Israeli- Palestinian Conflict

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 150
  • Pages: 1
Israeli- Palestinian Conflict Timeline To expand our knowledge about the issue and the history behind the IsraeliPalestinian conflict we will construct a timeline with summaries and visuals in our classroom. Each student will be assigned a decade to summarize. Some decades only have one main event listed. Some have several. Your job is to read through all the material from your decade and summarize the most important pieces that the class needs to know. Requirements Summary of each major event Picture matching the event (from different website preferred) Large printed date for each event **You will earn credit for each finished assignment you turn in. The more you complete the more it can help your grade.**

Ancient - 1974 Brian


1977- 1999 Stephanie


2000-2005 + current situation Daniel David

Use the timeline found at Or find it through google by using keywords: conflict middle east timeline bbc

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