Mics Newsletter May09

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• The research aim of the HYDROSYS project is to provide a system infrastructure to support teams of users in the on-site monitoring of events and analysis of natural resources. Pages 2&3

• After having progressed with his work for six months, the first MICS member to obtain a Spin Fund is about to pass the baton to a young business woman... Page 4 • The Office of Equal Opportunities at EPF Lausanne has developed a bus geared toward promoting sciences among young people in Switzerland. Page 5 Finnish environmental researchers observing data from a water sensor

© Erick Mendez

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hydrosys to monitor environmental processes HYDROSYS is an EU-funded 7th Framework project focusing on environmental monitoring using hand-held devices. The project addresses the need to take a closer look at ecological processes as a response to the continuously increasing pressure on our ecosystem. HYDROSYS extends current practice by enabling on-site data collection and visualization, enabling new ways of observing ecological processes. The research aim of the project is to provide a system infrastructure to support teams of users in the on-site monitoring of events and analysis of natural resources. EVENT-DRIVEN CAMPAIGNS The project introduces the innovative concept of event-driven campaigns using hand-held devices, potentially supported by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Eventdriven campaigns provide users the capacity to analyze and predict environmental changes on-site, supporting the process of taking appropriate countermeasures to avoid environmental degradation.

Finnish environmental researcher observing data from a water sensor

During these campaigns, users will be able to setup and retrieve data from fixed and mobile sensors and sensorstations, the UAV and external sources (such as permanent sensor networks) in order to generate dense information on a small area. The whole sensor network system will gather and store sensor data, and process simulations based on physical process models. Hence, a

© Erick Mendez

shared information system fusing heterogeneous data sources will be provided that supports teams of stakeholders to monitor environmental processes on-site, complementing remote monitoring and management. To enrich the data sets from a specific location, additional remotely controlled cameras will be de-

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ployed, mounted on sensorstations and below the UAV. Users will be able to analyze the environment using mobile phones and handheld computers, supported by advanced user interface techniques. ANALYSIS OF SMALL SITES The project will improve monitoring and management for environmental scientists, institutions, service providers, engineering companies and municipalities through its strong integration of hand-helds and sensor networks. The project will progress well beyond the current state-of-the-art, by dealing with short-term events and detailed analysis of small sites. The analysis of such events is hardly supported by current methods, but has a large impact on environmental degradation. Furthermore, information is made available to citizens by providing mechanisms to access top-level environmental data. Within the project, inter-disciplinary research will be performed to develop user-centered solutions. When the data is integrated with analytical tools in a shared information space it will also aid a wide range of managers and planners pursuing more environmentally


sensitive solutions to engineering problems. The HYDROSYS consortium closely cooperates with the SwissEx initiative, sponsored through the MICS competence center. HYDROSYS perfectly extends the MICS research agenda by offering new research directions in the field of mobile computing. Though being a self-contained project, the HYDROSYS goals thus can be seen as a building block from which MICS members can benefit. Through this cooperation, HYDROSYS gains access to experience and software in the field of sensor technology, data acquisition and management, next to environmental data. On the other hand, HYDROSYS offers state of the art mobile technology, using the latest in interactive 3D visualization techniques on mobile devices. USING MICS DEVELOPMENTS The large number of end-users involved through the cooperation strengthens the development being undertaken in the project. Given the conditions of the deployment, HYDROSYS develops wireless networking infrastructure to access remote sensors that can be reused

by MICS efforts in the future. Specifically, HYDROSYS will make use of the MICS wireless sensor network developments, extending the framework with some modules that are specifically needed for the aims of the HYDROSYS project, including real-time sensor data processing, specific simulation functionality, and data access for hand-held devices. HYDROSYS greatly benefits from the sensor technology available, deploying among others the SensorScope sensing technology to research among others permafrost and water quality monitoring. HYDROSYS aims at providing an opensource infrastructure that can be used by a wider public. Ernst Kruijff

Project webpage: http://www.hydrosysonline.eu

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A Spin Fund story becomes a start-up story Last year, Mounir Krichane was the first MICS member to obtain a Spin Fund (see MICS Newsletter Sept.08) . After having progressed with his work for six months, he is about to pass the baton to a young business woman, Sudharshini Ariarajah. Update on the status of the project.

item. Finally, I spent a lot of time doing research for the business plan and promoting the start-up through presentations, conferences and workshops in order to find new customers. As a result, at least 150 stations should be produced and sold this year.

- Mounir, remind us what your project is about ? The Spin Fund was to study the commercialization of a product such as SensorScope and to find an appropriate business model. The goal was to write up a business plan and to create a start-up. - What kept you busy during the past months ? To research the best way to commercialize the product took some time. I had to find the appropriate industrial partners. Finally, we chose Cottet Electronic SA for the electronic side and TIE SA for the mechanical one. I also had to think about our future clients’ queries, supply chain and logistics. Since the SensorScope stations are modular, their production is more complicated than if we had one standard

- Do you already have customers? The company was actually born to respond to an existing demand for autonomous networked sensing stations from the environmental sciences. We have also requests

from the natural hazard prevention area and we intend to work with the Federal Roads Office for road safety. - Mounir, you are about to leave the project to move on a different professional path… Yes and fortunately, a new person is ready to pursue the work, so the transition should be smooth. - This person is Sudharshini Ariarajah… Can you introduce yourself? I studied at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva and then worked in the banking domain. I performed different activities among which communication and management. In January, I was hired on a short-term basis to help Mounir build up his business case. - And now you are about to replace Mounir? The project has evolved and the needs are going to be different. In

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March, the start-up SensorScope Sàrl was created, involving four associates: Guillermo Barrenetxea (Communication systems), François Ingelrest (Computer science), Davis Daidié (Microengineering) and myself (Business/Marketing). The company’s offices are in Bassenges (close to the EPFL campus). - What are the next moves for you Sudharshini? I have to take on Mounir’s work, in particular to deepen the market research. I will be setting up processes to manage the company efficiently and extend our customers basis by promoting the products and services. Many opportunities exist to receive some support, including from the EPFL Scientific Park. I intend to apply for a CTI Start-up to obtain a professional coaching on specific issues related to the business. I will also work closely with the LCAV and EFLUM Laboratories.

Interview by Florence Luy


NEWS - NEWS - NEWS - NEWS • Parliamentary visit

Members of the Committee for Science, Education and Culture of the Swiss Parliament will visit the NCCRs attached to EPFL on 5 Nov 2009. Demos and presentations by MICS participants are currently in the planning phase for this event.

• ASUT Seminar

The Swiss Telecommunications Association (ASUT) organizes its yearly Seminar in Bern on 10 June. This event is the main industry-oriented one in Switzerland in the ICT area. Karl Aberer has been invited to make a presentation («Swiss Experiment - Infrastructures for a Smart Earth”). More details on www.asut.ch.

• Telecom 2009

The three NCCRs MICS, MaNEP and Quantum Photonics will co-organize a special VIP event at Telecom 2009 in Geneva, in order to promote the excellence of Swiss research in this field. It will take place on the «Lake Geneva Region» stand, on Wednesday October 7th, from 5 to 7 p.m. and will gather representatives from the 3 NCCRs, top managers of the major telecom

companies and representative of the federal government.

• Stabilization program of the Swiss Goverment

As part of the so-called «stabilization» program, the Swiss government has decided to invest additional funding for NCCR technology transfer projects. In this framework, MICS participants have been invited to make proposals for new projects aimed at fostering technology transfer in collaboration with industry.

• Qualcomm acquires Digital Fountain

Qualcomm, a member of the NCCR MICS Industrial Liaison Program, has recently acquired Digital Fountain, an expert company in broadcast and real-time data transport co-founded by Prof. Amin Shokrollahi now at EPFL.

Jacques Bovay

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A MINI-TRAVELING SCHOOL TO PROMOTE SCIENCES The Office of Equal Opportunities at EPF Lausanne has developed a bus geared toward promoting sciences among young people in Switzerland.

This mini-traveling school focuses on students aged between 10 and 13 years. The activities are free and teachers receive an educational kit in advance, enabling them to prepare their students for the visit. Four trained scientists facilitate the

targeted actions for information and promotion must be integrated in the program”, says Farnaz Moser, Equal Opportunities Delegate. The project was made possible thanks to the participation of all EPFL sections and schools. Loterie Romande, the NCCR-MICS, the NCCR-QP and the Zonta Club of Lausanne and Yverdon-les-Bains have supported the project financially. Partnership with schools is essential to the success of this project. The bus began its tour in Delémont, Switzerland and will travel through the different cantons for approximately ten weeks each year. Florence Luy

The science bus has an interactive exhibition to which the 13 sections of the EPF Lausanne have contributed. Each field - physics, microtechnology, environment, etc. – is explained through an experiment. The texts have been specifically adapted for young people who can also participate in workshops. For example, they can learn how to pour a tin medal or discover how an impurity can change a liquid into a solid state.

© Alain Herzog

activities. The objective of this approach is to engage young people, particularly girls, and to increase their awareness of and interest in the scientific branches. “Such initiatives are necessary to arouse the curiosity of young people, and their interest in science and technology. Moreover, to encourage girls venturing further in the fascinating world of science,

AGREEMENT BETWEEN EPF LAUSANNE AND JURA This is unique in Switzerland: EPF Lausanne and the Canton of Jura have signed an agreement within the educational and scientific fields. In order to encourage girls to later study science, the EPF Lausanne offers courses such as Internet for girls. And if enrollment is any indication, success is already guaranteed. MICS supports this approach aimed at breaking down the stereotype of scientific careers early enough.

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MICS WORKSHOP AT EPFL This year, the NCCR MICS is organizing its annual event in the form of a Workshop on 9 and 10 June at EPFL. The goal of this workshop is to present some of the main research results of MICS Phase 2 and to provide an outlook to Phase 3 (Nov 2009 - Oct 2013). THE PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Tuesday 9 June Morning: - Outlook on MICS Phase 3, Karl Aberer, EPFL - Keynote, Anja Feldmann, TU Berlin Afternoon: - Software techniques • DejaVu: Declarative Pattern Matching over Live and Archived Streams of Events, Roozbeh Derakhstan, ETHZ • Query Driven Operator Placement for Complex Event Detection over Data Streams, Oana Jurca, EPFL • Programming Personal Clouds, Qin Yin, ETHZ - Wireless networks • Channel-Aware Congestion Control for Wireless Mesh Networks, Yang Su, ETHZ • Secure Ranging in Wireless Net-

works: A Top-Down Approach, Marcin Poturalski, EPFL • Computing Best Swap Edges in Optimal Tree Spanners, Beat Gfeller, ETHZ Wednesday 10 June Morning: - Keynote, Peter Landrock, Cryptomathic Inc. and Aarhus University - WSN - System and data management • Clique: Role-Free Clustering with Q-Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks, Anna Foerster, UNISI • Performance Optimization in Energy Harvesting Embedded Systems, Clemens Moser, ETHZ • Gradient Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Philipp Sommer, ETHZ Afternoon: - WSN - Environmental monitoring • Environmental Noise Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Phones, Silvia Santini, ETHZ • A Concept for the Joint Interpretation of Distributed Measurements and Numerical, Stefanie Gubler, ETHZ • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Successful Wireless Sensor Network Deployments, Gunnar Schaefer, EPFL

- WSN - Mobility and Control • Understanding Mobility at Scale Michal Piorkowski, EPFL • Decentralized Controller Design for Sensor and Actuator Networks, Patrick Denantes, EPFL • A Probabilistic Approach to Distributed (Odor) Source Localization, Thomas Lochmatter, EPFL For further information: ht t p : / / w w w. m i c s. o rg / Wo rkshop09/p3.php

IBM Faculty Award for Nesime Tatbul The data streams processing becomes more and more demanding and important. For her work in this area, Nesime Tatbul, professor for Advanced Data Management Systems in the Computer Department at ETH Zurich, received the IBM Faculty Award (40’000 US dollars). Through a common project with IBM, she will examine how hardware components can contribute to process faster data streams.

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NEW PUBLICATIONS Journal papers: • Zhou, Yongluan; Ooi, Beng Chin; Tan, Kian-Lee, Disseminating Streaming Data in a Dynamic Environment: an Adaptive and CostBased Approach, The VLDB Journal. • Cudre-Mauroux, Philippe; Budura, Adriana; Hauswirth, Manfred; Aberer, Karl, PicShark: Mitigating Metadata Scarcity Through Large-Scale P2P Collaboration, VLDB Journal, 2008, vol. 17, no 6, p. 1371-1384. • Beat Gfeller, Elias Vicari, A Faster Distributed Approximation Scheme for the Connected Dominating Set Problem for Growth-Bounded Graphs, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Volume 6, Number 3-4, 2008.


Kowalski, Dariusz; Newport, Calvin, Interference-Resilient Information Exchange, IEEE InfoCom 2009; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009. • Michel, Sebastian; Salehi, Ali; Luo, Liqian; Dawes, Nicholas; Aberer, Karl; Barrenetxea, Guillermo; Bavay, Mathias; Kansal, Aman; Kumar, K.Ashwin; Nath, Suman; Parlange, Marc; Tansley, Stewart; van Ingen, Catharine; Zhao, Feng; Zhou, Yongluan, Environmental Monitoring 2.0, 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2009); Shanghai, China, March 29-April 2. • Haghani, Parisa; Michel, Sebastian; Aberer, Karl, Distributed Similarity Search in High Dimensions Using Locality Sensitive Hashing, 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT); Saint-Petersburg, Russia, March 2326 2009.

Conference papers:

• Shokri, Reza; Poturalski, Marcin; Ravot, Gael; Papadimitratos, Panos; Hubaux, Jean-Pierre, A Practical Secure Neighbor Verification Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Second ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec’09); Zurich, March 16-18.

• Gilbert, Seth; Guerraoui, Rachid;

• Jérôme Rousselot, Jean-Domi-

• Thomas Henzinger, Two challenges in embedded systems design: Predictability and robustness, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

nique Decotignie, A High-Precision Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Physical Layer Model for Network Simulation, Second Omnet++ Workshop, Rome, 6 Mar 09. • Matthias Woehrle, Christian Plessl, Lothar Thiele, Poster Abstract: Rupeas - An Event Analysis Language for Wireless Sensor Network Traces, The 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2009); Cork, Ireland, February 1113, 2009. • Roman Lim, Matthias Woehrle, Andreas Meier, Jan Beutel, Poster Abstract: Harvester - Low-power Environment Monitoring out of the box, The 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2009); Cork, Ireland, February 1113. • Schaefer, Gunnar; Ingelrest, François; Vetterli, Martin, Potentials of Opportunistic Routing in EnergyConstrained Wireless Sensor Networks, The 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2009); Cork, Ireland, February 11-13. • Piorkowski, Michal; SarafijanovocDjukic, Natasa; Grossglauser, Matth-

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ias, A Parsimonious Model of Mobile Partitioned Networks with Clustering, The First International Conference on Communication Systems and NetworkS (COMSNETS); Bangalore, India, January 5-10.


Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems, Orlando (USA), 13-16 July. • International Conference on Wireless Algorithms Systems and Applications, Boston (USA), 16-18 August 2009. • S-CUBE, 1st Conference on Wireless Sensor Network Systems and Software, Pisa (Italy), 7-9 September.

conferences • 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Management: Systems, Services and Middleware, Taipei (Taiwan), 18-21 May. • MICS Workshop, EPF Lausanne, 9-10 June. • 6th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, Pittsburgh (USA), 17-19 June. • IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seoul (Korea), 28 June-3 July. • International Conference on High

• 9th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, Seattle, Washington, USA, 8-11 September. • 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Berkeley, California, 4-6 November. • 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, ETH Zurich, 3-5 November 2010.

Editor : Florence Luy Mail : [email protected] The National Centres of Competence in Research are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation

EPFL IC NCCR MICS Station 14 CH-1015 Lausanne Tel +41 (0)21 693 8106 Fax +41 (0)21 693 8140 www.mics.org | [email protected]

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