Missionaries Converting Palestinian

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Missionaries converting Palestinian.... BEWARE of Christian Missionaries

While Palestinian is suffering from the zionist regime, other non-muslims are also taking advantage in converting Palestinian muslim. Below are some examples!!!

Jamshaid Zubairee 5/24/2007


MISSIONARIES CONVERTING PALESTINIAN.... Posted by: "Islahonline" http://us.f332.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]&Subj= Re%3AMissionaries%20converting%20Palestinian%2E%2E%2E

Christmas Gifts for Palestinian Muslim Handicapped Children Jerusalem Evangelistic Outreach the Bible Society presentations, each of the kids prepared a group presentation through song and dance. Afterwards, staff and volunteer of JEO (dressed up as Santa Claus) passed out 300+ sweatshirts to the children. We were very well received and praise God for this amazing opportunity to minister to those in need. (From Jamshaid; missionaries are always looking for such opportunities; if they don’t find any then they “create” such opportunity by “developing” the conditions of need. Even if they have to launch a war for that like in Somalia) A week before Christmas 2006, JEO and the Palestinian Bible Society teamed up to present 300 handicapped children with their siblings and mothers the story of Christmas, along with sweatshirts provided by JEO. The handicapped children came from villages surrounding Ramallah. More than 5 different organizations attended, including representatives from the Youth and Sports Ministries in the West Bank. Over 500 people attended the event. The Bible Society provided a magic show for the children, with the lesson that what one sees is not necessarily reality. (From Jamshaid; So Palestinian Muslims kid should be able to understand that bombs and missiles fired at them are flowers in “reality” but they look bad and are a message of LOVE from Israel) They also acted out a skit teaching the children to be grateful for what they do have A live "glow in the dark" puppet show was shown, originally recorded in JEO studios. In March, we invited 27 Muslim mothers to join us on a field trip through the Judean Wilderness to Qumran and Jericho. On their way to these places, the women were taught several Christian songs, and, to break the ice, were told about the Good Samaritan Story, where a person in need was helped despite his religious and ethnic affiliation. In the Wilderness, the women were encouraged to think about the footsteps of John the Baptist and Jesus, both of whom their lives. They discussed their home life, where they must be everything for their children, husbands, and communities. JEO volunteers were able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them, and have a time of worship together, emphasizing that the Lord would like all peoples to be ONE, without putting burdens on any single person. Volunteers who escorted the women were struck by one thing the ladies took away: The Bible is not fake! The Bible has not been changed or corrupted over the centuries! Pray for these Muslim women whose eyes have been uncovered by the truth of Scripture. Pray they will have the courage to have a radical heart change for



Jesus. roamed the area 2000 years ago. They were asked provocative questions, such as why did people follow Jesus? And was He worthy to be followed? At Qumran, Rami, JEO director and teacher of biblical history, proved that Scripture has never changed. The significance of this teaching destroys the lie that Muslims have been taught to believe: The Christian and Jewish Scriptures are false because they have been changed and corrupted. When it could be proven just the opposite through the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran, the women became very quiet and thoughtful. *[MY own comment: Dead Sea scroll does not even close in confirming the validating the Old nor New Testaments. It was in fact in contrary Islahonline]* Other JEO Events: After the war between Israel and Lebanon in the summer of 2006, volunteers of JEO took food boxes to 60+ families in northern Israel. The international and Israeli community forgot about these families, ranging from Muslims to Druzes to nominal Christians. Over the months since the war, the families have kept in touch with our volunteers and are beginning to see the love of Jesus Christ for them. Praise God for 'slow, but sure' opening of hearts. At the end of January, 30 Catholic ladies from Birzeit watched a movie on the story of Ruth, provided by JEO. After seeing Ruth's dedication to Naomi and her God, a discussion with JEO volunteers took place about what it means to be committed to God and others. The women were very excited, and asked us to "Please come back! We need more programs!" school refused to take the CD because many of their students are Muslim. After a peculiar twist of events, the teacher of the school's Religion Class took over 20 copies to hand out to her students, unbeknownst to the principal. A report came back to us that one particular student walked into his principal's office only to discover him listening and singing to the CD himself! A staff member left dozens of CDs with a flower vendor to give to people wanting to buy flowers for their loved one on Valentine's Day. We received many calls afterward to come back and do another project! Praise God for this extraordinary response! We had the idea to create a mix of Arabic and English Christian songs to hand out to mostly Christian schools (universities, high-schools, and elementary schools) in Israel and the West Bank. They did also go to Notre Dame University, the YMCA, and the YWU. The CD was free and contained exceptional songs telling of Jesus' love for each person. The CD, "I Love You," focuses on nominal Christians and their relationship with Jesus. We're on the Web! Jerusalem Evangelistic Outreach is a media, teaching, and relief ministry that goes around doing good in the footsteps of Jesus, nourishing spirits, satisfying souls, and displaying compassion to the body using multiple methods through 5 different branches, including media production, distribution of Christian literature, 'development, relief, and enablement,' Biblical education/evangelistic field trips, and 'evangelistic outreaches and Christian events.'


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