Messages From The Mountain, September 2009

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Rosh Hashanah Evening Service — Friday, September 18 at 8 pm

September 2009/Elul 5769-Tishrei 5770

Number 605

We must begin with ourselves, but not end with ourselves. Turning, teshuvah, means something greater than repentance and acts of penance. It means that by reversal of one’s whole being, a person who had been lost in the maze of selfishness where he had set himself as his goal, finds a way to God, that is, a way to the fulfillment of the particular task for which he has been destined by God. Repentance can only be an incentive to such active reversal. Those who go on fretting themselves with repentance, those who torture themselves with the idea that their acts of penance are not sufficient, withhold their best energies from the work of reversal. It is written: “Turn from evil and do good” (Psalm 34:15). You have done wrong? Then counteract it by doing right. Martin Buber (adapted)

at this season of teshuvah… the Rabbis, Staff and Leadership of Temple Mount Sinai wish you a shanah tovah umetukah — a sweet and good new year.

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Worship Schedule, September ‐ October 2009 September 4-5 Parashat Ki Tavo Friday, September 4 Candlelighting, 7:09 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Family Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

September 25-26 Shabbat Shuvah Friday, September 25 Candlelighting, 6:42 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

Saturday, September 5 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am Bat Mitzvah of Lydia Duran

Saturday, September 26 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

September 11-12 Parashat Nitzavim Friday, September 11 Candlelighting, 7:00 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Saturday, September 12 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am S’lichot Saturday, September 12 Service, 10:30 pm

September 27-28 Yom Kippur Sunday, September 27 Kol Nidrei, 8 pm Monday, September 28 Family Service, 9 am Morning Service, 10:30 am Havurot, 1 pm Afternoon Service (led by MSTY), 2:30 pm Grief Support, 3:30 pm Yizkor/Memorial Service, 4:30 pm Ne’ilah/Concluding Service, 5:15 pm

September 18-19 Rosh Hashanah Friday, September 18 Candlelighting, 6:51 pm Evening Service, 8 pm

October 2-3 Sukkot Friday, October 2 Candlelighting, 6:33 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Erev Sukkot Service, 6:15 pm in the Sukkah, weather permitting

Saturday, September 19 Family Service, 9 am Morning Service, 10:30 am

Saturday, October 3 Sukkot Morning Service and Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Blumenfeld, 10:30 am

Kever Avot (Memorial Services at the Cemetery) Wednesday, September 23 Memorial Service, 6 pm

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October 9-10 Simchat Torah Friday, October 9 Candlelighting, 6:24 pm Simchat Torah Under the Stars and Consecration, 6:15 pm

October 23-24 Parachat Noach Friday, October 23 Candlelighting, 6: 08 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with NFTY‐SW, 6:15 pm

Saturday, October 10 Shemini Atzeret Torah Study, 9:30 am Festival Morning Service/Yizkor 10:30 am

Saturday, October 24 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

October 16-17 Parachat Bereshit Friday, October 16 Candlelighting, 6: 15 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Saturday, October 17 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

October 30-31 Parachat Lech-Lecha Friday, October 30 Candlelighting, 6: 01 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Saturday, October 31 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

Leaves and Stones on the Temple’s Tree of Life Do you know that you can honor or remember a loved one with a leaf or a stone on the Tree of Life? This beautiful work of art is displayed on the wall in the foyer at Temple just outside the Sanctuary. For a minimum donation of $300 for a leaf or $3,000 for a stone, the brass will be engraved according to your instructions and

will remain on the Tree of Life forever. Your donation becomes part of the Foundation Trust and benefits Temple Mount Sinai in perpetuity. For more information, contact Sally Parke at the Temple office at 532‐5959.

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September Birthdays September 1 Limor Belkin * Adam Nazarian September 2 Jacqueline Gulbas September 3 Greta Duran David Novick September 4 Cindy (Louis) Cohen Katie Schmidt September 5 Rosalie Kaufman Steven Lauterbach Cameron Mansfield September 6 Olga Kosheleva September 7 Lori Gaman Gabriel Levin

September 8 William Belford Sylvia Krapin Ann Lauterbach Louann Pranses Benjamin Puschett * September 9 Salomon Holaschutz Zachary Krasne * Anat Reiter September 10 Marlene Fass Mark Fenenbock * Peter Herman Jack Heydemann September 11 Jeremy Gopin Brent Gulbas Richard Katz Vladik Kreinovich September 12 Tova Herman Elaine Rosen

September 13 Shauna Goldman Jamie Tennen September 14 Ross Blackburn Alan Gaman Ellen Goodman September 15 Alan Krasne Arlene Sonnen Robert Washer September 16 Zachary Ducorsky * William Goldfarb Sara Rueff September 17 Barry Kobren September 18 Carsen Culter Sidney Kligman Phillip Tennen

September 19 Rick Rosales September 20 Edward Babenco Becky Horowitz * William Klein Amelia Krohn Douglas Leffman Al Schlusselberg Sarah Velasco Sylvia Wechter September 21 Bita Mobbs Elise Puschett * Craig Schecter * Muriel Tucker September 22 David Eisner Kenneth Given * Quyen Nguyen Irma Oppenheim * Amanda Robalin Alex Stein

September Anniversaries September 1 Paul & Susan Krupp * Garrett & Sylvia Levin September 2 Hal & Pat Marcus Ron & Debbie Marcus * Mickey & Susan Schwartz September 3 Ross & Linda Fruithandler * Jeff & Ruth Katz Alan & Mimi Pittle Stuart & Shari Schwartz September 4 Bernie & Judy Lauterbach *

September 5 Phil & Judy Bargman * Richard & Rosalie Kaufman * September 7 Marty & Jody Klein Phil & Ann Rothstein * September 11 Steve & Lori Shapiro

September 23 Lynn Ames Susan Davidoff September 24 Jamie Frank * Fred Marcus Helene Solomon September 25 Aaron Goodman September 27 Haidi Appel Seymour Ash September 28 Amanda Metrikin * Jean Scherotter September 29 Michael Robalin * September 30 Andrew Marcus David Pearlman Asa Shiloff Samuel Westermann Josephine Witkoff

September 17 Bob & Jane Rosen September 19 Alan & Jean Kahn September 20 Charlie & Sue Zaltz September 24 Charley Pittle & Kristie Eichhorn‐Pittle

September 12 Marv & Charlene Abrams Dennis & Anat Reiter *

September 25 Charles & Betty Stein

September 13 Randy Goldstein & Karen Herman

September 29 Steven & Linda Miner

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Hamakom Y’nachem—May God Bring Comfort... to Bob Krasne on the death of his sister, Thama Lee Friedman. to Evelyn Goodman on the death of her husband, David Goodman. to Estelle Weinstein on the death of her husband, David Weinstein. to Anat Reiter on the death of her mother, Miriam Resaely. to Pinni and Nancy Kachel on the death of her mother, Arline Yonack. to Paquita Litt, Skip and Beverly Litt, and Rick and Jennifer Litt on the death of their son and brother, Bruce Litt.

Mazel Tov! Congratulations... to grandparents David and Tina Wolfe, and Chet and Jan Frame, on the birth of Isabella Trejo (last month’s “Mazel Tov” to Debbie and Miguel neglected to extend our good wishes to them). to Charlene and Marv Abrams on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Megan Abrams, daughter of Mike and Marcie Abrams of Dallas. to Anne and Bill Spier on the B’nai Mitzvah of their grandsons, Samuel and Benjamin Spier of Houston, and to Sam and Ben’s parents, Danny and Shari Spier. to Shari and Stuart Schwartz on the engagement of their son, Jason, to Jennifer Simar; grandparents are Evelyn and Edward Schwartz and Reba and Harry Swiff of Dallas; Jennifer’s parents are Karen and Ray Simar of Richmond, Texas. to Rabbi Ken and Sue Weiss on the engagement of their daughter, Amy Weiss, to Scott Levingston. to Greta and Bob Duran on their daughter, Lydia, becoming Bat Mitzvah on September 5. to Michelle and Dan Blumenfeld on their daughter, Hannah, becoming Bat Mitzvah on October 3.

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From the Study of our Navel‐Gazing, Rabble‐Rousing Rabbi... On retreat with the Rabbinical Leadership Program of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality (of which you’ll learn a bit during the holidays), I was musing with a colleague about the significant overlap between those rabbis who choose to take part in programs like IJS (which involve meditation, silence, and contemplation) and those who choose to be involved in community organizing of the type promoted by the Union for Reform Judaism’s “Just Congregations” initiative. On the face of it, one might assume that those two types of programs would draw two very different types of people...and yet, there we were on retreat with many of the same folks we see in our justice work. We wondered to ourselves, why do the same rabbis go in for “navel gazing” and “rabble rousing?” We were being facetious, of course. The truth is, contemplative work is not really about “navel gazing” any more than community organizing is about “rabble rousing.” Properly understood and

practiced, a well cared for interior life is the engine that leads us to work, passionately and tirelessly, for our community. In the same way, the relationships we form with others through our involvement in the pursuit of social justice are constant reminders of the commonality of our human condition and our radical equality before God; in other words, the very building blocks of a rich life of the spirit. I plan to explore this theme in more depth with you this holiday season, both in my sermons and in new opportunities for us to practice what I’ll be preaching. I look forward to the journey through Tishrei with you, and to a new year filled with promise. May our inner lives and our outer lives be one. Shanah Tovah, Rabbi Bach

Welcome New Members We welcome Stanley Ross and his son, Nathaniel, to membership at Temple Mount Sinai. We welcome Nancy Adele Schwartz to membership at Temple Mount Sinai. We also welcome, and turn the spotlight on, Naomi Mercer. Naomi is currently deployed with the 4th Brigade Combat Team to COB Adder (Iraq), as the Brigade Human Resources Manager. She also fills the role of Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and serves as a mentor for the Maysan Province's Council for Women's Initiatives. She is active in the small Jewish community on COB Adder that meets Friday evenings for informal Shabbat services and holiday celebrations. Her daughter, Rory, is doing well and resides with relatives in the Greenville, South Carolina area. Do you know someone who is new to town, new to Judaism, or interested in getting involved with a synagogue? Please help them be in touch with Susan Jaffee at 532-5959, or

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Adult Learning with Rabbi Bach Shabbat Morning Torah Study, each Saturday at 9:30 am

A Taste of Judaism, Tuesdays in October and November

Each Saturday morning at 9:30, a lively group gathers in Zielonka Hall for an hour of text‐ based study, usually rooted in the weekly Torah portion. Rabbi Bach often draws upon midrash, mussar, and hasidut to illuminate some aspect of the portion in a way that is challenging and relevant.

As our Mussar study winds down, we’ll go back to the beginning for “A Taste of Judaism.” Many people have been introduced to Jewish thought through this six‐hour introduction, which we’ve offered to the general public a number of times over the years. By popular demand...a chance at the course for members of the Temple community! Tuesdays, October 13, 20, and 27, and November 3, 10 and 17, at 7 pm in Zielonka Hall.

Bagels with the fixin's are provided by the group, and delicious, Fair Trade coffee is provided by the Temple. We eat, we shmooze, we learn, and at 10:25 we wrap up so that those who choose may move to the service. Lunch and Learn, one Tuesday each month through May Mussar Study, Tuesdays through the Holidays

Take the opportunity to learn with friends as our Lunch and Learn series kicks off another terrific season. Sessions will be held on Rabbi Bach will lead a series of sessions Tuesdays from 11:45 am ‐1:00 pm beginning exploring Cheshbon Hanefesh on Tuesday evenings through the month of Elul and the Fall with a catered lunch. Chef Samantha Pittle‐ Holiday season. We will look at traditional texts Briseño will prepare delicious comfort foods from the world of Mussar (“Jewish Ethics”) and again this season. Session dates are: Hasidut (Chasidic Torah commentaries) that September 15, October 20, November 17, have guided our people in this work for December 15, 2009; January 19, February 16, centuries, and seek to apply them to our own March 2 (date changed from last bulletin lives. article), April 6 and May 4, 2010. Sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 7‐8 pm, in Zielonka Hall, on the following dates: September 8, 15, 22, 29; and October 6. Dropping in for one or more sessions is possible, but the best way to do this work is to attend as much of the series as possible. If you have any questions, please call Rabbi Bach at 532‐5959, or [email protected].

Sessions are $10 each or you can prepay the entire series for $72. Please send in your check if you want to prepay or call Buddy Schwartz at 532‐5959 or email him at [email protected].

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Child Care at Temple Services... In the coming weeks, Temple Mount Sinai will offer child care at the following times: • at our Shabbat evening services on September, 11, and 25, and October 16, 23, and 30, beginning at 6 pm; • on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings following the Family Services around 10 am (this program is for children 11 and under); and • at our evening services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (September 18, October 27) beginning at 7:45 pm. Please call the Temple office at 532-5959 to RSVP for the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur child care programs.

That All May Worship: Meeting Special Needs Temple wants no one to miss the chance to worship during the Holidays, or year‐ round, because of difficulty in attending or special hearing, vision or mobility requirements. A few of the ways we can help: • Assistive listening devices are available at all services, in both the Sanctuary and the Chapel. This system provides improved sound quality through headphones. Receivers are available at the entrance to each room. • Large‐print prayer books and programs are also available. Ask an usher near the entrance to the Sanctuary. • A section of our Sanctuary will be easily wheel‐chair accessible during all High Holiday services. • Select High Holiday services will be videotaped and made available to those unable to attend. Call us to arrange for this service.

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S’lichot, September 12 — The Overture to the Holiday Season Selichot is traditionally held in the middle of the Selichot is a brief service which introduces many of the sights and sounds that will be a part of our prayer night. We observe it in our Chapel at 10:30 pm, Saturday, September 12. experience during the High Holidays. The Torah covers are changed to white; the shofar is blasted; Avinu Malkeynu is chanted. It has been rightly compared to the overture before the curtain is raised on Erev Rosh Hashanah.

Kever Avot, September 23 — Memorial Service at the Temple Cemetery Our Cemetery service ("Kever Avot") is a longstanding Temple tradition. We gather at the cemetery during the Holidays to remember those who have gone before us. One needn’t have relatives buried in the Temple cemetery to perform this mitzvah. The brief service allows us to remember our loved ones wherever they are.

This year, our service will be held on Wednesday, September 23 at 6 pm. The Temple Mount Sinai Cemetery is at Gateway West near the intersection of Interstate 10 and US 54.

Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah— October 2 ‐ 10 “The holidays” don’t end when we break the fast on Yom Kippur. A joyful weeklong festival called Sukkot begins just days later. Here’s how we’ll be celebrating at Temple this year: Erev Sukkot is on Friday, October 2. Our service, outdoors in the Sukkah, will begin at 6:15 pm. On Saturday morning, October 3, our Sukkot Morning Service begins at 10:30 am along with the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Blumenfeld.

Simchat Torah is on Friday, October 9, at which time we consecrate our new Religious School students at the 6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service and enjoy “Simchat Torah Under the Stars.” On Saturday morning, October 10, the Shemini Atzeret Festival Morning Service, including Yizkor, will begin at 10:30 am. Chag Sameah!

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From the President It is an interesting dichotomy that the busiest time of the year for our staff at Temple is also the most contemplative time for the members of our Congregation. It’s the same kind of paradox we find in the worlds of art and music and literature. An incredible amount of very hard work goes into the creation of a painting, or a symphony, or a novel. The beneficiaries of that hard work are the viewers, listeners and readers who are able to enjoy and savor the masterpieces that result from that intense creative effort. And so it is at Temple as the High Holidays quickly approach.

The Temple staff is working very hard behind the scenes to ensure that the Holidays, including Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, are beautiful and meaningful for us all. We should all take a moment to pause and consider that the services and activities we enjoy and find so beneficial at this time of year are the direct result of a lot of hard work by our resident “artists in Judaism” ‐‐ our Temple staff led by Rabbi Bach and Sally Parke and including Susan Jaffee, Grace Bir, Alanna Bach, Buddy Schwartz, Alison Westermann, Frank Hernandez, and Ramona Pinales, as well as our Sh’lichim, Ellen Goodman, Ed Solomon and Tina

Wolfe. They work hard all year long, but this month, especially, they all contribute to creating the masterpieces that benefit us so greatly in the experience and expression of our faith.

Because of their hard work, the High Holidays provide us with a wonderful opportunity to examine our relationships with God, with our world, and with others, especially our friends and family. Because they are so active, we are enabled to be contemplative and enjoy the opportunity of deeply considering whether we have made the most of our lives during the past year as well as how we can improve ourselves during the coming year. And for that precious time apart from our busy world, and the resulting renewal of our faith, we should all be most appreciative. Our Temple Board of Trustees and Officers join me in wishing all of you the most meaningful of High Holiday seasons and a great new year of good health, happiness, love and peace.

Shana Tova, David Kern

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If It’s the First Tuesday of the Month… It’s Time for WRJ Temple Mt. Sinai’s Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) is off to a fabulous start for the new year. We are 145 members strong and growing every day. WRJ is publishing a Sisterhood Directory this year and our deadline for submissions is September 15. More than a list of names, this new directory is designed to help us get to know each other better and reach out in times of need. We thank and recognize the women who joined WRJ at higher levels of donation. Miriam Level: Alanna Bach, Clarissa Colvard, Patricia Crawford, Marcia Dahlberg, Dori Fenenbock, Mimi Gladstein, Ellen Goodman, Fifi Heller‐Kaim, Susan Jaffee, Elaine Krasne, Honey Phelps, Mimi Pittle, and Sara Shiloff.

Randee Mansfield, Susan May, Becky Myers, Lisa Nadler, Jeri Nitzburg, Susan Novick, Cathy Puschett, Jane Rosen, Ann Rothstein, Nancy Rothschild, Ann Schaechner, Shari Schwartz, Kristine Shecter, Anne B. Spier, Anne F. Spier, Lettie Intebi Velasco, Tina Wolfe, and Barbara Yarber.

October Event: Gourmet Cooking Class and Lunch, with instructor Amissa Burton. Join us on Tuesday, October 6, at 10:30 am in the Temple Kitchen, for fun and food. The material cost of $15/person includes a delicious lunch. Our three‐course cooking menu includes: warm fall soup, roasted beet salad, wild mushroom risotto served with popover rolls, and a fruit crisp.

Ruth Level: Susan Bargemann, Valerie Barnett, Please RSVP to Amissa at 449‐8877 or Deb Benedict, Barbara Berliner, Judy Blumenfeld, [email protected] by October 2. Laura Brannon, Olivia Chavez, Bonnie Colton, Linda Fruithandler, Lori Gaman, Cyd Goldfarb, Evelyn Goodman, Leba Hirsch, Dawn Keim, Donna Leffman, Kyta Levitt, Elizabeth Goodman Levy,

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Family Learning at the Fall Holidays Sunday, September 20 – Second Day of Rosh Hashanah, 9:30 am to noon Join us in the chapel from 9:30 to 10:30 am for a family‐friendly Rosh Hashanah service. We’ll hear the shofar again, read Torah, and sing joyous prayers for the New Year. Following the service, the students will return to their classrooms for an hour of holiday activities with their teachers. Parents are invited to stay and study with Rabbi Bach. It’s your opportunity to dig into the High Holiday themes on an adult level. The morning will wrap up at noon with apples and honey.

To RSVP for these events, please contact Alanna Bach at [email protected] or 532‐ 5959.

Sunday, October 4 – Sukkot Extravaganza, 9:30 am to noon All Temple families are invited to join us for Sukkot family. We’ll begin with Tefilah in the chapel at 9:30 am. Following Tefilah families will learn about Sukkot by wandering the “desert,” journeying to the “ancient Temple,” and participating in the annual harvest. At these learning sites there will be activities, crafts, and food.

Do you have children in first grade or younger? Do they like to sing and dance? Do they like to sit in a circle and listen to stories? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please bring your children and join us to welcome Shabbat at our special B’nai Shabbat services once a month. B’nai Shabbat is an experiential (touch, smell, see…) Shabbat service conducted on the bimah in the Zork Sanctuary at 5:15 pm. At the service there will be candle lighting, singing with Rabbi Bach, and joyful prayer. B’nai Shabbat participants are invited to join the rest of the congregation at 5:45 pm for our delicious oneg prepared by Simon Bir. Simon promises to fix snacks that the children will enjoy. Following the oneg, childcare will be available for the children, and parents are invited to enjoy our Kabbalat Shabbat Service, beginning at 6:15 pm. Please join us for our first B’nai Shabbat Service on Friday, September 11 at 5:15 pm. To RSVP for the service or for more information please contact Alanna at 532‐5959 or [email protected].

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First Day of 2009‐2010 Religious School Year, Off to a Grand Start….. The first day of the 2009‐2010 Religious School year throughout the year. Parents and grandparents are welcome to visit, participate, volunteer or teach. showed that we are off to a great start. On Sunday, August 23, we gathered in Krupp Chapel as Rabbi Bach led us in song and prayer. This opening service was immediately followed by a back‐to‐school welcoming assembly, introduction of our faculty, and an overview of the morning. Students accompanied their new teachers and teachers’ assistants (madrichim) to their classrooms. While in the classrooms, teachers gave an overview of the upcoming curriculum and students were given the opportunity to set up their own classroom guidelines.

We have two new teachers and seven new madrichim joining our faculty this year. Amissa Burton will teach 2nd grade and Carly Robalin will teach 4th grade. Our new madrichim are: Mia Papa, Daryl and Alex Stein, Leah Gluck, Nate Benjamin, Ethan Reiter and Ehren Weiner. They are very excited to be a part of our faculty and are ready to begin a year of fun and learning. Please remember that Hebrew classes will start on Wednesday, September 2, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. LOOKING AHEAD: Our All School Mitzvah Day will take place on Sunday, November 8, when we plan a At 11:15 am, parents, grandparents and Temple sequel to our “Hidden Treasures” Mitzvah Project. Board members joined us in the Religious School courtyard to celebrate the first day of school as they From now until November 8, we will ask our students (with parental guidance) to go through participated in a “family blessings” activity and enjoyed eating burgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings, their closets and drawers for slightly used or new toys, clothes, books, movie videos, shoes, music and sponsored by Men of Reform Judaism. games. We will provide information on getting these We are excited about the upcoming year. We look items to Temple during the first weeks of Religious forward to sharing our excitement with your child or School. children through our curriculum and programs

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Mishpachot — A Youth Group for Families with Young Children — Plans for September and October The word Mishpachot means families in Hebrew. The Mischpachot program at Temple Mount Sinai is a youth group for children in pre‐K through second grades and their families. The goal of Mishpachot is to have Jewish families participate in

planned activities and meet each other on a deeper level than usual. Mishpachot also introduces children to the idea of participating in a youth group and excites them for the years to come in Noar, Mini‐ MSTY, and MSTY. Our kick‐off event for the year will be a Pool Party at the home of Liz and Erik de Vos on Saturday, September 12 at 4 pm. We will meet in the de Vos’s backyard for dinner, swimming, and a little learning about S’lichot. Participants are asked to help by bringing a vegetarian side dish. Our October Mishpachot event is a family trip to the La Union Corn Maize on Sunday, October 25. We will meet at the entrance to the Maize at 3 pm. We'll wander through the corn, pick pumpkins, and enjoy roasted corn. The entrance fee for ages 6 and up is $7; 5 and under are free. If your family would like to participate in these events please contact Alanna Bach at 532‐5959 or [email protected]. Mishpachot is sponsored in part by the Jewish Federation of El Paso and our events are open to all families.

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Gesher Classes Begin for Families with Young Children Gesher (bridge in Hebrew) is a hands‐on Jewish learning program run by Temple Mount Sinai for children from birth through four years and their parents. Throughout the year, children and parents explore Jewish holidays and common preschool themes with a Jewish twist (like “What’s Jewish about Pumpkins and Gourds?” and “What’s Jewish about Homes?”). Our rich curriculum, designed by Alanna Bach, includes playtime with thematic toys, singing, movement, stories, craft projects, and thematic snacks. Gesher meets at Temple in Schwartz Hall from 10 to 11 am approximately twice a month. There is an $80 per family registration fee for this program. Our September classes will meet on Sunday, September 13, to explore Rosh Hashanah and Sunday, September 27, to learn about Yom Kippur. Our October classes will meet on Sunday, October 11, to explore Simchat Torah and Sunday, October 25, to learn “What’s Jewish about pumpkins and gourds.” During the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur classes we will read books about the New Year, practice saying I’m sorry, decorate an apple napkin holder, make holiday cards,

listen to the shofar, learn to sing “Slicha, Todah, Bvakasha”, and eat apples and honey. During our Simchat Torah and “Pumpkin” classes we will read In the Beginning and Pumpkin Circle, dance and sing with toy Torahs, see a real Torah up close, decorate a gourd centerpiece, and eat pumpkin bread. We hope your family will join us for a year of Jewish fun and learning. Gesher is funded in part by the Jewish Federation of El Paso and all families are welcome to attend. Please contact Alanna Bach at [email protected] or 532‐ 5959 for complete registration information.

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Noar is on a Roll, with a Swim and a Hike Noar is a dynamic youth group for Jewish children in the third, fourth, and fifth grades. The goal of Noar is to have young students partici‐ pate in social and service activities throughout the year and get to know their Jewish peers. 2009‐2010 Noar activities will include: swimming,

hiking, Shabbat service participation, a mitzvah and movie night, a UTEP basketball game, bowling, and a trip to the El Paso Museum of Art. We will begin our Noar year with an old‐time favor‐ ite – a pool party! Join us on Sunday, September 6, at the El Paso Swim and Tennis Club for splashes, games, and snacks. On Sunday, October 11, Noar will take a hike in the mountains behind Temple. The Bargemann family, expert hikers, will lead this afternoon of explora‐ tion. Join us in the Religious School courtyard for a brown‐bag lunch at noon. The hike will begin around 12:30 pm and last for approximately two hours. Noar is funded in part by the Jewish Federation of El Paso and open to all third through fifth graders. For more information please contact Alanna Bach at 532 ‐5959 or [email protected].

Mini‐MSTY Starts the Year Off with a Splash On Thursday, August 20, nearly twenty middle school students gathered at the home of Tobi and Jon Purvin for swimming, dinner and socializing with friends new and old. Thank you to the Purvin family for hosting this party (and MSTY’s pool party as well!)! It was so kind of you to welcome us into your home! Thank you to every person who brought food – we had a wonderful mix of delicious desserts, scrumptious snacks and refreshing drinks! Thanks also to Rabbi Bach for joining us and teaching us a lesson on Elul, which began that night. It was so great to see the moon rise and learn that in exactly one month we’d be celebrating Rosh Hashanah! Our next activity will be leading Rosh Hashanah morning services – if you haven’t

had the chance to sign up to participate, please email Alison Westermann ([email protected]). There will be one practice session before leading services, which will be on Monday, September 14 from 4:30‐ 6 pm.

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MSTY Freshman Kidnap men to Village Inn to have fun with the rest of the MSTY members. We shared stories of previous On August 9, 2009, we kidnapped the freshmen! kidnappings and talked about their future high We surprised Maddie Halperin, David Velasco, and school life. After eating some delicious breakfast Jeremy Gopin first thing in the morning. As soon as we all went to Temple and had a goofy fashion Stacy Berry got her hands on Maddie Halperin, she show (a MSTY tradition at Kidnap!). We all took thought she was being Punk’d by some random some time to tie‐dye our beautiful MSTY shirts person. When David Velasco was being kidnapped, which Stacy Berry designed. We asked all the kids he was still asleep. if they enjoyed the kidnapping and they absolutely The reason we kidnapped the freshmen is to wel‐ agreed. Maddie Halperin said, “When you’re sur‐ come them to high school and MSTY! We want to prised with something, it’s always a lot more fun. I tell them that being in high school and also being a love MSTY!” freshman is a lot of fun but sometimes rough, so we pretty much taught these kids what the next four years of their life is going to be like by kidnapping them. After picking them up, we brought the fresh‐ by Thomas Krapin

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B’nai Torah — Study and Friendship for Teens B’nai Torah, which literally mean “Children of Learning,” aptly describes all of the programs offered to our high school students. Our children are given opportunities to learn socially and informally as well as formally. Programs like Dine & Discuss offer our teens the chance to delve deeply into current issues facing Jewish students today: immigration policy, comparative religion, theology and questions about God, social justice and more! Dine and Discuss prepares our students for Confirmation, which is celebrated in the

eleventh grade and entails some more intensive learning with Rabbi Bach to prepare for leading a service in the spring. The Temple’s youth group, MSTY, offers our teenagers the chance to broaden their horizons while developing their leadership and organizational skills and meeting Jewish students from all over the Southwest. Students even get the opportunity to experience top‐notch summer programs and trips to Israel, through the Temple’s membership in the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). Other components of B’nai Torah may include serving as a Madrich(a) in our Religious School; attending Jewish summer camp; traveling to Israel on a summer trip with NFTY or another youth movement; and traveling with Temple friends to Washington, D.C. or the Gila Wilderness. We are always looking to grow participation in B’nai Torah, and to make the programs fun and interesting for our teens. Questions? Speak with Rabbi Bach or Alison Westermann.

MSTY Off to a Great Start The Purvin’s home played host once again to the teens of Temple, who gathered on Saturday, August 22 for swimming and socializing. Thank you to each student who brought food and drinks with you – you help make our gatherings great! Students who hadn’t had a chance to tie‐dye their shirts back at Kidnap were given a chance to do so at the pool party. If you haven’t already gotten your brand‐new MSTY T‐shirt, please email Stacy Berry at [email protected]. Shirts are $10 each. We also took a bit of time to welcome our new executive

board members to their positions with gifts and a small, informal ceremony. Congratulations to all our new board members! President: Cheyanne Mickenberg Social Action Vice President: Maddie Goldfarb Religious and Cultural Vice President: Kaylen Duran Programming Vice President: Meredith Heins Membership Vice President: Nate Benjamin Communications Vice President: Thomas Krapin

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Messages from the Mountain

MSTY Hosts Leadership Training ‐ October 22‐25 In late October, MSTY will host a Leadership Train‐ ing Institute (LTI), sponsored by the National Fed‐ eration of Temple Youth. This event is geared to‐ ward current and future youth group leaders. Pro‐ gramming focuses on helping the participant to improve their leadership skills, and to prepare them for holding office in their Temple youth group. This weekend is a great way for leaders to network with other youth group officers.

all of whom will need housing. If you’re interested in providing a bed for an upcoming leader, please contact Stacy Berry at [email protected] or at 241‐6627, or Alison Westermann at awester‐ [email protected] or at 443‐4084, or call the Temple at 532‐5959.

We expect over 80 people from the Southwest re‐ gion to come to El Paso and participate in the LTI,

College Student Care Packages Temple Mount Sinai provides a service for our congregation’s college and graduate students, featuring packages sent to your children periodically during the year to coordinate with the Jewish calendar. These packages are filled with goodies that help the students feel connected to their Temple family and their Judaism while away from home. Any member with a child attending college (undergraduate only) can be in touch with Alison Westermann to enroll their child in this program to make sure that he or she receives these packages. There is no cost to participate, but we need the contact information so we can direct the packages to the right student! Even if your child’s information hasn’t changed, please contact Alison to confirm that she has the correct mailing address. The first package will coincide with Rosh Hashanah, so we need your child’s updated information as soon as possible!

In addition, if you’d like to join the College Outreach Committee, please let Alison know. This would involve helping to plan, purchase and pack the gifts for each of the holiday mailings. This is a fun way to stay involved with Temple once your children have gone to college, and besides – who knows what your child will like in their package better than you!? We will assemble Rosh Hashanah packages on Sunday, September 13 from 12-2 pm. For more information and to volunteer your time, please contact Alison Westermann by phone (443‐ 4084) or by email: [email protected].

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Tributes — May 23 through August 4 Rabbi Bach's Discretionary Fund: in appreciation of Larry Bach by Carolyn Feinberg in appreciation of Rabbi Bach by Ruth Robinson in appreciation of Rabbi Bach by Hal & Linda Ettinger in appreciation of Rabbi Bach by Lory Goldberg in appreciation of Temple Mount Sinai by Judi & James Keller in appreciation of Rabbi Bach by Jeff & Susan Bargemann in honor of Carol Stitt and Lee Richard Shecter's Marriage by John, Kristine, Joshua & Sean Shecter in honor of Marilyn & Hy Silverstein’s Special Birthdays by Bob & Jane Rosen in honor of Amy & Bobby Aflatooni’s new home by Bob & Jane Rosen in honor of Dorothy Borschow's Special Birthday by Bob & Jane Rosen in honor of Sue Kamoroff's Special Birthday by Bob & Jane Rosen in honor of Norman & Cheryl Gordon's Special Anniversary by Bob & Jane Rosen in honor of Becky & Ira Horowitz's Special Anniversary by Bob & Jane Rosen in memory of Roz Chicofsky by Alan & Lynn Ames in memory of Alfred Blumenthal by Jason & Eva Rapp in memory of Adolph Eisner by David Eisner in memory of Vivienne Corn by Alan & Rebecca Krasne in memory of Manuel H. Eisner by David Eisner speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Carolyn Feinberg speedy recovery to Beth Lipson by Bob & Jane Rosen

speedy recovery to David Metrikin by Carolyn Feinberg Paul I. Borschow Memorial Fund: in honor of Dorothy Borschow's Special Birthday by Marcia & Terry Wirth, Bob & Sara Shiloff, Stuart & Shari Schwartz Campership Fund: in honor of the marriage of Randy & Adam by Jeralyn Scher in memory of Robert Scher by Jeralyn Scher in memory of Ruth and Sydney Fox by Jeralyn Scher speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Bruce & Ann Gronich Caring Community Fund: in honor of Dorothy Borschow's Special Birthday by Keith & Becky Myers in honor of Evelyn and Edward Schwartz’s Special Anniversary by Joyce Jaffee in memory of Vivienne Corn by Larry & Joyce Anenberg, Joyce Jaffee speedy recovery to Doris Goodman by Abe & Annette Goldberg speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Bill & Anne Spier, Keith & Becky Myers, Edward & Evelyn Schwartz Cemetery Fund: in memory of Robert Karch by Brian & Marci Karch in memory of Gertrude Schweitzer by Lee Schweitzer in memory of Sylvia Goldman by Harrell & Louise Rice in memory of Fanny Margolis by Harrell & Louise Rice

Syd Dictor Memorial Fund: in memory of Ida Spivack by Debbie Hamlyn in memory of Richard Bischoff by Frankie Lerner in memory of Harriet Lashinsky by Rona Dictor in memory of Vivienne Corn by Rona Dictor in memory of Steven Stein by Rona Dictor in memory of Raymond Levy by Rona Dictor Floyd Fierman Religious School Fund: in appreciation of Idell Rothstein by Sandi & Mike Carpenter in memory of Vivienne Corn by Joyce Davidoff speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Ron & Judy Blumenfeld speedy recovery to Selma Chasens by Idell Rothstein Friedman/Bloom/Rothstein Outdoor Chapel: in appreciation of Idell Rothstein by Sandi Kahn & Mike Carpenter speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Ann & Phil Rothstein General Donations Fund: in appreciation of Temple Mount Sinai by Lee Rosenthal & Jorge Ibarra in appreciation of Jack Heydemann by Mimi Lait in honor of Annie and Ari Vernon’s new beginnings by Nat & Nanci Maddux

September 2009/Elul 5769-Tishrei 5770

in honor of Evelyn & Edward Schwartz's Special Anniversary by Norma Levenson, Ann & Tibor Schaechner, Frances Blumenthal, Irene Oppenheimer in honor of Shari Schwartz's Special Birthday by Mark & Dori Fenenbock in honor of Benjamin Ettinger’s Bar Mitzvah by Arthur & Rhoberta Leeser in honor of the birth of Jillian Dean Gulbas by Mimi Lait in honor of Jay Heins' Special Birthday by Bob & Shirley Goldfarb in memory of Ida Spivack by Stuart & Shari Schwartz in memory of Benjamin Goldman by Estelle Goldman in memory of Fred Sauermilch by Neal & Evelyn Axelrod in memory of Lothar Blumenthal by Frances Blumenthal in memory of Israel Feldberg by Joe Feldberg in memory of Norman Feldman by Ann Feldman in memory of Robert Harrell by Arthur Weiss in memory of Samuel Ovsay by Arthur Weiss in memory of Louis Ovsay by Arthur Weis in memory of Vivienne Corn by Bob & Sara Shiloff, David & Susie Novick, Bob & Elaine Krasne, Stuart & Shari Schwartz, Marty & Bonnie Colton, Bill & Anne Spier, Sara Mansfield, Nat & Nanci Maddux, Dr. & Mrs. Solomon Heller, Ruth Braun, Neal & Evelyn Axelrod, Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky, Isabel Schnadig, Bill & Marcia Dahlberg, Bud & Geane Glaser, Bradley & Francine Beckman, Frank & Eleanor Levy, Bob & Jane Snow, Arthur Weiss, Morton & Luann Katz, Keith & Becky Myers, Gershon & Barbara Ettinger, Leslie & Scott Bormaster, Robert & Jeanne Herderson, Ken & Barbara Given

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in memory of Steve Stein by Hilda Reedman in memory of Morris Main by Anne Hollander in memory of Morris Weiss by Arthur Weiss in memory of Gerald Seth Tate by Merton & Laura Goldman in memory of Bessie Eppstein by Sylvan & Margie Landau speedy recovery to Doris Goodman by Gershon & Barbara Ettinger speedy recovery to Barbara Loeser by Gershon & Barbara Ettinger, Dorlee Henderson, Stuart & Shari Schwartz speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Ruth Braun, Dick & Jean Scherotter, Lynn Silverman, Irene Oppenheimer, Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky, Bill & Marcia Dahlberg, Bruce & Erline Gordon, Louis & Cindy Cohen, Dick & Toni Harris, Bob & Sara Shiloff, Larry Gladstone speedy recovery to Mildred Marcus by Ruth Braun speedy recovery to Anne Spier by Mimi Lait Jon Heller High Holiday Fund: in honor of Marilyn & Hy Silverstein’s Special Birthdays by Fifi Heller‐Kaim & Boris Kaim in memory of Ben Gelfand by Fifi Heller‐Kaim & Boris Kaim Kahn Youth Endowment Fund: in memory of Frances L. Kahn by Alan & Jean Kahn

Messages from the Mountain

Ruth Kahn & Andrew Kahn Rose Garden Fund: in honor of Leslie Dorfman's Birthday by Stuart & Frances Kahn in memory of Andrew Kahn by Buddy & Ellen Dorfman in memory of Andrew Kahn by Stuart & Frances Kahn Krasne Discretionary Fund: in honor of Cheryl & Norman Gordon's Special Anniversary by Bob & Elaine Krasne in honor of Carolyn & Sheldon Gopin's Special Anniversary by Bill & Anne Spier in honor of Ann Schaechner's Birthday by Bob & Elaine Krasne in honor of Joyce & Larry Annenberg's Special Anniversary by Marty & Bonnie Colton in honor of Bob & Elaine Krasne's Anniversary by Dick & Robin Krasne in memory of David Goodman by Marty & Bonnie Colton in memory of Thama Lee Friedman by Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky, Bill & Marcia Dahlberg, Ron & Judy Blumenfeld, Bob & Sara Shiloff, Marty & Bonnie Colton, Larry & Joyce Anenberg, Bill & Anne Spier speedy recovery to Mildred Marcus by Marty & Bonnie Colton speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Bob & Elaine Krasne, Marty & Bonnie Colton speedy recovery to David Metrikin by Bob & Elaine Krasne speedy recovery to Julian Borschow by Marty & Bonnie Colton

Isadore Kahn Memorial Fund: in honor of Amy Gitterman's Special Amelia G. Krohn Basic Judaism Collection: Birthday by Buddy, Ellen, Adam & Leslie Dorfman in memory of Edna Mathias Krohn by Matt & Elizabeth Krohn

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Landscape Special Projects Fund: in memory of Robert Scher by Danielle Scher in honor of the great‐grandson of in memory of Corrine Sonnen by Jon Norma Levenson by Ruth Braun & Arlene Sonnen in memory of Doris Eisenberg by in memory of Bella Harris by Dick & Louis & Cindy Cohen in memory of Henrietta Scherotter Toni Harris in memory of Antonio Arbona by Norma Levenson Bennazar by Jaime Arbona Lauterbach Campership Fund: in honor of Dylan Isaac Barnes by Ruth Braun in honor of Bernie & Judy Lauterbach's granddaughter, Lacy Jill, by Abe & Annette Goldberg speedy recovery to Joyce Blackledge by Abe & Annette Goldberg speedy recovery to Barbara Loeser by Louis & Cindy Cohen Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger: in honor of Ann Schaechner's Birthday by Edward & Evelyn Schwartz in honor of Jay Heins' Special Birthday by Valerie Barnett in memory of Laura Rosenberg by Jim & Marian Daross speedy recovery to Julian Borschow by Bill & Anne Spier

Jo Ann Rothbardt Petersen Healing Resource Center: in honor of Phil Bargman's Special Birthday by Jack Eisenberg, Dick & Jean Scherotter, Marty & Bonnie Colton, Bob & Elaine Krasne in honor of Bruce Gulbas' Special Birthday by Phil & Judy Bargman in honor of Evelyn & Edward Schwartz's Special Anniversary by Phil & Judy Bargman in memory of Vivienne Corn by Phil & Judy Bargman Prayer Book Fund: in appreciation of Ed Solomon by Hal & Linda Ettinger in memory of Eric Lee Markowitz by LoisAnn Markowitz in memory of Herbert Given by Bernadine Belkin

Ethel Oppenheimer Flower Fund: Special Oneg or Kiddush: in memory of Meyer Fagelman by in appreciation of Temple Mount John & Rita Silverman Sinai by Douglas Waters in memory of Antonio Arbona in honor of Evelyn & Edward Bennazar by Jaime Arbona Schwartz's Special Anniversary by Izzy & Shirley Tudzin, Aaron & Ruth in memory of Corrine Sonnen by Jon & Arlene Sonnen Cohen in memory of Bertha Polstein by in memory of Herbert Lakehomer Mark & Joyce Post by Arthur & Rhoberta Leeser in memory of Lillian Balk Kaminsky in memory of Wolf Bowman by Aronold & Lila Bowman by Bob & Shirley Goldfarb in honor of Marcus Appel's trip to in memory of Wolf Bowman by Israel to study by Jerry & Haidi Arnold & Lila Bowman Appel in memory of Morris Bilsky by Estelle Goldman

Messages from the Mountain

in honor of past and present presidents of Temple Mount Sinai by Leon & Judy Feldt in memory of Florence Schoichet by Bob & Blanche Brown in memory of Emanuel Bromberg by Howard & Glenda Bromberg in memory of Andrea Valdez Garcia by Raquel Aldama Tree of Life Fund: in memory of Hal Anenberg by Larry & Joyce Anenberg Youth Fund: in memory of Geri Given by Jim Levy & Liz Goodman‐Levy Zork Memorial Library Fund: in memory of Rosalind L. Heymann by LoisAnn Markowitz in memory of Geri Given by Kitty Suhler

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Messages from the Mountain

Fall Retreat in the Sacramento Mountains, October 16‐18 Join Temple friends as we journey up to Sacramento, New Mexico for our annual Shabbat retreat away from the pressures of life in El Paso. We will stay at the beautiful Sacramento Methodist Assembly Retreat & Conference Center. Retreat activities include: thematic programming for children, teens, families, and adults; Shabbat services; adventure activities; Torah study; campfire and s’mores, movies, and more. Put these dates on your calendar and plan on attending our retreat, which has become an annual tradition! Watch your mail and Temple bulletin for registration information. You may also contact Alanna Bach with questions at [email protected] or 532‐5959.

In the coming months, Temple plans to move toward generating less paper and spending less on postage. We’ve already taken many steps to cut down on those costs, making extensive use of email in a number of areas of Temple life. Moving the monthly bulletin toward being an online publication (easily printed for those who choose) is the next step in this evolution. As we make this transition, we want to assure that we won’t leave anyone without their copy of Messages from the Mountain. People who would like to continue receiving a paper version in the mail will be able to do so. We do hope that most of our members will choose to receive a paperless bulletin over time, as the cost savings to Temple will be significant. Please call or send Buddy an email ([email protected]) to let him know if you wish to receive Messages from the Mountain via email or continue receiving a hard copy in the mail. As this will start in November of this year, please let Buddy know as soon as possible.

Temple Mount Sinai 4408 North Stanton Street El Paso, TX 79902 Phone: 915-532-5959 Fax: 915-533-0092


Mailing Address

Staff Rabbi ..................................................................................... Larry Bach Rabbi Emeritus ..................................................................Ken Weiss Administrator ................................................................... Sally Parke Administrative Assistant .................................. Buddy Schwartz Religious School Director ................................................ Grace Bir Outreach Director ......................................................... Susan Jaffee Family Educator ........................................................... Alanna Bach Youth Advisors ............ Stacy Berry and Alison Westermann Building Manager ............................................... Frank Hernandez House Keeping ....................................................... Ramona Pinales Accompanist ................................................................Linda McClain Bulletin Editor ............................................................. Susan Novick Officers David Kern ............................................................................ President Shari Schwartz ........................................................ President‐Elect Marian Daross ........................................................... Vice President Greta Duran ................................................................ Vice President Ellen Goodman .......................................................... Vice President Jon Sonnen .................................................................. Vice President Tommy Goldfarb ...................................................... Vice President Stephanie Calvo .................................................................. Secretary Marcia Dahlberg ............................... Immediate Past President Trustees Rick Amstater, Olivia Chavez, Joyce Davidoff, Scott Feldt, Lori Gaman, Susie Goldman, Jack Heydemann, David Leffman, David Mansfield, Hal Marcus, David Novick Debby Robalin, Nancy Rothschild, Phil Rothstein

Temple Mount Sinai is the Reform Jewish congregation serving El Paso, Texas. We are a congregation of supportive, caring and diverse people with a rich history. Temple is a place for prayer, ritual, spirituality, education, wholeness and healing, social action and celebration. Join us as we explore, through these elements of sacred living, the richness of Jewish faith and tradition.

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