Minutes Of The Meeting Of City Council Of The City

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6:00 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING – WORKSHOP TO REVIEW AUDIT Council members present: Wryley Bettis, Wayne Griffin, Sandra Anderson, Joe Baldwin, Jay Arrowood, and Belle Coxe-Mercado. Also present: Ed Driggers, City Administrator; David Seifert, City Controller; Carole Rosiak, Interim Municipal Clerk and various other staff and media Mayor Danner opened the workshop at 6:17 p.m. Ken Holcombe, Cy Burgess, and Ann Williams of Elliott, Davis & Company were present to address any questions from Mayor and Council in regard to the audit. Question and answer period followed. The workshop adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

6:50 P.M. REGULAR SESSION Mayor Danner called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. Councilman Griffin gave the invocation. MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 2004 Councilwoman Mercado made a motion that the minutes of January 13, 2004 be approved as written. Councilman Bettis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes February 10, 2004 Page 2


DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Mr. Rhoads reported that his department had set a record of 441 housing starts in the year 2003 which followed 3 years of 300 plus starts. Chief Crisp reminded everyone of their annual meeting/dinner to be held on Saturday, January 17, 2004. He also reported a successful departmental retreat the previous weekend. The Mayor reminded everyone of the Martin Luther King Day ceremony/lunch to be held at the J. Harley Bond Center on Monday, January 19, 2004. Mr. Driggers introduced David Seifert, City Controller who briefed Council on the City’s financial status and reported that at this time the City is 6% under budget. Mr. Driggers reported that the December reports would be completed soon and supplied to Council. Mr. Driggers reminded Council that the auditors are scheduled to be at the next meeting (January 27, 2004) and asked that members bring their copies of the audit at that time. Mr. Driggers reminded Council of the annual Chamber of Commerce meeting to be held on Thursday, January 22, 2004 and asked them to let his office know whether or not they plan to attend. Mr. Driggers reminded members of the MASC Annual Meeting on February 18, 2004 and asked them to let his office know if they are able to attend. He stated that 2 council members will be attending the Elected Officials Institute on the 17th. Mr. Driggers invited Council members to go with him to Columbia on the 27th of January to meet with members of our Legislative Delegation. He asked that they let his office know of their attendance plans. Mr. Driggers updated Council on the status of the downtown parking lot and the fact that it is now open and lighted but not fully completed at this time. He reported on the storm water management plan. He reported that the data from the survey would require approximately 30 minutes to review. Council requested that this issue be held over to the February 10, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. and go ahead with the audit review for 6:00 p.m. on January 27, 2004.

Minutes February 10, 2004 Page 3

Mr. Driggers updated Council on the search for the Municipal Clerk. He stated that applications will be reviewed soon and Council will consulted as to how they wish to proceed. Mr. Driggers reminded Council of the Daddy/Daughter’s Valentine Dance on February 13, 2004; the Martin Luther King Program on the 19th; annual meeting of the Greer Development Corporation on February 4, 2004 and several housekeeping items. He updated Council on the Business License Program and reported that as of December 31, 2003 we were right at $83,702.41 in revenues. We are now reviewing expenses and costs associated with running that program and a complete breakdown will be presented to Council at the next meeting. Mr. Driggers pointed out that included in their packets was the information on properties cleaned and mowed by the City. Mr. Driggers stated that he had 1 economic development matter, 2 legal issues and 1 contractual issue to discuss in Executive Session Mr. Baldwin asked Mr. Driggers if the City will be submitting an application to the C-Fund Committee this month. Mr. Driggers reported that the City has submitted an application on the roads that were previously requested and have notified the County Transportation Committee that we have completed and are prepared to close out the accounts on the Hwy 14 and Suber Road Sidewalk Project in addition to submitting the original list of roads that Council requested for funding. He added that the City has requested the funding on an 80 – 20% match. He stated that they are scheduled to meet again on the 22nd for their regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD NOMINATIONS Councilman Bettis nominated John Holland as the representative for District 5 on the Planning Commission. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Jay Arrowood made a motion to reappoint Larry Clifton for an additional term as the member-at-large on the Planning Commission as recommended by Mayor Danner. Mr. Bettis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes February 10, 2004 Page 4

OLD BUSINESS RESOLUTION 11-2003 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Mr. Driggers briefed Council on the three minor changes made and reviewed the reasons for such. (See attached). Mr. Baldwin made a motion that Resolution 11-2003 be approved with the additions suggested by Mr. Driggers. Ms. Mercado seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Mr. Driggers informed Council that he had deliberately left the effective date to Council’s discretion. Council decided the effective date to be February 1, 2004. Mr. Griffin requested that the motion be amended to include the affirmative action statement as outlined in our first manual. There was no amended motion. Motion carried 5 – 1. Mr. Griffin voted in opposition.

RESOLUTION 12-2003 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT AN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Ms. Mercado made a motion that Resolution 12-2003 be approved as amended in Resolution 11-2003. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Motion carried 5-1. Councilman Griffin voted in opposition. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 32-2003 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF GREER ADOPED BY “ORDINANCE NUMBER 7-2003” ON MARCH 25, 2003”. Mr. Bettis made a motion that Second Reading of Ordinance 32-2003 be approved. Ms. Mercado seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes February 10, 2004 Page 5

NEW BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NUMBER 1-2004 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY TSS PROPERTIES, LLC (SANDRA S. KNIGHT) AND LOCATED ON NORTH JOHN STREET BY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT PETITION; AND TO ESTABLISH A ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-2 (COMMERCIAL) FOR SAID PROPERTY. Council was briefed on the details of the annexation by Phil Rhoads and the property owner. Discussion followed. Mr. Arrowood made a motion to approve First Reading of Ordinance Number 12004. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. BID SUMMARY – BENTCREEK Council agreed to hold over this bid summary to a future meeting. 2004 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Mr. Griffin made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as presented. Mr. Bettis seconded his motion. Motion carried unanimously. MAYOR PRO-TEM ELECTION The floor was opened for nominations. Mr. Griffin nominated Mr. Bettis for the position. Mr. Bettis nominated Mr. Baldwin. Mr. Griffin voted for Councilman Bettis. All others voted for Councilman Baldwin. Mr. Bettis made a motion that Mr. Baldwin be selected to serve as Mayor ProTem. Ms. Mercado seconded his motion. Motion carried 5 – 1. Mr. Griffin voted in opposition.

Minutes February 10, 2004 Page 6

EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Mercado made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss 1 economic development issue, 2 legal issues, and 1 contractual matter. Mr. Bettis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bettis made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Ms. Mercado seconded his motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor stated that during Executive Session they had discussed 1 economic development issue, 2 legal matters, and 1 contractual matter and no action was taken. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.

___________________________ Carole Rosiak Executive Administrative Assistant/ Acting City Clerk

___________________________ Richard W. Danner, Mayor

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