“Who is Britain - WE ARE BRITAIN!
The Movement for Justice is determined and committed to the struggle for a society fully free from racist inequality, sexist abuse, prejudice, discrimination and other fundamental inequalities that hold back progress, dampen spirits and distort social relations. Britain has a long history as a multiracial society. The MFJ aims for a society in which equality and respect permeate throughout, and all can develop to their fullest potential. The MFJ has the perspective and strategy to build a dynamic, integrated, independent movement of young determined leaders with the energy to meet that aim. And you can help. We need to raise significant funds to achieve this ambitious high aim. Your generous regular contribution will be put to great use - there is no better place to put your support. Your generous monthly contribution to the MOVEMENT FOR JUSTICE will enable us to continue this important work. What you can contribute: Regular monthly standing orders enable us to continue our ongoing work going into schools, holding regular student conferences and our weekly youth meetings. This can be from £5 to £50! We also welcome one off donations which can help with specific projects & campaigns.
MOVEMENT FOR JUSTICE - Standing order donation form There are two ways you can set up a regular standing order from your bank to the Movement for Justice…. 1. Call your bank and set up the Standing Order over the phone, you will need our bank details below NatWest, Camberwell Branch, 70 Denmark Hill, London SE5 8TT Account name: Movement for Justice Account number: 21590621 Sort code: 50-10-29 2. Fill out your details and sign the below form, returning it to us at the address below and we will get it to your bank. Request to set up a regular standing order from my account… My name: (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/other)__________________________________________ My address_______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________Postcode___________________________ Please pay Movement for Justice £______________ each month/year (delete as appropriate) Starting on ___ / ___ / ___ (please make this date at least 2 weeks from now). Until further notice and debit my account number |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| My sort code
Signature __________________________________________________ To the Manager (Your Bank name) _________________________________________ Your bank address______________________________________________________ ___________________________________Postcode___________________________ Please pay: NatWest, Camberwell Branch, 70 Denmark Hill, London SE5 8TT Account name: Movement for Justice Account number: 21590621 Sort code: 50-10-29 (Return this completed form to: MFJ, PO Box 27497, London, SW9 7HU)