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Identify your goals and priorities So how do you go about developing a life mission? It's not as big and scary as it sounds. 

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Choose your values. Your values are what you hold near and dear to you. They can be principles, standards or beliefs that you find most worthwhile. You probably already have a core set of beliefs that guide you. Think about what is most important to you. Analyze your values, interests, and skills. Are there things that have influenced your thinking and behavior? Think about what you enjoy and what you're good at. What about the skills you've learned from full- or part-time jobs, volunteer experiences, or school and social activities. There could be a connection between your activities and skills and your values. Will any of these skills help you get where you want to go? Set realistic goals. To make your dream future your reality, set some reasonable, short-term and long-term goals for yourself based on your top values. You're more likely to get where you want to go if you set a goal and commit yourself to it. To increase your chances of success even further: Choose some logical steps toward your goal. Take each step and fill out the details. Include the what, when, where and how for each step. Now it's time for action. Do your plan. Keep your plan close by, so you can see how each action step is working and make improvements to the plan as you go. Do some research. Think about your dream job, and then learn more about it. Find out how other people in that field developed the career you want. Do a job shadow. Go to work with someone to find answers to questions like these: o What kind of training, education and skills are required? o What are the real-life work conditions, the work environment and the work schedule? o

What are the likely rewards (for example, salary, fringe benefits, room to grow, retirement plans)?  Are these rewards important to you? 

Would other rewards be more important to you?

Based on the work you've just done, define your life mission and start living it with every decision you make. Soon you'll be able to look back and see how far you've come.

Establish your priorities Once you know your mission, be brutally honest with yourself: Are the activities that take up most of your time really moving you towards your goals? If not, it is time to set some priorities that support your goals, and make sure they get plenty of your time and attention. Time is a precious commodity; basically, you use it or lose it. The good news is that we all have the same amount of time every day, so use it to your advantage. Since there will always be plenty of diversions to distract you from your goals, practice staying in the driver's seat when it comes to time management. Remember putting off for tomorrow the things you can do today is procrastination. Procrastination is wasted energy. Here are some time management tools that can bring a sigh of relief to your busy college life. 

Use task lists and a calendar to manage school, family, and social responsibilities. You have enough important facts and figures to remember right now without committing your ongoing calendar to memory. Use a time management tool to coordinate all of your daily, weekly, monthly tasks, obligations, social events, tests --and anything that is important for you to do. Understand the difference between important and urgent. Important tasks must be done; urgent tasks must be done NOW. Some things can be taken care of tomorrow, later this week, or next week. Really! Work with your natural rhythm, not against it. Everyone has specific periods of peak productivity, so capitalize on your best time of day. If you're a morning person, plan to tackle the most difficult tasks before lunch. Likewise, if you're a night owl, don't force yourself to study or work on complicated projects until late afternoon or evening. Accept that you just can't do everything. Don't be a popularity addict. It may feel good in the moment to be "in demand," but wouldn't it feel even better to achieve the life you really want? Limit your commitments by choosing activities that you truly enjoy and are consistent with your goals. Practice saying no without feeling guilty; the mastery of the tactful decline is a skill that will come in handy throughout your life! Take care of yourself by paying attention to your physical, emotional and financial health. The same rules still apply: eat well, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, and build time into your schedule for relaxation. Take proper care of your body and it will take care of you. Remember that stress, although it can't be seen, can cause a lot of damage - don't overtax your emotions with too many commitments. Also, pay attention to your financial health as well. Be realistic about your money, create a realistic budget and stick to it. Using a spending plan to control your finances can actually feel great-- it's empowering.

Develop that muscle of determined discipline, and watch how it drives you towards your goals.

Your short-term and long-term goals must meet the following criteria: 1. Have specific goals. You might say, "I want to be successful." Well, who doesn't? But can you define what success means? Success to one person may mean becoming CEO of a company while to another person it may mean getting home from work by 6 pm every day. 2. Your goals must be measurable. Have a timeframe for achieving your goals and a way to determine when you have reached them. 3. Don't be negative. Your goal should be something you want rather than something you want to avoid. It is much better to say, for instance, "I want to improve my skills over the next four years so that I qualify for a better job" than "I don't want to be stuck in this job for another four years." 1. Be realistic. Your long-term goals must be compatible with your abilities and skills. Stating "I want to win a Grammy Award" if you can't sing or play an instrument will set you up for failure. 2. Your goal must be reachable within your time frame. Break a long-term goal down into smaller goals. It is better to take baby steps than one big giant leap. 3. Pair each goal with an action. For instance, if your goal is to become a writer, sign up for a writing class. 4. Be flexible. Don't give up if you encounter barriers that threaten to impede your progress. Instead, modify your goals accordingly. Let's say your need to continue working will keep you from going to college full-time. Although it won't be possible to finish your bachelor's degree in four years, you can enroll in school part-time and take a bit longer. Flexibility also means being willing to let go of goals that are no longer meaningful and instead put your energy into pursuing other ones. Steps 1. Think about what you want. Many people have only a vague sense of what they want from life. ... 2. Write about yourself. One good way to start moving from general to specific is to do some free-writing about yourself. ... 3. Imagine your future. Think about your ideal future. ... 4. Make your goals specific. ... 5. Think about why.

Uncovering talent strength and style Nothing comes easy in life but it sure is awarding it at the end of it all. Once you have a list in hand, make time to indulge in these activities and review them from time to time. You would be amazed to see the progress you’ve made. That should be encouraging enough to pursue your dreams further. This will not only boost your confidence but gain you popularity too. Getting feedback from others is a powerful tool too to get inspired and move towards your goal. It can be a wonderful experience to receive positive feedback from your friends, family and colleagues. It will also make your r realize what you’re good at and what all you can do to uncover you talents. Discovering your own talent: Study the responses. Put all of them into one document to make it easy to review. Look for a common thread or an underlying theme. Maybe you take for granted aspects about yourself that others consider your top strength. In addition, you may want to think about your answers to these two questions:  

What comes easily to you? What do you most enjoy?

Self discovery and self assessment is essential in order to uncover your true skills. Many a times, when you see others living their dreams you envy them but you forget you can live those dreams too and you are perfectly capable to do so. 1. What Do I Love About My Career? Take out your most recent resume (yes, I know—ugh) and take a serious look at all of the jobs and responsibilities you have had. If you’re just starting out, think about school, volunteer, and extracurricular activities, too.Now, circle the things that you most liked doing. What, specifically, were your favorite parts about each job? 2. Where Do I Lose Track of Time? What hobbies, activities, or tasks occupy your full attention so much so that you are completely engaged in the present moment? You look up at the clock, thinking that no time has passed, and poof! Three hours have gone by. 3. What are My Greatest Strengths?

Finally, take a moment for self-reflection and ask yourself: “What do I think are my greatest strengths?” Be proud—list things that you normally wouldn’t say about yourself and brag a little bit.

Discovering your own strength: You may not be aware but you could be good at so many things like telling jokes, playing sports, creativity, dancing, public speaking, organizing parties etc. etc. Make a note of all the things you want to do and can do and out of those what interests you the most. Try to build on it and make it your strength. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Watch for signs of excitement. Break away from job titles Notice what you do differently than everyone else. Describe your strengths creatively.

Discovering your own style: 1. Don’t compare yourself with others–but do approach people who inspire, and even intimidate, you.Are there people in your life who wow or evenintimidate you? Are you jealous of them? Go up andintroduce yourself, allow yourself to be a part of their lives. 2. Don’t concentrate on weaknesses, do concentrateon strengths: First, find out what your strengths are. Self-understanding and self-support is key.Working on one’s weaknesses only brings misery andself-doubt. Concentrating on your strengths brings a better sense of fulfillment and forward progress. 3. Eliminate your weaknesses by partnering with others.: Do you have someone’ back? Do they have yours? Are there complimentary skill sets involved? If you have people who believe in you, you can go far

together.Whether it’s a mentor, employee, or co-worker, get their back and let them get yours. 4. Use failure as motivation.: Things aren’t always going to go your way, no matter how well you and your teams properly align with your goals. Sometimes we need a goodkick to get us going. Sometimes we need the pain of failure to reset, revise, and reassess. Are you taking risks? Are you failing? If so, good going. 5. Now is a time of pop-up engagement, leadership, and success: Innovation demands the work of flexible teams who cooperate,co-lead, and co-create. We also believe you can do that too–on your own terms, with your own teams, and in your own way.

BY SAI SARAN agbsmbaMarch 21, 2017Uncategorized

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Each of us is gifted with a different talent or skill. We all have the substance in one way or the other to achieve our goals and dreams but what we lack is the insight to recognize those talents within ourselves. Strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. Talents are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Talents, knowledge, and skills — along with the time spent (i.e., investment) practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base — combine to create your strengths. The key to building a fully developed strength is to identify your most dominant talents, which are likely found within your top five themes, then complement them with acquired knowledge, skills, and investment. The need and ways for uncovering the talent are   

What Do I Love About My Career? Where Do I Lose Track of Time? What are My Greatest Strengths?

Opinions:Identify your talents and add knowledge and skills to build upon your strengths.

Strengths help people make better choices in their life. Strengths and talent improves performance. Strengths and talent improves productivity. Strengths and talent increases self-confidence. Strengths and talent improves employee morale. Strengths and talent improve employees engagement at work. Steps For uncovering the Talent, strength and Style:First step is to discover what you’re really good at and then build on it. It’s too easy to take your talents for granted and assume everybody is as good as you are. You may have your own skill that can make you stand out. You have to have confidence in yourself to become what you really are. Self discovery and self assessment is essential in order to uncover your true skills. Many a times, when you see others living their dreams you envy them but you forget you can live those dreams too and you are perfectly capable to do so. You may not be aware but you could be good at so many things like telling jokes, playing sports, creativity, dancing, public speaking, organizing parties etc. etc. Make a note of all the things you want to do and can do and out of those what interests you the most. Try to build on it and make it your strength. Once you have a list in hand, make time to indulge in these activities and review them from time to time. You would be amazed to see the progress you’ve made. That should be encouraging enough to pursue your dreams further. This will not only boost your confidence but gain you popularity too. Getting feedback from others is a powerful tool too to get inspired and move towards your goal. It can be a wonderful experience to receive positive feedback from your friends, family and colleagues. It will also make your r realize what you’re good at and what all you can do to uncover you talents. Importance:Strength and style is limited.

Strength improves individual outcomes such as quality of life, employment, and health. Strength promotes positive views of individuals and takes focus away from blame or judgment. Strengths increase positive political attention and social support. Strength and style gives the importance of research and further evaluation of performance. Conclusion:Strength and style plays an important role in the individual life. Talents, skills, and knowledge are each important for building a strength, talent is always the most important. The reason is that your talents are innate and cannot be acquired, unlike skills and knowledge.

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