Minutes - 28th Meeting Of Exco

  • October 2019
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The Civic Party Minutes of the 28th meeting of the Executive Committee Date: Time: Venue:

3 October, 2006 (Tuesday) 6:30 p.m. Party’s HQ

Present: (1) Kuan Hsin-chi (Chairman), (2) Joseph Cheng Yu Shek, (3) Audrey Eu Yuet Mee, (4) Fernando Cheung Chiu Hung, (5) Margaret Ng Ngoi Yee, (6) Chan Ka Lok, (7) Alan Leong Kah Kit, (8) Mark Anthony Williams, (9) Stephen Char Shek Ngor, (10) Claudia Mo Man Ching, (11) Thomas Yu Kwun Wai, (12) Bill Lay Yan Piau (13) Mandy Tam Heung Man, (14) Amy Yung Wing Sheung (15) Vincent Ng Wing Shun In Attendance: Tsang Kwok Fung Items


Part A - Confirmation of Minutes 1. Agenda Members endorsed the agenda as distributed. 2. Minutes of the Last Meeting Members approved the minutes of the last meeting. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes (a) Applications for Branch Membership The secretariat was asked to remind the district branch chairpersons to speed up the confirmation of the remaining applicants. CAO agreed that the secretariat would provide lists of unconfirmed members to the respective branch chairpersons soon.


Part B – Items for Discussion Minutes of 28th ExCo meeting 03/10/06



4. Election of ExCo Nominee for CE Election (a) PL reported that a Working Group for CE election consisting of Ronny, Margaret, Yeung Sum (DP), Cheung Man Kwong (DP), Alan Lung (HKDF), George Cautherley (HKDF), K.K. Kwok, Li Kwok-lun, and Christine Loh had been formed. The group would try to raise three millions dollars to meet the initial budget. CAO and a staff member from DP would serve the group. (b) PC reported that the secretariat only received one nomination for the ExCo candidate for the CE election. Alan Leong was the only name received, proposed by Joseph and seconded by Mark. Members endorsed Alan as the ExCo nominee unanimously. 5. Reports on Roundtable Discussion with Party Members and Consultation on CP’s Position on CE and LC Elections (a) Members took note of the PC’s written report. A better-defined division of labour among ExCo members, as requested by some party members, would be discussed under the following agenda item. (b) S-G also reported that he would send the revised version of the position paper on CE and LC elections, based on discussions with party members on the previous Sunday, by email.


6. ExCo Slate for ExCo Election at AGM Detailed discussions were held. Members offered many comments on the proposed slate and job descriptions prepared by Margaret. (a) The division of labour should respect individual members’ views. It should also be in accord with members’ expertise. It was agreed that ExCo would work as a team assuming collective responsibility. (b) The division of labour between the two vice-chairmen would follow Albert’s suggestions. One vice-chairman would take care of relations with civil society and partnership building; the other vice-chairman would take care of capacity-building in policy research and Minutes of 28th ExCo meeting 03/10/06



development, as well as campaigns to promote policy issues. Membership matters and Young Civics matters would go to other members. (c) All legislators serving as district branch chairpersons should prepare succession plans. (d) All ExCo members were advised to form supporting teams of party members so that their work could be delegated. (e) In the coming elections at the AGM, all ExCo members were asked to prepare an account of what they had done in the past six months and their future work plan.

All ExCo Members

(f) Claudia indicated that she would be willing to help in overseeing the media relations of the party for the time being, but would not like to assume the title of “Director of Communications.” (g) Stephen would serve as Members Secretary. (h) Bill’s portfolio would expand to take into consideration his present contributions. It was agreed that Stephen Chan and Linda Wong would be invited to be included in the slate. S-G and Margaret were asked to work out the portfolios of the two new ExCo members.

S-G and Margaret

7. Formation of CP’s Disciplinary Committee and Ethics and Standards Committee (a) As A&A requires that members of the two captioned committees could not come from the membership of ExCo, members agreed that no ExCo members would join the two committees to maintain the continuity of ExCo. (b) It was agreed that PC and PL would plan for the memberships of the two committees and make preliminary approaches for report to the next ExCo meeting. Minutes of 28th ExCo meeting 03/10/06

PC and PL



Part C – Reports to Note 8. Chairman’s Announcements There was no Chairman’s announcement at the meeting. 9. Party Leader’s Report Party Leader’s report was noted. 10. S-G’s Report S-G’s report was noted. 11. Branch/Committee Chairpersons’ Reports HKI’s report was noted at the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 p.m.

Minutes of 28th ExCo meeting 03/10/06


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