Monaco Sf And S60 Update

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  • Words: 1,180
  • Pages: 18
Symbian Foundation and S60 Update Developer Tools, SDKs and Roadmaps Mark Wilcox – Developer Support


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Our Vision Vision for the Platform The most widely used software on the planet.

Mission for the Foundation To build the most productive and valuable software community.


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Truly Independent, Truly Open


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Open In More Ways Than One!            


Open Source Open Tools and SDKs Open Development Process Open Roadmap Open Membership (Almost) Open Website! -

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Open Source              


Platform code available under EPL and transitional SFL SFL code only available to Symbian Foundation members Only ~4% of the platform available under EPL at launch  More to be moved to EPL very soon  Plan for full EPL by June 2010 Campaigning to get it done before then Hope to give everyone access sooner...

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.




100+ Packages Location Apps Phone Apps Multimedia Sharing UIs

Location Services

Generic App Support

Video IP File Tele- PoC PC TeleManager phony Apps Suite phony Apps Apps Settings UIs

Content Control Daemons

Device Control Daemons

Instant Msging Msging Apps Apps Contact Apps

Utility Apps

Organizer App Suite


Image Video Video Camera Gallery Editor Editor Player Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Image Viewer UIs

Chinese Dictionary

Graphics UIs

Speech Recognition UIs

Web UIs

( Java )


Connectivity Tools

Service Tele-phony Remote Legacy Multimedia UI Web DLNA Remote Wireless VPN Msging UI Service API Service Open Image Video Camera Input Classic SVG Connecti Discovery & SIM Metadata ( Helix ) Web App Services Tools Services Mgmt Access Client Mw Handling Utils Services UI Tiny Accelerator Framework API Services Methods vity and Usage Services Services Framework

Security Services


IP Access IP App Connectivity Security Services Mgmt

High Level Protocols

Instant Msging & IP App Protocols Presence Services

Generic Persistent OS XML Device Locating Comms OS Data Security Services Services Services Frmwk Services Services

Legacy Presence Services

Remote Storage

Networking Services

Kernel & Hardware Services

Technology Domain Colour Key 6

Multimedia UIs

Music Screen HomeVoice Video Radio Help Player Recorder Saver screen Profile Center Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

OS Base Services Device Connectivity

Shortlink Connectivity

Networking Device Management

Cellular WLAN Baseband Services

Metadata Services

Shortlink Services

Multimedia Middleware


Multimedia UI Framework

Smart Home UI Application card Screen Resources Installation GBA Services

Imaging Text & Graphics Extensions Localisation

Build Tools

Board Support


Device Management Runtimes and User Interface Web

Verification Tools


Personal Communications

Data Comms



Multimedia Apps

Operator Complementary Packages


Why the EPL?    


   


One of the 9 popular OSI approved licenses Business friendly   Permits differentiation and commercialisation on top of Symbian Foundation assets   Provides clarity on the rules for differentiation and collaboration   Already tried and tested   Vendor neutral Reduce fragmentation through “weak copyleft”   Modifications of existing components fall under the original license   Permits the creation of new components – above, below, or alongside Provides clarity on patents Integration friendly   Co-exists with software written under other licenses Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Open Tools        

Many of the tools are going open source too! Application developer tools as well as those used by OEMs Carbide.c++ code already under EPL Tools available for:      


Application Developers (ADT) Platform Developers (PDT) Extending Carbide – writing plug-ins (CDK)

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Carbide (Plug-in) Development Kit (CDK – Tool sources)

Foundation Desktop Tools

Platform Developer Installation PDT Installer EXE

App Dev Tools (ADT)

Tool source code

Target Tools

Update Manager

Desktop Plat Overlay Tools


Target-side Tools TRK Screen Grabber

Platform MCL

Trace Agent Load Gen



Additional Tools Helium Raptor 9



Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

ADT Installer EXE

App Developer Installation Update Manager

Desktop Tools

Tool source code

Tools Releases Day 1




Platform Releases S^1

PDT v1 PDT v2





Hardening Feature Submission

PDT v3

Hardening FS FS PDT v4

PDT v5

Eclipse Synchronized Major Tool Release

Releases 3.5 (Galileo)


TBD Minor Tool Release


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Open SDKs  

Application Developerʼs SDK  


Platform Development Kit (PDK)  


Just like S60 SDKs, goes with ADT EPL platform source, goes with PDT

Interim Symbian Software Kit (iSSK)  

SPL platform source, overlay on PDK

All tools and SDKs available in one place:


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

What’s Changed for Developers  

For C/C++ application developers:    

Possibility to access platform code to help understanding and debugging. Possibility to contribute to platform code:    


For C/C++ middleware and driver developers:    


No longer need DevKit or BAK licenses – just join and get all the code. Hardware reference environments and regular releases make it easier to keep up with the latest changes to the platform

For Flash, Python, Web Runtime, Ruby etc. developers:  


Fix bugs that impact your projects. Add features that will enable you to do something new and innovative?

Nothing yet!

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Open Development Process S^N

Roadmapped -18

Feature sub- Hardening mission

Early builds -12




Feature & Roadmap Council UI Council Architecture Council Release Council 13

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.


Stable 12



Open Hardware  

First reference hardware – TI Zoom 2:              

  14

4.1” WVGA multi-touch capable display TI OMAP 3430 application processor Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, FM Radio 8-megapixel camera sensor QWERTY keypad 2 accelerometers USB On-The-Go

More reference hardware to come...

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Open Roadmap 2009


Symbian^2 •  Support for multiple form factors, resolutions and input methods •  Customisable home screen supporting embedded widgets and other personal content

2011 Symbian^4 To be defined according to community process Nokia proposals so far include: Qt for S60 to become part of platform




Symbian^3 •  Support for composition of hardware accelerated content seamlessly into UI •  High performance communications architecture enabling fixed internet level of performance

Available on “Day 1”: •  Copy of S60 5th Edition SDK from Forum Nokia •  Source code for Symbian^2 release available to members


Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

Hardening Releases 2009 Symbian^2

Functionally Complete

Symbian^3 Symbian^4 16

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.


2011 Milestone dates to be confirmed by Release Council


Functionally Complete


Functionally Complete


Open Membership - Benefits Proven, royalty free platform from Day 1 Rights to license, modify and distribute source Access to council meeting plans, deliverables Rights to participate in Working Groups & annual Member meetings Eligibility for Board and Council Seats Foundation support inc. branding, marketing, legal, business development 17

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.


Keep up with the latest news at 18

Copyright © 2009 Symbian Foundation.

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