Mukand+ Note+ +160608+ +centrum

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INDIA June 16, 2008

Mukand Ltd.

Visit Note Not Rated

Slow & steady does not always win the race

CMP Rs87* Key Data Bloomberg Code

MUK IN Equity

Reuters Code


Current Shares O/S (mn)


Diluted Shares O/S(mn)


Mkt Cap (Rs bn/US$ mn)


52 Wk H / L (Rs)


Daily Vol. (3M NSE Avg.)


Face Value (Rs)


1 US$ = Rs42.9 Source: Bloomberg ; * As on 13 June, 2008

175 165 155 145 135 125 115 105 95 85 Jun-08









Shareholding Pattern (%)

Table 1: Key Figures

Non Promoter Corp. Hold. 6% Promoters 50%

Source: BSE

Mukand Ltd. NIFTY Source: Bloomberg

The company’s financial performance has been fairly steady. In FY08 revenues grew 6.3% YoY to Rs 19,268 mn, but margins dipped by 305 bps to 10.2%, mainly on the account of an increase in the raw material expenditure by 24.47%. Adjusted PAT was Rs 523 mn. With the growth in volume and expected margin improvement due to backward linkages, we expect earnings to grow.

Foreign 8% Institutions 17%

Price Performance (%)

The steel-making capacity at the Hospet plant would be increased to 500,000 tpa by Oct 2008. The company is also increasing its rolling and wire rod manufacturing capacity. In a bid to reduce its raw material cost, the company has purchased a 120,000 tpa coke oven battery for the Hospet plant, and is expected to start production by Dec 2008.

At the current price of Rs87, stock is trading at 5.0x FY09E first-cut earnings estimates of Rs17. We believe this is expensive compared to other stocks like Tata Steel, Sarda Energy and Visa Steel. We are negative on the stock.

Source: Bloomberg

Public & Others 19%

Currently, the company has a capacity of 300,000 tpa of special alloy steel at its plant in Hospet, Karnataka, and 150,000 tpa for stainless steel at Kalwe, Thane, in Maharashtra. The Hospet facility is a joint venture with Kalyani Steels. Mukand has a 58% stake and Kalyani Steels 42%.

Mukand has entered into an agreement to form a 50:50 JV company with NV Bekaert SA. The JV would produce stainless steel wires in India to feed markets across the world. The JV will be set up in Lonand, Satara, Maharashtra, and is expected to become operational by Dec 2008. The company has invested about US$7 mn in the JV. The estimated capex for all the expansion projects is Rs4000 mn.

One year Indexed Stock Performance

Mukund Ltd

Mukand Ltd is one of the India’s oldest steel manufacturers along with Tata Steel. The company pioneered various steel-manufacturing processes in India, including continuous casting (CC) and manufacturing alloy and stainless steel. The company is a supplier of alloy steel to the major auto companies like Maruti Suzuki, Bajaj Auto, Ford, General Motors, Tata Motors and Delphi. It supplies stainless steel bars & billets to Ratnamani Metals and others.










Niraj Shah [email protected] +91 22 6724 9685

Net Sales (Rs mn) EBIDTA (Rs mn) Margins (%) PAT (Rs mn) EPS (Rs) EV/EBIDTA (x) PE (x) ROE(%) ROCE(%) EV/Sales (x)






16672 1562 9.4 776 11 10.6 8.1 14.4 11.6 1.0

18111 2390 13.2 933 13 6.8 6.8 14.9 8.3 0.9

19268 1956 10.2 523 7 9.8 12.1 6.8 5.1 1.0

30570 4016 13.1 1257 17 5.3 5.0 14.0 9.8 0.7

39050 5247 13.4 1928 26 4.3 3.3 17.6 11.4 0.6

Note: # First cut estimates Source: Company; Centrum Research

Jatin Damania [email protected] +91 22 6724 9647


Business strategy Mukand Ltd is primarily involved in the manufacture of speciality steels such as wires, wire rods, bright bars, billets which are used in automobile and auto components industry. About 80% of the company’s revenue comes from alloys and stainless steel, and the balance 20% from the machine-building division. The company operates through two segments – iron and steel and industrial machinery. It manufacturers steel in the form of semis like billets at the Hospet plant which are transported to Thane plant for rolling to finished products like wire, bright bars, bars, etc. It has also entered into strategic JV with Bekaert for manufacture of steel wires. Bekaert is the world’s largest wire manufacturer based at Germany with an installed capacity of 2.5 million tpa of wires. To mitigate the impact of rising input costs, the company is taking steps like purchasing a coke oven battery and setting up fuel/waste-gas based captive power plant. It also has renewed mining arrangement for another 10 years (till 2018) with Mysore Minerals Ltd for iron ore mining. All these steps are expected to result in margin expansion going forward. Mukand also manufactures heavy machinery like EOT cranes and other materialhandling equipment. It is one of the few manufacturers of heavy duty EOT cranes in India that are used in mega engineering projects. It is the only company in India with the capability to manufacture 500-tonne EOT cranes. In FY08, the industrial machinery division contributed nearly 20% to the top-line, and is likely to go up in the coming years. This division currently has a hefty order book of Rs5000 mn to be executed over the next 18 months. Exports contribute about 10% to the company’s top-line. The company will not be impacted by the imposition of export duty since it is involved in special alloy steel and stainless steel, which is outside the purview of the export duty structure. The company exports about 2,500 tonnes per month out of the current production of about 25,000 tonnes per month.

Order book The machinery building division has order book position of Rs5,000 mn, which is to be executed over 18 months.

Future projects The company is in process of implementing a Rs4,000 mn expansion plan, out of which it has already incurred Rs2,500 mn in FY08, and the remaining will be incurred in FY09. The expansion plan includes: • Setting up a third mini blast furnace of 350 cu mt •

Up-gradation of product mix – Bright Bar, Heat treatment, Bloom and billet semi conditioning

Purchasing of existing coke oven battery

Setting up of waste heat recovery power plant

JV with Bekaert for the manufacture of wires

The company has already started implementing the plan which would increase its alloy steel making capacity at Hospet from 300,000 tpa to 500,000 tpa. The expanded capacity is expected to be operational by Q3FY09.


Concerns •

Sharp increase in raw material prices of iron ore, scrap, coke, fecr, nickel, etc, are major worries, and since price increase of finished products generally happen with a lag, margins decline sharply. To safeguard its margins, the company has stopped quoting quarterly prices and instead has started quoting prices for one month only from April 2008.

The company has a debt of Rs12,000 mn. Any significant downturn in the steel cycle or adverse price situation may jeopardize future cash flows and aggravate interest payments. This in turn could impact future borrowings for its capex.

Valuations At the current price of Rs87, the stock is trading at 5.0x FY09E first-cut earnings estimates of Rs17. We believe this is expensive compared to other stocks like Tata Steel, Sarda Energy and Visa Steel. We are negative on the stock.

Table 2: Income Statement In Rs. mn.






Net Sales






Expenditure : Raw Materials as a % to sales Power & Fuel as a % to sales Empoyee Cost as a % to sales Other Expenditure as a % to sales Total Expenditure

6905 41.4 1159 7.0 676 4.1 6371 38.2 15111

7029 38.8 1280 7.1 721 4.0 6690 36.9 15720

8503 44.1 1277 6.6 853 4.4 6679 34.7 17312

14180 46.4 1323 4.3 1529 5.0 9522 31.1 26554

19815 50.7 1510 3.9 1953 5.0 10527 27.0 33804

EBIDTA Margins (%) Depreciation Other Income EBIT Interest Exceptional inc/(exp.) PBT Tax PAT NPM(%)

1562 9.4 580 1779 2761 1444 (392) 925 149 776 4.7

2390 13.2 567 218 2042 995 100 1147 215 933 5.1

1956 10.2 579 215 1591 1131 368 828 305 523 2.7

4016 13.1 681 210 3545 1643 0 1901 645 1,257 4.1

5247 13.4 731 210 4726 1808 0 2917 989 1,928 4.9

Note: # First cut estimates Source: Company; Centrum Research


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Any enquiries please contact: Harendra Kumar

Head Research

91-22-6724 9620


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Key to Centrum Investment Rankings: Buy: Expected outperform Nifty by>15%, Accumulate: Expected to outperform Nifty by +5 to 15%, Hold: Expected to outperform Nifty by -5% to +5%, Reduce: Expected to underperform Nifty by 5 to 15%, Sell: Expected to underperform Nifty by>15%


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