Msft6008 Reading3

  • November 2019
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R' ,' ' .i\11, [,,, t,r ltln ,.r


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lnony requiresdlc thcr:tfisr to rcndcr an opiriorl concerning the contpcrenc,rof so is a confliet of the parents,nud to ci<> ificrest. Thcrcfore, r ncutrrl ev.lurt()r y r)rkc. iwit lrnr lv w l rohasnot prcvi ousl w ofthc l,rmily mcnrbcrsis rssigDCdto p.opr r vi dc rn obj ccri vcvi cw toi nt, nsscss enrrry rbiliry, rnd makc recouncntlat iolrscoflcernrrgcust(xly.Also,tcstifving may i rpnr r lut t hcr i n a cLrstorlcus€ y workrv,th dre child if e aggricvcdparent do(s ot suPportthc therapy due rtt tY a scnscof bcn.yxl or arger' h rhiqcrsc,rhe MF f wrs ncslige'rtin kecpnrgabrcastof thc ncw devclopntents , per thc state licensingboafd Thc regu latior hrd beeMrroniced in ncwslet from both thc boarcland rhc thera Marriagc and faoily therapists rrnid- testifitd thdt the mather ods n naft std' ters pisf sAAMI'Tdivisior' ThctheraPistrlso rain high strndardsof profcssionalcom- ble atld effectitc fdle t tho't the fdthef; The fathel dnd his dttarwy nade a cotn' , did not acquirc supervisionor con$rlu pctenccand integrity. fron a collcaguedratmry hlvc pre fla"i to tbe AAMFT Ethics Committee tior this harnful and csregiouserror 3.1Marriage and Fnnily Therrpists pur- a eging that the therdpist ,?td.lethcse venred , iJrjudgmentanclconrpetcnce sue knowledge of new developments stdtemenx based on ,1 bi|sed apitiion tdke iLto tbdt did not theuotber totudftl and maintain competenccln narnage 3,2 Marriagc and family rhcrapists and f.nily therapy through education, cossidentiat thc fathet\ lehnbilitdtian , rnaitrtain adcquat€ knowledge of and sLilk his in2rcvit|| ofld fdrcntitl. trainins, or supe ised expcrien.e. 'I he Ml'I riolarcd this adhcre to applicable laws, ethics, ard Comnents: Yiancttc Ah MFT Ptouided fanilY d,d tlteil prxlciple by rcstifyhs about percnti'rg . profcssionalstandards. thetdpy to d husbdnddfld 'uife Vianettet An Ml'l' oente.l d thetupy thrcc chiLlrcn. D'ti11g tberdpy.tbe pdr' abilitv afrcr having provided rhcmpy ro and offeredo nLe.onsuLtation, .sts diuor.ed.The ntuther co,testedthe the family.Thc MIT ncslectedto adhere *ebsite ,lntl s"ppott to iktlit luls who d.Lt1i.e, bo.rdregulation licensing to anew statc .sstotly af the .hiLfrei stdti/ts thdt the A15 ye old.Lie l cxcludes MlTs from tesrifying in reqrestedassistdn.e. fatbet uds at' ffi[it Paretlt.Thenothet's thlt custodyor divorcccasesif theyhaveprcr tuho liued n d othet stute dnd 'L'dsexpeotbney s"btrae"de.Ithe the Pisttates ie, ctng rcldtioflshipploblens dcquircd tib tlnd dse$ thc tdr.ntins abilnies ol v idedtherapyro the parcntsnrd,/of tbeir adute and therapy front th. therdpisl' ed.h purent. The therdpit dgreetl dnd children. Typicalln child custody testi

'n'4r1MFT Codeof Ethics

PrincipIe Thr ee: Professional Competenceand IntegrltY

48 r ^ " , r " " *- "-^.,." -


ndhry that it uas morcco uenientdltd afforddbte to dcqunehelpuidonli e sessionstbdtlto seea Loel theupistweekly.'lheclient'spsychidtrist wts informed of thk dtftsgenent.luri g d meii.atioll falLow-utidtlpohtment.'fhe psy.hiattist, wha questiotvdwhethetthis u.)as Legally or ethicalLy coftect,rcquested an inuesti&tthtby thestatclicensing boaftl. Commcnts: Thetherrpistviolatedthis prhcipleby ptuvidinB{dviccandthcrapyonline,eitherthroughigm.rrancc of the law or willfulviolation ofit, asir isconsidered illegaI roprovidcrhcr!pyiDnsinte h which one rs not liccnscd.Edrically, one has to questionwhcthcr therapy onlinec.r be effectivcwhcn the dmrapisth not ableto seethc pcry)l]facc-rofacc,obscrve $e bodylansLragc, hcartlre ttlrlcof voice,or rccurately rssess thcpcrsou'scnnxionrl functioninS. Risksll)ay occurir cas€s ofcrisisor cncrgcDcy, especiallyif the clicntbccoNessLricidal and requires nnmediatcirtcrverrior) and help. Co fidcntialityrnay beconrean issuea d . liabiiityrisk if theelectronic nessageis forwardcdto arothere-nail addressby misirkc or ;s readunintcrtionally by anorherindryidual.Tlird ParryP.yDedrmay Deconeconpxcac cd.It is,thercfrxe, importanrfor rhcthcr, apisr to becon,ek,rowledscablc abour rulesandguidclncsregardtrrg electrod' callyrransnntcdconsultationor th.rapy by consul rg with thc staicliccNi.g bo,rrdor theAAMFf EthicsConnnitree prior to ofleringserviccs online.

nents atd .an.elLeddppointments frequehtly.The AAMF| F.thicsCommittee receiL'ed a .onfkint fion d .lient u)ho repartedthdt the MFT had ctrnle.l "ai how latefar the appointment,sm.lLed of alcohol,an
therapyto the client.This crcatcda con' flict of ilterest that may have impaired clinicrl judgment and objectivity.Sceirg the client for both individual and nrarit.rltherapy incrcascda risk ofbias, especially jn this casc,in which safety and protcction were prinary issuesbccausc of don would havc been Conments:Th€ MtT neglcctcdto .1ppropriateto refefthc cooplc to:uothseckprcfession.rl nssistnnce and trcar- cr professi ondl for f,l afi tal thcrapl r nd mcntthxtmryhirvep.evemted therclapse to ln,linrrin individLraltherapt with rhe andtheirnpiirmentofworftpcrforurance cl i errttoprcventbi {sandal i enmentwit h rnd clinicaljudsme t, as wcll as pre- the cl i ent.thc spousccoul d have rly, ve ri g theviolationofrhissubprincifle. been rcferrcd for individunl thenpy () It is crucirl for a therapistwho rssuffeF ,ddress thc spousc'shsucs dnd nccds.

ing fro'n loss, deprcssion,substance rbuse,or per$onal problursrccoDtact,r 3,5 Marriage and FarnilyTherapisrr,as professionrlwho can be objcctivcand presenters,teach€rs,supe.visors, conbelpful in tinre of necd.Thc therapist sultants,and r€s€arch€rs,.rc dcdicarcd couldhrve arra sedfor clicntcoverage to hiSh standardsof scbolarship,prcs until recorerywrs dchicvcd,and could ent accurateinformation, and disclose hrvecorti ucdtorcc(ivcsupcrvhionAndpot€ntial conflicb of intercst, guidancc to assurcongoingf€covery and Yi9'j.cttetA fhdnta& .o"ipd profcssional compctcnce andintegrhy. iy enpbyed anatiagc at'd fanily thu.

3.4 Marriageand family therapistsdo not providescrvicesthat createa confli€t of intcrcstthst may impair work pcrforrnancc or clinicaliudgment. \iA ettetA thc pistsatud 35-yed/ aA cLientfot in.liuidud thetapyuhose pli,1dry cofltpkint aas thdt the srouse uds unfdnhfuland uiobnt totuaftlthe .lie,'t. Atier sixlnonths,thespaasewas dske.Jto bc, maital thelabr. The the/apista{eed dnd cofltinuedto fot ntdiuidualtherupJt too. Ttu .Liett kter separutedlrom the 3.3 MrrriaSeandfanily therapists seek spa,sednlfited far diuotce.rhespouse appropriarcprofessional assistance for cahqldined to the AAMFT Ethics th€irpcrsosalproblensor con{Iicts that Cohl,iitteethatthethetupktbddshowh n.y impairwo.k perforrnancc or clini- f.,votitisn and a bidstouatulthe .lieht d"rirq ndritdL thenpy afld had not Vigdette:A, ivlF'f,uho *as alsa a locuse.lon the spouses needsas aLso rcrop/htg rl.aholi., experiefl.ed d bcihg signifi.ant dnd i,tportdnt. rebqse r I t q e 4 f erntI seI erdLI o sse s tuilh Commcnts:The rheiapistviollted h r |en s t1,r: *. Jertrs ofa thiLdard thispnrciplcbyasrccnrStosee tlreclient r Frtr,t. Due t., ni.rcasedho*ug, the and spousefor nariral therapywhile the pr:t J/t't.J Latelar tlient afpol,lt simuitaneouslyproviding nrdividual

apist to presentedudtional seffiinalsofl the effectsof dll inaiuidudL'stuprcssion onthe fd.nily qnen. As part oftlte contlact, the MFT uds dshel!to shou uitleotapes of thesc sartitldls ta clients wbo s4fercd tto,n deprcsiot. Hoaeuer, the uideotulias,rclu.lerlM dd"eiisenent o[ d altti.lcprcssdstnedicdtio, the compd'1yprcnoted. 'l he MFT did nat pe/. ceiuethis as being a ptuhlen or a tonand continued to show fLict of 't'tercst the uideotapesto tbesecLicnts. CornDents: The MFT violatcd this prnrciplcby aS.eeingto show the vidcotapesthat advertisedmedicatic'nsold by the phamuccutical compann bec.ruse this creatcda conflict of in!erestandrolcs. As a presentcr,the therapistcn play an llnportant and helpful role in imparting knowledsc ard educalionto clientsand familicsaffcctcdby depression. Howevcr, by pronroringdre videotapes,the lherapist can bc pcrceivedas eldorsing not only the mcdicationbut dre pharmaceutical companyaswe11, and rhiswould ccr-

"^".,'^,-,''..' 49 r

T hepn rctce of matria le d. d f . nr r ydr er aPynv ov es c om p e x5 i t ! a t i o n 5 , . n . l M F Tnse . d 1 o s a yt o d . v p r . c t c . r a r s o beaw.reo fthe €th ica a ndleqi I nm if l. at ' ons of r h. lr ac t i o nD m nk Dg. lLs t t ak edlook nt lhef o o w i n ! e x n n r p c . hvolvein lrica t€d ecG ion

A n NI F Tw a 3n o t.d Io i w o ' k i n sw i th a dul t3w ho etperi enced s er ualabus €as a c h i l d i Wh e na m u l tl p l ev i ;ti m c aseot sex(al abuse in vo lvin g a lo ca lm inis t er c am e t ot he at t onlion o l t h o l o c a t p r e s s ,t h i s lh€ rap istwa sin t er v i€ws df oian a, t ic le lnt h6 in t o t v i e w , t h e 6 l i n i c i a n state d th dt a 6ta t is t ic ally s idhilic anl num ber ol p € . s o n a l l y t r e a t 6 d c a s e s ha d b €€ n vlctid ir od by c l6r qy . Ahs hoadlineolt h o a r t i c l e r o n d 'L o c a l Mariage and Fdmilylherapi3l

sayB Most Sorual A bu sers Are Clerqv."

Th € cliniciai d id not r nk € any ac lion lo. dr Yec llh i s s t a t e m € n t , Th 6 l0 6a l m ih iet or s wr ol€ s ov €t allot t €r s io t ho p a p o r o t p r e s s i n s o u t r . g o

thalrnr€ntnr honrthProle


l.,llrcrrrn urh .nlv o it lo r . oni r ilr . d in Llr epr r . c di. ( , . x n r n P l . l D o t s l l i f A A l M F T dr t ot hnof . lW h. t , lnr r y l i f ! , {o u l d L l r ! N r l F T | l r v r ' C . (l(,o lhh iLjid t|(\!lot ) i. r r ni Tlr.AAMFIoln y!tr ao! ' r r J n' Dr n. t i. . Loo! llt Lh. pn n s w e r t h . ! t d n a n u r y oLherqlrn ! n.r r.ln nr r ell) . aldl. nr m . s . Et r t . s if , M . r t i o g Qa n . l F a m i l v T h e t o p v riUse. tGuidetoth.AAMFICodeofEani.s rre lJoLlrd.! !fed to lre p rrftri.rq. n xl slnnd.ds f inrlyth!ify|r!t.(os,s l! ( lent s , J f dpr a. t it lor eut r r inlanr h e h i g r e n e l l n ( i nfLlp ri.r.e!Tricn .x..L. f t r es our . es . . nb. os edas . onr p a n o n F l e c e s , o r . i . L e u s e d t\at\.^ MaftidqeandFonilyfhercpy e\pk\.\.orlempotrny eth ca ss!c!su.h .rs,rL r rr . re iiiion !lrp! , ! lol. n. c , abus edf d ne9le. t ,nt e g r a rf q e t h i . ! i n t o b u s f e s s , . n.r r., a t! Ueer'e6uid€ to the AAMFf Co.leof Ethi.s le.iph.6 the r.v sedAAMI:T C I . .r Eth .s a ofl e6 ex pl. nit onr an. lv ignet r es( 5u. ha s t h e d b o v ee r i n r p l e lt o r p e of t re C ode. ' !f,, r)rlr. W heft...r.s1 i.s,y ou. annev . r b. t oopr epar e. l. P! ( D s e l r € s e a i d o t h e r r € 5 o u r c e s rr . r ,/.;;imrt o r9 You . df n 50. . Ll( 202) 4s 2010! r o p ac. a p h o n eo r d e t o r s e f d a n . m a i l | ,ri, rr.,;.r!.e ia am f l. of . l.

!SPECIAL! AAMFTmemberscanorderboth publications asa setthroughMay24,2002 savingsof 54'90 andpayonlyS50.oo-a 50

ti i rl r cotrtnlutc 1,' r .o| rfl i ct of r olcs. ' l hi s rhl i rror .o,,1.1 hrvc bccnr r or lcJ i i thc thcrJrri \rhr.t i ni ti rl l ) rl sc li, sclr l, r s .offl r.t r,) rhc conrrd!r' !rJ f ct Lr s{d1( , crtfr rrl () r rs i gf.cnrcnt. 3.6 N l i ri dsc nD d rrD ri l t l h cr . pist s a;nrriD iccurrtc and cliric.l rnd fturc;rl rcconl s. V i 8ncttc:,\,i ,' 1, r.r,' .rrrf.J I l / 'ls nl l d k hr nrtl \ !t) rtutl r.f -\/rrrrr. , / , r r r tl" tdl,1'r.,,u,/i 1,,' tJ !l\tt tl). i,\ln ^lhtl :.nt l i ' r" !l n l )r.ri 1r6 tl \' l ) t ! ! 1t ) t l'l rtt. 1l t(,tl )!l t. \\' l )i l . l \rt!si) q ! l\ t^)t ) t , l ll nl i tl rJs. tLt ttl , tl )ts1 1l )t tl nat)1 trnr t!1t. ttttl ), t lt t t r t t i rtt!tt!r\1, 1.. , 1l ). 1\l ). ' ,1 11\ ', t l\ | r : ,,,t tr)1., \' i tl )\' i l , t tl ,r i . ttt,l r , / . {r n . l , r i ) ( , , r r , , 1 / j , , t " , l t \ t r t , r l : t t J 1 , l , t r tl t r t \ t t t t ' t) ''t !tl tl 1 r r . I u , t ) | ) I I I ) I , t t t I I t 1 t, r / / r , ,r r ..r ,r r , , 1 t t , r ! u l n t t L t \ l 'h t ) t i r r t l \ ti ' , l r . t ! i t t t r ''1 'J 1 1 t . t r r . , '. l l 'i r '. tl I tttl l r ' tl l ,Lt,lt r t,,,ttl,Lt! !l\ilt)^t I!, l tt !t I , \ 1 , r 1 / r l I / / , , . 1 'r t t t t t t t l i I , l tl l ,r 1 t r L t , L , ! t L t '\ o l 1 l ) t i t " , l ' ' ( i ! n r n , c n t s : l j ) l $ p I r 1 r I r Jr ,l L .r tr . l r l r r c , , r r p l c t e L r . , , r l '. t I c 1 ,,r v,r ,r s .,,,,1 r 1 , . r . r | \ r . \ l , , l i , 1 L J , r . ( 'r j j l '. r . i ,,. l e r l i g c r r t . r , r J r N i l l l r r l v i ( 'l . r rr ,f, ( ,i 1 l ,s $ h c r r $ , r ,r i A L ,L r .tl l l $ ,r|r,i1i\f . , r J r l x , . r t ) ) , i ( , r . \ t h . r ( r l r i L . . r l L ,r l ( r ,i ,.r t i , , n l 'e . , , r r r p l , t e . . l e . r L r; r t i . ( ' i !i {. ,,1 1 1 ! . r r i i r g l l r e l ) r . \ r , l L n s | r o h l c n r , l rIi l ) l i L \ r l n ! l l c r r r ' s 1 ) 1 ( ) sL L * . r(n\ itirlJInlnr.s. m t l r p c r i l r e s o r l s r r d , n , l C | t l r s. \\r l ,c,t l , , i n s l . f l . l r L c . , f r l s 1 ( ) . r r o t hff fi n .\ r ,, s r o r N l . i r i s r h . I 1 1 l 's , ( \ t r r i sl h i l L . r s . c , r . r l r r l , r t r h c L c e o r t l s , r c ctr n p L e tc ! r ! , n l r c r ( ) t r . i l r t r t c . , n r r , r , L r i tr o i o r I r n t l r s r n o o t l , r l r n s i t n n o i s cr v,e ts.

3.7 Vhilc (lcrclor)nrsn.w skills in 5p. c;.lr-! .rc.s, lvlafirsc ud [.r ily I hcr.pists takelleps to co$rrc thc con pctcrecof tbeirwotk, and protectcli.ris hom possi bl e hi rm. M.niase ! . d l N n;l y Thcrapi stsp cti cci r specialt y nrers nc$ to drcn orly aftcr appropri i re edo.ari m, trai ni ng, or u pcr vised Vigncttc: .4t \IFT ultas( s!1,\ LtLtt h s l i s Lt blc'! t h i I ' 1t.s 1t, )rl .,ryt, t h Lcntn


drca.t..r! k\! dtcfeflal ttr proritl. ther dt)\ ta rb caLb lnixcd lta"1 (;unt0L ,tu,o u'ercndoPtcI b n or' ph, i k N at t Cat oluu. l h a c l ti k l te n stoil' \!,tnsh n J u,!/. |ur""lg tt) spntk rher h,td bu:, ik tbe Ltnk\!SL,tt.s for eislJtnt htl)s. lhctltiLrcbctlns .|ru Rhibttd d.fiatu n Irb,unt ad Jtffuult)es )n dddftnis 1 dnd ."|t,ft,. A[t.r d urui (rria,k,.t thr.r k 11hs.l,,1iu,h.1|fdhti1\' |l)rt' to .Dt, th! dtlolrtn? fdr."tts . om? ltt "k\1 t l)r tl )r\4) is t t hdt t lr . l) i L * c ,i s l rl n , t ur u n s tur s anr t s , t , l rL d t tb .i s .l )a a l s tl .su \\1 lr c r f ut lt . T l)! N l l ' l d l " l i l ' ! cl n ) tL ( lt t r t nt s r Ld, l t o l s l tl l ' k tl utl] ,htltt, ftt).t",utt rt krrIn! u l to rcn Llpr r t t ' ut x d J i l l !o , n " l trlttral rlilln tu:. as rlall 'ts t ldLI 'tl lrlnstrl slrlls tlut uula it Jilltult l)r ! fu tl r\i rlis t 1oLr l. r c lt ut 1 1 r.,h tU n 'll r l \r1 i t1slr t r t r t dr ! t i' tt i tl t l l i t Ml "l. lt, rt,tt!i' t q lt t ! ! t . lt t htl rIJ l ' , ,t,1 1fl 1 )r!i rN1. ,t l\ ' ' lt t lt llt t i! ,l )l l i rl l L , tl t hl )rrt M t r " t l r , . l, t r t 1, tt (i n D n1. r r \ : lr r s Lf ' |. ,rr' !. rh .' r(l k l

tns a, i^.tsL \;gne:le A.Liutttra .p;ts rr. .o izant of their frolcssul v thudpyfi onr d chur ch providc servic€s nr sanrror rnd do rot dl Ljnritr sht p,tsrot d nattusc a"t llh1 rln uus dLso l act trai D w h i c h thcy ecl !.rri o!. a rc rs n tL) trctutpist.Th. !hctu4iin alft.d ]'4) irg. or supcNrscdexperi.ncc. It is ct! dcrr that is fanili *orlcl hrvc bcncfit pt)tI d" d..tD ft)i .t the.| i .fl t u,i th lJr gs ()taLlually,tlt t11L! cJ from rcco,urg \er!ic.s lron i rots otrth. sl\tu!,1.L Lo othu tortltitg in,:rc,tstl nr thc rrcr whosc crpertis.vas therapisr lrtls .l Ilte kltklc saxu.lll) ttr p Th. thcripist l ssres i f ordcf bul\'. a nd cul t!rl rl o i .d o p rl o r " tLs ds, I.l k nr lL stdtt,t stch strcssors the si grti l i cert to u n d .rs ta n l Itt4r1dt. Dkl tu.: ur. ndknry l ol ,.l dst,i ]ht . $hcf idortcd trnt .x|cncrcc dr.t childfen ( ) D u, kx)t l b. .li. ,l tl rcdti nhal t th.L i s cul tur.l xn.l (i .u x l L c k ).rte d !ot! ,clof.d n sltrttl( sissiiit,l"t hrvc hccn l thcm. l t w oul tl l l fo rc i s r to suiLt i n rfo rti D t to h r!. i rhcrrp,srw l !) tvrs ntul Jis.losil llnsc nu:^l.iltt! h) n lrDtIl tt) tl). b i l i n g u rl . o r hl !t rn i D tcrpr(tfr w ho tulr) ftllotk\! llr: ttktuhdrtl Jitecrot oftltt tlnnh. drc e o u i l h rv c rrrnsl rtci l rl rrrl rg l Gnnr.nts: Thc l i ,rsn)r/Ml rTLns. .sf tro .c $ . l f c r ti N urg tl rcfufr w Lrhrhs (h,i r.r$i ru h.hir i( f i f(l fc..$xry i r !rrrl rl i rn rrl .rrv i th o rt i .qui nng l Ic rri rfi s rn J sufcrvi si (,'(,r rrl .rtrng ti r tow .rrtltl rccl i ert thnrrgh (n ( \ , , . r 1 N fd i i ri l )fol l i .rl . D uc ro I lr ( rhcti Ii n. l h. N l l rI .rrLs.(l l ,,,ri ssrncnt i f .rf t1 1 )t,rl i rc porcr Ji l i ercnti rlrrtthcthcrrfc!tL ! , . . t l (tr rh. l xrri l l . tu rtL c rn r.s s r n(l hi rl l rrrrrshi p.t1k cl i i f i !ul ri . il, l( 3 .a M n rr;rs . rad | i l ni l ) I-h.tapi srcdo | osrri (rr.rtrl i r rcf(l l n rrrdrrl ori .v, r lkL. l n o t c n g trg c ; oscxuxl(' t oth.f ful ns of ri ,,,, .,,i (1.()ri rl (' r1tr{ rtr l h. I' r\1,n . lli. h rrrs s rc n t o f el i crts,* url cnrs,rni nc.s, { \f,,1 h.r.rssrn.rrr,,ry rrrlt g. i. ( 1 i ssrtsforrh.i l i d, r . , , r l oyces,.ol l crgres.or L:nLrsol vtl scxrrrl s u p c ,v i s c c scnrpl , !([rri l )rl .J l ,) i f(l ,,tss(ngurl trrJ sl I r .

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studentlinilly dis.k sell this probk n to anot h erpr ofessor uh o nnde d.ot" f Ldi nt to tc heddoftbe defdtt"E t. Conurcnts, Ihe MFT ptofessol exploitcdthe gr.duitcstudcnt bI rilov_ nore r espont i ng rh€srudcLlto.ssumc was contracted sibility and work tirar Iu, which was compoundcd by the lack of uecessarrsupuvi si onand guidar ce rcquired for thc snrdenfs lea.ntug rld tri i ni l l g. l ' hi s cxpl oi i ati on af pcir ed sclf-scrvingon thc proiessotk frrt 3 d rffectcclnot onl y the grarl urt esr udcr t . but al so thc tndergradurtc st udent s who were dcpcnilcrt on thc profcs*rs lab frum hoLove John Gottman ' Update r . PBEP suj (hnce,i udsncnt, and dccisiornikHowsrd Matunai &&otlShnlev i rg. l he t(l cssot rl so uscd posit ion, wadeHon.Ma lsqsMafiarc . M.ilrqo911 Galv Smallev 3.9 Marriagc and Fanily Thcrapistsdo i udrori ry,i nd pow crro mrni p ulr t eind .THiblt! C6vev St6Dhen rhcs!!r,l ent lt 'hoe t eF not eogagein thc exploitation ofclients, takcadvrntaecof . Dlvorc€ Mhhele WilmrDavls Remdv .Trks I'hri.q. Bact Yout trainees, supcrvisees,employccs, co1- fomrrncc rpfri i srl w as deFndcnt on EillDoheiy Case lorl,laraqe Llndr Wrlts.The O l drc pfttclsois cvrlurtiur. lcaguc,or rescarchsubiects shl&v Frlands shi€vcl.s! lnlld€lilv: lnlldelitv i l,lot tlolJusl JurlFiands yigncnct A gt,tdl.ltttcnurlcnt nt rBr. M.nlilrnlaq! F6nliPifinanTerchlnq san MFTInprvate wo shd9s ri.tsc dtl fdhliLy tl,(n1py tras it|dkl.xl n lrrc|llE v. RoNEo,Psy.D. Stoven Slosnv 'compasaior LoilGodoh.PA|FS practcein BelAltMaryland.She isanAAMFT n,d tcdchiryr.lssistatship wilh .t t3,1uft:tl . ll! Pali-ove &Sunnv Shulkln MemberandA pprove d5uper visor , lults C l i ni ca Assis MI'T tcst,cctcd Pfoks',t In Jarnes Blav &PaEntlnE - LorE Commlttee . l'lailll B€fl Mccirthv Llarlhl S€x S€x A!ll11 ouihtloBo ncludtd lu.hl,ry cltsses,g di'{ u.sls and5eryedon the AAlvlFTEthics Brrv ' Mcclrthv Marlaq. Savsis Mltrtlcl.]|anls' 1997to 1998,and a5chaI and papcts.and nentoruts underyrd.h' asa m€mberfrom Ed AmMarl0qe Blsckrsn Loalne 'Alrlcrn Semard Gu.mrv'R.bllonshlD Enhtncement atc stutlerts wttur th!s,pLtuish afthc l n 1999. Enhanqitn lomard Guem€v'RihllonshlD . Cou p ,fessor. Ihe strde t lt1:ciucd .rcdit shebd!,!lllei DleConim unlcillon David ohon. PfiEPARSENBICH houlsfar thtsu)ork.As thtst\t'cstct Pta' Love Lov€,ShyIn WllsdHa.v.F.llIn gresse,l.tht: student b!8.tfl ttssuktiflS . Becomlng Paienls Pam Jo.dan wasrccentlYPUblhhed netc tespotslbility a *ork Lhtn Luas ! .Mole$m200loppre.snldrt srper' onna.tcd [oL dnJ tu.citier1Less ol nrcomm3 h terchdorens TnlnI oudlilv Use*Guidetothe rsioh dn.t su m.e fiok' tht Prclesst)r APA,ult.l 70hls cE - un,su,NBcc, Cotleaf Ethics, AAlvlFT The st'Llei't tus ,\tful of .oifta,1tins ages,com 3marthatfl 202.362.382. theAAl\lFl availablefrom €.nowssnal ttu Prcfessot d"tf Ldted this to tnh &FREE ForaBrcchurc Educrlon, LlC I C0!oh! Codlllon lorlh ho!,F!,nllv ti,ue fot lhe rc,"ri der of the yenr.Tht

Asgoodasit gets

The therapistclearly rook advcntageof the clicnt'svulnerability and manipuLaG ed the sinrationout of sclf interestrathcr ' th an placingthe client\ necdsfirsr.Whcn i scxual attraclion ro a client occurs, it is thc thcrapist'srespolsibilrty to immcdjately seck sopervisui nr order to addressand resolve this problem or t() decide whether rt is in thc client\ best int$ests to transferto anothcr thcfatist for conlinued thcrapy.It is inportml to note thrt this typc of violatrn often resultsit1the tenninatiorlof nren bership as the AAM|l lj.thicsConrLrltteedocs not toleratc scxral impropricty towrrek clicntsby nctrbers.

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Mary Moline,Chair 909-558-4547

CarmenKnudson-Manin,Dir. of DoctoralProgralDs w${

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