MODEL PRACTICAL QUESTION 1. Write a shell script to find area of triangle. 2. Write a shell script to find area of rectangle. 3. Write a shell script to read a number less than 50 and display its square. 4. Write a shell script to find the given number is odd or even. 5. Write a shell script to implement odd number generation. 6. Write a shell script to implement even number generation. 7. Write a shell script to implement prime number generation. 8. Write a shell script to find whether the given number is prime or not. 9. Write a shell script to find whether the given number is Armstrong number or not. 10. Write a shell script to implement the Armstrong number generation. 11. Write a shell script to read the marks of 5 subjects from user and calculate the average. 12. Write a shell script to print the Fibonacci series. 13. Write a shell script to find whether a given character is vowel or constant. 14. Write a shell script for a menu driven calculator. 15. Write a shell script to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not. 16. Write a shell script to check whether the given two strings are equal. 17. Write a shell script to concatenate two strings using cut command. 18. Write a shell script to copy a string. 19. Write a shell script to reverse a string. 20. Write a shell script to convert string in to uppercase. 21. Write a shell script to convert string in to lowercase. 22. Write a shell script to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. 23. Write a shell script to find whether the given year is a leap year or not. 24. Write a shell script to find the greatest of two numbers. 25. Write a shell script to find the greatest of three numbers. 26. Write a shell script to implement Factorial. 27. Write a shell script to print the elements in an array. 28. Write a shell script to reverse the elements in an array. 29. Write a shell script to print the sum of the elements in an array. 30. Write a shell script to find the length of the string. 31. Write a shell script to print the sum of n natural numbers. 32. Write a shell script to print the sum of odd numbers of n natural numbers. 33. Write a shell script to print the sum of even numbers of n natural numbers. 34. Write a shell script to print the sum of squares of n natural numbers. 35. Write a shell script to search an element in an array. 36. Write a shell script to sort the elements in an array. 37. Write a shell script to date time and username of the system. 38. Write a shell script to check the two numbers are equal or not. 39. Write a shell script to count the number of occurrences of given element in a string. 40. Write a shell script to replace a character in a string given a another character. 41. Write a shell script to replace a character in a string given a position and another character. 42. Write a shell script to display the cube of the given number.