Mid August.2006

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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712 My web-sites are Reg6.com, HenryPotter.org, and WBNS.US Mid August Y2K+6


fearful sights and great signs shall

there be from heaven. . .

For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. . .

Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. . . And then shall

they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.“

Dear SDA friends around the world, Read all the boxes in this letter, then come back here and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Faith: In the Mid July letter, Roger Morneau told us that the high priest of the church he was getting involved with {before leaving it and becoming a Seventh-day Adventist} revealed to the worshipers of Lucifer that in a big meeting Satan had with his angels, they planned that some of his angels would appear on the earth as people from other planets and say that the earth was going to be destroyed unless they did something drastic, but they would tell world leaders that if they followed their suggestions, the earth would be saved, and the millennium of peace and safety would be ushered in. Notwithstanding the horrors of war going on right now, are there things happening around the world that are leading to this? Pastor Jan: The prophet of God said, “Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle-working demons. The spirits of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle against the government of heaven. By these agencies, rulers and subjects will be alike deceived. . . “In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. {Revelation 1:13-15}. The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: ‘Christ has come! Christ has come!’ The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them, as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion.” GC 623, 624. Amazing! Is this coming soon? People’s minds are being conditioned for it all over the world. Why, just the other day I saw a web-site that gives over 900 links where people by the thousands have seen and reported these “fearful sights” in the heavens from “miracle-working demons.” Some of them involve government agencies and the military. Hope: Will you show us just a few of them? Pastor Jan: Watch closely -

2 “I was trained as a U.S. Air Force Special Weapons Security Specialist, and can relate in all honesty that I have personally witnessed a variety of craft that I am sure, could not be produced by man. On one particular occasion, my wife, 12 year old nephew and I were traveling between two small towns in my home state of Nebraska and were passing the local airport/golf course situated between the two towns. I noticed a very bright light at the far end of the runway and pulled over. “I happened to have my 10 x 32 binocs with me and placed them on the top of the car for a steady view of this hovering light. This craft was likely just under a mile from our location and about 200 feet from the ground. I watched the craft sit there in a constant 15-20 mph crosswind as it faced us directly. I could apparently see into the craft through it’s windows and detected motion of its occupants. “On a side note, I can vouch for the old saying, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease,’ as my wife was growing increasingly vocal about me ‘hogging’ the binoculars! I watched this craft sit there, motionless for a few minutes and then handed her the binocs. No sooner had she grasped them than the craft disappeared. We had only a split second to register our mutual surprise visually to one another when the craft was overhead! It had covered the mile or so between us in an instant and then slowed down to glide over us at only 150 feet above the ground. “As it slowed over us, I could make out the craft’s distinct shape and size. As there was a full harvest moon out, I could see well that it was a wedge shaped craft, slightly rounded at the back with a somewhat rounded ledge slightly aft amidship on the bottom. The craft was about 70ft in length and only a bit less than that in width. Perhaps needless to say, my 12 year old nephew would not be pried from the car during this experience. “One other point of note, the craft went from total silence over the airport to emitting a rather 'tinny' sounding approximation of a single engine plane, believe it or not. It was as if a switch was flipped, turning on an attempted camouflage sound. It was surreal as we could easily see the craft and it’s shadow as well, while it attempted to sound like a prop driven plane! “Note the bottom of the craft {in the picture above} as it banks as if to display it’s underside. This communication is submitted to you with my confidence that it may be disseminated at your Why is this picture and title on the front cover of The Economist? Are they making fun of people who discretion and with understanding that my name should remain withheld. Yours truly, M.R. {Recorded on Rense.com.} believe that Jesus is coming soon? Both the mainline media and on Paul Harvey’s radio program, we This second account is from Scott Corrales of the EFE News heard that a meteor is heading straight for the earth. Agency. I’ve heard them talking about sending a rocket to intercept it and knock it out of it’s course by a MEXICO (EFE) -- “In an unprecedented move for this countrynuclear blast, or by nudging it out of its course by and perhaps the world -- military authorities have made pubic rockets on it’s surface. From my studies, I believe a video showing 11 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) captured that our kind Father won’t allow such a thing to happen until after the Sunday law is passed. How by an aircraft belonging to the Secretariat of National Defense long will that take? If it hits the earth, many of the (SEDENA). plagues described in Revelation 16 and in the last “The Secretary of National Defense himself, Ricardo Clemente chapters of Great Controversy could be produced {wicked sea ports swallowed up by tidal waves, Vega Garcia, authorized the broadcast of this material to both waters turned to blood, inhabited islands disappear, domestic and foreign news media. great earthquake, famine, etc.} In this letter, you’re going to see exposed some of the devil’s plots, and “The encounter occurred on March 5, when an aircraft comprehend a little more of the shortness of time belonging to the Mexican Air Force, a Merlin C26/A, was engaged and the value of a soul. God’s prophet said that we in drug interdiction patrols. At around 17:00 hours it detected the don’t realize either one of them. These two things will soon dawn on the people whether they realize them presence of an object following it. The encounter took place near Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. It was there that the aircraft, or not. May our kind Father help us to help bring belonging to the 501st Air Squadron was performing its routine them to dear Jesus is my prayer. patrol when it suddenly detected the presence of an object on its radar at an elevation of 3500 meters, as well as through its infrared equipment (FLIR). “The airplane immediately pursued the object, which according to the video footage, lost itself in the clouds. Minutes later, the presence of other objects -- a total of 11 -- were detected. They followed the aircraft and surrounded it. “These UFOs were captured on radar and by the FLIR gear. The crew consisted of eight monitoring specialists, among them the pilot, Maj. Magdaleno Castañón Muñoz, radar operator Lt. Germán Martin Ramirez and FLIR operator Mario Vázquez Tellez. These military men were interviewed, and claimed having never seen a similar phenomenon, since the speed and movements detected by radar confirmed the fact that the objects were not aircraft.” The next part of the account is given by Santiago Yturria “As the Merlin C26A tried to approach the unknown traffic to make a visual identification, it suddenly made a surprising maneuver and flew away at tremendous speed. Mayor Jasso tried to pursue the target, but it was very fast. Just moments passed when suddenly the unknown object returned and began following the Merlin C26A. This was detected by both the RADAR and the FLIR while the personal aboard were trying to make visual contact with the unidentified traffic now following them. C26A crew members The equipment detected not only one, but two craft following them.

3 “Mayor Magdaleno Jasso reported to the base what was taking Dear Pastor Jan, place, giving an account of all details. The FLIR kept recording in I apologize for not writing sooner. My infrared every movement made by the two unknown objects that husband and I appreciate your letters. Your NSL book never ceases to amaze us! There seemed to be keeping their distance from the C26A but still are many “knock-offs” out there, but the book following it. The personnel aboard the Merlin C26A were confused is so far beyond them that all we can say is and disconcerted, seeing the images on the FLIR and RADAR “It had to be inspired!” Best wishes in Christ. asking themselves what was going on. Kingston, AR These stressing moments were just the beginning of something more dramatic. Some minutes passed while the C26A crew continued making maneuvers to make visual contact as both RADAR and FLIR were showing both unidentified objects at close range. It was during these maneuvers that something amazing happened. In a matter of seconds more unknown objects arrived on the scene, and the dismay of the C26A crew was complete. “The RADAR and the FLIR detected the presence of nine new objects of the same size, seemingly coming out of nowhere. As the situation had now entered a high level of danger, Mayor Magdaleno Jasso reported this new situation to the base, requesting instructions. “Suddenly, the unknown objects made a maneuver - surrounding the Air Force plane in a circle, and at close range. The RADAR and FLIR presented an image of the eleven objects in a circle formation around the Merlin C26A. The situation seemed out of control. “Mayor Magdaleno Jasso reported to the base that the C26A situation was now in red alert, surrounded by eleven mysterious objects camouflaged by a certain unknown advanced technology. However Mayor Jasso kept calm as well as the crew Dear A. Jan Marcussen, who were working quickly, measuring and recording every detail of I am from a Catholic family, and a Catholic this strange encounter, conscious of their duty as military men. community. But it may interest you to know that after reading your book “National Sunday Law,” I became a Seventh-day Adventist. It has not been easy trying to cope with persecution from my parents and kinsmen, but by the grace of God, two of my nephews and my wife joined me to become Seventhday Adventists. [Praise the Lord!] I consider the book “National Sunday Law” a powerful weapon against the devil, to reach the hearts of many people. I can see that by using it rather than just using my mouth, my witness will be clearer and more powerful. Please send me “Great Controversy,” and more “National Sunday Law” books to help me reach the 25,000 people in my town with the Seventh-day Adventist Bible message. Please pray for me as I try to reach them. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest and abide with you and your family. Your brother in Christ, Olua Uwandu Nigeria, West Africa

“In an unprecedented move, Mayor Magdaleno Jasso made the decision to turn out all lights and wait to see what happened. After moments of suspense, the eleven objects disappeared, bringing to an end the strange experience that the 501 Aerial Squadron had just lived through. The Merlin C26A returned safely to the Air Force Base and Mayor Magdaleno Jasso prepared a complete report of the incident along with the C26A crew. “The Secretary of Defense took note of Mayor Jasso’s report and began a full investigation, studying and evaluating every element of the case. The incident was taken very seriously by the Department of Defense.

“General Vega authorized the Merlin C26A crew to give news reporter Jaime Maussan the interviews needed without any censorship, giving all the details to present this case to the Mexican people - an unprecedented decision that will open a new era of mutual collaboration based in respect and interest to find the truth of the intense UFO activity we have been experiencing. This new era of relationship will aid toward an understanding of how are we going to confront this reality. I’ll be interested to see what the U.S. Government has to say about this case, especially since it is coming directly from the mouth of the Mexican Air Force. Santiago Yturria Air Force Crew Talks By Santiago Yturria Interview with Major Magdaleno Castañon, Command pilot. Question: Major, did you feel worried at any time when you realized you were surrounded by these unknown lights? Answer: According to the information I heard from the operations coordinator chief - {who was in charge of the visualization operation on the screens} the objects were in the back, on the left side and in front of us. It was at that moment that I began to feel stressed. Question: When you decided to turn off all your airplane lights, you made that decision to avoid any possible conflict with these strange objects? Answer: I did that perhaps following an instinct, thinking that maybe it could help in some way. As flight commander, I felt I had to take some kind of measure because the signal I received was that we were being followed and by turning our lights off I was expecting a similar reaction from them. It was an instinct. Question: What is your conclusion of this experience Major. Answer: What I can say as commander of a plane on a mission, is that this incident serves as a new precedent of future operations yet to come in our military division. Interview with Lieutenant German Ramirez Marin. RADAR operator. Question: When was the first time you became aware of the objects. Answer: When we made a turn to route ourselves to Campeche, the FLIR infrared camera operator detected a target without a shape, just a shine. The target continued being observed with the FLIR. Then we detected other targets at the left side of the plane. There were eleven targets.

4 Question: Did you feel fear? Answer: Fear? ... Yes, personally, there was some fear because we were confronting a situation that has never happened to us before. Question: The objects’ movements on the RADAR were out of the ordinary? Answer: Certainly. Our data - most of all, the icons (blips) were always there on the screen, but the information on their movements was quickly changing. Their speed changes were sudden, 60 -120 - 300 knots of speed change at one jump, according to the RADAR information. The same happened with their flight paths. Their flight paths first showed 90 degrees and then suddenly a 130 degree turn. Question: What does that mean? Answer: This means that the target changed direction at great speed. There is no aircraft that can perform such directional changes.

Dear Pastor Marcussen Greetings in the Lord. I do not have adequate words to express my gratitude for what you have done for me and our fellow citizens with the “National Sunday Law” books you have sent us. When I received them, I knelt down to thank God. So surely these little preachers will be an able tool for a great harvest, for the information contained therein is simple and very reader friendly. It has been inspired by the Lord; and may He bless you for your keen enthusiasm in His work. Many people have known the Sabbath and prophecy through your great publication, which will continue to preach louder and louder. And it will raise many enthusiasts who will catch the fire and be able participants in this great relay of faith. Please pray for us. South Africa is infested with false prophets and is also a very fertile ground for “New Age” proponents. We need your support to combat these occult forces to rescue our unsuspecting millions. Victor Cluli

Interview with Lieutenant Mario Adrian Velazquez Tellez. {FLIR operator}. Question: Is it possible that the FLIR gives false information? FLIR = Forward Looking InfraRed Answer: It is not possible that the FLIR gives erroneous information because this was visual information of a target that had both heat and movement, so we could not make a reference to something that is not there. Question: Does the FLIR register hot air ? Answer: No. The FLIR doesn’t register hot air, it registers an object that generates heat. Question: Then the eleven objects that were detected by the FLIR were generating heat? Answer: They were there, and we have the data references by their positions. They were on our left side, at the same latitude and the same speed. Dear Jan Marcussen, My Sister gave me your book Question: How much heat were the objects generating? “National Sunday Law.” Now I would like to use your book to Answer. The targets were very hot. We never found any irregular shape, they reach my entire Sunday church were spherical all the time. with God’s Sabbath message. Question: Is this type of shape irregular with respect to other aircraft you have Thank you kindly. Minnesota seen before? Answer: Yes. This is an irregular shape. I know of nothing like this in any aircraft I have seen. Question: Do you have any previous personal knowledge of any similar incident like this in your experience? Answer: I have never experienced anything like this, and I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t have any explanation of what these objects were. Question: Were the objects large in size? Answer: They were big, especially two of them that were closer to us. Question: Could the FLIR have imagined this? Is it possible to manipulate the FLIR information? Answer: No. It is not possible to load information to the FLIR. All the information that the FLIR is detecting is out there and is happening. The FLIR records information only in real time.” Pastor Jan: This is only two out of thousands of cases. My own dear Aunt and Uncle both saw a flying saucer coming down Dear Jan Marcussen, just over the field right across the street from their home! I never thought that a book like “National Sunday Law” could change someone’s heart Charity: What significance is all of this? What does it have to the way it has changed mine. Everything that do with Bible prophecy, and our own personal lives? you have said in your book Is really the truth. You have made me look at life with a different Pastor Jan: It tells us that you are going to see our Lord Jesus meaning. I have to live for God now. I pray every night to the Almighty, that He will give coming in the sky very soon. Many don’t realize this. Time now me strength to go on day to day. You have is so short that you are soon going to see supernatural beings with touched a lot of people with your book your own eyes - who know what it’s like to travel through space “National Sunday Law.” Now I’m going to keep the fourth commandment like the Lord faster than the speed of light, and stand around the throne of God. said. When I read one chapter I could not put There are twice as many good ones as there are evil ones. That’s the book back down. I had to read the whole encouraging! I’ve already told you in a letter of the experience I book. It really touched my heart. I could tell st that you are a child of God, and I hope that had with one of them in the Tampa 1 church when I was the you keep on doing what you are doing. Please associate pastor there. The result of it was that a precious soul pray for me that I will always live for God and for our Lord Jesus Christ from now on. May became a faithful Seventh-day Adventist instead of going into the God keep blessing you ever day of your life. arms of a demon possessed Pentecostal preacher who confessed to Yours truly, James Tennessee a friend of mine {Ron Fox} that he got his supernatural power from the devil. The conference media director said that I should write an article on it for the Adventist Review, but I was too busy. We don’t have to be afraid of these beings. Sister White talked with them quite a bit, and called one of them, “The young man.” They are standing beside you right now. Soon, the curtain is going to be lifted and you are going to see millions of them in the sky. But before that, many of you are going to see some of them in human form. Human form? “Satanic agencies in human form will take part in this last great conflict to oppose the building up of the kingdom of God. And heavenly angels in human guise will be on the field of action. . . The church is only half awake to the situation. [Do you believe that?] There needs to be much more of prayer, much more of earnest effort among professed believers.” 4BC 1142. But these aren’t the only ones “in human form.” Watch closely -

5 “Prophecy lifts the veil that we may behold the throne of heaven, that we may see upon that throne, high and lifted up, One who in human form came to our world to suffer, to be lacerated with stripes and bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed. He proclaims Himself the Advocate of the sinful human family. Before all the universe of heaven the Lord of glory suffered in human form, that His love, as a mighty Helper, might flow in rich currents to all suffering human beings. He cried out in His agony. He poured out His life on the cross for the one lost sheep. [That’s you and me! Wonderful Jesus!] “And all heaven is enlisted in beseeching Christ’s laborers to Dear Sir, recover the guilty sheep that was lost. The lost sheep must be I am Pastor Curtis Williams, senior pastor recovered. All the resources of heaven are at the command of the of the Holiness Tabernacle here in Tampa, FL. interested workers, that they may bestow them upon perishing souls. I’ve pastored this church for nearly twenty [May God help us do it is my prayer!] The Word declares that the years. My church tradition has been Sunday worship. However, having been in an in-depth Father has given all heaven in the great gift of His Son to seek and research concerning the man of sin, I was save that which was lost.” 17 MR. pp. 213, 214. seeking one other piece of information that I And the lovely Jesus isn’t the only One who appeared “in human needed to convince me that church tradition form.” As you know, billions of these “young men” are going back (no matter how precious) was not in harmony with God’s word. Having received a copy of and forth all day long and all night long. If you could see them for the book “National Sunday Law,” I saw that just ten seconds, your whole life would never be the same again. Do this was the one thing I lacked. This was it. you believe that? It won’t be long! This book showed me the proof, not only of the man of sin, but also that he changed the “How few contemplate the unseen agencies. All heaven is true Sabbath worship to Sunday. My eyes intensely interested in human beings who seem to be so full of have seen the light. And thanks to the book activity, and yet have no thought for the unseen. Their thoughts are “National Sunday Law,” our congregation now not on the Word of God and its instruction. If they would appropriate worships on God’s true Sabbath day . We will the Word of God, they would be astonished that there are agencies, accept nothing but the whole truth. Thank good and evil, observing every word and deed. They are in every you. Elder Curtis Williams assembly for business transactions, in councils, and in meetings for the worship of God. There are more listeners in these public assemblies than can be seen with the natural sight, and every man has his work to do. Those unseen agencies are co-laborers with God or with Satan, and they work more mightily and more constantly than do men. Sometimes the heavenly intelligences draw aside the curtain that hides the unseen world, that we may have our minds withdrawn from the hurry and rush, and consider that there are witnesses to all we do and say when we are engaged in business, or when we think ourselves alone. “They frequently disguise themselves in the form of human beings. As strangers they converse with those who are engaged in the work of God. In lonely places they have been the companions of the traveler in peril. In tempest-tossed ships angels in human form have spoken words of encouragement to allay fear and inspire hope in the hour of danger, and the passengers have thought that it was one of their number to whom they had never before spoken. “Many, under different circumstances, have listened to the voices of the inhabitants of other worlds. They have come to act a part in this life. They have spoken in assemblies, and opened before assemblies human histories, and have done works which it was impossible for human agencies to do. Time and again have they been the generals of armies. They have been sent forth to cleanse away pestilence. They have eaten at the humble board of families. Often they have appeared as weary travelers in need of shelter for the night. [Have you seen them yet? There’s a good chance that you have. One thing is for sure, and that is that you soon will. Heaven is very close to you.] “We need to understand better than we do the work of these angel visitants.” Upward Look, p. 84. Meanwhile, the devil and his agents will continue to appear “to the kings of the earth” and to many people. The devil’s bottom line is to prepare them all to go along with the coming Sunday law - knowing that when they do, they receive the deadly “mark of the beast” that God warns against in Rev. 14. Just the other day, I received two articles concerning hororing the day of the sun. One of them is in USA TODAY, and is entitled,

“A Call To Honor the Sabbath”

[Sunday] This was an eye-opener to me, showing that the devil has not gotten diverted from what God tells us that he is working toward. The other article is in OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, and is entitled,

“Is Sunday Our Sabbath?”

By God’s grace, I’ll show you these articles in my next letter to you. Don’t miss it! I really like writing to you. Do you enjoy these letters? I hope that you do. I have piles of these testimony letters that I enjoy sharing with you. Do you like them? I can only put in a few each time, but the letters from these dear people show what our mighty God is doing. I praise Him that He is working to save every honest soul, and that we can work with Him to help do it - and the devil can’t stop it! Praise God! In view of how short time is now, you can expect the devil and his agents to keep appearing as the dead loved ones of people more and more, making fearful sights in the heavens, and working inside everyone who is not totally surrendered to God - - working and manipulating for their one great plan - to get the mark of the beast enforced as a national Sunday law. But I praise our mighty God that while the wars, chaos, terrorism, flying saucers, calamities, and a thousand other things are working towards the devil’s law, King Jesus is working to save the people from Satan’s power and from sin and death. This is why we were born in such a time as this. Do you believe that? We’re here to get the only message to the masses that can keep them from receiving the mark of the beast - the mighty three angels’ messages. Though most church members don’t even know what God’s last message is - and most preachers have no great desire to teach them - you and I don’t have to sit in a stupor watching T.V. before stumbling into the kitchen to open the refrigerator. While most Dear Sir, poor souls are spiritually dead, we can be alive with Jesus, filled with I have just finished reading “National His Spirit, filled with the joy of the Lord - mighty with His power to get Sunday Law.” It was so interesting that I His last message out to the people before the devil can kill them! We could not put it down. I am ordering your can walk with Jesus as Enoch did and be filled with His Spirit to reach “Great Controversy” and I anxiously millions with the very message of God that He can use to save them await it, for I am sure it will be just as from hell. Praise God! This is why all who get 1000 of the NSL informing as the other. Thank you for preachers for soul-winning for a donation of 39¢ each also receive the 15 keeping the public informed of God’s word. I am loaning “National Sunday part CCA video or DVD series, showing Rome’s shocking attack against Law” to my friends and family. Thank God’s SDA church, and also the new DVD/video entitled “Behind you. Jennell Harper Buchanan, GA Church Doors, (a shocking glimpse) - all with free shipping in the U.S.

6 Should we wait until the plagues are falling on the poor people Hey Ole Friend! Maybe you don’t remember me - the old and they’re screaming and trying to kill themselves before we get Pentecostal Preacher who came to the truth in God’s last message to them? What good will it be then? I praise Homosassa, FL at the SDA church where you God that He will help us to do it while there’s still time. were pastoring. Well, we needed an SDA church in Crystal River so I went to help build Charity: The devil and his angels can fly faster than the speed one here with Bob Sweet. They preach the truth here. We still work with “National of light. They can go through walls, go under the sea, go through Sunday Law” books, leaving them in Dr.’s the earth and out the other side. They can go in outer space where offices, and all over. I hope to see you some there’s no air to breath. They can appear as flying saucers, or in any time. Maybe you can come and speak in our form they wish. But why do they like to appear in human form? new little SDA church. We will grow. We love you all. Always in Christ, Richard Surber Why do they like to hang around here with us weaklings? What is there about us humans that is so fascinating to the whole universe of millions of planets? Who are we? I’m scheduled to speak in the SDA church in Brooklyn, NY Sabbath, September 16 at 11 Pastor Jan: Oh, we know! It’s because we are made to be the a.m. and at 3 p.m. with Elder Clark, but am bride of God! We are made to sit with Him “in” His throne. His unable to reach him by phone. If you know people are His wife. After He made the universe, there was him, please have him call me so I can give you the info about this meeting in my next letter. something missing. He had no wife to sit beside Him. “It is not May our kind Father bless you all! good that the man should be alone.” He had no one who could be with Him in such an intimate way that only the book Song of Solomon can describe it, and only a man and his loving wife can understand it. Because of us being the weak, puny, precious wife of God, the attention of the entire universe is riveted on us. The devil tried to ruin God’s bride, and destroy her forever. But our dear Husband I praise our mighty God that He has helped us to get over 65% of what we need turned Himself into one of us, and came to save us! So what is the result to reach another million {1,000,000} souls of His being tortured in our place and tasting the sufferings of hell death in the great and wicked city of Baltimore in “for every man?” Here it is the 40 Million Man March. Thank you so much for what you’ve been doing. If our “Jesus opens wide the pearly gates, and the nations that have kept the kind Father impresses you to help us to truth enter in. There they behold the Paradise of God. Then that voice, reach this goal, just mark it at the end of richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, is heard, saying: ‘Your this page. And I will still give my 15 part CCA video/DVD series exposing Rome’s conflict is ended.’ ‘Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom attack against God’s SDA church, and the prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ . . With unutterable new DVD entitled, “Behind Church Doors, love, Jesus welcomes His faithful ones to the joy of their Lord. The (a shocking glimpse), free to all who get Saviour’s joy is in seeing, in the kingdom of glory, the souls that have 1000 of the little NSL preachers for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping in been saved by His agony and humiliation. And the redeemed will be the U.S. to reach about 3000 souls, with an sharers in His joy, as they behold, among the blessed, those who have average of 3 people in each home. May been won to Christ through their prayers, their labors, and their loving our kind Father richly bless you as you sacrifice. . . The cross of Christ will be the science and the song of the work with Him to help save many souls for whom Jesus died. redeemed through all eternity. Never will it be forgotten that He whose power created and upheld the unnumbered worlds through the vast realms of space, He whom cherub and shining seraph delighted to adore – humbled Himself to uplift fallen man; that He bore the guilt and shame of sin, and the hiding of His Father’s face, till the woes of a lost world broke His heart and crushed out His life on Calvary’s cross. . . As the nations of the saved look upon their Redeemer and behold the eternal glory of the Father shining in His countenance . . . they break forth in rapturous song: ‘Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by His own most precious blood!’ “The mystery of the cross explains all other mysteries. In the light that streams from Calvary the attributes of God which had filled us with fear and awe appear beautiful and attractive. Mercy, tenderness, and parental love are seen to blend with holiness, justice, and power. While we behold the majesty of His throne, high and lifted up, we see His character in its gracious manifestations, and comprehend, as never before, the significance of that endearing title, ‘Our Father.’” GC 646-652. Praise God friend! Praise God! Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a Mark all the things you want free because you are getting 1000 NSL preachers to help donation of 39¢ each with free shipping, and with the free things that save souls. 1) The 15 part DVD__ video__ I’ve checked in the box to the right__. Send me 2000 NSL preachers series entitled “Catholic Charismatic Attack for a donation of 37¢ each with free shipping, and the free things I’ve (on God’s SDA church).” 2) The new DVD checked in the box, plus to come free to the next one week medical __, video__, entitled “Behind Church Doors, missionary soul-winning school __. Though I’m not getting books (a shocking glimpse).” this time, please send me the 15 part CCA video series ___ DVD series ___ exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church for a donation of $10 per video or DVD __. Please send me a free copy of the new DVD__ video__ “Behind Church Doors” because I’m sending something to help cover the shipping__. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 53¢ each with free shipping __ with the free DVD__, video__, entitled “Behind Church Doors, (a shocking glimpse)” ___. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 49¢ each with free shipping, and the new DVD__, video__. Please send me Pastor Jan’s song CD for a donation of $10 each__. Please send me Pastor Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $10 ___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another million souls in the wicked city of Baltimore in the 40 Million Man March so the Jesus can come sooner and take us all home ___. Number of books _____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S. Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Address ________________________________________________City ________________________Zip_______ Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 8.5.06

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