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Final Marketing Product Report: SleepPad A report submitted to Professor Arundhati Bhattacharya

In partial fulfilment of requirements of the course

Marketing Management


Group D12

Pranay Dhone (188179) Rahul Giri (188188) Sanjeev Mahach (188211) Vaibhav Verma (188263) Section D On 10-09-2018

TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………......…….4 2. Situational Analysis...……….………………………………………………...…........4  Market Summary  Market Demographic  Market needs  Market Trends  Technological environment 3. SWOT analysis………………………………………………………………………. 6 4. Competition……...…………………………………………………………………... 7 5. Product offering…………………………………………………………………….... 7 6. Key to success…………………………………………………………………...….... 7 7. Critical Issue ……………………………………………………………………........ 8 8. Marketing strategy………………………………………………………….…..……. 8 a. Mission b. Marketing Objective c. Branding Strategy 9. Brand Mantra ……..……………………………………………………………......... 10 10. Points of difference and points of Parity……………………………………………... 10 11. Communication Strategy …………………………………………………………...... 10 12. Marketing mix …..………………………………………………………….…………11 13. Brand Equity…………………………………………………………………………..12 14. Sales Promotion…………………………………………………………………….…14 15. Consumer Marketing Channels ……………………………………………………… 14 16. Pricing Strategy ……………………………………………………………………… 15 17. References …………………………………………………………………………… 19


Executive Summary: In this competitive era where people are working for 16 to 18 hr per day, hardily manage to complete their sleep and whatever sleep they are getting that is not a good quality sleep, not only this, there are people above 5 years and because of certain medical issues they are not able to get a good quality sleep. SleepPad is the latest innovated technology loaded pillow which plays music at a frequency which helps to provide a quality sleep, even short duration sleep with SleepPad will provide you complete relaxation. According to a study there is a large chunk of population who is sleep deprived, falling in the age group of 5 years and above. Working professions of tier1 and tier2 cities are also in this category. We are going to target this audience initially. There are certain products available in the market to provide you comfort and relaxed sleep, but this product stands for its technology which help you to get quality sleep in short duration. There is no such product currently in the Indian market. There are certain strengths which this product carries such as this is a one-time investment product which will be used by the customers on the daily basis, this is a health-based product etc. There are certain weakness also such as this is a new product, there is low awareness about this in the market, it is going to demand high investment initially. It has also opportunities like a huge target market and low competition in same sector. The direct and indirect competitors for this products are sleeping pills, pillow wedge, customized matrices, head massage oil, fitness and yoga. There are 3 categories in this product range namely Slim Support Pillow, Medium Support Pillow and Firm Support Pillow. All of these going to contain different qualities and going to cater different requirements according to your sleep pattern. This product is going to be positioned as superior quality product with its cutting-edge technology. The pillow will be washable and hypoallergenic with smooth pillow cover. Brand Mantra for this product has been decided using emotional modifier, descriptive modifier and brand function, which is Care Comfort Relax. Our first need is to establish our company in the category of heath and emotional wellness. The marketing mixes which we are going to adopt are advertising, which includes print media and electronic media, event and experiences, online and social media marketing and personal selling techniques. We are using brand elements like logo, jingle and spokesperson to create brand equity. 2

This is a new and technical product so price for this product has been kept which will qualify the minimum pricing level and will not exceed a maximum perceived value. A complete analysis of price elasticity will help to determine the exact demand in the market. The most suitable pricing method in the case of this product will be Perceived-Value Pricing. Adopting this method initially will try to repackage best sleeping experience on a price which will occupy a premium position in the consumer’s mind. Pricing strategy must be continuously developing process. This must be improved after the establishment of good brand equity, knowing and analysing the consumer responses.


1. Introduction: SleepPad is a start-up that offers pillows with a technology that helps the user to increase the quality of sleep he/she gets. The pillow plays soft music through vibration that is developed based on the latest sleep research findings, including the core aspects of tempo, frequency, nature sound and brain wave activity while sleeping. This process stimulates the nervous system’s relaxation response, making it easier to slow down and help the user sleep peacefully. SleepPad can be used by people of all ages, who have a disruptive sleep pattern. It also helps to reduce night terrors, problem like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism in children. 2. Situational Analysis: A recent study has shown that Indians are one of the poorest sleepers in the world, clocking in an average of 6.55 hours a day, which is far lower than the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep


(Jenarius, 2017). About 93 percent of people in India are sleep deprived [2] (IANS, 2009), getting less than 8 hours of sleep they need in a day. Lack of sleep results in the degradation of sleep quality, which reduces the efficiency of an individual. This is mostly observed with the people involved in high-stress jobs and with more and more people slated to enter the workforce in the next five years, the efficiency of the workforce is bound to deteriorate. The situation calls for a product that helps improve the quality of whatever duration of sleep one can afford. a. Market Summary: SleepPad has clear idea about its target market and sleeping problems faced by its target customers. The company will use this information to gauge the need for the product as well as how SleepPad can serve them in a better way. b. Market Demographics The profile of SleepPad customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behavioural factors: Geographic:  The target customers are people from Tier I cities and Tier II cities in India. However, this product can be used by anyone regardless of region one belongs.  SleepPad is targeting 93% population in cities, which is sleep deprived as per a survey by Philips. Demographic: 4

 Age group of 18-25, who are college students or who are pursuing an academic degree or course. Users in this group are exposed to academic rigour and stress, and many of them are prone to sleep deprivation. The life of many students, late night sleeping, eating habits, add to a lack of quality of sleep  Age group of 26-60, who are classified as working adults. This group experiences most of the sleep-related problem due to stress (Job, family etc.), corporate/company culture (e.g. IT companies) and fast-moving city life. The health problems like hypertension, diabetes, depression, heart attack that are caused due to sleep loss are prevalent in this age group.  Age group 5-18, who are suffering from diseases like ADHD, autism and high level of anxiety etc. Behavioural factors:  Users prefer the quality of sleep to reduce stress and other related problem.  Users are willing to spend money to improve the quality of their sleep with equipment or therapies without side effects  Users actively try to find new ways to improve their quality of sleep

c. Market Needs: Sleep deprivation and quality-less sleep are widespread among Indians in tier 1 and tier 2 cities. SleepPads provides quality sleep solution to adults with stressful life, insomnia, sleep-related movement disorders and children with autism, trauma and high level of anxiety. Users need a product that does not affect their health, which provides more than physical sleeping comfort, which relaxes their mind and energizes them even with few hours of sleep. d. Market Trends: There is very low availability of such product in the market and this product is not restricted to any one particular region, or age group. This product aims to improve the sleep quality of small duration so the corporate professionals or people having work time of more than 12 hrs a day will be the target customers for this product. SleepPad will also be useful for children with high levels of anxiety, night terrors, including those with trauma and autism. This product is also going to be useful for therapeutic purposes, helping patients suffering from high level of anxiety, including those with trauma and autism, providing undisruptive sleep to these patients. Hence, this product will find its use in a large number of hospitals and clinics. 5

Travellers can be another group of customers for this product. A recent survey of travellers revealed that majority of them struggle to get a good night’s sleep in a new place. SleepPad can help address this issue of such travellers by helping them relax and sleep.

3. SWOT: 1. Strength 1. One-time investment product which can be used regularly by the customers, so this will provide high return value for money 2. Health based product, so there will be an advantage while promoting the product 3. Highly Durable product 4. Strong research and quality control department of the company 5. Unique technology integrated with most commonly used product i.e. pillow 6. No direct competition in terms of technology 2. Weakness 1. The awareness of this product is very low in the market because of which there will be high cost for the promotion of the product. 2. This product is going to cost high because of the advanced technology it uses, so there is a chance that the product will be limited to upper and upper middle class. 3. Since this is a soft product loaded with technology, there will be a high cost of maintenance for the company. 4. The company is in nascent stage, thus weak supply chain and market presence are one of its weaknesses. 5. Lack of efficient intermediaries 3. Opportunities 1. This product caters to the sleep needs of all age group, so target market is huge. 2. Because of the uniqueness of the product, there will be low competition in the market. 4. Threats 1. Healthy people can think that this product will become habit for them to get quality sleep. 2. In the future, it is possible that new companies will be there so potential competition will be expected.




 Sleeping Pills: It increases drowsiness and helps people sleep. They are easily available and cheaper.  Pillow Wedge: A wedge on the bed that provides a subtle incline that raises the upper body. It helps in relief from the symptoms of snoring, sinus congestion, and heartburn and helps the user to have a sound sleep.  Customized Mattress: It reduces the pressure points on your body that avoids the interruption in sleep. It is easily available in market.  Head massage oil and related massage products: The products which provide body relaxation such as massage oil, head massage etc. will be an indirect competition to our product.  Fitness and yoga: This exercise provides mind and body relaxation, any company or website providing such services or equipment for the same will be competing with us in the health and emotional wellness category.  Foreign countries with similar technologies: Similar technology is being used in European countries as well as in America to help reducing the sleep related problems. Their entry into Indian market will be future competition to SleepPad.

5. Product offering:  The first product is called Slim Support Pillow (SSP) with SleepPad technology, which is ideal for kids or people who prefer thin, low-soft pillow. The user can even slide SSP under his/her pillow and enjoy the SleepPad sound.  The second product is Medium Support Pillow (MSP) with SleepPad technology, which is the perfect combination of comfort and support. It is of medium density; soft, lush and flexible enough for stomach, side and back sleepers.  The last product is Firm Support Pillow (FSP) with SleepPad technology, which is densely filled, more suitable for side and back sleepers who wants more support.

6. Key to Success: The keys to success are effectively addressing a potential need of a customer through innovative technology and design, creating a market demand and then achieving the same. Additionally,


SleepPad must strive to ensure customer satisfaction through its offering and after-sales service. If these keys to success are met, SleepPad will be a profitable and sustainable venture. 7. Critical Issues: SleepPad, being a start-up, faces critical issues such as:  Establishing itself as a premier company in healthcare domain  Constantly innovating their technology with changing consumer needs  Monitoring consumer satisfaction  Preparing growth strategy that will ensure market consolidation, without compromising service and satisfaction levels 8. Marketing Strategy: a. Mission: To make a difference in lives of people by providing them best relaxing experience through innovations b. Marketing objectives:  Build brand awareness  Become one of the top 5 brands in our industry  Enhance customer relationship  Build strong supply chain network  Achieve 20% market share in this industry  Improve internal communication

c. Branding strategy Positioning: I.

Type of positioning a. Quality positioning We will position our product as superior quality product. In addition to our cutting-edge technology, we will also use soft cushion material, smooth pillow cover and pleasing colour to add more value to the product. The pillow of measure 12X22X2 in will be used which will be easily washable, will be removed easily and hypoallergenic. We will also provide the option of


waterproof pillow case if needed. We will use a good quality audio player with standard headphone jack of 3.5 mm. We will use high quality transducers which are core part of our product. We will keep the quality of our product high and we will devise the pricing strategy accordingly. We will try to promote our attention to quality of our product via our advertisement as this will be one of the most important factors in our positioning strategy. b. Value positioning SleepPad provides enhances relaxing experience by the help of technology which helps user to increase quality of sleep one gets. It may help in creating happiness in lives of people who are stressed or troubled due to lack of sleep. Also, the product will help children who experience night terrors, thus improving their state of mind. Thus, we will use value positioning strategy highlighting the difference made by the product in the lives of people. We will stress on the benefits of the product which different users are experiencing. We will also use reports by various research lab supporting the claim made by us. We will use comments and recommendation of psychologists in our advertisement to strongly imprint our image on consumer’s mind. c. Benefit positioning This will be the addition to value positioning where we will stress upon the benefits received by the customer. The mission of our company is to provide best relaxing experience, we will try to design our advertisement campaign such as way that it will unambiguously promote the benefits of our product. Our unique selling point is added value and benefits in the lives of people who are not able to have quality sleep due to various reasons. Thus, benefit positioning becomes very important. d. Demographic and geographic positioning: The last part will be demographic and geographic positioning where positioning is done considering a target customer in various regions and age. In this type of positioning, it becomes very important to know who your target audience is, and this product can be useful to both male and female. We will position our product in Tier I and Tier II cities as our product will be priced little bit high. Also, we will position this product for age group of 18-60 and 6-18 years differently as the benefits to both segments are different.


9. Brand Mantra:

Care Comfort Relax

10. Points of Difference and Points of Parity: The product is itself is main POD for our company. In India, it is first of its kind product which is using technological innovation to solve sleeping problem. Also, our product provides conform and relax i.e. sleeping pillow with additional benefits. Also, the technology used in the product is new and unique. It transducer the vibration to inner ear, bypassing the outer ear which creates the music inside the ear. Also, the music is specially designed by scientist which is specially designing to stimulate the relaxing response from the brain. The design of the product is like most of the sleeping pillow available in the market. The product’s aesthetic is similar to sleeping pillows available in the market. 11. Communication Strategy:  Identifying the target customersThe target customer is of age group five and above. Children who are suffering from ADHD, autism or have high level of anxiety, students who are exposed to academic rigor and stress and have irregular sleep cycle, working professionals who are unable to maintain balance between job and family get stressed a lot which affects their quality of sleep and professional who have rotational shift also lack quality sleep. Quantity of sleep reduces with growing age, so the old age people can use to get energized with the limited amount of time they sleep. Demographically, the target audience will be of Tier I and Tier II cities, where the life style has a lot of night life which results in irregular sleep. People with severe medical condition can also access the product. So, the main motive is to use different communication mix to cover all targets at the initial stage.  Setting the Communication ObjectivesIn hierarchy-of-effects there are four set of objectives depending on various stage of the company or the product. Our objective will be to establish need for the category among our target audience who are using other substitute like sleeping pills and customised mattress. The product will have social approval and sensory gratification. We will also set building brand as our objective along with establishing needs of the product.


 Designing the communicationTo reach maximum target audience we have used a logo which will clearly define our message for the audience, a jingle to attract more audience and increase the retention period of our ad in audience’s mind and a spokesperson who will be our message source. Our message will have informational appeal as the product is new in the market.  Selecting the Communication ChannelCommunication will take place by both personal communication channels and non-personal (mass) communications channels. Personal communication will be done by doctors and mass communication through different media channels such as 12. Selecting the Marketing Communication MixSince SleepPad is a new product in the market so it requires informational appeal to implement creative strategy. To reach maximum audience we will use more than two communication tool. These communication tools should also have substitutability among themselves to coordinate the marketing function. Available communication tools


(Kotler & Keller, Designing and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communications, 2018) are: 1. Advertising 2. Sales Promotion 3. Events and Experiences 4. Public Relations and Publicity 5. Online and Social Media Marketing 6. Mobile Marketing 7. Direct and Database Marketing 8. Personal Selling We will select advertising, events and experiences, personal selling online and social media marketing techniques to promote our product. Advertising: - It includes print media, display media, electronic media, and network media. Advertising has pervasiveness, so it will help in informational appeal as the product is new in the market and the customer needs to be made aware of the product. Television advertisement and print media like newspaper ads will be our main product promoting media. 11

Events and Experiences: - Events are organised to cater a specific target audience and it is the easiest way to present our product to a concentrated target audience. Events like Psychiatric conference, events organised by NGOs, World Sleep Society, Sleep sessions etc. are the places where our target audience will be present in high number. Online and Social Media Marketing: - The internet penetration in India is around 500 million and with 460 million from urban area, where our target audience is concentrated. So it is the best way to reach maximum target audience just by creating a message and diffusing it through social media. The advertisement will be informative and interactive, with regular updates in the message of the advertisement. Personal Selling: - It creates a relationship with the customer and the product can be customised according to the need of the customer. Doctors and Pharmacist can recommend SleepPad to people with sleeping issues. It is the most effective way to get quality feedback of our product at personal level. 13. Brand Equity: To make SleepPad an indispensable part of our target customer’s lives, we will differentiate it from other sleep improving products by using brand elements like a) Logo

We will use the logo of a pillow to describe our product as it is meaningful and has aesthetic appeal. The logo shows a man sleeping on SleepPad, the smile on his face shows 12

satisfaction and gives an aesthetic appeal. All the stress and tiredness of the person is relieved when he sleeps on the SleepPad, It also shows our major target audience that is middle aged working man who gets very less time to sleep and has to look after his family and job. This pillow energizes him in the limited time he sleeps on the pillow. b) Jingle: Jingle will help in retaining the brand in audience’s mind. Our jingle is " Soyenge hum chain se saari raat ,kyuki thaam liya humne SleepPad Ka hath", which means now we will sleep peacefully,because we have brought SleepPad.This Jingle is informative as it gives very specific knowledge of what the product suplies to the customer. Also the indian customer will be able to relate the jingle as it is in their local language., because it is very catchy, and it will strike anyone when he/she is not able to sleep. c) Spokesperson: The sleep of baby is always of quality, without any trouble and it has an aesthetic appeal. The spokesperson clearly transfers the message to the audience, so they will feel that they are in sync with the spokesperson. The product will give a sleeping experience similar to that of a sleep of a baby. Audience will also relate to peace and softness which reflects on the face of a baby. SleepPad will provide you appropriate ambience which a baby has.


14. Sales Promotion Strategy We have selected the following Sales Promotion Tools [1] for the consumers: 1. Product Warranties: We will provide explicit or implicit promises to our customers that our product will satisfy their need and it will perform as specified. If the product fails in any of these departments, we would refund the consumer’s money or rectify the product during the specified period. We will give warranty of six months. 2. Tie in with Mattress suppliers: We would include prominent mattress suppliers/manufacturers in our sales promotion strategy. We would use coupons, refunds and contests to increase the pulling power. 3. Point-of-Purchase (P-O-P) Displays and Demonstrations: Using POP display and demonstration at shopping malls, retail stores and Furniture stores would increase the brand visibility and help in building brand equity. 4. Cross Promotions: We would use top mattress brands like Sleepwell, Kurl-On, Neelkamal etc. to advertise our product. 15. Consumer Marketing Channels We would be using 2-level Consumer Marketing Channel to facilitate the reach of our product to our final consumers. It includes two intermediaries - Wholesaler and Retailer. Selection of these intermediaries is very critical as they represent the company to the consumers. If there is any goof up by any of the intermediaries towards the consumer end, company’s image will take a serious hit. And being an entry level entity, we cannot afford that. So, selection of our intermediaries become very crucial part of Consumer Marketing Channel. We would use following criteria to zero in on our potential intermediaries that constitute our marketing channel: 1. Number of Years in Business – The intermediary has to be experienced in the business. An experienced wholesaler or retailer would be able to handle unforeseen circumstances that has the potential to generate negative perception at the consumer end, thus keeping the brand image of our product intact. 14

2. Growth / Profit Record and financial strength – Previous financial record says a lot about the image of an intermediary in the market. An efficient intermediary would have widespread presence in the market and would increase the reach of our product to our end consumers. A good financial record will be a testimony to the intermediary’s influence in the market. 3. Service Reputation – An intermediary with good service reputation will again have a say in influencing consumer choices and improving our brand equity. After selecting our intermediaries based on above criteria, effort needs to be put in imparting training and motivating our channel members. The first step would be to determine their needs and wants and maneuver our channel offerings to satisfy them and provide them with superior value. Secondly, we would be implementing training sessions, along with market research and other capability-building programs to motivate the intermediaries and improve their performance. Finally, there needs to be a proper communication that establishes the intermediaries as crucial partners in a joint effort to satisfy the end users of the product. E – Commerce Marketing We would be using E – Commerce platforms to reach even remotely situated consumers. We have chosen and, two e – commerce giants in India, to promote our product online. These online sites are pure-click companies who focus on customer satisfaction. We would offer our product at a price 10 % lower than the retail price and with a 15-day return / replacement policy to attract consumers and would encourage them to give feedback about the product on the respective website’s feedback forum in return for free goodies like cash coupons, gift card etc. 16. Pricing strategy In this era where people are moving towards different products such as sleeping pills, customized matrices, pillow wedge etc to get a short but comfortable sleep, it become very crucial to include all factors which can impact consumer psychology. A fast-moving internet era, where price comparison is just a matter of seconds, it become very important to determine appropriate pricing strategy which could complement consumer psychology as well as organizational profit. This is a product which demands one-time investment which can be in the favour of determining the product price.


 Price Setting A productive price setting strategy is an iterative and sequenced process which involves certain steps followed by a feedback loop

a) Setting price objective: The objective of pricing is to bring the product to the top preference arena of customers who are seeking comfort in their life through sound sleep. This brand should project itself as an affordable luxury in the consumer’s mind. Thus, we are creating such pricing strategy which will qualify the lower pricing boundary and will not exceed the max perceived value. Quality in product leadership is something which will be achieved by pricing objective

b) Estimating demand: Today in India 93% of population is sleep deprived [4] (Deka, 2015) and 5% of Indians are suffering from sleeping disorders [5] (Sinha, 2012). To complete their sleeping needs people are moving towards the supplements which have dangerous side effects in long run so introducing such product, which have no side effect, is going to create a big demand in the market. A complete analysis of price elasticity will help to determine the exact demand in the market.

c) Estimating costs: The new establishment is going to demand a higher investment in the beginning which is going to reduce once the equity of brand will be established. Primary cost breakup will contain following heads: 1. Manufacturing Cost 2. Distribution Cost 3. Cost in Integrated Marketing Communications (Cost in advertising, events and experiences, online and social media marketing and personal selling) 4. Research and Development Cost 5. Other operational expenses 6. Cost of employees These are the initial costs which will be there apart from it there will be investment in


property, plant and equipment to initiate manufacturing. After the establishment of the whole network other costs will be reduced.

d) Selecting pricing model: The most suitable pricing method in the case of this product will be Perceived-Value Pricing. Adopting this method initially will try to repackage best sleeping experience on a price which will occupy a premium position in the consumer’s mind. It will be made up of various inputs, such as product performance, warranty quality, channel deliverables and customer support also on some softer attributes like reputation of supplier and esteem [6] (Kotler & Keller, Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs, 2018). To get these attributes there will be requirement of quality understanding of target audience which can provide a price point which will match with perceived value.

 Final price Pricing strategy must be continuously developing process. This must be improved after the establishment of good brand equity, knowing and analysing the consumer responses 17. Way Forward: Considering that initial year targets of the company are met; plans can be made to improve the company’s supply chain. Marketing budget can be increased to promote brand more aggressively in order to make a place in the minds of consumer. Then we could plan to put product in most of the retail stores and big chains in various cities. Also, advertisement budget can be increased to spread the brand awareness. 18. Contingency planning: There are various risks, which are involved while launching this product as well as after launch of this product. The contingency plan for such risks is as below: 1. Price unacceptability by consumers: We will not rush into any decision if initially customers are not buying product because of its price. We will continue with our marketing activities and wait for the results. If after a long period, we find that consumers are unwilling to accept this price, price strategy can be revised. 2. Potential competitor entries: There are two types to this category, first are foreign companies which are using similar technology in their respective countries, second, new 17

companies copying the innovation. For first type of threat, we will use our local advantage to gain upper hand. If we feel that our budget is not enough to compete with competitors marketing plan, we will go for the collaboration. For second threat, we will have early bird advantage, we will try to market our product initially so that we make impact on consumers mind. Initially, we will spend good amount of money on advertisement. 3. Negative comments on e-commerce website: We will set-up a team to deal with such type of negative marketing. The team will try to address the problem of the user as soon as possible and whenever a user puts such comment of famous e-commerce website, an automatic reply will be given on that comment.


References Deka, J. (2015, March 13). World Sleep Day: 93% Indians are sleep-deprived . Retrieved from IANS. (2009, December 15). Majority of Indians are sleep deprived, says survey. Retrieved from Jenarius, R. G. (2017, March 17). A Recent World Sleep Pattern Ranking Reveals That Indians Are Sleep Deprived Compared To Countries Like New Zealand. Retrieved from Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2018). Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications. In P. Kotler, & K. L. Keller, Marketing Management (pp. 554-555). Noida: Pearson. Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2018). Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs. In P. Kotler, & K. L. Keller, Marketing Management (p. 516). Noida: Pearson. Sinha, K. (2012, August 03). 5% Indians suffering from sleep disorders: Study . Retrieved from


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