Minutes July 2007

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Minutes of NZALT Executive Meeting July 28/29, 2007-07-28, held at Rangi Ruru, Christchurch

Present: Adèle Scott (President), Anne Jacques(Senior Vice President), Jane Lee (Treasurer), Sue Sutherland (Secretary), Pam Mabin (Auckland), David Hall (Waikato), James Donaldson (Massey), Philippa Doig (Victoria), Jo Rittey (Canterbury)Jenness Riethmaier (Otago/Southland) Adèle welcomed the 2007/2008 executive and thanked Jo Rittey for organization of venue and accommodation. Thanks to be sent to Jo Guthrie and Judy Lafdal for their organization of Langsem and their support of the AGM by giving incentives to attendees. Rangi Ruru to be written a note of thanks for use of venue. Minutes of the March 07 meeting were confirmed. Matters arising from the minutes. The Executive Summary of the Minutes, prepared by James D, will be published on the website. Correspondence Incoming Royal Soc – Fiona Craven: invitation to take part in the promotion of the Digital Learning Object (DLO) Dennis Cunningham, FIPLV – various Regional officers P. Doig, J. Rittey, J. Riehtmaier, D. Hall – nomination forms. Sayako Oliver re NZALT membership requirement for Certificates of Excellence MoE Research Div: Monitoring Teacher Supply 2007 International Baccalaureate Org: IB Wolrd Schools Yearboook 2007 Attendance, Absence, ND truancy in NZ Schools 20006 Fiona Craven : Subject Association Newsletter MoE: Early Childhood Funding Education NZ Teachers Council –Learning to Teach, a survey of PRT in NZ Univeridad of Zaragoza – Courses MoE: Te Kotahitanga, Improving the Educational Achievement of Maori Students in Mainsteam Education. Phase 2: Towards a whole school approach. MoE: School ICT Network Infrastructure Upgrade Project: Evaluation of Early Impacts Babel May2007 Government House :Governor General Anan Satyanand has agreed to be the Association’s patron Outgoing to Gail Spence on her retirement from MoE – thanks for leadership in and passion for language learning Deborah Rattray and Mairi Ferguson – thanks for organization of Conference 2006 Laura Collins Executive Officer of TRCC for support in the Leading Languages course in January 2007 Janet Sirisomphone requesting Asia New Zealand report Sayoko Olliver re membership and certificates of Excellence Simon Curnow of Kings re complaint about online subscription payments Richard Steel re native speakers and scholarsh 1

President’s address to Executive. (Adèle) 1. Development of a strategic plan The Assoc needs a sense of where the assoc is going. Meetings are predominantly transactional; some rationalization would be prudent so that meetings can be looking forward. Exec members would need to come prepared for more focussed and in-depth discussion. Everything is open for negotiation. The necessity for synergy was stressed. A Project Proposal: Development of a Strategic Plan by Susan Miller-Thevenard was circulated and discussed. There was wide executive support for the development of a Strategic Plan as proposed in the paper - cost $1800 for three days’ work +disbursements and expenses. The proposed workshop will be of seven hours’ duration. Comments arising from the discussion - need to convince more teachers of the value of belonging to the Association; an analysis of Assoc’s role timely with the introduction of the Eighth learning area. It was moved that the Association accept the Project proposal for the development of a strategic plan AS/PD. Adele is to meet with SMT to clarify expectations around disbursements and expenses. Anne, Sue, Adele will discuss how the business of the October meeting will be managed. 2 ERO. The Assoc has been recommended by Frances Salt to contribute to questions that ERO can use to gauge a school’s readiness to implement the new Curriculum, e.g. Do you have the capability……? How ready are you? What are you offering? How do you interpret “offering”? How do you make the choice of languages? Resource for questioning - Learning Languages – a guide for NZ schools (slightly outdated) AJ/AS/PD to have a conference call to develop questions for Frances; these will later be circulated to the rest of exec. Frances Salt to be invited to October exec meeting 3. The New Learning Area Adèle is to write a letter to Steve Maharey congratulating the govt on creating the new learning area, thus affirming the suggestions from the Curriculum Stocktake that language be offered to all Year 7-10 students. The following points were suggested: The new learning area was created because of a huge concern over lack of language learning. There have been many excellent initiatives which have supported the Curriculum Stocktake recommendations. Continued support is expected. The Assoc. looks forward to seeing the final curriculum doc which will affirm the intention that all schools will offer a language to pupils from Years 7-10. Assoc’s hope is that all students of Years 7-10 will be learning a language in the near future. At the recent Perth Conference the Australians were envious that NZ has a national curriculum and approved the PD opportunities for primary teachers to receive PD in language teaching/learning and culture. 2

Letter will refer to Loewen, Ellis and Hackam’s research finding that two years’ language learning necessary for significant progress The letter is to be circulated prior to sending. 4 The Negative L2 Climate- Understanding attrition rates, Alastair McLauchlan’s four years’ research. The final page of this publication, critical of NZALT, was circulated for reading overnight and response. No decision was made about a response due to lack of time. Badges (Philippa D) – a stocktake was conducted. The badges project has broken even. Additional badges were handed to Jane Lee and James Donaldson and Jo Rittey for further sales. Naomi Collins (Sasakawa) has 600 unsold Japanese badges. She has offered them to NZALT. It was moved that Adele contact Naomi Collins with suggestions for distributing the badges to teachers of Japanese. PD/AJ Philippa was thanked for her excellent organization of the badges competition and the badges’ sales through the regional officers. Treasurer’s report (Jane Lee) The audited report for 2007 was distributed. Jane was thanked and congratulated for a clear report. AJ/DH Membership (David Hall/Jane Lee) David has analysed the membership numbers as detailed below He has introduced a lapsed category for membership. After three years’ inactivity members will be moved to the lapsed list where their names will be kept indefinitely. NZALT Membership Data, July 2007 Membership type Ordinary 442 Part-time 208 Prim/Int 159 Journal 16 Retired 14 Total 888 New Members registered this year = 91 (of which 67 have paid up) Paid Up Members (by region) Auckland 129 Waikato 52 Massey 51 Victoria 52 Canterbury/Nelson 72 Otago/Southland 26 382 Total Payment method Online 341 Direct debit 22

49.8% 23.0% 17.9% 1.8% 1.6%

33.8% 13.6% 13.4% 13.6% 18.8% 6.8% 89.3% 5.8% 3




There is continuing disappointment that the Katipo system has not been able to produce receipts. For this reason the full amount has still not been paid - approx $3000 still owing. David and Jane to meet with Katipo on 25 October, 2007, prior to the October Exec meeting. Online membership (Jane Lee/David Hall) Problems with online subscriptions were canvassed around the table. As a result it was decided that David will send • a reminder notice to schools with several members in February advising them of online subscription procedures • a reminder to those who have registered in 2007 but not yet paid. • a copy of the PDF instructions re. subscribing online to be provided to all RO’s. It was also decided that the Association’s bank number will be changed so that memberships are not able to be paid by direct credit. The subscription cheques received since the March meeting will be banked forthwith. A letter (composed by James D) is to be sent to the cheque writers by the RO’s – cheque has been accepted exceptionally; help offered with online registration for 2008. Sec. to bank subscription cheques received for remainder of the year. Subscription issues with King’s College have been resolved. The website (David Hall) Langsem documents are to be published online – preferable to be in PDF form as power points take up too much room Human Resources (James Donaldson) James has sent an email to all heads of subject associations and advisers introducing himself. There were no applications from the SLAs for the Special Projects Award. Competition Jingle: The criteria for the jingle competition were decided: 5 words in any language identifying and promoting the learning of a language; jingle must be audibly interesting and clear, 15 - 30 secs in length. Recorded in MP3 or WMA or WAV format to be submitted by email [email protected] or by mail on a CD. Sponsorship by Sasakawa has been arranged. Closing date Friday 21 September. Asia NZ (Jo Rittey) Katrina Martell was contacted re the info (other funding received for the processing of her application (2006). She has received funding from Sasakawa and therefore is not Adele is to write to Janine Chin at Asia NZ returning the unspent $2800. NZALT has been informed that it will not receive any money for disbursement in 2007-2008 – there are other avenues through which teachers may apply for assistance. The association would like to continue the relationship with Asia NZ. The application form has been removed from web in the meantime. Year 7 and 8 (Adèle) 4

Adele reported on the Year 7 and 8 Survey she had conducted using Survey Monkey. There were 38 respondents, of whom ✔ 65.8% are members of NZALT,19 members of a SLA ✔ 36-37 teach at year 7 and 8; 13 and 10 teach at years 6 and 5; ✔ There were 15 teachers of Spanish, 11 of French, 8 of German, 12 of Maori, 9 of Japanese, 2 of Chinese, 1 of Korean. ✔ Requirements in order of importance: 1 resources 2 In -school support and PD workshops 3 Networking ✔ Students’ competitions top the list of NZALT services respondees are aware of. Members in this sector want: • continued support including more networking opportunities • next level of language – language proficiency • in-class support • to work with other Year 7 and 8 teachers (observe, plan, learn) • a focus on transition – work with Year 9/10 teachers • to share successful games, activities, concepts and methods • assessment exemplars appropriate to the level • year 7 & 8 specific PD – cross-curricular • generic languages PD • paid PD It was agreed that NZALT offer scholarships to improve language proficiency to primary-intermediate teachers who are NZALT members and are currently teaching a language. These will be up to the value of $300 each and awarded at the completion of the course. Applications will be considered at the March and October meetings. Deadlines 28 Feb and 30 September. Jane L /Jenness R David Hall will put notice and application forms for these “Speak Up” scholarships on the web. David H to organize the advertising of both the PD award and this new scholarship in the Education Gazette . Jo R is to take over the portfolio for Years 7 and 8 . She will work with the Year 7 and 8 person to be seconded. Polyglot Adèle to write an article for Polyglot on How to use Survey Monkey The research itself to be published in NZLT. The PDF of the research will also be put on website Other articles: Ali Turner ‘s address to ChCh Langsem How to drive your langsem convenor mad. (AJ to coordinate) 15 August deadline Advertising $200 for full page $180 for half – Executive asked to solicit advertising and articles. Conference/Langsems Report on Conference 2008 (Philippa Doig) Sue Sutherland attended the AFMLTA Conf in Perth to seek out possible speakers, liaise with Australian language teachers, advertise NZALT Conference 2008. Wellington Girls’ College will be the venue. Flyer: has been produced and distributed at Perth and at Canterbury Langsem. Regional officers to take 100 each to distribute wisely. Convenors: There are convenors for Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Pasifika, Convenors for Latin, Spanish, Y7/8, Maori are being sought. Keynote speakers: Ian Lillico – motivating boys 5

Zoltan Dorynei, UK guru on motivation, has been approached. He declined, but an attempt will be made to persuade him to change his mind. Antonie Alm – recommended by Judith Geare; Anne Marie Masgoret recommended by Janet; Tim Mehigan – Judith Geare Janet McCallister is in charge of conference booklet – very good at layout and details Information and call for papers now urgent because flyers have gone out at Perth and at Christchurch Langsem. Eric Yates has been away but is now back – he has drafted wording for call for papers. Presentations: There will be two categories of presentation – peer reviewed and practical workshops/ideas for the classroom Accommodation options are being explored Timeline: Work in progress Float: The original float has been invested in flyers. $2000 more requested Overall preparation for conference is going really well. It was moved that $2000 be given as an additional float with further sums to be available at the discretion of the Treasurer. PD/PM 100 conference flyers were distributed to each of the regional officers Langsems A letter of thanks to convenors of Langsems is to be written. There is an appreciation of the huge workload that Langsems involve – this workload issue will be addressed by exec in a future meeting. There is a need for coordination of the regional langsems, as much info can be shared nationally. David H asked for copies of Langsem programmes. It is part of the PD portfolio to collect and archive Langsem programmes. Visitors Richard Steel, NZQA, Fiona Craven, the subject association facilitator, Glenda Koefoed, Min of Ed. 1 Richard circulated a discussion paper re the full-time moderator concept. NZQA is committed to more moderation coverage. In general .7 of a moderation work load would be required of a full-time moderator; the remainder of time will be spent on advice and guidance. NZQA was congratulated on bringing assessment and learning together. A question was asked about the overlap with the work of advisers. Answer:the help would be additional not instead of the work of the advisers. Would there be interest in the full-time moderator jobs? Yes, maybe for example, from teachers who are presently teaching languages part-time in a full-time teaching programme. Email feedback required on the proposal and also on other professional duties which the full-time moderator could perform. A cabinet paper is to be drawn up by 10 August. Role definitions, advertisements need to be published by October. 2 Has there been any thought given to the use of dictionaries? NZQA prepared to look at the issue, as the use of dictionaries does not compromise assessment. 3 First language speakers in scholarship. Decision to allow native speakers to be eligible for scholarship was made solely on the basis of fairness. Circular advising teachers that the assessment specs for 2008 will state that all instructions will be in English as will be the questions in the first part of the listening comprehension. Thus of the 32 marks 8 will be contingent on knowledge of English. RS agreed that student motivation could be affected by the eligibility of native speakers, but as a civil servant he cannot be seen to be critical of the Min of Education. The decision has been made. 6

The best way forward? Murky. Made murkier by the extent of current noncompliance by schools is a problem. Schools complying are being penalized. Concern expressed by PD that the pure nature of Scholarship has been compromised by the new specs. 4 The nature of permissible error correction in NCEA internal assessments. In NCEA .6 general identification of where the error is and use of a code is acceptable. In the .2 Assessment – no criteria included for the planning phase of speech regarding the amount of correction allowed. Richard was thanked for his contribution. The secretary will write a letter to Richard’s immediate superior, Sue Chalmers, to acknowledge the ongoing commitnet that Richard makes by attending NZALT Exec meetings and keeping the Association up-to-date with NZQA matters. Richard was thanked for his contribution, Fiona Craven, the subject association facilitator (MoE) explained her role. Her position is funded by the Min. through a grant to the Royal Society. A reference group of which Senior Vice-President, Anne J, is a member, has been set up. NZALT was chosen as part of the reference group, as it oversees an expanding area from primary to secondary level. Fiona has been developing lines of communication with other bodies, e.g. mining, and developing a strategic plan (Where do the subject associations want to go?), researching into GST and IRD implications for associations. Questions asked by NZALT: how to send out bulk emails, avoiding blockage; dealing with GST and archives – no immediate advice offered. The hope is that an office will be set up, with archival space and support for conference/langsem organization. Fiona gave a demonstration of the Learning Objects with the invitation to take part in the promotion of the Digital Learning Objectives Initiative. Financial support is offered for the dissemination of information Website piece and link - $500 Printed newsletter piece - $1000 Identifying at least one case study - $2000 The Assoc will be provided with three copies of the TFL DVD. It was agreed that the assoc will sign the contract. AJ/AS Fiona was thanked for coming. Glenda Koefoed (Min of Ed) brought the following to the attention of the meeting 1 Promotion of Learning Objects 2 Aim to have all teacher PD immersion awards on TKI website with links. NZALT awards to be included – DH to action 3 Action Research projects are available on Leadspace (TKI). Additional suggestions welcomed 4 Also on the web: Rosemary Erlam :Implications for Pedagogy and Assessment. www.tki.org.nz/r/nzcurriculum/references_e.php#learning-languages And research by Joanne Le Metias – on the implications of the draft curriculum on the curriculum documents. 5 Alignment of current curricula with the new overarching curriculum objectives Revision of the curriculum guidelines is in process – all will be looked at in time. Draft for Latin available by end of 2007; also the Niuean and Tokelauan curricula are in pipeline. 7

6 Glenda will take back to the Min of Ed NZALT’s request to have NZ Curriculum Exemplars in the Languages, as exist in Health, Physical Education, for example. to give teachers an idea about standards required at each level . Progress standards are being produced by Jan Robertson and Wendy Thompson. 7 Assessment activities on TKI – there is a need to update the resources. 8 Inclusion in pre-service training of language methodology teacher training – difficulty influencing the tertiary providers; NZALT could take a role with CUAP, etc Glenda was thanked for her contribution. It was agreed that there will be on going communication. The Secretary will write a letter to Tony Turnock, Manager Design Learning Outcomes, to acknowledge the personnel change at the Min of E, and to express appreciation of Glenda’s visit and the previous work of Gail Spence. Certificates of Excellence – review will be deferred until the October meeting. MFALTA Conference Perth- report back deferred FIPLV Award James D in charge of notification notice of FIPLV award..Closing date for applications is October. International Relations AFMLTA - Babel subscriptions are to be paid. FIPLV Conf in 2010 looking at Gold Coast -possibility of a joint FIP:V, AFMLTA, NZALT conference in Brisbane mooted. Matter was put on future agenda for discussion. Marketing (Jenness R) An article by Muiris O Laoire was distributed– possibility for NZALT Conference Dr Martin East is new editor of NZLT . Contact details Senior Lecturer and Academic Leader School of Language Studies Unitec New Zealand Private Bag 92025 Carrington Rd Mt Albert Auckland Email: [email protected] The new editor of Polyglot is Gayleen Mackereth. Contact details: 170 Cook Street Howick Auckland Email: [email protected] Ph. 09-537-0932 President’s report for NZLT; no need to be also in Polyglot The meeting closed at 1.20p.m. Confirmed as a true and correct record . President 8

Date 27 October, 2007


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