Mtp Leadership

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 698
  • Pages: 22
Great Leaders  Live with integrity, lead by example  Develop a winning strategy or “big idea”  Build a great management team  Inspire employees to greatness  Create a flexible, responsive organization

( Contd….)  Passionate about what they do  Love to talk about it  High energy  Clarity of thinking  Communicate to diverse audience  Work through people (empowering)

Leaders vs. Managers Management keeps an organization running Leadership involves getting things started Leadership involves facilitating change

Leaders vs. Managers LEADERS:  innovate  focus on people  inspire trust  have a long-range view  ask what and why  have eyes on horizon   

originate challenge status quo do the right thing

MANAGERS:  administrate  focus on systems and structures  rely on control  have a short-range view  ask how and when  have eyes on bottom line  initiate  accept status quo  do things right

LEADERSHIP- Marks of a Great Leader

Servicing and sacrificing Initiating and risk taking Needs no credit Empowering others Clarifying values

The Four Ways to Lead Strategic Approach Human Assets Approach Expertise Approach Change Approach

 Empowerment Strategies  Avoid competition for power, status, recognition  Delegate  Create and communicate a vision  Insist that others diligently work to achieve meaningful goals  Help others believe in their own worth and potential  Create a culture in which fear and intimidation are replaced by trust  Demonstrate a willingness to be supportive of others

 Places responsibility for spotting/solving problems on employees.  Requires leaders to ask for suggestions AND lets employees make decisions.  Is easiest to implement in smaller, less bureaucratic organizations.


Recommendation: Learn to encourage and make full use of your talents and the talents of others.


How You Know You Need a Vision  Is there evidence of confusion about purpose?  Do employees complain about insufficient challenge?  Do employees say they are not having fun any more?  Is the organization losing market share or reputation for innovation?  Are there signs of declines of pride in your organization?  Is there excessive risk avoidance?

LEADERSHIP - The Magic of Vision  Vision sees what must be tomorrow, beyond what is today  Customers help you see the vision

 Vision is clarity  Vision is a worthy commitment  Vision generates supportive actions



 The right vision attracts commitment and energizes people.  The right vision creates meaning in workers’ lives.  The right vision establishes a standard of excellence.  The right vision bridges the present and the future.

Leadership- Customer Focus  What do customers really buy?  Leaders focus on customers - and so does everyone else.  Leaders focus on partnering, not selling.  Leaders begin with the customer’s needs and wants.  Solving problems spurs partnerships.

Leadership- Create ValueAdded Strategies

 Stay close to the customer.  The tough strategic question: “What do I do?”  Value is solving the customers’ problems.  Value is doing better than anyone else.  Value-added strategies solve the problems that drive purchasing decisions.  Leaders learn how to focus

Leadership- Great Performance

 Is this the best you can do?  Remember, its leadership, not status quo-ship.  Thinking incrementally moves you forward from today.  Thinking strategically leads backward from the future.  Begin with the end in mind.

LEADERSHIP: Removing Obstacles  Systems send powerful messages.  Performance management systems  Reward systems  Information systems

 Structures send powerful messages.  Decentralize decision making to the point of customer contact  Simplified processes and procedures  Focus on one customer, one product, one

SEVEN SECRETS TO BUILDING: EMPLOYEE LOYALTY  Set high expectations  Communicate constantly  Empower, Empower, Empower  Invest in their financial security  Recognize people as often as possible  Counsel people on their career  Educate them

 A leader is only as effective as the team  They Outperform peers  Makes excellence a habit  Is willing to try new approaches  Focus is always on what THEY need

Thank You !!!

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