Mountain Hope Volunteer Handbook

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Updated 3/2010


2008 McCreary County Extreme Build Dedication

MOUNTAIN HOPE MISSION STATEMENT Mountain Hope is a Christ-centered initiative which seeks to offer hope with people in and around three of Kentuckyʼs poorest counties.

Updated 3/2010


Welcome to Mountain Hope, A Together For Hope Ministry of Kentucky! Thank you for your interest in serving with Mountain Hope in Eastern Kentucky! The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has initiated a program called “Together for Hope,” a 20year commitment to offer hope to people in and around the nationʼs 20 poorest counties, all located in rural areas. Two of those counties are in the hills of Eastern Kentucky. Poverty is an issues many of us like to imagine as being “over there,” in another country with another people. However, when you walk with our partners in Eastern Kentucky, you will discover poverty in your own backyard. For many families there, grinding poverty is all they have ever known and hope for a better day is in short supply. Thatʼs what weʼre about: hope. Our desire is to offer a glimpse of hope for our neighbors in Kentuckyʼs Appalachia Area, and a chance for a brighter day. I hope you find this information packet helpful as you think about joining our work in Eastern Kentucky. If you have not already, take a Discovery Trip to meet our folks in the field and learn how you and/or your church can make the future a little brighter for someone in rural Kentucky. If I can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to partnering with you in Mountain Hope! Sincerely, Joshua M. Speight Director, Mountain Hope 502-426-1931 [email protected]

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

About Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Mission Walking Alongside Friends in Eastern Kentucky Preparing to Go Serving in Nada Serving in Owsley County Serving in McCreary County Returning Home Conclusion

Appendix A. Volunteer Form B. Photo Release Form C. Insurance D. Evaluation Form

Much of the material in this packet has been adapted from the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Strategic Plan and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions Volunteer Handbook, as well as materials by Paul Jarrett, John Owen, Jerry and Susie Lacefield, and Rhonda Abbott Blevins. Updated 3/2010


CHAPTER 1 About Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Kentucky Baptist Fellowship (KBF) is a fellowship of churches and individuals who share a commitment to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Christ is the center of our life and work. God is our guide, revealed in scripture, discerned through the Holy Spirit in conversation with the gathered people of God. We value our heritage as Christians and Baptists, including the principles of soul competency, priesthood of all believers, local church autonomy, freedom to read and interpret scripture, and the separation of church and state. We believe in missions, social ministries, and evangelism, and in the diversity and openness to any believer God calls to leadership and ministry. We esteem a partnership model of church life and ministry and our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). Our vision is to connect more churches and individuals with hands-on, face-to-face mission opportunities, create partnerships among diverse churches and peoples, become a more divers and intergenerational fellowship, link congregations and individuals with educational support, and assist in the creation of new churches. Our core strategies are these: • Do Missions: We actively engage Baptist Christians and churches in mission action, education, and support. • Educate/Equip: We serve as a conduit for educational resources and opportunities. • Communicate: We share the gospel story and the story of Kentucky Baptist Fellowship. • Build/Celebrate Community: We foster fellowship and networking among Baptists in Kentucky.

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CHAPTER 2 Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Missions In his gospel, Matthew records Jesusʼ mandate to all his followers: Go...Make Disciples...Teach. The same Gospel writer also records Jesusʼ admonition to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, befriend the stranger - for to care for our brothers and sisters is to show our love for God. Thus, we have a twofold basis for being missional people: " 1. To introduce the world to Jesus Christ, and to ! 2. Alleviate suffering and injustice wherever we see it. Mountain Hope Part of our overall missions strategy is our work among the rural poor in Easter Kentucky. Nationally, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has developed an initiative called Together For Hope. Our part in that is simply called, “Mountain Hope.” The following questions and answers will help familiarize you with our work: What is Together For Hope? A 20-year commitment to the Rural Poor. Together For Hope (TFH) is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowshipʼs 20-year commitment to offer hope to people in and around the nationʼs 20 poorest counties, all located in rural areas. This is done by listening to local leaders and others who work among the poor in these areas, building relationships of trust with them, learning about existing resources, and walking alongside them to find solutions. The hope is also for all of us to become more attentive to the needs of the poverty stricken in our own communities. What are the Objectives of Together For Hope? 1) Through interaction with Together For Hope and community-based organizations, those living in poverty in the focal counties/parishes will be able to deal more effectively with their critical issues. 2) Churches, organizations, mission groups, and individual volunteers who participate in TFH efforts in the focal counties will gain a greater awareness of our biblical mandate concerning the poor and will be able and willing to implement what they have learned with the poor in their home communities. How is the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Involved? Poverty in Eastern Kentucky. Seven counties in Easter Kentucky are among the 50 poorest counties in the U.S. according to the recent census data. Owsley and McCreary counties are among the 20 poorest counties according to the 1995 census, and are therefore target counties for CBFʼs Together For Hope initiative. Owsley County. Continuously ranked among the five poorest counties in the nation. In 1997, nearly 65% of Owsley Countyʼs children were considered poor. KBF has steadily Updated 3/2010


been at work there and is continuing to work toward systemic change. Many mission teams have served in Owsley County. McCreary County. Ranked among the nationʼs 20 poorest counties by the 1995 census. KBF began working in McCreary County in 2005. Over 5,500 people live below poverty in the county. Nada. Nada is in Powell County. It is a small community...a pocket of poverty. First Baptist Church of Winchester has long had a mission church in Nada, which has served as an outpost for KBFʼs Together For Hope work there. Many mission teams have served in Nada. What can mission teams do in Eastern Kentucky? Housing/Construction. Some projects need only minor skill and experience; other projects require great skill (plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc.) The work you do will depend on your teamʼs skill, interest and commitment. Kids Clubs and Camps. Vacation Bible Schools, Backyard Bible Clubs, After-School Programs, Sports Camps or Events, Music Camp, Photography Camp, Computer Camp, and other kid-friendly programs. Community Picnic. At Nada, teams can host a community-wide barbeque to end their week. These are typically very successful, Some have projected a movie on the back of the mission building! Teaching/Training. We need workers who can teach helpful courses for adults caught in povertyʼs grip. There are computers at the Nada Mission, as well as the Owsley County Action Team Center. Be creative! What can churches provide to aid the work in Eastern Kentucky? Personal Health and Beauty Items. Shaving kits, shampoo and soap, feminine care products, toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc. Paper products. Paper towels, toilet paper, napkins. Home Cleaning Supplies. Window cleaner, dish washing soap, kitchen and bathroom cleaner, etc. Baby products. Diapers, baby lotion and powder, car seats, cribs, strollers, clothes. Food. Canned fruit and vegetables, boxed macaroni and pasta, non-perishable items. Clothes/Shoes. New or slightly used clothes for men, women, boys and girls.

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Skilled Workers. Grant writers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, medical professionals, community/economic development specialists. Other. 4-wheel Drive Truck, washer/dryer sets, storage unit, mobile homes, construction materials. Cash Donations. Send tax-deductible contributions to Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, Mountain Hope, 225 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy. Suite 205, Louisville, KY 40222. You may designate gifts for Nada, Owsley County, or McCreary County.

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CHAPTER 3 Walking Alongside Friends in Eastern Kentucky You are about to experience one of the most challenging, yet rewarding weeks of your life. Many times, people who do missions feel as if they have been the one to benefit from a week of service, more so than the people they imagined helping. Mountain Hope is committed to providing an excellent missions experience for you and your team. Our hope is that your eyes are opened and your heart is touched as you witness, first-hand, poverty in your own backyard. No doubt, you will befriend someone for whom hope is in short supply. Our roles in Eastern Kentucky is to be a beacon of hope for those caught in a cycle of poverty. We utilized volunteer teams to provide immediate needs like home repair and food distribution. Our deeper work is to help folks break out of the cycle of poverty, perhaps one person at a time. Our commitment to Eastern Kentucky is long term. Teams who work with us are an important part of the overall picture. Walking among the rural poor will most likely be a cross-cultural experience for many on your team. We hope our volunteers leave Eastern Kentucky with a broadened worldview as well as a heart for the poor in their own communities and across the globe. With an open heart and receptive mind, Christ will do a great work in our volunteers, and some may even continue to work and advocate for the poor. As you make preparations to serve in Eastern Kentucky, please take time to evaluate your own expectations. Talk with your team about what you hope to learn and experience, and how you can envision this experience having an impact in your own life. And finally, pray. Pray for the folks you will meet in Eastern Kentucky. Pray for understanding and compassion as you encounter difficult people and situations. Pray that your work in Eastern Kentucky will spread a little hope to those who need it.

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CHAPTER 4 Preparing to Go Travel Information Arrangements! Each person or team is responsible for making his or her own travel arrangements. If flying to the area, the closet major airport is in Lexington, Kentucky for Nada or Owsley County, or you might consider Knoxvilleʼs McGhee-Tyson airport if working in McCreary County. Insurance" KBF requires all volunteers to obtain secondary insurance. This insurance can cover the whole length of time on the trip, including travel. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has a contract with an insurance provider, Adams & Associates International. Be sure to contact them early in your preparation. It is recommended that the copies of your insurance papers be sent by fax (502-426-1612) or email ([email protected]) to the KBF office in Louisville prior to departure. Originals of the secondary insurance papers and the check should be sent directly to the Adams & Associates International office in South Carolina. Insurance Prices for the U.S. - $0.75 per day / per individual. The importance of secondary insurance is that it provides volunteers with: 1. Excess Accidental Insurance 2. Security of knowing that there is not an out of pocket expense for the volunteer while on a KBF mission trip 3. Accidental insurance for specific volunteer missions up to $10,000 with a deductible of $50. In other words, it gives extra coverage if there is an accident. If a volunteer does not have insurance, this becomes their primary insurance. NOTE: USA (Eastern Kentucky) trip coverage plans do not cover medical evacuation. Adams & Associates International PO Box 5845 / Columbia, South Carolina 29250-5845 803-758-1400 / [email protected] / Medical, Health, and Liability Issues! Good health is important to you and to the success of your assignment. It is important that a KBF volunteer be in good physical health for their work. Most volunteers wish to make a contribution to missions by serving on a project, but health matters may prohibit service. We ask that all volunteers by physically and emotionally fit. Much of the work we do is strenuous. Ask yourself if you will be able to handle the challenging physical and emotional work.

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Some tips for your own protection: - Immunizations: Make sure your tetanus and other vaccinations are up to date. - Hygiene: Much of the work in Eastern Kentucky requires getting dirty. Make sure you wash your hands regularly. - Hydration: Because of the strenuous nature of our work, please be conscious about staying adequately hydrated. You may want to bring your own water bottle to use throughout your trip. - Children: Never be alone with a minor or a person of the opposite gender. If you must talk privately, ask a team member to stand close by. - Photo: Be sensitive about using cameras or video cameras. Ask before you film. If photos or video will be printed or otherwise displayed, please make sure all subjects have filled out the photo release form at the back of this packet. Clothing" Pack according to the time of year you will travel to Eastern Kentucky. Because you will be in a fairly mountainous area, temperatures can get cool at night, even in the summer. Generally, these are the items you will be wearing: -Good walking shoes or boots. Avoid sandals or open-toed shoes. Work sites may have nails strewn about. -Comfortable clothes. Dress conservatively. Avoid spaghetti straps and short shorts. Avoid controversial t-shirts. Bring ample work clothes. Bring a hat to keep the sun off of your face. Additional Packing __" Work Gloves __" Poncho or raincoat __" Washcloth, soap, towel __" Bible, soap, towel __" Snack food __" Prescription medications, small first-aid kit, medical information __" Personal information, insurance cards __" Contacts, eyeglasses, contact solution __" Airline ticket __" Money, debit cards __" Sunglasses __" Teaching materials __" Alarm clock __" Water bottle __" Mosquito repellent __" Sunscreen __" Personal hygiene products __" Tools & materials

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Team Information Team Building Being on a team does not necessarily mean you will work together as a team. Team building is an important step in team preparedness. Try: - Trust/faith games - Do fun activities together to bond - Take 10 minutes in team meetings to get to know each other - Have the team leader find interesting facts about each team member, and then team members guess which fact goes with each person - Allow team members to share their fears, joys, and excitement about the trip in an honest and secure environment. Team Leaders It is important to have an identified team leader. The team leader will be key in answering questions, helping with travel situations during the mission trip, and providing general direction to the team. Some of the time the function of the team leader is fulfilled by the trip and/or team organizer. In settings where the team comes together from a church or group in response to a need or ministry opportunity, then it is recommended that the group select someone to serve as the team leader. The role of the team leader is to: • Be the point person for the other volunteers on the team • Ensure that team meetings are planned to address communication and orientation issues • Serve as the point person for communications with the KBF missions office and field partners • Effectively communicate questions, concerns from the collective team to the KBF • Collect and send teamsʼ volunteer forms to KBF • Secure secondary insurance for team members • Lead evaluation and debriefing with team • Provide spiritual guidance to the team and ensure that the missions is a time of spiritual growth for all involved Team Meetings Team meetings are important because: • Allows everyone to be on the same page • Can get all the paperwork done in one sitting, without the hassle of mailing out forms or tracking down team members • Can brainstorm, plan activities, make lists for needed supplies, and delegate appropriately • Planning pays off in the end!

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Team meetings also promote: • Community • Delegation • Cooperation • Coordination Let everyone use their gifts and work together! You might consider assigning each person on the team a specific responsibility. Possible team roles include: • Team Leader • Devotional Planner • Photographer • Story Writer • Recorder/Organizer for the Team Journal • Teaching Planner • Games Planner • Construction Planner • Chef Spiritual Preparation The team leader should also help prepare the team through devotional times as a group as well as through times of prayer before the trip and while on the field. the team leader may choose to delegate this responsibility to other members of the team or may want to assign a different member to lead each day. There are many ways to organize team devotionals. Whether you choose one way or a variety of ways to lead the teamʼs devotional time, the goal of calling your team to prayer and reflection remains the same. Team Devotional Suggestions • Team leader assigns member a given day to lead devotional time • Team leader plans a scripture focus for each day, and suggested prayer points to remember • Team uses an independent devotional guide • Pick a book of the Bible to read and reflect on as a group • Topical devotionals: discuss cultural interactions, obedience, missional attitudes/lifestyle, justice issues, love, peacemakers in a particular Bible passage. How do these topics relate to you on the field? At home? • Corporate prayer times, quiet journaling, buddy prayer time Teaching Preparation If you will be teaching as a part of your mission assignment, be sure your teamʼs assignments are made and that all team members are prepared for their specific role in teaching on the field. Whether all members are a part of the planning of the team leader takes the initiative, everyone should be on the same page. Making sure that

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team meeting dates are posted well in advance will make sure that everyone can make the effort to attend. If your team members are from different geographical areas, some creative solutions will be needed! E-mail, phone or pick a central meeting spot to get together at least once, if possible. Policies & Procedures 1. Each volunteer must submit to Mountain Hope a signed volunteer form (located in this packet). Children or youth under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian signature. 2. Teams may be required to pay for materials for the jobs they do in all three counties. Talk with your host about what to expect for materials fees or expenditures. 3. Team must provide all tools and equipment. Depending on the work you do, bring hammers, saws (hand and power), measuring tapes, levels, screwdrivers, etc. Bring paintbrushes, rollers, pans and buckets, or purchase them after arrival. Bring a pickup truck if possible (4-wheel drive). You may need ladders, both step and extension. 4. Safety. Only experienced youth age 15 and up and adults should operate power tools and climb ladders. Protective eyewear should be used when operating power saws. 5. Sensitivity must be used in all photography and videography. Please ask before taking photos or videos. If photos or videos will be used in any publications (web, newsletters, church videos, etc.), a release must be signed by subject (located in this packet). All photo release forms should be turned in to Mountain Hope representative.

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CHAPTER 5 Serving in Nada: Lodging Options

Nada Mission Contact: Paula Settle, 606-663-6088; John Owen, 859-744-2884; or Joshua Speight, 502-426-1931

Lodging: The Nada Mission can accommodate several people on the floor. The kitchen can be used for dining. Four Shower stalls available. Price: Minimal charge per person, per night.

Wendell Belew Center 1869 Pilot Road / Stanton, KY 40380 / 606-663-1905 /

Lodging: teams of up to 30. Price:$20 per night/per person, or $25 per night with 3 meals (Groups may use the kitchen to provide their own meals) RV sites also available

Natural Bridge State Resort Park 2135 Natural Bridge Road / Slade, KY 40376 / 800-325-1710 / Lodging: Hotel-style rooms, nice but no kitchens. Restaurant on premises. Price: In the $75-100 range (plus tax) per room Camping & RV sites available. BOOK EARLY!

Red River Inn 781 Natural Bridge Road / Slade, KY 40376 / 877-600-5586 or 606-663-5586 /

Natural Bridge Cabin Company/ Red River Outdoors / Cliffview Resort 1231 Natural Bridge Road / Slade, KY 40376 / 606-663-3700 / / [email protected] Contact: Mendel Tipton Lodging: 40 cabins, very nice. Each cabin has a kitchen. Some have a Jacuzzi tub and gas fireplace Price: Very pricey (Office is 2 miles from Nada mission.)

Tecumseh Mountain Resort / Cabin Country Rental 3435 Natural Bridge Road / Slade, KY 40376 / 606-663-0283 / Lodging: Very nice cabins with kitchens Price: Very pricey

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Serving in Nada: Quick Facts 1. Bring Paper Goods. Teams need to bring paper plates, plastic-ware, cups, paper towels & toilet paper for the kitchen and bathrooms. 2. Trash Bags. Teams should bring 33 gallon trash bags 3. Trash pick up. Fill the dumpster at the mission on Tuesday night for Wednesday morning collection. 4. Nada Kitchen. The Nada Mission kitchen has a microwave, 10 cup coffee maker, regular home size refrigerator and an upright freezer. There are several pots and pans and serving dishes, but bring along special cookware (and mark it). 5. Meals. You can bring your food or buy it after you arrive. There is a Kroger and Sav-a-Lot in Stanton, 10 miles from Nada. A small country store stands right across the road from the Nada mission and sells snacks, milk, etc. There are two convenience/gas stores about 1.5 miles from the Nada mission. One of them (Porterʼs Chevron) has a small deli menu and serves pretty good food along with Buffet brand pizza. Stanton, Kentucky, has a variety of fast food restaurants including McDonaldʼs, Hardees, Burger King, Arbyʼs and Dairy Queen. 6. Long Distance and E-mail. The Nada mission phone number is 606-663-8240. The phone does not permit direct dial long distance calls. You must bring a pre-paid phone card to make long distance calls from the mission. The phone does allow 1-800/toll free calls. A number of cellular services work well in Nada. The Nada Mission is not currently wired for internet, but does have dial-up internet service. 7. Bathrooms and Shower Cleaning. If using the Nada Mission for housing, please assign people twice daily to clean up the showers and bathrooms after the last shower in the morning at and at night. There are cleaning supplies in the bathrooms. Leave the mission as clear or cleaner than you found it! 8. Building Damage. Report any building damage or loss to FBC Winchester (Nada Mission Sponsor) at 859-744-2884. 9. Recreation 1. Natural Bridge State Park is about 2 miles away. Hike to see the bridge, or ride the chairlift for $5/person. Other trails are available as well. The state park also has a public swimming pool ($4/person) in the summer from 11 am to 7 pm. There are paddleboats at the park, as well as miniature golf. 2. Red River Gorge is close and is ranked a top 5 rock climbing area in the U.S. 3. Mill Creek Lake offers fishing and canoeing/kayaking by reservation at 4. There is an interesting via ferrata canyon climb at Torrent, Kentucky, about 10 miles from Nada. 10. Materials. Supplier for Nada is Rogers Hardware in Stanton, Kentucky, 10 miles away (606-663-2598). FBC Winchester has an account on which materials may be charged. Keep all receipts and provide a reimbursement check to FBC Winchester for materials purchased at Rogers Hardware. (The closest Loweʼs from Nada is in Winchester, 36 miles away. Home Depot is in Lexington. The closest Wal-Mart Supercenters to Nada are in Winchester and Mt. Sterling, 30-35 miles.) 11. Tools/Equipment. Teams must provide all tools and equipment. The Nada Mission has one 6-foot step, one 8-foot step, and one 14-foot extension ladder.

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CHAPTER 6 Serving in Owsley County: Lodging Options

Emma Quire Center Contact: Mark Howell at FBC Frankfort (502-227-4528 or [email protected]) Lodging: Bunk beds in each room. 36 people max. Kitchen available for groups to use Price: $15 per person / night Serves as a volunteer house for Together For Hope.

TravelWise Motor Inn 46 Big Hill Drive / Beattyville, KY 41311 / 606-464-2225 Lodging: Several rooms, livable but not exquisite. No kitchens Pricing: $17-22 (plus tax) per person, per night (4 per room) About 9 miles from Booneville

Tincherʼs Motel About 8 miles from Booneville, one mile south of Beattyville. 12 rooms, older 606-464-9231

Lindaʼs Victorian Rose Bed & Breakfast 606-593-7662

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Serving in Owsley County: Quick Facts 1. Meals. You can bring your food or buy it after you arrive. There is a ShopWise grocery in Booneville, as well as a couple of convenience stores, which sell Buffet brand pizza. Dooleyʼs restaurant serves a good, down-home meal. Turnerʼs restaurant offers a good, quick meal. There is a dairy bar for a quick ice-cream fix. The Emma Quire Center has a kitchen. 2. Recreation 1. Natural Bridge State Park is about 30 miles away. Hike to see the bridge, or ride the chairlift. Other trails are available as well. The state park also has a public swimming pool in the summer from 11 am to 7pm. There are paddleboats at the park, as well as miniature golf. 2. Red River Gorge is about 35 miles away and is ranked 5th in the world for rock climbing. 3. There is an interesting via ferrata canyon climb at Torrent, Kentucky, about 20 miles from Booneville. 3. Materials. Supplier for Booneville is Lee County Lumber, about 5 miles north of Booneville. Teams may pay cash, credit card or check for materials at Lee County Lumber. Mission teams may set up an account and pay at the end of the week. The closest Lowes is in Corbin, Kentucky, but it is quicker to go to Winchester, 68 miles. there are also a couple of hardware stores in Booneville. 4. Partners. Jerry and Susie Lacefield host Together for Hope volunteer teams. Jerry is the pastor of the First Baptist, Booneville, and Susie directs the Owsley County Food Place. Jerry and Susie can be reached at: PO Box 835, Booneville, KY 41314, 606-593-5380 or 606-593-5169. 5. Projects. Bible schools, visiting at a retirement home, music and art camps, sports camps, Bible studies, clothing & food distribution, school supply distribution, literacy projects & home repair.

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CHAPTER 7 Serving in McCreary County: Lodging Options

Hills & Hollers Volunteer House 2281 Lick Creek Road / Whitley City, KY 42653 / [email protected] Contact: Jim & Rita Cmolik

Best Western / Southfork Inn N. Hwy. 27 / Whitley City, KY 42653 / 606-376-3780 The newest hotel in the area, the Best Western has 59 rooms, an outdoor pool, free breakfast, and a meeting room.

Big South Fork Motor Lodge Bruce Street / Stearns, KY 42647 / 606-376-3156 / 22 rooms, outdoor pool, near downtown Stearns

Parkland Motel South US 27 / Stearns, KY 42647 / 606-376-5046 or 866-376-9277 / 46 rooms, outdoor pool, adjacent restaurant

Blue Heron Campground KY 742 on Big South Fork of Cumberland River / 606-376-2611 or 800-365-CAMP 45 recreation, tent, or RV campsites with electricity, water, bathhouse, dump station and playground

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Serving in McCreary County: Quick Facts 1. Financial Support. Individuals serving with Mountain Hope in McCreary County will work through partners. Some partners require a volunteer fee. We ask that teams view financial participation as an important part of ministering in Eastern Kentucky, and to consider donations to ministry hosts who do not require a volunteer fee. 2. Meals. You can bring your food or buy it after you arrive. There is a Kroger in Whitley City, as well as several restaurants including Arbys, Dairy Bar, Dominoʼs Pizza, KFC, Subway, and several local diners. 3. Recreation 1. Cumberland Falls State Resort Park touches McCreary County to the North. Beautiful waterfalls, picnic areas, a lodge, trails, fishing, swimming, horseback riding. 30 minutes from Whitley City and Stearns 2. Stearns Golf Course, the second oldest golf course in Kentucky. 3. Barthell Mining Camp is a reconstructed mining town as it looked in 1910. Food, entertainment, displays await you. 4. Big South Fork Scenic Railway. Rides available April through December. 5. Horseback Riding and Fishing at several locations. 6. Chamber of Commerce. The McCreary County Chamber of Commerce can send you more recreational activities. Contact them at 606-376-5004 or 6. Projects: Housing/construction, medical clinic, kidʼs camps, food pantry, sports camps, computer camps, thrift store.

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CHAPTER 8 Returning Home Once you have completed your missions experience and travel home, you will want others to know about all you have experienced. This is where your journal may come in handy. Seek opportunities to tell your story: to your church, our small group, your family, friends, and neighbors. You might even have an opportunity to share your experiences with a local newspaper or missions publication. Be willing to tell your story; others might find themselves drawn to your experience and desire to check out volunteer missions for themselves. Mountain Hope is interested in your stories and experiences. People need to hear how God is working in the lives of people in Eastern Kentucky. Debriefing It is a good idea to meet with your team upon returning home to debrief your experience. A debriefing meeting can provide you an excellent opportunity to share pictures with one another. You can hear more about how God taught those you served alongside and perhaps team members can help one another find opportunities to share those stories. Your debriefing meeting may also give you an opportunity to look back on your experience and see some of the events/moments a bit differently. Sometimes a little time, distance and a bit of rest can cast a new light on an experience. Some questions to ask and reflect upon: 1. What were some highlights of this trip for you? 2. What were the challenges? 3. What distinguished this trip from a typical vacation? 4. Would you go again? What would make you go again? 5. What expectations were realized and what were not? 6. Compare your feelings about missions before this trip and now that you have returned. 7. How can you do what you did there in your own community? Contrast your missions involvement on your trip to your involvement at your church and in your community. 8. Describe the difference in the way you do missions in your local church and the way you did it “on the field?” 9. How would you evaluate your experience? 10.What is your understanding of the term “cross-cultural?” 11.Has your life changed since your returned? If so, how?

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CHAPTER 9 Conclusion Your experience in Eastern Kentucky will hopefully impact you in ways that will affect your life for months and years to come. It is easy to be excited and passionate about your time as a mission volunteer in the days after you return. Strive to keep that passion for serving Christ alive and seek new ways to serve in your church and everyday life. God will faithfully bring opportunities to serve others when we are available and desirous to be used in their lives. Sometimes short-term mission trips provide an opportunity for people to listen to God more closely. If in the course of your time of service, or your time of reflection, you sense that God might be calling you into missions or ministry, we encourage you to speak with your pastor or with others in whom you trust. Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions offers a variety of ways where people can express themselves in a long term mission commitment. • Student.Go - Offers a vehicle for college and seminary students to serve in a mission setting for a summer, semester or more. For more information visit • Global Service Corps - Offers mission assignments that range in term from one to three years. For more information visit • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions Affiliate - Offers long term options for mission service. To learn more visit or call the CBF at 800-352-8741 and ask for Global Missions. • Kentucky Baptist Fellowship - Offers summer missions positions in Eastern Kentucky for college or seminary students. To learn more visit or call the KBF at 502-426-1931 and ask to speak with the Associate Coordinator for Missions.

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Mountain Hope Volunteer Information Form Thank you for your participation and obedience to serve. We are excited about this opportunity for you. If you are 18 years or older, please fill out this form and return it to the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, Attn: Associate Coordinator for Missions. Please call on us for any additional ways we can serve you as you prepare to go.

CONTACT INFORMATION Name:___________________________Name of Team Leader:__________________ Address:______________________City:______________________ST____Zip_____ Home Phone:__________________Cell Phone:______________________________ E-Mail:________________________T-Shirt Size: S__ M__ L__ XL__ XXL__ XXXL__ Date of Birth:_____________________! Male__! Female__ Marital Status:____________________If Married, Name of Spouse:______________

BACKGROUND INFORMATION ___I have participated on a volunteer trip !


___I have worked with people of cultures other than my own ___I am learning about the culture and preparing to serve cross-culturally before I leave Education:! __Completed High School! __College Degree! Degree/Major:________ Church History:! ___Attend Church? Church Name:_________________________________________________________ Pastor:______________________________Denomination:_____________________ Life Skills (Check all that apply) __Carpentry!


__Advanced __Beginner

__Computers! !

__Advanced __Beginner



__Advanced __Beginner

__Architecture! !

__Advanced __Beginner



__Advanced __Beginner

__Leading Bible Studies!__Advanced __Beginner



__Advanced __Beginner

__Teaching Music!

__Auto Repair! !

__Advanced __Beginner

__Teaching Arts/Crafts! __Advanced __Beginner

__Advanced __Beginner

__Electrical Work!

__Advanced __Beginner

__Adult Literacy/ESL!

__Advanced __Beginner

__Teaching Children!

__Advanced __Beginner



__Advanced __Beginner

__Teaching Youth!

__Advanced __Beginner



__Advanced __Beginner

__Leading Sports/Rec! __Advanced __Beginner



__Advanced __Beginner

List Sports:


Continued on Next Page Please return completed form to Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, ATTN: Joshua Speight Kentucky Baptist Fellowship / 225 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy, Ste.205 / Louisville, KY 40222 Phone: 502-426-1931 / Fax: 502-426-1612 / [email protected] Updated 3/2010


Updated 3/2010


Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Photo Release Form (Please Print) The Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and related partners are committed to protecting the privacy of those with whom we work. However, in order to recruit volunteers and financial contributions, we must tell the great story about the work in Easter Kentucky. Photographs and videos may be used from time to time toward this end. Name:________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________City:____________ST:_____Zip:______ Phone:______________________________________E-mail:____________________________ I authorize Kentucky Baptist Fellowship and/or Cooperative Baptist Fellowship to use photographs, video, or other images of me (or my child) in promotional materials. ____ YES ____ NO

PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME___________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_____________________________________________ DATE________________________________________________________________________

Updated 3/2010


Evaluation Thank you for taking the time to reflect and debrief your mission experience on paper with us. Your input and your written responses below helps Mountain Hope know how this mission involvement impacted your life.

CONTACT INFORMATION Name:___________________________Name of Team Leader:__________________ Home Phone:______________________Cell Phone:__________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________ Date of Trip:________________________ Church:____________________________ Place of Service:_______________________________________________________ Type of Ministry:_______________________________________________________

REFLECTION JOY: What was your most enjoyable experience?_____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ SURPRISES: What surprised you about yourself or team members? The culture? The people? God?_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ CHALLENGES: What was your greatest challenge or disappointment?____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATION: What advice would you give others as they prepare to serve in Eastern Kentucky?_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Continued on Next Page Updated 3/2010


REFLECTION (continued) " MANAGEMENT: Administratively, I would encourage Mountain Hope to___________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ INVOLVEMENT: How has the experience affected future plans for involvement in your home church?_________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ FUTURE: The next time I am on a mission trip I will pay more attention to__________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Please write a brief testimony of a significant event during your trip or how this experience has changed your perspective on missions. (You may use a separate piece of paper if necessary) May we use all or part of your written statement in promotional materials to encourage others to participate?!

__YES! !


Please mail completed form and a brief written testimony to: Kentucky Baptist Fellowship ATTN: Joshua Speight | 225 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy. Suite 205 | Louisville, KY 40222 Phone: 502-426-1931 | Fax: 502-426-1612 | [email protected]

Updated 3/2010


Contacts for Eastern Kentucky | [email protected] Kentucky Baptist Fellowship / Mountain Hope Joshua M. Speight, Associate Coordinator for Missions John Lepper, Coordinator Valarie Shoulta, Administrative Assistant 225 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy. Suite 205 Louisville, KY 40222 Office: 502-426-1931 Fax: 502-426-1612 Email: [email protected]

McCreary County Hills & Hollers Ministries Jim and Rita Cmolik 2281 Lick Creek Road Whitley City, KY 42653 Email: [email protected]

McCreary County Community Development Corporation (McCHDO) Clifford Keith Phone: 606-310-1881 Office: 606-376-9490 Email: [email protected]

First Baptist Church Whitley City Grant Hasty, pastor Office: 606-376-2418 Email:[email protected]

Nada Community Nada Mission John Owen, Pastor PO Box 113 Winchester, KY 40392 Office: 859-744-2884 Email:[email protected]

Updated 3/2010


Contacts for Eastern Kentucky | [email protected] Nada/Owsley County CBF Global Field Personnel Paula Settle PO Box 1782 Stanton, KY 40380 Phone: 606-663-6088 Email: [email protected]

Nada KBF Intern Emilee Causey Phone: 859-473-3073 Email: [email protected]

Owsley County Owsley County Action Team/Partnership Housing, Inc. Joʼe Short and Molly Turner Old Highway 11/PO Box 997 Booneville, KY 41314 Office: 606-593-7296 Email:[email protected]

Emma Quire Mission Center/First Baptist Church Booneville Jerry and Susie Lacefield Phone: 606-593-5380 Email:[email protected]

Other Partners Sister Marge Eilerman, Holy Family Catholic Church, 606-593-6948, [email protected] Cleda Turner, Owsley County Outreach, 606-593-8292, [email protected], Ruby Jackson, OCHS Youth Services Center, 606-593-5597, [email protected] Travis Smith, OCHS Family Resource Center, 606-593-6379, [email protected] Rob Spurlock, Scoville Church of God, 606-593-6353, [email protected] Jamie Brunk, Booneville United Methodist Church, 606-593-6126, [email protected] Claire Kincaid, Christian Appalachian Project, 606-287-7070, [email protected], Becca Smith, Domestic Violence, [email protected] Pat Campbell, Allenʼs Ambulance Service, 606-593-5849, [email protected]

Updated 3/2010


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