Movement For Artiste United

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8



ORIGIN OF THE ORGANISATION MAU - an acronym for Movement for Artists United was conceptualized by a group of artists to foster unity and prosperity amongst them. The movement seeks to address artistes concerns while at the same time artistes’ participation in the Socio-Economic & Developmental concerns affecting the Kenyan, African and the global citizenry. Members of the group have the will, capacity and burning determination to champion the afore-stated. This if for the simple obvious fact that, artistes are generally famous and popular figures and people easily recognize and have a propensity of identifying with them, so before the championing of a cause its holistic prudent and absolutely practical that artistes should be the first and foremost people to be contacted and indeed actively consulted for their timely and indispensable contributions through various campaigns viz. road shows promotions, music, songs, drama, concerts, workshops, short film and documentaries, plays, poetry amongst other styles and forms. And while on the subject of Environment, there is an apparent regional crisis looming large, environmental in nature touching one of the biggest water towers in East Africa called the MAU FOREST, which is under severe threat of depletion. A report on the ‘Rehabilitation of the Mau Forest Ecosystem' released by the Government of Kenya Interim Coordinating Secretariat for the Mau Forest Complex warns that if encroachment and unsustainable exploitation of the forest ecosystem continues, it will only be a matter of time before the entire ecosystem is irreversibly damaged with significant socio-economic consequences and ramifications to internal security and conflict. The report warns that continued destruction of the forests will inevitably lead to a water crisis of national and regional proportions that extend far beyond the Kenyan borders.

DESCRIPTION OF MAU FOREST : Mau, the largest closed-canopy forest ecosystem in Kenya and the largest indigenous forest in East Africa, stretching across 400,000 hectares (1,544 square miles). and is home to over 300 species of trees. Mau is home to millions of indigenous trees and a source of 12 rivers which sustain five lakes, the forest is an important natural resource that needs to be restored. The Mau Complex is the single most important source of water for direct human consumption in the Rift Valley and Western Kenya. The strategic importance of the Mau Forest lies in the ecosystem services it provides to Kenya and the region - river flow regulation, flood mitigation, water storage, reduced soil erosion, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, carbon reservoir and microclimate regulation. An estimated 25,000 people have settled in the Mau East and Mau West forests, either legally or illegally. The present government of Kenya plans to resettle them elsewhere and fence off the forest to conserve its water. It is the largest of the five "water towers" of Kenya, forming the upper catchments of all main rivers in the Western part of Kenya. These rivers are the lifeline of major lakes in Kenya and Transboundary lakes such as:Lake Victoria in the Nile River Basin, Lake Turkana in Kenya and Ethiopia and Lake Natron in Tanzania and Kenya. But perennial rivers are becoming seasonal, storm flows and downstream flooding are increasing and wells and springs are drying up. The water stress in the Mau is largely attributed to land degradation and deforestation. The forest area has some of the highest rainfall rates in Kenya. Mau Forest is the largest water catchment area in Kenya. Numerous rivers originate from the forest, including:Ewaso Ng'iro River (southern), Sondu River, Mara River –flows through Mara & Serengeti Park Njoro River. Yala River

These rivers feed:Lake Victoria, Lake Nakuru and Lake Natron. Westerns slopes of the Mau Escarpment are covered by Mau Forest. EXTENT OF DESTRUCTION Over the last two decades, the Mau Complex has lost around 107,000 hectares approximately 25% - of its forest cover due to irregular and unplanned settlements, illegal resources extraction including logging and charcoal burning, the change of land use from forest to unsustainable agriculture and change in ownership from public to private. The Save the Mau Fund aims at planting one million seedlings in the catchment area as well as mooting campaigns to raise awareness and funds for reforestation. "If we fail to restore Mau forest it will mean that Mara River, which animals highly depend on, will dry up forcing the animals to move hence affecting tourism in the region. Already certain species of wildlife had disappeared from the forest as a result of illegal settlements. COST OF REHABILITATION Kenya Seeks Millions to Save Mau Forest and Avert Water Crisis. Recently in the month of September, the Government of Kenya at a forum hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme made a multimillion dollar appeal to save the Mau forests Complex. Estimates by UNEP indicate that about Sh20 billion is lost annually through the destruction of the forest. Arsonists set the forest on fire in March. Government estimates put the losses incurred at more than Sh65 million. Continued destruction of these forests will lead to a water crisis of national and regional proportions that could extend far beyond the borders of Kenya, warns a new Kenyan government report. The strategic importance of the Mau Forest lies in the ecosystem services it provides to Kenya and the region - river flow regulation, flood mitigation, water storage, reduced soil erosion, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, carbon reservoir and microclimate regulation.

IMPACT OF MAU’S DESTRUCTION Areas excised for redistribution include critical upper water catchments for the rivers and the lakes fed by the Mau, bamboo forests and biodiversity rich sites, as well as parts of the Mau escarpment summit. If encroachment and unsustainable exploitation of the forest ecosystem continues, it will only be a matter of time before the entire ecosystem is irreversibly damaged, warns the new report, 'Rehabilitation of the Mau Forest Ecosystem,' released by the Kenyan government's Interim Coordinating Secretariat for the Mau Forest Complex. At the global level, there are increasing concerns over biodiversity loss. Wildlife hubs such as Lake Nakuru National Park and the Maasai Mara National Reserve are among the areas impacted affecting wildlife and tourism activities. Increased carbon dioxide emissions as a result of forest cover loss are also of international concern. While climate change may be a major contributor to the current crisis, the destruction of the forests has reduced the ability of the Mau ecosystem to absorb or reduce the impact of climate change, increasing the vulnerability of the people to global warming. The Government Task Force report points out that the extensive degradation of the Mau Forests Complex could cost Kenya billions of shillings annually from losses in key economic sectors supported by the Mau ecosystem services – 1).Energy. 2).Tourism. 3). Agriculture. 4). Water Supply. Energy projects including the 60 megawatt Sondu Miriu hydropower scheme, the Naivasha geothermal plants, Small hydropower plants and tea growing areas in Kericho Highlands have been impacted.

Degradation is likely to jeopardize current and future development plans, despite the Mau Forest Complex's significant economic potential, the Kenyan government report finds. The estimated potential hydropower generation capacity in the Mau Complex catchments is approximately 535 megawatts, which is 41 percent of the current total installed electricity generation capacity in Kenya. The growing geothermal potential in the area is directly dependent on groundwater. If the water table declines, the geothermal potential diminishes. As the Honourable Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya Prime Minister Odinga declared, "Our sights are set high on rehabilitating the Mau Forest Complex to function and provide its ecosystem services to this nation and the Eastern Africa region. We are looking at securing the livelihoods and economies of millions of Africans who directly and indirectly depend on the ecosystem." A 10 point intervention plan has been identified by the Interim Coordinating Secretariat to implement the recommendations of the Mau Forest Task Force for immediate and medium-term action. The plan begins with the creation of effective institutional frameworks and a strategic management plan. It moves into boundary surveys and issuance of title deeds for forest blocks. Then it deals with relocation and resettlement of residents and livelihood support to help them adjust to their new homes. Finally, the plan calls for restoration and replanting of degraded sites, private sector investment and resources mobilizations The appeal for the rehabilitation of the Mau forest ecosystem is launched at a time when Kenya struggles to cope with the consequences of widespread drought which has led to water and electricity rationing across the country. Settlers in the Mau Forest must be satisfied with their relocation, political leaders and elders have cautioned, or armed conflict may result that could destabilize the country. We refuse all the forces that shall bring us back to post-election violence experienced just the other day.

JUSTIFICATION MAU’s Involvement in Saving the Mau is timely considering that Kenya is currently facing water shortages. Saving the Mau is not only about forest and water, but also about the relationship between communities and their environment. The further we destroy the facility, spell’s the faster depletion of levels of water for human consumption and animals and as we have seen from experience that most of the conflicts are Envrironmental related, as they are as a result of scarce resources. So in order to avert war, we have decided to champion the MAU4MAU Agenda. Another strong ground for justification of this project is that so far corporate bodies have promised to help in fund raising for the sake of Mau, but nothing is said how. By only giving a Bank account or SMS Number will not suffice. What is needed is active involvement of the masses. We intend to utilize our advantage inherent in us in this regard. METHODOLOGY & TIMETABLE We intend to participate through organizing of shows, campaigns, roadshows, competition, composition of songs and dances amongst other means. We intend to utilize our advantageous edge in this regard through what we know best, Art. Armed with a very easy to remember SMS Number and a dynamic website we shall be able to reach all the Artist in the Globe who we believe will assist us in this regard. Through Competitions like Plant a tree and win a ‘’Hummer’’ we will produce quite a lot of money compared to the ‘’HUMMER’’ offered to be won. As a procedure of participation one will have to send the word ‘’MAUPATI’’ to a simple SMS No E.g 1234 which the masses will participate. We have a project for EABL which is ... KUNYWA BEER NA MAU USHINDE HUMMER’’ this will target the Drinkers….There will a wining number on the bottle top.

How & when are the project's objectives going to be achieved? By whom? An answer to these questions should be provided in the Methodology & Timetable section of the proposal. Be very clear, specific and realistic - with regard to the methods, the timetable and the human resources - as this will help convince the reader of your expertise and credibility. Corporate bodies can by SMS which shall be offered free to the public. MAU will earn greatly as the Sms bought shall realize a lot of Money for the project. People have a tendency of liking free things. Evaluation How are you going to measure your success or failure in reaching the stated objectives? In this section, you should provide an outline of the instruments that will be used for the evaluation, define who will conduct the evaluation and when they will conduct it, and state how the reporting will be done. On many occasions, an advisory committee could be set up from a project's beginning to monitor and guide its development. Budget Summary The budget summary states the duration of the project and the total project cost, as well as any already available income. Detailed Budget There are different ways to structure a budget - depending on the type of the project as well as on the funder's requirements. However, almost every budget includes the following standard items: personnel; travel/meetings; equipment; overhead costs such as rent, telephone, postage and accounting services; printing and dissemination of project materials. Always check with the funders for any special requirements before finalising your budget. Future Funding Plans This section should describe the financial resources you will need to continue the project, once the support requested has ended, and how your organisation will arrive at these resources.

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