SAT Writing - Quiz 8 – Expression of Ideas 11 Questions (9 Minutes is Recommended) .Directions. The passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. All of the questions in this quiz focus on how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. (Other quizzes in this program focus exclusively on how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation.) Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Others will direct you to a location in the passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole. After reading the relevant portion of the passage, choose the answer that most effectively improves the quality of the writing in the passage. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is. Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage.
. .1……………………………………….
The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef, located off the eastern
B) uniquely unusual
coast of Australia, has few rivals among the world's
C) unusually unique
ecosystems in terms of scale, beauty, and
D) unique
complexity. Spread over 130,000 square miles, the Reef contains numerous varieties of ..1 . unique and
. .2……………………………………….
unusual marine wildlife that live among roughly 600 types of coral. Large sections of the Reef are found in shallow waters and are ..2 .. virtually visible from space. While there is no evidence that too many astronauts have traveled to Australia to explore the Reef ..3 .. first hand, countless tourists have!
The writer suspects that some readers may not believe that the Reef is visible from space. The writer would, thus, like the underlined word to reassure such readers of this interesting fact. Which word best accomplishes the writer’s goal? A) NO CHANGE B) actually C) sometimes D) allegedly . .3……………………………………….
Which of the following is the best alternative to the underlined phrase? A) with their hands B) in person C) with their hands and feet D) by swimming in it
Despite \.4 .. its extreme awesomeness, the Great Barrier Reef, like all ecosystems, owes its
. .4……………………………………….
.. ……….
existence to the delicate balance achieved among
B) being incredibly cool
resident species. This balance has been largely off
C) its magnificence
kilter, however, since the 1990s. As a result, over
D) being insanely beautiful
50% of the coral in the reef has died. \.5 .. While there are several factors that account for this widespread eradication, one is related to the
. .5……………………………………….
occasion reproduce rapidly in localized areas of the
The writer would like to add a word before the word died in the preceding sentence. The writer would like the addition to express disappointment in the fact that over 50% of the coral in the reef has died. The addition of which of the following words would best accomplish the writer’s goal?
Reef. These episodes of disproportionate
A) definitely
reproduction are known as “population outbreaks.”
B) irreversibly
lifecycle of the crown-of-thorns starfish. A Frisbeesized, dome-shaped creature with sharp spiny protrusions, the crown-of-thorns starfish will on
For reasons that marine scientists have not yet determined, population outbreaks \.6 .. of the crown-
C) overwhelmingly D) regretfully
of-thorns starfish skyrocket about every 20 years. They suspect that the spikes are related to a dearth
. .6……………………………………… .
of natural predators, like Triton snail, which is
prized around the world for its beautiful shell and
B) of the starfish
has been stripped from the reef at a troubling rate by
C) of them
collectors and shell merchants. What drives
D) DELETE the underlined portion.
scientists to learn more is the fact that the crown-ofthorns starfish's rampant consumption of coral during the height of its population cycle is
. .7……………………………………… .
responsible for the demise of nearly half of the coral
Which of the following is the LEAST acceptable alternative to the underlined phrase?
that has recently been \.7 .. lost.
A) misplaced B) destroyed C) devoured D) killed
The annual number of crown-of-thorns starfish population outbreaks \.8 .. has most recently been
. .8……………………………………… .
declining, but the timing since the last outbreak
According to the graphic that accompanies the passage, which of the following is most accurate?
spike suggests that another spike is imminent.
Anticipating what could amount to a catastrophe for
B) has most recently been increasing
the Reef, scientists have designed \.9 .. a sick new
C) reached an all-time peak in 2001
technology called the COTSbot: a small, remotely
D) has declined, generally, since 2001
controlled, unmanned submarine that features software designed to recognize crown-of-thorns
. .9……………………………………….
starfish. Once the COTSbot targets a cluster of
crown-of-thorns starfish, it releases a dose of bile
B) an ingenious
salts that is lethal to the starfish, \.10 .. but only for a
C) a totally cool
short period of time. Scientists hope that COTSbot
D) a gnarly
.. ……….
can provide an effective manmade solution to the next sharp upturn in propagation and save the Reef’s coral in the process.
...10 ………………………………… .
..…… ….
The writer would like the underlined portion to reassure the reader that the bile salts harm only the crown-of-thorns starfish. Given that all of the following are true, which best accomplishes the writer’s goal? A) NO CHANGE B) killing them within seconds C) but not scuba divers D) but harmless to the coral and other local marine life
Crown-of-thorns starfish
...11 ………………………………… .
..…… ….
The writer would like to edit the label of the vertical axis in the graphic that accompanies the passage so that it is more accurate. Changing the label to which of the following would best accomplish the writer’s goal?
22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
A) Population outbreaks B) Serious outbreaks C) Starfish outbreaks D) Coral outbreaks
STOP If you finish before time is called, you may check your work in this section only. Do not return to any other section in the test.