Mixed Up World I

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 3,480
  • Pages: 43
Mixed up World 1 Written By Jack Greeney

Scribd Edition – Larger Font Sizes

PROLOGUE The three multicoloured suns had set over the gloomy Millennium Mountains. Four moons had risen, one purple, one orange and two red. They were all glistening about in the sky, as if they were having fun. The daytime creatures (such as the Hedgehorses, the Fluffypines and the Pink-honkers) said “Goodnight”, to the night creatures, (such as the Wilderbat, Snailhog and the Night-toads) as they were going out to play. Then the fifth moon, a big green sphere, rose up, up, up in the dark, gloomy sky, in a perfect hexagon with the other moons. Mark Zalford, ‘Mixed up Worlds’ leading wizard, stared at his book. “The moons are talking to me” he said “Aha! Time for a spell!”

“Oh come on!” Protested Birdie, who was perched on Mark’s shoulder “Even though you’re a wizard , you only know 2 spells!” “Not 2!” argued Mark “I know lots more than 2 spells! I know 20!” “20?” asked Birdie “Okay name them.” “Well, er…..” stuttered Mark, “Er… … There’s the Deceiving Bag Trick, the Make Animals Talk Trick, lucky for you that one is. There’s the Wash All The Dishes Trick, and er… …” “See!” said Birdie “Only 3!” “Oh yes!” said Mark “There’s the Make You SHUT UP Trick!” So with a wave of his wand, Birdie was silenced. Birdie kept opening his mouth to shout, but no words came out. “Now, if I let you speak again, will you just be quiet!?!” Birdie nodded

his head sadly, so Mark let him speak again. “Now, what I was going to say,” said Mark “is that Mixed-Up World is in trouble. Deep trouble…. Aha! Time for a spell! Ooshie, Wooshi, Hoosh Moosh Zoosh! Let the hero appear in youth! .....”

CHAPTER ONE Over the busy roads and bumpy pathways of Manchester, Scruffy walked home from school. Seeing as it was summer, the sky was surprisingly dark. Then Scruffy realised. He was alone. Suddenly, the school bully, Cruncher, jumped out of the lush, green bushes, and lunged at Scruffy. He quickly moved aside, just in time. Cruncher leaped at Scruffy but this time with all his strength. This time Cruncher hit his target. He threw him on the ground, and grabbed him by the collar. “you’re gonna pay for what you did today!” he growled. “Pay!!!” Cruncher raised his fist. Then he swung it down with all his might. Suddenly, a bright light, hovered

over Scruffy. Then, he disappeared, into a different world. Cruncher’s fist hit the ground, and with full force. Cruncher screamed. “AAAAAARRRRRGGGHH!” When I get my hands on him, he’s dead for sure!. But how? Where did Scruffy go? He can’t just vanish into thin air?? How did he do that!!” thought a puzzled Cruncher. But little did Cruncher know, that in a different world, a wizard’s spell had zapped Scruffy away. CHAPTER TWO Mark and Birdie stared out into the open, waiting for the hero to come. “It’s hopeless,” said Birdie. “Let’s go inside.” Suddenly, a dazzling light, purple and yellow appeared in front of them. Then Scruffy, floating in the light, appeared.

Scruffy fell, unconscious, on the ground. Mark rushed over to him. “Oh, Come on!” exclaimed Birdie, “THIS is the hero?1?1” But Mark ignored him and picked Scruffy up and brought him into his house. Then he started flipping through pages of his spell book. “Aha! Here’s the spell” said Mark, “Okay. Nic noc shush! Herby Derby bronsiosnes! Let this boy return his consciousness!” Gentle green beams swept across Scruffy. Slowly he stood up. Everything was blurry to him. “Where am I?” he stuttered. “You’re in Mixed Up World” Birdie said. Scruffy fell backwards in fright. “That bird!” he said, “It talks!” “BIRD! I have a name, you know! Anyway yes,” said the bird. “Yes. I do talk.” Then Birdie looked at Scruffy strangely. “Why do you ask? All birds in Mixed Up World talk.”

“Just one second,” said Scruffy. “It says here in the earth Guide Book that things are completely different on Earth. Birds don’t talk at all! Silly things!” “Just a second,” said Scruffy. “Before, you said I Was in ‘Mixed Up World.’ Where’s that?” “AHA!” said Mark. “It says here that humans on Earth are only familiar with 9 planets. Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus. Silly people! Don’t they know there are 5000 planets!?!” “No, no they don’t,” said Scruffy, confused. “Anyway, what am I doing here?” “I sent you here because Mixed Up World is in trouble. A Mystery Man is trying to take over our world, and apparently your world is next. So do you want to save Mixed up World or go home

and wait for him to come to you?” asked Mark. Scruffy thought. He could risk his life or relax at home. But if he went home he’d let down all the creatures that lived here. There was only one answer. “I’ll go,” said Scruffy, confidently.

CHAPTER THREE “I’m coming with you!” said Mark. Birdie sighed, “Wherever he goes, I have to go too.” He said. “Okay. Where are we going?” asked Scruffy. “To Ogre Wood!” said Mark. “And away!” Mark passed Scruffy a map. “Okay where are we now?” asked Scruffy. “We’re at The Edge.” Said Mark. “WHAT?!?” shouted Scruffy “Ogre Wood is absolutely miles away!” “Only joking!” laughed Mark “We’re at Oak Village!” Scruffy looked at the map. Oak Village was near to Ogre Wood. “You scared me then” said Scruffy. They had to cross The Harmless Sand Dunes to get to Ogre Wood. That didn’t seem

so bad. “Come on. Let’s go to Ogre Wood!” Inside though, Scruffy wasn’t so sure what things awaited him in Ogre Wood. (Maybe Ogres, for instance!)

CHAPTER FOUR Scruffy trudged outside. It was summer but he was in Mixed Up World, so it was snowing. His boots made a crunching sound on the snowy floor. Mark also stepped out, and Birdie flew. They were looking at the outer wall that engulfed Oak Village. They were all wearing big, thick clothes. Scruffy was wearing a shirt, a jumper, a jacket and a coat, a warm hat, thick trousers, two thick socks on both feet and thick boots. They were all wearing similar things and Birdie, surprisingly, had his hat and little scarf on that he never wore (only because Mark said no more bird treats if he didn’t.) So they set off for Ogre Wood.

CHAPTER FIVE The floor was still frosty as they were trudging on to Ogre Wood. Scruffy then saw The Harmless Sand Dunes in the distance. They reached them, and, as soon as they stepped on the sand, the temperature went very, very hot. Scruffy felt he was going to boil if he had to keep his clothes on any longer, so he quickly took them off. Mark and Birdie followed suit, and took their big clothes off. Mark cast a spell to get 3 deceptively large rucksacks so they could put their clothes in them. So they trudged on through The Harmless Sand Dunes. Suddenly the floor caved in on Scruffy, and the sand where Scruffy was standing was replaced by a deep, deep pit.

Scruffy clung on to the side of the pit as hard as he possibly could. Mark grabbed hold of Scruffy’s hand. Then Mark fell over down the deep pit. For some reason, Scruffy and Mark weren’t falling. Scruffy looked up. Birdie was tugging Mark and Scruffy up! Birdie looked very, very tired. “Hold on!” shouted Scruffy, “Hold On!” Then Birdie let go in exhaustion. All three of them went tumbling down the pit. “Noooooooooooooooooo!” they screamed.

CHAPTER SIX Scruffy saw the bottom of the pit. He also saw three ledges. They were quite near the bottom of the pit. “Grab a ledge!” shouted Scruffy. Mark and Birdie did as they were told. Now it was only a short drop to the bottom of the pit. “Now let go!” Scruffy said. Mark and Birdie let go. They landed on the bottom of the pit. THUD! “You saved my life” Mark gasped. Scruffy made no reply. He just stared down the five tunnels. “Which way should we go?” he asked. He thought. “Let’s go this way,” he said. So Mark and Birdie went down the dark, dark tunnel. Scruffy stayed. “Come on!” said Mark. “Just a second,” replied Scruffy.

He searched his pocket for something. Then he pulled out a piece of white chalk. He marked the floor of the tunnel with it. “If this is the wrong way,” said Scruffy, “we’ll need to know which tunnels we’ve been through.” Mark and Birdie agreed, so they all went down the deep tunnel.

CHAPTER SEVEN The first tunnel they went through ended at a dead end. The second tunnel split two ways. One was a dead end, one split two ways which were both dead ends. One of them, though, had a box at the end of the tunnel. “What’s this?” asked Scruffy. He opened the box. Inside was a potion. On it said “HEALING POTION. EVER BLED THOROUGHLY? THEN THIS IS YOUR POTION! Only usable once. Heals up to a certain amount of blood. Healing Wizards Inc.” Scruffy put it in his backpack. “You may need that.” said Mark. “Hopefully not,” thought Scruffy. The third tunnel they went through had a ladder and a trapdoor on the bottom of the next

level up (floor 2). They opened it. Inside a room were a load of goblins so they quickly closed the trapdoor again. The fourth tunnel was dead end and the fifth was too. But, on the way back from the fifth, they found a switch. Scruffy pushed it, revealing a secret tunnel. It was hopefully the way out. So they trudged down the hidden tunnel. Scruffy looked back. Suddenly the wall caved in again! If it wasn’t the way out Scruffy was trapped!

CHAPTER EIGHT The tunnel parted another three ways. One was a dead end. The next tunnel led to the middle tunnel. So they went down the last tunnel. The last tunnel was a very windy tunnel. Eventually, they reached a big green door. Suddenly it opened. “Come in, come” said a voice. A shadowy figure stepped up from a very big chair. He started to wander towards Scruffy. The man was wearing a coat made of bear fur. “I can lead you out of here,” he said. “Great!” said Scruffy. “We’ve been looking for an exit for ages!” “But you will need a small price.” “Is this enough? Two pounds?” “Two pounds?” said the man. “TWO POUNDS!?!”

The man surprisingly roared. Then his face started to change… ….

CHAPTER NINE Where the man was standing was now a humongous bear. He glared at them angrily. He roared again and lunged at them. It was bad enough with Cruncher bullying him but now a bear! It couldn’t get any worse! Or could it….? “Through that hole!” shouted Scruffy, pointing at a hole in the wall. He ran to it and skidded through the hole. Mark copied him. So did Birdie but he got stuck. “Tut-tut!” said Mark, “too many bird treats.” Scruffy ran to him. He started to heave Birdie out of the hole. The bear roared again. “Eek!” cried Birdie. Just then Scruffy pulled out Birdie. “Come on!” he said “Let’s go.” So they ran away. The bear slowly turned into a man again. “I’ll get those three!” he said

“Mini bears!” he called. About ten small bears appeared at his feet. “Yes, master?” “I want you to kill those three! And don’t come back until they are dead!!!” “Yes, master” and they all ran through the small hole in the wall.

CHAPTER TEN “Phew!” gasped Birdie. “That was a close one!” “Yeah!” replied Scruffy. “Real close.” “Come on” said Mark. “We need to set camp for the night.” So they set up tents. “Good night, Mark”, said Scruffy. “Good night, Scruffy” said Mark. “Good night, Birdie”, said Birdie. “Oh wait. That’s me!” And with that, the trio went to sleep. Scruffy had a strange dream. Everything was happy in the world of Scruffy. He was playing happily with Mark and Birdie. Suddenly, the sky went a deep shade of red. A massive figure with a wide brimmed hat and dark clothes. The spookiest thing about him was you couldn’t see his face, just his two glaring eyes.

The giant figure destroyed every thing, from the sticks on the ground, to massive skyscrapers that soared up in the high red sky. Mark and Birdie were grabbed by 2 hands that had gloves. He threw them in the distance. Then he made a fist. Scruffy screamed. Suddenly he thomped his fist down on Scruffy.

CHAPTER ELEVEN Scruffy woke up and screamed. Then he looked around. He was hog tied to a log, and small bears were carrying the log. Mark and Birdie were also hog tied, but they were still asleep, or that’s what he hoped as they looked like they could be dead. Scruffy strained and strained to get free, but the knots didn’t budge. The bears eventually reached a big pile of sticks and logs. Scruffy knew what they were going to do. They were going to burn him alive. The bears put Scruffy’s log across two larger logs and he was left there hanging down over a big pile of sticks. Suddenly, Mark awakened, luckily his log snapped and Mark and Birdie ran away into the forest.

The bears looked at the forest. Then they looked at Scruffy. “Well,” he said. “Don’t just stand there. Go get them!” The bears shouted and ran into the forest. The last bear threw a flaming torch back at Scruffy. It set all the sticks alight. “Oh!” he said.

CHAPTER TWELVE Scruffy wriggled furiously. Finally he bounced off the stand still tied to the log. He turned round. The bears were there with knives and forks. Scruffy set the end of the log alight. He swung round; the end of the log hit a bear. His fur was set on fire, and he ran to jump in a pool of water. Scruffy repeated this with all the bears, and they all ran and jumped into the pool of water. Scruffy then looked at the forest. A big green light suddenly shot up in the sky. The log tied to Scruffy snapped. Then he travelled at the speed of light towards Mark and Birdie. “Phew!” gasped Mark. “That was close!”

“Now say bye to Ogre Forest, and hello to the Millenium Mountains!” said Birdie. Scruffy looked around. He was in the mountains. In the tunnels of the under ground, under the Harmless Sand Dunes, ten ragged bears crawled in through the hole in the wall. “Well?” said their Master. “Are those 3 dead?” “N-No Master.” Said the 10 bears in union. “Sigh…” sighed the Master. “We never win.” “Okay”, he said “Punishments…. Bob! Do the tea! Chip! Wash the dishes! Phil! Sweep the floor! Fred! Empty the bin! Jim! Help Bob do the tea! Gemma! Clean the tunnels! Daniel! Help Gemma! Matthew! Help Gemma as well! Tony! Clean my throne! Jon! Help Tony!

“Yes Master!” said Bob. “Yes Master!” said Chip. “Yes Master!” said Phil. “Yes Master!” said Fred. “Yes Master!” said Jim. “Yes Master!” said Gemma. “Yes Master!” said Daniel. “Yes Master!” said Matthew. “Yes Master!” said Tony. “Yes Master!” said Jon. “Oh will you just SHUT UP!” shouted the Master. “YES MASTER!” said all the bears.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN The trio had been all around the Millenium Mountains. They had passed the massive oak tree. Now they were at a door of a huge dome. “Where are we?” asked Scruffy. Suddenly the door opened and a big hand reached out for Scruffy, Mark and Birdie. It grabbed them and pulled them inside the huge metal dome…. They were placed in a room. All that was inside was a piano and some words written on the floor. ‘FE-E-D A B-E-D’ Mark, Birdie and Scruffy spent ages trying to think how to escape. Then Scruffy had a brainwave. He played on the piano, and played the notes that were written on the floor.

‘F-E-E-D A B-E-D’, and a trap door opened on the floor were the notes were written. “Good work”, said Mark as they all jumped down through the trap door.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN The ten bears in the underground tunnel reported to their Master. “Have you finished your chores?” asked the Master. “YES, MASTER!” said all the bears together. “And have you found out what Scruffy, Mark and Birdie are doing?” asked Master. “YES, MASTER!” said all the bears again. The Master attached a device on the bears’ heads. It looked like a television. “Scruffy, Mark and Birdie.” The devices said. “Are going to defeat the Mystery Man, your most evil rival.” “Mmmm.” thought the Master. “Either we get Scruffy, Mark and Birdie or my most hated rival.

Mmmm…… the Master stood up from his throne. Let’s go get the Mystery Man.” he said

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Suddenly, a man with a large brimmed hat and dark clothes appeared. “YOU” said Scruffy “You appeared in my dream. WHO ARE YOU?” “I am Mystery Man” said the Mystery Man. Just then, a man crashed through the wall with ten small bears. “What are you doing here?” asked Scruffy. “This time” said the bears’ Master “I am on your side”. The Master started to change into a bear. He roared loudly. Then he charged straight at the Mystery Man. The Mystery Man dodged out of the way and pushed the bear’s back. The colossal bear ran head first into the wall. It screamed in pain. “Bears, FULL ATTACK MODE.” He

shouted “YES MASTER” said the bears. The bears spun around quickly, and changed into furry balls. They then sped at the Mystery Man. Each one found it’s target, but it hardly hurt him. The Mystery Man threw out his hand. Scruffy noticed a small tube at the bottom of his hand. A massive ball of fire came out of the tube. It hit Scruffy and he toppled backwards onto the floor. “Scruffy!” Mark screamed.

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Mark thought. Then he remembered. The healing potion! He took it out of Scruffy’s back pack. Then he put a drop of it into Scruffy’s mouth. Instantly Scruffy jumped to his feet. “Are you okay?” Mark asked. “I’m fine, but how do we defeat him?” said Scruffy. Then Mark had a brainwave. “Hydrogen explodes with healing potion!” he said. “Deelie, Geelie, Selium Gas. Bring me some hydrogen gas!” Suddenly a bottle of hydrogen appeared in front of Mark. “Ah!” he said “Here it is.” He threw the two bottles at Mystery Man. “Run!” shouted Mark.

Everyone ran out of the massive dome. But did the two bottles destroy Mystery Man?....

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN To make a long story short – THEY DID.

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN “Hurrah” everyone cheered as the metal dome exploded. “Now there can be peace in Mixed up World” said Mark. Then he realised “Now that we have done the mission” he said sadly. “You’ll have to go home again.” “Mmmm…” Scruffy thought. “Before I go, could you help me with something?” Scruffy, Mark and Birdie were teleported to Earth. Cruncher came round the corner. “There you are” he growled. Mark and Birdie hid behind a wall. Cruncher threw a fist at Scruffy. “Henji, Lenji Grellitate.” Mark whispered behind the wall. “Let this boy now levitate.” Scruffy floated in the air and missed Cruncher’s punch. Cruncher

accidentally punched an old woman who was passing by. “Oh you little….” cried the old woman. She started to chase Cruncher down the street, shouting “Come back here, young ‘un!” “Well” said Mark, “That’s the last of him. Anyway I’ve got you a present.” He handed Scruffy a small box. Scruffy immediately opened it. “What’s this?” asked Scruffy. But Mark and Birdie were already gone. A note fell from the box. On it, it read. DEAR SCRUFFY, MY PRESENT I’VE GIVEN YOU IS A MAGIC BOX. IT WILL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY SO BE CAREFUL WITH IT!

FROM MARK and BIRDIE. P.S. IF YOU WANT TO VISIT US SOMETIME, WE’RE ALWAYS FREE! ALL YOU SAY TO THE MAGIC BOX IS – I WANT TO SEE MARK AND BIRDIE. AND YOU WILL BE SUCKED INSIDE TO OUR WORLD. “That’s the best present ever!” thought Scruffy. “I’ll never forget you Mark and Birdie. Ever.” THE END. (Or is it just the beginning?)

MIXED UP WORLD Scruffy, an ordinary Schoolboy from Earth, gets teleported to mixed up World, by Mark Zalford, a wizard that hardly knows any spells, and Birdie, a stubborn bird, who can talk. Mark says mixed up world is in deep trouble, by the attacking forces of the good, evil and in between!

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