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a. 2) a. 3) a. 4) a. 5)

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When Jessica opened her Mexican restaurant in a fashionable suburb of Kansas City, she believed that the most important element of her success would be advertising. She made sure that a significant portion of her budget was devoted to advertising in local papers, sent out coupons and really focused on the promotional aspects of the restaurant. Which of the four eras of marketing does it seem that Jessica emphasized? Sale era Which of the following would not be included in a discussion of the marketing concept? A cost orientation Learning as much as possible about customers and doing everything you can do to satisfy them and exceed their expectations is Customer relationship management Which of the following is not considered to be one of the marketing mix variables? Minimizing the cost of producing the product When McDonald’s considered adding pizza to their menu, the company made pizza available in some of their typical markets, to determine customer reactions. That process is called Test marketing Intermediaries are Organizations that are in the middle of a series of organizations that distribute goods from producers to consumers Marketing research helps determine all but which of the following? How distribution needs will change What is the first step in the marketing research process? Define the problem When Sun-2-Shade needed some information about the potential market for their product, the marketing team looked to the Internet to find industry trends and to looks at the market for eyewear products which use the same technology that is used in their self-darkening windshield. The type of information the marketing team was using is Secondary date Which of the following is not descriptive of the business-to-business market? Industrial markets tend to be geographically scattered Marketing strategies for the business-to-business market Differ from consumer marketing strategies because the nature of the buyers is different The idea of customer relationship management is to enhance customer satisfaction and stimulate long-term customer loyalty True Non profits for the most part do not need to make use of marketing techniques False Coupons rebates and cents-off deals are part of the promotion variable of the marketing mix True Test marketing refers to the development of an accurate description of your product and then testing it by asking people whether the idea appeals to them False Setting an appropriate price includes considering the cost involved in producing, promoting, and distributing the product True To keep cost lower, it is best to use secondary data first when possible in the market research process True Socio-cultural factors such as population growth and changing demographics may affect some marketers but are not important for most organizations False If the economy begins to fall on hard times, about the only thing marketers can do is to cut production and wait for better times

10) a. 11)

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The factor included in an environmental scan include all of the following except Management factors The increase in the number of older Americans has created a growing demand for nursing home, health care, continuing education and more. This is as a result of the changes in the ……….. factors in the environment Social cultural Which of the following product would be considered as the “business to business” market? A computer for the instructor to use while teaching the class Johnson and Johnson targets children with Sesame Street bandage, and GM targets women for their Chevy Blazer vehicle. These are example of Stakeholder marketing We FlyU Anywhere is a travel agency that specializes in creating exotic trip to unusual destinations for their clients. They will create a “designer” vacation just for you. The most accurate description for the kind of marketing this travel agency is using would be One-to-one marketing The company that makes the Nautica brand licensed with the StrideRite company to make an athletic show to compete with Nike. The company wants the show to be used for athletics, not worn just for style. Nautica is making use of Market segmentation At one time, companies developed products and promotions to please large groups of people, and tried to sell as many products to as many people as possible. This is known as Mass marketing Kelly is out looking for a new car. Kelly is an aspiring lawyer, and she is looking for a care that will help her to project that “lawyer” image. Kelly is influenced by A reference group After Kelly bought her car, she realized just how much money she had spent. She spent some time wondering if she had made the right decision. Kelly seems to be suffering from Cognitive dissonance False The process of dividing the total market into several groups is called target marketing False An example of psychographic segmentation is dividing the market by whether or not your customers live in cities or in suburban areas False The Big and Tall men’s stores, which cater to men who are of certain heights and weights, is an example of a company using niche marketing True Relationship marketing leads away from mass production toward more custom made goods and services True When selling the Chinese market, it is important to avoid demonstrating how your product makes the customer stand out from the crowd, because the Chinese relate better to a group identity. This is an example of a cultural influence True The reason for distinguishing between consumer markets and the business to business market is because the strategies for reaching the market are different because the buyers are different and the B2B market is much smaller True The B2B market is smaller than the consumer market in terms of the number of buyer but large in terms of the size of the buyers True B2B sales tend to be less direct than consumer sales because business buyers use more middlemen False



Time and motion studies, methods of work and rule of work were all part of the ideas of …………… a. Taylor’s scientific management 2) Scientific Management viewed people largely as ……………. a. Machines that needed to be programmed 3) Frederick Taylor believed the best way to improved worker productivity was to a. Scientifically determine the most efficient way to perform a task and the teach people 4) Which of the following was not determined as part of the Hawthorne Experiments? a. It was not important to involve workers in the planning of the experiment 5) The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied is referred to as a.The Hawthorne effect 6) Which of the following is not included as one of Maslow’s needs? a. Physical 7) Mr. An has worked for A Company for a number of years. He has just been passed over for promotion, again, and is considering leaving his employer because it seems that his managers don’t appreciate his abilities. The only problem is that he really likes his co-workers and they have an undefeated softball team. An is concerned with filling a. Esteem need 8) According to Maslow’s theory, when a need is satisfied a. Another, higher level need emerges and motivates a person to satisfy that need 9) According to Herzberg, workers felt that good pay and job security a. Provided a sense of satisfaction but did not motivate them 10) Herzberg’s hygiene factor include a. Salary 11) Survey conducted to test Herzberg’s theories have supported his findings that a. The number one motivations are a sense of achievement and recognition for a job well done 22) a. 23) a. 24) a. 25) a. 26) a. 27) a. 28) a. 29)

a. 30)

a. 31) a. 32) a. 33)

According to equity theory, when workers perceive an inequity, they will Try to reestablish an equitable feeling in a number of ways According to the text, companies with highly motivated workers usually have Open communication systems and self-managed teams To create an atmosphere of “us working together” and encourage open communication, managers should do everything but Develop precise job descriptions so that everyone knows what to do Generation X managers May tend to focus more on result than on hours in the workplace The satisfaction you feel when you have finished a term paper and done a good job is an example of an extrinsic reward False Frank and Lilian Gibreth developed the principle of motion economy and therbligs True The ideas of Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management were good for their time but are no longer being implement in today’s workplace False The problem with the initial experiments of the Hawthorne Study was that the productivity of the experimental group actually decreased when lighting was changed False One of the conclusions of the Hawthorne Experiments was that workers were more motivated because the felt their idea were respected and that they were involved in decision making True According to Maslow, satisfied needs continue to motivate most individuals False Self-actualization needs on Maslow’s Hierarchy refer to the need for recognition, acknowledgment and self respected False Herberg’s research results showed that the most important factors that motivate workers were a sense of achievement and earned recognition


The strategy of making work interesting and motivating employees by moving them from one job to another is called a. Job rotation 13) The degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the work of others in the company is called a. Task significance 14) At the Nova car manufacturing company, workers are group into selfmanaged teams, which are responsible for completing a significant portion of the automobile. Unlike the typical assembly plant, the car stops along the way and the team completes their portion of the car before the vehicle moves on. The team is given the freedom to decide who dose which job, and they receive constant feedback from the company Nova is using a job strategy of a. Job enlargement 15) At Flo Manufacturing workers are encouraged to find their own solutions to problems and to implement their solutions when practical. They work with little supervision because management feels they are committed workers, and that the workers are pretty creative. Flo Valley reflects a(n) attitude about workers a. Theory Y 16) ……………….. emphasizes life time employment, collective decision making and individual responsibility for the outcome of decisions a. Theory Z 17) Douglas McGregor believed that managers with a Theory X attitude believed a. Workers prefer to be directed 18) According to the text, setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if a. The goals are accepted 19) The central idea of MBO is that Employees need to motivate themselves 20) Which of the following is not one of the questions employees will ask themselves before committing a maximum effort toward a task? Will the task include negative feedback? 21) Reinforcement theory is based on the idea that a. Positive and negative reinforces motivate a person to behave a certain way

a. 34) a. 35)

a. 36) a. 37) a. 38) a. 39)

a. 40) a. 41)

True Pay is included in the list of Herzberg’s motivation False Job enrichment strategy is one in which work is assigned to individuals so that they have the opportunity to complete an identifiable task from beginning to end False A type of job enrichment is job enlargement, which combines a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment True A Theory Y manager believes that employees should be involved in both defining problems and in designing the solutions True Today, fierce competition is forcing Japanese companies to move away from their traditional ways of conducting business True Goal-setting theory is based on the notion that workers will be more motivated if they know they have a goal in terms of the amount of money they will earn if they do a certain amount of work False The best way to implement MBO programs is to make sure that managers set goals in cooperation with everyone in the organization True In reinforcement theory positive reinforcements are rewards such as praise, recognition, or a pay raise

True 42) The basic principle of expectancy theory is that workers try to maintain equity when they compare what they expect to gain to people in similar situations a. False 43) The concept of re-inventing work involves respecting workers, rewarding good work, developing worker skills and decentralizing authority a. True 44) One procedure for encouraging open communication in an organization is to create a culture that rewards listening True


1) a. 2) a. 3) a. 4)

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CHAPTER 11 – HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resources management dose not include Leading Among the challenges faced by H.R managers are Continued downsizing that is taking a toll on employee morale, and increased demand for temporary workers A job analysis will provide information about What is done by various employees who fill different job tittles “Clerical worker, with responsibilities for answering phones, greeting clients, filling for H.Rs department. Some weekends required”. This is an example of a Job description Which of the following is not included in a list of reasons why recruiting has become difficult? The number of available recruiting tools has begun to shrink According to the text, the greatest advantage of hiring from within is It helps maintain employee morale What is the first step in the selection process? Obtaining a completed application form Background investigations Help identify which candidates are most likely to succeed Employment tests must Be directly related to the job Internal and external programs to develop a variety of skills and to foster personal development away from the job is called Off-the-job training …………… is a type of management development that exposes managers to different functions of the organization by giving them assignment in a variety of departments Job rotation In developing a performance appraisal, standards should have all of the following characteristics except They should be easily attainable


Qualified labor is more scare today, which make recruiting and selecting more difficult True H.R management has become so important that it is no longer a function of just one department but a function of all managers True Because technology changes so rapidly, training programs should not be started too long before the skills are needed, in case the skills become outdated False New tools used to recruit employees include Internet online services True Recruiting qualified workers may be difficult for small business because they may not be able to offer the sort of compensation that attracts qualified workers True In recruiting, it is important to look for individuals who are skilled but less important that they fit in with the culture as skilled workers will quickly learn how to fit in False The application form and the initial interview are good ways for a company to find out about an applicant’s family and religious backgrounds False Employment physical exams are always illegal False Training focuses on short term skills, whereas development focuses on long term abilities True It is important for companies to take the initiative to develop female and minority managers because it is a key to long term profitability True In a mentoring program, an older, more experienced worker will coach and guide a selected lower-level manager by introducing him or her to the right people and group True


a. 14)

a. 15) a. 16) a. 17) a. 18) a. 19) a. 20) a. 21) a. 22) a.

a. 35) a. 36)

a. 37) a. 38) a. 39) a. 40)

a. 41) a. 42) a. 43) a. 44)


Decisions about promotions, compensation, additional training, or firing are all based on Performance evaluations Henry is interested in making a lot of money. He is a very good salesperson. People tell him he could sell sand to Saudi Arabia. He is a very hard worker, and is willing to work a lot of hours to make the kind of money he wants. Henry should most likely look for the kind of job that is paid By commission Studies of compensation for teams have shown that It is recommended that pay should be based on team performance Fringe benefits Are expensive for companies, and account for as much as 30% of payroll today A program that gives employees freedom to adjust when they work, as long as they work the required number of hours is called Flextime Among the disadvantages or challenges of telecommuting or home based work is Makes job performance appraisal more difficult The effect of downsizing and the resulting flatter corporate structure is that Fewer layers of management make it more difficult for employees to be promoted to higher levels of management Employment at will is The right of employees to fire workers Title VII of the Civil Right Act Prohibits discrimination in hiring, firing and other areas on the basis of race, religion, creed, sex or national origin The law that requires employees to give disabled applicants the same consideration for employment as people without disabilities is the Americans with Disabilities Act

Discussing the results of a performance evaluation with the employee should be avoided because it is important to let an employee “sink and swim” in a job False A 360 degree performance review includes employees, peers, subordinates, and managers True While compensation and benefits packages are important to keep employees, these program play little role in attracting qualified employees True Soft benefit include things such as on-site haircuts and shoe repair and free breakfasts True One benefit of job sharing has been reduced absenteeism and tardiness True Some companies have found that telecommuting has helped the company to save money True While early retirement programs are a more expensive strategy of downsizing than laying off employees, it can increase the morale of remaining employees True Learning why an employee leaves a company is not especially valuable information for a company to determine False Registration and legal decisions have had little effect on H.R management False The EEOC is charged with enforcing affirmative action programs True A key concept of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is accommodation in the workplace False


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