Mit Media Lab Research Groups And Projects

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,350
  • Pages: 30
MIT Media Lab No. of Grp.

2009.7.29. Research Group No. of Prj. 28 Affective Computing 19 Biomechatronics 18 Camera Culture 7 Changing Places 6 Cognitive Machines 13 Computing Culture 9 Design Ecology 6 Ecology Media 7 eRationality 6 Fluid Interfaces 36 High-Low Tech 2 Human Dynamics 7 Information Ecology 9 Lifelong Kindergarten 14 Molecular Machines 2 Music, Mind and Machine 9 New Media Medicine 7 Object-Based Media 10 Opera of the Future 17 Personal Robots 26 Responsive Environments 11 Smart Cities 17 Sociable Media 22 Software Agents 30 Speech + Mobility 10 Synthetic Neurobiology 10 Tangible Media 19 Viral Communications 15 TOTAL 364

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To Group

Affective Computing : How new technologies can help people better communica

To Group

Biomechatronics : How technology can be used to enhance human physical capa

To Group

Camera Culture : How to create new ways to capture and share our visual inform

To Group

Changing Places : How new technology and strategies for design can make poss

To Group

Cognitive Machines : How to build machines that learn to use language in human

To Group

Computing Culture : How artists and engineers can refigure technology for the f

To Group

Design Ecology : How to enhance understanding, enable creativity, and ease our

To Group

Ecology Media : How to integrate sensors, digital signal processing technologies

To Group

eRationality : How we can understand human behavior (rationality, semi-rationa

To Group

Fluid Interfaces : How to integrate the world of information and services more n

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High-Low Tech : How to engage diverse audiences in creating their own technolo

To Group

Human Dynamics : How social networks can influence our lives in business, heal

To Group

Information Ecology : How to create seamless and pervasive connections betwee

To Group

Lifelong Kindergarten : How to engage people in creative learning experiences

To Group

Molecular Machines : How to engineer at the limits of complexity with molecular

To Group

Music, Mind and Machine : How to build intelligent music systems out of interac

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New Media Medicine : How radical new collaborations between doctors, patients

To Group

Object-Based Media : How to create communication systems that gain an unders

To Group

Opera of the Future : How musical composition, performance, and instrumentati

To Group

Personal Robots : How to build social robots that interact, collaborate, and learn

To Group

Responsive Environments : How sensor networks augment and mediate human e

To Group

Smart Cities : How buildings and cities can become more intelligently responsive

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Sociable Media : How to create better online environments and interfaces for hu

To Group

Software Agents : How software can act as an assistant to the user rather than

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Speech + Mobility : How speech technologies and portable devices can enhance

To Group

Synthetic Neurobiology : How to engineer intelligent neurotechnologies to repai

To Group

Tangible Media : How to design seamless interfaces between humans, digital inf

To Group

Viral Communications : How to construct agile, scalable, collaborative systems

puting : How new technologies can help people better communicate, understand, and respond to af Affect as Index Affective-Cognitive Framework for Machine Learning and Decision Making Affective-Cognitive Product Evaluation and Prediction of Customer Decisions Emotion Communication in Autism Emotional-Social Intelligence Toolkit Evaluation Tool for Recognition of Social-Emotional Expressions from Facial-Head Movements Externalization Toolkit FaceReader: Affective-Cognitive State Inference from Facial Video Gestural Control of Guitar Audio Effects Girls Involved in Real-Life Sharing iCalm (TM): Comfortable, Wearable, Wireless Bio-Sensing Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition with Multiple Modalities Mechatronics and Prompt-Assisted Typing Aids Passive Wireless Heart-Rate Sensor Prediction Game and Experience Sharing Market for Forecasting Marketplace Success RoCo: A Robotic Desktop Computer Sensor-Enabled Measurement of Stereotypy and Arousal in Individuals with Autism SmileSeeker: Customer and Employee Affect Tagging System Soothing Soundscapes for Autism

cs : How technology can be used to enhance human physical capability A Powered Leg Orthosis for the Neuromuscularly Impaired Active Ankle-Foot Orthosis Angular Momentum Primitives: Modeling of Transients in Human Walking Artificial Gastrocnemius Biomimetic Active Knee Prosthesis Bipedal Balancing Using Integrated Movement of Non-Contact Limbs Control of Muscle-Actuated Systems Via Electrical Stimulation Human Walking Model Predicts Joint Mechanics, Electromyography, and Mechanical Economy Human Walking Neuromechanical Models Humanoid Walking Control Using Angular Momentum Partition Instrumentation of a Biomimetic Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Leg Orthosis for Locomotory Endurance Amplification Load-Bearing Exoskeleton for Augmentation of Human Running Magnetorheological Transfemoral Prosthesis Mechatronics and Prompt-Assisted Typing Aids Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Powered Foot Prosthesis for Distance Running Workloop Energetics of Muscles and Interactive Loads

e : How to create new ways to capture and share our visual information Bokode: Long-Distance Barcodes Coded Computational Photography Femtosecond Transient Imaging Scattering Tomography Second Skin: Optical Motion Capture with Actuated Feedback Shield Field Imaging Theory Unifying Ray and Wavefront Lightfield Propagation

es : How new technology and strategies for design can make possible dynamic, evolving places tha Architectural Design Interface for Non-Expert Designers Location-Aware Thermostat Open Prototype Initiative PlaceLab and BoxLab Touchstone WorkLife

hines : How to build machines that learn to use language in human-like ways, and develop tools and Beacon Concept Store with the Center for Future Banking Behavior Capture from Thousands of People Online BlitzScribe: Speech Analysis for the Human Speechome Project Collective Discovery Concrete Financial Sim Data-Driven Architectural Design HeadLock: Video Analysis for the Human Speechome Project Human Speechome Project Internomics Spatial Language Semantics for Video Information Retrieval Speechome Recorder for the Study of Child Development Disorders Speechome Video for Retail Analysis TrackMarks: Semi-Automatic Video Annotation

ture : How artists and engineers can refigure technology for the full range of human experience Ambient Addition Caché Civic Defense Exertion Music ExtrACT No Park Selectricity Virtual Gaza Watching the Watchers

y : How to enhance understanding, enable creativity, and ease our interactions with the technologic Business Card of the Future Cartagen E14 1/2 Giving Character to Characters GLOP MIDE: A Multi-Perspective Interface for Software Development Environments

: How to integrate sensors, digital signal processing technologies, and networked communication i Aural Ambience Automatic Polling of Wildlife Creatures Hydrocycle Machine Harmonic Transcription of Jazz Rainwater Wall WildUrban: Shared Spaces Between Wildlife and Citizens

Your Imaginary Friend

How we can understand human behavior (rationality, semi-rationality, bounded rationality, and just Account-Ability Concrete Budgeting Economic Networks Internomics Marketing and the Placebo Effect The Money of Others: Agency, Risk-Taking, and Spending

s : How to integrate the world of information and services more naturally into our daily physical liv Augmented Mirror Blossom Chameleon Guitar: Physical Heart in a Virtual Body Compact Contract: Commitments Made Easier Done: Reflective Personal Project Management Flexible Urban Display Inktuitive: An Intuitive Physical Design Workspace ioMaterials Life in a Comic Light Piping Solar Panels MemTable Midas Moving Portraits Photowhere Pulp-Based Computing: A Framework for Building Computers Out of Paper Quickies: Intelligent Sticky Notes ReachBand: An RFID Wristband ReachMedia ReflectOns: Persuasive Objects to Think By Relational Pillow Shutters: A Permeable Surface for Environmental Control and Communication Siftables: Physical Interaction with Digital Media SixthSense (Codename WUW) SpendTrend: Reflecting on Spending Habits Spotlight Sprout I/O: A Texturally Rich Interface Sprout I/O: A Texturally Rich Interface Surflex: A Shape-Changing Surface TaPuMa: Tangible Public Map TeleStory Theme Stream: Visualizing Complex Time-Based Information thirdEye Transitive Materials: Towards an Integrated Approach to Material Technology What Would They Think? WordPlay WUW: Wear Ur World

: How to engage diverse audiences in creating their own technology by situating computation in n LilyPad Arduino

Paper Computing

ics : How social networks can influence our lives in business, health, and governance, as well as tec Learning Humans Living Labs Meeting Mediator Reality Mining Sensible Organizations Surfing the Urban Life

ology : How to create seamless and pervasive connections between our physical environments and BiDi Screen Daydar EcoTV Kairoscope: Social Time My Ears Are Burning Proverbial Wallets Proximeter: An Ambient Social Navigation Instrument Social Garden Window Wallet

rgarten : How to engage people in creative learning experiences Computer Clubhouse Computer Clubhouse Village Drawdio Hook-Ups Invention Kits for Kids Jots Mobile Scratch Say What?! Scratch Scratch Board Scratch Day Scratch Worlds Scratch-Ed ScratchR: Supporting Communities of Creators

hines : How to engineer at the limits of complexity with molecular-scale parts GeneFab NanoFab

d Machine : How to build intelligent music systems out of interacting audio-processing agents Audio Spotlight Classification of Killer Whale Sounds with GMM and HMM Intercontinental Music Performance Using Prediction Musicpainter Musicscape NASA Data Sonification Radio-ish Media Player

Sound Design with Everyday Words Time-Critical Networks for Interaction Design

dicine : How radical new collaborations between doctors, patients, and communities will catalyze a CollaboRhythm Collective Discovery Forget It? HealthMap I'm Listening LAMsight: A Data-Driven Disease Community Moca

Media : How to create communication systems that gain an understanding of the content they carry Connectibles Consumer Holo-Video Desktop Printed Holograms Guided-Wave Light Modulator Miniature Video Projector (Personal Projection) Smart Architectural Surfaces The "Bar of Soap": Grasp-Based Interfaces uCom View Planning for Camera Networks Vision-Based Interfaces for Mobile Devices

uture : How musical composition, performance, and instrumentation can lead to innovative forms o Death and the Powers: Redefining Opera Disembodied Performance Hyperinstruments Hyperscore Measurement of Violin Bowing Technique Mobile Music Diagnostics: Targeting Alzheimer's Disease Music Visualization Music, Mind, and Health Musical Robotics MusicBox: Navigating the Space of Your Music Personal Opera Skellig: A "Surround" Opera SoundSieve The Chandelier Toy Symphony Trainer Piano Vocal Augmentation and Manipulation Prosthesis (VAMP)

ts : How to build social robots that interact, collaborate, and learn with people as partners Affordable Gesture-Based Avatar Control System AUR: Robotic Desk Lamp Huggable: A Robotic Companion for Long-Term Health Care, Education, and Communication Huggable: Novel Actuators Huggable: Synthetic Skin for Robots Huggable: User Interface for Remote Communication through a Robotic Avatar

Illustrated Primer Leonardo: A Sociable Robot Leonardo: Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams Leonardo: Gaze-Based Puppeteering Interface Leonardo: Intention Recognition and Belief Reasoning for Collaborative Robots Leonardo: Learning Manipulation Skills by Demonstration Leonardo: Perspective-Taking for Social Robots Leonardo: Social Emotional Referencing Leonardo: Socially Guided Robot Learning MDS: Social Interaction Evaluation of Facial Expressions on Robots MeBot Mechatronics and Prompt-Assisted Typing Aids Persuasive Robotics: An Overview of the MDS Study at the Museum of Science RoboSalad Game Robot Teams for Disaster Response RoCo: A Robotic Computer Sociable Car, Senseable City Squash-Stretch for a New Genre of Expressive Robots Symon and the Factory: Fluency in Human-Robot Teamwork TIKL: Tactile Interaction for Kinesthetic Learning

vironments : How sensor networks augment and mediate human experience, interaction, and perce Active RFID Tags for Security and Supply-Chain Management Configurable Dynamic Privacy for Pervasive Sensor Networks Cross-Reality Demonstration Funk2: Causal Reflective Programming Interaction with Ubiquitous Dynamically Responsive Media Lab-Wide and Wearable Sensor and Video Network NASA Data Sonification Sensor-Enabled Active Buildings Spinner Ubiquitous Media Portals Wearable, Wireless Sensor System for Sports Medicine and Interactive Media

How buildings and cities can become more intelligently responsive to the needs and desires of thei Animated Playground Props Architectural Machines Augmented Street Light Beacon Concept Store with the Center for Future Banking Building Blocks in the Mass-Customized Era CityCar Chassis CityCar with General Motors Comparative Design Processes: Architecture vs. Automotive Digital Water Wall: Zaragoza, Spain FABRECOLOGY: Variable-Property 3-D Printing as a Case for Green Fabrication GreenWheel Bicycle Liberated Pixels Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) Project with ITRI Mobility On Demand Mobility On Demand: A Market Economy of Trips

RoboScooter with SYM and ITRI Wheel Robots

a : How to create better online environments and interfaces for human communication Chat Circles Cheiro Comment Flow Data Portrait Study Series: Social Maps of Time and Space Data Portraits Echologue Exploration of Motion to Visualize Large-Scale Online Discussions Identity Signals Medina Metropath(ologies) Mycrocosm Pasts and Presents PokerSpaces: Hiding and Revealing Social Information Online PostHistory Share: Socio-Technical Tools for Loosely Bound Cooperation Signs Sociomedia Garden Themail Transformative Copy Suite VisualCV Webbed Footnotes

ts : How software can act as an assistant to the user rather than a tool, by learning from interactio Agent-Application Communication Agents for Integrated Annotation and Retrieval of Images AnalogySpace Collecting Common Sense Common Sense Recommendations Common-Sense Investing Common-Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications CommonConsensus: A Game for Collecting Commonsense Goals Commonsense Computing ConceptNet Divisi: Reasoning Over Semantic Relationships E-Commerce When Things Go Wrong Emotus Ponens: Affective Story Understanding for Agents Finding Cultural Differences in Text Goal-Oriented Interfaces for Consumer Electronics Goals and Plans for Story Understanding Graphical Interfaces for Software Visualization and Debugging Intelligent Technical Documentation Learning Common Sense in a Second Language MARCO: Mutual Disambiguation of Recognition Errors in a Multimodal Navigational Agent Multi-Lingual ConceptNet Multilingual Common Sense

Navigating in Very Large Display Spaces Not-So-Common Sense Open Mind Commons PerspectiveSpace Programming and Learning Programming in Natural Language Relational Analogies in Semantic Networks Storied Navigation ToDoGo

lity : How speech technologies and portable devices can enhance communication Conch Flickr This Going My Way Guiding Light Merry Miser My Second-Bike Radio Messenger SpaceBox: Location-Based Messaging ToDoGo (*) 중복->Software Agents Will You Help Me?

obiology : How to engineer intelligent neurotechnologies to repair pathology, augment cognition, a Cell-Type-Specific Optical Neuromodulation Interfaces Funk2: Causal Reflective Programming (*) 중복 -> Responsive Environments Gene Therapy Devices Internomics Metatherapy: Customized, Adaptive Therapy Systems Molecular Sensitizers for Cell-Specific Optical Manipulation of Biological Systems Non-Invasive, Focal, and Portable Brain Stimulators Plasma Planning Principles of Controlling Neural Circuits Real-Time Data Mining

a : How to design seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical enviro AFK Cookset Bosu Cost-Effective Wearable Sensor to Detect EMF g-stalt Gestural Interaction Jabberstamp Picture This! Piezing Psychohaptics SandScape Sensetable Sourcemap Stress OutSourced Tangible Bits Topobo

Touch·Sensitive Trackmate Wetpaint WoW Pod

cations : How to construct agile, scalable, collaborative systems Cerebro Comm.unity Community Storage Digital Aura Ego Fluid Voice Focal Point iCityQuest Internal Knowledge Market Open Spaces Open Transaction Network (OTN) Photo Space PolyQuest The Amulet Twopons: An Application of OTN

w children learn to communicate

gful interactions with natural environments

behaviors, and in particular in electronic environments

and interpersonal connections

democratize engineering

the user's needs

n condition

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