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Name: ______________________________________________________ Section: _____________ School: _____________________________________________________ Score: ___________ General Directions: Read the directions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer. LISTENING A. Listen carefully as the teacher reads a selection found in a separate sheet. 1. What is the author’s point of view in the passage? A. People are killing the Philippine Forest Turtles as their hobby. B. People are hunting the Philippine Forest Turtles for they are hungry. C. People are hunting the Philippine Forest Turtles for medicine. D. The law that protect the Philippine Forest Turtles needs to be tightened. B. Listen as the teacher reads the poem. 2. What emotion does the poem show? A. B. C.


C. Listen carefully as the teacher reads the passage. 3. Which of the following sentences expresses a statement of a fact? A. Maybe chickenpox is contagious. B. Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. C. I think chickenpox may start out seeming like a cold. D. Probably chickenpox will begin in bunches of spots on the face and chest. 4. Which sentence below expresses an opinion? A. The number of pox is different for everyone. B. Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. C. People who get the virus often develop a rash of spots that looks like blisters. D. I think, a person who has chickenpox may easily spread the virus to someone else. VOCABULARY A. Encircle the letter of the word that has the same meaning with the underlined word in each sentence below. 5.

My cousin Jude is so overweight. He has been obese since he was a baby. What is the synonym of overweight? A. Obese B. alert


C. active

D. sick

Mrs. Reyes is known to be rich and kind. This wealthy woman always shares some of her blessings to less fortunate children. What word has the same meaning of the underlined word? A. kind B. shares C. wealthy D. blessings


Our team needs to accomplish this task. We need to finish this before the deadline. What is the synonym of accomplish? A. need B. task

C. finish

D. deadline

B. Choose the group of words that has opposite meaning. 8.

The woman abhorred cleaning house, but she loved a spotless home. Which of the following words are antonyms? A. abhorred - loved C. house - home B. clean – spotless D. woman – she

9. They fail to reach their goal as a group, but they achieve their dream by joining the team. Which group of words has an opposite meaning? A. goal - dream B. fail – achieve

C. group - team D. reach – achieve

C. Identify the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. 10. What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence below? A decagon is an example of a polygon which has ten sides and ten angles. A. An arrangement of objects or parts that suggests geometric figures. B. A flat shape that has three or more straight lines and angles. C. A space between two diverging lines or planes. D. A state of being the same or equivalent. 11. Eating fruits and vegetables makes our life healthy and wise. What does the underlined word mean? A. fit B. ill C. unwell

D. unsound

12. Every living organism needs a habitat for them to live and survive. A. The place intended where living organisms eat. B. The nutrients they need for their survival against other animals. C. The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism. D. The relationship between animals and how they survive in a certain place together with plants. GRAMMAR A. What prepositional phrase will you choose to complete the following sentences? 13. My cousin Josie had a head injury and she needs to stay _________. A. in the market B. in the hospital 14.

C. in the school D. in the church

Mother is busy preparing our dinner ________________. A. in the sala B. in the kitchen


C. in the living room D. in the bathroom

Most teachers arrive _____________ before seven o’clock in the morning. A. in the market B. in the hospital

C. in the school D. in the church

B. Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each sentence. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

16. The fruits are _________ the basket. A. at

B. on

C. inside

D. behind

The children are playing ___________ the playground. 17.

A. at

B. on

C. inside

D. above

The little boy hides ___________ the curtain. 18. A. at

B. on

C. inside

D. behind

The dog is resting ________ the garden. A. at 19.

B. on

C. in

D. above

C. Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 20.

You can turn stone or shell into a piece of jewelry for yourself or for a friend. All you need is six-inch wire, the same length of string, and a pair of pliers. Wrap the string around the stone or shell to make a pattern for wire. Make a loop on one end of wire. Wind the wire around the stone with pliers. And wrap the remaining wire around the loop. What sentence best explains the text? A. The paragraph emphasizes the need to recycle, reuse and reduce B. The paragraph explains why a stone or shell should be turned into a jewelry. C. The paragraph above tells about a stone or shell could turn a person from rags to riches. D. The paragraph above gives directions on how to make a jewelry out from a stone or shell.


_________ if I open the door? What permission is appropriate in the question above? A. Could you mind C. Would you mind B. Do you mind D. Should you mind


Lily needs to borrow a book from Arthur. How would Lily ask permission from Arthur? A. Arthur, is that your book? B. Arthur, I want your book. C. Arthur, can I borrow your book? D. Arthur, do you want me to borrow your book?


Trisha: I really love your new necklace. Nichole: Oh, really? Trisha: Yes! It looks so classy. Nichole: Well, thank you. Trisha: ______ I touch it? Nichole: Sure, you can! What word will appropriately complete the statement of Trisha? A. Do you mind B. Would you mind C. Will


D. Can

Julie was in the department store. She wanted to buy a box of chocolate but it is placed beyond her reach. So she requested the attendant to grab the items for her.

If you were Julie, how would you politely request the attendant to grab that item for you? A. Excuse me sir, can you please get that box of chocolate for me? B. I cannot reach that box of chocolate, get it for me sir. C. Excuse me, get that box of chocolate. D. Sir, get that box of chocolate. 25. Which of the following sentences is appropriate to use when you want to ask question to your teacher? A. Excuse me teacher, I have a question. B. Excuse me teacher, can I ask a question? C. Excuse me teacher, I want to ask a question. D. Excuse me teacher, I really want to ask question. 26. Which sentence gives correct information? A. Pia Wurtzbach won the Miss Universe title in 2015. B. Onyok Velasco was a billiard player. C. Sarah Geronimo known as the lead best actress in Miss Saigon . D. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was the first lady President in the Philippines. 27. Uncle Ben: Janine, where do you want to spend your vacation this holiday? Janine: I already have told it to you uncle. I really want to be in Hong Kong Disneyland. Uncle Ben: Oh, well then. Here is your free ticket. I hope you will enjoy there!

Janine: ____________________________ How should Janine respond to his uncle? A. Wow! Thank you so much uncle. B. You are welcome uncle. C. I cannot take it uncle. D. I am sorry uncle. 28-29 D. Study the map below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer in giving a short direction on the given situation.


Your friend is in the school. She asked you how to get to the gallery. What will be your answer? A. Walk straight across Aquino street towards the cinema then turn right across Marcelo street. B. Turn right and walk straight across Estrada Street towards the museum. C. Turn left and walk straight across Estrada Street. D. Walk straight across Aquino street then turn left.


While you were standing in the shop, a man came and asked. “I wanted to visit the zoo. Can you please tell me how to get there?” What direction can you give him and help the man get in the zoo? A. Walk straight towards Estrada Street. B. Turn right and walk straight towards the hospital then walk across Estrada Street. C. Walk straight towards Aquino Street then turn left and walk straight to the hotel. D. Walk straight towards the school across Aquino Street. Turn left and walk straight across Estrada and Silang Street.


Study the drawing below. When you are asked to give the steps, what would be the best and appropriate instructions you will give in order to have this output?

A. First, write “BRAVO” at the bottom. Next, draw two stars at the center of the rectangle. Then, draw a big rectangular shape on your paper. Finally, draw a triangle at the center of the two stars. B. First, draw a rectangular shape on your paper. Next, write the word “BRAVO” at the bottom. Then, draw a triangle on its center. Finally, draw two stars on both sides close to the triangle. C. First, draw a triangle at the center. Next, draw a rectangular shape on your paper. Then, draw two stars. Finally write “BRAVO”. D. First, draw two stars. Then write “BRAVO” at the center. Next, draw triangle at the center of the rectangle.

READING COMPREHENSION Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 31.

Mother forgot the boiling egg on the stove; it burst and splattered on the kitchen. What text structure does the sentence express? A. Cause & Effect B. Comparison & Contrast


C. Problem & Solution D. To persuade

Anna didn’t know what to take to school for their show and tell. She asked her mother for an idea. Mother suggested to bring Anna’s medal which was awarded to her during the story telling contest. What text-type does the idea show? A. Cause & Effect B. Comparison & Contrast C. Problem & Solution D. All of these


I am sure you know that smoking harms your body. Then why do you continue smoking? When you are smoking, you are not only harming yourself but you also harm other people. If you want to have a quality living, quit smoking. What is the purpose of the selection? A. to inform C. to make request


Plants are generally stationary, animals, on the other hand, can usually move about. In external appearance, plants are usually green and their growth continues throughout their lives. However, animals are very diverse and their growth pattern is not limited to their extremities. What is the purpose of the texts? A. to persuade C. to make request


B. to persuade D. to show cause and effect

B. to show cause and effect D. to show comparison and contrast

Alan learned that he tops the Quiz Bee in English 5. At the height of his emotion, he shouted, “Thank you, Lord.” What is wrong with the underlined sentence? A. The word Lord should be in lower case. B. There should be no comma after the word you. C. The period should be changed to exclamation point. D. The sentence is too short.


Celine asked her mother about her upcoming birthday party. “Mama, I am so excited for the party. Can I invite some of my friends.” What makes the underlined words wrong? How should it be written? A. Can i invite some of my friends? B. Can I invite some of my friends! C. Can I invite some of my friends? D. Can i invite some of my friends?


The comitee decided to have new rules and conditions. How should the underlined word be written correctly? A. committee B. Committee C. comittee D. commitee

38-40 - Study and understand the outline given. Answer the questions that follow.

38. What should paragraph 3 contain? A. How Dolphins look like B. What Dolphins are capable to do C. How unique Dolphins are D. The Life of Dolphins 39. What paragraph should you write ideas about the abilities and strengths of dolphins? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 1, 2 and 3 40. Which paragraph should you write about the physical illustrations of a dolphin? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 1, 2 and 3

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