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  • Pages: 13
Reliable Backup Routing in Fault Tolerant Real-Time Networks

Rajeev Vadali Software Engineer Hughes Software Systems Gurgaon, India 122015

[email protected] www.hssworld.com

C. R. Muthukrishnan Department of Computer Science of Engineering I.I.T Madras Chennai, India 600036 [email protected]

Copyright 1999 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks 2001 (ICON'01), held on October 1012, 2001 at Thailand. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE. Contact: Manager, Copyrights and Permissions / IEEE Service Center / 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331 / Piscataway, NJ 088551331, USA. Telephone: + Intl.732-562-3966.

Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6

Abstract..........................................................................................................................................................................................4 Previous Studies ...........................................................................................................................................................................4 Paper Objectives ...........................................................................................................................................................................5 Assigning Link Capacity.............................................................................................................................................................5 Computing Transmission Paths .................................................................................................................................................5 Defining a Reliable Dispersity Routing Scheme.....................................................................................................................5 6.1 Dispersity Routing Scheme: Implementation .................................................................................................................5 6.2 Dispersity Routing Scheme: Comparison........................................................................................................................6 7 Reliable Link Failure: Alternatives ...........................................................................................................................................7 8 Performance Study.......................................................................................................................................................................8 8.1 Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................................................8 8.2 Study Details .........................................................................................................................................................................8 8.3 Blocking Probability............................................................................................................................................................8 8.3.1 Scenario 1.....................................................................................................................................................................9 8.3.2 Scenario 2.....................................................................................................................................................................9 8.4 Fault Tolerance...................................................................................................................................................................10 8.4.1 Scenario 1...................................................................................................................................................................10 8.4.2 Scenario 2...................................................................................................................................................................11 9 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................................................12 10 Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................................................................13

Abstract Broadband integrated services digital networks (B-ISDN) are designed to transport both real-time traffic and non realtime traffic. Users of these networks require Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Previous studies on these networks did not include extensive research to provide QoS guarantees based on fault tolerance. This paper proposes the provision of QoS guarantees based on fault tolerance, which is based on the reliability of network links. This provides network users the flexibility to choose network resources. This paper also proposes a new terminology for dispersity routing, which will be useful in providing QoS guarantees based on reliability. Dispersity routing transmits the traffic along multiple paths. In addition, a reliable backup resource allocation method is presented, which can be used in the context of dispersity routing for fault tolerant real-time networks. Keywords: Dispersity routing, Quality of Service (QoS), Fault tolerance, Reliability.

1 Previous Studies Emerging distributed real-time applications require guaranteed end-to-end quality of service (QoS) and have stringent constraints on delay and cost. This section traces the QoS guarantees provided and the routing schemes proposed in different studies conducted over the years. In [1], dispersity routing at the physical layer is introduced. In this routing procedure, the message is subdivided and dispersed through multiple paths in the network. This is unlike the conventional routing procedure in which a message is routed along a single path between the source and the destination. In [2], the dispersity routing at the application layer is proposed based on the advances in workstation speeds. Moving dispersity routing to a high level layer provides increased flexibility and lower cost. This is because the network user can choose the level of reliability required. Dispersity routing is characterized by the triplet, (N,K,S). The variable N denotes the number of paths between the source and the destination, and K denotes the number of paths over which real-time traffic is transmitted. The rest of the paths, N-K, are used to send redundant information. This information is used to reconstruct the message in the event of loss of information during transmission over the network. The variable S denotes the maximum number of paths amongst which a link can be shared. In [3], the different dispersity routing schemes are simulated. It is shown that fragmenting the traffic among multiple paths in the network utilizes the network capacity to a greater degree and provides fault tolerance at the same time. In [4] and [5], a number of algorithms are discussed for routing and reserving resources amongst multiple paths. It is shown that when there are multiple paths in a network, reservation of resources in multiple paths is better than reservation of resources in a single path. In [6], a study is made in the areas of network architecture and protocols for supporting real-time services in packetswitched networks. In [7], [8] and [9], it is made possible to support real-time communication in packet-switched networks. Therefore, packet-switched networks can provide guaranteed QoS to distributed real-time applications. Recently, in [10] and [11], a study was made about QoS in packet-switched networks and the issues involved. In [12] and [13], it is shown that large amount of spare resources may seriously degrade the attractiveness of the backup channel scheme. The idea of backup multiplexing is proposed in [12] and [13]. The idea is to use the probability of link failure to reserve a small fraction of spare resources at each link. The dynamics of client requirements and performance in real-time systems are dealt in [14]. This study presents the Dynamic Connection Management (DCM) scheme, which addresses issues such as network availability and flexibility.

2 Paper Objectives This paper proposes new methods to: • • •

assign capacity to links in a network. compute paths for transmission. define a dispersity routing scheme.

The following sections elaborate these methods.

3 Assigning Link Capacity Assigning capacity to the links of a network is an important issue. In earlier works, [2], [3], [12] and [13], it is assumed that a link is assigned a capacity based on the incoming traffic. Therefore, a link that receives higher traffic is assigned higher capacity. In this paper, it is assumed that a link is assigned a capacity based on the incoming traffic and the reliability of that link. Therefore, a link with more incoming traffic or with higher reliability is assigned higher capacity. Categorizing links based on their reliability maximizes the availability of network resources for a longer period.

4 Computing Transmission Paths It is essential to provide fault tolerance to network users and also use the available resources efficiently. Efficient use of resources requires the efficient computation of transmission paths. In earlier works, [2], [4] and [5], paths are computed based on the path distance and delay constraint metrics. This paper suggests that paths should be computed based on reliability in addition to the path distance and delay constraint metrics. This ensures that stable paths, which can remain active most of the time, are selected for transmission. However, it should be noted that when multiple metrics are considered for computing paths, there is a tradeoff between various metrics. Therefore, in this proposal, the number of reliable paths used is limited to adhere to the delay constraints. This paper proposes the computation of paths in two phases. In the first phase, the required reliable paths are computed based on the reliability of links and delay constraints. Reliable paths are computed using the probability of link failures. It is assumed that the probabilities of link failures are known a priori from previous studies on the network. The reliability of a path is calculated as shown in the equation below, where p 1 , p 2 … p n are the probability of link failures of each link in the path. Path Reliability = (1-p 1 ) * (1-p 2 ) ... * (1-p n ) In the second phase, the rest of the paths are computed based on shortest path metric and delay constraints. The paths that are computed in the second phase are link disjoint with respect to the reliable paths that are computed in the first phase.

5 Defining a Reliable Dispersity Routing Scheme The resources used for backup paths are randomly chosen in earlier dispersity routing schemes mentioned in [2] and [3]. In the proposed work, a backup path is selected based on the reliability of the path. This ensures that network resources are effectively allocated for backup paths. The reliability of a path depends on the probability of link failures of the links in that path. It is assumed that the probability of each link failure in the network is known.


Dispersity Routing Scheme: Implementation

In this paper, a dispersity routing request is characterized by the quintuplet, (N,K,S,R,B), instead of the conventional triplet (N,K,S). As defined earlier, the variables N and K represent the number of paths between the source and the

destination, and the number of paths over which real-time traffic is transmitted, respectively. The variable S denotes the maximum number of paths amongst which a link can be shared. However, S is relevant only to the paths that are computed based on the shortest path metric and does not refer to reliable paths. The variable R represents the number of reliable paths in N available paths. The variable B is an array of R elements. Each value of B represents the number of backup channels allocated for each reliable path. The variables R and B provide the flexibility to select the QoS guarantees based on the user requirements. To implement the proposed routing scheme, all the available paths are used to transmit real-time traffic (N=K). It is ensured that more than one channel can be established on a path. For backup resources, additional channels from the source to the destination are established. These channels are established in the reliable path where a channel is already dedicated for transmitting real-time traffic. QoS guarantees based on fault tolerance are provided by varying the number of reliable backup paths and also by varying the number of backup channels in each reliable path.


Dispersity Routing Scheme: Comparison

Based on the fault tolerance required for an application, dispersity routing with reliable backup can be provided. To tolerate single faults in the network, the (N,N,1,1,{1}) dispersity routing scheme is used. To tolerate double faults when only one reliable path exists, the (N,N,1,1,{2}) dispersity routing scheme is used. The proposed dispersity routing scheme for a (4,4,1,2,{1,1}) request to tolerate double faults is shown in Figure 1. In this scheme, the paths P1 and P2 are the reliable paths, denoted by R1 and R2. The backup channel ch2 is allocated in reliable paths, R1 and R2, to tolerate faults that may occur in the other two paths, P3 and P4. Channel ch1 of all four paths, P1, P2, P3, and P4, is used to transmit real-time traffic.

For the same (4,4,1,2,{1,1}) request to tolerate double faults, which is equivalent to a (4,2,1) request according to earlier works, Figure 2 depicts the dispersity routing scheme. In this scheme, paths P1 and P2 are used for transmitting real-time traffic. Paths P3 and P4 serve the purpose of backup paths.

Figure 1 (N=4, K=4, S=1, R=2, B={1,1}) Dispersity Routing to Tolerate Double Faults

Figure 2 (N=4, K=2, S=1) Dispersity Routing to Tolerate Double Faults Notice that the scheme proposed in Figure 1 utilizes the network connectivity for real-time traffic to the maximum. Compared to this, the scheme depicted in Figure 2 does not utilize two of the available paths for real-time traffic because these paths are reserved to tolerate double faults. When the network connectivity is low, reserving some paths separately as backup paths is an overhead, especially if faults in the network occur infrequently. Also, the advantages of dispersity routing are lost when all the multiple paths are not used for real-time traffic in a network with low connectivity. In the proposed work, the backup channels are established in a reliable path, which is also used for transmitting real-time traffic. This ensures that there is no overhead in allocating backup channels.

6 Reliable Link Failure: Alternatives A reliable path can also develop faults, though the probability of such an occurrence is low. This results in a slow degradation of the system. To avoid this slow degradation of the system, one of the following three alternatives can be implemented: •

Use the reserved bandwidth of another application that is not being used at that moment and design a tolerant dispersity routing scheme. The real-time traffic on the failed path is passed through the underutilized link. This is feasible because some applications reserve the peak bandwidth and might not use the bandwidth all the time. Therefore, faults can be tolerated, considering the inherent dynamics of client requirements.

Block a channel of an application and assign a higher priority to the real-time traffic on the failed link. The application that has to be blocked is the one with no requirements of time guarantees such a file transfer application or an e-mail. However, it needs to be ensured that the non real-time application is not blocked for a long time.

Route the failed links real-time traffic along the remaining paths, which are active in the same application. This will degrade the QoS guarantees of an application. Therefore, this option is used only if the above two options fail to allocate a channel.

7 Performance Study 7.1 •

Assumptions 33% of the links are assumed to be reliable.

Figure 3 Network (with 17 nodes and 59 links) used for Experiments

7.2 • • • • • • •


Study Details A number of experiments were conducted to display the advantages of the proposed work over earlier works [2] and [3]. The experiments were conducted on a network with 17 nodes and 59 bi-directional links as shown in Figure 3. The same network is also referred in the earlier work [14]. The simulation was performed for both earlier works and the proposed work on a wide range of request arrival rates. The network load was generated at each node with independent arrival of real-time requests according to Poisson distribution and exponentially distributed holding time. The simulation was implemented assuming a single fault model. Fault events and restoration events are generated according to Poisson distribution. The request arrival rate was varied from 0.1 requests per millisecond to 4.0 requests per millisecond. The number of requests ranged from 1712 to 66650 in the set of experiments. The number of multiple paths used was restricted to ensure that all accepted requests satisfy delay constraints.

Blocking Probability

The advantage of the proposed work over the earlier work is shown using blocking probability. Blocking probability is calculated as the number of requests rejected divided by the number of requests received. Blocking probability of both works was compared in two scenarios:

7.3.1 Scenario 1 Consider that a network user requests for a dispersity route with (3,2,1). In earlier works, it is observed that all single faults are tolerated. In this case, the first two paths are used for transmitting real-time data and the third path is used as a backup path. In the proposed work, an application will request for a dispersity route with (2,2,1,1,{1}). In this case, the first path is a reliable path and second path is a minhop path. In this proposal, it is known which links are reliable and which are not. Reliable links are assumed to have a higher link capacity. In addition, the routes for different paths are computed based on the reliability of links and shortest path metric. It can be noticed from Figure 4 that the blocking probability of the earlier work is higher than the proposed work at all instants of the request arrival rate. In the earlier work, all resources are assigned randomly and the reliability of links is not considered when link capacity is assigned. The proposed work uses the reliable links in its favor by assuming that a higher link capacity is assigned to reliable links.

Figure 4 Blocking Probability of Proposed Work (with higher link capacity in reliable links) in Comparison to Earlier Work (without higher link capacity in reliable links) 7.3.2

Scenario 2

In this scenario, the network user request and the proposed dispersity routing scheme is the same as the previous scenario. However, it is assumed that both the earlier work and the proposed work use the same network in which the reliable links are assigned a higher capacity.

In this case, the blocking probability of the earlier work is higher than the proposed work. This is depicted in Figure 5. It is observed that the earlier work does not use the resources assigned to reliable links efficiently. Therefore, it can be concluded that assigning a higher link capacity to reliable links cannot bring down the blocking probability of the earlier work to the extent of the proposed work. Multiple paths need to be computed based on the reliability of links to increase the number of requests that are being serviced, and thereby decrease blocking probability.

Figure 5 Blocking Probability of Proposed Work (with higher link capacity in reliable links) in Comparison to Earlier Work (with higher link capacity in reliable links)


Fault Tolerance

7.4.1 Scenario 1 Similar to the previous experiment, consider that a network user requests for a dispersity route with (3,2,1). In the absence of three link disjoint paths or lack of link capacity, the request might be rejected. In the earlier work, when a (3,2,1) request is rejected, the (3,2,2) dispersity routing scheme might be implemented. This is depicted in Figure 6 below:


P3 Source Shared Link


P2 Figure 6 (N=3,K=2,S=2) Dispersity Routing Scheme As depicted in the figure, the shared link is shared by paths P2 and P3. In the earlier work, the shared link is chosen without considering the reliability of the link. In the proposed work, when a (3,2,1) request is rejected, the (2,2,1,1,{1}) dispersity routing scheme is implemented. In this case, one among the two paths is a reliable path. In the reliable path, two logical channels are established so that one channel can be used to tolerate faults.

As depicted in Figure 7, it has been observed from that the blocking probability for earlier work increases at a faster rate when compared to the proposed work. In the earlier work, it has also been observed that as the request arrival rate increases, the number of dispersity applications that fail to tolerate single faults increases at a faster rate. This is depicted in Figure 8. In the proposed work, all the dispersity applications could tolerate single faults. Also, in the earlier work, the blocking probability for a (3,2,2) request is higher. This is because the higher capacity of the reliable link is not used efficiently, which is not the case in the (2,2,1,1,{1}) request of the proposed work. In the earlier work, the reliability of the shared link is not considered when computing the shared path. In the proposed work, single faults can be tolerated because all shared links are reliable.

Figure 7 Blocking Probability of Proposed Work (using reliable backup path) in Comparison to Earlier Work for Rejected (3, 2, 1) Requests

Figure 8 Number of Dispersity Applications Failed for Earlier Work with (3, 2, 2) Dispersity Routing 7.4.2 Scenario 2 In the previous scenario, when the (3,2,1) request is rejected, the proposed work implements (2,2,1,1,{1}) dispersity routing. In this case, it is assumed that the reliable links are close to each other and they result in a complete reliable path between the source and the destination. However, when the reliable links in a network are distributed evenly, a complete reliable path from the source to the destination might not be established always. Therefore, in this scenario, when the (3,2,1) request is rejected, the proposed work implements (3,2,2) dispersity routing. At the same time, it is ensured that only one reliable link is shared.

As depicted in Figure 9, the blocking probability of the proposed work is slightly higher than the earlier work. The slight increase in the blocking probability of the proposed work is due to the non-availability of a reliable link, which can be shared by two paths. It is also observed that all dispersity applications could tolerate single faults in the proposed work, unlike the earlier work where there are some failures of dispersity applications. This is shown in Figure 10. Therefore, there is a tradeoff between the faults being tolerated and the number of requests being serviced.

Figure 9 Blocking Probability of Proposed Work (sharing of one reliable link) in Comparison to Earlier Work for Rejected (3, 2, 1) Requests

Figure 10 Number of Dispersity Applications Failed for Earlier Work (reliable links are distributed evenly) with (3, 2, 2) Dispersity Routing

8 Conclusion This paper proposed a method for dispersity routing with reliable backup paths. This approach leads to efficient utilization of network resources and fault tolerant real-time networks. It is shown that identifying reliable links and using them efficiently will help in more requests being serviced. The new dispersity routing scheme, (N,K,S,R,B), presented in this paper, provides increased flexibility to network users. Users can select the required fault tolerance based on QoS guarantees.

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