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MOTIVATION By Presented to Date

Faisal Bin Hasan Mr. Saleem Ullah 5th oct , 2009

OBJECTIVE To increase our knowledge about Motivation and to Suggest ways how to counter De-motivation and frustration.

PRESENTATION ROAD MAP         

Introduction Kinds of Motivation What is De-motivation? Possible De-motivation consequences Factors causing De-motivation in the current scenario De-motivation at work placeReasons and possible solutions Positive Effects /Advantages of Motivation Suggestions to improve Motivation Conclusion

INTRODUCTION What is Motivation ?

 The word “ Motivation” is derived from the word “Motive” which means “induce to act.”

 The definition of Motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior.

 Motivation is present in every life function. Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Education is motivated by desire for knowledge. Doing work or job is motivated by the need of earning money.

INTRODUCTION  Motivation is simply:  The reason for an action  That which gives purpose and direction to behaviour.  Motivation is “WHAT drives you” to behave in a certain way or to take a particular action. It is your WHY.

INTRODUCTION  Your WHY is the strong reason for you to desire something. It is not what you desire, but the strong reason you desire it.

 Your WHY has to look beyond the physical. It has to be from

deep within. That way when the going gets tough, your WHY will see you through it because it is a strong, burning reason. It is a reason that will stand strong in the face of opposition.


 If your reason for wanting something is strong enough, even if at the time you don’t know how to achieve it, pursue it. It has often been said that when you desire something strongly enough the whole universe conspires to bring about the circumstances, people and resources you will need to achieve that purpose.

If YOUR “WHY” IS BIG ENOUGH, THE HOW DOESN’T MATTER  The Biggest example is the Achievement of Pakistan.

 The people of Pakistan against all odds

achieved independence from Britain under the Dynamic leadership of Quaide-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

 There were so many factors to de--

motivate and frustrate them in their struggle but their

WHY was big enough.

KINDS OF MOTIVATION  There are three main kinds of Motivation: Intrinsic , Extrinsic and Reward motivation.

 Intrinsic motivation is internal. It is under your control. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance, or desire. For e.g. Achievement, advancement, recognition, growth, responsibility, and job nature are internal motivators.

 Extrinsic motivation occurs when external factors compel the person to do

something. It is under the control of others.For e.g. Salary, benefits, working conditions, supervision, safety, security, affiliation, and relationships are all externally motivated needs.


Reward motivation occurs when the prospect

or hope of getting a reward compels people to do something.

For example: "I will give you a candy bar if you clean your room." This is an example of reward motivation.

WHAT IS DE - MOTIVATION ?  It is the opposite of Motivation.  It is infact lack of motivation or having negative motivation.  In this state of mind a person starts to get pessimistic and frustrated about affairs.  If some one says , “ I can’t do this work or I can’t accomplish my goals ” without even attempting it, This means that he / she is completely de-motivated and frustrated about the task.

POSSIBLE DE – MOTIVATION CONSEQUENCES Individual level – disappointment, frustration, aggression – resignation, reduction of commitment – bad mood up to depression – diminishing (stunting) of knowledge and abilities – increasing distance from colleagues, social isolation – damage causing to involvement outside the company, as well as to family life. Interpersonal relations level – conformity, adapted behaviour – passivity/indifference in coordination and decision-making – diminishing interaction. Organizational level – unused potentials – reduction of innovation tendencies – growth of industrial accidents – increased number of errors – worsening atmosphere in a company . Social level – decrease of innovation abilities – competitive ability worsening – increased number of sick leave days, unemployment, and premature retirement.

FACTORS CAUSING DE MOTIVATION IN THE CURRENT SCENARIO  One of the biggest reason of De- motivation in the current scenario is global recession since 2004 which has effected almost every one.

From Organizations to Entrepreneurs , From Top managers to Nonmanagerial employees and labor force to final consumers all have had their share of recession to some extent.

A part from that their are some other basic reasons of De-motivation at work place:

DE-MOTIVATION AT WORK PLACE: REASONS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: >> Employees are not treated well Solutions: Treat employees as valued business partners Encourage employee independence Support professional development >> No appreciation for hard work and commitment Solutions: Use individual-based recognition instead of group recognition Provide immediate rather than after-the-fact recognition Senior management must serve as role models

DE-MOTIVATION AT WORK PLACE: REASONS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: >> Employees are not respected. Solutions: Get to know your employees as people Communicate with employees individually Apply discipline to individuals, not teams. Recognize that employees have lives outside of work. >> Boss is a terrible manager. Solutions: Involve Employees in decision making Empower Employees Provide personal recognition.

DE-MOTIVATION AT WORK PLACE: REASONS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: >> Too much of work is carried out by less number of people Solutions: Set realistic expectations. Ask employees about the workload Retrain staff. >> Employees not paid fairly Solutions: Avoid paying by the hour Weed out ineffective performers Offer additional responsibilities to the top of the range employees. Promote your best performers Encourage those unhappy with their pay to leave.

DE-MOTIVATION AT WORK PLACE: REASONS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: >>No link between job performance and pay Solutions: Make your pay-for-performance criteria clear to employees Use objective or goal oriented performance measures. >> Promotion seems impossible Set realistic expectations for employees Be sure to point out opportunities for improvement Promote the best Create new positions Promote from within

DE-MOTIVATION AT WORK PLACE: REASONS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: >> Monotonous job Solutions: Enrich jobs Provide other opportunities Let people go if very unhappy. >> People afraid to speak up Foster a spirit of openness Improve your listening skills Get in the habit of making self-disclosures. >> Not getting much time for personal life Provide flexibility in working time Become known as an organization where balance is valued.

POSITIVE EFFECTS / ADVANTAGES OF MOTIVATION  It keeps the employees cheerful .  Each member of organization feels for the company and tries to gives his sincere effort in achieving new goals.

 Changes can be easily brought in a firm if employees have complete faith on its firm. This happens only when they are motivated regularly.

 Motivation gives job satisfaction.

POSITIVE EFFECTS / ADVANTAGES OF MOTIVATION  Productivity is the out come of performance. Performance can be improved by motivation.

 It raises self respect and raises discipline among employees.  It helps to avoid strikes and other such activity that hampers company’s production.

SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE MOTIVATION  How can a manager improve his/ her subordinates’ motivation ?

 Provide Challenging work  Learn to listen  Set meaningful goals  Recognize achievements.  Support balanced risk taking.

SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE YOUR MOTIVATION  Attend A personal development workshop  Join a Master Mind Group  Exercise / Running  Read or Listen to motivational material  Take time-off  Lastly Associate with Positive People



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