in Biblical Studies from ICI University. He is a veteran of the First Persian Gulf War, where he served as a medic. Pastor Annmarie is an anointed teacher and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and holds a theological degree in Christian Education as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in ISM, and a Master of Education degree. Pastor Annmarie has been ministering the Word of God as the Spirit gives utterance for over 25 years, is the author of three books, and travels throughout Europe and the United States as well as in Africa, preaching the Word of God and teaching His truth, crossing cultural, educational, economical, and denominational lines, and always doing those things that please the Father. Together, they are committed to healing the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised, and to leading God’s people into victory living in spite of the obstacles.

Calendar of Events:

Fanning the Flame Women Conference Shekinah Glory Worship Center May 1-2, 2009 Columbus, GA Chariot of Fire Outreach Church May 10, 2009 Atlanta, GA Family & Friends Day Mount Olive Restoration Family Church May 24, 2009 Dallas, TX Africa Mission Trip Early June Sierra Leone, West Africa

Features Insights from Pastor Annmarie


Leader’s Voice


A Miracle for Markeeta


Through God’s Love We Will Shine in 2009


What God’s Love Means to Me


Parenting Moments


A Few Words on Prayer


Poem - Be Encouraged by His Grace


Editorial Team Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Editors: Art Director: Graphics:

Pastor Annmarie McQueen Donnett Ekwerike, Anke Stoye Diana Roberts Diana Roberts, Debra Stonewall

Michelle McQueen is anointed by God to usher in God’s Glory through liturgical dance. The call to dance came after a serious knee injury which threatened her ability to ever walk again. She has been dancing for eight years since that call. Her life exemplifies that of Christ. Her dancing is truly anointed.

[email protected] Or call: 817-307-3108

The picture on the cover was taken during Pastor Annmarie’s mission trip to Nigeria, West Africa in July 2008. The location is Chosen Vessels Assembly in Lagos State. Pastor Annmarie and members of the MUM team were warmly received by Pastor Patrick Edet and his wife, Honorable Omowunmi Olatunji-Edet (in pink), representative of the Lagos State House of Assembly. We had a wonderful time in the Lord! Pastor Annmarie was honored with the coat of arms of the nation of Nigeria at the Lagos State House of Assembly Building. Other scenes from the visit:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6

We want the land to be healed. It is praying time!

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Insights from for the year 2009

Interview by Michelle McQueen (in October 2008)

Michelle: What is the Lord saying about the year 2009?

Pastor Annmarie: I believe we will see things in 2009 we have not seen before. I sense God will continue to open doors for HIS people. 2009 is a year that we really, really need to take advantage of opportunities. Do not let opportunities go by. It would be a terrible, terrible waste and tragedy if the Body of Christ were to let 2009 go and not step into opportunities. I know, according to how the economy looks and what people are saying, you would think that right now, that is 2009, it would not be a good time to start anything. Many people are trying to hold on to what they have and are trying to maintain. But I really think that’s a trick of the enemy. That’s exactly what he wants people to do. I think people should do all they can to get out of debt. I also think people should do all they can to detach themselves from the systems of this world. I believe the Body of Christ is to work more diligently at establishing businesses. They should look for better resources that are available to themselves and their families, I believe there will be some great opportunities that will bless the Body of Christ. And we need to take advantage of every one. We should join God’s economy, an economy of giving and increasing through His Kingdom. Michelle: What will the spiritual climate in 2009 be like? Pastor Annmarie: I think it will be exciting! People will put more of their focus on God because so many people are afraid and despondent. In the beginning they will run, but later they will seek. It will make them pray and seek for the true Church. I think a lot more people will go to church for the next two years because they will be looking for something. It is a good year for the Body of Christ.


Michelle: What are your thoughts about Barack Obama being in office?

Pastor Annmarie: I think the African-American community will have opportunities opened to them as well, just by virtue of having an African-American President. This will naturally put African-Americans on the map. Just as President Bush did for Texans and President Clinton did for Little Rock, Arkansas, so African-Americans will step up to the next level in the eyes of many people. To see an African-American in such a tremendous and exalted office will do something to the minds of the general population, and definitely for African-American men who will feel prouder than they have ever felt. African-Americans will feel more honored than they have ever felt in this country.

Michelle: What do you think the upcoming generation should be doing right now?

Pastor Annmarie: I think young people, especially university age (such as ages 21 or 22), should be more serious about forming their future and should no longer waste time. This age group is accustomed to wasting time even though they called themselves adults. They may waste the first two to four years in college or doing just anything. I think young people should stop wasting time. They should begin to form their future early. They should be more focused than ever before, especially if they are in college. They should be looking at what kind of difference they can make in the world instead of just joining the world the way it is. People should be thinking about making a difference.

Michelle: What kind of shift needs to be made by the Body of Christ in 2009?

Pastor Annmarie: I think the Body of Christ needs to shift more into spiritual enlightenment. The Bible says, ‘The entrance of God’s Word brings light.’ (Psalms 119:130) There has been far too much darkness in the Church. Darkness meaning a lack of knowledge. A lack of spiritual insight. A lack of being led of the Spirit. We need to get back to the Bible and let the Word of God bring light to us. We should not have so many saints sick. We should not have so many saints in poverty. We should not have so many saints straddling the fence. We need to have more excellence in the Body of Christ, more than ever before. That change is only going to come with the entrance of God’s Word, which brings light. So we are talking about more WORD-OBEDIENCE; not just more knowledge, but more Word-obedience, where you receive the Word and do the Word! One other change that needs to take place is prayer. Not the usual prayer. It’s not a prayer about what we want. It’s a corporate prayer. People need to pray more in groups. Take prayer more seriously. Realize that you are talking to the Creator who can make changes. Prayer can change a nation. It’s serious.

Michelle: What kind of change can we make in society?

Pastor Annmarie: We need to start more businesses. We need to have our own Credit Unions, like Dr. Fred Price. We need to have more churches running the banks. We need to have churches running the schools. There are a lot of church schools that stop at 3rd grade, or have just been built for the money. But there should be a school up to 12th grade, so we can teach our children. We need to have more entrepreneurs in the Body of Christ. We need to start taking over neighborhoods. Kick out the gangs and drugs. So, get started now!!!

Take over the neighborhood. We need to have more saints in politics and stop running from the public. If the saints run from the public, who is going to reach the public? We need to have more sanctified police officers. Saints need to get out in the work force and stop locking themselves up in the Church.

Michelle: How can we affect the global atmosphere?

Pastor Annmarie: More Americans will need to travel in 2009 and 2010, to see what’s happening in the world and to get a global perspective. With this perspective, they will come home appreciating America more. They’ll come home with more ideas of what to do and they’ll be more willing to do more because they will see how great a need there is for the world to come together… So, people need to travel more, to see more and to participate more. Written by Michelle McQueen




We take the time and space here to address leaders everywhere. Some things will be easily understood but some might take a little while to digest. The idea, however, is to encourage and strengthen leaders from all walks of life through words. A leader is one who leads. The leader should be clearly seen. Leaders must be willing to do what others are not yet convinced they can do. For the above-stated reasons, to be chosen by God to be a leader, is an exceptional calling. It is not to be taken lightly. As you look at this corner, receive the words of love and apply them daily. Leaders who would like to contribute words of life to this corner… please write to: McQueen Universal Ministries P.O. Box 34082 Fort Worth, TX 76162-4082 Email: [email protected] In the Service of the King, Pastor Annmarie

Markeeta is a beautiful young lady who in spite of challenges, faces life daily with a joyful heart and a warm spirit. She is surrounded with the love of God and the love of her family. On a winter day last November, as she was leaving band practice and entering a rear door of the high school, when without warning, Markeeta’s leg gave way. She tells me, “I grabbed the bend in my thigh (where it had snapped in two) in an attempt to control my dangling leg as I fell to the ground. My leg was broken, again. I could hear my classmates who witnessed this terrible scene screaming, crying, and freaking out. I thought to myself, “This is all my fault. I should have given my body more time to heal”. Markeeta went on to explain, “I had been on those crutches for so long, I wanted to be like everyone else. I really felt I could do without them. So I did, only I ended up re-injuring myself.” As I interviewed this fourteen year old, I felt privileged. Markeeta is a teenager, who is a whiz at math and loves to play her flute. She is the oldest child of Pastor Rowland and Prophetess Donnett Ekwerike, affiliates of McQueen Universal Ministries. She has two younger brothers, and an adorable younger sister. Markeeta impressed me, as being happy and at ease. Her girlish giggles and bright, articulate soft answers gave no clues to her daily fight of living with osteopetrosis or “stone bone.” This extremely rare inherited disorder is also known as marble bone disease and Albers-Schonberg disease. With osteopetrosis, the bones harden and becoming denser, in contrast to the more prevalent osteomalacia, in which the bones soften. In either case the bones become very susceptible to breaking. Simply put, Markeeta has suffered a lot of broken bones. During the telephone interview, I asked, “How many times have you broken a bone?”

She replied, “I’ve had eight breaks since I was three years old and I have had more than eight surgeries including two major surgeries since November of 2008.” She then went on to say, “I discover something new every time I break a bone”. I don’t really know what I can or cannot do.” I was fascinated by how she spoke with such courage. “How is life at school?”, I asked Markeeta. “With or without the wheelchair?” In a soft low tone of frustration, she went on to explain, “In the wheelchair it is difficult. People say things to me like, “When are you getting out of that wheelchair?” They simply don’t understand the nature of this disease. Whereas the average kid would be over a broken bone in six weeks or so, it has taken twice as long.” Suddenly, with excitement in her voice, she said to me, “Now life with the crutches, I feel more normal. I can do most of what other people can do when I have my crutches.” When asked, “If you could do anything you wanted, what would that be?” Her response was, “I want to run and jump around, like a normal kid.” Later Markeeta shared that she knew that the Lord had a plan for her life and thought her experience is a part of that plan. Her courage will not let her joy die. In spite of this, she continues to get stronger and stronger. As I heard this answer from a fourteen year old, I began to think about the minute things that I complain about.

I shifted the conversation and asked, “Markeeta, what has been your greatest accomplishment?” Her voice was full of delight as she responded, “When I was a student ambassador on a trip which took me to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. A moment I shall never forget was experiencing a bird’s eye view of the city of London and seeing all the night lights from the famous London Eye, which is like a giant Ferris wheel where you are enclosed in a glass capsule. On this same leg of the journey I lived with a family on a farm for three days. I had the opportunity to learn how shepherds take care of their sheep. I was fascinated to see how the dogs were trained to herd sheep. The younger dogs began their training by learning to herd ducks. They were all so cute. Our group visited so many castles I don’t remember how many. Another hair raising, exciting moment, was when I rappelled (climbed) down the side of a castle in a harness”.

her love for God, I asked; “What is your favorite scripture? With sincerity she quoted, “Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”. I then asked, “What do you want from God?” It was as if I could hear the tears in her voice as she said, “God’s healing”. As I listened to Markeeta talk about her adventure, I thought of how brave she was for making such a journey and how wise her loving parents were for letting her go. I knew they trusted God to take good care of her. I could understand and appreciate how her new experiences during journey had given her inner strength and courage. I asked Markeeta, “Who is your favorite person”? Giving it a momentary thought, she answered, “Well, people are very important to me. I love my family and friends, but I would have to say my favorite person is my Mom. She has taught me what sacrifice is all about, how never to be a slacker, and about doing the right thing. She is teaching me about worshiping God and that I must put my trust in Him. My love for God has really been enhanced because of all I’ve been through. I know He is real because of all the little things in life itself. For instance, how the ocean doesn’t overflow it shores and I find it amazing how the human body repairs itself.” With curiosity, I asked, “What has been your greatest challenge?” She responded, “This disease. I hope to use my situation to help someone.” Sensing

Personally, hearing and experiencing the mature and graceful answers from this young lady was a lesson of life for me. Markeeta’s words, “I refuse to let the joy die in my life”, resonate in my spirit. The later clause of John 16:24 reads: but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete (amp). Markeeta’s positive outlook on life, humble attitude and happy spirit are truly gifts of God. We continue to celebrate the greatness and glory that the Lord emanates through this young woman. I can only imagine what God has in store for the next phase of her life’s journey.

Markeeta on the London Eye.

Written by Diana Roberts

Prophecy by 2009

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Pastor Annmarie: We need to start more businesses. We need to have our own Credit Unions, like Dr. Fred Price. We need to have more churches running the banks. We need to have churches running the schools. There are a lot of church schools that stop at 3rd grade, or have just been built for the money. But there should be a school up to 12th grade so we can teach our children. We need to have more entrepreneurs in the Body of Christ. We need to start taking over neighborhoods. Kick out the gangs and drugs. So, get started now!!!

(Excerpts and quotes about God’s Love) Are we imitating the Lord as dear children, showing His love to whoever comes our way? The Word says, ‘Let your gentleness (and meekness full of God’s loving kindness) be known to all’. Why? Love’s near—that’s another way of saying, ‘The Lord’s at hand’, Phil 4:5 (KJV). Why do you do what you do, say what you say, and think what you think? Why do you do certain things? ‘Motive is everything’ – At least that’s what 1 Cor. 13 seems to indicate. ‘Only from a motivation of Love are there profitable returns.’ God’s LOVE for you protects you. Do you protect others? Love covers (it does not condone, though – there’s a difference between the two). Remember, there’s a time for everything and open rebuke is better than secret love. But there is proper protocol. Question yourself: Is it going to profit the Kingdom to expose this? Will it help the person? Love is very careful how it exposes something. This takes a level of maturity and discipline. Love is very patient and disciplined. A wise man knows what will be received… Pray first. You might need to fast, too. And then don’t say anything if the Holy Spirit stops you. Let Him do the talking. Love is not easily angered. Stay cool, calm and collected (2 Tim 4:5). We might recognize, ‘This was wrong. This should not have happened. But I’m not mad at you.’ Instead of being angry, love will understand and love will wait. Cont’d on next page

There is always, ‘A more excellent way’ (1 Cor 12:30b): That is the way of Love! ‘No matter all the gifts we have, LOVE is the greatest. You’ve been pronounced just—just like your Father and just like the Savior. Therefore, live like Him. Live by faith (Heb. 11:6)—in love. Hope for the best (Heb. 11:1). Put those three together and see that Love is the greatest. Let the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Love, navigate you on the highway through life, triumphantly, in LOVE. In Love, we live and move and have our being (Act 17:28). In the Beginning, there was Love. In the Middle, there is love (Zeph. 3:17). In the End, there is Love. Love (God) is everything and in everything good. Love does not fail. Love does not fade away. Love is important. So we are holding on the Love of God—like never before. [Substitute Love for God and God for Love any time you want… and expect great revelations for 1 John 4:8 says God IS love.]

by Pastor Annmarie McQueen

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I, Miguel, a 10 year old, have learned from my family and church that love does not mean to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend but love means to be friendly, kind, gentle and patient. Love is not only about loving people you like but also people you don't like. For example, if a bully keeps stealing your lunch money or school supplies, instead of saying, 'I hate you!', you should continue to love him and be kind to him. And obviously, this is not your love, but this is the love of God. With God's love, the bully will then be motivated to change because of the double amount of love you show to him even though he is not showing it in return. Matthew 5:43-48, ’You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbor, and hate for him who is against you: But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you; So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner. For if you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? do not the tax-farmers the same? And if you say, Good day, to your brothers only, what do you do more than others? do not even the Gentiles the same? Be then complete in righteousness, even as your Father in heaven is complete. (Bible in Basic English) cont’d on next page

One day I was extremely frustrated with my oldest son because I had to keep telling him the same thing over and over and over and over again. After about two seconds of being calm, I exploded with anger. I was complaining about my son to my husband when a still small voice said, ‘How do you think I feel when I have to say the same thing to you over and over again?’ Needless to say, I immediately applied patience, love and mercy. Take the time to connect with your child each day. God always takes the time to connect with YOU!! Written by Debra Stonewall

Another example of love is when a kid is very selfish and keeps things to himself or breaks the class toys, you ought to share with him anyway. Show him God's love. Believe that he will change. Your love will then work faith, and your faith will be geared toward hoping the kid will change and become your best friend. Love is more important than anything else. I love giving out love because I love to get loved in return. FACTS: Did you know that love is a fruit of the spirit?

Matthew 22:37-39, ’And he said to him, Have love for the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest rule. And a second like it is this, Have love for your neighbor as for yourself.’ Written by: Miguel McQueen

And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. Revelation 8:4

A FEW WORDS ON PRAYER I would not pray if I was not totally convinced that the Lord God would hear me. God always hears me when I pray. It is written in 1 Pet. 3:12, ‘For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God), and His ears are attentive to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil [to oppose them, to frustrate, and defeat them].’ (AMP) If you believe His Word, then you will be convinced and this will also be your testimony. Therefore, I continue to pray without ceasing. Through prayer, people change. Not the other person but you, the pray-er. While you are busy praying for others, the Lord will begin to show you yourself. Prayer changes things. Let the changes begin. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. Pastor TÇÇÅtÜ|x `vdâxxÇ

Wherever you are in your walk, Know that God is there with you, He never fails, He never changes, He holds the plan for your life. He will give you Beauty for Ashes, Passionate praise for the spirit of heaviness. Tranquility where chaos seems rational, Abundant life that never ends. Trust in Him whom your soul loveth, Get to know Him like never before, He is waiting, just a prayer away, Run to your God who cares for you. My Grace is Sufficient, for You… 2 Cor. 12:8 Written by Donnett Ekwerike

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We are here to help! Life Strategist Annmarie McQueen. Do you need help in any of these areas? INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY LIFE Developing a Life Plan, Organizing your Life, Increase Self Confidence, Marriage Counseling, Weight Loss Guidance, Support & Tutoring for Youth, Stress Management. CORPORATE AND BUSINESS Motivational Speaker, Group Seminars, Business Strategies, Career Development, Corporate Ethics & Etiquette, Conflict Resolution.

Annmarie McQueen, Strategist Email: [email protected] Website: P.O. Box 34082 Š Fort Worth Š TX 76162-4082

Teacher/Facilitator: Pastor Annmarie McQueen This exciting conference is power-packed with teachings about prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, and hearing the voice of God. As the anointing is ushered in, learn from this humble servant of intercessory prayer, as she guides you into the presences of God. Expect revelation, healing, and deliverance! You will never be the same again. This three-day-event includes comprehensive seminars, all night prayer, and much, much more. Contact us today for an encounter with God. E-mail: [email protected] Subject line: MDI Prayer Conference Phone: 817-346-6096 Sponsored by McQueen Universal Ministries

McQueen Universal Ministries  P.O. Box 34082  Fort Worth, TX 76162‐4082

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