Code No: NR410310
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2006 MICROPROCESSORS & APPLICATIONS (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. Describe the block diagram of 8259 and it’s interface with 8086?
2. Describe in detail 8086-CPU architecture and explain it’s registers, and flags in detail? [10+6] 3. (a) Describe any three instruction formats of 8086? (b) Describe Linkers?
[3x3=9] [7]
4. (a) Give the 8086 timing diagram? (b) Explain any two rotate instructions of CPU?
5. (a) Write a program that adds 16 bit numbers using 8086 Assembly language instructions? (b) Give a program sequence that compares the first 10 bytes begining at CHAR-1 with the first 10 bytes begining at CHR-2 and branches to MATCH if they are equal but otherwise continues in sequence? [8+8] 6. Define a MACRO for moving an arbitrary character string that ends with an EOT character from one string of bytes in memory to another? [16] 7. (a) Describe the interrupt routine of 8086 using a detailed flow chart? (b) Compare programmed I/O and interrupt driven I/O?
[4+4=8] [8]
8. Write short notes on any THREE of the following: (a) Featores of 8085 (b) A/D Convertors (c) Transducers (d) Text editors.
16] ?????
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