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  • Words: 849
  • Pages: 23

MEANING OF MICROORNISMS • Micro – tiny (seni) • Organisms – living things (benda hidup)

• Can found all around us. • Can found in the air, water, food, soil(tanah) and in our bodies. • Microorganisms are so small that we cannot see them with naked eye. • Use microscope to see microorganisms.



Types of Microorganisms



BACTERIA • Very tiny • Exist (wujud) in different shapes, sizes and colours. • Can found in the air, water, soil, and on the surface that you touch. • Can reproduce (membiak)very fast under suitable temperature(suhu), and with enough water and food.

BACTERIA • Most active in places that are warm, dark, maist (lembap) and dirty. • Most kinds of bacteria are harmless, and many are even helpful. • Cause diseases such as diarhoea(cirit-birit), sore throat(sakit kerongkong).


• Are the smallest microorganisms • Can only be seen using the most powerful microscope. • Can infect plants, animals and bacteria. • Colds and flu (demam selesema) are caused by viruses. • Virus are responsible for many serious and sometimes deadly diseases likes AIDS and H1N1.

PROTOZOA • Are langer than viruses and bacteria. • Usually live in water. (ponds, lakes, river) • Can be harmless or harmful. • Malaria is one diseases cause by a type of protozoa.

FUNGI • Are the largest of four types of microorganisms. • Mushrooms(cendawan), moulds(kulapuk), yeast(yis) are example of fungi. • Can be found on mouldy(roti yang lembap), rotten food(makanan basi), and trees.

FUNGI • Fungi get their food from dead organisms or dead matter on an organism • Reproduces from spores(spora). Mushroom is an example of fungi that reproduces from spores. • Some fungi, like yeast are so small that we need a microscope to see them

LIFE PROCESSES THAT MICROORGANISMS UNDERGO • Microorganisms are breathing (bernafas) • Yeast is an example of microorganisms.

Microorganisms Breathe Aim : To show that miroorganism (yeast)breathes Appratus & Material : 1 cup of flour ½ cup of dried yeast 1 teaspoon of sugar Procedure: 4. All the ingredients are mixed. 5. The mixture is stirred(dikacau) well to make a dough. 6. The dough is covered with damp cloth(kain lembap) and place in warm spot(tempat hangat) 7. The mixture is left 20 minutes

Observation (pemerhatian) : After 20 minutes the dough rises (mengembang) Explanation: When the yeast breathes, it releases carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide causes the dough rises. Conclusion: Breathing by yeast produces carbon dioxide which causes the dough to rise.

MICROORGANISMS GROWING (MEMBESAR) Aim : To show that microorganisms (bread mould) grows. Apparatus & materials : Bread, water, plastic bag, rubber band, plastic knife and magnifying glass.

Procedures : 1. A slice of bread is prepared. 2. Water is lightly sprinkled onto the surface of the bread. 3. The bread is put in the plastic bag. 4. The plastic bag is tied up with a rubber band and place in a warm place. 5. The bread is observed using a magnifying glass after a few days.

Observation : Greenish blue patches(tompok-tompok biru) were seen on the surface of the bread. Discussion: The coloured patches on the bread are the bread mould (kulapuk roti) Conclusion : Microorganisms grow when there is food and the surrounding conditions are suitable.

MICROORGANISM MOVING (BERGERAK) Aim : to show that mocroorganism move Apparatus & material : Glass, slide, slide cover, microscope, droper(penitis) and sample of water of water.

Procedure: 2.Sample of water are collected from ponds or rivers. 2. A dropper is used to place a droplet of water sample on a glass slide. 3. The water sample is then covered with the slide cover. 4. The slide is observed under a microscope.

Observation : A lot of tiny things are seen moving about in the water. Conclusion : Microorganisms can move.




Living things


Microorganisms 1. _______________ cannot be seen with the naked eyes. Yeast 2. _______________ and mould are examples of fungi. Virus 3. _______________ are the smallest microorganisms. Mould

4. _______________ grows on the surface of bread. 5. Things which carry out life processes are called living things ____________.

Table below shows the results of an investigation carried out by a group of students from year 5 teratai to find out if water necessary for microorganisms to grow. They heated a piece of bread in the toaster to dry it and sprinkled a few drops of water on another piece. The pieces of bread were left at a dark corner of the science laboratory for 4 days. Starting of investigation

After 4 days

Original bread Two black patches

Dried in toaster No black patch at all

Sprinkled with water Many black patches

a) What is the aim of this Investigation ? To find out if water is necessary for microorganisms to grow ______________________________________________ b) In the investigation, state bread i. what was kept the same : _______________________ Presence of water ii. What was made different : _________________________ Amount of black patches iii. What to observe : ________________________________

c). What can be concluded from this investigation ? Microorganisms need water to grow. ______________________________________________

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