Microsoft Word - Vikas Garg

  • June 2020
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EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT This agreement is made this 20t h day of March, 08’ at New Delhi

Between Kelly Services India Private Limited, of 1st Floor, Bldg. No.9, Community Center Saket,

New Delhi - 110017 And

Mr. Vikas Garg S/O Mr. Surender Kumar Garg Resident of Shiv Colony, Near Railway cros sing Kosli-123302 • Reference no • Position

: MC-025-777 : Engineer- Network Monitoring (Transmission)

• Employee’s Name

: Mr. Vikas Garg

• Employee Address

: Shiv Colony, Near Railway crossing Kosli-123302

• Employee’s D.O.B

: 3rd May 1986

• Employees Contact No • Period of Contract

: 01259-275315, 09416894460

: 20t h March 08’ to 31st May 09’ ****

• Business / Work Hours per Day

: As per Business requirement/ applicable law

• Remuneration / Allowanc es per Month Basic Salary HRA Conveyance Other Allowance Monthly Gross Deduction Employee’s PF Contribution

7478 2992 1600 6626 18696

Net Salary Employer’s PF Contribution

17798 1000

Monthly CTC


• Kelly Services will make a PF/ ESI and other contribution as per law applicable. • Payment Date of Salary

: 1st

of every month


• Notice Period for Termination • Leave Entitlement • Bonus • Insurance

: 30 days or salary in lieu thereof.

: 22 leaves on pro-rata basis

: As per Company Rules : 2 Lac PA & 1 Lac Mediclaim

• Client Name/Work Place Address : Nokia Siemens Networks/Karnal B. Terms and Conditions 1. Payment of Salary a) The employee shall be paid his salary on the date specified in the main details of this Agreement. Kelly Services shall not be responsible for any delays in payment of salary of the employee caused by his or her late submission of attendance. For prompt and accurate payment of s alary, the contract employee should keep Kelly Services informed about all payments due to him/her. b) It is agreed by the employee, that this present engagement on contract shall be coterminus with Terms of Business/Main Contract between Kelly and its Client where being placed in terms of this engagement. In case, same is determined before the expiration of Contract period on any account whatsoever, in that eventuality the services of employee shall also come to an end immediately. The employee has understood in clear terms that tenure of its contract for employment is dependent upon the tenure of the agreement executed between Kelly and Client/Organization/Institution/Entity, who is its client. c) The employee will be based at the premis es of the Client/ Firm/Organization/ Institution with whom Kelly has entered into agreement to provide contract labour/render any particular service. The services of the employee is liable to be transferred anywhere in India to any office/ branch / location of the Client and / or any affiliate / associate member Client at any point of time. d) The present contract of employment shall be for the period during which contract of Kelly’s with its Client remains in force (i.e. co-terminus with contract between Kelly & its client). In case, contract of Kelly with Client is determined earlier than the fixed on any account whatsoever, in that eventuality also services of employee will automatically come to an end. In case during the subsistence of the said contract, the job requirement of the Client ceases, then also, services of employee will automatically c ome to an end. e) The employee will be governed by guidelines of Kelly Services and the Client where he is deputed, as prevailing from time to time & will abide to all the rules & regulations (Public holidays, timings, reporting structures, work ing hours, leave entitlement, discipline, s ecurity requirements, work ethics, targets etc) of that Client/Organization/ Institution where he is deputed.

f) The Employee will not claim any amount more than the amount of total salary including benefits if any other than mentioned herein this contract unless so revised and payable and communicated in writing except for any saving under law. 2. Duties The employee’s duties and responsibilities may be changed, amended or altered at any time by Kelly Services at their sole discretion. An employee shall be duly notified of these changes and amendments by Kelly Serv ices. Further Kelly Services expects its employees to be committed to the work and meet or exceed the expectation of the Company / its Client and maintain high level of integrity and ac umen in all working and any non-performance/ under performance is not solic ited. Further Every Employee is expected to maintain a daily diary and/or record of his/ her working for inspection always and be able to account for all work done in earnest. Every Employee is required to provide all information etc as may be called for by Client/ Kelly Services from time to time. 3. Performance and Performance Appraisals The employee shall endeavor to perform his or her duties efficiently and to the best of his or her ability. Performance appraisals will be conducted at regular intervals throughout the period of employment under this agreement. The Employee may be called upon to submit for / undergo any training to upgrade hims elf/herself to meet the requirement of the client and failure in the training may render the Employee unfit for further engagement, this contract will become liable for suo-moto termination without any notice etc. except for any saving under law. The Employee shall be solely liable for any loss caused to any other person, Client, environment by his/her act and also liable to keep Kelly Services absolved and indemnified of any liability/loss on account of his c onduct. 4. Termination of Employment In the event that the employee decides to terminate his or her employment under this agreement with Kelly Services, he or she s hall be required to give notice in writing or salary in lieu of notice in accordance with the notice period specified in the main details of this agreement. Kelly Services reserves its right to terminate this agreement forthwith without notice or payment in lieu of notice in c ases of poor performance, neglect of duty, misconduct, conduct not beneficial to the interests of Kelly Services or the Client, absences from work without justifiable reasons, a breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement, a breach of the rules, regulations, business and operational procedures of the Client/ applic able law. 5. Absenteeism from Work Should the employee fail to report for work for more than two (2) days without justifiable reasons, the contract employee’s employment shall be deemed to be terminated forthwith by the Employee himself/ herself and the Employee shall be deemed to be relieved automatically ex cept for any sav ing by law. Further if any Employee stays absent from work without proper permission/sanction or there being leave due to his c redit and / or overstays his leave the same will render the Employee liable for legal action and damages also.

6. Extension of Contract The employee shall remain on Contract, unless his services are confirmed in writing by the Kelly Services. Even on expiration of initial period of Contract, The Employee shall remain on Contract unless services are confirmed in writing. 7. Gratuity Employees working more than five years are eligible for gratuity (Eligibility and Payment will be in accordance with provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act. 1972 or applicable other law or as conveyed herein this contract which ever is more beneficial). For the purpose of calculation of gratuity, Kelly will cons ider the date of joining with the Client. The gratuity amount will be paid only if Client approves and pays the amount to Kelly services. The Employee cannot seek to club any pas t engagement rendered through or with Kelly Services, with this engagement. 8. Confidentiality The employee must keep confidential all trade secrets and information which comes to his or her attention in circumstances where he or she k now or ought to know that the information is to be treated as confidential. Confidential information includes: a) technical information, plans and product specifications; b) employee records; c) business plans and forecasts; d) financial records, reports, accounts and proposals; e) client’s intellectual property; f) quotations and tenders submitted or prepared for submission to clients and potential clients; g) clients lists, names of Client contacts and terms of trade with Client; h) information on client’s suppliers or the client’s other Clients would consider commercially valuable and/or secret; and i) telephone lists, policy documents, training documents, quality documents and any other internally used information regarding the operations of the client j) contract employee’s s alary and salary details. The contract employee must not remove information or copies of information from the Client’s premises except where the employee’s employment requires it and where the client has given consent. The obligation of confidentiality exists both during the employment and after the employment ceases. Any breach of confidentiality s hall be regarded as a serious misconduct for which the employee may be dismis sed or terminated forthwith without any notice or payment in lieu of notice. On the termination of the agreement, all papers, records and documents in the employee’s possession shall be returned to the Client. k) Any other Information, documentation, record, photographs, designs, processes, s ystems, maps and installations which are deemed c onfidential by virtue of operations/ exclusive usage by Kelly Services and leakage of the same to any


unauthorized person, company, firm, organization etc. is detrimental to the interest of Kelly services . l) The Employee shall be duty bound to return all the property, data, information, record of the kellyservices and Client ( confidential / otherwise) while leaving services and non return of the same will amount of breach of confidentiality and render the Employee liable for legal action except for saving in law. Severability

9. Conflict of Interest If any provisions of this agreement are or become illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall continue to apply (and the provisions which become illegal a) unenforceable The employeeamended shall not continuance this as agreement except with the or or during deleted the or modified to theofextent per law automatically) k nowledge and consent of the client embark, engage or interest themselves whether or gratuity, in any activity which would interfere with the performance of 13. Acceptance offor thereward above Terms his or her duties with the Client or which, to their knowledge would constitute a conflict interest with theare business thebe Client. The above termsof and conditions agreedof to fair and reasonable as proposed and b) The employee accepted by the parties shall entering also not into s olicthis it /agreement seek / exand plore thisemployment agreement being with done the client under and/or with any of the competitor during the contract period (included extended free will of both the sides on this day of 20t h March 2008 and shall so remain final and binding period, if any) and if found doing so the would constitute conflict of interest on both sides unless so modified/amended by both the same sides by any subsequent agreement and render the employee liable for legal including recovery of adequate to this agreement in writing or by operation of any lawaction and not otherwise. damages etc. c) Also if the employee is found indulging in any conduct, behavior and activity either in Signed: a group/ isolation, which is deemed to be against the interests of the Client/Kelly For and on behalf of or violation Company: Kelly Services Services India Pvt. Ltd.of the terms of this contract agreement, the same would be as Conflict of Interest and render the employee liable for legal action Name: Ms. Diwadeemed Raje Gautam Designation: Sr. including Consultanttermination of services without notice, recovery of adequate damages etc 10. Amendments to the Agreement Signed: Name: Mr. Vikas Garg Kelly Services shall be at liberty to amend this agreement in whole part received after ex ecution I hereby confirm thatorI inhave a copy of should it consider it necessary or reas onablethis to agreement do so by giving due notice as for my records. per law/ suomoto wherein provided for in this contract or required by law. 11. Assent toorArbitration ****Months earlier, and will be co-terminus with termination of business contract with the Client with whom being deputed In case of any dispute regarding interpretation of the terms of this contract ( during or after the period of this contract) Kelly Services upon receiving the point(s) of dispute shall upon being satisfied upon the existence of the same refer the same to an Arbitrator, who will be independent person, and who upon his assuming charge ( consequent to his / her appointment) call the parties involved, to enquire, to investigate, hold appropriate proceedings and give his findings by way of an award as per the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act. 1996 and/or as per Model Standing Orders ( under the Industrial Employment Model Standing Orders Act.) or the Company’s Standing Orders or Company’s Rules as notified from time to time and following Principles of Natural Justice. That the award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding except for any s aving in law. Acceptance of this contract by the employee shall deem acceptance of this claus e of arbitration irrevocably and will have right of having all/ any dispute be settled/ decided by aforesaid means only except for any sav ing by law.

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