Mku Campus Rover

  • October 2019
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Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education


A M t K e n ya U n i v e r s i t y N e w s l e t t e r

Pomp and dance as varsity is launched

Higher Education Assistant Minister, Dr Kilemi Mwiria (centre) is helped by Mrs Jane Gathoni to cut a cake baked in the shape of Mt Kenya . Looking on is Mr Simon Gicharu (right) and the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Stanley Waudo (extreme left)

Mt Kenya University becomes a reality


here was pomp and dance as Mt Kenya University was officially launched on June 6, 2008. Thousands of Kenyans from all walks of life thronged the university’s playfield to witness the birth of a privately-funded university that is tipped to revolutionalise higher education in Kenya.

Various groups entertained the guests who included government dignitaries, politicians and parents. The staff of the new university went overdrive to ensure everything went on well and smoothly as planned. They were seen busy ushering visitors, serving bottles of water as the guests followed proceedings of the event.

Various groups including Kayamba Africa, Day Star University, Kenyatta University and Mt Kenya University choir performed during the historic event. Kenyatta University Dance Troupe and and Daystar University Choir left the audience in stitches with their hilarious dance and song respectively that bordered on com-

edy. Backed by Administration Police Band, before the ceremony started, members of staff and students made a procession along Thika Town that virtually brought business into a momentary standstill. On arrival, Higher Education Sci-

What becoming a university means


he journey to becoming a university has been long and torturous. Finally the Government of Kenya, through the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) approved the proposal to establish Mt Kenya University and awarded a Letter of Interim Authority on May 29, 2008. This culminated in the official launch of the university a week later, on June 6, 2008. After four years, the university will be ready for the grant of a Charter by the Head of State and start enjoying the benefits of other international universities. Deserving students can now approach the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) for loans to fund their studies at Mt Kenya University. The university has taken over all the programmes that were being offered by its precursor, Thika Institute of Technology. The new university now has powers granted by the Government to mount degree, diploma and certificate programmes, examine and issue certificates. However, Mt Kenya University has decided to continue collaborating with JKUAT in offering degree programmes in Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor Medical Laboratory Sciences. Some diploma programmes will continue being examined by Kenya National Examinations Council and KASNEB. Mt Kenya University now has the Government mandate to offer self quality assurance on all its programmes through training, teaching, research and examination. The university will also be accountable to the quality of graduates it will be churning out with certificates, diplomas, bachelors degrees, masters as well as PhDs. Mt Kenya University is now mandated to initiate and enter collaborations with both local and foreign institutions in teaching, training, student and staff exchange programmes as well as research. The university will be run on a day-to-day by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the university council.

Contacts: General Kago Road, P.O. Box 342-01000, Thika Kenya Tel. +254-20-2088310/2050313/4 +254-67 24285 Fax: +254 020 2050315 Cell: +254 0720790796 Email: [email protected], Web:


JULY 2008

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education

MKU to mount “virtual banking” programme

M The chief guest and other dignitaries couldn’t resist to dance to the tune of well blended music pelted by Kayamba Africa

Cont. Pg 2

ence and Technology Assistant Minister, Dr Kilemi Mwiria, toured science labs and officially opened the university library. Accompanied by the Board of Trustees Chairman, Mr Simon Gicharu, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Stanley Waudo and Commission for Higher Education Secretary, Prof Everret Standa, the minister proceeded to tour the ultra-modern facility which he hailed as a masterpiece. Dr Kilemi who was the chief guest at the function, commended Mt Kenya University for deciding to offer medical and science and technology programmes, disciplines the country needs most in its drive to achieve Vision 2030. The minister noted that it was refreshing to see a private university taking the bull by the horns by introducing sciences and technology programmes others have shied away from. I hope that MKU will grow to become a world-class university and play in the league of Havard and Stanford universities in the United States. He appealed to Kenyan parents to first ensure no university places are available in both public and private institutions

before sending their children to study in foreign universities. “In fact our institutions offer world-class education of very high standards when compared with some foreign universities,” said the minister. The MKU Chancellor, Dr Victoria Wulsin said she will support efforts to internationalise MKU including partnerships, research, staff and student exchange programmes.

“I will be more than willing to support initiatives meant to increase and strengthen MKU’s international collaborations with like-minded institutions. I am sure MKU and others it shall choose to collaborate with shall share their comparative advantage in research. Staff and student exchange programmes will also be encouraged so as to share both learning and research experiences to improve humanity,” said the Chancellor.

Government Chief Whip and Juja MP, Mr George Thuo, said the new university’s spillover effects will greatly transform the face of Thika Town as well as help it regain its lost glory. “Jobs will be created and market for farm products will be expanded. The challenge is for the Thika Town Council to provide water, roads, sewage and other services to attract more investors,” said the Government Chief Whip. Mt Kenya University has made history as Kenya’s first private institution to mount science and technology programmes. The management is laying the ground to offer both diploma and degree programmes in medicine, pharmacy, medical laboratory sciences, medical engineering, business information technology, business management science, clinical medicine,among others. The university has inherited all certificate, diploma and degree programmes formally offered by its precursor, Thika Institute of Technology. Degree programmes in pharmacy and medical laboratory sciences will be mounted as soon as CHE completes the validation process on the same. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Stanley Waudo says more academic staff are being recruited to teach the soon-to-be approved degree programmes by CHE.

t Kenya University (MKU) in collaboration with the SwissContact East Africa Financial Services will in August introduce a virtual banking programme. “There is nothing ‘virtual” about a virtual bank. There are real customers, real money, real success and real failures, explains Ms Veronique Su, the SwissContact regional programme manager. She says the model financial institution (virtual firm) has successfully been implemented in Kosovo and has equipped the youth with relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience that enable them to easily access self and formal employment. “In Kenya, we have established that there is a missing link between theoretical training and the world of work. Trainees from learning institutions do not access jobs easily as they cannot fit in the job market due to lack of industrial exposure. This forces firms to spend a great deal of resources for recruitment and induction,” explains Su. She says the present financial institutions cannot cope with providing required industrial attachment for trainees to fit in the professional work adding that the few who secure attachment are not given holistic training as it’s not part of the financial institutions’ core business to train. Furthermore, due to the sensitivity of financial institutions’ information, trainees may not be exposed to real work environment. And it is specifically in this area between academia and entrepreneurship that Mt Kenya University has successfully carved its niche. This is illustrated by the fact that the Advanced Certificate in Micro-finance Programme to be offered in the form of virtual banking is designed to produce entrepreneur graduates and not simply people prepared for existing job markets. The first intake of students for a certificate in micro-finance is scheduled to take place in August. The curriculum for the programme was jointly developed between Swisscontact and MKU staff. “We live in a society that increasingly demands

not only academic education but also practical professional skills. Also, the growing number of the youth in this country needs a perspective with which to build themselves a living, not only as employees but increasingly also as entrepreneurs, says the MKU Vice-Chancellor, Prof Stanley Waudo. Prof Waudo says MKU will definitely deviate from the traditional classroom teaching methodologies and adopt a holistic approach that will impart different skills both technical, social and personal which bring a mindset change of trainees to professional thinkers. The VC is challenging employers to partner with learning institutions in developing customised curriculum to suit their personnel needs. According to Waudo, this programme will will provide increased training opportunities for the increasing number of school leavers to enable them to be selfsupporting. It will also provide practical skills and attitude which will lead to income-generating activities in the urban and rural areas through self-employment or wage employment. The virtual model financial institution will encompass simulation of trading processes, learning by doing, teaching by guiding and performing real business procedures such as credit management, loan delinquency evaluation and other processes. “The model will give a chance to students to learn practically how real financial institutions such as Saccos, Micro-finance institutions, banks, financial community-based organisations operate, skills that are not found in one single programme offered in Kenyan universities and middle-level colleges,” explains Su. Among the courses offered in the programme include accounting for small and medium-size enterprises, legal aspects in micro-finance, evolution and paradigm shift in micro-finance, resource mobilisation, entrepreneurship development skills, financial management, ICT in business management, among others.

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education JULY 2008


Academic excellence is our priority T

Prof Waudo, Vice-Chancellor

hika Institute of Technology (TIT), the precursor of MKU, has left a legacy in regard to academic resources and reputation in cocurricular activities. MKU will build on the TIT achievements. I pay tribute to the staff and management of the former TIT for their untiring efforts that have culminated in the establishment of MKU. Translating knowledge into market-oriented skills and competencies is a prerequisite for discoveries, innovations and inventions. We all know that discoveries, innovations and inventions are the foundation of knowledge economy. It is, therefore, necessary that scientific and technological thought be applied in socio-economic

development processes to facilitate industrialization as envisaged in the vision 2030. In spite of the importance of science and technology in knowledge economy growth processes, training opportunities in these areas are limited resulting in a national manpower shortage. It is encouraging to note that the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, in spite of the high investment requirement, is committed to supporting training in science and technology, and build a training culture that will produce innovative and creative graduates who will be capable of spearheading the growth of national economy. Partnership with the public and private sector will play a major role in resource mobilisation.

We are gratified that the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) has validated the Bachelor of Business and Information Technology degree programme. The Commission is in the process of validating degree programmes in Pharmacy, Business Management Science and Medical Laboratory Sciences. The four programmes are supposed to be offered in phase I of the university ten-year strategic plan. We believe that MKU’s capacity to build human capacity will be enhanced by offering diverse programmes. Degree programmes identified for offer in Phase II of the university ten-year strategic plan include Medical Engineering, Medicine, Community Health, Animal Health and Production among others.

Chancellor pledges full support


Dr Victoria Wells Wulsin, MD, DrPH, Chancellor

Vision To be an African role model in training, research and innovation in applied science and technology. Mission Attain world-class standards in training, research and innovation for sustainable individual prosperity and social development.

was unable to attend the launch because of my obligations to the people of Ohio, where I am campaigning to be their United States Congresswoman. However, I was represented by my colleague at Soteni International and longtime friend Mrs Randie Marsh. I trust MKU will grow into a first class, internationally-renowned educational institution of higher learning. I am one of the founders of Soteni Kenya. Soteni comes from the Swahili words “sisi sote: ” all of us. All of us together can work to end this horrible scourge devastating our villages, our towns, our cities, and our families. HIV/ Aids has taken too many of our loved ones, too many of our leaders, too many of our brothers, too many of our daughters, to stop now.We must work – all of us – together to end this epidemic. Together, we can. Soteni began right here in Kenya, not far from Thika. It was formed by Kenyans from Bungoma, from Kisii, from Kakamega, from Meru, from Kisumu, from Nairobi, all of whom knew that all of us, together, could fight poverty and disease through a joined effort against HIV/AIDS. Our founding fathers and mothers were blessed to have the unique support of Doctor Kilemi Mwiria, who now serves as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Soteni Kenya. Dr Kilemi is currently the Assistant Minister for Higher Education in the Cabinet of the Government of Kenya. Mount Kenya University has been formed with a very similar purpose to Soteni. Together, students, faculty, administrators, and other well-wishers can tackle the problems we face today. MKU will train and inspire and give the tools to students who will face such complex

Philosophy Harness knowledge in applied sciences and technology for the service of humanity.

and overwhelming problems – like HIV/Aids – and find solutions. Solutions that work. Solutions that make sense. Solutions that will bring us together, a stronger, more successful nation. I have dedicated my life to social & economic justice throughout the world, through my work as a scientist, professor, physician, mother, and activist. I have worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAid), Harvard University, and other institutions. Devoted to education, science, and health, I have helped start Soteni, over five years ago, to support the families of Kenya – from the rural shambas to the city skyscrapers. I have been fortunate to work for Soteni for much of that time, and am honored now to be Soteni’s director. I will be more than willing to support initiatives meant to increase and strengthen Mt Kenya University’s international collaborations with like-minded institutions. I am sure Mt Kenya University and others it shall choose to collaborate with shall share their comparative advantage in research. Staff and student exchange programmes will also be encouraged so as to share both learning and research experiences to improve humanity. I am honoured to be the Chancellor of Mount Kenya University. Together – all of us – we will make Mount Kenya University the beacon of innovation, intelligence, integrity, and inclusion, that our country and our world so richly deserve. We will do all we can to ensure the success of Mount Kenya University – today, tomorrow, and into the future for our children and our grandchildren. — Dr Victoria Wells Wulsin, Chancellor

Academic character The university intends to uphold an academic characher based on African traditional values and innovations with emphasis on total development of an individual talent, moral, rectitude and competitiveness so as to enhance student scientific and/or technological advancement.

The university academic programmes will be based in three schools, namely; • School of Health Sciences • School of Pure and Applied Sciences, and • School of Social Sciences MKU will endeavour to have qualified personnel, sustain an effective academic governance structure for managing its academic programmes, promote innovative, practical and marketdriven programmes, implement innovate teaching and learning approaches, work closely with regulatory and professional bodies in advancement of academic standards. MKU will also heavily invest in laboratories, and other teaching physical facilities. The university already has an ultra-modern

library, and other teaching physical facilities courtesy to its precursor, TIT. The university has adequate land for future expansion. We shall also strengthen and expand academic linkages and collaborations with both public and private sectors that will promote mutual benefit. MKU shall introduce programmes such as open/virtual learning that will be offered through a nonresidential training approach. The future of MKU is bright. The catalyst for the university development will be the goodwill and support from stakeholders and national policies on higher education. I invite qualified Kenyans and non Kenyans to study at Mt Kenya University. — Prof Stanley Waudo, Vice-Chancellor

The Chairman lays bare plans for MKU


hen I was thinking about contributing to humanity in my small way, I was faced with several choices but I opted to establish an educational institution for science and technology that will increase opportunities to our Kenyan youth yearning for university opportunities. Then the dream snowballed into Mt Kenya University (MKU) which I dream will grow and be as tall as Mount Kenya itself! MKU places an emphasis on science and technology as depicted by the university’s academic character which focuses on the development of well trained professionals equipped with technological and scientific knowledge. The management of this university will be setting aside 50 million every year in support of innovations and community outreach programmes that impact positively on national needs. At the same time more human and financial resources will be harnessed to provide skills and knowledge in digitalisation of curricula, e-learning and distance learning. This means that this university in the short-run will be capable of serving over 100,000 trainees in a class-less state using few lecturers and maximising on e-learning. This plans and others are well articulated in the university’s strategic plan for the years 2008 – 2018. To achieve this short-term and longterm strategic objectives this university needs to invest Ksh3 billion to achieve the desired status

of a world class university. Havard, Oxford, Yale, Massachusetts universities were founded by human beings. The capital investment in science and technology programmes such as medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Engineering, Medical Laboratory, applied sciences to mention just but a few areas of interest of the university, is very heavy. The challenges in the investment is not limited to financial matters but incorporates others such as text books, training equipment among others. For instance most if not all critical textbooks in science and technology are not locallyauthored and published. The implication of this is that the foreign published books are extremely expensive. For instance some core text in pharmacy costs Sh100,000 and is only found in the USA. The book is not only expensive but also time-consuming in sourcing and shipping it here. As things stand now, even our academicians in our institutions of higher learning are authoring primary school textbooks because they are sure of benefiting financially. They have shied away from publishing university books because very few students and researchers will buy them. I appeal to the Government to provide incentives to university scholars to author cheaper but relevant textbooks for the higher education sector especially in the areas of Science and Technology.


JULY 2008

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education



Background information Business Information Technology degree course is among new programmes developed by the university to address the ever changing practices of managing institutions, businesses in very competitively globalised and liberalised world economy. The BBIT course therefore will provide an interdisciplinary approach for training business information technology professionals who need working competencies in all sectors of the economy and can work in any company in Kenya and the world at large. Course Structure In order to achieve the desired indicative outcomes of training graduates with real world technological experience in the fields of business and information technology for the economic growth of Kenya, region and the world at large. The trainees will have the opportunity of concentrating in either of the following track/option areas: Business Computer Software Engineering Business computer hardware engineering n Application of Information Technology in Business (Management information Systems, web design and development, wireless and Mobile communication technologies among others) n Methodologies and Technologies in Business Information Systems n

DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY AND FINANCE a) Bachelor Of Business Management Science

Mean Grade C+

b) Bachelor Of Commerce

Mean Grade C+

c) Diploma In Banking And Finance

KCSE mean grade C

d) Advanced Certificate In Microfinance

KCSE mean grade C-


Mean Grade C+

b) Bachelor Of Commerce

Mean Grade C+

c) Diploma in Business Management Science

KCSE mean grade C /Certificate in Business Management Science

d) Certificate in Business Management Science

KCSE mean grade C-

e) Diploma In Business Administration

KCSE mean grade C / Certificate in Business Administration

f) Diploma in Journalism snd Mass Communication

KCSE mean grade C

g) Diploma in Early Childhood Development snd Education

KCSE mean grade C

h) Teacher Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education

KCSE mean grade C-


Course Admission requirements: KCSE Minimum Grade C+ and grade C (Plain) in mathematics and English OR Diploma in Business Information Technology or its equivalent from Mt Kenya University or from any other Institution recognised by the Mt Kenya University Senate OR KCSE C Plain with C Plain in Mathematics and English and Pre-university Certificate offered by Mt Kenya University b)


DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Entry requirement Minimum aggregate grade of C in KCSE and grade C in Mathematics and English OR A certificate in Business Information Technology from Mt Kenya University or any other institution recognised by Mt Kenya University Senate.

DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM a) Diploma in Food And Beverage Management

KCSE mean grade C

b) Diploma in Hotel Catering Management

KCSE mean grade C

c) Diploma in Food Production

KCSE mean grade C

d) Diploma in Food and Beverage Sales and Service

KCSE mean grade C

e) Diploma in Front Office and Housekeeping

KCSE mean grade C

f) Diploma in Tourism and Business Studies

KCSE mean grade C

g) Certificate in Tourism and Business Studies

KCSE mean grade C-



a) Bachelor Of Counselling Science


ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Entry requirement KCSE mean grade of C- with C- in Mathematics and English


DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Entry requirement KCSE mean grade and English and grade C- in mathematics or a certificate in relevant area.





Mean Grade C+

b) Diploma/Certificate in Counselling Science Options § Guidance and Counselling § HIV/AIDS Management § Psychological Counselling § Family and Marriage therapy § Education Psychology § Health Counselling Grade C/P1 Teacher Certificate holder and Grade C-/P2 teacher certificate holder for Diploma and Certificate programmes respectively.

BRIDGING PROGRAMMES a) Bridging in Mathematics and English b) Pre-University Certificate

Apply to the Registrar – Academic Affairs, quoting your desired programme of study and enclosing your result slip and course Application fees of Kshs. 1,000 deposited at any branch of Equity Bank Account No . 0090292435067 or a money order / Bankers cheque payable to Mt Kenya University.

NAIROBI MARKETING OFFICE P.O. Box 56895 - 00200, NAIROBI AFYA CENTRE, MEZZANINE 2, TOM MBOYA STREET TEL LINE: 020 2088317 Cell: 0721 236195 FAX: 020 – 2050315

COAST UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Mombasa Trade Centre (Formerly Ambalal House) 3rd and 4th Floor, Nkuruma Road P.O. Box 42702 – 80100

MOMBASA Tel:020 – 2088313/4/5 Email: [email protected]

SOUTHERN SUDAN CONTACT OFFICE Hotel Intra Africa Tel: +256477103682 JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN [email protected]

RWANDA CONTACT OFFICE Joseph Musis JMK Sail, Rubangula House Justice Avenue, Opp Muhima Police Station P.O. Box 5440, Kigali Tel: 08551 199; 08307212, +25008551 199 [email protected]

General Kago road, P.O. Box 342-01000 THIKA, Tel: 020-2088310, 020 2050313/4, 067 24285/24229, Cell: 0720 790796, Fax: 020 2050315, Email: [email protected], Website:

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education JULY 2008




DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY Bachelor Of Pharmacy a)Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology b) Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Marketing

Full time Full time

Mean Grade C+ KCSE Mean grade C

Full time

B Pharm, BVM, BSc Biology, BSc. Chemistry, BSc. Zoology, Dip in pharmacy, Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Diploma in Nursing

DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL MEDICINE Bachelor of Clinical Medicine and Surgery Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery

Full time

Mean Grade C+

Full time

Mean Grade C

DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES Bachelor Of Medical Science a) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences

Full time Full time

Mean Grade C+ KCSE mean grade C with C in English, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics / Physics

b) Certificate in Medical Laboratory Sciences

Full time

KCSE Mean grade C- with C- in English, Biology, Chemistry and C- in Mathematics / Physics

DEPARTMENT OF DIETETICS/NUTRITION a) Diploma in Food Technology and Processing

Full time

b)Diploma in clinical and community nutrition c) Certificate in clinical and community nutrition

Full time Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C- in Maths, Physics. C- in Biology/Chemistry/ Physical Sciences. KCSE Mean grade C with C in biology/home science /physical sciences, C- in Mathematics; KCSE Mean grade C-

DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL TECHNOLOGY a) Diploma in Dental Technology

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in Biology/ Chemistry/ Physical Sciences, C in English, Cin Mathematics / Physics

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH a) Diploma in Community Health

Full time

KCSE mean grade C

b) Diploma in Environmental Health Science

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, Biology, Chemistry and C- in Mathematics / Physics

c) Diploma in HIV / AIDS Management

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in Ennglish / Kiswahili, Biology or KCE Division II, Credit Pass in English / Kiswahili, Biology, KACE – Principal pass in Biology

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RECORDS a)Diploma in Health Records and Information Systems b) Certificate in Health Records and Information Systems a) Certificate in Community Health

Full time Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, Biology, Chemistry and C- in Mathematics / Physics KCSE Mean grade C-

Full time

KCSE mean grade C-





Full time

Mean Grade C+

a) Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology

Full time / School holidays

KCSE mean grade C with C- in English, Biology, Chemistry and D+ in Mathematics / Physics

b)Diploma in Analytical Chemistry

Full time

KCSE Mean grade C with C- in Chemistry

c) Diploma in Applied Biology

Full time

KCSE Mean grade C with C- in Biology

DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION Bachelor of Animal Health and Production

Full time

Mean Grade C+

a) Diploma in Animal Health and Production

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C- in Biology and Chemistry. D+ in Mathematics / Physics

b) Diploma in Dairy Technology and Management

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in Biology and Chemistry, D+ Mathematics / Physics

c) Certificate in Animal Health and Production

Full time

KCSE Mean grade C-, D+ in Biology and Chemistry, D in Mathematics / Physics

d) Certificate in Artificial Insemination

Full time

Certificate in Animal Health and Production / KSCE Mean Grade of C-

DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Medical Engineering

Full time

Mean Grade C+

a) Diploma in Medical Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, C in Mathematics, Biology / Biological Sciences, Chemistry Physical Sciences./ Physics

b) Diploma in Chemical Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, C in Mathematics, Biology / Biological Sciences, Chemistry Physical Sciences./ Physics

c) Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, C in Mathematics, Biology / Biological Sciences, Chemistry Physical Sciences./ Physics

d) Diploma in Electronic Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, C in Mathematics, Biology / Biological Sciences, Chemistry Physical Sciences./ Physics

e) Diploma in Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, C in Mathematics, Biology / Biological Sciences, Chemistry Physical Sciences./ Physics

f) Diploma in Computer Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C with C in English, C in Mathematics, Biology / Biological Sciences, Chemistry Physical Sciences./ Physics

g) Certificate in Computer Engineering

Full time

KCSE mean grade C-

h) Certificate in Electrical Installation

Full time

KCSE mean grade C- with passes in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

General Kago road, P.O. Box 342-01000 THIKA, Tel: 020-2088310, 020 2050313/4, 067 24285/24229, Cell: 0720 790796, Fax: 020 2050315, Email: [email protected], Website:



JULY 2008

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education

M t K e n ya U n i v e r s i t y

Launch Pictorial

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education JULY 2008



JULY 2008

Mt Kenya University

Scaling the heights of education

CHE thumbs up for Mt Kenya varsity During the award of the Letter of Interim Authority to Mount Kenya University on May 30, 2008, the Chairman of the Commission of Higher Education, Prof Kihumbu Thairu and the CEO, Prof Everret Standa praised the university and below are abridged versions of their remarks.


he commission looks to this day with a sense of achievement knowing that Mt Kenya University enters into the category of institutions marked ‘recognised’.

informed, research supported, democratically managed and globally marketable. These challenges must dictate the agenda of this and other university institutions as they endeavour to realise the Millennium Development Goals.

This label catapults this institution onto a new platform, where expectations will be heightened and performance brought under close public scrutiny. What we are witnessing today is but a first step in a journey towards full accreditation. The university can therefore not afford to be complacent but ensure that all recommendations made by the Commission are implemented in order that the pace is quickened. I am pleased to note that this institution places on emphasis on science and technology and that the academic character of the proposed university focuses on the development of well trained professionals equipped with technological and scientific knowledge. University education is a powerful mechanism for social

and economic transformation of the nation. However, for it to deliver quality service, it must operate effectively. It is incumbent upon Mt Kenya University to be innovative in the way that mobilises resources and carries out its functions. In particular this institution must diversify its resource base, ensure relevance of the education and training programmes and carry out research that responds to national needs. The education and training offered by Mt Kenya University must be demand-driven, genderresponsive, technologically

An institution such as this one is best placed to provide skills and knowledge in such areas such as digitalisation of curriculum, elearning and distance learning. On my own part I feel quantity should however never replace quality, and the growth and expansion of universities should not be judged purely in numerical terms by the ‘product’ they strive to mould. My major criticism of some education institutions is that they clamour competitively to develop academic giants but moral dwarfs. I challenge this institution to break away from this mould and create a whole being inculcated with moral and ethical values in a world badly in need of a re-focus in values and etiquette. I commend those who worked tirelessly to ensure that Mt Kenya University is a reality.


he award of the Letter of Interim Authority (LIA) is a an important milestone in the history of Mt Kenya University. The Authority signifies yet another upward growth for the institution in its academic sojourn. The long journey the management took in ensuring all set requirement by the commission are met has borne fruit. The granting of the LIA signifies that Mt Kenya University has satisfactorily met the commission for Higher Education’s Quality Assurance Standards and requirement in the following key areas:

education institutions is of high standards. In this regard stringent standards will be enforced in respect of physical facilities, staff, content and relevance of programmes as well as management as well as management and governance. We shall continue to reinspect Mt Kenya University’s programmes either in their entirety or specific areas, in order to ensure that they meet the set standards.

empowers the sponsors and Board of Trustees to:

It is my believe that the graduates churned out from Mt Kenya University will contribute to the development of social and economic spheres of the country.



This follows a series of inspection and curriculum visits by the commission to ascertain the preparedness of the university to be granted LIA. As spelt out in the University Rules (1989) the Letter of Authority,

Continue development of physical facilities; n Assemble academic resources; n Set up a governing body for the university; n Advertise the academic programmes; and n Admit students.

I urge that the university promotes value adding activities that enable the creation and passing on of knowledge. Sharing information on bets practices is essential in the promotion of innovation and research in strengthening higher education.

The commission for Higher Education will continue to exercise its mandate of ensuring that the kind of education offered to Kenyans by higher

The Commission will continue to work closely with the university regularly to ensure that quality of programmes are not at any time comprised.

Governance structures n Human Resources n Physical Facilities n Equipment n Library Resources n Finances

Private varsity students to get HELB loans-CEO


(Above) Prof Kihumbu Thairu presents a Letter of Interim Authority to Mt Kenya University Board of Trusteed Chairman, Mr Simon Gicharu on May 30, 2008. (Below) MKU Students entertain guests during the launch of the university on June 6, 2008

tudents in all public and private universities in Kenya will soon have an opportunity to equally and fairly apply for loans administered by the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB). The Chief executive officer of HELB, Mr Benjamin Cheboi said once the Commission for Higher Education gives the green-light on the matter, students, including those in private universities operating under Letters of Interim Authority, will be given the loans based on their levels of needyness. Cheboi was speaking during Mt Kenya University launch where he delivered a keynote speech titled Challenges Facing Higher Education in Kenya: Financing Perspective. Cheboi praised the Mt Kenya University Board of Trustees Chairman, Mr Simon Gicharu for setting a good example to other Kenyans by fully paying the loan he was granted when he was at Kenyatta University in the late 1980s. Cheboi presented Gicharu with a framed certificate of clearance of the loan. In his speech, Mr Gicharu challenged other former

university students in gainful employment to follow his example, be patriotic to enable other Kenyans access and complete university education. Mr Cheboi said if all former recipients of the government grants could pay up, the board will provide the loans to more university students. Cheboi quoted the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who once said “Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.”

He also quoted former USA President J F Kennedy who said: “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” Cheboi said the government can increase access by concessioning the establishment of universities as it is happening in Botswana. He also called for the charging of fees at the actual unit cost and enhanced support for students through loans. “Students who are not able to pay ought to be given loans, scholarships and bursaries,”said Cheboi. Cheboi praised Mt Kenya University for recovering on behalf of HELB at least Sh835,000 from former recipients of the loans who are currently in its payroll. The HELB CEO appealed to corporate bodies to support education through financing courses relevant to their industries especially the meritorious students adding that scholarships through endowments should also be started an encouraged. Cheboi also challenged well-todo Kenyans to exercise the spirit of philanthropy.

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education JULY 2008


University now launches community service fund

Aerial view of a cross section of Mt Kenya University


s part of its social corporate responsibility, Mt Kenya University has established what will be known as Mt Kenya University Community Support Initiative Fund. The fund will consist of money received in the form of donations, grants and gifts from various sources and specifically designated for the fund. The Chancellor of Mt Kenya University is the sponsor of the fund. An initial amount of Sh500,000 has been allocated to the fund for supporting one project per year. The fund shall be administered by a steering committee of five (5) members appointed by the Chancellor. The purpose of the fund shall be to facilitate activities that impact positively on the following: l Protection and conservation of the environment.

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Natural resource management. Health Food security and Community empowerment in addressing socio-economic issues. To bridge the gap between university and the community. l To enhance students, staff and community relationships. l To support initiatives that promote sensitization and education of the public on activities that promote high standards of living. l To build local capacity to address issues related to socio-economic development. l Only MKU students and staff groups shall qualify to apply for the fund. No single individual shall be a recipient of the fund. Eligibility will be at the following three priority levels. l 1st priority level will be students groups.

l 2nd priority level will be student staff groups. l 3rd priority level will be staff groups. Any interested community-based organisation. Application shall be on the basis of a concept paper. The paper shall have to conform to a prescribed format. A project concept paper shall not

exceed eight (8) pages. Typing shall be double spaced. The paper shall consist of the following sections. i. Preamble. ii. Rationale/Justification. iii. Objectives. iv. Activities. v. Implementation. vi. Expected output. vii. Implementation time frame. viii. Monitoring and Evaluation. ix. Budget. Mentoring a. Mentoring will be necessary for effective implementation of approved projects. b. There will be a mentor to serve as a consultant during the implementation of an approved project. Limitations a. Administrative costs shall not exceed 20% of the total project

budget. b. The fund shall not be used for purposes related to bursary matters, gifts, anti-social activities among others. c. Projects will be implemented at a time when students are on holiday to avoid interfering with teaching and learning processes. Recognition Award a. There will be a recognition award for outstanding and successful implementation of approved project(s). b. To qualify for the award, recipients of the fund shall show evidence of significant contribution to the community. Commencement The Community initiative Fund will be operational from September 1, 2008 and will be launched accordingly.


JULY 2008

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education

Kenyans embrace the birth of MKU M

t Kenya university is destined for big things. Since its launch, on June 6, 2008, there have been a lot of inquiries on what it will be offering. It is unique in the sense that most of the programmes are in science and technology. The courses being offered in the university in three schools which are headed by deans. Within the school we have departments under the head of departments. In all, MKU has twelve departments and we anticipate more as new programmes are introduced. We also intend to have other sections within the department that will deal with: admission, examination, advisory and placement and curriculum development. The university will continue offering training at all levels, that is; certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate studies. One aspect that we want to incorporate in the university is the hierarchal progression where a student can proceed from certificate to higher levels. There will also be room for credit transfer from institutions and programs recognised by the senate. The university will also offer training for examination bodies such as KASNEB, ICM, CITY AND GUILDS KNEC, among others. The students will be admitted under the Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Development. The centre will be headed by a director and all other programs will be examined and certified by the university Senate. The university has also developed a governance structure to facilitate

administration in the first phase of the development. The former systems of TIT have been restructured to fit the university set up. The new set up has established a division in the academic to deal with sports performance and creative arts. The institution has also established spacious offices for its staff. Currently the university is in the process of admitting its first batch of Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT) and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS). These are very marketable courses that integrates information and communication technology to business and equips graduates with tips relevant to the modern world. BMLS also enables graduates to work in hospitals, research institutions as well as industries/ factories as researchers. To cater for those with lower qualifications, a diploma in business information technology and certificate in business information technology will be offered. Also the diploma programme in medical laboratory sciences will continue being offered and examined by MKU. Another new development in the university is a modern studio to be used by the journalism and mass communication students. It will also be essential for any recording within the university. Our long term goal is to open and operate a TV and radio stations for training purposes and to serve the surrounding community in terms of education and entertainment, the core values of mass communication.

Fairness to all M

t Kenya University plans to give fair consideration to all applicants. The university will always inform all applicants its decision and the basis for such decisions within a reasonable period of time. We encourage applicants to provide their e.mail addresses for easier and more convenient communication. Admission to Mt Kenya university is open to applicants who meet all the admission requirements provided it is within MKU capacity. English is the language of instruction and assessment at MKU.Mt Kenya University fosters equal opportunities for its students and staff. MKU selects students according to academic merit, without discrimination as regards to sex, race, creed, religion, political affiliations, disability or ethnicity.Foreign students will be selected based on qualifications deemed equivalent to Kenyan qualifications. Academic year is divided into three semesters each comprising of 14 – 16 weeks (January – April, May – August, September – December). Intake dates are in May and September but for short courses intakes are in January and June.Credit transfers (exemptions) will be received by students who demonstrate high potential and qualifications at a previous level.Students who wish to pursue education while they are still working will be involved in parallel/ evening/distance learning programmes. Students who have been enrolled to the normal regular programme but wish to enroll for another course may do so through those programmes. Mt Kenya University allows students, under very special circumstances, to change courses at the beginning of the first year, during the orientation period (2 weeks) provided one is qualified.Students who wish to have an academic leave should consult their Heads of department & Dean of students. Academic leave (maximum of one academic year) may be granted on basis of health problems, financial problems or any other reason as may be accepted by the MKU university Senate.Withdrawal from the university – students should clear with the university before departure.Interviews for admission are encouraged where free career guidance is given to empower students to make informed choices. MKU website is also an informative tool where prospective & current students can get more information.

The Chairman, Mr Simon Gicharu with Higher Education Assistant Minister Dr Kilemi Mwiria (right) toast to mark the birth of Mt Kenya University

Journalists at work during the launch of MKU

Headstart for our graduates

Enthusiastic students read a newspaper supplement on the launch of Mt Kenya University

The university has put in place a mechanism of ensuring that its graduates are fully baked to satisfy the market demand. The university is working on how all students are going to be absorbed by the market and enhance the policy of compulsory internship. The university has formed a linkage office in each of its three school to ensure that all students who complete the coursework are sent for the internship for value addition. This will create a strong bond between the industry and the university thus it will provide a synergy to the vision 2030.The industry will not need to retrain the interns on their prospective appointments. Mt Kenya University faculty will work closely with the industry to develop more market driven courses for enhanced development.

Mt Kenya University: Scaling the heights of education JULY 2008 11


MKU teaching staff pose for a group picture ahead of the launch

Coast Campus opening soon The university has a campus is located at Mombasa Trade Center (former Ambalal House), Nkurumah Road. The campus will offer most of the courses available at the main campus. Varsity buys new bus The management through its evaluation and response, it has purchased anew bus. The bus will be used by students and staff for academic excursions and other varsity functions.

The university currently offers Bachelor of Commerce degree in conjunction with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). MKU has also been offering JKUAT’s BMLS degree programme. Prior to the approval of the degree programme, CHE had conducted extensive audit of MKU’s preparedness in terms of academic resources, labs and equipment and was satisfied. Other programmes waiting to be approved soon include Bachelor of Pharmacy. MKU is currently offering a diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology.

First graduation MKU joins IUCEA Mt Kenya University has planned for its first graduation ceremony in April 2009. The graduates from MKU’s precursor (TIT) who pursued- certificate, diploma and degree programmes will graduate on this auspicious occasion and awarded Mt Kenya University certificates.

Mt Kenya University has applied to join the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA). The regional body has over 40 members drawn from both Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The member universities are both public and private chartered or those operating on letters of Interim Authority.

The occasion will also be used as a thanks-giving day for our parents, sponsors, guardians and graduands, staff and all stakeholders.

MKU Students pose for a picture outside the university library

All prospective graduands should contact the Registrar (Academic Affairs) through the email; [email protected] for further details and update on their contacts Alumni association revamped The office of Registrar (Academic Affairs) wishes to inform all the former students that they should register with the MKU Alumni Association giving their mailing addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. Allgraduates of the precursor of MKU, Thika Institute of Technology, should also register. Visit the Mt Kenya University website for more details. CHE approves Medical Lab programme The Commission for Higher Education has given MKU a go-ahead to mount Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS) degree. The approval of BMLS makes it two the number of MKU degree programmes.

MKU students present food donations to a Red Cross staff to distribuute to victims of post-election violence

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Stanley Waudo explains that membership to IUCEA means the university will get international exposure, attract scholars and students from around the world. “MKU staff will also be eligible to compete for scholarships and research grants administered by IUCEA,” says the VC. MKU’s application was endorsed by the Commission for Higher Education and forwarded to ICUEA’s head office in Kampala, Uganda. MKU students will later this year be free to participate in the lucrative Third Edition of Celtel Africa Challenge where they can win up to Sh3.6 million for the university and Sh360,000 for each of the four contestants that shall represent MKU. ICUEA works closely with Celtel Ltd in administering the championship that Egerton University has won for two years in a row.


JULY 2008

Scaling the heights of education

Varsity to nurture talent in sports & performing arts M

t Kenya University recognises the value of the development of Godgiven talents in sports, creative and performing arts and the fostering of recreational needs of students and staff in promoting good health. It also recognises that considerable publicity value attends the achievements of its students in the areas of sports, creative and performing arts. To this regard the MKU has established and maintains an administrative structure for the organisation, coordination and control of all sport creative and performing arts activities. This takes the form of permanent salaried administrative staff under the office of Registrar – Sports, Creative and Performing Arts which works closely with the respective sports team captains and group leaders appointed by the accredited sports, creative and performing arts clubs in the university. The university has committed itself to the promotion of a variety of recreational and competitive sporting, creative and performing arts activities by

providing adequate facilities on campus; encouraging its students and staff to participate in these activities; and upholding the norms of good sportsmanship and creativity in the performing arts. The university has established the following activities on campus which the students engage in after classes

MKU students perform a Maasai dance during the launch of MKU

Sports Rugby, soccer, basketball, swimming, hockey, volleyball, lawn tennis, table tennis, handball, badminton, body building, Billiards, Darts, Board games Creative Performing Arts Drama/Theatre, Dance (Traditional, Salsa, Pop etc), Music (Choir, Secular, Gospel etc)

All the activities are conducted simultaneously after classes. The university is one of the few institutions that boast of a ultra-modern swimming pool, basket ball court, indoor games hall, theatre, playing field, volleyball court, lawn tennis court and a body building gymnasium. Mt Kenya University is

committed to build a culture of sporting and creative and performing arts by scaling the heights to world class status. This is hoped to be achieved with the development of a proposed modern sports complex in its 55 acre land 4 km off Thika town. It is planned that the sports complex will encompass all the relevant sporting

disciplines. Also proposed is a modern auditorium/ theatre with a sufficient sitting capacity to allow for total appreciation of the university’s creative and performing arts. We expect to involve our students in the mainstream national, regional and international sports and performing arts arena both at the level of universities and professional level whichever will be applicable to the competence of our students. This we hope to achieve by engaging the sporting teams in the mainstream sporting leagues and exposing our performing artists in events that can nurture and compliment their talents. We envision a future in which Mt Kenya University shall be rewarding sporting, creative and performing artistic talent through educational scholarships, nurturing and developing world class sports personalities and performing artists and most importantly graduating all rounded students with excellent academic qualifications and excellent social/cultural exposure to assist them lead fulfilling lives after graduation from Mt Kenya University.

Administration Police Band lead a procession along streets of Thika town ahead of the launching ceremony of MKU

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