
  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 17
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Yahoo! Mail
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-1) { doGotIt(); } } } else { dontGotIt(); } } else { if (browser_string.indexOf("Windows")>=0) { doGotIt(); document.write(''); document.write(''); } } hasMsgr = 0; function dontGotIt(){ hasMsgr = 0; document.login_form.hasMsgr.value=0; } function doGotIt(){ hasMsgr = 1; document.login_form.hasMsgr.value=1; } function setFocus() { var aAcceptableInputTypes = Array("checkbox", "password", "radio", "selectone", "select-multiple", "text", "textarea"); curEl = document.login_form.login; curElType = curEl.type; /* focus first form input element */ if (aAcceptableInputTypes.inArray(curElType)) { curEl.focus(); } else { document.login_form.passwd.focus(); } } Array.prototype.inArray = function (value) { /* for each element in the array */ for (var idx = 0; idx < this.length; idx++) { /* compare requested value with the current element. Match identical (===), not just similar (==) */ if (this[idx] === value) { // it is the same return true; } } /* not found */ return false; }; function checkPw(listen, check){ listen.onclick = function(){ if(check.value === ''){ if(document.getElementById('noPwErr') == null){ document.login_form.passwd.focus(); var fieldset = document.getElementsByTagName('fieldset')[0]; var errMsg = document.createElement('div'); errMsg.className = 'yregertxt'; = 'noPwErr'; = 'bold'; errMsg.innerHTML = 'Please verify your password'; fieldset.insertBefore(errMsg, fieldset.firstChild); } return false; } return true; } } checkPw(document.getElementsByName('.save')[0], document.getElementById('passwd'));

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