Model Questions - Cat

  • November 2019
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B. In a democratic state as much consent as possible should be got for our policies. C. Democracy is a rule of law, rule of reason, and rule by conduct. D. As democracy is rule by consent, we will have to avert such unhealthy developments. E. That is why democratic process requires us to avoid sets of violence or direct action. (1) CDEBA (2) CBAED (3) ABEDC (4) DCEAB

Directions for question 1:For the word given below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word from the alternatives given that is most appropriate in the given context. 1.

Intransigence: It is possible, of course, that the American intransigence was not more than a negotiating position. (1) ostentation (2) lineament (3) obstinacy (4) skullduggery

Directions for question 2:In the following question, four different ways of writing a sentence is indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence. 2.





Marred by scandals that involve the bigger and the best business giants, it has been a sordid tale that has even dragged the president and his helmsman, into the ring of doubt on corruption. Marred by scandals that involve the biggest and the best business giants, it has been a sordid tale that has even dragged the president and his helmsman, into the ring of doubt for corruption. Marred by scandals that involve the bigger and the best of the business giants it has been a sordid tale that has even dragged the president and his helmsman into the ring of doubt for corruption. Marred by scandals that involve the biggest and the best of the business giants it has been a sordid tale that has even dragged the president and his helmsman into the ring of doubt to corruption. (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

Directions for questions 3 and 4: A number of sentences are given below which, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences, from among the four given choice, to construct a paragraph. 3. A. And chief among these is the tricky question of autonomy. B. But it will be some time before the committee can submit a report with a workable formula. C. Now that the elections are over and Farooq Abdullah is sworn in, everyone wants to see the new chief minister to get on with fulfilling all his pre-poll promises. D. The new Chief Minister was quick to announce a committee, chaired by Dr. Karan Singh, to look into the parameters which would ensure maximum autonomy to the state. (1) CDBA (2) CADB (3) DBCA (4) DCAB 4.

A. Violence on the other hand, leaves bitterness, hatred, strife which will be difficult for us to cover up even after a long time.

Directions for questions 5 and 6:Each of the following questions has a sentence with two blanks followed by four pairs of words as choices. From the choices select the pair of words that can best complete the given sentence 5. Unless there is political ____ the authorities will take ____ action in repairing the damaged road. (1) compulsion, speedy (2) pressure, hasty (3) domination, quick (4) intervention, expeditious


6. The increasing population of the cities and suburbs is constantly creating a gap between the demand and supply for water, which in some places is assuming _____ proportions _____ the very existence of human life. (1) alarming, threatening (2) ridiculous, challenging (3) dizzy, hampering (4) miniscule, magnifying Directions for question 7: A pair of CAPITALIZED words given below is followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair, which exhibits the relationship similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. 7.

BARGAIN : HAGGLER (1) classify : taxonomist (2)

arrest : burglar


player : professional


granary : farmer

Directions for questions 8: One of the underlined parts of the sentence has an error. Mark the part which contains the error. 8.






along aimlessly, (1) I went to church with my friend Nelson to (2) (3) seethe carvings. (4)

Directions for question 9: For the word given on the top of the table, match the dictionary definitions given in the left hand columns (A, B, C, D) with their corresponding usage given in the right hand column (E, F, G, H). Out of the four numbered choices given in the boxes below the table, identify the one that has all definitions and usages correctly matched. 9.


To make a picture of something in pen or pencil



To describe something in speech or writing



To move steadily in a particular direction



To end a game or match without either side winning



As the train drew in, passengers got ready to board. The cricket match between India and Pakistan ended in a draw. The vividly drawn character of Rahel is etched in my mind. She has never been able to draw well.

(2) (3) A B C D

(4) G H E F







Directions for question 10: In the following question, the word at the top of the table is used in four different ways, numbered 1 to 4. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate. 10. Even 1. Our cricket team has become even stronger than it used to be a few years ago. 2. The contest is now even. 3. He will surely even with you for this insult. 4. Inspite of the slight, he spoke in an even voice.

Reading Comprehension Directions for questions 1 to 4: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

Venus likely had oceans in its early years, most experts agree, for a few hundred million to a couple of billion years, back when the sun was 30 percent less hot. In other words, even the water enthusiasts should agree that Venus was once a good candidate for life. “If you want to think about the best place, 4 billion years ago, to start life |in| this solar system, it would probably be Venus,” University of Washington palaeontologist Peter Ward told more than 800 colleagues at a panel at the American Museum of Natural History. As the sun grew more intense, carbon dioxide and water vapour trapped the heat, conditions spun out of control, the seas boiled off. Venus can be understood as a greenhouse-effect morality tale. Don’t look for evidence of ancient Venusian life on the ground, though, because 700 million years ago a cataclysm occurred: Fissures opened all across the planet’s crust, and lava covered everything: a “global resurfacing event,” in the language of another researcher. Schulze Makuch’s, Palaeontologists looking for fossils on Venus after that catastrophe would be like a forensics team hunting for skid marks on road that’s been long paved over. To this day, lava flows regularly scorch the planet’s surface. In the 19th century, astronomers saw Venus as a bright orb, and imagined it to be a warm swamp world, much like a younger Earth. But by the early 20 th century, improved instruments and new knowledge of the long Venusian night caused scientists to doubt life could thrive there, despite superficial similarities to Earth in mass, gravity and size.

Probes were launched, beginning with Mariner 2 in 1962, and sent back information that didn’t, all the time, give hope to anyone looking for signs of life. Mariner’s flyby glimpse was enough to reveal Venus’ stifling carbon dioxide atmosphere. Regular volleys of flybys, orbiters, probes and landers followed, notably 1978’s Pioneer mission and 16 different Soviet Venera missions, many of which were predictably destroyed by either the planet’s crushing pressure or infernal temperatures, or some combination of the two. Each mission made the planet appear more foreboding than the last: The Pioneer mission confirmed a dense layer of corrosive sulphuric acid clouds 50 kilometers up, while Magellan in 1994 uncovered lava flows frying the planet’s surface. Yet buried within the glum reports are anomalies in the data that, some now claim, may be the first hidden glimpses of life on and above the planet. 1.

Which of the following is true? (1) Planet Venus is an exact replica of Planet Earth. (2) There is only a vague physical resemblance between Venus and Earth. (3)No twophysical features of Venus and Earth are same. (4) Venus is another Earth in all aspects.


Regarding the planet Venus. (A) its atmosphere is saturated with carbon dioxide. (B) it might have supported life in the past. (C) the atmospheric pressure and temperature seem to be too high for anything to survive. (D) there is evidence of lava flows regularly. (1) Only A and B are true. (2) A, B and D only are true. (3) B, C and D only are true. (4) all the above four statements hold good.


Tag the correct partners: (1) Mariner 2 (A) the surface of Venus (2) Magellan (B) the clouds above Venus (3) Pioneer (C) the atmosphere of Venus.



1–B 2–A 3–C


1–C 2–B 3–A


1–C 2–A 3–B


1–A 2–B 3–C

Paleobiologists may have to look for evidence of life on Venus, (1) on its surface. (2) buried underneath its surface. (3) through probes, arbiters etc. (4) only after establishing the fact that water once existed on its surface.

QUANTITATIVE ABILITY Directions for questions 1 to 6: Select the correct alternative from the given choices. 1. in to

Two trains cross each other in time T, when The faster train completely overtakes the the same direction. If the trains are equal completely overtake the second train, when Tt (1) ---------(2) --------2(T+ t) T+t

they are travelling in opposite directions. slower train in time t if they are travelling length, how long will the faster train take the first one is in rest? T–t

(3) 2.




2Tt T+t

O is the centre of a semicircle on AB as diameter. A circle with centre C is drawn to touch this semicircle and also other semicircles drawn on OA & OB as diameters. Find the radius of circle with centre C if OA = 6. (1) (2) (3) (4)


2 3 3.5 C 4


3. many


13 men and 7 boys can finish a job in 7 days, while 6 boys and 13 women can finish the same job in 6 days. In how days can 1 man, 1 boy and 1 woman working together finish the same job? (1) 42 (2) 54 (3) 21 (4) 63


Find the probability of getting a larger number than the previous number every time, when an unbiased die is thrown three times. (1) 1/18 (2) 15/216 (3) 25/216 (4) 5/54


What does the following graph represent? 5 4 3 0




x2 − k (1) y = x − k , x ≠ k, k is a whole number (2) y = x − k, k is a whole number k−1≤x
Two glasses contain milk and water. In the and in the second glass the ratio of milk and





first glass the ratio of milk to water is 3 : water is reverse of that in first glass.

What part of the mixture from first glass should be drawn out and added to the second glass, so that milk and water will be in equal quantities in the second glass? (1) 1/3 (2) 1/4 (3) 2/5 (4) 1/2 DATA INTERPRETATION Directions for questions 1 to 4: These questions are based on the pie charts given below. WORLD OIL TRADE Percentage shares of oil imports by various countries out of global oil imports (by value) Russia 13%

Iran 14% Iraq 6%

Japan 17%

India 16% USA 25%

Others 9%

Percentage shares of oil exports by various countries out of global oil exports (by value) Iran 20%

USA 9% Russia 16%

Ot hers 14%

Iraq 41%

Total production of oil is worth $1350 billion dollar Total exports = 40% of total value of production. Revenue Surplus = Revenue from Exports – Value of Imports 1.

If 10% of Iraq ’s exports and 40% of Russia ’s exports go to India , with India ’s remaining imports, coming from Iran , what is the worth of the oil that Iran exports to India ? (in billion dollars) (1) 2.97 billion dollars (2) 29.7 billion dollars (3) 297 billion dollars (4) Data insufficient


If 10% of Iran ’s exports and 12.5% of Russia ’s exports go to Japan , what percentage of Japan ’s imports come from Iraq ? (1) 3.17% (2) 7.02% (3) 13% (4) Data Insufficient


The revenue surplus as a percentage of the revenue from exports is highest for which country? (1) Iraq (2) Iran (3) Russia (4) Others


If Iraq exports an additional 123 billion dollars the various countries in the same ratio as global imports then what is the final percentage total global imports? (1) 17% (2) (3) 20.2% (4)

worth of oil, distributing this among their respective percentage shares in share of the imports of Japan out of the 20.87% None of these

DATA SUFFICIENCY Directions for questions 1 to 3: Each question is followed by two statements A and B. You have to decide whether the information provided in the statements insufficient for answering the question. Mark (1)


Mark (2)


Mark (3)


Mark (4)


the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone. the question can be answered by using either statement alone. the question can be answered by using both statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone. the question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.

1. Mickey and Donald are playing a game wherein a coin is tossed and if it turns out to be heads, then Mickey gives Donald half of what he has. Otherwise, Donald gives half of what he has to Mickey. Goofy also wants to join the game, but the rules insist that Goofy can get into the game only if Money with Mickey = Money with Donald = Money with Goofy. Can Goofy play the game? (A) Mickey has Rs.10,000 and Donald has Rs.30,000 to start with. (B) Goofy has Rs.20,000. 2.

X is the tallest amongst the friends X, Y and Z. Who is the shortest? (A) No two friends among X, Y and Z are of the same height. (B) Y is not taller than Z.


Is 5a-6b a multiple of 7? a and b are (A) 3a + 5b is a multiple of 7. (B) 5a + 3b is a multiple of 7.


REASONING Directions for question 1: In the question, there is a main statement followed by four statements A, B, C and D. From the choices, choose the ordered pair where the first statement implies the second statement and the two are logically consistent with the main statement. 1.

I wear a suit only if it is a Monday. (A) I wore a suit today. (B) Today is not a Monday. (C) Today is a Monday. (D) I did not wear a suit today. (1) AB (2) CA (3) BD (4) DC Directions for questions 2 and 3: These questions are based on the information given below. A group of friends plan to visit seven important locations in a city. The locations are Grand Lake , Shah fort, Green Park, the City Museum , Sheesh Mahal, Boudh Temple and Ocean View.

The first three are the locations which are near whereas the last four are far away from the place where the friends stay. (Due to some inevitable reasons, their trip was cut down to only one day so, they planned to visit only four locations not all of them far or near). Their plan was as follows : (1) (2) (3) (4)

If they visit Sheesh Mahal then they also visit the Grand Lake . If they visit Boudh Temple then they don’t visit Ocean view. If they visit the City Museum then they also visit Boudh Temple . If they visit Shah Fort, then they visit Sheesh Mahal.

2. Which of the following locations they cannot visit if they visit the City Museum , Boudh Temple and Grand lake? (1) Ocean View (2) Shah Fort (3) Green Park (4) Sheesh Mahal 3. Which of the following is a wrong combination of locations they visit? (1) Grand Lake , Shah Fort, The City Museum , Boudh Temple . (2) Grand Lake , Green Park , Sheesh Mahal, Boudh Temple . (3) Boudh Temple , Shah Fort, Green Park , Grand Lake . (4) Both (1) and (3). Directions for question 4: Select the correct alternative from the given choices. 4. In the business street of a town, there are five buildings in a row, each of which is occupied by a different company. The total number of floors that five buildings have are 9, 10, 13 and 14 in such a way that all the buildings have different total number of floors except the two buildings which have 13 floors each. Names of the companies which have occupied these buildings are Hutch, Airtel, BPL, BSNL and Tatatel. Sum of the number of floors of two adjacent buildings is 23, in two instances. No two adjacent buildings have the same number of floors. Tatatel, which has 14 floors, is at the extreme left end of the street. The office of Airtel is exactly between the offices of Hutch and BSNL. Neither Hutch nor BSNL is in the building which has 9 floors. What is the number of floors of the building in which Airtel has its office? (1) (3)

13 10

(2) (4)

9 Cannot be determined

Directions for question 5: Select the correct alternative from the given choices. 5. In a head on confrontation with Hindutva, Secularism has some inherent limitations. Secularism is a concept born of civilised, rational discourse. It is gentle, human and accommodative in its approach. In this age of shrill and spicy fare, it is also somewhat bland. It lacks the emotional splendour and missionary zeal of a resurgent ideology. Thus it lacks a springboard to whip up passions. Which of the following most logically follows next and completes the above paragraph. (1) Hindutva on the other hand believes in the age old approach of annihilation and destruction. (2) Hindutva as a concept is based on the premise that individuals need supervision and control and hence require to be dealt with authoritatively. (3) Hindutva on the other hand appeals directly to one's emotions. (4) Secularism involves thinking without bias and prejudice and fomenting good will. GENERAL AWARENESS

Directions for questions 1 to 5: Select the correct alternative from the given choices. 1.

The Second Battle of Panipat in AD1556 was fought between the Mughals and (1) Ibrahim Lodi. (2) Rana Sanga. (3) Sher Shah. (4) Hemu.


In India (1) (2) (3) (4)


In April 2004, Poompuhar, a submerged ancient city was re-discovered off the coast of (1) Tamil Nadu. (2) Orissa. (3) Karnataka. (4) Kerala.

, National Income is computed by Ministry of Finance. Central Statistical Organisation. Planning Commission. Indian Statistical Institute.

4. Which among the following countries has become the throughout its territory? (1) Bhutan (2) Belgium (3) Luxembourg (4) Norway 5.

Which of the following taxes contributes to (1) Corporation tax (2) Excise duty (3) Customs duty (4) Income tax





20% of total government revenue?

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