Microwave Link Technology In Communicatio

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 15


ABSTRACT: Bluetooth technology is considered to be the most advanced technologies in the communication engineering. It is the low power microwave wireless link, which does not require the line of sight positioning. In this paper the working and the modes of operation of the bluetooth enabled devices and their secure data transmission is discussed. The power required for the operation of the bluetooth devices is very small. The networking between the bluetooth-enabled devices is done with the microwave link. The network formed by the bluetooth-enabled devices is known as pico net. It works in the frequency range of 2.56 GHZ ISM band and it prefers the frequency hopping technique. The competing technologies with the bluetooth technology and the advantages of the bluetooth technology over the other devices used for the microwave communication are explained. As a whole the paper gives precious information about the advanced bluetooth technology.


INTRODUCTION: Bluetooth is a high-speed, low-power microwave wireless link technology, designed to connect phones, laptops, PDAs and other portable equipment together with little or no work by the user. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth does not require line-of-sight positioning of connected units. The technology uses modifications of existing wireless LAN techniques but is most notable for its small size and low cost. The current prototype circuits are contained on a circuit board 0.9cm square, with a much smaller single chip version in development. It is envisioned that Bluetooth will be included within equipment rather than being an optional extra. When one Bluetooth product comes within range of another, (this can be set to between 10cm and 100m) they automatically exchange address and capability details. They can then establish a 1 megabit/s link (up to 2 Mbps in the second generation of the technology) with security and error correction, to use as required. The protocols will handle both voice and data, with very flexible network topography. Moreover, Bluetooth devices won't drain precious battery life. The Bluetooth specification targets power consumption of the device from a "hold" mode consuming 30 micro amps to the active transmitting range of 8-30 milliamps (or less than 1/10th of a watt). The radio chip consumers only 0.3mA in standby mode, which is less than 3 % of the power used by a standard mobile phone. The chips also have excellent http://eforu.page.tl/

power-saving features, as they will automatically shift to a low-power mode as soon as traffic volume lessens or stops.

WORKING OF BLUETOOTH: Bluetooth technology achieves its goal by embedding tiny, inexpensive, short-range transceivers into the electronic devices that are available today. The radio operates on the globally available unlicensed radio band, 2.45 GHz. It means there will be no hindrance for international travelers using Bluetooth-enabled equipment. It supports data speeds of up to 721 Kbps, as well as three voice channels. The bluetooth modules can be either built into electronic devices or used as an adaptor. For instance in a PC they can be built in as a PC card or externally attached through the USB port.

Each device has a unique 48-bit address from the IEEE 802 standard. Connections can be point-to-point or multipoint. The maximum range is 10 meters but can be extended to 100 meters by increasing the power. Bluetooth devices are protected from radio interference by changing their frequencies arbitrarily up to a maximum of http://eforu.page.tl/

1600 times a second, a technique known as frequency hopping. They also use three different but complimentary error correction schemes. Built-in encryption and verification is provided.

POWER CLASSES OF BLUETOOTH: Bluetooth devices are classified according to three different power classes, as shown in the following table.

Power Class Maximum Output Power 1 100 mW (20 dBm) 2 2.5 mW (4 dBm) 3 1 mW (0 dBm) But beyond unfettering devices by replacing the cables, Bluetooth radio technology provides a universal bridge to existing data networks, a peripheral interface, and a mechanism to form small private ad hoc groupings of connected devices away from fixed network infrastructures. Designed to operate in a noisy radio frequency environment, the Bluetooth radio uses a fast acknowledgment and frequency-hopping scheme to make the link robust. Bluetooth radio modules avoid interference from other signals by hopping to a new frequency after transmitting or receiving a packet. Compared with other systems operating in the same frequency band, the Bluetooth radio typically hops faster and uses shorter packets. This makes the Bluetooth radio more robust than other systems. Short packages and fast hopping also limit the impact of domestic and professional microwave ovens. Use of Forward Error Correction (FEC)


limits the impact of random noise on long-distance links. The encoding is optimized for an uncoordinated environment

SECURITY IN BLUETOOTH: Bluetooth guarantees security at the bit level. Authentication is controlled by the user by using a 128 bit key. Radio signals can be coded with 8 bits or anything upto 128 bits. The Bluetooth radio transmissions will conform to the safety standards required by the countries where the technology will be used with respect to the affects of radio transmissions on the human body. Emissions from Bluetooth enabled devices will be no greater than emissions from industry-standard cordless phones. The Bluetooth module will not interfere or cause harm to public or private telecommunications network. The Bluetooth base band protocol is a combination of circuit and packet switching. Slots can be reserved for synchronous packets. Each packet is transmitted in a different hop frequency. A packet nominally covers a single slot, but can be extended to cover up to five slots. Bluetooth can support an asynchronous data channel, up to three simultaneous








simultaneously supports asynchronous data and synchronous voice. It is thus possible to transfer the date asynchronously whilst at the same time talking synchronously at the same time. Each voice channel supports 64 kb/s synchronous (voice) link. The asynchronous channel can support an asymmetric link of maximally 721 kb/s in either direction while permitting 57.6 kb/s in the return direction, or a 432.6 kb/s symmetric link.


MODES OF OPERATION: An interesting aspect of the technology is the instant formation of networks once the bluetooth devices comes in range to each other. A piconet is a collection of devices connected by Bluetooth technology in an ad hoc fashion. A Piconet can be a simple connection between two devices or more than two devices. Multiple independent and non-synchronized piconets can form a scatter net. Any of the devices in a Pico net can also be a member of another by means of time multiplexing. I.e. a device can be a part of more than one Pico net by suitably sharing the time. The Bluetooth system supports both point-to-point and point-to-multi-point connections. When a device is connected to another device it is a point-to-point connection. If it is connected to more that one (up to 7) it is a point to multipoint connection. Several Pico nets can be established and linked together ad hoc, where each Pico net is identified by a different frequency hopping sequence. All users participating on the same Pico net are synchronized to this hopping sequence. If a device is connected to more than one Pico net it communicates in each Pico net using a different hopping sequence. A Pico net starts with two connected devices, such as a portable PC and cellular phone, and may grow to eight connected devices. All Bluetooth devices are peer units and have identical implementations. However, when establishing a Pico net, one unit will act as a master and the other(s) as slave(s) for the duration of the Pico net connection. In a Pico net


there is a master unit whose clock and hopping sequence are used to synchronize all other devices in the Pico net.

All the other devices in a Pico net that are not the master are slave units. A 3-bit MAC address is used to distinguish between units participating in the Pico net. Devices synchronized to a Pico net can enter power-saving modes called Sniff and hold mode, in which device activity is lowered. Also there can be parked units, which are synchronized but do not have a MAC addresses. These parked units have an 8-bit address; therefore there can be a maximum of 256-parked devices

Voice channels use either a 64 kbps log PCM or the Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation (CVSD) voice-coding scheme, and never retransmit voice packets. The voice quality on the line interface should be better than or equal to the 64 kbps log PCM. The CVSD method http://eforu.page.tl/

was chosen for its robustness in handling dropped and damaged voice samples. Rising interference levels are experienced as increased background noise: even at bit error rates up 4%, the CVSD coded voice is found.

COMPETING TECHNOLOGIES: Besides Bluetooth many other technologies exist like IrDA, Home RF

provides similar or related services. A quick glance

into their scope and properties would help putting all of these into perspective. The features of Bluetooth first (for the sake of comparison) •

Operates in the 2.56 GHZ ISM band which is globally available


Can support up to 8 devices in a piconet

Omni-directional, non line of sight transmission through walls

10m to 100m range

Low cost, $20

1mW power

Extended range with external power amplifier (100 meters)

IrDA IrDA is an international organization that creates and promotes interoperable, low-cost infrared data interconnection standards. IrDA has a set of protocols covering all layers of data transfer and in addition has some network management and interoperability designs. Features:


Range: From contact to at least 1metre. Can be extended to 2 meters. A low power version relaxes the range objective for operation from contact through at least 20 cm between low power devices and 30 cm between low power and standard power devices.

This implementation affords 10 times less power consumption. These parameters are termed the required maximum ranges by certain classes of IrDA

Featured devices and sets the end user expectation for discovery, recognition and performance.

Bi-directional communication is the basis of all specifications

Data transmission from 9600 b/s with primary speed/cost steps of 115 kb/s and maximum speed up to 4 Mb/s

Data packets are protected using a CRC (CRC-16 for speeds up to 1.152Mb/s and CRC-32 at 4 Mb/s).




Bluetooth and IrDA are both critical to the marketplace. Each technology has advantages and drawbacks and neither can meet all users' needs. Bluetooth's ability to penetrate solid objects and its capability for maximum mobility within the piconet allows for data exchange applications that are very difficult or impossible with IrDA. For example, with Bluetooth a person could synchronize their phone with a PC without taking the phone out of their pocket or purse (this is not possible with IrDA). The omni-directional capability of Bluetooth allows synchronization to start when the phone is brought into range of the PC. The Bluetooth standard defines the layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model. The application framework of Bluetooth is aimed to achieve http://eforu.page.tl/

interoperability with IrDA and WAP. In addition, a host of other applications will be able to use the Bluetooth technology and protocols.

HOMERF: The HOMERF is a subset of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) who is working on the development of a standard for inexpensive RF voice and data communication. Currently, the HomeRF Working Group specification provides for wireless Ethernet transmission. •

Range: Maximum 40 meters

Data rates of 1.2Mbps The HomeRF Working Group has also developed

the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP). SWAP is an industry specification that permits PCs, peripherals, cordless telephones and other devices to communicate voice and data without the usage of cables. SWAP is similar to the CSMA/CA protocol of IEEE 802.11 but with an extension to voice traffic. The SWAP system can either operate as an adhoc network or as an infrastructure network under the control of a connection point. In an adhoc network, all stations are peers and control is distributed between the stations and supports only data. In an infrastructure network, a connection Point is required so as to coordinate the system and it provides the gateway to the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). Walls and floors don't cause any problem in its functionality and some security is also provided through the use of unique network IDs. It is robust, reliable and minimizes the impact of radio interference.


Features: •

Operates in the 2.45 GHz range of the unlicensed ISM band

Range: upto 150 feet

Employs frequency hopping at 50 hops per second

It supports both a TDMA service to provide delivery of interactive voice and CSMA/CA service for delivery of high speed data packets

The network is capable of supporting upto 127 nodes

Transmission Power : 100mW

Data Rate : 1Mbps using 2FSK modulation and 2 Mbps using 4 FSK modulation

Voice connections : upto 6 full duplex conversations

Data Security : Blowfish encryption algorithm (over 1 trillion codes)

Data Compression : LZRW3-A algorithm

SWAPvsBluetooth Currently SWAP has more installed base compared to Bluetooth but it is believed that Bluetooth is eventually going to prevail. Bluetooth is a technology to connect devices without cables. The intended use is to provide short-range connections between mobile devices and to the Internet via bridging devices to different networks (wired and wireless) that provide Internet capability. HomeRF S0WAP is a wireless technology optimized for the home environment. Its primary use is to provide data networking and http://eforu.page.tl/

dial tones between devices such as PCs, cordless phones, Web Tablets and a broadband cable or DSL modem. Both technologies share the same frequency spectrum but do not interfere when operating in the same space.

CONCLUSION: Thus the paper is presented on the advanced microwave link technology. The secure data transmission and the modes of operation of the bluetooth-enabled devices are explained. The features of it over other advancing technologies are discussed. Bluetooth has a tremendous potential in moving and synchronizing information in a localized setting. Potential for Bluetooth applications is huge, because we transact business and communicate more with people who are close by than with those who are far away - a natural phenomenon of human interaction. The Bluetooth wireless technology in, e.g., PANs will most likely change the future way how we handle and access information, similar to how the mobile phone has changed our behavior in terms of information over the past ten years.


CONTACT: Dony Rojerson.M Albert Ravish . J Room: 366,S.G.Bobraj Block, Karunya Hostels, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore. 641114 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 9894317719



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