Most Common Pathology

  • November 2019
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Most Common Cause Of..... ● Cardiac Primary Tumor (adults) >>>>> Myxoma (4:1 left to right atrium; "ball and valve") ● Cardiac Primary tumor (kids) >>>>> Rhabdomyoma ● Cardiac tumor (adults) >>>>> Metastases ● Cardiomyopathy >>>>> Dilated cardiomyopathy ● Chromosomal disorder >>>>> Down syndrome (a/w ALL, Alzheimer's dementia, and endocardial cushion defects) ● Chronic arrhythmia >>>>> Atrial fibrillation (a/w high risk of emboli) ● Congenital cardiac anomaly >>>>> VSD ● Constrictive pericarditis >>>>> Tuberculosis ● Coronary artery involved in thrombosis >>>>> LAD > RCA > LCA ● Cyanosis (early; less common) >>>>> Tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of great vessels, truncus arteriosus ● Cyanosis (late; more common) >>>>> VSD, ASD, PDA (close w/ indomethacin; open w/ misoprostol) ● Demyelinating disease >>>>> Multiple sclerosis ● Dietary deficit >>>>> Iron ● Epiglottitis >>>>> Haemophilus influenzae type B ● Esophageal cancer >>>>> Squamous cell carcinoma ● Gene involved in cancer >>>>> p53 tumor suppressor gene ● Group affected by cystic fibrosis >>>>> Caucasians (fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, mucous plugs/lung infections) ● Gynecologic malignancy >>>>> Endometrial carcinoma ● Heart murmur >>>>> Mitral valve prolapse ● Heart valve in bacterial endocarditis >>>>> Mitral ● Heart valve in bacterial endocarditis in IVDA >>>>> Tricuspid ● Heart valve (rheumatic fever) >>>>> Mitral valve (aortic is 2nd) ● Helminth infection (U.S.) >>>>> Enterobius vermicularis (Ascaris lumbricoides is 2nd most common) ● Hereditary bleeding disorder >>>>> Von Willebrand's ● Kidney stones >>>>> Calcium = radiopaque (2nd most common is ammonium = radiopaque; formed by urease-positive organisms such as Proteus vulgaris or Staphylococcus) ● Liver disease >>>>> Alcoholic liver disease ● Location of brain tumors (adults) >>>>> Supratentorial ● Location of brain tumors (kids) >>>>> Infratentorial ● Lysosomal storage disease disorder >>>>> Gaucher's

● Male cancer >>>>> Prostatic carcinoma ● Malignancy associated with noninfectious fever >>>>> Hodgkin's ● Malignant skin tumor >>>>> Basal cell carcinoma (rarely metastasizes) ● Metastases to bone [6] >>>>> Breast, lung, thyroid, testes, prostate, kidney ● Metastases to brain [5] >>>>> Lung, breast, skin (melanoma), kidney (renal cell carcinoma), GI ● Metastases to liver [5] >>>>> Colon, gastric, pancreatic, breast, and lung carcinomas ● Motor neuron disease >>>>> ALS ● Neoplasm (kids) >>>>> ALL (2nd most common is cerebellar medulloblastoma) ● Nephrotic syndrome >>>>> Membranous glomerulonephritis ● Obstruction of male urinary tract >>>>> BPH ● Opportunistic infection in AIDS >>>>> PCP ● Organ receiving metastases >>>>> Adrenal glands (due to rich blood supply) ● Organ sending metastases [3] >>>>> Lung > breast, stomach ● Ovarian tumor (benign) >>>>> Serous cystadenoma ● Ovarian tumor (malignant) >>>>> Serous cystadenocarcinoma ● Pancreatic tumor >>>>> Adenocarcinoma (head of pancreas) ● Patient with ALL/CLL/AML/CML >>>>> ALL - child CLL - adult > 60 AML - adult > 60 CML - adults 35-50 ● Patient with Hodgkin's >>>>> Young male (except nodular sclerosis type - female) ● Patient with minimal change disease >>>>> Young child ● Patient with Reiter's >>>>> Male ● Pituitary tumor >>>>> Prolactinoma (2nd - somatotropic "acidophilic" adenoma) ● Preventable cancer >>>>> Lung cancer ● Primary bone tumor (adults) >>>>> Multiple myeloma ● Primary hyperparathyroidism >>>>> Adenomas (followed by hyperplasia, then carcinoma) ● Primary liver tumor >>>>> Hepatoma

● Renal tumor >>>>> Renal cell carcinoma - a/w von Hippel-Lindau and acquired polycystic kidney disease; paraneoplastic syndromes (erythropoietin, renin, PTH, ACTH) ● Secondary hyperparathyroidism >>>>> Hypocalcemia of chronic renal failure ● Sexually transmitted disease >>>>> Chlamydia ● Site of diverticula >>>>> Sigmoid colon ● Site of metastasis >>>>> Regional lymph nodes ● Site of metastasis (2nd most common) >>>>> Liver ● Site of atherosclerosis [4] >>>>> Abdominal aorta > coronary > popliteal > carotid ● Skin cancer >>>>> Basal cell carcinoma ● Stomach cancer >>>>> Adenocarcinoma ● Testicular tumor >>>>> Seminoma ● Thyroid cancer >>>>> Papillary carcinoma ● Tracheoesophageal fistula >>>>> Lower esophagus joins trachea/upper esophagus - blind pouch ● Tumor in men >>>>> Prostate carcinoma ● Tumor in women >>>>> Leiomyoma (estrogen dependent) ● Tumor of infancy >>>>> Hemangioma ● Tumor of the adrenal medulla (adults) >>>>> Pheochromocytoma (benign) ● Tumor of the adrenal medulla (kids) >>>>> Neuroblastoma (malignant) ● Type of Hodgkin's >>>>> Nodular sclerosis (vs. mixed cellularity, lymphocytic predominance, lymphocytic depletion) ● Type of non-Hodgkin's >>>>> Follicular, small cleaved ● Type of pituitary adenoma >>>>> Prolactinoma ● Vasculitis >>>>> Temporal arteritis (risk of ipsilateral blindness due to thrombosis of ophthalmic artery) ● >>>>> ● Viral encephalitis >>>>> HSV ● Vitamin deficiency (U.S.) >>>>> Folic acid (pregnant women are at high risk; body stores only 3-4 month supply) ● Addison's >>>>> Autoimmune (infection is the 2nd most common cause) ● Aneurysm, dissecting >>>>> HTN ● Aortic aneurysm, abdominal and descending aorta >>>>>

Atherosclerosis ● Aortic aneurysm, ascending >>>>> Tertiary symphilis ● Bacterial meningitis (adults) >>>>> Neisseria meningitidis ● Bacterial meningitis (elderly) >>>>> Streptococcus pneumoniae ● Bacterial meningitis (kids) >>>>> Haemophilus influenzae type B ● Bacterial meningitis (newborns) >>>>> Escherichia coli ● Cancer associated with AIDS >>>>> Kaposi's sarcoma ● Congenital adrenal hyperplasia >>>>> 21-hydroxylase deficiency ● Cretinism >>>>> Iodine deficit/hypothyroidism ● Cushing's syndrome >>>>> Corticosteroid therapy (2nd most common cause is excess ACTH secretion by pituitary) ● Death in CML >>>>> Blast crisis ● Death in SLE >>>>> Lupus nephropathy ● Dementia >>>>> Alzheimer's (2nd most common is multi-infarct) ● DIC [4] >>>>> Gram-negative sepsis, obstetric complications, cancer, burn trauma ● Ejection click >>>>> Aortic/pulmonic stenosis ● Food poisoning >>>>> Staphylococcus aureus ● Glomerulonephritis (adults) >>>>> IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease) ● Hematoma - epidural >>>>> Rupture of middle meningeal artery (arterial bleeding is fast) ● Hematoma - subdural >>>>> Rupture of bridging veins (trauma; venous bleeding is slow) ● Hemochromatosis >>>>> Multiple blood transfusions (can result in CHF, and increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma) ● Hepatic cirrhosis >>>>> EtOH ● Hepatocellular carcinoma >>>>> Cirrhotic liver (often a/w hepatitis B and C) ● Holosystolic murmur [3] >>>>> VSD, tricuspid regurgitation, mitral regurgitation ● Hypertension, secondary >>>>> Renal disease ● Hypoparathyroidism >>>>> thyroidectomy ● Hypopituitarism >>>>> Adenomas (followed by hyperplasia, then carcinoma) ● Infection in blood transfusion >>>>> Hepatitis C ● Infection in burn victims >>>>> Pseudomonas ● Leukemia (adults) >>>>> AML

● "Machine-like" murmur >>>>> PDA ● Mental retardation >>>>> Down syndrome (fragile X is the second most common cause) ● MI >>>>> Atherosclerosis ● Mitral valve stenosis >>>>> Rheumatic heart disease ● Myocarditis >>>>> Coxsackie B ● Nephrotic syndrome (adults) >>>>> Membranous glomerulonephritis ● Nephrotic syndrome (kids) >>>>> Minimal change disease (associated with infections/vaccinations; treat with corticosteroids) ● Opening snap >>>>> Mitral stenosis ● Osteomyelitis >>>>> Staphylococcus aureus ● Osteomyelitis in patients with sickle cell disease >>>>> Salmonella ● Osteomyelitis with IVDA >>>>> Pseudomonas ● Pancreatitis (acute) [2] >>>>> EtOH and gallstones ● Pancreatitis (chronic) [2] >>>>> EtOH (adults), cystic fibrosis (kids) ● Peau d'orange >>>>> Carcinoma of the breast ● Pelvic inflammatory disease >>>>> Neisseria gonorrhoeae (monoarticular arthritis) ● Pneumonia in CF, burn infection >>>>> Pseudomonas aeruginosa ● Pneumonia, hospital acquired >>>>> Klebsiella ● Preventable blindness >>>>> Chlamydia ● Primary amenorrhea >>>>> Turner's (XO) ● Primary hyperaldosteronism >>>>> Adenoma of adrenal cortex ● Primary hyperparathyroidism >>>>> Adenoma ● Pulmonary hypertension >>>>> COPD ● Right heart failure due to a pulmonary cause >>>>> Cor pulmonale ● Right-sided heart failure >>>>> Left-sided heart failure ● Sheehan's syndrome >>>>> Postpartum pituitary infarction secondary to hemorrhage ● SIADH >>>>> Small cell carcinoma of the lung ● UTI (young women) [2] >>>>> E. coli and Staphylococcus saprophyticus ● Bacteremia/pneumonia (IVDA) >>>>> Staphylococcus aureus ● Bacteria associated with GI cancer >>>>> Helicobacter pylori ● Bacteria found in GI tract >>>>> Bacteroides (second most common is Escherichia coli)

● Brain tumor (adults) >>>>> Metastatic > astrocytoma (including gliobastoma multiforme) > meningioma > schwannoma ● Brain tumor (kids) >>>>> Medulloblastoma (cerebellum) ● Brain tumor - supratentorial (kids) >>>>> Craniopharyngioma ● Breast cancer >>>>> Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (in the US, 1/9 women will develop breast cancer) ● Breast mass >>>>> Fibrocystic change (in postmenopausal women, carcinoma is the most common) ● Breast tumor (benign) >>>>> Fibroadenoma ● Bug in debilitated, hospitalized pneumonia patient >>>>> Klebsiella ● Skin Cancer >>>>> basal cell

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