Media Research

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“In the real world, nothing happens at the right place at the right time. It is the job of media to correct that”


Table of content 1. Acknowledgement…………………………………………….. 5

2. Executive summary……………………………………………. 6

3. Objective………………………………………………………… 7

4. Methodology……………………………………………………. 8

5. Literature review or secondary data…………………….........9-16

6. Management and market research questions………………17

7. Research design………………………………………………....18

8. Conclusion…………………………………………………...…..19-20

9. Recommendation………………………………………….…….21

10. Limitations……………………………………………………….22

11. Appendix (Questionnaire)…………………………................. 23-27

12. Variables………………………………………………………....28


13. Bibliography……………………………………………………. 29

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is our honors to state that we are very grateful to our institution AMITY UNIVERSITY for envisaging such a stupendous project. We would like to place on record appreciation and grateful thanks to my internal guide Miss Radhika Singh, subject in charge Amity University, for giving this project,

MEDIA: A REALITY OR AN ILLUSION This project was an opportunity for us to sharpen our market research skills and for being our guide all through.


And then we thank our group members for their constant effort, support and contribution.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEDIA: A REALITY OR AN ILLUSION? This study was undertaken to gain a deep understanding the need of media (TV journalism) on recent time. In the current liberalized environment that is characterized by information and knowledge base, the media, particularly the satellite television news channels, is a very powerful medium that plays a significant role in shaping public opinions and beliefs, and disseminating correct information and knowledge with a huge responsibility on their shoulders. IN SPITE OF TV CHANNELS AND NEWS PAPERS MUSHROOMING IN INDIA, QUALITY AND CREDENTIAL OF NEWS ARE DETERIORATING IN THE COUNTRY. NEWS PRODUCERS AND BROADCASTERS ARE MORE INTO MAKING MONEY THAN DISSEMINATING NEWS. Reports in different TV Channels and Newspapers were less informative than bias to influence the discussion scheduled for a date 4 days later. News is losing its importance among people of India. In India, the journalism practice is going tabloid way. The practitioners are more behind sensationalism and hype creating stuff than the news that would inform and empower people. As the trend of journalism practice goes in India, it’s high time that some kind of controlling system be set to ensure an ethical and responsible 6

journalism in the country.It is said that Indian viewers now spend more time watching news than reading news, as TV news channels in India have been competing with each other for more viewership. They have been targeting specific viewers by producing interactive and sensational types of news programs for vying for public attention and ultimately to improve their television rating points (T.R.P.). Time and again, the media has been blamed for 'incorrect' reporting but very few people understand basic issues related to release of information in the public domain. In certain cases, media has to downplay the number of casualties to avoid panic.

OBJECTIVE  To study the need of media on recent time.

 To see whether news on media channels is completely true these days.

 To study that is Media is deviating from the laws, ethics and principles that it should follow?

 To study that media is working more for TRP rather than reality.

 To study that is news channels suppressing the newspapers. 7

 To know the preference of the viewer.

 To know the service of the news channels.

 To know that the channels who got the broadcasting right for 24x7 is showing the worth news.

 To see that brand image of news channels is affecting the TRP of other news channels.

METHEDOLOGY Success or failure of any survey depends upon few important steps which are taken in advance to make survey effective and meaningful. Following are the major steps which are followed in this survey – Questionnaire Formation:-It is always convenient for surveyor & surveyee to ask and answer the questions respectively if questions are framed, sequenced and asked in proper format Conclusion:-What kind of news peoples is watching more? How much reality is covered by news channels? And many more hidden facts were brought into 8

limelight. Drawing conclusion from findings was the last major step of this survey. Research Design


Source Of Data


Exploratory study Primary Data, secondary data

Research Instrument:


Sample Size



Sampling Technique:

Convenience Sampling

Contact Method

Personal Visit


LITRATURE REVIEW OR SECONDARY RESEARCH INTRODUCTION In the current liberalized environment that is characterized by information and knowledge base, the media, particularly the satellite television news channels, is a very powerful medium that plays a significant role in shaping public opinions and beliefs, and disseminating correct information and knowledge with a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Such dissemination of news, views, and other information has far-reaching affects on societies, businesses, and governments. At the same time, today, the electronic media attracts the best talent in the country. When talented people work in such an industry, society expects them to 9

act in a more accountable manner and provide it with those news stories that will increase their knowledge, their sources of information, and inspire them to inculcate a feeling of responsibility toward society. We are a nation of diverse voices, opinions, religion, values, political beliefs, culture. In addition, we have many problems as people with fewer privileges, family to feed, petrol prices, interest rates, jobs, losing our friends in bomb blasts, fearing for our women, make ends meet, again a long list. The Mass Media is often referred to as the fourth branch of government because of the power you wield and the oversight function you exercise. It is through them that the public comes to know the problems that face the country. Thus you educate the public mind and enable the people to have their own opinions on matters of public importance. Your role in society is simple one. •

Give us facts

Create and sustain revolutions, pleas

Fight for what is right

Guide us

Amplify our problems/ voices so government can hear us

Eventually you should be ‘Junta ki awaz’

And become change agent

Mumbai: You turned this incident in a bloody TRP war, where people live was as irrelevant as Barkha’s approach to ethical journalism. Moral Police: Women were being physically abused and all you could do was to shoot the video so you can say “First reported here…”. Have you no soul. What did your video do, advertised and propagated fear…Hurray a well lived day!


Free Speech: In an op-ed written over a year ago (unfortunately, due to site changes, it is inaccessible on Hindustan Times), Barkha Dutt, the managing editor of NDTV, had vented against anonymous bogger who espouse popular opinion which are “often bigoted, blasphemous and banal.”Now, not that we ran out of examples, it’s just enough to drive the point across. You have become too shallow, sleaze, sensationalist and superficial even for your own good, all I can say is people, we listen to you, so do your job properly. We don’t need you to be pimps for movies people and Celebes. We don’t need your opinions, just a rational analysis; we don’t need your pointless debates and dumb follow-up questions. We need to you enable a democracy. Are we paying for this nonsense? FOR US the credibility of the media channels has come down to zero and we have stopped believing in any news they show. One of the reasons is that even if they show a true story then that also would be shown in their own way, full of spicy flavors. They will present it in such a way that it attracts more and more people and in turn to increase their Television Rating Point (TRP). Hence, the core news loses its authenticity. We will not hesitate in saying that no news on these media channels is completely true these days. This includes the channels in question and not the entire media. Now We sometimes think that a decade before our very own ’Delhi Doordarshan’ times were the best when there were only news and no nonsense. These news channels are testing our patience and making people mentally ill. This issue needs to be dealt effectively and genuinely. These TV channels should be banned till the time they show sensible and true stories and most importantly in a proper manner. They have completely lost their mind and are beaming whatever they want. Freedom of expression does not mean that you can show anything that comes to your mind and that too on a national platform. Firstly, when the thing that is shown is a complete fiction, secondly, it triggers an uncalled fear in public and thirdly, these plays with our emotions and beliefs. 11

NBA – Can we see a change? For your information, News Broadcasters Association (NBA), the apex body of all private news channels, has announced the setting up of a ’News broadcasting standards (disputes redress) authority’ to enforce its code of ethics and broadcasting standards. The former Chief Justice of India, J S Verma, is chairing the authority. It has become operational from Thursday (October 2, 2008). The other eight members have been equally drawn from amongst the eminent persons and editors categories. The NBA said, “... a censure emanating from a jury of peers would indisputably affect the credibility of a channel." The process of censure would not be without its legal ramifications. They also stated, "Channel acting in breach of established guidelines could hardly defend its motives or suggest that it was acting fairly, if it is censured by a jury comprising its peers." Our best section in it is the ’viewer feedback’, which states, ’all news channels will on their website, create provision to receive consumer feedback. Further any specific viewer complaints will be responded to. In the event any news channel gets a specific complaint if found to be true it will admit to the same on air and will respond in fullness and fairness to the viewer. In the event, a viewer/body perceives prejudice by any specific report carried by the news channel, it will respond in fullness and without impartiality to the viewer.”However, these have come into action from October 2, 2008. Also, we don’t know how effective these would be, and what are the chances that there will be no corruption in that department and they will genuinely look into the complaints and take appropriate actions?



Will they check each and every report before broadcasting it? If not then what is the use of taking an action once the news has been telecast? An action after the damage is done? Well, all these questions are premature, though important. If NBA has decided to make an authority then they should also not hesitate in taking an unbiased action. Currently, apart from the Cable TV Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995, and the program and advertising code for Doordarshan and All India Radio, there are no separate laws governing broadcasters. Enough is enough. We cannot bear just about anything that is thrust upon us. We need to unite, raise our voice and take a firm action against these so called TV channels that are so childish that they have not yet understood their responsibilities. This is surely not what we call journalism. Are our aspiring journalists learning this in their mass communication courses? And above all, are we paying for this nonsense?

Media has become oblivious to its responsibilities These days, it is nothing but a money minting business that ignores its social responsibilities. However, it's high time now that society demands a change A 14-year-old girl gets murdered brutally and what we see on our television screens is transcripts of her online chats and her personal messages. A bomb blast leaves a city shattered and what we read in our newspapers are arguments of political parties blaming each other. And not to forget, the breaking news that’s on the news channels 24x7 that a bird got stuck on a tree and was rescued by fire-fighters and that Rakhi Sawant slapped her boyfriend.


Do I need to give you more examples to prove how the standards of media are deteriorating today? Indeed, media today has become oblivious to its responsibilities. Media is deviating from the laws, ethics and principles that it should follow. To explain this statement a little more, I take the example of Arushi murder case, which was a pure case of defamation. Indeed, media today no longer cares about the responsibility that it has towards the public, the responsibility of bringing the truth ethically and objectively without hurting anybody’s sentiments and the consequence of this is over-hyped news. Today’s media actually sensationalizes news. Giving out facts and details to the public which are not true, or even worse, manufacturing them, is what has become the latest trend. Even if media is in the business of selling, where do we draw a line? What exactly is the limit? Sting operations these days are mere attempts to sensationalized news and gain television rating points (TRPs) rather than highlighting legitimate public interest issues. They have become a source to fill in time-slots on 24-hour news channels which constantly need something on air. And they hardly follow the principle on which they are supposed to be conducted, which is to reveal the truth to the public about various concerning issues. We believe, that instead of being ’with’ and ’for’ the people and serving them, media has distanced itself from the public. Today’s media looks for big, grand issues to be covered as news stories instead of stories at the grass root level.

How incorrect is 'incorrect' media coverage? Time and again, the media has been blamed for 'incorrect' reporting but very few people understand basic issues related to release of information in the public domain. In certain cases, media has to downplay the number of casualties to avoid panic. 15

DURING AND post 26/11, people constantly held grudges against one news channel for showing 80 hostages being freed from the Trident, while another insisted it was 70. ’Mumbai under siege!’ said some TV screens while others flashed, ’Terror holds Mumbai’. On the receiving end, it only makes sense to play the victim who is being subjected to prejudice and incorrect content when it comes to news but to take a decision that might lead to an unwanted uproar is where the difficulty lies. Not always can electronic means of information always stick to the correct digit. The explanation is as simple as the theory behind it. Hypothetically, a bomb blast in the city kills scores of people but the news channel has certain bounds, by which it cannot present news in its raw form. Estimation and an approximation is the least that they are expected to maintain. The blame game continues this way but not for an instance do people wonder about whether it’s worth it or not? “You can’t always give out the actual figures, as at that moment there are certain responsibilities that the viewers might not understand and I don’t blame them but in order to maintain that calm, the figures need to be reduced and then slowly revealed as time and the situation settles with the viewer keeping track of the toll,” said a leading national news channel executive on request of anonymity. Another fact that not many people would vouch for nor would many people agree is the dispensing of altered information, which people misinterpret as ‘incorrect’. The source of the information is not always common, thus a slight change in each calculation is possible. In certain situations, human aspects of the job have to be considered to be able to understand the context that might have an effect on your life. The police is usually hammered with multiple calls from press associations, newspapers and TV news channels for first hand information and a ’sound byte’ or a ’quote’ from certain higher officials to add something that other media would not have and of course to add credibility to the news. Not always are the times flexible and almost never does the competition amongst the channels stop. The police again are the ones who supply the information to the channels for 16

them to air it on TV and just like we don’t trust our politicians to bring about any change, a similar lack of faith exists within the handing over of this knowledge, which again is tampered with or if we may say ‘incorrect’. What is this correct information and if it is out there, how do we know we have it and even when we do, how do we know that this is the only one that is. A perfect environment with perfect communication and 100 per cent transparency is too utopian to expect. Not always do we know what’s best for us, as a matter of fact most of the times we don’t, after all ignorance sometimes does prove to be bliss.

MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS 1. Why people prefer media channels over newspaper. 2. Why media channels are turning up to the most important source for information and knowledge. 3. Why investigative journalism involves more than just string operation. 4. Why TV news channels are consider to be entertainment driver rather

than public service oriented. 5. Why TV news channels differ in facts & figure on the same issue. 6. Why the TV news channels telecast aired stories with fictitious titles.


RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. Is the availability of news channels suppressing newspaper. 2. Is TV news channels members are increasing day by day.

3. Do ‘Breaking news’ are more eyes catching than the regular content news. 4. Do attractions or factitious titles attract more viewers. 5. Do you prefer the ‘polls’ conducted by news channels.

RESEARCH DESIGN Exploratory research is a type of research conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Given its fundamental nature, exploratory research often concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist. Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective 18

methods, case studies or pilot studies. There are two types of objective in a marketing research project. 

Exploratory Research

Descriptive research

Exploratory Research 'The objective of exploratory research is to gather preliminary information that will help define problems and suggest hypotheses.' Descriptive Research 'The objective of descriptive research is to describe things, such as the market potential for a product or the demographics and attitudes of consumers who buy the product. The exploratory approach attempts to discover general information about a topic that is not well understood by the marketer. For instance, a marketer has heard news reports about a new Internet technology that is helping competitors but the marketer is not familiar with the technology and needs to do research to learn more. When gaining insight (i.e., discovery) on an issue is the primary goal, exploratory research is used. Exploratory research follows a format that is less structured and more flexible than descriptive research.

CONCLUSION We have researched into this topic of REAL and ILLUSIVE view of media. The broadcasting news channels can affect the real life of people in so many ways. The violence on news can cause violence in real life targeting mostly the children’s. It can be influence that disrupt a child's moral balance and makes a child applicable to aggressive behavior as their perception of the real world changes from the big screen. Many wonder why children are entertained by television and the violence on it “Journalists are like jackals and no jackal has been known to live on grass once he had learned about meat -- no matter who killed the meat for him.”


Although media plays an important role in bringing fact full the sad thing is the bad clusters formed due to prevailing competitive edge of the news channels, which almost ruining the philosophical "JOURNALISM". News channels concentrate only on TRP Ratings. If they move only towards TRP then there won’t be quality in that. If so it can not be a media should be an opinion bag. So, they go hunting for what’s going wrong and leave no stone unturned in sensationalizing that rather than at least making an attempt to project what is right and promote moral behavior. People need to live in a world feeling at least a bit secure rather than live in fear all the while. The "Breaking News" label is great...if it really is breaking. It is, as to break the backbone of truth and present everything stupid as news. The "breaking news" headline is over used. It isn't breaking news if it happened 6 hours ago, If they use it for too long, then it is meaningless and time consuming. Viewers exposed to breaking news were primed to evaluate the coverage differently than those who were not exposed to breaking news. It carries deflects attention away from the story itself but it disguises fears about the impact which the message may have on the general public. It has changed the way people live and relate to each other Don't forget Journalism is the ever-running stream of gems who make data into information ,rather than creating a CHAOS instinct happen as in DASAVATHARAM=JOURNALISM THE SUDDEN surge in electronic media has brought innumerable changes in the way we live, perceive and move on with our decisions. Of late, we have also seen a rapid increase in the number of news channels. Henceforth, the competition has also become stiff. Things have gone so far that various prominent news channels have been also striving hard to retain their TRP’s – consequently, this has hampered the image of serious journalism substantially. Any competition is a good competition until rivals try to outdo each other on the iniquitous ground. And if it moves in that way then there can be drastic consequences. In short, these news channels have become more like entertainment houses, which not only titillate you, but also left you brooded over many unanswered questions. Others telecast unscientific programs regarding future telling by cards and about what the stars tell. How ever, the channels have been instrumental in exposing corruptions at different levels in our social, political and economic life and bringing public grievances and social injustices to the notice of the authorities as well as the society at large. They deserve a pat for their good work in these aspects. The competition among these news channels has literally reached the climax, where it seems more like a tug of war, where people are using every trick to get hold over the rope. Surely, it is quite sad, but true and we do need to think about it before it gets bad to worse. The violence on TV can cause violence in real life targeting mostly the children’s. 20

Through research we have found that the city children watched far more television than small farmland places, but children rarely watch the news channels. The violence on television is able to be more appealing and exciting than the violence that is normally viewed in everyday life. Some parents see television as an unhealthy intrusion into a children's learning process, substituting easy pictures for the discipline of reading and concentrating and transforming the young viewer into a hypnotized non thinker. It can be influence that disrupt a child's moral balance and makes a child applicable to aggressive behavior as their perception of the real world changes from the big screen. Many wonder why children are entertained by television and the violence on it.


"Realize that investigative journalism involves more than just string operations."

"The focus on revenues from advertisement should be shifted to news and bringing more news to the doorsteps of the public."

"The coverage of political news should not be restricted to the mainstream political parties alone."

"Apart from politics, films, and sports, the coverage should be extended to developments in the fields of art, culture, science, literature, etc. since they also make news."


"The channels need advertisement revenue—but not at the cost of interruption every three to five minutes. News has to be continuous with maximum one break for few seconds."

"The response from the anchors must be less and not wait for the readers' signals to reach them. The time gap for their response is irritating."

"The quality of impartial reporting must be enhanced."

"At no time should they telecast scenes that can only be viewed with people of good heart conditions."

"The compassionate feelings of the affected persons must be honored. The "flash" or "breaking news" items must be of some standard and national importance and not routine items."

"Avoid sensationalism at all costs."

"Curb on vulgar and violence clippings."

"More focus on positive news stories and more focus on younger generation issues."

"Stop making socially undesirable characters as national heroes. Less exaggeration or avoid undue importance given to politicians/political drama."

LIMITATIONS I. NON REPRESENTABLE: As the population size of amity students

Sector 125 is 60,000 approx. and our sample size is 200,if we talk practically 200 students cannot represent 60,00 students.

II. TIME CONSUMING: This process is time consuming as we have to

go to each and every person to get our questionnaire filled. 22

III. BIASED: This research may be biased because in selected 200

students there may be more hoteliers and less day-boarders as we select people according to our convenience and normally hoteliers don’t like mess food as compared to day-boarders.

IV. SPECIFIC: This research is mainly based on media and in media we

have covered only TV news channels. Is not including any radio, newspaper or other entertainment channels.

APPENDCES Media Questionnaire 1. WHAT IS YOUR AGE? •

20-30 years

30-40 years

40-50 years

> 50 years



Post graduate




> 3 times

3 times

< 3 times

Don’t watch at all





Business news




English 24




Aaj tak



Star news

Zee news





Can’t say

May be
















Can’t say





Yes, people will aware from the terrorist activity 26



Aaj tak



Star news

Zee news




very poor




disagree •

Aaj tak



Star news

Zee news

17. ANY SUGGETIONS……………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

VARIABLES 1. Many news channels


2. Evolution of media 3.

String operation

4. Breaking news 5. Difference in facts & figure 6. More entertainment driven 7. Aired stories with fictitious titles 8. SMS services 9. Depth of the news 10. Reality 11. Brand image 12. Updated news 13. number of reporters 14. Availability of reporters 15. TRP 16. Sensationalism 17. Journalism debate 18. 24x7 broadcasting 19. Repetition of the news 20. Coverage 21. Credibility


22. Cover stories 23. Focus on personal life 24. Language 25. Qualification of viewer 26. Age group

BABILIOGRAPHY 1. Mahapatra, Devi Prasad. 2005. "Booming: Television News Channels in

India.", Oct.15. 2. Rao, Shakuntala, and Navjit Singh Johal. 2006. "Ethics and News Making in

the Changing Indian Medias cape." JOURNAL OF MASS MEDIA ETHICS 21 (4): 286-303. 3. Singh, S. Nihal. 2006. "Breaking News!" THE TRIBUNE May 9. 4. Vivek. 2006. "Brain-Dead Media." AVYAKTA (, Dec.

25. 5. Yadav, Kiran, and Neha Sharma. 2006. "News Unbridled." THE FINANCIAL

EXPRESS, Nov. 19. 6. Kotler et al., Marketing Management, 2006, p. 122, Pearson Prentice Hall Publications. 7. Malhotra, Naresh K., Marketing Research, Chap 3, pg 110-111, Pearson Prentice Hall Publications. 8. Malhotra, Naresh K., Marketing Research, Chap 11, pg 373, Pearson Prentice Hall Publications.


9. Kotler et al., Marketing Management, 2008, chap 17 p. 480, Pearson Prentice Hall Publications. 10. 2003. "The Big Fight." May 9. 11. 2005. "Another Sting Shows M.P.'s Misappropriating

M.P.L.A.D. Funds." Dec. 20. 12. 2005. "Television Personality of 2005 Is Mr. Sting." Dec.



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